85gvp Us
85gvp Us
85gvp Us
User’s Guide
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Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. www.genesyslab.com
Document Version: 85gvp_us_12-2013_v8.5.001.00
Table of Contents
List of
Procedures ................................................................................................................. 11
Preface ................................................................................................................. 13
About Genesys Voice Platform................................................................ 13
Intended Audience................................................................................... 14
Making Comments on This Document .................................................... 14
Contacting Genesys Customer Care....................................................... 14
Document Change History ...................................................................... 15
Chapter 1 Introduction........................................................................................... 17
About GVP............................................................................................... 17
GVP Components............................................................................... 17
IVR Profiles......................................................................................... 20
GVP MIBs ........................................................................................... 20
Genesys Administrator ............................................................................ 20
GVP Identifiers and SIP Headers ............................................................ 22
Session Identifiers .............................................................................. 22
Application Identifiers.......................................................................... 23
User’s Guide 3
Procedures that Support Enabling Secure Communication ............... 46
Enabling IPv6 Communication ................................................................ 53
Enabling Conference Services ................................................................ 58
Configuring Reporting.............................................................................. 59
Configuring Logging ................................................................................ 62
Configuring SNMP................................................................................... 68
Configuring Client-Side Connections....................................................... 68
Customizing SIP Responses ................................................................... 74
Configuring Session Timers and Timeouts .............................................. 76
Resource Manager Session Timers.................................................... 76
Additional Timeouts ............................................................................ 79
User’s Guide 5
Chapter 14 Configuring the Reporting Server..................................................... 271
Task Summary: Configuring the Reporting Server ................................ 271
Configuring Reporting, by Granularity ................................................... 273
Configuring Database Retention Policies .............................................. 274
Important Reporting Server Configuration Options ............................... 276
Controlling Access to Reporting Services ............................................. 283
User’s Guide 7
Genesys Voice Platform Interpreter Module ID and Specifiers ......... 409
Call Control Platform ............................................................................. 411
Connection, Dialog, or Conference Events....................................... 412
Media Controller Events.................................................................... 414
Log_4 (INFO) Events ........................................................................ 416
Resource Manager ................................................................................ 417
CTI Connector ....................................................................................... 422
CTI Adaptor ...................................................................................... 423
CTI Client.......................................................................................... 425
Supplementary Services Gateway ........................................................ 426
PSTN Connector ................................................................................... 428
Dialogic Manager.............................................................................. 428
Gateway Manager ............................................................................ 429
Media Manager................................................................................. 431
PSTN Connector............................................................................... 432
Fetching Module .................................................................................... 432
User’s Guide 9
Asynchronous Result Notification.......................................................... 535
Result Notification on Success ......................................................... 535
Result Notification on Failure............................................................ 537
Root Page Access ............................................................................ 541
HTTP XML Schema............................................................................... 542
Request Schema .............................................................................. 542
Response Schema ........................................................................... 549
User’s Guide 11
12 Genesys Voice Platform 8.5
Welcome to the Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 User’s Guide. This document
provides detailed information about configuring, provisioning, and monitoring
Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) and its components.
This document is valid for the 8.5 release of this product.
Note: For versions of this document created for other releases of this
product, visit the Genesys Customer Care website, or request the
Documentation Library DVD, which you can order by e-mail from
Genesys Order Management at [email protected].
User’s Guide 13
Intended Audience
Intended Audience
This document, primarily intended for system integrators and administrators,
assumes that you have a basic understanding of:
• Computer-telephony integration (CTI) concepts, processes, terminology,
and applications.
• Network design and operation.
• Your own network configurations.
You should also be familiar with the Genesys Framework architecture.
User’s Guide 15
Document Change History
1 Introduction
Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) is a software suite that integrates call
processing, reporting, management, and application servers with Voice over IP
(VoIP) networks, to deliver Web-driven dialog and call control services to
This chapter introduces the GVP components and Genesys Administrator, the
GUI for configuring and managing GVP. It contains the following sections:
About GVP, page 17
Genesys Administrator, page 20
GVP Identifiers and SIP Headers, page 22
About GVP
This section describes the GVP component applications and other objects in a
GVP configuration:
• GVP Components
• IVR Profiles (see page 20)
• GVP MIBs (see page 20)
GVP Components
GVP comprises the following components:
• Resource Manager—Functions as a SIP Proxy that controls access and
routing to all resources in a GVP deployment. It also functions as a SIP
Registrar, and monitors the health of GVP resources in the deployment. Its
functions include:
Allocates and monitors resources.
