Novaphit Gaskets

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novaphit® – high-pressure gasket material

made from expanded graphite

for maximum safety requirements.





Why using graphite as gasket material?

Following the substitution of asbestos, no technically reli- Consistent product quality thanks to
able solutions were available initially for gasket applications process control system
in higher temperature ranges. Rubber-bonded gasket mate- Frenzelit is involved throughout the manufacturing process
rials have a natural maximum temperature limit. There was for the novaphit® product family, from obtainment of the
a particular need for better solutions for media that are hot, graphite raw material to the finished gasket. All the param-
dangerous and have creep properties, such as steam or heat eters that affect quality are monitored via a process control
transfer oils. This was the reason for the tremendous success system. This guarantees consistent maintenance of the
of gaskets made from expanded graphite. highest product quality. Reliable production processes lead
to reliable sealing in the user’s operations and thus to just
Properties of novaphit® gaskets made as reliable processes at his plant.
from expanded graphite
• Suitable for temperatures between -200 °C and 550 °C Sealing system design
• Insensitive to changing loads Frenzelit produces the data needed to calculate the design
• Maximum adaptability to flange unevenness parameters for gasket applications in its own laboratory. A
• High flexibility large number of different tests that are relevant to gasket
when sealing surfaces are unfavourable/faulty materials are carried out in-house on an ongoing basis. The
• Practically no hot creep tests range from media resistance tests to mechanical/
• Universal chemical resistance thermal tests and determination of sealing parameters on
• Maximum sealing performance in the flange state-of-the-art AMTEC test rigs. Both the quality assurance
• Use possible at internal pressure levels of up to 250 bar department and the development department take frequent
advantage of these laboratory services. Customer-specific
tests are made as well, in order to ensure that the user’s
assignment is carried out as well as possible.

The production process from the mine to the finished product Graphite ore from the mine
High-quality graphite gaskets
made from high-quality graphite
novaphit® gaskets made from expanded pure graphite are Oxidation resistance is the most important quality
suitable for high chemical, thermal and mechanical stresses. feature of graphite gaskets
They do their job reliably even when there are extreme fluc- The efficiency of the graphite is defined essentially by
tuations in conditions. novaphit® gaskets do not contain its oxidation resistance. The common assumption that
any bonding agents, incidentally. graphite quality is determined solely by a specific degree
of purity is not correct. On the contrary: it is essential
There can be substantial differences in the quality of to determine the oxidation properties of the graphite
expanded graphite. An explanation is given below of how exactly, because even graphite films of the highest purity
expanded graphite is made and what criteria need to be level may not be resistant enough to oxidation. Thanks to
met as quality features. careful selection of the basic graphite and 100% incoming
goods checks of this and other properties, only high-
Where does graphite come from? quality graphite is used in the novaphit® SSTC/SSTCTRD 401,
Graphite is obtained in both open-cast and underground novaphit® EXTRA and novaphit® VS production process.
mines. The choice of the mine already decides the subse-
quent quality level. The grinding and cleaning operations
that follow are just as important.
Weight loss as an indication of the oxidation resistance of
pure graphite film (99%)
What happens in the expanding process? 0

The ground basic graphite is expanded in a thermal process, 10

in which the volume of the graphite is increased many times 20

over. A flexible and soft graphite film is produced from a High-quality Frenzelit graphite
Weight loss (%)

“brittle” graphite powder. 50
Standard graphite
No-name graphite




300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Temperature (°C)

Flake graphite Source: Graphit Kropfmühl AG Expanded graphite Source: Graphit Kropfmühl AG
Material profile of novaphit® SSTC

Advantages of the expanded metal insert used

Gasket material made from expanded graphite (purity applied to the gasket during installation in the flange,
level 99%) with internal impregnation and an acid-resis- i.e. greater tolerance when mistakes are made in
tant expanded metal insert made from chrome-nickel steel installation.
(material no. 1.4404 / AISI 316L). • Repeated bending of the insert is irreversible because
of strain hardening, i.e. the insert recovers and is actively
Expanded metal made from acid-resistant stainless steel involved in the sealing operation! This guarantees
Corrosion- and acid-resistant material (AISI 316L). greater security in the gasket connection, particularly at
higher surface pressure levels.
Thickness of the expanded metal insert used • Another advantage of novaphit® SSTC in direct compa-
Stretching the stainless steel film used (original thick- rison with smooth metal inserts is its open insert design
ness 0.15 mm) leads to a three-dimensional structure with principle. This means that not merely the outer graphite
a projected height of about 0.4 mm, as a result of which layer but rather that a considerably thicker layer is
chambering of the gasket core is achieved. available to compensate for flange damage.

