ASN/Shipment Number Stuck in Technical Success Status in GIS Step by Step Process
ASN/Shipment Number Stuck in Technical Success Status in GIS Step by Step Process
ASN/Shipment Number Stuck in Technical Success Status in GIS Step by Step Process
2) Check the RCV_Transactions_interface (RTI ) table with the shipment number/ ASN number
provided, it must be in ERROR
3) Check the PO_Interface_errors table with the Batch ID which is the Group ID column of RTI.
We can find the err like,“PO Shipment line =# is cancelled”
4) We need to take those PO cancelled lines out from the list of Pos under that ASN
And inform business(i.e Juliana Peixoto)
5) Clear both the interface tables filtering with the specific ASN number (RCV_headers_interface &
RCV_Transactions_interface) after taking proper back up
select *
from apps.rcv_headers_interface
select *
from apps.rcv_transactions_interface
from apps.rcv_headers_interface
from apps.rcv_transactions_interface
6) Change the Technical Succ status to Functional Err status of that ASN in GIS by asking the EAI
team member (i.e Parth Thakore)
7) The last step is, asking business to retrigger the ASN from Human Task (HT)
8) Check the transaction again in RTI table and wait for the Transaction Processor program to pick
it up and process
9) After processing, the ASN data will reflect as Functional Succ in GIS