Manages sessions.
Selects services.
User’s Guide 17
Chapter 1: Introduction About GVP
Enforces policies.
• Policy Server—Provides validation and resolution of GVP-specific
business rules to Genesys Administrator through an HTTP interface with
Management Framework. Its functions include:
Manages and validates Direct Inward Dialing (DID) numbers.
Provides static analysis and validation of Resource Manager tenant and
IVR policies.
• Media Control Platform—Provides media-centric services to other GVP
components, and to third-party gateways that use GVP services. The
Media Control Platform is responsible for the execution of supported Voice
Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) applications. Its functions
Initiates, answers, transfers, and disconnects calls.
Plays audio and Text-to-Speech (TTS) prompts.
Handles Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and dual tone
multi-frequency (DTMF) inputs.
Provides conference services.
• MRCP Proxy—Acts as a proxy for all MRCPv1 Real-Time Streaming
Protocol (RTSP) resource traffic within a GVP deployment. Its functions
Provides resource management for the MRCPv1 speech resource
Provides load balancing for MRCPv1 speech resources.
Processes periodic updates from Management Framework for its
Applications and resources.
Sends ASR and TTS usage data for tenants, IVR Profiles, or the entire
deployment to the Reporting Server.
• Call Control Platform—Provides call control capability in accordance
with the supported W3C Call Control Extensible Markup Language
(CCXML) standard. The Call Control Platform is optional in a GVP
deployment. It operates as a SIP Back-to-Back User Agent (B2BUA) for
requests to and from GVP components. Its functions include:
Accepts, rejects, and redirects calls, including handling call setup
information to enable intelligent routing and selective answering.
Call-handling capabilities include supervised transfer, whispering, and
call hold.
Creates outbound calls through third-party gateways.
Uses Media Control Platform services to initiate VoiceXML dialogs,
start conferences, and perform implicit transcoding.
Provides multi-party conference support with moderator and floor
control capabilities.
Provides personal assistant services, such as dialing from a personal
address book or corporate directory, managing personal appointments,
and managing voicemail and e-mail.
For information about creating CCXML applications that use Call Control
Platform capabilities, see the Genesys Voice Platform CCXML Reference.
• Reporting Server—Stores and summarizes data and statistics submitted
by Reporting Clients to provide near real-time reports by hour, day, week,
and month. Reporting Clients on the Resource Manager, Media Control
Platform, and Call Control Platform send call detail records (CDRs),
Metrics, and Operational Reporting (OR) statistics to the Reporting Server.
The Reporting Server provides an XML web services interface that is used
by Genesys Administrator to obtain GVP reporting information. The XML
web services interface is also accessible to any HTTP client, providing
customers with access to GVP reporting outside of Genesys Administrator.
For information on the real-time and historical reports, see “Monitoring
GVP” on page 291.
• CTI Connector—Provides additional computer telephony integration
(CTI) functionality by connecting to the IVR Server, which is part of the
larger Genesys Suite, through Media Control Platform. As a result, CTI
Connector remains in the call path to receive and pass call data between
IVR Server and the Media Control Platform. Its functions include:
Routes calls to Universal Routing Server (URS).
Call processing treatments.
Transfers user data
Transfers through CTI
Remote switch transfers
Receives statistical data
Performs user/interaction data operations.
• Supplementary Services Gateway—Provides call processing services to
the application layer through HTTP. Its functions include:
Outbound MCP session initiation.
• PSTN Connector—Provides connectivity to traditional telephony
environments such as Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN)
switches. Its functions include:
Media Gateway functionality (uses Dialogic boards on the TDM side).
Call Progress Analysis.
All transfers including various switch specific network transfers.
For detailed information about how the GVP components perform their
functions, see Chapter 3, “How GVP Works” in the Genesys Voice
Platform 8.5 Deployment Guide.
