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Grade 12 NSC Geography P1 (English) Preparatory Examination Possible Answers

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The following marking principles are developed to standardise marking processes.

• ALL questions MUST be marked, irrespective of whether it is correct or incorrect.
• Where the maximum marks have been allocated for a particular question, place an M
over the remainder of the text to indicate the maximum marks have been achieved.
• A clear, neat tick must be used: 
o If ONE mark is allocated, ONE tick must be used: 
o If TWO marks are allocated, TWO ticks must be used: 
o The tick must be placed at the FACT for which a mark is being allocated.
o Ticks must be kept SMALL, as various layers of moderation may take place.
• Incorrect answers must be marked with a clear, neat cross: X
o Use MORE than one cross across a paragraph/discussion style question to indicate that
all facts have been considered.
o Do NOT draw a line through an incorrect answer.
o Do NOT underline the incorrect facts.


• If the numbering is incorrect or left out, as long as the sequence of answers to questions is
followed, candidates can be credited.
• Spelling errors – if recognisable, award the marks, provided the meaning is correct.
• Be sensitive to the sense of an answer, which may be stated in a different way.
• In questions where a letter is the accepted response, but the learner writes the actual
answer – award marks.


• Each subquestion must be totalled.
o Questions in Section A has five subsections, therefore five subtotals per question are
required. Section B has three subsections and three subtotals.
o Subsection totals to be written in the right-hand margin at the end of the subsection
and underlined.
o Subtotals must be written legibly.
o Leave space to write in moderated marks on different levels.
• Total subtotals and transfer totals to top left hand margin next to the question number.
• Transfer total to the cover of answer book.

Marking on each level of moderation is done in the same way as the initial marking. All
guidelines for marking must be adhered to.

If a mark for a subquestion is changed after moderation, the moderator must strike through the
marker's mark and write down the new mark, 12 16

The total for the question must be re-calculated, and similarly be struck off and the new total
must be written down as follows, 26 36




1.1 1.1.1 A (South Atlantic High) 

1.1.2 B (Kalahari High) 

1.1.3 B (South Indian) X 2

1.2 1.2.1 Melting snow 

1.2.2 Mouth X

1.2.3 Third order  2

1.3 1.3.1 Katabatic X

1.3.2 1 occurs during the day while 2 occurs at night 

1.3.3 Cold air rolls down into the valley and forms an inversion
Air flows downslope 

1.4 1.4.1 Shape of front concave X

Steep gradient of front 

1.4.2 Warm air undercuts the cold air X

1.4.3 Air behind the cold front is colder than the air in front. Cold air moves
faster than warm air ahead of it. Cold front catches up with the warm
front. 5

1.5 1.5.1 (a) A river that only flows all year-round X

(b) The river channel is wide X
 
(c) Regularity of rainfall and the soil type over which the streams flow.
 X
1.5.2 Gauteng and the Eastern Cape

1.5.3 The cost of food production will increase as it is costly to buy purified
water. Farmers will have to buy more chemicals to purify water.
Chemicals cost a lot, and this will increase production costs. It will be
costly to purify water for use in electricity generation.MThese costs will be
in electricity prices. Costs will increase the price of electricity during
production. There will be less clean water to generate hydroelectricity. 7




1.1.1 Z(1)/shadow zone

1.1.2 Z(1)/terrestrial

1.1.3 Z(1)/frost

1.1.4 Y(1)/north

1.1.5 Z(1)/thermal belt

1.1.6 Y(1)/south

1.1.7 Y(1)/zone of incidence (7 x 1) (7)

1.2 1.2.1 C (1)/Kalahari anticyclone

1.2.2 B (1)/anticlockwise

1.2.3 A (1)/ridge

1.2.4 A (1)/polar high pressure and subpolar low pressure

1.2.5 C (1)/(ii) and (iii)/winter and frontal

1.2.6 C (1)/cold and rainy

1.2.7 D (1)/dry conditions with clear skies

1.2.8 B (1)/(i) and (iv)/lower and west to east

(8 x 1) (8)


1.3 Refer to the infographic on Tropical Cyclone Gombe below.

1.3.1 How many tropical cyclones have occurred before Tropical Cyclone Gombe?

Six (1) (1 x 1) (1)

1.3.2 According to the infographic, what is the scientific evidence fuelling the
intensity of tropical cyclones in the Indian Ocean?

