12 TH Chem P82023
12 TH Chem P82023
12 TH Chem P82023
The following questions are multiple-choice questions with one correct answ
er. Each question carries 1
mark. There is no internal choice in this section.
1. 2-Phenyl propene is dehydration product of which of the following:
(a) 3-Phenyl propan-2-ol (b) 1-Phenyl propanone
(c) 2-Phenyl-propan-2-ol (d) 2-Phenyl propanone
2. Which of the following follow SNl mechanism?
I. C6H 5--CH iCl II. CH2=C H-C H2Cl
Ill. CH i=C H-- Cl IV. C6H5-Cl
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) III and IV (d) I and III
3. Which of the following is yellow in colour?
(a) Cr 02; • (b) Cro!- (c) Mn04
2 (d) Mno~-
4. The increase in concentration of reactants leads to change in
(a) AH (b) Collision frequency (c) Ea (d) K
5. ln Hi- 0 fuel cell, the reaction occurring at cathode is
(a) 2H O + 0 + 4e- > 40H - (b) 2H2 + 02 > 2820
2 2 + 1
(c) H+ + OH- > H 20 (d) H + e- > 2 H2 (g)
6. A zero order reaction A > products has k = 10-2 mol L-1s-1 is started with 10 moles of A per
litre, the number of moles of W per litre after 10 min will be
(a) 20 (b) 10 (c) 5 (d) 4
7. Which of the following is 3° amine?
(a) (b)
+ Cl2 Sun
'X' KOH (ale.) 'Y'
(b) C2H5Cl + AgCN > 'X' LiAIH4 'Y'
How will you carry out following conversions:
(a) Chloro ethane to propanoic acid (b) Phenol to chlorobenzene
20. The dissociation constan t of acetic acid is 1.8 x 10- and its Am = 390.7 S cm
5 0 2
mo1-1. What will be
molar conductivity of 0.0lM CH3COOH?
21. How is rate constan t affected when:
(a) Concen tration of reactants is increased.
(b) Temperature is increased.
Give reasons.
s are short
This section contains 7 questions with internal choice in one question. The following question
answer type and carry 3 marks each.
22. (a) Discuss the hybridisation, shape and magnetic behaviour of [Co(en)3] +.
[Atomic number of Co = 27]
(b) CuCii + K4[Fe(CN )6] > 'X' (Chocolate brown ppt). Write formula of complex formed and
its IUPAC name.
23. How will you cany out following conversions:
(a) Toluene top-Nit ro benzald ehyde
(b) Benzald ehyde to m-Brom o acetoph enone
(c) What happens when benzald ehyde reacts with HCHO in presenc e of cone. NaOH? Write
chemica l reaction involved.
24. (a) Why does boiling point of alcohol increase with increase in carbon atoms but decreas e
increase in branchi ng?
(b) Why is phenol more acidic than benzyl alcohol?
(c) Ethers have low boiling point. Give reason.
25. (a) Arrange the following in increasing order of crystal field splitting energy: ( A0)
,(Q(CN)J3-, (Cr~ )J3+, [CrCIJ3-
IUPAC name of [NiOJ2-.
laomoleptic complex.
of 1 M Naa higher than 1 M glucose solution ?
IIIOIIC. prcmure
the osmotic pressur e of blood at1 310 K, given that blood freezes at 272.44K.
) [R = 0.082 L atm IC" mor 1 •
27. Complete the following: (any 2)
(a) CH CH NH HN0 2 PCl5 'B' __ 'C'
3 2 2 > W _ _ _,>
Sn/H_C_l---+ W NaNO2 + HCl H20
(b) 'B' 'C'
0- S°C Warm
NH 3
l s __
The following questions are case-based que
0 .r~
(1 + 1+ 2) marks each. Read the passage care s. Each question has an internal choice and carries 4
fully and answer the questions that follow.