For information about the Genesys Voice Platform and component
architecture, see Chapter 2, “GVP Architecture” in the Genesys Voice Platform
8.5 Deployment Guide.
User’s Guide 19
Chapter 1: Introduction Genesys Administrator
IVR Profiles
Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) and Call Control Extensible
Markup Language (CCXML) are the application-level languages that are used
to construct voice and call control applications that control the interaction
between the external user and the GVP software.
Voice and call control applications are configured as IVR Profile objects in
Genesys Administrator. The IVR Profiles define how requests received by the
VPS are translated into concrete service requests GVP which components
within the deployment can execute.
The MIB Installation Package (IP) contains the Management Information Base
(MIB) files that GVP uses to support Simple Network Management Protocol
For general information about SNMP in a GVP deployment, see Chapter 2,
“GVP Architecture” in the Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment Guide. For
detailed information about the MIBs, see the Genesys Voice Platform
Troubleshooting Guide.
Genesys Administrator
Genesys Administrator is a Web-based user interface for the management and
configuration of Genesys components.
Use Genesys Administrator to deploy, configure, provision, and monitor GVP.
Figure 1 shows a typical Genesys Administrator page.
More Information
• For information about installing Genesys Administrator, see the
Framework 8.5 Genesys Administrator Deployment Guide.
• For general information about using Genesys Administrator, see the online
Framework 8.5 Genesys Administrator Help.
• For information about using Genesys Administrator to configure and
provision GVP Application objects and IVR Profiles, see Procedure:
Viewing or modifying GVP configuration parameters, on page 30 and
Procedure: Configuring logical resource groups, on page 90.
• For information about using Genesys Administrator to monitor GVP and
view reports, see Part 2 of this manual, starting on page 291.
Note: The Genesys Administrator’s enable and disable features for its
objects has no impact on the GVP objects.
User’s Guide 21
Chapter 1: Introduction GVP Identifiers and SIP Headers
Session Identifiers
There are three types of session identifiers that are used to track, co-ordinate,
and report on GVP sessions. Table 1 describes the session identifiers and the
SIP extension headers in which the ID information is captured.
Application Identifiers
There are two kinds of applications in a GVP deployment:
• The GVP components or processes, which exist as Application objects in
the Genesys Configuration Layer.
• The VoiceXML and CCXML applications, which exist as IVR Profile
objects in the Genesys Configuration Layer.
Table 2 describes the identifiers that GVP uses for both kinds of applications,
and the SIP extension headers in which the ID information is captured.
Application DBID The DBID that the Configuration Layer Not Applicable
assigns to the GVP component Application
This ID is used internally by Reporting
Server to link accumulated call data and
summary data with specific GVP
User’s Guide 23
Chapter 1: Introduction GVP Identifiers and SIP Headers
IVR Profile name The user-defined name that was assigned to • gvp-tenant-id parameter in the
the IVR Profile when it was created. SIP Request-URI—The Resource
Note: For backwards compatibility: Manager uses this parameter, if it
is present, to identify the voice
If gvp-tenant-id = [TenantX], Resource or call control application for a
Manager assumes that the associated new session.
tenant for the call is TenantX.
• gvp.rm.tenant-id parameter in
If gvp-tenant-id = IVRAppY, Resource the X-Genesys-GVP-Session-ID
Manager assumes that the associated extension SIP header—The
IVR Profile for the call is IVRAppY. If Resource Manager inserts this
the X-Genesys-gsw-ivr-profile-id parameter in the header before it
header is also present, it is used to forwards the initial session
determining the IVR Profile and the request.
Request URI parameter denotes the
• X-Genesys-gsw-ivr-profile-name
If gvp-tenant-id = [TenantX].IVRAppY,
Resource Manager assumes that the
associated tenant for the call is TenantX,
and the IVR Profile is IVRAppY. If the
X-Genesys-gsw-ivr-profile-id header
is also present, it is ignored.
IVR Profile DBID The DBID that the Configuration Layer X-Genesys-RM-Application-dbid
assigns to the IVR Profile. The Resource Manager adds this
This ID is used internally by Reporting header to the initial INVITE request
Server to link call level and summary data to a resource. Resources log the
to a specified IVR Profile. DBID in their CDRs to the
Reporting Server.