Climate change (1)

Warming of the Indian Ocean (1)
[Any ONE] (1 x 1) (1)

1.3.3 Provide evidence from the satellite image that suggests that Tropical
Cyclone Gombe has reached the stage of maturity.

Presence of an eye (1) (1 x 1) (1)

1.3.4 Discuss why Tropical Cyclone Gombe will decrease in intensity once it
reaches the coastline of Mozambique.

Frictional drag occurs when the cyclone reaches land. (2)

Loss of source of moisture once the cyclone is overland. (2)
Less latent heat will be available. (2)
Atmospheric pressure will increase. (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)

1.3.5 Explain TWO weather elements of Tropical Cyclone Gombe, indicated in the
infographic, that may have resulted in the damage caused to the

Strong winds will damage the electricity poles. (2)

Strong winds will blow off the roofs of houses and buildings. (2)
Torrential/Heavy rain will flood the buildings. (2)
Heavy rain will result in flooding that will cause damage to
buildings. (2)
Heavy rain and flooding will result in short circuits in electricity. (2)
Flooding will result in erosion of tarred roads. (2)
Heavy run-off will flood the sewage systems and damage the water
pipes. (2)
Lightning can damage electricity poles (can give examples of
infrastructure) (2)
Lightning can cause firesthat damage the infrastructure (2)
Hail can damage buildings (can give examples of infrastructure) (2)

[Any TWO – MUST refer to TWO different weather elements.]

(2 x 2) (4)


1.3.6 Suggest TWO precautionary strategies that can be implemented in this area
to reduce the possible damage caused to the infrastructure during tropical
cyclones by flooding, as mentioned in the article.

Use stronger building materials to build homes. (2)

Avoid construction in low-lying areas (floodplains). (2)
Maintain/Repair roads for easy evacuation. (2)
Maintain water systems to reduce damage. (2)
Construct better roads that can withstand heavy rains. (2)
Construct clinics and schools on areas not prone to flooding. (2)
Improve construction and maintenance of basic (electricity)
infrastructure. (2)
Sandbags/barriers to prevent flooding (2)
[Any TWO] (2 x 2) (4)

1.4 Study the information below.

1.4.1 Identify the weather system shown on the diagram, of which the cold front
forms a part.

Midlatitude cyclone/frontal depressions/temperate cyclones/extra-

tropicaly cyclone (1) (1 x 1) (1)

1.4.2 What is the main reason why these weather systems are more prevalent
(common) over Cape Town during winter, as shown in the article?

Pressure systems follow the latitudinal position of the sun. (2)

In winter the pressure system cells moves north which moves the
midlatitude cyclones further north. (2)
[Any ONE] (1 x 2) (2)

1.4.3 Draw a labelled, free-hand cross section through the cold front indicated as
A on the diagram. Indicate the weather elements preceding the cold front on
the cross section diagram.



Mark allocation:
1 mark for indication of cumulonimbus clouds
1 mark for indication of precipitation
1 mark for indication of warm air/temperature (3 x 1) (3)

1.4.4 Identify the type of cloud that will develop at B on the diagram.

Cumulonimbus (1) (1 x 1) (1)

1.4.5 Explain how the weather system identified in QUESTION 1.4.1 resulted in
the development of clouds at B.

Fast moving cold air rapidly uplifts warm air ahead of it. (2)
Warm air cools down rapidly because of adiabatic heating (1 °C/100 m).
High level of condensation takes place and cumulonimbus clouds
develop. (2)
[Any TWO] (2 x 2) (4)

1.4.6 Predict the impact of the weather elements of this weather system on
farming as it passes over the Western Cape.

Very cold temperatures may damage crops/kill livestock. (2)
Snowfall may damage crops/kill livestock. (2)
Floods may destroy livestock and crops. (2)
Soil erosion may take place when soil is washed away by floods. (2)
Heavy rainfall may make it difficult to work in the fields. (2)
Strong winds will damage crops (2)
Strong winds can erode fertile soil (2)
Hail can damage crops/livestock (2)
Flooding can damage agricultural infrastructure (2)

