The machine. That lets you put documents and such Which of the following describes social networking.
on paper. Printer. - A way for students to share ideas.
The tool you used to type words onto the computer. -Fun and it is what students do all the time.
Keyboard. - Related to Web 2.0.
The program that checks your spelling. Spellcheck
Talking to other users by typing or using What is the key characteristic of Web 2.0?
headphones. Chatting. -Sharing and openness.
The most popular Internet search engine. Google.
When did Web 2.0 become popular? 2004.
What you used to click things on the screen?Mouse.
What is another word for computer What’s the most significant difference between Web
screen?Monitor. 2.0 and the traditional worldwide web? -Greater
Any physical part of Computer. Hardware. collaboration between users, content providers
The object on your screen that lets you point at and enterprises.
things. Curser.
Internet mail. E-mail. According to experts, what type of businesses must
A small port on your computer that you can attach adopt most quickly and readily to Web 2.0
drives to. USB. technology? -All e-commerce.
A mass storage device that is portable that connects
through a USB port. Flash Drive. Which of the following is characteristic of Web 2.0
Music form most played on the computer. MP3 applications? -They get better as more people use
One of the many different sizes in regards to it.
computer storage. Megabyte
How can a blog be used? -Communicate your news
A program that lets you draw on your computer.
to the world.
the brain of computer or microprocessor. CPU. Who invented the term Web 2.0? -Tim O Reilly.
A machine that lets you put paper documents onto
your computer. Scanner. What were 2.0 tools can be used for feedback?
A program that destroys your computer system. -Blogs, Surveys, Wikis.
Any program on the computer. Software. Web 2.0 can be best described as a approach to the
The object that your mouse sits on. Mouse pad Internet in which users share thoughts, strategies,
opinions and ideas in a free and open forums such
ROM -Read only memory in which information is as blogs, wikis and broadcasts
saved once and can never be altered. Ex. CD-ROM
RAM - Random Access Memory. This is referred to COPYRIGHT
as computer memory where the computer does
Copyright Law of the Philippines Republic Act
short term task.
NO.8293 Took effect on January 1, 1998 by Fidel V.
Virus -Is a program designed by a computer Copyright and related rights. -Is the legal right of
programmer to do certain unwanted functions. the owner of intellectual property.
CFU Patents.
-Is an exclusive right granted for an invention
What is the difference between a worm and a virus?
- A worm is self replicating, but a virus isn’t self COMPUTER ETHICS INSTITUTE
Founded in 1985, there served as forum and
What type of malware do users in advertently resource for identifying, assessing, and responding
install with USB thumb drive? -Trojans to ethical issues associated with the advancement
of information technologies -developed 10
What can we use unwanted emails that contains COMMANDMENTS OF COMPUTER ETHICS.
advertisement? - Anti spam software.
What type of signature based monitoring can -federal law to improve efficiency and
detect and remove known worms and throw hands? effectiveness of health care system
NETIQUETTE -code of common courtesy for users
A form of legal protection that grants the author of of internet
an original work and exclusive right to copy,
distribute, style, and modify that work except under AMBULATORY CARE -for outpatient
special circumstances. Copyright
Where do services of the Ambulatory Care B. I can improve my client’s outcome by using
application usually perform Select all that apply. current accurate information.
-Emergency rooms, Mental clinics. Diagnostic and
imaging centers. 6. When you seeing electronic medical records EMR,
the nurse knows that the EMR. E. Holds the
Which of these is not a part of computer based documentation of a single episode of
ambulatory care process? Eradication of data. care.
What is the role of the health information System in 7. Which type of records contains the most
the ambulatory care system. -Its basic objective is information? D. Electronic health Record.
to easily integrate the data to the other data and
easily translate this data into information. 8. How can electronic medical records EMRs boost
patients engagement in their health C. it helps
What is not an issue in the ambulatory care patients become more aware of their own health
information system? Necessity of audit log. status.
With the Ambulatory Care Information System, the 9 Which of the following is a significant benefit of
patient waiting time is optimized through what telemedicine? A. avoidance of Transportation costs.
management. - Effective queue management.
10. What is the oldest form of telemedicine?
NURSING DIAGNOSIS -After you use your clinical Teleradiology.
judgment to determine a nursing diagnosis for
each patient. You can rapidly get information HEALTH MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM
related to the diagnosis. (HMIS) -Assist in the management and planning of
health programs as opposed to delivery of care.
What is the first component of nursing diagnosis
consisting of? Problem. Clinical Information System. -Is used to collect and
store information related to patients care.
TELEMEDICINE -The use of medical information
exchange from one side to another via electronic Nursing Information System. -Deals with nursing
communications. aspects, particularly the maintenance of the
nursing record.
-Holds documentation of a single episode of care. CFU Module 18.
ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD (EHR) -Compose of Which system is used to collect and store
health information regarding an individual px that information related to patient care? A. clinical
exists as part of a complete system designed to information system.
provide access to and management of such
Refers to an information system specifically
designed to assist in the management and planning
-Development of EHR are distinguished by the
of health programs, as opposed to delivery of care.
