Advanced Electric Motor Predictive Maintenance Project

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Advanced Electric Motor Predictive

Maintenance Project

Technical Report

Advanced Electric Motor Predictive
Maintenance Project


Final Report, May 2003

EPRI Project Manager

J. Stein

EPRI • 3412 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304 • PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303 • USA
800.313.3774 • 650.855.2121 • [email protected] •







R & P Consulting, LLC

Requests for copies of this report should be directed to EPRI Orders and Conferences, 1355 Willow
Way, Suite 278, Concord, CA 94520, (800) 313-3774, press 2 or internally x5379, (925) 609-9169,
(925) 609-1310 (fax).

Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of the Electric Power
Research Institute, Inc. EPRI. ELECTRIFY THE WORLD is a service mark of the Electric Power
Research Institute, Inc.

Copyright © 2003 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.


This report was prepared by

R & P Consulting, LLC.

59 Long Meadow Road
Royersford, PA 19468

Principal Investigator
R. Leonard

This report describes research sponsored by EPRI.

The report is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following manner:

Advanced Electric Motor Predictive Maintenance Project, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2003.


EPRI sponsored the three-year Advanced Electric Motor Predictive Maintenance (AEMPM)
project in 2000 to increase the effectiveness of motor maintenance at a time when utilities were
in a state of declining motor knowledge due to downsizing and restructuring. The project
identified areas for improvement that were common to most utilities and selected appropriate
measures to address these concerns. Areas addressed include documenting motor knowledge,
increasing utility confidence in newer technologies and diagnostic devices, credible tracking of
maintenance program performance, and interpretation of motor predictive maintenance data at
the plant level. This approach resulted in guidelines, equipment evaluations and training,
decision logic trees, and a series of controlled motor tests— each structured to document motor
knowledge and increase the effective application of newer Predictive Maintenance (PdM) and
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) technologies.

Results & Findings

The purpose of the AEMPM project was to help utility participants become familiar with the
latest motor diagnostic equipment, while increasing their knowledge and understanding of
equipment functions and capabilities. This report documents the AEMPM project results. It
opens with discussions of PdM technologies, including insulation resistance, polarization index,
dc step voltage, winding resistance, motor current signature analysis, thermography, and
vibration testing. It continues with a focus on newer diagnostic equipment and on-line PdM
technologies— including infrared inspection, partial discharge testing, and dry ice cleaning. Also
included are decision logic trees for capacitance-to-ground testing, dissipation / power factor
testing, and bearing oil sample analysis testing along with a discussion of key PdM program
elements. The report concludes with an overview of PdM techniques for optimizing motor
performance, a utility view of lessons learned, and PdM case histories focusing on shredded
cable, loose bus bar, and pinched motor leads.

Challenges & Objectives

The specific goal of the AEMPM project was to provide utility PdM and RCM programs with
the information, tools, and technologies needed to raise their effectiveness and efficiency to the
next level. From a programmatic perspective, users must determine the most cost-effective
testing based on factors such as the type of equipment being monitored, size of the facility,
failure modes most commonly encountered, impact of removing a component or system from
service, staffing and available budget, and staff expertise. Traditional motor diagnostics have
been built around testing and analysis performed in the areas of vibration, lube oil,
thermography, and off-line electrical testing. Use of such technologies provides PdM
organizations with many tools for trending equipment health and troubleshooting equipment
problems. Most of these technologies are already imbedded in utility PdM programs. However,

utilities should consider infusing PdM programs with newer on-line technologies that— in
combination with vibration analysis, oil analysis, and thermography— can offer more accurate
and reliable results with much of the equipment left in service at the time of testing. Should a
fault be found or an anomaly be identified, traditional off-line testing can then be scheduled to
pinpoint the fault. In this manner, a PdM program strategy can be developed to provide a station
with the best possible comprehensive diagnostic package.

Applications, Values & Use

Numerous constraints are placed on PdM programs that require them to operate at higher levels
of efficiency and effectiveness with less resources and expertise. In order to accomplish this,
PdM programs may need to improve in areas such as: 1) training, 2) documentation of motor
problems and troubleshooting, 3) implementation of technological advances, 4) determining
limitations in diagnostic equipment and organization, and 5) correlation of PdM programs with
traditional testing. The strategy of the PdM organization should be to form a motor maintenance
program around equipment or component failures experienced at a specific site, while keeping in
mind corporate goals. The ability to understand equipment capacity for meeting emergent needs
can significantly benefit corporations, especially in a deregulated market.

EPRI Perspective
Given the decline in plant motor experience, the limitations of reorganization, and the need to
compete financially in a manner never before demanded, the AEMPM focus on enhancing PdM
and RCM programs and their associated tools has become increasingly important. The premise
of the new technologies is that on-line and off-line testing can complement each other to allow
maximum availability for key equipment, while elevating the level of reliability assurance
beyond what currently exists at most facilities. The potential impact of allowing key station
equipment to remain operable while undergoing assessment is one of the most significant
improvements that can be made by a PdM organization. EPRI supports the proper use of new on-
line technologies in conjunction with traditional methods to provide PdM organizations with the
most comprehensive diagnostic tools available to date.

Ten utilities participating in the AEMPM project were assessed for the following PdM program
elements: organization, communication, documentation, diagnostic techniques, training,
maintenance and repair, and progress indicators. Data obtained in the assessment provided
relative levels of PdM program strength and weakness in each area.

Predictive Maintenance
Electric Motor Diagnostics
Electrical Testing


The Advanced Electric Motor Predictive Maintenance (AEMPM) project report focuses on
increasing motor knowledge and providing the utility Predictive Maintenance (PdM) and
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) programs with information, tools, and technologies
needed to raise their effectiveness and efficiency in the neglected area of motor maintenance.
Ten utilities participated in the AEMPM project, which specifically focused on improvement in
the areas of documenting motor knowledge, increasing confidence in the newer technologies and
diagnostic devices, better tracking of maintenance program performance, and interpretation of
motor predictive maintenance data at the plant level.

The AEMPM Final Report documents the results of this undertaking, including a discussion of
foundation (IR, PI, DC step voltage, winding resistance, capacitance testing and dissipation
factor, motor current signature analysis, oil sampling and analysis, thermography, and vibration
testing) and new (on-line) PdM technologies, key PdM program elements, Decision Logic Trees,
new technologies diagnostic equipment (including vendors and training), information sharing,
details on dry ice cleaning, techniques for electric motors and motor bearing oil analysis and
cleanliness, optimizing motor performance, case histories, and lessons learned. Participating
AEMPM program utilities and diagnostic equipment vendors are also included in the program

The report also includes a Controlled Motor Testing (CMT) section. The CMT project was
undertaken by the participating utilities to determine the effectiveness of the newer technologies
diagnostic equipment and software in identifying faults in electric motors and to learn more
about the application of partial discharge on 4kV motors. The CMT participants determined
which faults to be tested for then inserted the faults into various electric motors. The CMT
report discusses the inserted faults and compares on-line and off-line test results.


1 BACKGROUND................................................................................................................... 1-1
Purpose.............................................................................................................................. 1-1
Foundation Technologies ................................................................................................... 1-2
Limitations with Off-line Testing.......................................................................................... 1-3
Progression of Motor Maintenance and Diagnostics........................................................... 1-5
Static Versus Dynamic Testing........................................................................................... 1-7

2 ASSESSMENTS.................................................................................................................. 2-1
Predictive Maintenance Program Elements ........................................................................ 2-2

3 DECISION LOGIC TREES..................................................................................................3-11

Background .......................................................................................................................3-11
Decision Logic Tree Implementation..................................................................................3-12
Capacitance to Ground Testing .........................................................................................3-13
Dissipation / Power Factor Testing ....................................................................................3-15
Oil Sample Analysis Testing ..............................................................................................3-17

4 CONTROLLED MOTOR TESTING...................................................................................... 4-1

Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4-1
CMT Summary ................................................................................................................... 4-1
Overview........................................................................................................................ 4-1
Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 4-2
Participation................................................................................................................... 4-2
Utilities Involved: ....................................................................................................... 4-2
Vendors Involved: ..................................................................................................... 4-2
Participants Involved: ................................................................................................ 4-3
PSE&G Central Maintenance Facility Motor Shop..................................................... 4-3
Motor Nameplate Specifications................................................................................ 4-4

Motor 1 ................................................................................................................. 4-4
Motor 2 ................................................................................................................. 4-4
Motor 3 ................................................................................................................. 4-5
Motor 4 ................................................................................................................. 4-5
CMT Objectives ............................................................................................................. 4-6
Fault Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4-6
Equipment Used ............................................................................................................ 4-8
Partial Discharge Testing Equipment ........................................................................ 4-8
Testing Outline..............................................................................................................4-16
Motor Testing Day 1.................................................................................................4-17
Motor 1: 460V, 150hp .........................................................................................4-17
Materials staged ..................................................................................................4-17
Test Sequence ....................................................................................................4-17
Motor Testing Day 2.................................................................................................4-18
Motor 2: 2.3kV ....................................................................................................4-18
Materials Staged..................................................................................................4-18
Test Sequence ....................................................................................................4-18
Motor Testing Day 3.................................................................................................4-19
Motor 3: 4kV, 300 hp ..........................................................................................4-19
Materials Staged..................................................................................................4-19
Test Sequence ....................................................................................................4-19
Post Testing ........................................................................................................4-19
Motor Testing Day 4.................................................................................................4-20
Motor 4: 4kV motor, 300 hp ................................................................................4-20
Materials Staged..................................................................................................4-20
Test Sequence ....................................................................................................4-20
Post Testing ........................................................................................................4-20
Control Panel and Dynamometer..................................................................................4-21
Motor Fault Summary ...................................................................................................4-23
Motor 1 (480V) Faults Induced: ................................................................................4-23

Motor 2 (2.3kV) Faults Induced: ...............................................................................4-23
Motor 3 (4kV) Faults Induced: ..................................................................................4-23
Motor 4 (4kV) Faults Induced: ..................................................................................4-24
Detailed Motor Testing Summary ......................................................................................4-24
Motor 1 Test Summary .................................................................................................4-24
On-line Testing.........................................................................................................4-24
High Resistance in Motor Leads Fault .................................................................4-24
Description: .........................................................................................................4-24
Results: ...............................................................................................................4-25
Low Resistance to Ground Fault..........................................................................4-26
Description: .........................................................................................................4-26
Results: ...............................................................................................................4-26
Turn-to-Turn Fault ...............................................................................................4-26
Description: .........................................................................................................4-26
Results: ...............................................................................................................4-27
Off-line Testing.........................................................................................................4-27
Turn-to-Turn Fault ...............................................................................................4-27
Description: .........................................................................................................4-27
Results: ...............................................................................................................4-27
Motor 2 Test Summary .................................................................................................4-28
On-line Testing.........................................................................................................4-29
Eccentric Air Gap Fault........................................................................................4-29
Description: .........................................................................................................4-29
Results: ...............................................................................................................4-29
Broken Rotor Bars Fault ......................................................................................4-30
Description: .........................................................................................................4-30
Results: ...............................................................................................................4-31
Contaminated End-Turn Windings (Dirty Motor) Fault .........................................4-31

Description: .........................................................................................................4-31
Results: ...............................................................................................................4-31
Off-line Testing.........................................................................................................4-32
Contaminated End-Turn Windings (Dirty Motor) Fault .........................................4-32
Description: .........................................................................................................4-32
Results: ...............................................................................................................4-32
Motor 3 and 4 Partial Discharge Testing............................................................................4-32
Motor 3 PD Test Summary...........................................................................................4-33
Partial Discharge Testing..............................................................................................4-34
Description: ..............................................................................................................4-34
Conclusion: ..............................................................................................................4-41
Motor 4 PD Test Summary ...........................................................................................4-42
Motor 4 Partial Discharge Testing.................................................................................4-43
Description: ..............................................................................................................4-43
Conclusion: ..............................................................................................................4-48
Motor 3 and 4 Diagnostics Testing ....................................................................................4-49
Motor Surge Sensitivity Testing ....................................................................................4-49
Description: ..............................................................................................................4-49
Surge Testing Conclusions: .....................................................................................4-51
CMT Concluding Summary................................................................................................4-51
CMT Conclusions ..............................................................................................................4-52

5 EQUIPMENT LENDING AND INFORMATION SHARING ................................................... 5-1

Vendor Training and Sharing.............................................................................................. 5-1
AEMPM Group Information Sharing ................................................................................... 5-4

6 GUIDELINES ....................................................................................................................... 6-1

Dry Ice Cleaning................................................................................................................. 6-1
Lube Oil System Cleanliness In Motor Bearing Applications............................................... 6-2
Contamination Sources and Effects.................................................................................... 6-3

Contamination Filtration and Removal................................................................................ 6-3

7 OPTIMIZING MOTOR MAINTENANCE............................................................................... 7-1

8 CASE HISTORIES............................................................................................................... 8-1

Case History – Shredded Cable ......................................................................................... 8-1
Case History – Loose Bus Bar............................................................................................ 8-2
Case History - Pinched Motor Leads .................................................................................. 8-3

9 LESSONS LEARNED.......................................................................................................... 9-1

Comments on the Project ................................................................................................... 9-1
General.......................................................................................................................... 9-1
Decision Logic Trees and Guidelines............................................................................. 9-1
Training ......................................................................................................................... 9-1
Partial Discharge ........................................................................................................... 9-2
Controlled Motor Testing................................................................................................ 9-2


Figure 2-1 Predictive Maintenance Program (PdM) Diagram ................................................. 2-3

Figure 2-2 Assessment Spider Chart ..................................................................................... 2-9
Figure 3-1 Capacitance to Ground Testing Logic Diagram ....................................................3-13
Figure 3-2 Dissipation/Power Factor Testing Logic Diagram .................................................3-15
Figure 4-1 Baker On-line Test Device .................................................................................... 4-9
Figure 4-2 PdMA EMAX On-Line Test Device.......................................................................4-10
Figure 4-3 Framatome EMPATH On-Line Test Device..........................................................4-11
Figure 4-4 Baker AWA Off-Line Test Device .........................................................................4-12
Figure 4-5 PdMA MCE Off-Line Test Device.........................................................................4-13
Figure 4-6 BJM All-Test Pro Off-Line Test Device BJM All-Test III (Foreground). All-Test
Pro (rear)........................................................................................................................4-14
Figure 4-7 IRIS TGA-B Lite Partial Discharge Test Device....................................................4-15
Figure 4-8 ADWEL PDA Premium Discharge Test Device ....................................................4-16
Figure 4-9 Control Panel .......................................................................................................4-22
Figure 4-10 Dynamometer ....................................................................................................4-23
Figure 4-11 Motor 1 Testing Layout ......................................................................................4-25
Figure 4-12 Motor 2 Test Setup ............................................................................................4-29
Figure 4-13 Broken Rotor Bars (Typical) ...............................................................................4-30
Figure 4-14 Motor PD Testing ...............................................................................................4-34
Figure 4-15 Thermal Aging In 4 kV Motor..............................................................................4-35
Figure 4-16 Phase Group 3 and 2 Coil Insulation Voids ........................................................4-40
Figure 4-17 Phase 2 and Phase 3 Coil Insulation Voids........................................................4-41
Figure 4-18 Motor 4 Ground Wall Void Holes and End Windings Contamination...................4-43
Figure 4-19 Phase Group 1 and Phase Group 3 Coil Dissection Points .................................4-48
Figure 8-1 Limestone Mill B Diagnostic Test Data.................................................................. 8-2
Figure 8-2 Motor Resistive Imbalance Test Data.................................................................... 8-3
Figure 8-3 Nine Mile Point 1 Condensate Pump Motor Baker AWA Test Results................... 8-4


Table 2-1 Assessment Work Sheet ......................................................................................... 2-8

Table 3-1 Oil Sample Analysis Testing and Fault Table ........................................................3-18
Table 4-1 Controlled Motor Testing Schedule .......................................................................4-21
Table 4-2 PD Results at 50% Ambient ..................................................................................4-36
Table 4-3 PD Results at 100% Ambient ................................................................................4-37
Table 4-4 PD Results at 100% Elevated Stator Temperature................................................4-38
Table 4-5 PD Results at 50% Elevated Stator Temperature..................................................4-38
Table 4-6 PD Testing of Individual Coils................................................................................4-40
Table 4-7 Test Results at 50% Load at Ambient ...................................................................4-44
Table 4-8 Test Results at 100% Load at Ambient .................................................................4-45
Table 4-9 Test Results at 100% Load at Elevated Stator Temperature .................................4-46
Table 4-10 Testing Results at 50% at Elevated Stator Temperature .....................................4-47


Twelve utilities have participated in the Electric Motor Predictive Maintenance (EMPM) project
that began in 1994. That program emphasized application and collection of vibration data, oil
sampling, thermography, motor current signature analysis, and off-line electrical tests. The
participating utilities realized up to eleven (11) times their Return On Investment (ROI), with an
average of over 5.5. 1

As a result of this project, Electric Motor Predictive Guidelines (EPRI TR-108773-V1) were
published in 1997. These guidelines contain specific procedures for electrical testing, bearing oil
sampling, infrared thermography inspection, motor current monitoring, and periodic vibration
monitoring. An EMPM Software package, which is an interactive repository for information on
motors and their condition, performance and maintenance histories, was also developed. As a
result of all these activities, it became apparent that most of the utilities need improvements in
the following areas:
• Capture of depleting motor knowledge
• Confidence in the advertised benefits of newer technologies and diagnostic devices
• Credible tracking of maintenance program performance
• Increased interpretation skills of motor predictive maintenance data


Based on the above needs for improvement, the Advanced Electric Motor Predictive
Maintenance (AEMPM) project was undertaken. This project was to focus on the improvement
areas listed above and provide utility Predictive Maintenance (PdM) and Reliability Centered
Maintenance (RCM) programs with the information, tools, and technologies needed to raise their
effectiveness and efficiency to the next level.

Given the decline in plant motor experience, organizational resources, limitations of

reorganization, and the need to compete financially in a manner never before demanded, the
above AEMPM purpose has become more important than ever.

Project results are reported in EPRI report “ Electric Motor Predictive Maintenance Program” (TR 108773-V2).
The report is posted at for downloading.


Foundation Technologies

Traditional motor diagnostics have been built around testing and analysis performed in the areas
of vibration, lube oil, thermography, and off-line electrical testing. In almost all industries, these
tests are the heart of the associated RCM programs and are key ingredients in performing
component troubleshooting.

This testing affords users with a known, reliable, and relatively economical method of
evaluation. Since much of the testing is quantitative in nature, it provides information useful in
long term trending, a key ingredient in the implementation of a Predictive Maintenance program.
This same quantitative information is useful in helping determine the present health of a
component during problem troubleshooting.

In addition to the testing described above, EPRI report TR-108773-V2 (August, 1999) on
Electric Motor Predictive Maintenance (EMPM) details other related testing that has traditionally
being used for electric motor diagnostics. These tests, along with a description of the test and its
role in electric motor maintenance, are listed below:

1. Insulation Resistance (IR): This is a measurement of the resistance between the stator
windings and the stator core. This value is expected to be very high, typically greater than
100 Megohms. Low values of IR indicate an excessive leakage between the winding and the
core, usually caused by contamination in the windings (e.g., oil, moisture, etc.) or by cracked
2. Polarization Index (PI): The PI is a ratio of the 10-minute leakage current reading to the 1-
minute reading. It is recommended that corrective measures be taken whenever a value of
less than 2 is obtained. New IEEE Standards indicate that windings with a very high initial
insulation resistance reading can forego PI testing, since the newer insulation systems may
yield a low PI reading (i.e., 1 or 2), and still be in good condition. In older windings,
generally, low values of the PI ratio could be an indication of winding contamination, which
can cause short circuits across the insulation, a condition referred to as electrical tracking.
Refer to IEEE Standards 43-2000 for additional information.
3. DC Step Voltage Test (4kV only): This test applies a high DC voltage across the winding
insulation and measures the resultant leakage current. This is done in 1 kV steps until a
sudden rise in leakage current is observed or until the maximum allowable Hi-Pot voltage is
applied (9kV for 4kV motors). The maximum allowable Hi-Pot voltage, by IEEE Standards
is considered to be 2(EOperating)+1kV.
4. Winding Resistance: This tests the DC conductivity of the copper wire and associated
connections. Given a baseline value, an increase in the winding resistance could indicate that
the connections are deteriorating. Over time, this could lead to overheating.
5. Capacitance Testing and Dissipation Factor: Capacitance between the copper wire and the
stator core can be trended to identify faults such as loose windings, overheated insulation,
and winding contamination such as dirty oil or moisture. Since the capacitance can be
affected by changes in either the material itself or the relative spacing, this testing provides
for a higher degree of sensitivity than the IR or PI tests. The capacitance is measured using a


capacitance bridge, since precision and accuracy is so critical (e.g., a 1% decline in

capacitance indicates severe thermal deterioration). Since a precision reading is so
important, it is recommended that the same piece of test equipment be used, if possible, when
taking each reading to ensure trending accuracy. If different pieces of test equipment were
used, it would be useful to ensure the equipment identification number is recorded along with
the data.
6. Dissipation Factor: is used to measure the losses within the insulation. This is useful in
identification of windings that have undergone thermal degradation. Like so many of the
other off-line tests, the absolute value is not as critical as the change in value seen by
trending over time.
7. Motor Current Signature Analysis: This test is used to detect electric motor faults such as
broken rotor bars and shorting ring problems. This test is performed using a high resolution
(at least 1600 lines) spectrum. Testing is done approximately every year, unless the motor is
suspected of having a problem or is operated in a manner where such a fault is more likely
(e.g., varying loads, at or above full load, frequent starts, etc.). In those cases, testing should
be performed more frequently such as monthly or quarterly, and in some cases weekly.