Geometry of the stainless steel insert

• Better exploitation of the surface pressure available to
compact the graphite, because no “crowns” need to be
levelled. Installation of the gasket is completed faster.
• No undercutting in the insert material. The graphite film Fuji Film photos
encloses the insert completely. Sensitivity: medium
Gasket thickness: 2.0 mm
• Optimised surface pressure distribution by comparison
Surface pressure: 30 N/mm2
with other insert concepts. This is demonstrated impres-
sively by the self-contained lines of higher surface pressure
Frenzelit graphite gasket
(see the Fuji Film photo of novaphit® SSTC with expanded novaphit® SSTC with expanded metal
• Favourable grid geometry (diamond dimension = 3.0 mm)
makes it possible to produce gaskets with very narrow
widths reliably.
• Easy cuttability. Handling benefits in manual and in-house
• Considerably lower risk of layer separation when bending
occurs. Even in such a case, the graphite film is pressed
around the insert again completely when pressure is

Graphite gasket Graphite gasket

with tanged metal with smooth metal
novaphit® SSTCTRD 401 novaphit® EXTRA

The TÜV-certified solution for oval novaphit® EXTRA, high-quality pure

closure lid gaskets. graphite (purity level at least 99 %)
This gasket, which is based on the reinforced with a woven stainless
classic novaphit® SSTC material, has steel insert made from 1.4301. No
become the widely used standard compromises on the quality of the
product for oval gaskets that require graphite make application tempe-
official approval since TÜV testing was introduced in connec- ratures of up to 550 °C possible - even under fluctuating
tion with TRD 401. conditions. Combination with a wire mesh insert leads to an
economic solution with a better performance than gaskets
novaphit® SSTCTRD 401 satisfies the requirements made in reinforced with tanged metal.
the highest testing category D (250 °C/40 bar) specified
in TRD 401 without any difficulty. It can, however, also be
used when the application parameters are more deman- novaphit® VS
ding than this (see the application recommendation below).
Oval gaskets 2, 4 or 6 mm thick are produced from the basic novaphit® VS, high-quality pure
material, which is 2 mm thick, by certified manufacturers. graphite (purity level at least 99 %)
This means that all the different applications are covered - without a reinforcement insert, is
from delivery of a new boiler to a steam generator that has used when stainless steel inserts are
already been in operation for a long time. not an option for technical reasons.
The material is already compacted
Thanks to a sufficiently thick graphite layer and the positive moderately in advance to optimise the handling proper-
properties of the expanded metal insert, novaphit® SSTCTRD 401 ties. Thin gasket thicknesses and very narrow gasket widths
is unusually adaptable to sealing surface unevenness. can in particular be achieved without any difficulty with
Optimum advantage is taken of the low bolting forces novaphit® VS.
required in the closure lid area due to the design parameters
to shape the graphite.
novaphit® SSTC TRD 401 also has all the properties of novaphit® M
novaphit® SSTC and can therefore be recommended for any
other steam generation application too. novaphit® M is the graphite film
made from high-quality pure gra-
phite (purity level at least 99 %)
with a gross density of about 1.0 g/
cm3. novaphit® M is used for such
purposes as a layer for grooved
Application recommendation for novaphit® SSTCTRD 401


2 mm
150 4 mm
6 mm
Pressure (bar)

cu r

st e


u ra












Temperature (°C)
Technical information

Application recommendations, depending on the pressure and temperature

The application recommendations for different temperature and pressure levels in the graphs apply to a gasket thickness of 2.0 mm and with
smooth flanges. Higher limits are possible when thinner gaskets are being used!

Application recommendation for water/steam Application recommendation for other media*

200 200
novaphit® SSTC novaphit® SSTC
150 150

Pressure (bar)
Pressure (bar)

cu r

100 novaphit® EXTRA 100 novaphit® EXTRA

st e

50 50
novaphit® VS te novaphit® VS

S at 0



























Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

* Example for the most common other media. Precise data for individual cases can be
found in the Frenzelit novaDISC program or you can contact our application engineering

Compression set - Temp-Test

up to 50 N/mm2 and 400 °C
Cold compressibility Hot creep
T=25°C=constant σ = 50 N/mm2 = constant

60 novaphit® SSTC / novaphit® SSTCTRD 401

Change in thickness (%)


novaphit® EXTRA

novaphit® VS



0 10 20 30 40 50 40° 80° 120° 160° 200° 240° 280° 320° 360° 400°
SP (N/mm2) Temperature (°C)

Maximum surface pressure

after installation, with smooth sealing faces*


Surface pressure (N/mm2)







2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Ratio of gasket width bD : gasket thickness hD
* The maximum surface pressure can be increased by a factor
of approximately 1.5 in the case of tongue and groove flanges.