29. Gene Therapy for Cancer
It is well established that most cancers resu
lt from a series of accumulated, acquired
in somatic cells that are faithfully repr genetic lesions
oduced until a malignant clone is created,
destroy the host. To a larger extent, the which is able to
genetic lesions associated with maligna
and progression in wide variety of hum nt transformation
an cancers are being identified. Arm ed
of molecular anatomy of the cancer cell, with this knowledge
gene therapy has emerged as a new met
and possible preventive intervention agai hod of therapeutic
nst cancer targeted at the level of cellular
In this approach, the complex cancerou gene expression.
s pathophysiological state is alte red by deliv
into tum or or norm al cells. These nucleic ering nucleic acid
acids may be genes, portions of genes, oligo
RN A In conventional therapeutics, a cell nucleotides or
or tissue phenotype is altered by modifyin
or met abo lism at the level of protein expr g cell physiology
ession. In contrast, in gene therapy, this
by changing the patt ern of expression of is accomplished
genes whose products may thus achieve
on the cellular phenotype. the desired effect
[Source: Millennium Review - Vol. 35, issue
6, page 867 - 885, June 01, 1999 by J. Gom
D. T. Curiel, J. T. DouglasJ ez-Navarro,
Answer the following questions:
(a) Wh at are changes observed in canc
(b) Wh at are traditional methods of trea
ting cancer cells?
(c) How is gen e therapy for cancer carr
ied out?
(c) (i) Wh at may be possible components
in nucleic acids delivered to tumor cells
(ii) Wh at are oligonucleotides? ?
30. Har dik is inve stig atin g boil ing poin t ~f diff eren t aqu .
of gluc ose, can e sug ar, sod ium ~blo eou s solu tio~ s. He ~a~es 0. m solut~~~
nde an~ K2SO 4 and dete rmi nes boih
solu tion and reco rds the following ng poi~ts of e
obse rvat ions . [Kb for H 0 = 0.52 K
2 kg mol ]
S.No.. Solute Molar mass Solvent
Molality (m) Boiling point (K) -
1. Glucose 180 g/mol Water 0.1 373.052 K -
2. Can e sugar
342 g/mol Water 0.1 373.052 K -
3. NaCl 58.5 g/mol Water 0.1 373.104 K -
4. ~S 04 174 g/mol Water 0.1 373.156 K
Obs erve the tabl e care full y and answ
er the que stio ns that follow:
(a) Why are boiling points of 0.1 m gluc
ose and 0.1 m cane sugar solutions equa
Why is i\Tb for 0.1 m NaC l and 0.1 m I<iS .
O4 are 2 and 3 tunes than that of 0.1 solution of
glucose and cane suga r? m
(b) A sol~tion containing_ 5.85 g of ~aCI. is pr~rared in 250 g of H 2O. If degree 1of dissociation of
NaCl 1s 95%, what will be elevation 1n bo1hng point? [Kb = 0.52 K Kg mor ]
(c) What ~ount of 1½~01 m~st be added to 500 g water to raise its boiling point by 1.0 K,
assuming complete 1on1sat1on. [¾ for H 2O = 0.52 K Kg mor1J
The following questions are long answer type and carry 5 marks each. All questions have an internal
31. (a) organic compound (a) (M.F C8H 16O2) was hydrolysed with dilute H 2SO4 to give a carboxylic
acid (b) and an alcohol (c). Oxidation of (c) with chromic acid produced (b). (c) on dehydration
gives but-1-ene. Identify (a) to (d) and write chemical equations for the reactions involved.
(b) Write IUPAC name of CH3COCH2COCH3.
(c) C6H 5CHO + CH3CH2CHO NaOH ?
(a) How will you convert:
(i) Benzene to Methyl benzoate
(ii) Benzene tom-Nit ro benzoic acid
(iii) Benzene to m-Nitro benzaldehyde
(b) Distinguish between pentan-2-one and pentan-3-one by chemical test.
(c) Why does C6H 5COOH not undergo HVZ reaction?
32. (a) Estimate the minimum potential difference needed to reduce Al2O 3 at 500°C. The Gibbs free
energy change for decomposition reaction:
; A!iO 3 j
> Al + 0 2 is 960 kJ [F = 96500 C mor ]