1st Ass. GE 108 Ethics

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GE 108 – Ethics


Assignment: Answer the following questions reflectively and comprehensively

1. What is Ethics?

Ethics include investigating the principles of good and wrong in human behavior. It

serves as a useful compass, assisting us in making informed judgements and navigating

moral quandaries. Beyond just observing the rules, ethics entails a more in-depth

understanding of how our actions affect ourselves and people around us. It lays the

groundwork for living a virtuous and worthwhile life by encouraging qualities such as

honesty, empathy, and impartiality. In summary, ethics teaches us how to conduct

ourselves in a way that benefits our society and the global collective while establishing a

feeling of duty and obligation.

2. How do you define goodness?

Goodness refers to the quality of doing what is right and good. It includes activities that

promote wellness, fairness, and compassion. When we say someone is exceptional, we

infer that they consistently make decisions that benefit both others and one. Goodness is

more than simply respecting the law; it reflects a genuine concern for the happiness and

contentment of everyone involved. In essence, defining goodness entails recognizing

and rewarding behaviors that align with principles and increase the overall quality of life

for individuals and communities.

3. What do you think about when you think ethically?

Thinking ethically involves emphasis on fairness, justice, and kindness. It is about

determining how our activities influence others and whether they improve things for

everyone. When we think ethically, we consider if our decisions are right or incorrect and

accept responsibility for the outcomes. It's similar to being conscious and examining the

principles that influence our behavior. The objective is to make decisions that foster a

good and welcoming environment for everybody involved. Ethical reasoning serves as a

guidance for making decisions that benefit the world and make it a better place for

everybody. It's about being fair, doing the right thing, and making decisions that promote


4. What is the object of ethics? And why?

Ethics has a purpose of making individuals and communities better. It aims to direct our

behaviors in order to build a fair and caring society. The goal is to improve everyone's

lives and encourage good human progress. Ethics thinks that making ethical decisions

benefits everyone by linking us all. So, when we make ethical judgements, we are

looking out for others as well as ourselves. The fundamental notion is to create a society

in which everyone's well-being is vital, and we are all accountable for making it a better

place. Ethics functions as a guide, directing us towards decisions that enable us all live

better lives together.

5. How does Act of man differ from Human Act?

Man's acts are natural, with no conscious effort involved. Human Act, on the other hand,

occurs when humans make intentional, thought-out decisions. Human actions are similar

to reflexes, which we perform without thinking about it. Human acts are distinct; we

choose to perform them with reason and conscience. The main distinction is how much

we thought before doing something. This distinction is significant in ethics because it

demonstrates the importance of making deliberate choices and taking responsibility for

how our actions influence the world. Understanding this explains why making intelligent

decisions is an important aspect of how we act.


Psychology Today. (2023). Ethics and Morality. Retrieved from


Santa Clara University. (August 26, 2019.). Ethics in Life and Business. Retrieved from




Kub, N. (2018, September 2). Ethics: Definition, Scope, Nature, and Objectives. Retrieved from


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