Warranty exclusion
In view of the variety of different installation and operating conditions
and application and process engineering options, the information
given in this prospectus can only provide approximate guidance. There
is as a result no basis for warranty claims.
Material data

novaphit® novaphit® novaphit®

General information
Bonding agent Without Without Without
Approvals DVGW  – –
Firesafe (DIN EN ISO 10497, API607, BS6755)  – –
BAM (O2: 200 °C / 130 bar, including liquid O2)  – 
Germanischer Lloyd (GL)   –
TRD 401 (oval boiler closure gasket) only SSTCTRD 401 – –
RMRS (Russian Maritime Register of Shipping) –  –
Identification colour graphite • • •
Printed black • • •
Dimensional and thickness tolerances according to DIN 28 091-1 • • •

Physical parameters Test standard Unit Value

Sample thickness 2.0 mm Modal value (typical value)

Designation DIN 28 091-4 GR-10-l-1M-Cr GR-10-l-1M-Cr GR-10-O-O-O

Purity level / graphite 99 % 99 % 99 %
Density DIN 28 090-2 [g/cm3] 1.35 1.20 1.20
Tensile strength longitudinal DIN 52 910 [N/mm2] 17 8 6
traverse DIN 52 910 [N/mm2] 8 7 5
Residual stress σdE/16 at 300 °C DIN 52 913 [N/mm2] ≥ 45 ≥ 45 ≥ 46
Compressibility ASTM F 36 J [%] 40 40 34
Recovery ASTM F 36 J [%] 15 10 18
Cold compressibility εKSW DIN 28 090-2 [%] 39 40 35
Cold recovery εKRW DIN 28 090-2 [%] 4.0 4.0 5.0
Hot creep εWSW/300 DIN 28 090-2 [%] 2.0 2.5 1.0
Hot recovery εWRW/300 DIN 28 090-2 [%] 3.5 3.0 4.0
Specific leakage rate DIN 3535-6 [mg/(s·m)] ≤ 0.100 ≤ 0.250 ≤ 0.100
Specific leakage rate λ2,0 DIN 28 090-2 [mg/(s·m)] ≤ 0.100 ≤ 0.250 ≤ 0.100
Chloride content (total) DIN 28 090-2 [ppm] ≤ 50 ≤ 50 ≤ 50
Chloride content (water-soluble) FZT PV-001-133 [ppm] ≤ 20 ≤ 20 ≤ 20
Total fluoride and chloride [ppm] ≤ 100 ≤ 100 ≤ 100

Product data
1000 x 1000
1000 x 1000
Dimensions [mm] 1500 x 1500 1500 x 1500
1500 x 1500
2000 x 1000
0.5 / 0.75 /
Thicknesses [mm] 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0 / 3.0 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0 / 3.0
1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0
Further dimensions and thicknesses are available on request
(doubling is possible).

Do you have any questions about your application?

The gasket information service will help you:
[email protected]
Good for people and the environment.

Mit diesem Prospekt verlieren alle früheren Ausgaben ihre Gültigkeit. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten.
Frenzelit has obtained certification that the company complies with the Quality management
requirements of ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001. This means complete ISO 9001
transparency in all areas and therefore gives our customers a high degree of ISO/TS 16949
Environmental management
ISO 14001

Installation instructions

• Clean the surfaces that being sealed and remove traces of old gaskets
without damaging the flange surface.
• Check the flange surfaces for parallelity and unevenness; make adjustments
if necessary.
• Before installing them, check gaskets that have been stored in dry conditions
for cracks, surface damage, dimensional accuracy and - in the case of
gaskets with bolt holes - congruence of the bolting pattern with the
• Do not use any sealing agents! Fit gaskets dry and grease-free!
• Check the condition of the bolts before fitting them and use new bolts if
• Install the gaskets consistently and carefully by hand first. (Important note:
never tighten the first bolt too securely!).
• Tighten the bolts with a suitable tool. Apply the specified torque diagonally
in several stages.

The novaphit® product family

Professional Technology Emission Control

Multilayer novaphit® MST

novaphit® SSTC
1 insert
novaphit® SSTCTRD 401 novaphit® SSTCTA-L
novaphit® EXTRA

Without an insert novaphit® VS

novaphit® M novaphit® XC
High-purity graphite film (purity level Internally impregnated, high-purity

> 99%), e.g. as a soft layer for grooved graphite film (purity level > 99%), e.g.
Film gaskets for maximum sealing performance as a soft layer for grooved gaskets for
(a data leaflet is available on request) maximum sealing performance (a data
leaflet is available on request)



Frenzelit Werke GmbH

P.O. Box 11 40 · 95456 Bad Berneck · Germany
INSULATION Phone: +49 9273 72-0 · Fax: +49 9273 72-221
[email protected] ·

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