Increased rainfall results in availability of water for farming (2)
Cold temeperatures can kill pests (2)
Lower temperatures can be an advantage for certain winter crops (2)

[Any TWO. Can refer to either positive or negative impact.] (2 x 2) (4)



1.5 Refer to the infographic below on urban heat islands.

1.5.1 What is the temperature over the central business district in the temperature
profile diagram?

23 °C (1) (1 x 1) (1)

1.5.2 According to the article, why will an urban heat island develop at A rather
than C?

More pavements at A (city) compared to rural areas at C (2)

More buildings concentrated in one area at A(city) than in rural
areas C (2)
Lack of greenery in the city (A) compared to more vegetation in the rural
areas (C) (2)
[Any ONE] (1 x 2) (2)

1.5.3 Give ONE reason for the lower temperatures experienced over the park area
at B.

Less concrete surfaces that will absorb and release heat (2)
Vegetation absorbs heat/carbon dioxide and lowers temperature
Evapotranspiration lowers temperature (2)
Vegetation releases oxygen (cooling agent) which lowers heat (2)
Vegetation/Parks allows free movement of air that will reduce heat (2)
Vegetation provides shade which lowers temperatures (2)
[Any ONE] (1 x 2) (2)

1.5.4 Refer to the temperature graph and give a reason why the temperature of the
urban heat island is lower at night than during the day.

More activities during the day result in higher temperature (can give
examples) (2)
Less activities during the night result in lower temperature (can give
examples) (2)
During the day higher heat absorption by urban surfaces (2)
Less insolation at night and more insolation during the day (2)
A lower/higher albedo will result in a temperature difference (2)
More terrestrial radiation at night will lower temperature (2)

[Any ONE] (1 x 2) (2)


1.5.5 Explain in a paragraph of approximately EIGHT lines how the development of

features using natural materials in cities can be used to reduce the urban heat
island effect.

Develop more parks/natural vegetation that will absorb heat. (2)

More vegetation(parks) will reduce the temperature through
transpiration. (2)
Introduce roof gardens to reduce the temperature through
transpiration. (2)
Open water surfaces will absorb the heat and reduce the
temperature. (2) (Can give examples)
Evaporation of water will reduce the temperature. (2)
The use of thatched roofs instead of tiles or zinc will reduce the
absorption and release of heat. (2)
Use of natural building materials in construction. (Can give
examples) (2)
[Any FOUR. Must refer to natural features in the answer] (4 x 2) (8)


2.1 2.1.1 C (1)/plunge pool.

2.1.2 C (1)/ deposition of sediments on the banks of the river.

2.1.3 D (1)/(i) and (iv)/lower course and high

2.1.4 A (1)/increased deposition.

2.1.5 B (1)/Meander

2.1.6 D (1)/oxbow lake.

2.1.7 A (1)/plain that forms at the mouth of a river caused by deposition.

(7 x 1) (7)

2.2 2.2.1 captor stream (1)

2.2.2 Headward erosion (1)

2.2.3 small (1)

2.2.4 90 degree (1)

2.2.5 wind gap (1)

2.2.6 isostatic uplift (1)

2.2.7 increase (1)

2.2.8 smaller (1)

(8 x 1) (8)

2.3 Study the following diagrams on the process of river rejuvenation.

2.3.1 Choose the correct option in brackets.

River rejuvenation is when the erosive power of a river increases resulting

in an increase of (lateral deposition/vertical erosion).

vertical erosion (1) (1 x 1) (1)

2.3.2 Determine the cause of river rejuvenation as shown in the diagram above.

Sea level drops/A drop in sea level (1) (1 x 1) (1)

2.3.3 Explain how river rejuvenation results in the formation of river terraces
at A.

Increased vertical erosion (2)

Results in a deeper valley on the flood plain. (2) (2 x 2) (4)

2.3.4 Identify the landform at B associated with river rejuvenation.

Knickpoint waterfall / Knickpoint / Waterfall (1) (1 x 1) (1)

2.3.5 Describe how erosion causes landform B to retreat (move) upstream over

Headward erosion will occur causing the position of the waterfall to

move upstream. (2)
Undercutting at the base of the waterfall will occur resulting in the
position of the waterfall to move upstream. (2)
The plunge pool will deepen causing the cliff to collapse causing the
waterfall to move upstream. (2)
[Any TWO] (2 x 2) (4)