Nicholas E. Davis Awards of Excellence program.
E. Health Management information system.
1. These are recommendations on how to diagnose
A system that integrates data collection processing
and treat a medical condition, they are
reporting and use of the information necessary for
systematically developed statements to assist
improving health service effectiveness and
practitioners. Decision about appropriate healthcare
efficiency through better management at all levels
for specific clinical circumstance B. clinical
of health services C. Health information system.
Which of the following is the role and function of
2. What is the first stage of developing a guideline??
the health information system? D. Easy access to
A. It is essential that guidelines are based on the
files. Better controls, improve communication.
best available research evidence and therefore a
detailed literature search is done to identify Which of the following is not a component of Health
evidence from research studies about the Information System. -Feedback.
appropriateness and effectiveness of different
clinical strategies. Refers to the facts about the patient, which include
age and birth date, gender, marital status, address
3. Which of the following terms describe the ability of residence, race and ethnic origin. -Demographic
to access, evaluate, and use electronic health data.
information? B. Computer literacy.
What is the goal of the nursing information system?
4. A nurse is teaching a consumer about appropriate - Support and enhanced nursing practice to
website selection. Which of the following consumer improve access to information and tools.
statement indicates understanding of the teaching
provided by the nurse? C.I will need to find Which of the following is a disadvantage of nursing
websites that use appropriate terminology. information systems?
5. Which of the following statements explains why D. Wording may not be common to users language.
it is important that nurses learn to evaluate - Reflect the patients screening sessions diagnosis,
electronic and published health information? allergies, current health problems medications
diagnostic or therapeutic procedures laboratory
tests and counseling on health problems D. Current Refers to a type of instruction that allows a person
Medical Management. to control the flow of instruction. -Self-paced
Which of the following presents the measures of
after effects of healthcare and of various health Implies that people meet face to face and view the
problems outcomes directly reported by patient same images through the use of
after treatment will be most useful? A Outcome telecommunications and computer technology,
data. even though they are not in the same location. -
Video conference.
E-LEARNING -Involves the use of a computer or
electronic device in some ways to provide training, Refers to a device that connects all telephone lines
educational or learning materials. to one teleconference. B. Conference Bridge.
Video conference.- Uses narrow band Not part of the basic system of video conferencing.
telecommunications channels to transmit visual Network.
information such as graphics, alphanumeric
documents and video pictures as an adjunct to TYPES OF COMPUTER DATA
voice communication.
1.Computer-based data types - used to build the
Two types of video conferencing: physical database within the computer system.
Point to point conferencing -Communication link •Alphanumeric Data - Includes letters and
between any two locations. numbers in any combination. Ex. Social security
number, Memo
Multipoint conferencing -A link between varieties
of locations. •Numeric Data -Used to perform numeric functions
including adding, subtracting, multiplying, and
CFU#19 dividing. Ex. Date and Time, Logic Data
It is a mixture of face to face and online teaching. C. Refers to an organized collection of structured
Blended learning information or data, typically stored electronically in
a computer system.- Database.
Forms of education instructions and learning that
occur at the same time but not in the same place - What is the most complex and effective information
Asynchronous learning. system? Human brain.
Advantages of eLearning for learners Refers to the computer programs used to input,
-Accommodates everyone’s needs. store, modify, process, and access data in a
- Learn at their own pace. database. DBMS
-Access to updated contents.
What is the first step in the database life cycle?
With the spread of virtual schools and courses, Initiation.
some educators have expressed concerns about
students.B. Losing the benefits of face to face
contacts. Refers to an electronic sheet of paper organized by
columns and rows. Spreadsheet.
While talking with a client, a nurse determines that
the client is participating in real time telehealth To copy cell contents you can select the cell and
based on the understanding that this involves. D. then press the. CTRL+C keys.
Same time interaction of the client and provider
via video. It is the most widely used spreadsheet program and
is part of Microsoft Office suite. MS Excel.
A nurse is reading a journal article about the
advantages and disadvantages of online learning. It is a table like document containing rows and
When reading the article, which aspect would the documents that holds data and formula. Worksheet.
nurse identify as a disadvantage? - Isolation from
the personal touch. To paste copy in cell contents you can press the.
CTRL+V keys
Technology skills and Self-discipline.
Delete one character to the left in the formula bar.
Refers to the use of telecommunications and Also clears the content of the active cell. Backspace
information technology for the delivery of care.-
TeleNursing. Completes a cell and three from the cell are the
formula bar and select the cell below by default.
What are the fastest growing application of Enter.
telenursing? -Home care and telephone triage.
Refers to the numerical pieces of information that
will be used for calculations. Values.
The place to keep the items that you not only need
to access quickly, but want to be immediately
available regardless of which of the ribbon stub
you’re working on. Quick Access Toolbar.