Limitations with Off-line Testing

Typically, there are two characteristics common to most of the associated motor electrical testing
above. First, most of the electrical testing is typically performed as an off-line test, that is, the
component is required to be out of service to perform the testing. Second, since any fault
identified with off-line testing is being detected with the equipment out of service, the
availability of that equipment becomes questionable. The major question being: when will it fail
and can I operate this equipment now? As such, the predictability of a component failure during
off-line testing is only as good as the extrapolated prediction, with the major question being the
restart. Conversely, if the equipment is already operating it, is more likely that its operational
mode will be held steady (i.e., remain operating) and the equipment will be trended for changes.
On-line testing also offers the inherent advantage of testing the equipment under its normal in-
service conditions, allowing testing variables such as loading, temperature, and system
dynamics, to be accurately included during the testing process. Other key concerns about off-
line testing are as follows:

1. Difficulty in trending: Some off-line testing can provide varying results based on the
individuals performing the test and the diagnostic test equipment being used. This is
especially true with winding resistance and capacitance testing. Also, many of the actual
values obtained during off-line testing are of relatively little value by themselves and require
use as part of trending or correlation with other tests to indicate problem areas.
2. Correlation with other technologies: It is important to integrate the readings of several tests
and/or measurements with those of other technologies to gain a clearer understanding of the
motor overall condition.
3. Testing concerns: Some testing is not preferred, such as DC Hi-Pot testing, which carries a
stigma of being a destructive test. Even though this may not true from an engineering
standpoint, there are many facilities that do not include that, and other off-line testing, in
their PdM program. This limits the programs impact and effectiveness.


Exceptions to testing required to be performed off-line would include vibration, thermography,

and oil analysis. Vibration is a universal tool, and the heart of predictive maintenance, that can
be used for both system and component level testing while the equipment is in service. It is
useful in showing immediate status and relative change, and provides the user insight into the
urgency of an abnormal condition. From an electric motor perspective, it is usually more of a
diagnostic tool for the mechanical aspect of the motor, but is also very useful in detecting broken
rotor bars and other selected electrical faults. Oil analysis continues to grow as a diagnostic and
predictive tool. Oil analysis is very good in identifying abnormal or excessive wear of
components in bearings, especially sleeve or plain bearings, which offers the earliest indications
of incipient faults. Thermography or infrared inspection is a relatively new tool compared to
many of the others, and one that has rapidly gained universal popularity. The draw to
thermography is that it can be used for any system or component where temperature or
temperature differences can provide useful information. Since it is totally non-intrusive,
thermography testing can be performed on-line like vibration or oil analysis. For electric motors,
this tool can be used to identify both mechanical and electrical problems, as well as problems
with other components within the system that can cause related issues (e.g., a discharge check
valve stuck partially closed).

From a programmatic perspective, there remains an ongoing need for users to find “the biggest
bang for their buck.” In the simplest of terms, this would mean the best testing for the least
amount of cost; however, the reality is somewhat more complex. Users must determine what
testing is best for them based upon a number of factors. These would include, but not be limited,
to the following:
• The type of equipment being monitored
• The size of the facility
• The failure modes most commonly encountered at that facility (this can become even more
complex based on the number of facilities being run by a single owner and the desire for
increased commonality)
• The impact of removing a component or system from service
• The staffing and budget that is available for performing the testing
• The expertise of the staff

Use of the foundation technologies provides PdM organizations with many tools in which to
trend equipment health and troubleshoot equipment problems. Most of these are already
imbedded in each utility PdM program. Based on some of the concerns specified above, PdM
programs need to consider infusion of newer technologies into the program that, when combined
with the technologies presently being used, can offer more accurate and reliable results and
accomplish this with much of the equipment being left in service. The new on-line technologies,
along with the traditional vibration analysis, oil analysis, and thermography, all allow equipment
to remain in operation during testing. Should a fault be found or an anomaly be identified,
traditional off-line testing can then be scheduled to pinpoint the fault. In this manner, a PdM
program strategy can be developed to provide a station with a comprehensive diagnostic package
that is best for them.


Progression of Motor Maintenance and Diagnostics

In the area of predictive maintenance, infrared inspection has flourished as a valuable tool in
most RCM programs. This is primarily because it can deliver valuable information from both a
system and component level with the equipment still in service. In that same vein, there is a
progression in electric motor maintenance and diagnostics towards on-line testing. Technologies
are now available to support on-line testing. Inherently, benefits that can be realized by
performing on-line motor diagnostics include the following:
• Minimal equipment swapping (less equipment stress, increased equipment availability, less
man-power concerns)
• Testing performed under dynamic versus static conditions (more accurate and realistic,
includes potential system aspects, as well as component)
• Higher probability that problems can be identified before component failure occurs
(equipment reliability, less outage time, investment protection)
• Better planning and scheduling (proactive instead of reactive)
• Better fault trending through more consistent and reliable results
• Increased fault notification or diagnosis, since this testing is not presently being conducted
• More condition based information without effecting availability
• Fewer number of total test equipment pieces (testing is becoming more efficient and thus,
less man-power intensive, as compared to older tests which required more pieces of test

Leading the way in the new on-line diagnostic technologies for motor driven equipment are the
three vendors (diagnostic equipment models shown in parentheses) listed below. These vendors
are discussed in more detail later in this report. In addition, the Controlled Motor Testing (CMT)
section details the use of on-line motor diagnostics when used to detect known faults in a test
• Baker (Explorer)
• Framatome (EMPATH)
• PdMA (MCEmax)

For on-line monitoring for Partial Discharge:

• Adwel International
• Iris Engineering

While on-line motor diagnostics is the up and coming technology, and provides many benefits as
detailed above, it should be understood that on-line testing may still require off-line testing for
complete fault diagnosis, depending on the fault. The premise for AEMPM is, however, that
equipment can be left in service and tested for faults or degradation, and removed from service
only when it is likely that failure will result or as part of a scheduled maintenance outage


window. In either case, the downtime is planned. The ability to test equipment with it still in
service is especially important since the equipment could be critical to generation or generation
reliability. Taking the equipment out of service to perform off-line testing may not be practical
from a financial perspective, making on-line diagnostics even more important.

An understanding of the faults encountered is a major consideration for any PdM program.
Electric motor faults encountered throughout the utility industry have been categorized and
broken down into the following percentages. This often quoted data obtained by EPRI shows
approximate electric motor fault distributions as follows:
• 40% of the faults are due to problems associated with stator problems
• 40% of the faults are due to mechanical problems (e.g., bearings)
• 9% of the faults are due to rotor problems
• The remaining 11% of the faults were caused by miscellaneous problems

The present technologies approach diagnostics for winding problems and other stator concerns
with tests that include the use of winding resistance testing, IR and PI testing, capacitance
testing, power factor (or dissipation factor) testing, and DC step voltage (or Hi-Pot) testing.
These tests are primarily performed off-line, requiring the equipment to be taken out of service.
Some tests, such as capacitance testing, even require the motor be completely disconnected from
its power cables. The new on-line technologies allow equipment to remain in service and still
provide some indication of a stator or winding problems. Motor pattern differences, voltage
imbalance, and power factor changes are ways the on-line testing can help provide indication
that a problem might exist. In this manner, the equipment can remain in service longer, and then
be secured proactively should the on-line equipment indicate an emergent need. The off-line
testing can then be used to help pinpoint the problem.

On-line diagnostics in not just isolated to the realm of electrical testing. Fault detection is
diagnosed on the driver and the driven, and the mechanical and electrical elements of an electric
motor. Mechanical problem detection can be enhanced by the new technologies as well.
Presently, the use of vibration, thermography, and oil analysis would be the key tools for
detecting a bearing problem or some other mechanical fault. This has proven to be a reliable
means of diagnostics. The latest on-line technologies supplement those foundation technologies
with the ability to detect inconsistencies and anomalies that might otherwise go undetected using
only the traditional testing methods.

Under present technology, Motor Current Signature Analysis is the most common means of
detecting rotor faults. This involves using a current transformer to monitor for the slight
variations associated with broken rotor bars or shorting ring problems. Evaluation of these
variations or harmonics can provide information as to the health of the rotor. The presence of
calculated sidebands can then indicate the presence of broken rotor bars. The new on-line
technologies integrate this traditional testing into the associated equipment and software, and
provide a detailed summary report of the testing, which includes this information. In many
cases, the output will directly indicate broken rotor bars. In other cases, where the fault is less
severe, it may declare the rotor condition is questionable or indicate that there is an overall motor
condition problem. Besides increased sensitivity and updated software for processing this
information, the on-line equipment allows abnormalities to be factored in and show up on the


data report. In this manner, incipient faults can be alerted to well before becoming a fully
developed fault.

Static Versus Dynamic Testing

On-line testing provides for a dynamic equipment assessment, which leads to a more accurate
and realistic look at equipment performance. A huge benefit to dynamic testing is that the
equipment is seen from a system perspective, not just a component perspective.

When performing off-line testing, equipment is out of service and the testing is typically focused
on a specific piece of equipment or component. For example, when performing IR testing or PD
testing off line, the motor is out of service and the test is specifically targeted to the motor
windings and more specifically, the insulation. No other system components are involved and
the total performance of the motor is not evaluated, except for the specific case of measuring the
insulation resistance or partial discharge activity. These are very specific and localized tests.
The point is they are focused on the component level, whereas on-line motor monitoring focuses
on the integrated components or system and how they work together, dynamically.

Besides the obvious advantages of not being required to remove equipment or systems from
service for testing, dynamic testing allows the component to be assessed in its normal
environment. This would include such important factors as vibration, temperature, loading,
supply voltage (e.g., irregularities, spikes, frequency, voltage levels, etc.), and impact from
system operation (e.g., throttled valves, blocked pipes, run-out conditions, cavitation, etc.). In
addition, the new technologies associated with on-line analysis facilitate detailed testing not
previously thought to be possible with equipment in service. On-line motor monitoring includes:
• Current unbalance
• Voltage unbalance
• Winding problems
• Eccentricity
• Stator problems
• Rotor problems

Even equipment anomalies that are in very early stages of deterioration are capable of being
detected, often showing up as a slight variation from the expected results during the testing and
analysis. This allows the user to perform follow-up (off-line) testing and trending to pinpoint the
concern. Static testing at the component level is still, in many cases, the most reliable method of
pinpointing an exact single component fault and its extent. The CMT section is included later
illustrates how on-line testing is supplemented by follow-up off-line (static) testing once a
problem or abnormality is identified. It is very important for any RCM program to recognize the
relationship of on-line and off-line testing, and how each should fit into their program.


In recent years, management is faced with significant challenges in establishing and maintaining
an effective RCM program. The needs of each utility, not to mention the needs of each station,
are different and require careful short range and longer range planning strategies to achieve
goals. While the strategies may differ, the external forces that make the job so challenging are
very similar for each user. These challenges are listed below, along with an explanation of how
they can impact plans for building and maintaining the desired RCM program.

Downsizing Organizations: This problem is being experienced in almost all facets of the
industry. Because of economic conditions and de-regulation, the need to be fiscally competitive
has never been so great. Cutting overhead and trimming excess cost continues to be an ongoing
process. As such, managers are forced to accomplish the required work with fewer resources. In
order to accomplish the same results, organizations are forced to find innovative ways to “work
smarter, not harder.”

Less Knowledgeable Personnel: As downsizing and reorganization takes place, personnel

turnover rates are higher. The result is that more experienced workers are leaving and the
experience base of those remaining is being significantly impacted. At a time when resources
and staffing are going down, a declining experience level can create inefficiencies and
exacerbate the problem.

Reorganization: As utilities attempt to remain competitive, it is becoming common to see

reorganization occur. This can happen in the form of changing groups or changing group
responsibilities. In the case of Predictive Maintenance (PdM) organizations, it is more common
to acquire additional responsibility since the group is technologically specialized, making it
harder to transfer duties to personnel less knowledgeable.

Increased Responsibilities: A natural progression from downsizing is that the remaining

personnel pick up additional responsibilities in order for the organization to continue to produce
at or near the same output. From a more macroscopic perspective, increased responsibilities are
also a result of station or corporate reorganization, as described above.

Reduced Budgets: A strong emphasis has been placed on trimming expenses. Typically, this
results in nearly all organizations being given a smaller budget in which to carry out required
duties. It is common for utilities and generation facilities to focus monetary allocations towards
problem areas. In general, if “it isn’t broken” or causing regulatory hardship, money that could
normally be allocated to a group is instead routed to an area that is. Since RCM or PdM groups
are service organizations, it is more common for their budgets to go down rather than up.


Corporate Climate: By and large, utilities are in the business of generating electrical power. The
focus on production is very high at this time and ways to ensure reliability are looked at very
hard. This is an area where PdM programs can gain support and additional funding. Listed
below are key areas in which the corporate production focus can be directly enhanced by a good
PdM program.

a. Increased system and component availability can be realized with the implementation of a
good RCM program. Implementation of the AEMPM on-line testing technologies can
considerably enhance performance in this area. This can result in improved equipment
reliability, as well as provide the nuclear stations with improved regulatory standing for key
safety system availability statistics.

b. A solid RCM program can identify faults posing a production risk before production is
impacted. This would include both plant shutdowns and unplanned power reductions.

Shorter outage times directly translate to less production loss (and replacement power costs). A
good RCM or PdM program can contribute in this area by performing more on-line testing,
thereby reducing the amount of off-line testing required during an outage. PdM testing should
focus attention towards equipment that is in need of attention or repair. Thus, PdM could and
should direct maintenance resources and effectively increase reliability on rotating equipment.

Predictive Maintenance Program Elements

When developing and maintaining a RCM program, nearly all utilities will have to consider their
needs and how they can meet them taking the above factors into consideration. A good
Predictive Maintenance program will consist of all essential elements necessary to allow it to
perform at the desired levels and maintain or improve its performance over time. These elements
shall include the organization, communications, documentation, diagnostic technologies,
training, maintenance and repair, and progress indicators. A typical Predictive Maintenance
(PdM) program diagram showing all the essential elements is shown on Figure 2-1 below, along
with a description of how each element works to help make the PdM program successful.



Communication Progress Indicators

PdM Program
PdM Maintenance &
Documentation Repair


Figure 2-1
Predictive Maintenance Program (PdM) Diagram

Organization: The organizational structure should ensure that personnel are organized with
well-identified roles and responsibilities. Additionally, the organizational purpose and scope
should be well defined. The organization becomes the foundation for all other PdM program
elements. The proper utilization of capabilities and resources is imperative to ensure that
maintenance actions are driven by the PdM recommendations. The organizational structure
should allow for easy and methodical communication links, both verbal and written, as well as
post-maintenance activity feedback.

Communication: This PdM program element focuses on both formal and informal
communications. Without proper communications, the PdM program becomes inept and non-
functional. It is important that the PdM diagnostic result or finding be assimilated into the
maintenance flow of the plant, which is why the PdM group usually has close ties to the planning
and scheduling departments. Formal communications should be accomplished through


participation at plant level meetings, as a minimum. At these meetings, key information such as
equipment condition, testing results, availability, and recommended actions should be presented
and discussed. At most facilities, informal or personal communications is relatively easy and,
not surprisingly, an essential source of conveying detailed PdM information.

Documentation: Documentation is integrated into the maintenance workflow process to ensure

that recommendations become official and follow accepted plant work planning practice,
including feedback following repair. As such, this element is a key component to all aspects of
equipment maintenance. Initially, documentation is critical in allowing station personnel to
understand a problem and develop the planning for the necessary work. Following the work, the
documentation becomes essential in allowing personnel to assess the post-work health of the
equipment. In nuclear facilities, this could include information required to make equipment or
system operability declarations, which is necessary for regulatory compliance. Finally, from a
historical perspective, proper documentation allows for trending of known problem conditions
(e.g., the equipment problem is getting worse) and helps identify recurring problems (e.g., a
component seems to fail on average every two years).

Diagnostic Technologies: Motor predictive maintenance practices should include the use of
basic diagnostic tools such as thermography, vibration analysis, motor current signature analysis,
lube oil analysis, and stator electrical testing. Performance trending should also be applied as an
aid in helping determine changes in equipment health. Parameters such as winding temperatures,
amperages, bearing temperatures, vibration levels, etc. can be trended to enable a PdM group to
be more proactive than reactive relative to declining equipment health and impending component
failures. A description of these key basic diagnostic tools is provided below.

1. Thermography: This non-intrusive equipment is used to locate thermal ‘hot’ spots in

breaker cabinets, motor electrical connections, and equipment casings. It is also used to
locate ‘hot’ bearings, cooling design flaws, over-current conditions, low lubricant levels,
and dirt accumulation problems. In many cases, thermography can even be used to sense
fluid flow (or no flow) in piping.

2. Vibration Analysis: This diagnostic tool is used to detect bearing problems, gear defects,
misalignment, balance issues, etc. This is type of monitoring is non-intrusive, with the
exception of resonance testing. In some cases, such as proximeter probe installation,
equipment may be required to be out of service to support monitoring equipment

3. Motor Current Signature Analysis: Throughout the industry, rotor bar deterioration
accounts for roughly ten percent of motor failure modes. Typically, motors with this failure
mode are operated under conditions of varying loads and/or frequent starts. To a lesser
degree, the design of a motor can contribute to this condition. Motor current signature
analysis is one way to identify that a rotor bar deterioration condition exists. It can be also
provide indication of rotor winding problems.

4. Lubrication Analysis: This diagnostic tool can determine bearing health by analyzing both
the materials suspended in the lubricant and the lubricant itself. This testing, or sampling, is
usually performed with the equipment in service (sometimes requiring addition of the
amount of oil removed for sampling).


5. Stator Electrical Testing: Standard stator testing consists of a Polarization Index (PI),
Insulation Resistance (IR), dissipation factor, capacitance, and Hi-Pot testing, as needed.
This testing is typically performed every two years and requires the equipment to be out of
service (i.e., off-line testing).

6. Performance Trending: Trending of motor parameters should be accomplished using plant

programs that display historical and current readings. As stated above, if implemented and
utilized correctly, a good performance trending program can help a PdM organization
become more proactive than reactive, often finding negative performance trends before
failure and subsequent unavailability occurs.

Training: Training ensures that program objectives and the scope of work are obtainable, and
works to preserve present and future capabilities. It is also used to convey and reinforce the
desired high quality standards. Training is especially important in a business environment that
results in declining resources (number of workers, experience level, etc.) and technological

Maintenance & Repair: Motor maintenance includes assessing the proper mix of Preventive
Maintenance (PM), Predictive Maintenance (PdM), and Corrective Maintenance (CM) tasks. It
is important to ensure that repair activities, whether performed by an outside motor shop or in-
plant personnel, follow the expected sequence and scope. This would include the acceptance of
the work, confirmation of results, and supplied paperwork.

Progress Indicators: A Progress Indicator, as used in this application, is a measurement of the

direction in which a maintenance program element is proceeding. Indicators are composed of
the two basic groups, Leading (L) and Lagging (Lg). It is important to understand what is
represented by leading and lagging indications and how the organization and plant maintenance
as a whole is affected.

A Leading indicator is a measure of success of the foundation of the maintenance program.

