Effect of Reverse Osmosis Wastewater On Seed Germi
Effect of Reverse Osmosis Wastewater On Seed Germi
Effect of Reverse Osmosis Wastewater On Seed Germi
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4 authors, including:
Godwin Asharp
University of Jaffna
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Sandamali, P.S N.,1 Sivachandiran, S.,1 Ketheesan, B.2 and Asharp, G.1
Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Department of civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
Abstract: Wastewater reclamation and its reuse for beneficial purposes is a common goal of many
countries particularly in water stressed countries around the world. Cutting edge technologies
such as reverse osmosis (RO), micro- and ultra-filtration are often used to purify underground
water and wastewater generated from the industries. Wastewater is generated during the process
of water purification with RO. However, the wastewater from these processes is usually laden
with concentrated nutrients, salts, and other materials. Using RO rejection water as irrigation
water for agriculture is a viable alternative. Hence, a study was conducted to assess the suitability
of five different level of diluted RO wastewater along with control treatment (100% pure water)
on seed germination and seedling performance of Amaranthus, cabbage, green gram and maize.
This study was carried out in the laboratory with completely randomized design comprising three
replicates. Purified water was used as control and used to prepare dilution levels of 20%, 40%, 60%
and 80% along with RO wastewater. Seed germination percentage, germination time, shoot length,
root length and fresh weight were recorded seven days after sowing and analyzed statistically.
Significant differences (p<0.05) were found among treatments on germination percentage, germination
time, root length, shoot length and fresh weight. Germination percentage decreased with the
increasing percentage of RO rejected wastewater, while other parameters have shown slight
fluctuations. Amaranthus and maize performed well with the combination of 40% wastewater and
60% purified water. Meanwhile, combination of 20% wastewater and 80% purified water showed
positive effect on the germination of green gram (96.67%) and maize (100%). Furthermore, seven
water quality parameters have shown a linear relationship with the fresh weight of sprouts. The
results indicated that there is a possibility to use diluted reverse osmosis wastewater as source of
irrigation water. Further, field studies needed to recommend the usage of RO rejected wastewater
as part of irrigation water.
Germination tests Results and Discussions
Germination test was carried out in Impact of different concentration of
laboratory conditions with three replicate RO wastewater on seed germination and
and Completely Randomized Design. Seeds seedling performance
were surface-sterilized with 5% sodium The highest germination percentage
hypochlorite (NaOCl) (Sauer and (80%), shoot length (2.16 cm), root length
Burroughs, 1986) and washed thoroughly (1.25 cm) and fresh weight (0.06 g) were
using distilled water. All petridishes were recorded in the (T1) control treatment
washed by tap water, followed by rinsing where the sole pure water was used as
with distilled water. Hot air sterilizer was the irrigation source. Despite, the lowest
used for sterilization at 170oC in 4 hours mean germination time (2.33) was noted in
(Muhammad and Hussain, 2010). the T . Amaranthus has shown significant
difference (p<0.05) on germination
Ten seeds were put in each petridish on percentage, shoot length, mean germination
one- layer filter paper. Initially, the seeds time and fresh weight.
were immersed with 5 mL of appropriate
solution in petri dish. Then, 1 mL of However, there was no any significant
prepared solution was added to each Petri (p<0.05) difference was recorded on the
dish every day to provide moisture for the shoot length and fresh weight of sprout up
germination and was monitored daily. to the combination of 40% wastewater and
60% pure water (T3). These results indicated
Data collection that 60% and 40% pure and RO wastewater
When the radical was two mm in length, combination were performed well for
it was considered as germinated seed Amaranthus. This might be due to the
(Panuccio et al., 2014). Data were recorded undisturbed physiological activities of the
at seven days after seed placement. The seeds. Therefore that level could be used
germination percentage, mean germination for irrigation without any impact on growth
time, root length, shoot length and fresh of germinated seed.
weight of the germinated seeds were mea-
sured. Salinity stress had a significant impact
on the growth of different Amaranthus
Statistical Analysis cultivars, where the yield was reduced
The collected data were subjected to from 17.8% to 25.2% for A0020 cultivar;
analysis of variance. Dunnett's test was from 6.9% to 28.3% for A0057 cultivar,
used to compare mean at 5% probability from 3.6% to 8.6% for A211cultivar
level. respectively for 3 dS/m and 6 dS/m
compared to the control (0.92 dS/m).
Moreover, correlation and regression While, the same wastewater had been used
analysis were performed to find the strength since beginning of study, which ensures the
and relationship between the water quality suitability of diluted wastewater
parameters and seed germination and irrigation for the seed germination and
seedling performance. seedling growth of Amaranthus (El Youssfi
et al., 2012)
Table 2: The effect of different dilution levels of RO wastewater on seed germination of
Dunnett's test significant at α = 0.05 level is indicated by *; F test significant at α = 0.05 level is
indicated by **; NS- Not significant
Dunnett's test significant at α = 0.05 level is indicated by *; F test significant at α = 0.05 level is
indicated by **; NS- Not significant
Table 3 shows the germination parameters water (T2) and RO wastewater respectively
of cabbage. The significant difference for all the parameters. Kiziloglu1 et al.
