HMK 200W
HMK 200W excavator cabin has been designed to allow the operator to work
comfortably even under the hardest conditions.
Cabin entrance is large enough to enable the operator to enter the cab easily
with plenty of clearance. Opening windscreen is designed to give the operator a
perfect visibility. It is possible to open the windscreen by sliding it towards the roof.
Rear window may be removed and kept under the operator seat. Other features
enhancing operator’s comfort are the ergonomic seat and front console. The
standard operator seat of the HMK 200W can be adjusted in 9 different positions
and is designed to enable operator to work without fatigue and comfortably with
high performance for long hours. Besides, the joystick console and seat can move
independently from each other which lets the operator to adjust the most suitable
position for him.
The seat is equipped with seat belt as a safety precaution. The cab is supported
by 6 silicon viscose mounts that dampen the effects of noise, shock and vibrations
regardless of working conditions of the machine and the optional attachment on
it. Also a high capacity air conditioning system is located on the cab to create the
optimum working environment for the operator.
HMK 200W
“An Extraordinary
An extraordinary engine…
The Isuzu engine fitted in the HMK 200W is specially
More than standard…
developed for excavator applications. It is a turbo
diesel engine, complies with the U.S and EU Emission HİDROMEK always offers more than what is expected
Regulations, with 4 cylinders, 4 cycles, water-cooling, from any construction equipment. Some of the standard
turbocharger and intercooler. High performance, long life features offered along with HMK 200W model are:
and reliability of the engine under all working conditions • Air pre-heating function to start-up engine easily in
have been proved in many different markets. cold weather conditions
• Diesel fuel/water separator
Low fuel consumption…
• No disturbance for the environment and operator due
The direct fuel injection and intercooler features not only to low exhaust gas emission and sound level.
provide less fuel consumption but also increase the
power and torque produced by the engine by providing
more efficient combustion.
Lower - Chasis Steering Wheel System system in the travel motor to prevent the machine
Chassis : Box cross-sectional, reinforced lower-chassis Orbitrol type steering wheel system controls from getting out of control when driving downhill.
with dozer blade at the rear and support legs the front wheels through cylinders. Front axle Moreover, the travel motor is protected from
at the front are standard. oscillation angle is (±) 8° and minimum turning external effects by means of a sheet metal cover.
Axles : Rear axle is fixed to the lower-chassis. Front radius is 6,900 mm.
axle is connected to the lower-chassis with
pins for oscillation and is fixed with locking Travel System
cylinders at working position. Maximum traction, long life and high performance
Tires : 10.00 - 20 (16 ply) are achieved through latest technology
transmission, axles and travel motors produced
by world renowned suppliers. There is a safety
HMK 200W
Program Loading and Modification:
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS There are computer connection ports on control unit of the machine.By
means of such ports, programs of which parameters are either the same
or different can be loaded on the machine.
Opera Control System
• Perfect control
Automatic Powerboost:
• Fuel economy When more power than normal working conditions is needed, electronic
• Long component life control system allows working at high performans through increasing
• Low noise level and exhaust gas emission system pressure.
• Operator comfort Automatic Powershift:
• Warning and protection (security) features If more power is needed during digging and travel , required power is
• Malfunction / fault indication feature obtained by mounting engine rpm and pump flow rate above setup
• Auxiliary functions
Automatic Idling:
While levers are in the middle position, in case of no movements at
levers, electronic control system decreases engine rpm to 1200 rpm and
Opera Control System ,consists of 4 power modes and 3 working Overheating Prevention Function: then decrease to idling in order to prevent redundant fuel consumption.
modes, helps operator to choose the most suitable working If engine water temperature and hydraulic oil temperature exceeds Automatic Idling function can be activated also at any time determined
conditions in accordance with requirements of work through perfect certain limits, electronic control system decreases the pump flow rate by operator. When operator touches to lever , engine rpm and pump
matching with diesel engine and hydraulic pump. and engine rpm to enable the machine work continuosly. flow rate of previously selected mode is restored . This function can
be canceled by operator if he desires. By this way desired power from
MODE SELECTIONS Automatic preheating : engine can be obtained.