While short-term success does not rely on positive trends of these indicators, long-term program
success does. A Leading Indicator, although general in nature, is fundamental to a long-term
maintenance strategy. A Lagging indicator is more indicative of measuring what the program
has actually accomplished, rather than the foundation of the program itself. The terms Leading
and Lagging are in relationship to the results of the program. A Leading indication points to
where your program can expect to be in the future, i.e., an indicator that is ahead of the results of
your program. A Lagging indication points to where your program has been, since it is an
indication of the results that your program has already produced. Typical examples of indicators
used to measure a Predictive Maintenance program are listed below. The type of indicator,
Leading or Lagging, is shown in parenthesis after each indicator.

PdM Program Improvement

• Percent planned versus percent unplanned CM (L)
• Percent PM, percent PdM, and percent CM (L)
• Return On Investment (Lg)


Reductions in Equipment Costs / Savings

• Total equipment repair costs (previous 2 years) yearly update (Lg)
• Estimate of percent total equipment repair costs to total equipment replacement costs
• Total cost benefits (avoidance) quarterly updates (Lg)

Increase in Reliability
• Total Equipment Availability (days) (Lg)
• Total Equipment Unavailability (days), including comments on impact to generation
(and, for nuclear plants, regulatory impacts) (Lg)

Use of these indicators will vary, depending on station and/or corporate needs. However, a basic
grouping of indicators will usually include the following:
• Percent planned versus percent unplanned CM
• Percent PM, percent PdM, and percent CM
• Total cost benefits (avoidance)

A more advanced grouping of indicators will include all of the above indicators, including the
percentage of equipment unavailability (days) to equipment availability (days). It is very
important that any PdM program include both leading and lagging indicators that reflect
available information and are representative of station and/or corporate goals.

Using the above Predictive Maintenance Program Diagram as a guide, the various utilities
involved in the AEMPM program were assessed for each of the program elements: organization,
communication, documentation, diagnostic techniques, training, maintenance and repair, and
progress indicators. The data obtained in the assessment provided relative levels of program
strength and weakness in each area. The results of a typical assessment would typically be
provided on an Assessment Matrix Worksheet, as shown on Table 2-1 below. The relative levels
are Good, Fair, and Poor.

It is the intent of the Assessment Matrix Worksheet to provide a visual indication of general
trends in Predictive Maintenance Programs, which could prove to be useful in helping corporate
and station personnel target areas for improvement in a PdM organization. Using the indications
shown below, with descriptions of selected elements include the following:

1. Expectations: This element is directly tied to organizational leads or management. The

goals for site organizations are focused on helping the station meet its needs, which in turn
are designed to support the corporate goals. As easily understood, a success or failure to
have clear expectations lies with the organization itself. As previously discussed, most
organizations are in a state of change. It is very important that the clarity of these
expectations and scope remain intact, however challenging this may be. Staffing, scope and
responsibility, and organizational changes in response to deregulation, mergers and


acquisitions, and fiscal concerns all offer additional challenges to organizational


2. Repair Feedback: This item is attributed to documentation and/or communication issues. A

characteristic of a typical PdM organization in today’s environment is that a significant
amount of the work is emergent and/or time critical, which many times leads to a culture
that is production oriented. This can cause the quality of post-job feedback to slip, often not
having or taking the time to detail information necessary to gain all the useful “learnings.”
In addition, the quality of post-work feedback is directly related to the vehicle used to
capture the information and allow it to be used at later date.

3. Partial Discharge (PD) and On-Line Testing: These areas of weakness fall directly in the
PdM program element of Diagnostic Technologies. Throughout the industry, PD is used
extensively on Generators, but rarely, although improving in its acceptability on motors. It
is common for organizations such as electric utilities, given their conservative nature, to be
fairly slow to respond to changes in technology. The ability to keep up with technological
advances, and to plan their assimilation into the PdM organization, are key strategic
components that management must address. Typically, very few organizations can “have it
all”, and as such, must chose the diagnostic tools that best suit their needs. The AEMPM
program goes a long way in helping make some of those decisions, since it provides
excellent exposure to utility personnel in the form of training and hands-on experience for
some of the most modern diagnostic equipment available. Since the training and operation
involves equipment from several leading vendors, the comparison of equipment capabilities
can be factored in.

4. Correlation of Corporate Goals, Correlation of Scope, Leading and Lagging Indicators,

Yearly Review, and Reporting: It is typical of utilities to be slow in the application of the
necessary indicators. This is changing, since they are required to show their worth to the
organization as a process of reorganization. In the past, it was expected that the PdM Group
would establish their value at its inception only. However, as times and circumstances have
changed, the organizations are adapting and are establishing the necessary Progress
Indicators. Until recently, PIs had not received a lot of attention in the industry, primarily
because they didn’t have to. Now, with deregulation impacting such a large part of many
utilities, the need to be or remain cost competitive is greater than ever as is the need to prove
it. To this end, it is important that organizations have the ability to self-assess both their
effectiveness and their efficiency while tracking their progress.

5. Cost Benefit (Avoidance) / Indicators: CBA is the very basic of indicators. Most PdM or
RCM programs have this indicator only. Clearly, if a program could only have one
indicator, it should be the CBA, from which the ROI is derived. But if required to have a
full justification of the program, the addition of other indicators would furnish the full
picture. First, until recently, most utilities were not required to worry about cost as much as
they do in today’s environment. Second, as organizational change has become the rule of
the day, programmatic changes are made as well. This can result in changing priorities, data
skew, and philosophical changes in direction. Part of a PdM organizational strategy should
include optimization and ensuring that any negative impact from change is minimized.


Table 2-1
Assessment Work Sheet

Organization Structure Focus/Goals Direction

Scope Equipment Monitored PM/PdM/CM Mix
Known Failure Modes
Corporate Support Plant Support Department Support
Personnel Background Disciplines
Defined Roles Defined Responsibilities Capabilities vs Tasks
Location Assessable Work Area Equipment

Communication Formal Links Meetings Schedules

Reports/Updates Corrective Actions
Cost Benefit Analysis Repair Feedback

Informal Links Interpersonal Skills Conveyance

Approachable Knowledgeable

Diagnostic Technologies Thermography Vibration Analysis Partial Discharge

Lubrication Program Stator Testing Performance Trending
Lubrication Analysis Rotor Testing - MCSA On-line Diagnostics

Maintenance/Repair PM Activities Visual Inspections Overhauls

Lubrication Changes
Outside Motor Repairs EASA / IEEE STD Acceptance
Repair Invoice/Statement
Plant Maint. Activities Alignment Balancing
Bearing Replacement Motor Purchases
Motor Storage

Documentation Corrective Action Maint. Planning Submittal Post Maint. Feedback

Repair Histories Repair Invoices/CMA/WO
Quarterly Reports Distribution List YTD Totals
Cost Benefit (Avoidance) Indicators

Training Range of Knowledge Depth of Knowledge Experience

Levels per Technologies Depth per Technology Enhancements Needed

Progress Indicators Use of Indicators Leading Indicators Lagging Indicators

Correlate w/ Corp. Goals Correlate w/ Scope Correlate w/ Capabilities
Proper Mix Yearly Review Reporting

Legend Good Fair Poor


The Assessment Spider Chart, shown below in Figure 2-2, can be used to provide graphic
indication of the data obtained in the assessment of AEMPM participants. This chart is
essentially a graphic representation of the assessment data displayed on the Assessment Matrix
Worksheet. The outer perimeter shape is indicative of ideal program results, usually termed as
‘World Class.’ The inner shape is a graphic reflection of how well each Predictive Maintenance
program element actually performed, taken as an average of the all the specific areas assessed for
that element. This chart provides the user with a quick indication of how well the program
elements are meeting the desired results and where the areas for improvement are.

Assessment Spider Chart


Figure 2-2
Assessment Spider Chart

The information provided on the Assessment Matrix Worksheet and Assessment Spider Chart
can provide immediate feedback as to where most utility PdM programs are hitting or missing
the mark. Establishing the same tools for an individual station can be a very useful tool for an
organization to assess its specific PdM program.



In general, most operations are performed in one of three manners, either skill-based, rule-based,
or in the deductive mode. Skill-based operations are so familiar and so simple that it takes little
thought and has a very small probability for error. An example of this would be driving a car or
operating a television set. Rule-based operations are less frequently performed and/or more
complex and as such, are performed with the assistance of some type of procedure. Given that
the procedure is of high enough quality, the chance for error while performing a more complex
evolution is considerably less than when being performed without the additional guidance. This
is best exemplified by the operations and maintenance activities performed each day at a
generating station. When performing in the deductive mode, things are not always that evident.
Performing complex testing or trying to figure out how to place a component in service without
some further, reliable guidance (i.e., just thinking this is right), has an amazingly high probability
for error (up to 50% by some accounts). Making rule-based decisions a very valuable guide to
those encountering problems for the first time or infrequently.

When strategizing about an AEMPM program, consideration should be given to developing a

more rule-based approach for selected, infrequent tasks. There are a number of factors
associated with maintenance and diagnostics that make this a practical and desirable tactic.
These considerations are discussed in detail below.

1. On-line testing: In the past, off-line testing of motors was the prevalent test methodology
and was performed one test at a time, with the results being fairly “black and white,” or
strongly referenced by organizations such as IEEE. A test was performed, a result
obtained, and that value compared to acceptance criteria. Subjectivity usually became a
factor only when the data was close to a limit of acceptability. With the emergence of on-
line testing as a viable tool for motor diagnostics, the associated results analysis can contain
considerable amounts of information pertaining to various aspects of equipment health. It
will be up to the personnel performing the results analysis to catch any subtleties or
variations for those cases where a failure is not present. The Controlled Motor Testing
(CMT) project results (included later in this report) clearly showed the importance of being
able to perform thorough and accurate on-line test analysis. Because of the large amount of
information available in an on-line test report, the chances of missing data or not picking up
anomalies is considerably greater than it is for off-line testing. Having rule-based guidance
in place can serve as a checklist during the analysis to help maximize efficiency and

Decision Logic Trees

2. Declining Group Experience: As previously stated, it is recognized that the experience level
in most organizations is on the decline. Even so, the organization is still expected to
function at the same level of performance (actually higher over time, at most utilities).
Procedural guidance for motor troubleshooting and analysis could help compensate for the
loss the more plant-based knowledgeable personnel, help shorten learning curve durations,
and add consistency and accuracy to the organization.

3. Less Experienced Support Personnel: At most utilities, Engineering is also trying to do

more with less. In most cases, they are not only trying to do more with less personnel, they
are trying to do more with less experience. This can result in System Engineers (or System
Managers) and their backups having considerably less experience when it comes time to
supporting station troubleshooting or planning needs. Procedural guidance can help provide
the System Engineers or Plant Engineers with the details needed to help fill in the pieces
missing due to inexperience.

4. Flexibility in Application: Use of procedural guidance does not require on-line testing to be
performed or experience levels to be in decline in order for it to provide positive results.
From a strictly global approach, this process can be used with many aspects of the predictive
maintenance program (e.g., oil analysis, off-line testing, thermographic inspection, etc.) and,
when done correctly, has the potential to provide a consistent, methodical, step-by-step
approach to troubleshooting and analysis. By implementing lessons learned during
equipment problems into this procedural guidance, organizational improvement in the areas
of troubleshooting and analysis can be programmatically assured.

Decision Logic Tree Implementation

One way to provide procedural guidance is through the use of decision logic trees. These trees
are essentially logic flow charts that implement decision-making criteria based on known
industry and component information and on experience. The flow chart provides the user with a
starting condition, prescribes the actions to be taken, the checks to be made, the choices in
results, and the next actions to be taken based on those results. The user continues to be guided
through the logic diagram until the fault is identified.

A decision logic tree can also be presented in tabular form, which provides users with a matrix of
data that identifies problems, symptoms, causes, and actions to be taken. Tabular format is
especially useful when a large amount of data is involved or multiple entries are required for
many of the categories.

Shown below are examples of decision logic tree diagrams in both flow chart and tabular form
that can be used to help guide the performance of testing and recommended follow-up actions.
A brief description of the logic diagram and associated testing information is also provided (not
included for the tabular example). It should be noted that the logic tree diagrams shown are only
typical examples to illustrate the application as a useful PdM tool. It is recommended that the
PdM organization establish decision logic trees specific to the needs of their station. These could
include, but are not limited to, such site-specific considerations as terminology,
organization/department names, specific site testing requirements, testing philosophy, and

Decision Logic Trees

acceptance criteria or action levels. Please refer to EPRI report TR-1004003 for full and detailed
information on this subject.

Capacitance to Ground Testing

1 2 3 4
Has the Capacitance to 5
Determining the cleanlines of Take baseline data ground increased since last No Less than 10% change from Return motor to service
your electric motor on motor motor test? baseline and reading is low Monitor on normal schedule
compared to similar motors


Monitor more often
Motor has an
Yes upward trend
showing a 10%-
100% change
from baseline
and the reading
is low compared
to similar motors.
Motor has an upward or
unstable trend or reading of
greater than 200% change
from baseline or is high NO
compared to other similar
Schedule cleaning ; monitor more
8 often to better define trends

Motor has an upward
trend showing a
Yes 100% - 200% change
11from baseline or is in
midrange compared
11 No
to similar motors.
Correlate with resistance to ground ;
perform insulation system physical

Figure 3-1
Capacitance to Ground Testing Logic Diagram

Capacitance indicates the amount of material buildup on the windings in AC and DC motors.
Capacitance levels are influenced by various factors so a diagnosis from a single reading is not
feasible. Trending motor readings over time, or comparing the readings of similar motors in the
same environment, usually provides the most reliable information. Problems capacitance testing
can indicate include dirt and contamination buildup, loose windings, and overheated insulation.
Refer to Figure 3-1 above for the following detailed description.

Box 1: The reason to take trending data on AC/DC motors is to aid in helping determine the
health and cleanliness of the motor. As dirt and other contaminants build up, a change in
capacitance will occur. Capacitance can also change, usually down, as insulation becomes
overheated and begins to deteriorate.

Box 2: On a new motor (or an older motor with no data history), the first thing that needs to be
done is to take baseline data. This will provide a starting place for the motor to be trended over
time. This same box represents data collection for a motor that has already been trended for

Decision Logic Trees

some period of time. Since thermal degradation can result in a capacitance change of as little as
1%, a capacitance bridge is used to collect the data since most other capacitance measuring
devices do not have the required accuracy.

Box 3: If baseline data was obtained in Box 2, this box will be more useful during subsequent
testing after a period of time (i.e., trending), however, a comparison of similar motors can still be
used if the health of the motor is in question. If trending is already being performed, the data
obtained in Box 2 can be compared to previous data to help evaluate the cleanliness of the motor
or provide additional information that could be helpful during problem troubleshooting. A
nominal 10% change from baseline reading makes a good threshold value.

Box 4: If capacitance change is within limits and comparable to similar motors, as applicable,
than there is no immediate indication of a problem.

Box 5: With the results of the testing okay, the motor is cleared for return to service.
Monitoring should continue at the normally scheduled frequency.

Box 6: This step is used to determine how much the capacitance has changed and evaluate how
the capacitance value compares to other similar motors. If the motor is showing an upward trend
of 10% - 100% change from baseline and the reading is low compared to similar motors, there is
reason to place the motor on an increased-frequency monitoring program.

Box 7: The result of the testing is to monitor more often. This allows the motor to be placed
back in service after programmatic measures have been taken to ensure monitoring will occur at
a frequency often enough to detect further degradation.

Box 8: This step is only arrived at because there is concern with either the change in trend or the
capacitance value compared to other similar motors. If the upward trend shows a 100 - 200%
change from the baseline or the capacitance reading is in midrange compared to similar motors,
the motor can be placed back in service, however, there is an immediate need for additional
action to be taken.

Box 9: Based on a 100 - 200% change and a midrange comparison reading, the motor may be
placed back in service but should have increased monitoring and better defined trending limits
established. In addition, a cleaning of the motor should be scheduled for the first available

Box 10: This step looks for the undesirable combination of a high change in upward trend (100 -
200%) and a measured value that is high compared to other similar motors.

Box 11: When the undesirable conditions of Box 10 are identified, additional testing should be
performed prior to returning the equipment to service. This testing should include at least
resistance to ground measurements and a physical inspection of the motor.

Decision Logic Trees

Dissipation / Power Factor Testing

DF < .5% for Epoxy 3
Dissipation or Yes Is this the first time Yes Record Test
DF < 3% for Asphaltic
Power factor the equipment was tested data for trend

No No Consider
4 5 Testing
No significant
Does Motor have Yes Yes
change from previous
grading paint
Return to Service
7 Is
Yes Insulation considered
Go to Resistance/PI
to be clean
and dry

Clean and dry
insulation and
test again

Figure 3-2
Dissipation/Power Factor Testing Logic Diagram

The Dissipation/Power Factor test is used to provide information concerning the possibility of a
change in insulation condition. Basically, the test setup places an AC voltage between the
insulation conductor and ground to measure the phase angle of the resistive current and reactive
current in relation to each other. The maximum test voltage level is limited to a value below the
normal line to neutral voltage of the machine.

The theory is that changes in the ratios of these two currents will signal a change in insulation
condition. References indicate that good Epoxy-mica insulation will register dissipation factors
of 0.5% or less and good asphaltic insulation will be found to be less than 3%.

This test is typically only used in conjunction with trending and monitoring to identify if
additional testing may be required. Since poor insulation readings can be the result of either
damaged insulation or insulation that is dirty or contaminated, bad test results will initially
require the insulation to be cleaned and dried. The test can then be repeated and a determination
made as to the cause of the unsatisfactory readings. If the test results are still bad, a
determination must be made as to how bad the insulation is and how long will it be before it

Decision Logic Trees

becomes unserviceable. This information can only be obtained from additional tests and
experience with similar conditions.

It is preferred to isolate each winding for test when possible to improve the sensitivity of the test.
It should also be noted that grading paint, which is normally found on 6.6kV and higher voltage
motors, will normally dominate the tip-up effect and void the test results. Refer to Figure 3-2
above for the following detailed description.

Box 1: If the dissipation/power factor reading is less than 0.5% for epoxy insulation or less than
3% for asphaltic insulation, it is normally considered in good condition. If the readings are not
less than the expected amount, additional actions are required to understand why.

Box 2: If this is the first time a power factor test is done and it is within the acceptable ranges,
the data should be recorded as baseline, along with the test conditions (e.g., ambient and winding
temperatures, relative humidity, etc.), for future use in trending. If existing test data is available,
the reading can be compared to it for indications of significant changes.

Box 3: The recorded data can be compared to any existing data to identify significant changes
that could indicate an insulation concern in the motor. If no previous data is available, the
readings should be documented to become the new baseline for future testing.

Box 4: A motor with grading paint will often provide indications of high losses and false
indications of bad insulation condition. As such, the established acceptance criteria (0.5% and
3%) cannot be considered valid. This box determines the appropriate actions to be taken for
excessively high readings, based on if the motor has grading paint.

Box 5: This step ensures that the test reading is compared to any previous data that there is for
that motor, and can be arrived at two different ways. The first way is if the readings were
satisfactory (i.e., <0.5% or <3%) and there was previous data on that motor. This ensures the
new reading is compared to the trending data to identify any significant changes, even though the
dissipation factors may have been okay. The second way this step is reached is if the motor has
grading paint. As previously discussed, the presence of grading paint makes the acceptance
criteria invalid, which leaves a comparison to previous test data as the best means to identify a

Box 6: The primary cause for bad dissipation/power factor readings is contamination. If the
indications are bad, the first step is to ensure that the insulation under test is clean and dry. Once
it is verified to be clean and dry, additional testing is required to determine the overall condition
of the insulation.

Box 7: Ground Resistance and PI testing need to be performed to assist in making a

determination of the insulation condition.

Box 8: This step is reached when the motor is identified to be dirty or contaminated with oil or
moisture. When cleaning the insulation, care should be taken not to overheat the insulation
anytime it is being dried. In addition, only approved cleaning materials should be used.

Decision Logic Trees

Box 9: If there are no significant changes from the previous testing, the insulation should be
considered to be in the same condition as when previously tested. However, if there is any
concern with the condition of the insulation, it is recommended that a Dissipation/Power Factor
Tip-Up test should be considered, along with standard ground resistance and PI testing, to
provide additional data that may be helpful in determining the service condition of the insulation.
As previously stated above, graded paint can dominate the tip-up effect and void the test results.