2.3.6 Predict how the narrowing of the original floodplain will negatively impact
agricultural activities.

Flood plain will be narrowed therefore less land available for

farming. (2)
Yield is reduced because smaller areas can be cultivated. (2)
Difficulty in building of roads to transport agricultural products. (2)
Difficult to access water from higher ground. (2)
[Any TWO] (2 x 2) (4)


2.4 Study the diagram below that shows the fluvial courses of a river.

2.4.1 Would the flow in the upper course of the river be characterised as turbulent
or laminar?

turbulent (1) (1 x 1) (1)

2.4.2 Provide evidence from the diagram to substantiate your answer to


Steep gradient results in turbulent flow (2)

River valley is narrow and steep (2)
River channel in upper course uneven (2)
[Any ONE] (1 x 2) (2)

2.4.3 Define the term cross (transverse) profile.

A cross view of a river from one bank to the opposite bank. (2)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 2) (2)

2.4.4 Refer to the middle and lower courses of the river.

(a) Which of the following cross-profiles represents the middle and lower
courses respectively?

Middle – C (1)
Lower – A (1) (2 x 1) (2)

(b) Describe the shape of the river valley in the middle and lower

Middle course – U-shaped (1)

Lower course – Open/Wider U-shaped (1) (2 x 1) (2)

2.4.5 Explain how fluvial processes throughout the river course result in the
formation of the valley shape of the lower course described in
QUESTION 2.4.4(b).

The process of erosion (vertical in the upper course and lateral in the
middle course) creates sediment. (2)
Eroded sediments are transported from the upper and middle course
to the lower course. (2)
The river volume and speed decreases in the lower course and results
in deposition. (2)
Transported sediments are then deposited on the riverbed in the lower
course which reduces the depth of the valley. (2)
[Any THREE] (3 x 2) (6)


2.5 Study the information below on river management.

2.5.1 Define the term catchment management. (note – river vs catchment


Catchment management is balancing the use and conservation of

natural resources in a cachment area. (2) [CONCEPT]

River management is balancing the use and conservation of natural

resources in a cachment area. (2) [CONCEPT]

*Accept the definition of river management and river catchment

management because of question phrasing.
(1 x 2) (2)

2.5.2 Identify the human contribution to the flooding in Durban from the article.

Planting of alien invader plants/vegetation (1)

Litter/land pollution (1) (2 x 1) (2)

2.5.3 Use evidence from the pie graph to explain why the eThekwini
Municipality has found it challenging to maintain catchment areas.

The eThekwini Municipality only owns 23% of Durban's rivers. (1)

(1 x 1) (1)

2.5.4 Why is the maintenance of catchment areas financially important for the
eThekwini Municipality?

A well-maintained catchment area results in R4 billion revenue for

the municipality every year. (2) (1 x 2) (2)

2.5.5 In a paragraph of approximately EIGHT lines, propose FOUR ways in

which the eThekwini Municipality can ensure that residents of Durban can
be encouraged to assist in catchment management.

Encourage residents to create buffer zones close to rivers. (2)

Encourage the planting of trees/vegetation. (2)
Encourage the conservation of wetlands. (2)
Encourage recycling of waste as an alternative to dumping in
rivers. (2)
Awareness campaigns about catchment management (accept
examples). (2)
Educate residents on sustainable practices. (2)
Impose fines for polluting. (2)
Co-operation between different owners of rivers. (2)
Provision of bins for waste disposal. (2)
[Any FOUR] (4 x 2) (8)






Refer to the topographic map.

3.1.1 The altitude of the reservoir located at F in block A5 on the topographic

map is … metres.

D (1)/780 (1 x 1) (1)

3.1.2 The feature located at 33°11ʹ38ʺS; 20°51ʹ04ʺE on the topographic map is


B (1)/Hospital. (1 x 1) (1)

3.1.3 Calculate the length of the bridge on the national road in block C2 on the
topographic map in metres (m).
Formula: Actual Distance = Map distance x Map scale

Formula: Actual Distance = Map distance x Map scale

= 0,4 (1) cm x 500 m Range (0,3 – 0,5)
200 m (1) Range (150 – 250 m)

Assess skill of calculating distance using Learner measurement.