(p<0.05) was observed for all the parameter (2007) stated that cabbage could perform
except germination percentage. The highest well under wastewater irrigated field
germination percentage (83.33%), shoot (3510 ± 54.2 kg ha-1) than non-wastewater
length (10.35 cm), root length (3.45 cm) irrigated land (2780 ± 42.1 kg ha-1). If
and fresh weight (1.77 g) were recorded cabbage can survive with the wastewater
in the T1. However, there was no any application as irrigation source at the
significant difference (p<0.05) observed up germination and seedling stage, it would
to combination of 80% and 20% of pure provide beneficial agronomic and yield
Table 4: The effect of different dilution levels of RO wastewater on seed germination of
green gram.
Dunnett's test significant at α = 0.05 level is indicated by *; F test significant at α = 0.05 level is
indicated by **; NS- Not significant
Table 5: The effect of different dilution levels of RO wastewater on seed germination
of maize.
combination of 60% and 40% of pure was increased with increasing percentage of
water and RO wastewater respectively reverse osmosis rejected water. Electric
for all the parameters. Comparison of conductivity of control treatment and 100 %
corn yields obtained from plots irrigated of RO rejected water were recorded as 0.38
with effluent (1.46 dS/m) and fresh dS/m and 11.34 dS/m, respectively. Total
water (0.51 dS/m) demonstrated that the sodium, potassium, phosphate and sulphate
high quantity of corn gained from the were increased with increasing concentration
plot which was irrigated by the effluent. of RO wastewater which may be due to
This could be due to the availability plant presence of salt ions in the water. Water
nutrient and dormancy breaking substances hardness and alkalinity were increased with
ability in the source of irrigation. (Hassanli increasing RO wastewater amount due to
et al., 2009) presence of calcium, magnesium and
carbonates in the water.
Measures of relationships between water
quality parameters and seed germination To study the patterns of the relationships
and seeding performance between the water quality variables and
Table 6 shows the chemical quality of the germination and seedling performance of
different combination of the RO wastewater Amaranthus, cabbage, maize, and
and the pure water. Electric conductivity green gram, the Pearson’s correlation
Table 6: Water quality parameters of different treatments
coefficient (r) was used. The correlation Amaranthus and green gram, which
coefficient (Table 7) shows the linear could be recorded with strong negative
relationship between initial growth of relationship. The fresh weight of the
germinated seeds and seven water quality germinated seeds of four crops were
parameters. No significant relationships strongly but negatively correlated with
(p<0.05) were seen between root length of water quality parameters. Meanwhile, Zhao
Amaranthus and water quality parameter et al. (2014) stated that the concentration
except concentration of PO43-, while of Na+ had significantly impact on the
this was shown weak negative germination of Sorghum bicolor (L.).
correlations, respectively. Root length
of cabbage has shown strong but Influence of the water quality on fresh
negative correlation with EC, hardness, weight of sprout
alkalinity and concentration of cation and Electrical Conductivity (EC):
anion of RO wastewater. Fresh weight of sprouts of
Amaranthus, cabbage, maize and green
Furthermore, EC and concentration gram have slightly decreased with
of anions and cations of wastewater increasing EC. The significance (p<0.05)
have moderately and negatively of EC on fresh weight of sprouts of all the
correlated with root length of green gram, crops have illustrated in figure 1,
while strong negative relationships were while the maize and cabbage have
recorded in between the hardness and exhibited the highest and the lowest
alkalinity of the water with root length sensitivity to the increasing EC of
of green gram. There were strong irrigation water, respectively. The principal
negative relationships were found in effect of increasing EC of irrigation
between the root length of maize and EC, water on crop productivity is the
Na+ and K+ concentration, hardness and incapability of the plant to compete
concentration of SO42- of the irrigated with ions in the soil solution for
wastewater. Whereas PO43- concentration water. The negative effect of EC on
and alkalinity moderately but negatively germination was reported by many authors
related with root length of maize. Strong from several plant species (Cavalcante
positive relationships were observed in et al., 2005; Mostafa et al., 2012).
between the quality of the irrigation water
and time taken for the seed germination of Salt stress:
four different crops. The negative effect of Na+ and K+ are
given in figure 2 and figure 3, respectively.