Box 10: If all the indications are good and data is recorded, the machine should be returned to

Oil Sample Analysis Testing

Table 3-1 is a typical application of a decision logic tree diagram presented in tabular form. In
this manner, a considerable amount of information and options can be presented in a concise and
condensed manner. In addition, tabular form makes it easy for the user to get a full picture of the

Decision Logic Trees

Table 3-1
Oil Sample Analysis Testing and Fault Table

Problem Symptoms Causes Verification Solutions

Oxidation •Dark Center Blotter (B) •Tim e •RBOT – short lifetim e •Change oil
•Dark Color (V) •Elevated tem perature •FTIR – Spectrum ∆ •Investigate tem p
•Burnt Odor (O) •Metallic contamination •Investigate wear
•Increased Acid (Tan) •Air contamination •Add defoam ant
•Increased viscosity (Vis) •Metallic wear •Investigate m etallic cont.
•Additive depletion (SC) •Additive depletion •Investigate general cont.
Sheer Breakdown •Blotter? •High stress app. •FTIR – ∆ from new oil •Use multigrade oil
•Decreased viscosity (Vis) •Tim e •Change oil
W rong oil / W rong •Off color (V) •Hum an error •FTIR – Spectrum ∆ •Change oil
addition •Viscosity ∆ •Manufacturer error •Question personnel •Train personnel
•Additive package ∆ •Manufacturer change •Investigate maintenance, •Evaluate use
•Acid ∆ (Tan) records
•Question vendor
W ater •Milky (V) •Leaking seals •Karl Fisher - > New oil •Inspect / repair seals
Contam ination •Standing water (V) •Contaminated source •FTIR – Spectrum ∆ •Inspect / repair breathers
•W ater blotter (B) •Breather intrusion •Investigate component •Stop dousing com ponent
•Viscosity ∆ (Vis) – depends on lab. •Com ponent washing washing storage
•Positive crackle •W eather •Check seals •Ensure proper source
•Increased Na (SC) •Leaking oil cooler •Verify SW System •Inspect / repair coolers
•Check fill source
Dirt cont. •Visual – severe cases (V) •Faulty breather •FTIR – spectrum ∆ •Inspect / repair seals
•Blotter – severe cases (B) •No breather •Question personnel •Inspect / repair breather
•High silicon (SC) •Bad shaft / m otor seals •Sam ple source oil •Change oil / flush reservoir
•High aluminum (SC) •Contaminated source •Improve housekeeping
•High particle count (PC) •Poor FME during repair •Ensure proper source storage
•High TDS (TS)



The AEMPM group recognized the technological advances that have been made and the impact
that on-line testing can have on a PdM organization. It was also recognized that it was unlikely
that each station would need or want the same test equipment, since program needs would differ
from station to station.

In order to provide each participant an opportunity to learn the available equipment, experience
its capabilities hands-on, and better select the equipment best suited for their station, the
Controlled Motor Testing (CMT) project was undertaken. The Controlled Motor Testing took
place at the PSE&G Central Maintenance Facility Motor Shop and involved four motors donated
by participating utilities. The premise of the CMT was to insert faults into the motors under test
and utilize the latest on-line and off-line diagnostic test equipment to attempt to diagnose the
induced faults. In addition, some of the donated test motors already had faults (e.g., broken rotor
bars, etc.) present. It was expected that the CMT would provide the following benefits:

1. Better understanding of the capabilities of the latest diagnostic test equipment available from
the different vendors.

2. Provide training and hands on experience for the latest technological equipment available.
This will help station personnel better select the equipment best suited for their station.

3. Improve the knowledge of the participants in the area of electric motor faults by performing
the fault simulation and subsequent testing and analysis.

The CMT project involved the participants deciding on which faults were to be inserted,
simulation methodology, preparation of the motors and equipment to support the testing (this
included rewinding, conditioning/thermal aging, and pre-CMT testing off-line diagnostics), the
CMT testing itself, and post-testing analysis (including coil dissection).

CMT Summary


During the week of June 2, 2002, the EPRI AEMPM Project conducted testing in a controlled
manner by inducing selected faults into four motors. The types of faults to be introduced were
selected by the project participants, based on the needs and experience of the associated utilities.

Controlled Motor Testing

The four motors used for the testing were donated by the utilities to support this testing. The
types of motors used were as follows: one 480V, one 2.3kV, and two 4kV motors. Testing was
divided into two major components, on-line/off-line monitoring and Partial Discharge (PD). All
motor testing and preparations performed to support the testing were performed at the PSE&G
Control Maintenance Shop. Test data from current and voltage sensors were digitally recorded
thanks to Texas A&M.


The purpose of the Controlled Motor Testing (CMT) is to enable the project participants to
become familiar with the latest motor diagnostic equipment, and to increase their knowledge and
understanding of the equipment functions and capabilities. This was best accomplished by
testing motors with known faults in a controlled environment, and applying the participant’s
training and career experiences to determine which diagnostic equipment will best suit their
needs, based on the faults encountered at their facilities.


A listing of the utilities, vendors, and individual participants involved in the CMT is provided

Utilities Involved:
• AmerenCIPS
• AmerenUE
• Baltimore Gas & Electric (Calvert Cliffs) – Constellation Energy
• City Public Service of San Antonio
• Dynegy Midwest Generation
• Exelon
• Kansas City Power & Light
• Niagara Mohawk (Nine Mile Point) – Constellation Energy

Vendors Involved:
• Adwel International
• Baker Instruments
• BJM Corporation
• Framatome ANP

Controlled Motor Testing

• Iris Power Engineering

• PdMA Corporation

Participants Involved:
• Brian Baldwin Dynegy Midwest Generation
• Rob Bartsch Constellation Energy – Calvert Cliffs
• Rick Ghaul PSEG
• John Groze PSEG
• Lyle Manhier PSEG
• Kent Ohlendorf AmerenUE
• Jeff Poor Constellation Energy – Nine Mile Point
• Victor Sacket Constellation Energy – Calvert Cliffs
• Ron Watson Constellation Energy – Nine Mile Point
• George Yeboah Kansas City Power & Light
• Roman Zulak Exelon

PSE&G Central Maintenance Facility Motor Shop

• Cliff Both
• Carmen Butera
• Frank Lemongello
• Bob Rucker
• Michael Madden

Controlled Motor Testing

Motor Nameplate Specifications

Motor 1

Manufacturer: Allis Chalmers

Rated Voltage: 460 Nameplate Current: 162A

Rated HP: 150 Number of Rotor Bars: Unavailable

Winding Type: Random Wound Number of Stator Slots: Unavailable

Phases: 3 Hertz: 60

RPM: 1788 Motor Type: Induction

SF: N/A Insulation Class: F

Poles: 4 Bearing Type: Sleeve

Enclosure: TEFC

Motor 2

Manufacturer: General Electric

Rated Voltage: 2200 Nameplate Current: 163

Rated HP: Unavailable Number of Rotor Bars: 102

Winding Type: Form Wound Number of Stator Slots: 120

Phases: 3 Hertz: 60

RPM: 890 Motor Type: Induction

SF: N/A Insulation Class: Unavailable

Poles: 8 Bearing Type: Sleeve

Enclosure: Open Drip Proof

Controlled Motor Testing

Motor 3

Manufacturer: Allis Chalmers

Rated Voltage: 4000 Nameplate Current: 38.4

Rated HP: 300 Number of Rotor Bars: 56

Winding Type: Form Wound Number of Stator Slots: 72

Phases: 3 Hertz: 60

RPM: 1770 Motor Type: Induction

SF: N/A Insulation Class: F

Poles: 4 Bearing Type: Sleeve

Enclosure: Open

Motor 4

Manufacturer: Allis Chalmers

Rated Voltage: 4000 Nameplate Current: 38.4

Rated HP: 300 Number of Rotor Bars: 56

Winding Type: Form Wound Number of Stator Slots: 72

Phases: 3 Hertz: 60

RPM: 1770 Motor Type: Induction

SF: N/A Insulation Class: F

Poles: 4 Bearing Type: Sleeve

Enclosure: Open

Controlled Motor Testing

CMT Objectives

The objectives of Controlled Motor Testing (CMT) were as follows:

• Evaluate on-line test equipment by inducing common electrical and mechanical faults in
electrical motors and troubleshooting the faults.
• Determine to what extent Partial Discharge (PD) test equipment is capable of detecting
winding faults in 4kV motors.
• Correlate on-line technologies versus off-line test equipment for effectively locating and
detecting winding faults.
• Gather raw data from motor tests for future equipment evaluation.
• Improve participant knowledge and understanding of available motor diagnostic equipment
and its functions and capabilities, to better assess potential implementation into the
associated site predictive maintenance program.

Fault Introduction

Two low voltage (480V and 2.3kV) motors and two medium voltage (4kV) motors were donated
from the participating utilities. The motors were inspected and refurbished at the PSEG Central
Maintenance Facility Motor Shop. The following tasks were performed on each motor prior to
the test date:
• Disassemble motor and inspect
• Clean all components if required
• Repair any defects
• Replace bearings if required
• Re-varnish the stator
• Balance rotor if required
• Perform the electrical testing listed below to ensure motor is satisfactory for testing
– Insulation Resistance test
– Polarization Index (PI) test
– Winding resistance
– Surge test

For on-line and off-line testing, baseline data was obtained during the CMT prior to fault
introduction. On-line baseline testing was performed with the motor loaded. Baseline PD
readings were obtained with the motor loaded at least three months prior to the CMT test date to
allow for adequate time to create and install the desired PD anomalies for fault introduction

Controlled Motor Testing

A glossary of the faults that were introduced into the motors is provided below, along with a
description of how the faults were assimilated into the testing.

High Resistance in Motor Leads:

A resistor was installed in series on one motor lead in the motor junction box. This was
used to simulate a loose motor lead or high resistance in a motor starter. Use of different
value resistors allowed for varying the severity of the fault, thereby allowing for a more
comprehensive diagnostic equipment evaluation. Resistors utilized were prepared and
staged prior to the testing.

Low Resistance to Ground:

A conductor and termination was installed on one motor lead in the junction box. A resistor
was then connected between the termination and ground after the initial (baseline) testing.
This simulated a fault in the slot of the motor.

Turn-to-Turn Fault:

After motor refurbishment, terminations were installed in series with the magnet wire on the
end turns. In this configuration, the motor was wired correctly to obtain motor baseline
data, and later rewired to simulate a turn-to-turn fault.

Eccentric Air Gap:

The air gap of the motor was measured and an eccentric air gap simulated by shimming a
bushing off center (10% of radial air gap). A replacement outboard bearing with an
undersized OD was purchased to accommodate the bushing.

Dirty Motor:

Grease with carbon dust was used to contaminate the motor end arms. The contaminated
grease motor applied to the end turns following baseline data testing.

Broken Rotor Bar:

Two rotor bars were cut to simulate broken rotor bars.

Thermal Aging:

A select few coils within a phase group were isolated with a DC power supply installed to
induce circulating currents. Coil temperatures were maintained at 200 deg C for
approximately 2 months to de-laminate the ground wall insulation. An off-line PD test was
conducted at two-week intervals to monitor the progress of degradation.

Controlled Motor Testing

End Winding Discharges:

A conductive material was applied to the end windings between several adjacent coils from
two different phase groups to induce high potential discharges.

Ground Wall Voids:

Stator winding ground wall insulation voids were created by drilling holes axially along the
stator winding insulation in several locations on a few coils. The holes were then covered
with an epoxy resin and mica tape to prevent immediate ground faults. The selected coils
were line-end coils for a specific winding phase.

Slot Discharges:

Slot discharges were created by loosening several coils within the same phase group. The
coils were loosened by removing slot wedges and filler materials, and by breaking free the
blocking and bracing ties from adjacent coils (optional).

Equipment Used

Listed below is the diagnostic test equipment used for baseline and fault detection during the on-
line, off-line, and Partial Discharge testing.
• Baker, Explorer (Refer to Figure 4-1)
• PdMA, EMAX (Refer to Figure 4-2)
• Framatome, EMPATH (Refer to Figure 4-3)
• Baker, AWA (Refer to Figure 4-4)
• PdMA, MCE (Refer to Figure 4-5)
• BJM, All-Test IV Pro (Refer to Figure 4-6)

Partial Discharge Testing Equipment

• IRIS, TGA-B Lite with 80pf couplers, three total (Refer to Figure 4-7)
• ADWEL, PDA Premium with 500pf couplers, three total (Refer to Figure 4-8)

Controlled Motor Testing

Figure 4-1
Baker On-line Test Device

Controlled Motor Testing

Figure 4-2
PdMA EMAX On-Line Test Device

Controlled Motor Testing

Figure 4-3
Framatome EMPATH On-Line Test Device

Controlled Motor Testing

Figure 4-4
Baker AWA Off-Line Test Device

Controlled Motor Testing

Figure 4-5
PdMA MCE Off-Line Test Device

Controlled Motor Testing

Figure 4-6
BJM All-Test Pro Off-Line Test Device BJM All-Test III (Foreground). All-Test Pro (rear)

Controlled Motor Testing

Figure 4-7
IRIS TGA-B Lite Partial Discharge Test Device

Controlled Motor Testing

Figure 4-8
ADWEL PDA Premium Discharge Test Device

Testing Outline

An outline of the testing performed on Days 1 through 4 of the CMT is provided below. A more
detailed schedule of the activities is provided in table 4-1, Controlled Motor Testing Schedule,
along with a summary of the faults introduced on each motor.

Controlled Motor Testing

Motor Testing Day 1

Motor 1: 460V, 150hp

• Motor disassembled, inspected, and tested prior to controlled motor testing.
• Terminations are installed in magnet wire on end turns to induce turn-to-turn fault.
• Termination run out of motor junction box for resistor application in simulating high motor
lead resistance and low resistance to ground faults.

Materials staged
• Selected resistors prepared.

Test Sequence
• Off-line testing performed with no faults to obtain baseline data.
• On-line testing performed at 50% and 100% load with no faults to obtain baseline data.
• Install resistor in series with motor lead to simulate a high motor lead resistance fault.
• On-line testing (with fault) performed at 50% and 100% loads.
• Install resistor on motor lead to ground to simulate low resistance to ground fault.
• On-line testing (with fault) performed at 50% load.
• Induce turn-to-turn fault.
• Perform off-line testing for turn-to-turn fault.
• Perform on-line testing at 50% and 100% load to test for turn-to-turn fault.

Controlled Motor Testing

Motor Testing Day 2

Motor 2: 2.3kV

• Motor disassembled, inspected, and tested prior to controlled motor testing.
• Count number of rotor bars.
• Prepare bearings for testing.
• Measure air gap.

Materials Staged
• Shims/spacers installed for inducing eccentric fault condition.
• Hand tools for pulling motor end bell.
• Grease with carbon dust mixed in.

Test Sequence
• Off-line testing performed to obtain baseline data.
• On-line testing performed at 50% and 100% loads with no faults to obtain baseline data.
• Induce eccentric fault.
• On line test performed at 50% and 100% load with eccentric fault.
• Remove outboard end bell. Put contaminated grease on end turns to simulate a dirty motor
with low insulation resistance and cut rotor bars to simulate broken rotor bars.
• Perform off-line test for dirty motor.
• Perform on-line test for broken rotor bars and contaminated windings.

Controlled Motor Testing

Motor Testing Day 3

Motor 3: 4kV, 300 hp

• Motor disassembled, inspected, and tested prior to controlled motor testing.
• PD baseline testing performed.
• Motor subjected to accelerated aging process prior to motor testing within one phase group
• Stator RTD’s installed.

Materials Staged
• Hand tools for end bell removal.
• Three 80 pF Iris EMC bus couplers and termination box.
• Three 500 pF Adwel bus couplers and termination box.
• Motor heaters to elevate motor temperature.

Test Sequence

PD testing was performed under the following conditions:

• Run at 50% load until motor temperature is stable (up to one hour).
• Run at 100% load until motor temperature is stable (up to one hour).
• Run at 100% load until motor temperature is stable with heaters elevating the temperature
(up to one hour).
• Run at 50% load until motor temperature is stable with heaters elevating the temperature (up
to one hour).
• Off-line test performed to detect coil damage (motor to be tested to failure).

Post Testing
• Cut out several samples of coils from aged group and control group for analysis.
• Cut out samples of coils from failed area for analysis.

Controlled Motor Testing

Motor Testing Day 4

Motor 4: 4kV motor, 300 hp

• Motor disassembled, inspected, and tested prior to controlled motor testing.
• PD baseline testing performed.
• Ground wall voids installed prior to testing in one phase group (C).
• End winding faults installed prior to testing in another phase group (A and C).
• RTD’s installed.

Materials Staged
• Three 80 pF Iris EMC bus couplers and termination box.
• Three 500 pF Adwel bus couplers and termination box.
• Hand tools for end bell removal.
• Motor heaters to elevate motor temperature.

Test Sequence

PD testing was performed under the following conditions:

• Run at 50% load until motor temperature is stable (up to one hour).
• Run at 100% load until motor temperature is stable (up to one hour).
• Run at 100% load until motor temperature is stable with heaters elevating the temperature
(up to one hour).
• Run at 50% load until motor temperature is stable with heaters elevating the temperature (up
to one hour).
• Off-line test performed to detect coil damage (motor to be tested to failure).

Post Testing
• Cut out several samples of coils from end winding fault and control group for analysis.
• Cut out samples of coils from failed area for analysis.

Controlled Motor Testing

Table 4-1
Controlled Motor Testing Schedule


Pre-test meeting. Job assignments, Plan review,
8-10 Test motor with no faults. Off line/On line [motor 1]

10-12 On Line Testing - high resistance motor leads

480Volt [motor 1]
1230- On Line Testing - low resistance to ground
1430 480 Volt [motor 1]
15-16 Off Line Testing - Turn to turn fault
480 Volt [motor 1] [*optional]
16-18 On Line Testing - turn to turn fault
480 Volt [motor 1]
7-730 Pre test brief
730 - Test motor with no faults
0930 2.3 KV motor [motor 2]
On Line Testing - eccentric air gap
2.3KV [motor 2]
1300- Off Line Testing - Dirty motor
1500 2.3KV [motor 2] [*optional]
1500- On Line Testing - broken rotor bar
1700 2.3KV [motor 2]
7-730 Pre test brief
730- PD Testing - thermal aging
1200 4KV [motor 3]
1300- Off line Testing - thermal aging
1500 4KV [motor 3]
7-730 Pre test brief
730- PD Testing - end arm and ground wall voids
1200 4KV [motor 4]
1300- Off Line Testing - end arm and ground wall
15:00 4 KV [motor 4]
1500- Complete testing and debrief

Control Panel and Dynamometer

Testing was performed at the PSEG Central Maintenance Facility Motor Shop. The control
panel utilized was an American High Voltage Test System, an AC/DC motor test set, Model
Number MTS750SCR-300D, designed to provide complete testing capabilities for electric
motors. All necessary power supplies and controls are housed in a common steel cubicle
provided with output terminations. The test system has three outputs as follows:

Controlled Motor Testing

1. A three-phase AC supply with 7 voltage taps up to 4160 volts. The output voltage is
variable from zero to maximum voltage for each tap voltage. Single-phase output can be
achieved by using any two of the three phases.

2. A DC armature supply of 400 amps, variable from 0 to 750 volts DC, for independent
excitation of DC armature circuits.

3. A DC field supply of 40 amps, variable from 0 to 750 volts DC, for independent excitation
of DC motor shunt field circuits.

Instrumentation metering is provided for all power supplies to provide definitive indication of
voltage and current for the total range of the test set.

The dynamometer is a Hydraulic-Hydrokinetic Designed, model AW 20,000E. This design

incorporates a vortex cup design, providing high torque as low as 200 RPM. A dynamically
balanced, cavitation resistant, rotor assembly allows high speed testing to be performed on two-
pole, 3600 RPM, electric motors.

Pictures of the control panel and dynamometer are provided below in figures 4-9 and 4-10.

Figure 4-9
Control Panel

Controlled Motor Testing

Figure 4-10

Motor Fault Summary

Motor 1 (480V) Faults Induced:

• High resistance motor leads
• Motor starter high resistance
• Low resistance to ground
• Turn-to-turn

Motor 2 (2.3kV) Faults Induced:

• Eccentric air gap
• Broken rotor bar
• Dirty motor/Contaminated windings

Motor 3 (4kV) Faults Induced:

• Thermal aging
• Broken rotor bars (pre-existing fault)

Controlled Motor Testing

Motor 4 (4kV) Faults Induced:

• Endwinding contamination
• Ground wall voids

Detailed Motor Testing Summary

Motor 1 Test Summary

Common electrical faults were introduced into this 480V motor to become familiar with the use
and capabilities of on-line testing diagnostic equipment and to provide correlation between on-
line and off-line fault testing. The test sequence for Motor 1 is as follows:
• Off-line testing performed with no faults to obtain baseline data.
• On-line testing performed at 50% and 100% load with no faults to obtain baseline data.
• Install resistor in series with motor lead to simulate a high motor lead resistance fault.
• On-line testing (with fault) performed at 50% and 100% loads.
• Install resistor on motor lead to ground to simulate low resistance to ground fault.
• On-line testing (with fault) performed at 50% load.
• Induce turn-to-turn fault.
• Perform off-line testing for turn-to-turn fault.
• Perform on-line testing at 50% and 100% load to test for turn-to-turn fault.