Gateway Header for The header that Resource Manager uses to X-Genesys-GVP-Trunk-Prefix
PSTN Connector inform SIP Server of the identity of the
PSTN Connector from which the call
User’s Guide 25
Chapter 1: Introduction GVP Identifiers and SIP Headers
1 Provisioning GVP
This part of the Guide provides information about Genesys Voice Platform
(GVP) configuration and provisioning that you perform on the Provisioning
tab of Genesys Administrator.
This information appears in the following chapters:
• Chapter 2, “Configuration and Provisioning Overview,” on page 29
• Chapter 3, “Configuring Common Features,” on page 37
• Chapter 4, “Configuring the Resource Manager,” on page 83
• Chapter 5, “Configuring Policy Server,” on page 97
• Chapter 6, “Provisioning IVR Profiles,” on page 103
• Chapter 7, “Configuring the Media Control Platform,” on page 141
• Chapter 8, “Configuring the MRCP Proxy,” on page 195
• Chapter 9, “Configuring the Call Control Platform,” on page 209
• Chapter 10, “Configuring the CTI Connector,” on page 225
• Chapter 11, “Configuring the Supplementary Services Gateway,” on
page 245
• Chapter 12, “Configuring the PSTN Connector,” on page 255
• Chapter 13, “Configuring the Fetching Module and Squid Proxy,” on
page 265
• Chapter 14, “Configuring the Reporting Server,” on page 271
• Chapter 15, “Configuring GVP in Multi-Site Environments,” on page 287
User’s Guide 27
2 Configuration and
Provisioning Overview
This chapter provides an overview of the tasks to configure Genesys Voice
Platform (GVP) components and provision GVP. It contains the following
Configuring GVP, page 29
Task Summary: Configuring GVP, page 33
Note: This guide assumes that you have deployed a basic GVP as described
in the Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment Guide. For more
information about installing GVP components and providing the basic
connections, see the Deployment Guide
Configuring GVP
The GVP components are configured as Application objects in the Genesys
Configuration Layer. To deploy the Voice Platform Solution (VPS), you must
create and configure the required Application objects in Genesys
Administrator. For information about creating and deploying the GVP
Applications, see the Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment Guide.
To process calls in GVP 8.5, you must provision the IVR Profiles in Genesys
Administrator. To trigger the execution of a particular VoiceXML or CCXML
application when an incoming call is received, map the IVR Profile to a DN
range. For more information about provisioning IVR Profiles and, if required,
mapping them to DNs, see Chapter 6 on page 103.
User’s Guide 29
Chapter 2: Configuration and Provisioning Overview Configuring GVP
Viewing or modifying GVP configuration parameters
• The Application or IVR Profile object has been created as described in the
Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment Guide. In particular, for GVP
Application objects, the Application was created from an Application
Template into which metadata had been imported.
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator. To access Genesys
Administrator, go to the following URL:
http://<Genesys Administrator host>/wcm
Start of procedure
1. In Genesys Administrator, go to the Options tab of the object that you want
to configure:
• For a component Application, go to the Provisioning > Environment
> Applications > <Component Application> > Options tab.
• For an IVR Profile, go to the Provisioning > Voice Platform > IVR
Profile > Options tab.
Figure 2 shows the Options tab.
For each configurable parameter, the Options tab displays the following
• The option display name.
• The configuration section that contains the option.
• The configuration option name provided by the template.
• The current option value, either user-defined or default.
2. You can change the display in a number of ways:
• To sort the information in ascending or descending order by column,
click the column header, and then select the desired sort order option
from the drop-down list.
• To show or hide a column, click any column header, select the Columns
submenu from the drop-down list, and then select or clear check boxes
in the Columns list to show or hide columns.
3. To change an option setting:
a. Double-click the Value of the option that you want to change.
You can view the same information for all configuration options in the
Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Configuration Options Reference.
b. Enter the new value in the Value field.
User’s Guide 31
Chapter 2: Configuration and Provisioning Overview Configuring GVP
End of procedure
Table 3 provides information about the options in the rptui configuration
section of the default Application object. Table 3 provides parameter
descriptions as well as the default parameter values that are preconfigured in
the default Application object.
