Paper 1
Paper 1
Paper 1
Rings. A ring is a tuple (R, +, ·, 0, 1), where (R, +) is an abelian group, 0 being
its additive identity (called zerp), and (R, ·) is a monoid, 1 being the multiplicative
identity (called unity), such that for any x, y, z ∈ R, (x + y)z = xz + yz, x(y + z) =
xy + xz. The last two identities are called distributivity of + over ·, and that of ·
over +, respectively.
For a two sided ideal I, the quotient group R/I admits the structure of a ring in a
natural way and the quotient map R → R/I is a ring homomorphism.
(a) Any ring without unity can be embedded in a ring with unity.
(b) Any ring without unity but having a characteristic can be embedded in a ring
with unity of the same characteristic.
Example 1.1. (a) Let R be a ring. Then Mn (R) is the R-algebra of n × n-matrices.
(b) The real quaternions. Let A = M2 (C). The subset of elements of the form
z w
−w z
(c) The group ring. Let R be a ring and G a finite group. Let R[G] be the set of
maps a : G → R. Note that these maps correspond to formal sums of the form
a(g)g, ag ∈ R.
a(z)b(z −1 g).
(ab)(g) = a(x)b(y) =
xy=g z∈G
The zero is given by 0(g) ≡ 0, the unity is given by 1(eG ) = 1 and 1(g) = 0 for
g , eG . Note that R[G] is naturally an R-algebra.
Exercise 1.3. ∗(a) Is there any finite group G such that H is isomorphic as an
R-algebra to R[G]?
R[x]/(xn − 1) → R[Z/nZ].
(c) The real quaternions H and M2 (R) both are R-algebras and have the same
underlying real vector spaces. But they are not isomorphic as R-algebras.
The opposite ring Let R be a ring. The opposite ring Rop has the same additive
group as R, but a different multiplication , defined by a b = ba.
Note that if R is a commutative ring, then R = Rop in the sense that the multipli-
cations are same.
Exercise 1.4. (a) Let k be a commutative ring and R = Mn (k). Then R → Rop :
A 7→ t A is an isomorphism of rings.
However, there are rings which are not isomorphic to their opposites.
(c) Given an R-module homomorphism f : E → M , the image f (E) is a submod-
ule of M .
Example 1.2. (a) Let R be a ring. Then R is automatically a left as well as a
right module under R. The left (right) R-submodules of R are precisely the
left (right) ideals in R.
(d) The free module. Let R be a ring, and consider for any n > 0, the direct
sum M = R⊕n . Then R acts on M on the left naturally as a(a1 , . . . , an ) =
(aa1 , . . . , aan ). Similarly on the right. Any left (right) R-module which is
isomorphic to R⊕n for some n > 0 is called free of rank = n.
(f) If I is a two ideal in a ring R, then the ring R/I is automatically a (both left
and right) module under R.
(g) Let L/k be a Galois extension of fields with G = Gal(L/k). Then L is naturally
a left k[G] module by ( g∈G ag g)x = g∈G ag gx.
Exercise 1.6. (a) If k is a field, then every k-module is free.
(b) If Mi is an R-module for i ∈ I, I being a set, then the abelian groups ⊕i∈I Mi
and i∈I Mi are both R-modules in a natural way.
i p
(c) Let 0 → M 0 → M → M 00 → 0 be a short exact sequence of R-modules (i.e.
it is a short exact sequence of abelian groups and all maps are R-linear). If
M → M 00 has an R-linear section s, then M 0 ⊕ M 00 → M : (x, y) 7→ x + s(y)
is an R-module isomorphism with an inverse given by M → M 0 ⊕ M 00 : z 7→
(z − sp(z), p(z)).
(d) Let L/k be a Galois extension of fields with G = Gal(L/k). Then L is actually
a free k[G]-module of rank 1. (Hint: Normal basis theorem)
∗(e) If G is a finite group whose order is invertible in a field k, then k[G] is semisim-
ple in the following sense. Let M 0 ⊂ M be a submodule. Then there is another
submodule M 00 ⊂ M such that M = M 0 ⊕ M 00 .
∗(f) Give an example to show the following. Suppose M 0 and M 00 are two R-
modules such that M 0 ⊕ M 00 is free. It does not necessarily imply that M 0 and
M 00 are both free.
Finitely generated modules. Let R be a ring and M a left R-module. M is
called a finite R-module or a finitely generated R-module, if there is a surjective
homomorphism R⊕n → M of R-modules. Equivalently, M is finitely generated if
there are finitely many elements m1 , . . . , mn such that given any element m ∈ M
there are elements r1 , . . . , rn ∈ R such that m = ni=1 ri mi .