On-line Testing

High Resistance in Motor Leads Fault


A poor connection in the motor junction box is a common electrical fault that results in a failed
motor. Typically, this is caused by a poor crimp or loose bolting, and creates a high resistance at
the point of connection. The current is higher in the faulty lead, which produces heat that
eventually fails the connection or lead. This can cause single phasing in the motor and results in
a breaker trip.

Refer to Figure 4-11. For testing, this type of fault was simulated by placing a resistance in
series with one motor lead. This simulation was performed twice, once using a 0.012 ohms
resistor and once with a 0.633 ohms resistor. The selection of 0.633 ohms was based on
operating the diagnostic equipment with a typical faulted connection impedance, while the use of
0.012 ohms was to provide the equipment an opportunity to detect a minor fault that would

Controlled Motor Testing

normally be very difficult to find. Winding leads are brought out from the casing of the motor in
order to facilitate testing.

Figure 4-11
Motor 1 Testing Layout


When the higher resistance of 0.633 ohms was placed in series with the motor lead, all three
pieces of test equipment readily detected the fault. When the 0.012 ohms resistor was used, the
current imbalance was too low to be detected by all three pieces of equipment at both 50% and
100% load. Test personnel did note a high harmonic distortion with Diagnostic Equipment C,
which was created by the motor power supply. Diagnostic Equipment C noted the high
harmonic distortion throughout the Motor 1 testing.


Higher resistance imbalances were readily detected. However, a minor resistance imbalance due
to a poor motor connection is difficult for on-line test equipment to detect. Standard off-line
resistance testing should still be relied on for fault detection at very low resistance levels. On-
line diagnostics still shows promise in its ability to detect this type of fault before motor failure
occurs if testing and trending is consistently performed.

Controlled Motor Testing

Low Resistance to Ground Fault


Movement of the winding in the slot, damaged insulation, or excessive heat can cause a
breakdown in the ground wall insulation. As the resistance to ground decreases, more heat is
generated until the motor eventually fails. Standard off-line Insulation Resistance (IR) testing is
readily used to detect this type of fault.

To simulate a low resistance to ground, a 5M ohms resistor was connected between one motor
lead and ground. This resistance value was chosen to ensure the diagnostic equipment would be
challenged to detect a value that might be found in a plant environment, while still affording the
degree of personnel safety required for testing.


This on-line test was performed with the motor at 50% load. During testing, the leakage current
in the test phase was found to be less than 100 microamperes, a value too low for on-line
detection. The original test plan had this testing performed at 100% load, as well, but the full
load test run was not performed since the leakage current was not large enough to detect.


On-line diagnostic testing with less than 100 microamperes leakage did not show any
abnormality that would allow the test results to be questioned. As suspected, on-line motor
testing did not detect a low resistance to ground condition that results in very low leakage
currents. However, detection is expected with larger leakage currents. Therefore, with trending,
the fault should be detectable over time as the fault develops.

Turn-to-Turn Fault


Turn-to-turn faults progress rapidly and typically the motor fails prior to off-line testing being
able to locate the problem. On-line testing was performed at 50% and 100% load to determine if
the technology could be useful in locating faults typically reserved for off-line Surge testing.

This testing was performed twice, once with a 0.633 ohms resistor installed between turns and
once with a short circuit installed between turns. The 0.633 ohms resistance value was selected
to test the diagnostic equipment at a value that if detection were possible, might allow for
removal of the motor from service before failure occurs. A side benefit to using 0.633 ohms was
that the resistor was available from the motor lead resistance testing previously performed. The
short circuit testing was performed last in the event that the fault resulted in the failure of the
motor. The turn-to-turn (low resistance and short circuit) faults were installed in the third turn.

Controlled Motor Testing


With the 0.633 ohms resistor simulating the turn-to-turns fault, none of the diagnostic equipment
directly detected the fault, however, each did detect inconsistencies or anomalies that could raise
questions as to the test results. The (0.633 ohm) test results for each piece of diagnostic
equipment are provided below.

1. Diagnostic Equipment A: Detected a “motor pattern difference” of 120% from previous

tests during the 50% load testing.

2. Diagnostic Equipment B: Detected a voltage imbalance at 50% load.

3. Diagnostic Equipment C: Detected a power factor difference at 50% load.

When the short circuit failure was installed, motor failure occurred almost immediately, thereby
precluding use of the test equipment for data gathering. This was thought to be a possible result
and one planned for in the testing sequence.


The fault was not specifically found, however, the test results indicated various indeterminate
problems that could provide the utility with insight that additional testing may be required. As
such, it is recommended that when similar inconclusive test results are obtained, the problem be
investigated further. In this manner, more conclusive off-line testing can be utilized to augment
on-line results.

Off-line Testing

Turn-to-Turn Fault


Off line testing was performed to determine if 0.633 ohms resistance between turns was
sufficient to be recognized as a credible flaw in the insulation. This testing was performed prior
to the on-line tests.


The results of the testing are provided below for each of the three types of test equipment.

1. Diagnostic Equipment D: During the Hi Pot testing, the first test tripped on over-current.
Other subsequent surge testing was then performed using various configurations. Test
personnel did see indications of a problem in the surge testing data, however, it should be
noted that the ability to detect these indications is directly related to the experience and
training of the personnel performing and reviewing the testing.

Controlled Motor Testing

2. Diagnostic Equipment B: This equipment indicated a difference in the phase-to-phase

resistance, as noted during the data review.

3. Diagnostic Equipment E: This equipment indicated a difference in the phase-to-phase



The first two turns of a winding are the most likely to fail surge type testing. The fault installed
in the third turn would be less common, and considered more difficult to detect. It is commonly
accepted that surge testing might not be useful in detecting turn-to-turn faults that are deeper
than the first two turns, however, in this case, it was directly detected. Refer to the “Detailed
Motor Surge Testing Summary” section of this report for information concerning additional
surge testing that was performed. In addition, the other equipment did note that an abnormality

Motor 2 Test Summary

Mechanical faults were introduced into this 2.3kV motor to determine the effectiveness of the
diagnostic test equipment in detecting similar faults while the equipment is in service. As with
Motor 1, both on-line and off-line testing was performed. The test sequence for Motor 2 is
provided below.
• Off-line testing performed to obtain baseline data.
• On-line testing performed at 50% and 100% load with no faults to obtain baseline data.
• Induce eccentric fault.
• On line test performed at 50% and 100% load with eccentric fault.
• Remove outboard end bell. Put contaminated grease on end turns to simulate a dirty motor
with low insulation resistance and cut rotor bars to simulate broken rotor bars.
• Perform off-line test for dirty motor.
• Perform on-line test for broken rotor bars and contaminated windings.

Controlled Motor Testing

Figure 4-12
Motor 2 Test Setup

On-line Testing

Eccentric Air Gap Fault


Worn bearings, bearing support problems, or alignment problems can create an eccentric
condition in the air gap causing motor performance problems. The bearing housings for the test
motor were approximately 13 mils lower than true center. The tests were performed with the
eccentric condition and then the bearings were shimmed to correct the condition for subsequent


Testing with the eccentric air gap was performed at 50% and at 100% load. Although the results
for each of the three pieces of diagnostic test equipment were different, each did provide some
indication of an abnormality. The results of the testing for each type of monitoring equipment
are provided below.

Controlled Motor Testing

1. Diagnostic Equipment A: While a fault was not directly detected, inconsistencies were
noted in side band amplitude during data review.

2. Diagnostic Equipment B: This equipment did not directly detect a motor problem during
testing, but there was an indication of eccentricity identified during data review.

3. Diagnostic Equipment C: This equipment detected a “static eccentric problem” during



An eccentric air gap condition is capable of being detected by the on-line test equipment,
depending on the severity. During the test, the motor test programs were not restrictive enough
for all three types of equipment to detect the fault in the same manner, however, each type
provided indication of the fault through inconsistencies noted during data review.

Broken Rotor Bars Fault


The test motor had 102 rotor bars and 2 bars were cut to simulate broken rotor bars. The motor
was then tested with the broken rotor bars at 50% and 100% load.

Figure 4-13
Broken Rotor Bars (Typical)

Controlled Motor Testing


It was unknown if the diagnostic equipment could detect this motor problem since such a small
percentage of bars were broken. The results of the testing for each type of monitoring equipment
are provided below.

1. Diagnostic Equipment A: This motor program indicated a “rotor bars questionable”

condition at lower resolution and raised operational concerns at 50% load.

2. Diagnostic Equipment B: This equipment indicated a problem with the power factor at 50%
load. At 100% load, the motor program detected a “Motor Condition Yellow.”

3. Diagnostic Equipment C: This equipment provided indication of broken rotor bars during
the test data review.


With less than 2% of the total number of motor rotor bars faulted, the efficiency of the motor
was not greatly affected. The CMT indicates that as the percentage of broken rotor bars goes
down, the probability of the test equipment directly detecting the fault goes down, as well.
Likewise, the CMT shows that the equipment will identify related inconsistencies that can allow
the test results to be questioned. As with most of the other testing, the effectiveness of the on-
line testing will be a function of the skill level and training of the performers.

Contaminated End-Turn Windings (Dirty Motor) Fault


At the time the outboard motor end bearing was removed to access the rotor bars for cutting,
“Never-Seize” was applied to the motor end windings to simulate a dirty motor. The test motor
windings are a form wound type and it was expected that the “Never-Seize” would impact the


The on-line instrumentation did not detect a fault with the windings. The contaminated grease
did not establish an adequate tracking path that could cause a leakage current to be present.


Since the grease could not compromise the internal insulation (VPI encased windings) in the
motor, the only conclusion that can be made is that the grease never established a tracking
leakage current path. As such, there was no fault present that the equipment should have been
expected to detect. It is expected that the equipment will detect a conductive foreign material
when it begins to adversely impact the insulation resistance of the motor.

Controlled Motor Testing

Off-line Testing

Contaminated End-Turn Windings (Dirty Motor) Fault


As described above for the on-line testing, “Never-Seize” was applied to the outboard motor end
bearing to act as a contaminant in simulating a dirty motor condition. It was expected that the
conductivity of the grease would be detected by the monitoring equipment and show up as low
insulation resistance.


Since the “Never-Seize” did not have time to penetrate the insulation of the motor, the
contamination never showed up as a resistance low enough to be detected.


The off-line testing conclusion is the same as discussed above for the on-line testing. Since
leakage current would have to be present for diagnostic equipment to detect a problem, it is not
expected that the equipment would have identified a concern, given that the grease would not be
capable of penetrating the VPI encased windings and that a sufficient tracking leakage path was
not established.

Motor 3 and 4 Partial Discharge Testing

The objective of this portion of the Controlled Motor Test (CMT) was to determine if Partial
Discharge (PD) analysis was capable of detecting stator winding insulation anomalies in 4kV
motors utilizing 500 pF and 80 pF capacitive bus couplers with portable PD test equipment on a
periodic testing frequency. Additionally, the on-line and off-line motor diagnostic systems used
to monitor Motors 1 and 2 were employed to determine their abilities in detecting any of the
anomalies introduced to Motors 3 and 4.

Two identical 300hp, 4160V Allis Chalmers motors (CMT Motors 3 and 4), utilized in a primary
air fan application, were obtained for the partial discharge portion of the CMT. Anomalies were
created in the stator winding insulation for each of the motors, which were then tested on-line
under half and full load conditions to determine if they were detectable. Realistic stator winding
insulation anomalies were simulated to provide commercially available PD test equipment the
opportunity for detection. When Motor 3 was donated by the utility, it came with 4 of the 56
total rotor bars already broken. This condition was included as part of the CMT testing.

The sequence for reporting these events and results will start with partial discharge for motors 3
and 4, and then proceed to the on-line and off-line motor diagnostics results for motors 3 and 4.
The on-line and off-line motor diagnostics were employed to discover if they could detect
anomalies relating to this type of insulation condition. However, it must be clearly understood

Controlled Motor Testing

that this was done as a matter of convenience since the motor diagnostic equipment and the aged
or altered insulation systems were both available.

Motor 3 PD Test Summary

This 4kV motor was thermally aged for PD testing several months prior to performing the CMT
in June. PD test preparation focused on simulating thermal aging and ground wall de-lamination
through the application of a high DC current to selected coils in phase 3. This was done to
accomplish internal winding heating, and thus simulate thermal aging and degradation of similar
windings that age due to operation.

Baseline PD data collected on Motor 3 prior to thermal aging was found to be marginalized due
to excessive noise interference from the test panel power supply. This condition was remedied
prior to the start of the CMT as described later. Because of this noise interference, high PD from
a pre-existing condition on phase 2 was masked and not readily apparent prior to the CMT.
During the course of the CMT on-line PD testing, phase 2 exhibited the highest PD magnitudes
and low magnitudes were observed on phase 3 where selected coils had been subjected to
accelerated thermal aging.

Post testing analysis and coil dissection revealed:

1. Coils in phase 3 subjected to accelerated aging did have numerous voids, but, were not line
side coils exposed to potentials necessary for partial discharge inception.

2. Validation of high PD observed on phase 2 due to pre-existing voids in the groundwall

insulation of line side coils.

PD testing performed under the following conditions:

• Run at 50% load until motor temperature is stable (up to one hour).
• Run at 100% load until motor temperature is stable (up to one hour).
• Run at 100% load until motor temperature is stable with heaters elevating the temperature
(up to one hour).
• Run at 50% load until motor temperature is stable with heaters elevating the temperature (up
to one hour).
• Off-line test performed to detect coil damage (motor to be tested to failure).
• Perform post-testing analysis, including cutting out aged and control group coil samples and
coil samples from the failed area.

Controlled Motor Testing

Partial Discharge Testing


The class F insulation of this stator winding, by design, has a temperature-rise limit of 105 deg C
and a hot spot limit of 155 deg C. Based upon those values, and the rule of thumb is that for
every 10 deg C rise above design rating the insulation life is cut in half, a 200 deg C temperature
was selected to accelerate the aging process of the insulation. The thermal aging was conducted
for two months just prior to the CMT.

Upper Left: Motor / Welding

machine setup
Above: Electrical
connections to isolated phase
3 coils on stator winding
Left: Infrared image of stator
during accelerated aging test.

Figure 4-14
Motor PD Testing

A group of six coils in phase 3 were isolated, instrumented with RTD’s for temperature
monitoring, and subjected to a regulated potential of 18.5 to 19.0 VDC at 85 amperes from a DC
source. This methodology was chosen to better simulate thermal aging as a result of heat
generated internally from the copper conductors, rather than from an external source. The
applied DC potential maintained coil temperatures between 195 deg C and 215 deg C, which
were monitored continuously with the RTD’s. On a periodic basis an infrared imaging system
was used to ensure the even distribution of heating. Visual discoloration of the six coils was
evident after 2-3 days of aging (Figure 4-15).

Controlled Motor Testing

Figure 4-15
Thermal Aging In 4 kV Motor

Baseline PD activity was recorded at 50% and 100% load conditions prior to initiating the
accelerated thermal aging process. Follow-up PD testing was also conducted at half and full load
conditions after each of two consecutive 8 day aging periods. Based on increasing trends in PD
activity on all three phases, it was decided to suspend any further accelerated thermal aging after
the second follow-up test to prevent premature failure of the stator winding insulation system
before CMT could be performed.

Analysis of the PD activity on the follow up tests revealed a large influence from the AC
excitation associated with the inverter power supply used for running the motor. Initially, 6 to 8
foot cables were used to connect the power supply to the motor. The cables were instrumented
with one bus coupler per phase (3 total). After detecting the AC excitation in the preliminary
testing, the power supply cables were changed to lengths of 100 feet in order to attenuate the
noise from the PD signals.


The accelerated aging of six phase 3 coils was expected to produce a higher level of PD activity
on phase group 3, as compared to the other two phases. An equal distribution of positive and
negative discharges was expected to occur at 45 degrees and 225 degrees on the phase analysis

Controlled Motor Testing

plots. It was also expected that the effect on PD activity due to changes in load would be
minimal, but that a drop in PD activity on phase 3 would occur at elevated temperatures due to
the negative temperature effect associated with reduced void size. Test results for 50% and
100% load conditions, at both ambient and elevated temperatures, and the post-test analysis, are
as follows:

1. Test Results at 50% Load at Ambient Conditions (168 – 170 Deg F)

Refer to Table 4-2. The motor was run at 50% load following the full load run, with stator
winding temperatures nearly equal to ensure comparable data. Each run was performed
using both 80 pF and 500 pF couplers. There was a significant difference between the
couplers in the PD magnitudes observed, but both identified phase 2 as having the highest
activity. Neither instrument identified the thermal aging or de-lamination on the six coils in
phase 3. The 80 pF data revealed no polarity dominance in the pulse height plots displaying
peak magnitudes (Qm) and Normalized Quantity Numbers (NQN), whereas the 500 pF data
indicated some negative polarity predominance on phase 1. The analysis of the pulse phase
data for both the 80 pF and 500 pF instruments showed signs of classic PD activity on phase
2, with clusters centered on 45 degrees and 225 degrees. Data review also showed signs of
cross coupling between phase 1 and 2.
Table 4-2
PD Results at 50% Ambient

80 pf Qm (+) Qm (-) NQN (+) NQN (-)

Phase 1 0 33 16 31
Phase 2 75 72 133 122
Phase 3 33 35 37 44

500 pf

Phase 1 40 80 49 119
Phase 2 700 700 1175 1426
Phase 3 20 20 12 20

2. Test Results at 100% Load at Ambient Conditions (163 – 170 Deg F)

Refer to Table 4-3. Data was very similar to that observed for testing at 50% load at
ambient temperatures. The predominance of PD activity was again observed on phase 2 by
both the 80 pF and 500 pF instruments, while the 500 pF coupler continued to exhibit
negative polarity predominance on phase 1. The analysis results of the pulse height plots
and pulse phase plots were identical to those performed on 50% load ambient temperature

Controlled Motor Testing

Table 4-3
PD Results at 100% Ambient

80 pf Qm (+) Qm (-) NQN (+) NQN (-)

Phase 1 0 30 17 36
Phase 2 77 67 133 110
Phase 3 34 36 50 47

500 pf

Phase 1 20 80 48 125
Phase 2 700 700 1262 1412
Phase 3 20 20 15 19

3. Test Results at 100% Load at Elevated Stator Temperature (190 – 195 Deg F)

Refer to Table 4-4. External radiant heaters were installed below the motor and energized to
provide additional heat to the motor stator for the purpose of creating a higher temperature
environment for the motor. The elevated temperatures did not produce the negative
temperature affect anticipated. Instead, PD magnitudes from both the 80 pF and 500 pF
instruments either increased or held steady to values previously observed at approximately
170 deg F. Data obtained using the 500 pF coupler showed a significant increase on phase
2, while the remaining data showed little change. The overall analysis continued to point to
phase 2 as having the highest PD activity, consistent with thermal deterioration or internal
ground wall voids. The pulse phase analysis of both the 80 pF and 500 pF data once again
was most evident on phase 2, with indication of end winding discharges associated with
cross coupling between phase 1 and 2. The negative polarity predominance seen on phase 1
during the previous testing remained present, however, the magnitude was slightly smaller.