The default Application object is created automatically and is always
available when you start Genesys Administrator.
Minimum Dashboard The minimum refresh interval, in seconds, to An integer greater than zero.
Refreshing Interval refresh the Voice Platform Dashboard data. Default value: 10
Maximum Number of The maximum number of IVR Profiles and/or An integer range greater than
Items in the Components that can be filtered at one time. zero.
Dashboard Default value: 50
Reporting Server The timeout, in seconds, for communications Any positive integer.
HTTP Timeout between GVP Reports and the Reporting Server. Default value: 30 (seconds)
If your deployment experiences frequent
timeouts, increase this value.
Show Local Time Specifies whether GVP Reports will display date • true (1)—Date and time
and time values in local time, rather than in values will display in
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), which is the local time.
default format that Reporting Server returns. • false—Date and time
To display local time in reports, set this option to values will display in
true (1) and specify a timezone offset (see GMT.
Timezone Offset). Default value: true
Timezone Offset The time offset, in hours and minutes, that will be <s><HH>:<mm>
applied to convert GMT to local time (see Show where:
Local Time), in the time zone where GVP reports
will be accessed. • <s> is either + (plus) or -
(minus), to indicate
Dates and times in all GVP reports will be whether the time should
converted. be added or subtracted.
When specifying the value, use leading zeros if • <HH> indicates hours.
• <mm> indicates minutes.
Default value: -08:00
User’s Guide 33
Chapter 2: Configuration and Provisioning Overview Task Summary: Configuring GVP
Provision the resources for the See “Configuring Logical Resource Groups” on page 89.
Resource Manager.
(Optional) Deploy Policy Server • Enables Genesys Administrator to manage DID Groups
and Resource Manager policies.
Enable GVP Reporting. • Configure the options in the ems configuration section of the
Resource Manager, Media Control Platform, Call Control
Platform, Fetching Module, and CTI Connector Application
objects. For more information, see “Configuring Reporting”
on page 59.
• Configure the Reporting Server (see Chapter 14 on page 271).
• If required, configure access control for Reporting services
(see “Controlling Access to Reporting Services” on
page 283).
• On the Monitoring tab of Genesys Administrator, verify that
the Voice Platform view appears in the navigation panel. If
necessary, modify the default (Configuration Manager)
Application configuration to enable GVP reports to be
displayed in Genesys Administrator. For more information,
see “” on page 285.
(Optional) Enable Automatic Speech See “Enabling ASR and TTS” on page 146.
Recognition (ASR) and To configure the MRCP Proxy, see Chapter 8 on page 195.
Text-to-Speech (TTS).
(Optional) Configure individual In general, see the remaining chapters in the Provisioning part of
components to customize or enable this guide. More specifically, to customize:
GVP features. • Logging behavior, see “Service Quality Analysis (SQA)” on
page 61.
• Session behavior and performance, see “Configuring Session
Timers and Timeouts” on page 76.
• Messaging, see “Configuring SNMP” on page 68 and
Table 100 on page 466.
• Call Control Platform device profiles, see “Configuring
Device Profiles” on page 484.
• Caching behavior, see “Configuring the Squid Caching
Proxy” on page 268.
User’s Guide 35
Chapter 2: Configuration and Provisioning Overview Task Summary: Configuring GVP
3 Configuring Common
This chapter describes how to implement functionality that is shared across all
the components in a Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) deployment. It contains
the following sections:
Configuring SIP Communication and Routing, page 38
Enabling Secure Communication, page 42
Enabling IPv6 Communication, page 53
Enabling Conference Services, page 58
Configuring Reporting, page 59
Configuring Logging, page 62
Configuring SNMP, page 68
Configuring Client-Side Connections, page 68
Customizing SIP Responses, page 74
Configuring Session Timers and Timeouts, page 76
This chapter describes selected configuration options (parameters) that are
common to GVP components. Later chapters similarly highlight important
configuration options that are more component-specific.
Note: Configuration options and parameters are one in the same, and these
terms are used interchangeably throughout the chapter.