However, average germination time of green Salinity can enhance the osmotic
gram seeds has given moderately positive pressure, which disrupts the absorption
relationship with PO43- concentration of of water at the completion of cell division
water. There was significant relationship and differentiation, and length
observed at 0.05 levels of significance of plumule and radicle could be
of water quality variables and shoot decreased due to the rising Na+ and K+
length of seeds of cabbage, maize, concentration of irrigation water (Eskandari
Table 7: Correlation coefficient between water quality parameters and seed germination and seedling parameters
Figure 1. Fresh weight of sprout as affected by the EC Figure 2. Relationship between fresh weight of sprout
of water and Na+
Figure 3. Relationship between fresh weight of sprout Figure 4. Relationship between fresh weight of sprouts
and K+ concentration and hardness of water
Figure 5. Relationship between fresh weight of sprouts Figure 6. Relationship between fresh weight of sprouts
and alkalinity of water and PO43- concentration
Figure 7. Relationship between fresh weight of sprouts and SO42- concentration
and Kazemi, 2011). Among seed of four than 0.001 g. Fresh weight of maize
different plant species, fresh weight of sprouts have shown a significant (p<0.05)
germinated maize seeds have considerably linear relationship (y = -0.0009x + 11.348;
decreased with increasing Na+ (y = -0.006x R² = 0.73) with the water hardness
+ 11.527) and K+ (y = -0.8479x + 30.425) (Figure 4). Meanwhile, similar pattern
concentrations. On the other hand, sprouted of relationship have observed on fresh
seeds of Amaranthus have shown slight weight of cabbage and green gram with
decrease of fresh weight with increasing water hardness as y = -0.0003x + 1.6144
concentration of Na+ and K+, where the and y = -0.0003x + 4.0345, respectively.
increase of one unit concentration Although, Salahshoor and Kazemi (2016)
of Na+ and K+ have reduced the fresh found that the impact of calcium on
weight by 8.45 ×10-5 and 0.0117, reducing the salt stress in seed
respectively. From previous studies, germination and early growth stage of
similar relationship had been reported Festuca ovina L., the salinity can dominate
on the fresh weight of alfalfa sprouts than the concentration of calcium, where the
(Medicago sativa L.) with salinity (Zhang seed germination and early growth could
et al., 2017). be altered even with increasing hardness of
irrigation water (hardness 2). Furthermore,
Hardness: considerable abnormalities in seedlings of
Hard water contains high quantity Haloxylonammodendron had recorded
of dissolved calcium and magnesium while treating with Mg2+ salts. This
(Sengupta, 2013). Compare to other water had happened due to the disruption of
quality parameters, hardness of irrigation membrane permeability and functions of
water has less effect on the fresh weight of the plasma membrane and cell wall (Tobe
the sprouts, where the increment of one unit et al., 2004).
hardness drop the fresh weight by less
Alkalinity: concentration of salts (PO43- and SO42-),
The fresh weights of sprouts have which leads to poor germination and
significantly (p<0.05) decreased with seedling performance.
alkalinity stress except fresh weight of green
gram sprouts (Figure 5).The highest Conclusions
and the lowest sensitivity have noted The study showed that the combination
on fresh weights of maize and of 40% of RO rejected wastewater and
Amaranthus, respectively with the 60% pure water recorded good results on
alkalinity. germination and seedling growth of
Amaranthus and maize. At the same time
Furthermore, relationship of alkalinity green gram and cabbage showed good
with fresh weight of germinated germination and seedling growth in the
seeds of maize and Amaranthus can be combination of 20% of RO rejected
estimated by using linear equations wastewater and 80% pure water.
y = -0.0064x + 11.098 and y = -9 × 10-5x +
0.0672, respectively. Some sesame cultivars Furthermore, the chemical analysis of
also have given the similar trend for the the treatments indicated that the addition
alkalinity stress, where the dry weight of pure water to the sole RO rejected
of sesame cultivars have declined wastewater helps to reduce the harmful
with rising alkalinity stress (Mahdavi, effect of chemical parameters of the RO
2016). The impact of alkaline stress rejected wastewater. Meanwhile, the
generally added the impact estimated relationships between water
on high pH, which can obstruct the ionic quality parameters and seed germination
uptake and ionic balance of plant cells (Lin and seedling growth variables have given
et al., 2012). an idea to find the appropriate concentration
of RO wastewater for the irrigation
Concentration of PO43- and SO42-: purposes.
The concentration of PO43- and SO42- of
wastewater are given in figure 6 and The findings indicated that the possibility
figure 7, respectively. Sprout fresh weights of using RO rejected water as a part of
of Amaranthus, cabbage, maizeand green irrigation water source. The germination
gram have decreased with increasing and seedling stage are the most critical
concentration of PO43- and SO42-. Fresh period in the plant growth cycle. However,
weight of germinated seeds of seeds and seedlings of four different plant
Amaranthusis minimally threatened by species have showed good performance in
both PO43- (y = -0.0024x + 0.0776) germination and seedling growth. Further,
and SO42- (y = -0.0002x + 0.0679) field studies needed to commercialize
concentration, while fresh weight of maize the usage of RO rejected wastewater as
sprout has been adversely altered by the irrigation water.
concentration of both anions (PO43-;
y = -0.1882x + 12.04, SO42-; y = -0.0024x
+ 0.0776). This could be due to the
occurrence of osmotic imbalance with high
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