Controlled Motor Testing

Table 4-4
PD Results at 100% Elevated Stator Temperature

80 pf Qm (+) Qm (-) NQN (+) NQN (-)

Phase 1 0 31 16 40
Phase 2 90 80 159 150
Phase 3 36 40 50 67

500 pf

Phase 1 40 60 74 121
Phase 2 1200 1200 1538 1823
Phase 3 40 20 41 38

4. Test Results at 50% Load at Elevated Stator Temperature (180 – 183 Deg F)

Refer to Table 4-5. Following completion of data collection on the 100% load run at
elevated temperature, load was decreased to 50% and temperature was allowed to stabilize
for a period of 15 minutes. Again, PD activity shared similar characteristics with the
previous three operating conditions, except for the 500 pF phase 2 magnitudes, which
dropped significantly from the 100% load values to levels observed on the 50% and 100%
load runs at ambient temperatures. The pulse phase analysis was consistent with test data
collected at earlier loads and temperatures.
Table 4-5
PD Results at 50% Elevated Stator Temperature

80 pf Qm (+) Qm (-) NQN (+) NQN (-)

Phase 1 0 35 26 39
Phase 2 90 74 152 138
Phase 3 35 36 45 58

500 pf

Phase 1 40 60 71 130
Phase 2 600 900 1325 1554
Phase 3 20 20 25 19

Controlled Motor Testing

5. Post Test Analysis

a) Hi Pot Testing:

Off line electrical testing was conducted on the stator windings following completion of the
loaded runs with the intent to fail the motor to learn more about the anomaly. The stator
winding was subjected to a surge test of 9300 VDC and passed. Next, an AC Hi Pot tester
was used to test the individual phases. The AC Hi Pot test unit was not large enough to
overcome the winding capacitance and tripped the test unit at approximately 76mA and
15kV on each phase. A DC Hi Pot test was then performed on the stator winding. This
testing revealed a weakness in the ground wall insulation just outside the slot on one of the
thermally aged phase 3 coils at a potential of 30kV. Recall that the nominal DC Hi Pot test
potential for 4kV motors is 9kV (2E + 1) for routine maintenance and approximately 15kV
(2E + 1) x 1.7 for commissioning purposes. Additional DC Hi Pot tests were performed to
better identify the fault location, however, this testing caused arcing to occur at lower
potentials during each performance, and only reached 17kV when phase 3 was tested for the
last time.

b) Off-line PD Testing of Individual Coils:

Refer to Table 4-6. Off-line partial discharge testing was conducted several weeks after the
conclusion of the Controlled Motor Test. The 500 pF couplers were not available for this
testing. The line side coil for phase 2 and one of the thermally aged coils from phase 3 were
electrically isolated from the remainder of the stator winding. A low noise AC test unit was
then utilized to energize the coils, one at a time, with two 80 pF bus couplers in the circuit to
monitor PD. This test was conducted to determine if the differences in the ground wall
insulation PD characteristics observed on-line existed under no load conditions. PD activity
was recorded at 2400VAC (approximate phase to ground potential) and at 3100VAC to
exceed the estimated discharge inception voltage. Analysis of the off-line PD data revealed
that the phase 3 coil subjected to the thermal aging process did exhibit higher PD activity
than the phase 2 coil at both 2400V and 3100V. The PD magnitudes observed at 3100V on
the phase 3 coil was more than double of that observed at 2400V. These results indicate
that the 2400V phase to ground potential exceeded the discharge inception voltage for the
phase 3 coil, and that the higher applied test voltage resulted in a higher PD magnitude. The
zero values recorded for PD magnitudes on the phase 2 coil was found to be valid,
indicating the coil insulation integrity was in good condition.

Controlled Motor Testing

Table 4-6
PD Testing of Individual Coils

80 pf Qm (+) Qm (-) NQN (+) NQN (-)

Phase 2 (2400 0 0 0 0
Phase 3 (2400 33 34 32 30
Phase 2 (3100 0 0 0 0
Phase 3 (3100 107 80 200 130

c) Coil Dissection:

After the completion of off-line PD testing of individual coils, the phase 3 stator coils
subjected to the accelerated thermal aging and the phase 2 line-end coils exhibiting the
highest PD magnitude during the on-line PD testing were dissected for analysis. The coils
were cut off just before the first bend out of the slot section and dissected at the first bend
and at the knuckle. The dissection revealed that the accelerated thermal aging procedure
was successful, as evidenced by the numerous voids created in the groundwall insulation on
phase 3 coils. Significant voids as a result of manufacturing process or aging (pre-existing
condition) were also present on the phase 2 line side coils, but not as numerous as those
created on phase 3.

Figure 4-16
Phase Group 3 and 2 Coil Insulation Voids

The Motor 3 stator windings are wye connected, utilizing 36 coils per phase, which are
subsequently divided into 6 groups of 6 coils each. The lead coils for each phase closest to the
line end (coil 1) see the 4160V supply potential and each of the 36 coils in their respective
phases drop approximately 115.5V each until the last coil reaches the neutral potential of zero
volts. The accelerated thermal aging process was performed on the third group of 6 coils (coils

Controlled Motor Testing

13 through 18) from the line end of the circuit on phase 3. This effectively placed the anomaly
in the middle of the winding for phase 3, where the coils only see potentials ranging from 2773V
on coil 13 to 2080V on coil 18 during normal operation with a 4160V supply. The capacitive bus
couplers utilized to detect PD activity within the stator winding are most sensitive to the first
group of 6 coils from the line end. This is due to the fact that these coils are subjected to the
highest voltage potentials and subsequent higher electrical fields for PD activity.

During testing, the magnitude of PD activity is dependent upon the strength of the electrical field
surrounding a void. In addition, the electrical field associated with a void is influenced by the
size and shape of that void. Because the dielectric breakdown of air is approximately 3kV per
mm, it would normally be difficult to see PD activity on coils with voltage potentials of 2080V
to 2773V, however in this case, the variations in electrical field distribution make it possible to
see voltage stresses much higher than 3kV/mm on the coils selected for thermal aging.

The individual coil off-line PD test was conducted on coil 13 of phase 3 and coil 1 for phase 2.
PD activity was somewhat apparent on coil 13 of phase 3 at 2400V but much more so at 3100V,
since the 3kV/mm stress had been surpassed. Coil 1 of phase 2 did not register any PD activity
at either of the test potentials. Refer to Figure 4-17. Dissection of these two coils revealed
minimal void formation on coil 1 of phase 2, while coil 13 of phase 3 had severe de-lamination
as a result of exposure to excessive temperatures.

Figure 4-17
Phase 2 and Phase 3 Coil Insulation Voids


On-line partial discharge analysis was successful in identifying internal groundwall defects in a
4kV motor winding insulation system. The significant PD magnitudes observed on phase 2 were
higher than 85% of documented measurements recorded on air-cooled 4kV motors (Ref: V.
Warren et al, "Advancements in Partial Discharge Analysis to Diagnose Stator Winding
Problems", IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Anaheim, April 2000,
pp497-500.). Although successful, further evaluation is needed to determine the capabilities of
diagnosing the onset of internal degradation and observing the rate of change of gradual

Controlled Motor Testing

deterioration. Under a more prolonged thermal aging process to better simulate real life
conditions, useful data can be obtained to learn more about the threshold for taking proactive
measures to eliminate winding failure.

The dissection of the coils revealed that PD analysis was successful in identifying the presence
of voids from manufacturing defects and/or naturally occurring thermal aging on phase 2. Coil
dissection also proved that numerous voids had been successfully generated in the selected phase
3 coils through accelerated thermal aging and detected during the off-line PD testing of
individual coils. The difference in PD magnitudes observed between phases 2 and 3 during the
on-line and off-line testing of coils can be attributed to the voltage potentials the coils saw during
normal operation and the individual coil off-line test. Furthermore, the individual phase 2 coil
observed during the off-line PD test had fewer voids compared to the other phase 2 coils that
were dissected. This revealed this particular coil’s minimal contribution to the overall PD
activity observed for phase 2 during the on-line test.

The comparative analysis conducted on the performance of the 80 pF and 500 pF capacitive bus
couplers during the on-line portion of this test revealed obvious similarities and differences.
Both of the bus couplers identified phase 2 as having the highest PD magnitude and exhibiting
thermal deterioration characteristics. The PD magnitudes for phase 2 obtained with the 500 pF
equipment were generally on the order of 10 to 15 times higher than that observed from the 80
pF couplers. This supports the observation that the PD magnitudes exhibited by the 500 pF
couplers for phases 1 and 3 appeared to be extremely low compared to that of phase 2, while the
80 pF coupler data appeared to be more closely grouped.

Motor 4 PD Test Summary

This motor is an identical model 4kV motor as Motor 3. While Motor 3 took advantage of
already present broken rotor bars for testing, Motor 4 had ground wall voids inserted into
selected line-end coils of phase 3 prior to undergoing PD testing. PD testing was performed to
determine how well PD analysis would detect internal ground wall defects and phase-to-phase
external partial discharge activity on a 4kV motor. This test preparation focused on simulating
ground wall voids in the insulation and contaminating the end windings between phases 1 and 3.

Baseline PD data was not collected on Motor 4 prior to installing anomalies due to a noise
interference problem identified during the preparation of Motor 3. This condition was remedied
prior to the start of the CMT as described earlier.

PD testing was performed under the following conditions:

• Run at 50% load until motor temperature is stable (up to one hour).
• Run at 100% load until motor temperature is stable (up to one hour).
• Run at 100% load until motor temperature is stable with heaters elevating the temperature
(up to one hour).
• Run at 50% load until motor temperature is stable with heaters elevating the temperature (up
to one hour).
• Off-line test performed to detect coil damage (motor to be tested to failure).

Controlled Motor Testing

Motor 4 Partial Discharge Testing


Test preparation was designed to simulate ground wall insulation voids just outside of the slot
region and contaminated end windings. Baseline PD activity under 50% and full load conditions
was collected prior to inducing any faults. First, four adjacent coils in phase 3 each had two
holes, approximately 1 inch deep, drilled vertically down the side of the insulation between the
copper conductors and the outside edge of the form wound coil insulation. The voids were 0.125
inches (3.175 mm) in diameter and were covered with felt that had been saturated in epoxy resin
to simulate improper impregnation. Next, approximately twelve coils on the end windings
region were covered with “Never Seize”, a conductive grease-like material containing nickel.
This was done to simulate contaminated end windings and produce resultant phase-to-phase
discharges. During testing, the motor was run at 50% and 100% loads, at ambient and elevated
temperature conditions, to determine both the load and temperature effects on the PD

Figure 4-18
Motor 4 Ground Wall Void Holes and End Windings Contamination


The actual test results differed significantly from those expected. Initially, it was thought that
the ground wall voids introduced would produce PD signals noticeably different in magnitude
between phase 3 and the other two phases, and that the characteristics of the PD observed in
phase 3 should have no noticeable polarity differences between the positive and negative pulses
with PD activity centered around 45 degrees and 225 degrees in the phase analysis plots. Also,

Controlled Motor Testing

prior to the testing, it was expected that the PD activity differences would be minimal with
changes in load, and that there would be a decrease in phase 2 PD magnitudes for testing
performed at higher temperatures. The actual test results for 50% and 100% load conditions, at
both ambient and elevated temperatures, and the post-test analysis, are as follows:

1. Test Results at 50% Load at Ambient Conditions (126 – 130 Deg F)

Refer to Table 4-7. Motor 4 was run at 50% load for approximately 35 minutes prior to
collecting data to ensure stator winding temperatures had stabilized. Testing showed a
significant difference in PD magnitudes observed between 80 pF and 500 pF instruments,
however, the magnitudes and pulse plot characteristics did not show the voids that were
created in phase 3. The 80 pF data revealed fairly similar peak magnitudes (Qm) and
Normalized Quantity Numbers (NQN) between all three phase groups. Pulse phase analysis
of 80 pF data revealed some indication of internal ground wall PD and surface end winding
PD on phase 1, as well as AC excitation from the power supply source on phases 2 and 3.
Data obtained using 500 pF couplers revealed higher Qm and NQN values in phase 1,
compared to the other two phases, with pulse height plots showing no noticeable polarity
differences. Pulse phase analysis of 500 pF data revealed indication of classic PD occurring
on phase 1, with indications of phase-to-phase end winding PD occurring between phases 1
and 3. The data obtained using the 500 pF equipment showed PD magnitudes were clearly
larger than those obtained using the 80 pF couplers.
Table 4-7
Test Results at 50% Load at Ambient

80 pf Qm (+) Qm (-) NQN (+) NQN (-)

Phase 1 116 130 222 235

Phase 2 126 128 176 194
Phase 3 106 104 173 179

500 pf

Phase 1 400 600 867 911

Phase 2 300 200 588 457
Phase 3 150 100 181 230

2. Test Results at 100% Load at Ambient Conditions (135 – 142 Deg F)

Refer to Table 4-8. Again, a wide variance in PD magnitudes was observed between the 80
pF and 500 pF instruments. The PD activity decreased in magnitude on both instruments
from the 50% load test, most likely due to the increase in stator winding temperature caused
by running the motor without temperature control, while PD magnitudes obtained using 500
pF couplers remained considerably higher in magnitude (approximately 2 to 3 times) than

Controlled Motor Testing

those obtained using 80 pF couplers. The magnitudes and pulse plot characteristics still did
not reveal the voids that were created in phase 3 and continued to show higher magnitudes
on phase 1. Pulse phase analysis using 80 pF couplers revealed indications of end winding
discharges occurring at 75 degrees and 255 degrees on phase 1. The analysis also showed
possible indications of open air arcing on phase 2 with PD activity occurring at 0 degrees
and 180 degrees. Pulse phase analysis on 500 pF coupler data showed signs of end winding
PD, most predominantly on phase 1, with slight phase-to-phase PD activity between phases
1 and 3.
Table 4-8
Test Results at 100% Load at Ambient

80 pf Qm (+) Qm (-) NQN (+) NQN (-)

Phase 1 82 74 184 203

Phase 2 57 74 133 118

Phase 3 0 0 42 27

500 pf

Phase 1 200 200 375 329

Phase 2 175 175 485 408

Phase 3 100 125 220 209

3. Test Results at 100% Load at Elevated Stator Temperature (190 – 192 Deg F)

Refer to Table 8. External radiant heaters were installed below the motor and energized to
provide additional heat to the stator windings for the purposes of maintaining a higher
temperature environment for the motor during testing. The elevated temperatures did
produce a negative temperature effect on the PD activity, as observed by both the 80 pF and
500 pF instruments. The generally “normal” thermal aging characteristics observed on the
pulse height plots did decrease in magnitude with the elevated temperature. The Qm and
NQN magnitudes obtained with 500 pF couplers made the most dramatic change and
showed phase 3 as having the highest magnitudes compared to the other two phases. This
was significant since it was the first time the highest PD magnitudes showed up on the phase
(3) having the simulated ground wall voids. The data obtained using 80 pF couplers
revealed a larger drop in phase group 1 than the other two phases, but no real indication of
the voids that existed in phase 3. Pulse phase analysis of 80 pF data revealed a cross-
coupling PD activity occurring between phases 2 and 3 and a square pattern of PD activity
occurring on phases 1 and 3, both associated with end winding contamination. Pulse phase
analysis of 500 pF data also showed indications of end winding discharges, with pulses
centered around +30 degrees from the 45 degree and 225 degree phase angles.

Controlled Motor Testing

Table 4-9
Test Results at 100% Load at Elevated Stator Temperature

80 pf Qm (+) Qm (-) NQN (+) NQN (-)

Phase 1 53 53 96 115
Phase 2 89 90 134 125
Phase 3 73 82 105 119

500 pf

Phase 1 25 25 56 66
Phase 2 50 50 73 68
Phase 3 100 75 112 140

4. Testing Results at 50% Load at Elevated Stator Temperature (183 – 184 Deg F)

Refer to Table 4-10. After the 100% load run at elevated temperature, load was decreased
to 50% and temperature allowed to stabilize for 15 minutes before data collection resumed.
PD magnitudes increased from the levels observed in the 100% load run at elevated
temperature, most likely as a result of the 7 – 8 deg F temperature drop on the stator
winding. The data obtained using 80 pF couplers indicated that Qm and NQN values for
phase 1 doubled and the pulse height plots showed some indication of external PD. The 500
pF Qm and NQN values had a fairly significant increase on phases 1 and 2, while phase 3
remained consistent with the 100% load run at the elevated temperature. The pulse phase
analysis of 80 pF data revealed narrow bands of PD activity present around 45 degrees and
225 degrees on all three phase groups, with some indication of square pattern PD at ±30
degrees of the narrow bands, indicating potential end winding contamination. There was
also an indication of AC excitation from the power source on all three of the phase groups.
Pulse phase analysis of 500 pF data shows come classic PD pulses on phases 1 and 2, along
with indications of end winding discharges.

Controlled Motor Testing

Table 4-10
Testing Results at 50% at Elevated Stator Temperature

80 pf Qm (+) Qm (-) NQN (+) NQN (-)

Phase 1 107 112 165 173

Phase 2 58 124 153 169
Phase 3 98 95 140 140

500 pf

Phase 1 225 225 537 541

Phase 2 200 200 527 529
Phase 3 100 125 239 247

5. Post Test Analysis

a) Hi Pot Testing:

Off line electrical testing was conducted on the stator windings following the completion of
loaded runs with the intention of failing the motor to learn more about the anomalies. The
stator winding was subjected to a surge test of 9300VDC and passed. Next, a DC Hi Pot
test was performed on the stator winding. This test revealed a weakness in the ground wall
insulation at a potential of 17kV at one of the inserted holes just outside the slot on one of
the phase 3 coils having a simulated ground wall fault. Recall that the nominal DC Hi Pot
test potential for 4kV motors is 9kV (2E + 1) for routine maintenance and approximately
15kV (2E + 1) x 1.7 for commissioning purposes.

b) Coil Dissection:

Refer to Figure 4-19. After all off-line testing was completed, the phase 3 stator coils with
simulated voids introduced (holes drilled), and the line end coils in phase group 1 exhibiting
the highest PD magnitudes, were cut off outside of the slot and dissected for evaluation.
The phase 1 and phase 3 coils were inspected and appeared to have solid ground wall
insulation integrity. There was no evidence of void formation in any of the dissected stator
coils and connections.

Controlled Motor Testing

Figure 4-19 Phase Group 1 and Phase Group 3 Coil Dissection Points


It is apparent that the holes drilled into the side of the ground wall insulation to simulate voids
from the manufacturing process were not successful in producing the desired PD activity. The
holes were too large (0.125 inches/3.175 mm) to truly register significant PD activity since the
dielectric breakdown of air (approximately 3kV/mm) was never approached on this 4160V
machine. This conclusion is supported by the results of the DC Hi Pot testing, which indicated a
ground wall insulation problem at 17kV. Taken as a lesson learned, future controlled testing for
this anomaly needs to ensure a smaller diameter void (hole) is created to meet criteria for the
inception of partial discharge.

The significant PD magnitudes observed on phase 1 were higher than 90% of documented
measurements recorded on air-cooled 4kV motors (Ref: V. Warren et al, "Advancements in
Partial Discharge Analysis to Diagnose Stator Winding Problems", IEEE International
Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Anaheim, April 2000, pp497-500.). Although coil
dissection did not reveal any internal degradation on phase 1, it was limited to the endwinding
region of the first four coils in phase 1 and did not include slot section samples or other coils
deeper into the winding circuit that may have had internal groundwall defects or degradation.

Testing for induced contamination of the end windings went considerably better. This problem
was detected by the instrumentation using both 500 pF and 80 pF bus couplers. As described
above, 500 pF couplers provided higher PD magnitudes, typically twice the value registered by
80 pF couplers, but both pointed to the same conclusion regarding surface PD between phases 1
and 3.

Controlled Motor Testing

Motor 3 and 4 Diagnostics Testing

Motors 3 and 4 were primarily prepared for partial discharge testing. However, the opportunity
presented itself to see if the on-line and off-line motor diagnostic equipment could see the
presence of thermal aging or internal ground wall degradation, either through direct detection, or
alert to the presence of anomalies through abnormal readings or measurements. It was not
expected that the diagnostic equipment would see much since the affected areas were considered
small in comparison to the overall insulation area. However, we decided that this was a question
that we could easily investigate.

In addition to the insulation faults, Motor 3 had existing broken rotor bars when it was donated
for the testing. With 4 broken rotor bars out of a total of 56, Motor 3 had a higher percentage
(7.1%) of defective rotor bars than Motor 2 (1.96%), when it was tested. During testing, Motor 3
was operated at 50% and 100% loads, and at ambient and elevated temperature conditions, to
determine both the load and thermal effects on the PD characteristics and on broken rotor bar

The broken rotor bars on Motor 3 were readily detected by all three pieces of on-line diagnostic
test equipment, and the thermal changes did not affect the diagnosis. Moreover, the faults were
detected at both 50% and 100% loads. This offers encouragement over present means of
detecting broken rotor bars, which recommends a 70%-75% loading level for accurate detection.
Off-line motor diagnostics also detected rotor anomalies, with the RIC test and the rotor check
offered by Diagnostic Equipment E, readily identifying the areas of rotor defects.

As for the thermal degradation, neither the off-line nor the on-line motor diagnostics were
capable of detecting the much smaller area of thermally aged windings since it was tested in
parallel with the much larger unaffected sections. However, a minor change in the PI reading
was observed over the aging process, 2.4 before aging to 2.7 at the time of the CMT. It is not
known if the equipment would detect the problem if the size of the thermally aged area were
increased to a size commiserate with a problem that would lead to motor failure. This scenario is
a possibility for future controlled motor testing.

