Reviewer 3is
Reviewer 3is
Reviewer 3is
Directions: Read each question carefully and shade the correct answer in the answer sheet
provided to you. Do not write anything on this test questionnaire.
1. It is the area of research and study within an academic discipline, what are some possible
topic routes that emerge from it?
A. Subfield
B. Specific topic
C. Field of study/discipline
D. Broad topic within the subfield
2. What focuses on one important concept that will find thousands of results for you to look
through and search for?
A. Subfield
B. Specific topic
C. Field of study/discipline
D. Broad topic within the subfield
3. What is the term used to describe the timeframe within which the data is to be collected?
A. The field of human interest
B. The duration or period of the study
C. The persons or group to be studied
D. The geographical location of the study
4. The following are the key points in choosing or developing a topic for research, which
point is not included among them?
A. Ensure that the research topic is SMART.
B. Choose a research topic that interests you the most.
C. Choose a topic that will enable you to read and understand the literature.
D. Develop a research topic that is only relevant and focus on current issues.
8. Which of the following that pertains in providing readers and other researchers with
compelling understanding of the context of the problem clearly?
A. Background of the Study
B. Conceptual framework
C. Statement of the problem
D. Research objectives
9. What are considered as the key drivers of the study in which they provide more specific
directions, guidance, and also the basis for evaluation?
A. Main or general questions
B. Research hypotheses
C. Research objectives
D. Specific questions
10. Which of the following outline or a blueprint that serves as your basis in conducting your
A. Background of the study
B. Conceptual framework
C. Research hypothesis
D. Significance of the study
11. Which of the following states that there is a significant difference or relationship between
specified populations or variables?
A. Alternative hypothesis
B. Main questions
C. Null hypothesis
D. Specific questions
12. Refer to the given subject below. Which of the following does follow the concept
mapping in choosing a good research topic from field of study/discipline to subfield to
broad topic within the subfield to specific topic?
15. What term is described as a printed source material containing articles, and stories which
are often illustrated, and published monthly or quarterly?
A. Books
B. Journal
C. Magazines
D. Newspapers
16. Which of the following citation style is most often applied by the arts and humanities,
and the most well used of all the citation styles?
A. APA (American Psychological Association)
B. Harvard
C. MLA (Modern Language Association)
D. Vancouver
17. What is termed as a form of citation which commonly refers to all the citations found in
all parts of the research paper?
A. Bibliography
B. In-text citation
C. Out-text citation
D. Referencing List
18. What source of related studies considered as printed publications or writings in which
authors describe the work of others?
A. General references
B. Primary Source
C. Secondary Source
D. Tertiary Source
19. Which of the following statements describes the review of related literature?
A. Writing coherent review of related studies
B. Providing a summary of what has been written about a specific topic
C. Citing the data from statement of experts in various sources properly
D. Bringing together of materials from different sources, and the creation of an
integrated whole
20. What refers to a citation style which is an author/date-based style?
A. American Psychological Association
B. Harvard
C. Modern Language Association
D. Vancouver
21. Which of the following references is the appropriate referencing format for education and
social science research?
B. Chicago and Turabian
C. Harvard
22. What should a researcher do when he cites an author within the text of the paper?
A. Use an asterisk and a footnote.
B. Use the author, date citation method.
C. Insert the complete citation in parenthesis.
D. State the first and the last names of the author.
23. Which of the following describes the journal as one of the sources in citing related
A. A motion picture or movie, can be fictional or documentary.
B. A popular work published periodically focusing on a specific subject of
C. A scholarly work published periodically containing highly classified research.
D. A collection of electronic materials that provides information about a certain
24. What is the term used to describe the source that provides direction for the literature
review section of a research paper?
A. data
B. design
C. problem
D. question
25. Which is not a reason for accurate referencing in your literature review?
A. Accurate referencing is needed so that tutors can follow up your sources and
check that you have reported them accurately
B. Accurate referencing is needed so that researchers who read your work are
alerted to source that might be helpful for them
C. Referencing shows that you go to the library when not in lectures
D. Accurate referencing is required because it is an academic convention
26. What is the main purpose of conducting a literature review in a research paper?
A. Acknowledge the work of others by listing their findings prior to proposing
your own project.
B. Show how your study is superior to other work done in the area.
C. Publicly demonstrate your mastery of the research literature in your area.
D. Show how your study is related to, and extends, other work in the area.
27. Which of the following choices serves as a linker?
A. Conclusion
B. Review of Related Literature
C. Research Design
D. Statement of the Problem
28. What is the best time to begin the literature review associated with a specific research
A. After the research problem has been clearly articulated.
B. After the data have been collected, but before they are analyzed.
C. Based on personal preference; there is no single best time.
D. Before or during the formulation of the research problem.
29. Which of the following shows the correct arrangement of data in citing book?
A. Author’s Last name, First initial (year) Article title
B. Author, Initial. (date). Title of Article. Title of Magazine (pp xx-xx).
C. Author, (date). Title of document [(formal description)]. Retrieved from
D. Author’s Last name, First name (year). Book Title. Subtitle, (edition) Place:
30. The following are guidelines in selecting and reviewing related literature, which is not
included among them?