Automatic preheating provides reaching machine to optimum working
A-Power Mode Selection temperatures by measuring air intake temparature , cooling water
temperature and hydraulic oil temperature of diesel engine. Machine Condition Information:
POWER MODE control unit removes engine rpm from idling to 1200 rpm when Instant, hourly and total fuel consumption information of machine can
engine cooling water is lower than 30°C or hydraulic oil temperature be monitored. Also , many parameters such as; battery voltage , engine
F (Sensitive Mode) This mode is used for light works requiring is lower than 0°C and stay on this rpm until warm up . By this way
sensitive movements early wearing of main components beginning engine in the first place load, pump pressures , cooling water temperature, and hydraulic oil
E (Economy Mode) This mode is for light work in which low is prevented. However if there is emergency and machine is required temprature can be monitored
fuel consumption is desired. to be moved quickly , such function can be cancelled by pressing
P (Power Mode ) This mode is for general digging and button on display panel. Maintenance Information:
loading works. There is warning system that informs operator about periodic
HP (High Power Mode) This mode is for heavy and high speed Automatic Malfunction Indication:
When machine displays any malfunction, code representing such maintenance time automotically. Also parameters related with machine
required maintenance can be monitored on control panel.
malfunction appears on display panel for warning purpose.
B- Working Mode Selection
Malfunction Messages Memory: Operation Hours:
WORKING MODE Opera Control System has feature of keeping occured malfunctions Detail working hours of machine , such as working hours, travel hours,
D (Digging Mode) It is designed for normal digging in the machine in its memory. attachment hours , breaking hours, are kept on the memory.
B (Breaking Mode) It is designed for breaking operations. Fuel filter Congestion Warning: Anti-Theft System:
O (Optional It is designed to work with optional Notifies pollution of fuel filter to operator by view.
Anti-theft system is set up by defining private code for each operator.
attachment Mode) attachment.
Manuel Mode Selection:
WARNING AND PROTECTION FEATURES In case of any malfunction in control system of the machine, it Fuel Consumption:
is possible to switch to manual mode and continue operation by Fuel consumption can be followed on remote control panel in real time
Continuous Monitoring: means of a button located near fuse box. Hydraulic pump flow and statistical information can be obtained.
Opera Control System, continuously monitors the most important rate is fixed and also engine rpm can be set between 900 rpm and
maxinumum rpm manually. Language Selection:
parameters of machine and warns the operator in case of any
abnormality in three ways: Selection of multi-language on the remote control panel.
Component Information and Main Setting Values:
Information regarding serial numbers of the components of the
• Audio warning machine can be loaded on the control unit and may be recalled
• Warning lights when required. It is also possible to read the required malfunction
• Indicators information on the display panel through the control unit during
fault searching.
Since the very first phase of its design, the new generation GEN Series Excavators has
been developed so that the user could control the machine with an extraordinary ease, in Lighting
Throttle Level
an environment of total comfort, feeling himself like in his own office. Display
Driving Modes
Audio Volume
That is why, GEN - the new generation of excavators HİDROMEK, for first time in its class, Wiper
has been equipped with OPERA (HİDROMEK Operator Interface).
OPERA user interface, especially developed for the GEN series HİDROMEK excavators,
Engine Start-Stop
which integrates all the control devices on an aesthetically designed and ergonomically Coloured TFT Display Audio System
Control Buttons
located console. The system consists of a high resolution (HD) coloured TFT screen , an
Electronic Control Unit and the Opera Control Unit.
• Easy to control
• High efficiency
• Generation of required flow rate when
needed (negative control)
• Continuous control of power generation
depending on increasing load
• Maximum performance under all sorts of
working conditions due to functional power
• Priority allowance in attachment movements
• Regeneration of flow rate in main control
Main Hydraulic Pump and bucket movements and increases both the life of the movement. The braking of the swing movement is provided
Machine performance and pump life have been maximized hydraulic system and speed of the machine. by an oil type spring-driven park brake system.
by using two axial pistons and variable displacement Holdin valves on the boom and arm are supplied as
hydraulic pumps from Kawasaki, a worldwide leading standard equipments in order to balance the interior Other features
hydraulic pump manufacturer. It is possible to generate the leakage between spool and body so the potential leakage The hydraulic accumulator which enables lowering of the
necessary flow rate when required thanks to the negative problem at the attachments is avoided. attachments in case of emergency (i.e. diesel engine or
control feature. By matching the power generated from Thanks to the two-staged main relief valve, it is possible to main hydraulic pump failure) is located in the pilot line.
diesel engine and the power required by the hydraulic increase the power whenever is required. The advanced hydraulic system provides easy maintenence
pump under increase load, engine stalls is prevented. Inside the main control valve, there is straight travel valves. and thus decreases spare part costs.
The best matching of the engine and pump flow rate is Due to the featured structure of the main valve block, it is Hydraulic cylinders are designed with a cushioning system
achieved with the power mode modulation depending on possible to join the oil produced by both pumps within the to provide a vibration and shock free operation.
working conditions. By this way; valve group. The entire hydraulic system is fitted with high capacity
• High efficiency There is no need for an external pipe or hose for such filters so ensure absolute cleanliness.