The ground wall voids were induced into motor 4 by drilling holes axially along the stator
winding insulation of several coils. The stator winding ground wall insulation voids were then
covered with epoxy resin and mica tape. The on-line and off-line motor diagnostics, as expected,
did not show any abnormalities that would indicate the presence of these induced voids.
However, Diagnostic Equipment E did indicate a phase unbalance condition, most likely due to
the winding contamination created during the fault simulation.

Motor Surge Sensitivity Testing


Following completion of the CMT, surge testing was performed on Motor 1. The stator of this
three-phase, 480V, 150 hp induction motor, had already been rewound for the purpose of testing.

Controlled Motor Testing

The stator was random-wound in a delta configuration, comprised of two parallel circuits
electrically isolated from each other. Each circuit had 5 coils line-to-line, with 6 turns per coil,
to provide the motor with 30 turns line-to-line. The stator was wound with several end turn
conductors led outside the casing to allow a turn short circuit to be externally applied. This turn-
short was confined to only one phase, at the electrical mid-point between two of the line
terminals, and was capable of being switched in and out of the circuit.

To assess test sensitivity under different fault locations, an additional turn-short location was
introduced. The new fault location was across the first turn of the line-end coil in the same series
circuit as the original fault. In order to change the status of the simulated second turn-short fault
(present or not present), the rotor was required to be removed from the stator bore to effect the
switching. To maximize efficiency, multiple surge tests using various combinations of mid-point
and end-point winding faults were then performed prior to changing the status of the second
turn-short fault.


Just prior to the surge testing, the winding insulation resistance was at 2600 megohms (tested at
520V for one minute) and resistance balanced at 0.021 ohms. A surge test was then performed
with the rotor installed and no external turn-short applied. The resulting three waveforms were
co-incident with each other, indicating similar resonance characteristics for each phase, an
expected result for good windings. Next, the turn-short was applied via the external conductors
and the surge test repeated. A slight separation of waveforms was evident, indicating a potential
problem. Testing was repeated in a similar manner, except that the combination of fault
locations and rotor position (in and out of the stator bore) were utilized. The following is a
synopsis of the results from the testing:

1. With no turn-shorts applied, the three test set output waveforms were almost completely co-
incident, as expected. When turn-shorts were introduced, the traces began to separate,
indicating that the resonant characteristics of the three phases were different due to the turn-
short. This is also an expected response for windings having a similar type fault.

2. The turn-short in the line-end coil was more apparent than the turn short at the mid-point of
the winding.

3. In all cases, when shorts were introduced, the separation of waveforms suggested a potential

4. The test set produces a numerical scoring of the waveform deviations, called “Err Area.”
This numerical quantification was very useful in removing the “eyeball” interpretation of
waveform deviations.

5. The test results showed more sensitivity with the stator bore removed.

Controlled Motor Testing

Surge Testing Conclusions:

Surge testing can be useful in providing indication of a motor fault in which there is a short
circuit in a winding. There are several factors, however, that can impact how effective the surge
testing is in making this identification. A summary of these considerations is provided below.

1. Fault Location:

The testing clearly shows that the magnitude of waveform deviation is larger as the shorted
turn approaches the line end of the winding. Faults located considerably deeper into the
windings may not be as readily detected.

2. Fault Impedance:

Testing has demonstrated that the lower the fault impedance, the more readily the
equipment will detect the problem. The 0.633 ohms resistor used in the off-line testing for
Motor 1, as described in the “Detailed Motor On-line/Off-line Testing Summary” section
of this report, was difficult for the equipment to identify as a fault. This is an expected
response since the current levels will go down as the fault impedance goes up.

3. Skill Level of the Performer:

Since the surge testing produces waveform deviations for these types of faults, the ability to
detect very minor deviations is important to identify more subtle faults. This makes the
skill level of the performer an important factor in how effective the test results become, not
unlike most types of technical testing. Skill level is a function of the training and
experience of the performer. If known, features in the test equipment can be used to help
out with the data analysis. For example, the numeric indications associated with the
waveforms can be used to remove some of the subjectivity associated with this process and
help to flag possible shorted turns.

CMT Concluding Summary

The CMT project was undertaken with the intent that participants could improve their working
knowledge of motor testing technologies available to them, and better understand the type of
problems that they may encounter at their facilities. Along with that was the fault simulation and
testing, experimental in nature, but something that could provide an even more-in-depth
understanding of associated equipment, its potential problems, and how best to approach

To achieve the desired results, a systematic and collaborative approach was taken with
participants from a large number of different utilities. Together, they decided on the CMT
curriculum and the fundamentals of which the project would be built on. Developing and
executing a sound and well thought out test plan was necessary to ensure a sound basis for
testing and analysis was in place. Listed below are some of the key ingredients of the CMT
project plan.

Controlled Motor Testing

• A Power Quality Report to provide assurances of power source standards

• Dynamometer specifications for assurances in motor loading standards
• Test stand requirements to ensure proper motor setup
• Motor preparation prior to testing to help ensure a consistent approach to testing
• Diverse participation (many utilities and broad scope of expertise)
• Motor conditioning to support PD testing prior to CMT
• Testing fundamentals to help ensure systematic and objective approach
• Facility to support coincident testing, motor preparation, and fault simulation
• Selection of faults to be used in testing and methodology for simulation to provide for
maximum learning, response to utility needs, and technological challenge
• Test performance and monitoring criteria to ensure maximum testing efficiency and
learning benefits are realized
• Diagnostic test equipment to be utilized to ensure a varied and state-of-the-art approach
to fault detection
• Records keeping to ensure results are accurately tracked and recorded

CMT Conclusions

The controlled motor testing had two sides to it, one of them being to provide experience and
familiarization for the participants, the other being their assessment of the diagnostic test
equipment to detect certain types of faults under varying conditions. When assessing the results
of the CMT project, it is important to do so with respect to the goals of the project. These goals,
and their results, are listed below.

1. Determine Effectiveness of the Diagnostic Test Equipment to Perform On-Line and Off-
Line Testing:

The participants were provided a good opportunity to evaluate the test types and the
different models of test equipment for a number of different faults, under a number of
different conditions. This both confirmed and/or proved incorrect, previous expectations
concerning testing capabilities and applications.

In general, on-line testing can be useful in identifying problems in motors of a more

serious nature, including some faults previously considered difficult to diagnose. In most
cases, the effectiveness of the on-line testing is largely dependent on the skill level of the
test performer, especially in the areas of data review and analysis. This is important since
incipient faults not directly identified by the equipment can show up as an inconsistency in
the test data. Identification of these inconsistencies, and follow-up testing with other
predictive maintenance tools, is the key to making the condition monitoring more

Controlled Motor Testing

Off-line testing, like on-line testing, is also very dependent on the skill level of the test
performer. One objective of the CMT was to determine if on-line testing could be used to
preclude removing equipment from service to perform routine testing. While the results
showed some promise, on-line testing cannot be relied on solely to detect all commonly
encountered faults (anomalies). It is determined that the best strategy is using a
combination of off-line testing and on-line testing to cover a larger range of faults.

2. Determine Capabilities of Partial Discharge Testing to Detect 4kV Motor Stator Winding

This testing specifically targeted the ability of PD testing to identify a breakdown of

winding insulation due to thermal aging, identify voids in the stator windings, and detect a
breakdown across the windings due to the presence of a contaminant. Once again, the
skill level of the performer had a big part in the effectiveness of the testing, however, in
most cases, the equipment did prove effective in indicating that some type of problem
existed. In addition, testing evaluated the effectiveness of using 80 pF couplers versus
500 pF couplers with the diagnostic equipment, with the 500 pF equipment showing a
greater disparity between phases containing anomalies than those that did not, and the
80pF couplers displaying a closer data grouping.

PD analysis was successful in identifying ground wall degradation on Motor 3. Although

the on-line PD results showed thermal aging on a phase group other than the phase that
was subjected to accelerated thermal aging, post testing analysis and coil dissection
revealed a pre-existing anomaly on the line side coils for the phase group identified in on-
line testing, and also revealed success in the thermal aging process of selected coils.
Unfortunately, it was discovered after the on-line PD testing that the windings subjected to
accelerated aging were not the line side coils for that particular phase group, and were not
subjected to the voltages necessary for inception of partial discharge during normal
operation. However, when subjected to 3100 VAC during individual coil PD testing off-
line, the aged coil indicated much higher PD magnitudes than that of the line end coil for
the phase group with the pre-existing anomaly. The importance of placing the anomaly on
the line side group of coils was an important lesson learned.

One factor that hampered the results on Motor 4 was the failure to produce the desired
faults. When holes were drilled into the windings on Motor 4 to simulate voids, the holes
were far too large to be detected. This basically rendered the detection of manufacturing
voids meaningless, except to learn from the results and use that information to ensure the
holes are smaller to meet the criteria for inception of PD next time that type of testing is

3. Determine the Effectiveness of Surge Testing to Detect Stator Winding Shorts:

This showed that surge testing is an effective tool to find short circuits within the stator
windings. Its success in doing so, however, is dependent on the fault location, the fault
characteristics, and the skill level of the personnel performing the testing. Surge testing
clearly showed that when a winding develops a short circuit, the closer the fault is to the
line-end, the more readily the testing will detect it. Likewise, the lower the fault

Controlled Motor Testing

impedance is, the easier the fault is to detect (for the same relative location). Finally,
since a problem shows up as a difference in waveforms between phases, the more minor
the problem is, the smaller the waveform changes are. This is where skill level can come
into play. Test equipment capable of assigning numeric quantification to the waves goes a
long way in helping remove the subjectivity of the analysis.

4. Familiarize Personnel with the Latest Available Diagnostic Equipment:

The CMT exposed personnel to eight different models of test equipment from six different
vendors. The experience received was valuable in enabling participants to compare the
equipment and its capabilities.

5. Familiarize Personnel with the Types of Motors:

Participants were exposed to a 480V, 2.3kV, and two 4.16kV motors. Since the
participants were instrumental in deciding how to implement the selected faults, there was
invaluable experience gained in disassembling the motors to support fault introduction.
This included drilling holes in the ground wall insulation, thermal aging specified portions
of a stator, cutting rotor bars, introducing end-turn faults, extending stator windings
outside the case for fault simulation, adding contaminants to the windings, and creating
eccentric air gaps. This allowed for in-depth exposure to motor internals and construction,
as well as practical use of theory to determine how the fault simulation would be

6. Familiarize Personnel with the Types of Faults They May Encounter:

Since the participants decided on the faults to be simulated, the needs of the associated
utilities were taken into account. Faults were chosen based on the operational experiences
and types of faults encountered by the associated utilities. This allowed participants to
best utilize the CMT to enhance knowledge levels in the areas of most concern. In this
regard, the CMT went a long way in helping personnel see relative advantages and
disadvantages of test (and test equipment) types under varying faults and conditions.

An unexpected gain realized by this testing was the feedback participants received in the
effectiveness, or ineffectiveness, of the fault simulation methodology. Since key
parameters of the fault (e.g., resistor size, hole size, gap size, temperature, etc.) was based
on theory, successes and failures to properly simulate the fault were identified and allowed
personnel to better understand “what really is going on” inside the motor.

The testimonies provided in the Lessons Learned section of this report are indicative of
the experience and knowledge gained by the participants. In addition, it demonstrated
diagnostic equipment capabilities and provided insight that can be used by utilities in
future predictive maintenance program planning. Because of the varied types of testing
performed, faults introduced, and conditions present during the testing, the participants
were able to see how all the different types of testing complement each other, and how
other predictive maintenance tools can be used to augment the results.

Controlled Motor Testing

The faults that were simulated as part of the testing did not always achieve the expected or
desired results. For example, the resistor values selected for the low resistance to ground
testing on Motor 1 yielded only 100 microamperes leakage current, too low for the
instrumentation to detect. Because of this, testing at 100% load was not performed for
that fault. Although thermal aging performed on Motor 3 was suspended to preclude
premature failure after the second 8-day period testing showed too much PD activity, it
was a success, and the presence of pre-existing thermal degradation present on phase
group 2 turned out to be fortuitous and proved valuable to the CMT results. Finally, the
voids introduced into the Motor 4 coils were too large for the testing to be able to detect.
It should be noted that when testing is experimental in nature, as was this fault simulation,
that even when the results fall short of the target there are lessons learned and experience
gained which is a productive result in itself.

Based on the results of the testing, the following recommendations are made:
• Ensure future training provided by the vendors is supplemented with fault detection
training and troubleshooting methods. If desired, this could be tailored to the needs of
the utility. This will improve the effectiveness of the testing in determining faults prior to
equipment failure.
• For fault simulation, consider implementation in a manner that would allow for
adjustment during the testing, where possible. This would allow the fault to be adjusted
until the diagnostic equipment detects it, which would not only allow for identification of
instrumentation threshold, but would add considerably more insight to those
inconsistencies identified (without positive fault detection). In addition, it could serve to
help distinguish whether a non-detected condition was due to test equipment capabilities
or the fault simulation itself.
• Ensure adequate level of training and troubleshooting skill level for those operating the
diagnostic equipment, and an understanding of the types of faults encountered.


In order for the participating utilities to make the AEMPM program a success, there would have
to be a significant amount of information sharing. This sharing became a cornerstone of the
program, and involved not only the program participants, but the equipment vendors, as well.
This section details the information sharing processes that were involved in the program.

Vendor Training and Sharing

Vendor participation was seen as crucial since vendor diagnostic equipment and software would
be necessary to utilize technological advances for the improvement of site PdM programs.
Vendor equipment lending and training were utilized to provide participants with opportunities
to gain hands-on experience and learn about the latest available diagnostic equipment, assess its
capabilities against known faults, understand differences between vendor equipment models, and
evaluate what equipment is best for their specific facilities. The following vendors participated
in the AEMPM program and provided training and equipment:

1. Adwel International

2. Baker Instruments

3. BJM Corporation

4. FramatomeANP

5. PdMA Corporation

Vendor training became an important component of vendor involvement. Without it, the
participants could not have gained much of the hands-on experience they did, nor would they be
as capable of understanding the technology theory and equipment capabilities. In addition, the
training sessions allowed participants to become more familiar with each individual vendor
organization. This would include personnel, expertise, training methods, facilities, and customer
support. All of this proved valuable to the participants and their program success.

Baker Instruments, PdMA, and Framatome each offered major training sessions in the form of
approximately two full days at the vendor facility. This included introducing program
participants to the vendor facility and allowing them to become comfortable with the vendor
personnel. The focus of this training was the technology theory and fault diagnosis. It is very
important that each participant fully understands the approach taken for fault detection and has a
high confidence level in this method. Training also included hands-on electric motor diagnostic

Equipment Lending and Information Sharing

testing. This allowed each participant to learn the features of the equipment and also begin the
diagnosis process.

A second phase of vendor training was performed at the participating site facility, and included
two days of diagnostic testing on station electric motors. This accomplished two objectives, the
training of additional personnel, and more importantly, the direct application in a station
environment. Training at the participant’s facility was focused on the collection and diagnosis of
station motors.

Theory and hands-on training were provided at each facility; however, theory training was much
heavier at the vendor facility, while motor testing was more prevalent at the participating site
facility. This is because the vendor facility allowed for interaction between the program
participants and the equipment designers. Vendor designers took advantage of the excellent
opportunity to utilize theory during instruction of how their latest diagnostic test equipment was
able to diagnose certain faults. At the vendor facility, hands-on testing was more for providing
equipment training along with an understanding of the software and basic equipment capabilities.

At the station facility, training was provided to site electricians, PdM personnel, and site
engineers. This training also included theory, but instruction was not usually by the equipment
designers, so it was not as in-depth as the theory training previously received at the vendor
facility. The hands-on training at the participating station allowed for diagnostic motor testing
and analysis of actual plant motors. This not only provided participants with instruction on the
use of the test equipment and software, it provided valuable experience for site personnel in the
practical application and capability assessment of the test equipment.

Training by the other AEMPM project vendors was as follows:

1. BJM offered training during a quarterly update meeting. This session lasted approximately
two hours.

2. Adwel offered Partial Discharge (PD) training to any facility that installed its couplers.
Training by Adwel included proper installation, data collection, and data results analysis.
Adwel also offered to provide technical assistance in subsequent results analysis, if required.

Clearly, the training received by Baker, PdMA and Framatome was more extensive than that
provided by the other vendors. This is because they their (on-line) equipment is a new
technology and program participants had less familiarity with its operation.

Another key component of vendor sharing was the lending of diagnostic test equipment and
software. Under the AEMPM program, vendors agreed to let participants use as much of the
new technologies diagnostic test equipment as desired, provided the following rules were abided

1. The Project Manager was kept informed as to the location of the equipment

2. Each participant utilizing the equipment provided an evaluation for each device used. This
evaluation would include the following:

Equipment Lending and Information Sharing

a) The application the test equipment was used in

b) Any fault modes the equipment detected

c) Case histories

d) Any other information concerning its use or application that could be useful

The information provided in the equipment evaluation would be used as input for this, the
AEMPM Final Report, and as feedback to the vendors for the purpose of product improvement.
Also, at each update meeting, the participants reported on the training given at their respective
sites, how the training was received by the plant personnel, and ideas for improvements.

In addition to the above described vendor training and lending, each vendor supported the
Controlled Motor Testing (CMT) project that was undertaken by the AEMPM group. The CMT
project used the latest on-line and off-line diagnostic equipment to test for known faults inserted
into motors. Vendors provided the diagnostic equipment, associated software, and technical
expertise to assist the CMT group in the data acquisition and analysis. This testing helped
perform a practical comparison of on-line versus off-line testing, as well as a comparison of the
different diagnostic equipment and software packages available from each vendor. A short
description of diagnostic and test equipment offered by the vendors, in their own words, is
provided below.
• Framatome EMPATH Motor Analysis: The Framatome ANP EMPATH motor
diagnostics combines electrical signature analysis with the best of motor current signature
analysis to provide an optimum mix of analyses of motor, power and driven load
characteristics. Using patented analog demodulation technologies, motor running speed
and pole pass frequency are readily determined as well as driven load mechanical
modulations. The Windows based software permits a nearly automatic analysis that
includes rotor, stator, air gap, power, harmonic distortion and several other indications.
• PdMA Corporation MCEmax: The MCEMAX offers both static and dynamic motor
testing capability in a single lightweight portable device. Additionally, it delivers a very
comprehensive approach to motor analysis by evaluating the Power Quality, Power
Circuit, Ground Insulation, Turn Insulation, Rotor and Air Gap of an electric motor. The
versatility of the hardware and software allow it to be utilized on almost any electrical
application including all types of AC or DC motors, generators, transformers, VFD's and
more. The MCEMAX provides detailed engineering data sheets and automatic fault
analysis, which supports a wide range of user compatibility from a highly experienced
engineer to a ground level technician.
• Baker Instruments - Advanced Winding Analyzer (AWAIII): The AWAIII is an
automated surge, Hi-Pot, and resistance tester that offers the ability to find insulation
weaknesses in electric motor windings. This portable instrument allows the user to
organize data and trend motor life cycles with its fully searchable database. This
powerful tool offers essential information about motor insulation and indicates
weaknesses that can cause unscheduled and costly downtime.
• Baker Instruments - Explorer Series II: The Explorer is a computer driven on-line motor
monitor that offers a wide array of tests of motor processes. From finding information

Equipment Lending and Information Sharing

about a motors health, to understanding the power condition that motors run under, this
instrument surpasses anything on the market today. Developed for on-line monitoring of
power circuit issues, overall motor health, load and performance, it gives the user a
comprehensive look at overall motor integrity.
• All-Test Pro (BJM): ALL-TEST Pro, A Division of BJM Corp, manufactures the ALL-
TEST line of motor circuit analysis (MCA) instruments and software. The ALL-TEST
instruments are inexpensive, hand-held and provide results for detecting winding shorts,
winding contamination, loose/broken connections, phase unbalances and rotor faults in a
2 to 5 minute test that can be taken from the motor, motor control center or disconnect.
Data interpretation is simple and tests may be performed on AC/DC motors, including
synchronous and wound rotor motors, AC/DC traction motors, transformers,
generators/alternators and other coil wound equipment regardless of size or voltage

AEMPM Group Information Sharing

A key element of the AEMPM project is information sharing. The AEMPM project is a project
made up of different utility participants, each bringing different ideas, experiences, and concerns
to the table. This provides a forum for discussing the needs of each utility, not only as they
relate to electric motors, but also other maintenance related issues. For this principle to work as
intended, a consistent, reliable, comprehensive, and accurate flow of information between all
project participants is required.