(Unclear map) (2 x 1) (2)

Refer to the orthophoto map.

3.1.4 Calculate the average gradient along the white line between
trigonometrical station 103 (block D2) and point 6 (block D3) on the
orthophoto map extract in meter.
The Vertical Interval (VI): 731,5 m – 650 m = 80,5 m / 81.5 m

Vertical Interval (VI)

Average Gradient =
Horizontal Equivalent (HE)
81.5 m 80.5 m
4.1(1) cm x 100 m = 410 m(1) Range: (4 – 4.2 cm)
81.5 m 80.5 m
410 m Range: (400m – 420m)

= 1 : 5,09 (1) Range (4.96 – 5,21) (4 x 1) (4)

1:5.03 Range: 4.90 – 5.15


3.1.5 Draw a free hand cross section of the slope between trigonometrical
station 103 (block D2) and point 6 (block D3) on the orthophoto map


1 mark for correct shape (1) (1 x 1) (1)

3.1.6 Identify the slope of the cross section drawn in QUESTION 3.1.5.

It is a convex slope (1) (1 x 1) (1)



Refer to the settlement Goldnerville in block C4 on the topographic map.

3.2.1 (a) Goldnerville experiences frost pockets during the night because of its
… location.

A (1)/valley (1 x 1) (1)

(b) The wind that develops at night in block C4 is a/an (anabatic/

katabatic) wind.

Katabatic (1) (1 x 1) (1)

(c) How would the steep slope north of Laingsburg impact the wind
identified in QUESTION 3.2.1 (b)?

It will be stronger/faster. (1)

Gravitational pull (1)
Downward movement (1)
[Any ONE] (1 x 1) (1)

Refer to the area indicated with black dots in block B5 of the topographic map.

3.2.2 (a) Identify the predominant drainage pattern of the area indicated as H
in block B5 on the topographic map.

Parallel (1) (1 x 1) (1)


(b) Describe the underlying rock structure that is responsible for the
drainage pattern identified in QUESTION 3.2.2(a).

Uniform rock structure (2)

Resistant rock structure (2)
Develops on hills and ridges (2)
(Accept steep slopes) (2)
[Any ONE] (1 x 2) (2)

Refer to the area indicated as J in blocks B1 and B2 and A1 and A2 on the

topographic map.

3.2.3 (a) Calculate the stream order of the river at J in block B1.

3rd order (1) (1 x 1) (1)

(b) Explain how the number of 1st order streams in the area indicated by
J, is evidence of a dendritic drainage pattern.

There must be many 1st order streams that will result in the
development of 2nd order and then 3rd order streams. (2) (1 x 2) (2)

Refer to the white line 7 – 8 on the orthophoto map in block A1.

3.2.4 (a) Which of the following diagrams represents a cross section from
point 7 to point 8 on the orthophoto map?

7 8

8 7

A (1) (1 x 1) (1)

(b) Identify the fluvial slope elements at 7 and 8 respectively.

7 – Cut-off slope / Undercut slope / River cliff (1)

8 – Slip-off slope (1) (2 x 1) (2)



Laingsburg was partially destroyed within minutes in a flash flood after a

cloudburst in 1981. Refer to the following image of the railway bridge and block
C3 on the topographic map.

[Source: https://www.laingsburg.gov.za/laingsburg-flood-1981-0]

3.3.1 The image above is classified as a … map.

C (1)/oblique photo (1 x 1) (1)

3.3.2 (a) Can the photo above be identified as a low or high-resolution


High (1) (1 x 1) (1)

(b) Explain your answer in QUESTION 3.3.2 (a).

Image is clear and not blurred. (2) (1 x 2) (2)


3.3.3 (a) Define the term buffering.

An area that surrounds one or more map features used to

indicate boundaries around a specific feature. (2) [CONCEPT]
(1 x 2) (2)

(b) Give evidence from the topographic map that buffering was
implemented after the 1981 flood as a strategy to prevent the same
scale of damage during future flooding.

The golf course and recreational areas were built (on the
floodplain to prevent development of houses). (2)
Cultivated land located on the floodplain (2)
Open space/trees between river and houses (2)
[Any ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
TOTAL: 150


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