• High quality operation. Different types of breakers may be fitted by selecting
• Long and trouble-free operating life is achieved. desired flow rate and pressure on the control unit.
An additional valve section is available for breaker or other
Main Control Valve optional attachments.
The main control valve ensures sensitive and vibration free
operation in each combined movement. The operator is Swing Hydromotor and Gearbox
able to focus only on his work since the priority at the arm, An axial piston type hydromotor with high torque is used
boom and swing movements are provided automatically together with a heavy duty type gearbox.
by the control valve, thus maximizing efficiency. The re- The hydromotor features shock absorbing valves specially
generative system prevents cavitations during boom, arm designed to provide smooth and vibration free swing
Width 1.110 mm 600 mm 750 mm 900 mm 1050 mm 1200 mm 1400 mm 600 mm 750 mm 900 mm 1030 mm 1190 mm 1370 mm
Capacity 0.90 m3 0.41 m3 0.54 m3 0.69 m3 0.84 m3 1.00 m3 1.20 m3 0.40 m3 0.52 m3 0.67 m3 0.82 m3 1.00 m3 1.20 m3
Weight 740 kg 510 kg 580 kg 650 kg 700 kg 780 kg 950 kg 510 kg 600 kg 670 kg 720 kg 800 kg 860 kg
Number of teeth 4 3 3 4 4 5 5 3 3 4 4 5 5 A- Material density less than 2.000 kg/m³
B- Material density less than 1.800 kg/m³
2.92 m C A A A A A B A A A A A B
ARM C- Material density less than 1.500 kg/m³
*2.40 m B A A A A B A A A A A A C D- Material density less than 1.200 kg/m³
* Standard Note: Single radius buckets and rock type buckets are available
HMK 200W Boom: 5.6 m, Arm: 2.40 m, Bucket: 0.90 m3 (SAE), Front Outrigger/Rear Dozer Blade :Front : Side HMK 200W MH Boom: 6.6 m, Arm: 4.6 m, Front Outrigger/Rear Outrigger :Front : Side
Load Unit
Load Unit
A, m 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 Maximum Reach X, m 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 Maximum Reach
B, m R,m H, m R,m
7.5 kg *4550 *4550 5.98 10.5 kg *7200 *7200 *6250 *6250 6.99
6.0 kg *4500 *4500 *4350 *4350 7.10 9.0 kg *6850 *6850 *6250 *5900 *5650 4750 8.51
4.5 kg *5900 *5900 *5100 *5100 *4800 3800 *4450 3350 7.77 7.5 kg *6900 *6900 *6200 *5900 *5700 4350 *5350 3950 9.56
3.0 kg *10250 *10250 *7850 *7850 *6000 5350 *5200 3700 *4700 3200 8.10 6.0 kg *7300 *7300 *6400 5800 *5750 4350 *5200 3450 10.28
1.5 kg *9650 7850 *6950 5000 *5650 3500 *5250 3050 8.14 4.5 kg *9900 *9900 *7950 *7950 *6750 5650 *5850 4250 *5100 3350 *5000 3200 10.74
0 (ground) kg *8750 *8750 *10650 7500 *7600 4800 *6000 3400 *5700 3150 7.90 3.0 kg *11500 *11500 *7700 7650 *7050 5450 *6000 4150 *5100 3300 *4750 3050 10.97
- 1.5 kg *9250 *9250 *14050 *14050 *10750 7400 *7800 4700 *6150 3500 7.34 1.5 kg *12500 *11350 *9200 7250 *7300 5250 *6000 4050 *4950 3250 *4550 3000 11.00
- 3.0 kg *14500 *14500 *14700 *14700 *10050 7500 *7300 4750 *6700 4350 6.38 0 (ground) kg *4000 *4000 *12050 10900 *9250 7000 *7250 5100 *5850 3950 *4600 3200 *4300 3050 10.82
- 4.5 kg *11500 *11500 *7900 *7850 *7350 *7150 4.77 - 1.5 kg *5650 *5650 *11300 *10750 *8650 6850 *6800 5000 *5350 3900 *3900 3250 10.41
- 3.0 kg *9300 *9300 *7400 *6850 *5800 5000 *4350 *3900 *3400 *3400 9.76
A Load Radius
B Load Point Height Lifting capacities are according to SAE J1097 and ISO 10567.
WARNING Load point is on the bucket.
C Lifting Capacity
HİDROMEK has the right to modify the
specifications and design of the model indicated Lifting capacity cannot exceed 75% of tip over capacity or
on this brochure without prior notice. 87% of total hydraulic capacity.
Values marked with ( * ) are limited by hydraulic capacity.
5. Not included polyp attachment
HMK 200W