To ensure these communication needs are met, the AEMPM project participants met each
quarter. These update meetings provided the latest information on project status, action item
status, specific issues, documentation, vendor training and test equipment, and any other key
items necessary to ensure a complete and comprehensive final product. At the meetings, utilities
were encouraged to talk about problems that they would like input on. Several times,
discussions were on topics such as the installation of new devices or equipment, downsizing,
reorganizations, and budget constraints. Also, new items of potential interest to the participants
were introduced, such as new and more efficient ways to terminate and disconnect motor
connections, or new software packages.

Although the structure of the meeting was formal, it allowed for very informal conversation, as
needed by the participants. It became an invaluable arena and forum to ask for advice, present a
problem, give a case history of a recent motor failure, or perhaps present a warning. The
location of each meeting was rotated to give each participating utility an opportunity to host it.


Part of the AEMPM objectives was to document and discuss dry ice cleaning techniques for
electric motors and motor bearing oil analysis and cleanliness. Each of these techniques is an
important tool for any PdM program, and as such, a specific EPRI guideline technical report has
been written for each. Each of these guidelines is discussed below, along with a description of
how it can be incorporated into an existing maintenance program to provide for reduced
unavailability time during servicing, enhanced equipment monitoring, and proactive actions to be
taken for improved equipment reliability.

Dry Ice Cleaning

This process, referred to as the CO2 Blast Cleaning Process, is accomplished by accelerating dry
ice particles to a high velocity using compressed air or nitrogen, to impact and clean a surface.
The effectiveness of this cleaning process is somewhat dependent on the skill of the operator,
however, it is typical for considerable contaminant cleaning to occur on the first pass, with
nearly all contaminants eliminated after two or more passes.

Traditionally, large electric equipment such as motors, generators, and transformers are removed
and taken to an electric shop to be steamed cleaned. This process is extremely effective in
removing contaminants from the equipment, but require subsequent baking to remove moisture
prior to reinstallation. Although this process is very effective in cleaning the equipment, it is
extremely labor intensive, costly, and requires a significant amount of time to accomplish. This
often results in equipment being out of service longer than otherwise required. In addition, the
potential for equipment damage during removal, transportation, and reinstallation is increased.

CO2 Blast Cleaning is a totally dry, non-abrasive process that can be performed on-site, without
having to transport disassembled equipment to a repair/cleaning facility. Since the process is
non-abrasive, actual cleaning time will usually be slower than steam cleaning or abrasive
cleaning methods (e.g., walnut shell, corncob, or baking soda), however, the overall time until
the equipment is returned to service is considerably less (approximately 20% of the time for
steam cleaning) since there is little or no drying time, very little cleanup, and no chemical or
secondary waste generated. Overall, this makes the dry ice cleaning of equipment quicker and
more cost competitive than other methods, and is completely safe to the environment.

The equipment needed to perform the dry ice cleaning comes with three options. Each of these
is described below.

1. Prefabricated Pellets: This option utilizes dry ice pellets manufactured off-site and stored in
an icebox during the cleaning process. This equipment is physically the smallest of the three


and the least expensive; however, the pellet cost is the highest (compared to the block dry ice
used in the other two options).

2. Single Size Pellets From Block Dry Ice: This option uses equipment that fabricates its own
pellets, all of the same size, from blocks of dry ice. The equipment used to perform this is
larger and more expensive than the equipment utilizing prefabricated pellets, while the
pellets are less expensive since they are made on-site by the equipment from block dry ice.

3. Variable Pellets From Block Dry Ice: This option uses equipment that also makes the pellets
from blocks of dry ice; however, in this case, the pellets are of variable size. This provides
for the most control during cleaning, since it combines variable pellet size control, along with
the normal pressure control available on all CO2 blast cleaning equipment.

A key component of the AEMPM project is the use of the new on-line technologies to reduce out
of service and unavailability time of critical electric motors. The CO2 Blast Cleaning Process is
consistent with that philosophy. Because of the elimination of lengthy drying and cleanup times,
this process allows the facility to perform complete in-house cleaning of key electrical
equipment in an effective, efficient, environmentally safe, and cost competitive manner, without
generating any additional chemical or secondary waste. The effectiveness of this cleaning
method is demonstrated by the fact that burned brush holders, prior flashovers, burned insulators,
poor solder joints, and thrown solder can be readily observed during an inspection that is
performed following dry ice cleaning. The flexibility of this process and its usefulness is
demonstrated by its capability of cleaning the following additional equipment:
• Circuit Boards
• Wiring Runs
• Precipitators
• Turbine Blades and Rotors
• Heat Recovery Steam Generating Tubes
• Transformer Cooling Banks

The CO2 Blast Cleaning Process is discussed in detail, including theory of operation and
equipment types and use, in EPRI Technical Report 1006617, February 2002.

Lube Oil System Cleanliness In Motor Bearing Applications

Lube oil analysis has already been discussed as a key foundation technology used in virtually all
PdM programs. A key component of this tool is to understand the types of contaminants that can
be present in bearing lubricant, where they can come from, what effect they can have, and how to
remove them.

It is expected that over time, contaminants will become present in motor bearing lubrication.
The amount of the contaminants and the rate of removal from lube oil system filtration will be
dependent on various factors such as equipment loading, machine speed, operating temperature,
lubricant type (including additive package), bearing design, environmental conditions, and lube


oil filtration type. If left unchecked, contaminant levels could reach the point that where the
physical properties of the lubricant are adversely impacted or bearings are subjected to excessive

Contamination Sources and Effects

There are four major sources of bearing lubrication contaminants. Each of these types of
contaminants, their source of origin and adverse effects, is described below:

1. Internally Generated Wear or Contamination: These are particles generated from bearings,
slinger rings, seals and other internal components that come in contact with the lubricant.
Common causes for the generation of these contaminants include abrasive wear from metal
particles and other contaminants, metal surface fatigue, loss of lubricating film thickness or
strength, or other fault conditions. These types of contaminants are abrasive and will cause
excessive wear to any surface they come in contact with. In addition, they can chemically
interact with the oil itself, producing insoluble acids that will eventually corrode metal
surfaces, deplete additives, and accelerate lubricant breakdown.

2. External Contamination: These are contaminant particles from airborne particulates (e.g.,
dirt, coal dust, and organics), process fluids (e.g., Freon and acids), and other external
processes. Typically, these contaminants will enter lube oil systems from the outside
environment though system openings such as breathers, access covers, and points of system
leakage. The same adverse effects described above for internal contamination will occur
with the presence of external contamination.

3. Moisture or Water: Moisture or water intrusion into the lubricant can occur from a multiple
of sources, including cooler leakage, seal leaks, condensation, and any other pathway into the
lube oil system (e.g., breathers, access covers, vents, etc.). Once present, moisture will
corrode metal surfaces, increase oxidation, and reduce the oil film strength, which will result
in excessive wear.

4. Byproducts from Chemical Breakdown of the Lubricant: As lubricants age, oxidation

occurs and additive levels become depleted. Eventually, insoluble acids and oxides are
created and work to corrode metal surfaces. In addition, sludge and varnish begin to form, a
process accelerated by abnormal conditions such as high operating temperatures, water
contamination, air entrainment, and excessive machine wear.

Contamination Filtration and Removal

Contamination removal is dependent upon the source and the size of the contamination. In
addition, the size of the lube oil system is important is selecting the most cost effective method
for lubrication cleaning. The methods for cleaning the various types of lube oil contaminations
are described below:

1. Filtration: This method is used for particulate contaminants and can be utilized using
portable filtration equipment, filtration equipment designed into the lube oil system, or a


combination of the two, based on the type and quantity of the contamination, the amount of
degradation that has already occurred, and the filter media being used. Filter selection is
based on both filter rating and efficiency to ensure cleanup to desired levels is possible. It
should be noted that this method is only a short-term fix if the source of the contamination
cannot be prevented.
2. Water Removal: Water can be present in the form of free water, emulsified water, or
dissolved water. Methods of water removal are dependent on the form in which the water is
present. These methods are as follows:

a) Centrifuging: This method is excellent for removal of free water. It spins the water at
high velocities and relies on centrifugal forces to separate the water from the oil. This
process will also remove some emulsified water and is ideally suited for use on large lube
oil reservoirs.

b) Filtration with Desiccant Filters: These filters are used for reducing small amounts of
free water. When water is passed through the filter, it bonds to the filter media and
becomes trapped.

c) Vacuum Dehydration: This method is the most effective means for removing water since
it removes free and emulsified water and up to about 80% of all dissolved water. This
process pulls oil through the system utilizing a vacuum then heats the oil prior to
transferring it through a vacuum distillation column where the water is boiled off. This
method is capable of reducing water levels to as low as 0.005%.

3. Removal of Oxidation Byproducts: These types of contaminants can be removed using

methods such as electrostatic precipitators, Fullers earth filters, and ion-exchange resins.
Precipitators utilize a specialized filter media that charges carbon insolubles and allows them
to be affixed to a collection plate, thereby removing them from the system. Fullers earth
filters and ion-exchangers are also capable of removing these insolubles, however, they are
also capable of removing certain additives during the process. Care must be taken when
using those methods to ensure unwanted filtrations are avoided.

4. Oil Replacement: When oil reservoirs are small (i.e., less than 10-15 gallons), it is usually
more cost effective to replace the oil rather than attempt to clean it up. This same method
may also be cost effective for larger reservoirs when the moisture levels and oxidation
byproducts (i.e., sludge and varnish) present are too excessive.

When implementing bearing lube oil analysis into the PdM program, the key to identifying what
contaminants are present is to understand what to look for during the oil sample analysis.
Internal contaminants are best identified by monitoring for Iron, Copper, Tin-Lead, Aluminum,
Chromium, Silver Nickel, Titanium, and Antimony, all of which are indicative of internal wear
products and sources. External contaminants are monitored using FT-IR spectroscopy and
trending elemental levels of Silicon, Sodium, and Potassium. Parameters monitored to detect
byproducts of lubricant chemical breakdown include FT-IR spectroscopy, Total Acid Number
(TAN), and elemental levels of Zinc, Phosphorous, Barium, Calcium, Magnesium, and


By monitoring the above stated parameters, pre-determined contamination levels can be

established to allow proactive maintenance to be taken before excess wear or equipment damage
can result. This, too, is consistent with the AEMPM approach that on-line monitoring and
proactive maintenance will promote increased equipment availability and fewer unplanned

Bearing Oil Analysis and Cleaning is discussed in detail in EPRI Technical Report 1004001,
November 2001.


There are numerous constraints being placed on PdM programs that require them to operate at
higher levels of efficiency and effectiveness, with less resources and expertise. In order to
accomplish this, PdM programs are required to take advantage of areas for improvement in all
facets of the program. These would include, but not be limited to, the following key areas:

1. Improved training

2. Better documentation of motor problems and troubleshooting

3. Implementation of technological advances

4. Limitations of diagnostic equipment and organization

5. Correlation with traditional testing

6. Strategy and Corporate Goals

Improved training is a strategy that is necessary to ensure future generations do not lose the
expertise from today. Presently, there seems to be a loss of plant motor expertise at station
facilities, primarily due to organizational downsizing, reorganization, and early retirements. In
addition to the expertise of today, the advent of the new on-line technologies require sound
training to ensure all personnel understand and can apply those technologies within the PdM
program. It is also necessary that any training program remain current with the state of the art
diagnostics in the years to come.

Without good documentation of motor knowledge and experience (i.e., problems and
troubleshooting), organizational improvement in those areas will be greatly reduced. As
mentioned earlier, use of rule based troubleshooting guides such as logic diagrams, can be
updated with plant experiences to ensure programmatic improvement in these areas. A PdM
organization that fails to properly document its experiences is doomed to repeat mistakes and be
plagued by inefficiency.

Technological advances is an area that can not only provide a PdM organization with improved
diagnostics, but carries with it the potential to allow many key motors to remain in service during
testing. The potential impact to allow key station equipment to remain operable and still be
assessed is one of the largest improvements that can be made by a PdM organization. The
premise of the new technologies is that the on-line and off-line testing can complement each
other to allow maximum availability time for key equipment, while still elevating the level of
reliability assurance beyond what it is at most facilities. With the proper use of the new on-line

Optimizing Motor Maintenance

technologies in conjunction with the traditional methods, the PdM organization is afforded the
most comprehensive diagnostic tools available to date.

It is imperative, however, that utilities understand what the limitations are for each type of on-
line testing and each piece of on-line diagnostic equipment. The ability to provide good,
comprehensive analysis of the data is key in maximizing its usefulness. For example, as pointed
out in the CMT report, there are fault thresholds that are important for on-line diagnosis.
Integrating more traditional off-line testing into the diagnostics and trending, when equipment
availability permits, can enhance the overall effectiveness of the testing. It is expected that a
good combination of on-line and off-line testing will eventually lead to better understanding of
the equipments underlying faults and increased confidence in its diagnosis.

Increased competitiveness between utilities is presently leading to downsizing and restructuring,

however, some organizations are learning that it is more efficient and cost effective to “work
smarter, not just harder.” This process entails incorporating a maintenance strategy that makes
the most reliable fault diagnosis in the earliest timeframe, i.e. finding the incipient faults with
reliable consistently. This approach requires diagnostic equipment that would cover a large
range of faults, electrical and mechanical, driver and driven, to make a diagnosis in the shortest
monitoring time with the least impact to generation.

The requirement for the detection of incipient faults allows not only trending of the fault from its
earliest stages, which increases the reliability of the diagnosis, but also and more importantly,
allows for the valuable lead time necessary for cost effective maintenance planning and
scheduling of parts, labor and equipment downtime.

Overall, the strategy of the PdM organization should be to form a motor maintenance program
around the equipment or component failures being experienced at the specific site, while keeping
in mind the corporate goals. For example, if 100% peak (seasonal) availability is the goal, then
complete testing and analysis should be accomplished prior to that period (e.g., summer, winter,
etc.) to identify any concerns that could later threaten availability. In addition, the testing results
can provide an evaluation and recommendation for continued operation past this peak, which not
only is valuable from a planning and scheduling perspective, but can provide the utility with
improved flexibility for its corporate goals. In the case of 100% availability during a seasonal
period, the utility may find itself needing to extend the period of 100% availability due to
unforeseen weather and associated high demand. The ability to understand equipment capability
in meeting these emergent needs can become a significant financial benefit for the corporation,
especially in a deregulated market environment.

It’s easy for organizations to say that they’d like to have a better motor program, however they
need to consider their goals. When the goals change, so may the motor maintenance program.
Increased overall reliability is much different than 100% peak availability, and so is the program
to accomplish this goal. On-line diagnostics and the core PdM technologies would be formed
into a different configuration for each action, but would still be the major elements applied. The
difference may be timing, intensity and scope.


Case History – Shredded Cable

Limestone Mill B



6900 Volts

864 rpm

The motor testing program at KCPL detected an anomaly on the Limestone Mill B equipment in
April of 2001. A very low insulation resistance value identified a lead problem. It was
discovered that an outside contractor had replaced lugs that were smaller than the original and
that the cable had been shredded to accommodate the smaller size lugs.

A picture of the diagnostic test results data for the Limestone Mill B equipment is shown below
on Figure 8-1.

Case Histories

Figure 8-1
Limestone Mill B Diagnostic Test Data

Case History – Loose Bus Bar

FD Fan 1B

7000 HP

6900 Volt

881 RPM

A loose bus bar connection caused an increase in heat that melted the bus bar connection bolts.

On-line testing at the MCC revealed excessive resistive imbalance. The motor leads were
disconnected and the motor tested at the motor leads – resistive imbalance remained the same.
The motor was opened for a visual inspection. One of the bus bar connection bolts was
completely burnt and the other phases were partially burnt.

Figure 8-2 below shows the diagnostic test data with the resistive imbalance present.

Case Histories

Figure 8-2
Motor Resistive Imbalance Test Data

Case History - Pinched Motor Leads

Nine Mile Point 1

Baker AWA Evaluation

Condensate Pump Motor Failed Hi-Pot Testing

The Baker Advanced Winding Analyzer (AWA) was being evaluated during a Refueling Outage
at Nine Mile Point 1 as part of the AEMPM project. Approximately 20 motors were tested, with
one motor test failure on a condensate motor. This motor had passed the insulation resistance
and polarization index portion of the automated testing sequence, but the testing was
automatically halted during the performance of the hipot test (this device automatically halts the
hipot test based on a leakage current trigger threshold entered by the operator). The AWA
indicated a high leakage current reading at 7kV. The test was re-performed to verify the results
and the 9kV (2E+1) hipot limit again could not be reached.

The motor junction box cover was removed to aid in the investigation. It was observed that the
motor leads were pinched between the motor housing and the surge ring on the end arms. A

Case Histories

decision was made to send the 30-year-old motor out for repair/rewind. Figure 8-3 below shows
the test results, as reported by the Advanced Winding Analyzer.

Figure 8-3
Nine Mile Point 1 Condensate Pump Motor Baker AWA Test Results


The purpose of the AEMPM Project was to enable the project participants to become familiar
with the latest motor diagnostic equipment, and to increase their knowledge and understanding of
the equipment functions and capabilities. Following are some of the Participants thoughts as
they relate to the project.

Comments on the Project

• “The AEMPM Project provided training and experience on motor failures, diagnostic
equipment and points of contact for equipment problems. The project provided the basis
for implementing an integrated motor program at Nine Mile Point.”

Ron Watson – Constellation Energy, Nine Mile Point

• “The AEMPM Project was extremely valuable in identifying the capabilities and
limitations of commercially available motor diagnostic equipment. We will utilize the
knowledge gained to make informed decisions regarding any future plans for routine
motor maintenance practices.”

Brian Baldwin - Dynegy Midwest Generation

Decision Logic Trees and Guidelines

• “It is a good idea to have a reference guide to help plant personnel diagnose a motor
problem or evaluate a new technology. Good troubleshooting references are valuable.
This tool should be used more often as senior plant personnel retire and take valuable
experience with them. New motor maintenance personnel should be given access to
these guidelines to save time on the learning curve.”

Don Barnett - City Public Service of San Antonio

• “We now have a better understanding of the available equipment and how it will fit into
our company’s maintenance philosophy. We learned some things during the vendor
training that really surprised me.”
Don Barnett - City Public Service of San Antonio

Lessons Learned

• “NMP was trained on the Baker equipment and tested 40 motors during two refuel
outages. One defective motor was detected at NMP1 the first outage. Three defects have
been detected to date.”

Ron Watson – Constellation Energy, Nine Mile Point

Partial Discharge
• “We were very pleased by the successful utilization of PD on 4kV motors. The
accomplishments in PD research during the controlled motor test reveal that
identification of internal groundwall degradation is possible and further research should
be conducted in field applications to better determine the rate of degradation under
“normal” operations.”

Brian Baldwin - Dynegy Midwest Generation

Controlled Motor Testing

• “I believe that the Controlled Motor Testing is of great value to my site. The knowledge
that I personally gained from using the different types of test equipment and overall
motor design and construction will allow me to pass this knowledge on to other personnel
in my shop.”

Rob Bartsch – Constellation Energy, Calvert Cliffs

• “CMT revealed a lot about the capabilities of the available test equipment and this
information will be helpful to our utility as we plan for a comprehensive motor
maintenance program.”
• “We addressed the common types of faults we would expect to see in our environment
and attempted to identify them with available instrumentation.”

Brian Baldwin – Dynegy Midwest Generation

• “I thought there was a good value to our utility with the experience that I gained and the
different equipment that we had access to.”
• “My knowledge and confidence of fault diagnosis increased during testing.”

Kent Ohlendorf - AmerenUE

• “The CMT gave an indication of what the test equipment could detect and what it could
not detect. It also gave an indication of how bad the fault had to be before detection
could be made.”
• “Seeing different types of motor faults, such as known broken rotor bars, was
informative. The symptom of heating at the crack was evident.”

Ron Watson – Constellation Energy, Nine Mile Point

Lessons Learned

• “I learned that on some 4kV motors, even if they show severe PD activities, the time to
failure could be longer than I had previously thought.”
• “CMT test results reinforced my confidence in the diagnostic tool we use in testing our

George Yeboah – KCPL

Program: About EPRI
Steam Turbines, Generators, and EPRI creates science and technology solutions for
Balance-of-Plant Program
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Research Institute in 1973 as a nonprofit research
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the company provides a wide range of innovative
products and services to more than 1000 energy-
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