A. The source material should be new and updated.
B. The source material should be fair and unbiased.
C. The source material should be related to the topic.
D. The source material should be limited to three to five sources only.
31. Which is the correct sequence of selecting and reviewing a literature based on the
guidelines below?
1. Select and choose literature
2. Write the literature
3. Select a topic
4. Analyze and interpret literature
A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 2, 1, 4, 3
C. 3, 1, 4, 2
D. 4, 1, 3, 2
32. What specific type of research is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons and
A. Qualitative
B. Quantitative
C. Data
D. Survey
33. What data collection method includes various forms of surveys – online surveys, paper
A. Qualitative data collection
B. Quantitative data collection
C. Sampling
D. Survey
34. Which among the process involves examining, and molding collected data for
interpretation to discover relevant information?
A. Data
B. Data Analysis
C. Qualitative
D. Qualitative Research
35. Which data collection approach that is usually unstructured and data is collected for
nonnumerical analysis?
A. Quantitative
B. Quantitative Research Approach
C. Qualitative
D. Qualitative Research Approach
37. What analysis which is to derive meaning on negotiations between what a person knows
and what others or participants know?
A. data analysis
B. Emic analysis
C. Etic analysis
D. statistical analysis
38. Which of the following is not the purpose of the research conclusion?
A. It stresses the importance of the thesis statement
B. It gives the written work a sense of completeness
C. It does not leave a final impression on the readers
D. It demonstrates good organization.
39. What method is used in quantitative research approach?
A. Analytic Analysis
B. Holistic Analysis
C. Statistical Analysis
D. Thematic Analysis
40. Which of the following statements describes a nominal data?
A. It refers to basic classification data and lacks logical order
B. It has logical order but lacks constant differences between values
C. It has logical order, is continuous, has standardized differences between values
but lacks natural zero
D. It has logical order, is continuous, has standardized differences between
values, and has a natural zero
41. The following statements are true, which is not included among them?
A. Data analysis is a systematic process of gathering observations or
B. Data analysis is the process of collecting, modeling, and analyzing data to
extract insights that support decision-making.
C. In quantitative research approach, data collection relies heavily on random
sampling and structured data collection methods.
D. Data interpretation refers to the implementation of processes through which
data is reviewed for the purpose of arriving at an informed conclusion.
42. Researchers review the relevant literature to know what specific reason/s?
A. What is already known about the topic?
B. What concepts and theories have been applied to the topic?
C. Who are the key contributors to the topic?
D. All of the above.
43. Which of the following statement is NOT true about revising your research paper?
A. Be sure to proofread and edit as needed.
B. Read the paper from the last word to the first word.
C. Having someone else read it aloud to you is a waste of time.
D. After receiving some suggestions, create a new outline by noting points you
want to hit.
44. Which of the following should be practiced before Oral defense EXCEPT for?
A. You may prepare hand-outs or brochure
B. Prepare for your presentation mentally and physically
C. You need to memorize everything but you should know the key points.
D. You may bring a mode of verifications for easy reference of your research.
46. This chapter talks about the result of your study. Here you are going to present the data
gathered using the questionnaire you used by tabulating all the gathered data. What is the
chapter being said?
A. Method and Procedures
B. Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
C. Introduction
D. Review of Related Literature
47. Which among the parts of your research report focuses on presenting relevant information
regarding the research topic?
A. Introduction
B. Conclusion
C. Review of Related Literature
D. Recommendations
48. Which of the following considerations in making research reports discusses the
importance of proofreading?
A. Researcher must decide on what are the sections that must be included in your
B. Researcher must write your report clearly and concisely.
C. References should be carefully and accurately cited.
D. Report should be edited by several times.
49. From the given choices below, which consideration in making research reports focuses
on securing the correct in-text citation?
A. Researcher must decide on what are the sections that must be included in your
B. Researcher must write your report clearly and concisely.
C. References should be carefully and accurately cited.
D. Report should be edited by several times
50. How will you answer your panelists if they will ask you “What is the significance of the
A. Simply state how your research work will help other researchers, educators,
organization practitioners, and policy-makers.
B. In this area, mention how your study addressed the existing
issues/problems/concerns that made you choose your topics
C. To answer this question, simply tell your audience/panelist that the findings
from your study can be generalized to other relevant settings, groups, or case
D. Show the descriptive results from the study in a convincing and clear style.
Make sure your findings refer to your research objectives/questions