User’s Guide 37
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Configuring SIP Communication and Routing
Note: The configuration options for GVP processes are complex and provide
a great deal of flexibility. Deploying GVP as described in the Genesys
Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment Guide provides a fully functional,
basic GVP deployment, with the minimum number of customizations
required for GVP to operate in your environment. Before performing
additional customizations, ensure that you review the configuration
options and fully understand their implications.
For each Resource Manager, Media Configure the sip.transport.<x> options (see page 40). Note
Control Platform, Call Control the following:
Platform, and CTI Connector • For the Resource Manager, specify separate transports for SIP
Application in your deployment, proxy, registrar, and monitoring purposes.
configure the SIP transports for the
• The lowest <x> in a set of sip.transport.<x> options
supported transport protocols.
indicates the preferred default protocol. By default, User
Datagram Protocol (UDP) is the preferred protocol for all
components (sip.transport.0).
• To make TCP the preferred protocol, either reorder (by
renaming) the respective sip.transport parameters, or else
remove the sip.transport.0 UDP parameter so that the
sip.transport.1 TCP parameter is the lowest numerically
defined sip.transport.<x> and thus, becomes the default.
For each Resource Manager, Media • For secure SIP (SIPS) communications, specify a transport for
Control Platform, Call Control TLS. For more information, see “Enabling Secure
Platform, and CTI Connector Communication” on page 42.
Application in your deployment, • For setting IP DiffServ (ToS) field in the outgoing SIP
configure the SIP transports for the messages, specify the ToS parameter:
supported transport protocols. sip.transport.<x>.tos
Note: If you change the default preferred protocol for the Call
Control Platform, you must complete additional steps on the
CCXML application side, to ensure that the Request-URI
specifies the correct protocol. For more information, see
page 211.
Configure the route set and routing • For each Media Control Platform and Call Control Platform
table for outbound calls. Application in your deployment, configure the sip.routeset
or sip.securerouteset option.
• For each Resource Manager, Media Control Platform, and
Call Control Platform Application in your deployment,
configure the required sip.route.dest.<n> entries.
Verify settings that determine Review and, if necessary, modify the options that control such
behavior in relation to the SIP stack. parameters as number of threads, size of the Maximum
Transmission Unit (MTU) of the network interfaces, and number
of connections:
• For the Resource Manager, the relevant options are in the
proxy configuration section.
• For the Media Control Platform and Call Control Platform,
the relevant options are in the sip configuration section.
User’s Guide 39
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Configuring SIP Communication and Routing
User’s Guide 41
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Enabling Secure Communication
Note: Although, the GVP components support SIPS, the Genesys SIP Server
does not. Before you enable SIPS in your GVP deployment, contact
your Genesys Sales Representative for more information.
Set up GVP to use SIPS for call 1. If required, generate and deploy the SSL private key and
control messaging. certificate (see Procedure: Creating an SSL private key and
2. On the Resource Manager, Media Control Platform, Call
Control Platform, and CTI Connector Applications, specify
the SIP transport for TLS, including the additional parameters
for the certificate and key (see information about the
sip.transport.<x> option on pages 38, and the default values
in Table 4 on page 40).
3. On the Media Control Platform and Call Control Platform
Applications, specify secure routing for outbound calls (see
information about the sip.securerouteset option on page 40
and the sip.route.dest.<n> option on page 40).
4. On the Call Control Platform Applications, specify secure SIP
proxy to generate dialogs by using TLS calls (see information
about the mediacontroller.sipsproxy option on page 41.
5. Modify the CCXML applications, as required, to ensure that
the Request-URI specifies TLS as the transport protocol.
Set up the Fetching Module to use 1. Generate and deploy the SSL private key and certificate. For
HTTPS. information about creating a self-signed certificate, see
Procedure: Creating an SSL key and self-signed certificate for
use with IIS, on page 47.
2. On the Media Control Platform or Call Control Platform
Applications in your deployment, configure the https_proxy,
and the ssl_* parameters in the fm section.
3. If Squid is deployed, modify the Squid configuration file, if
necessary, to configure “safe” and SSL ports, and to enforce
SSL (see Procedure: Modifying the Squid Configuration, on
page 268). Also, if the HTTPS connection is to tunnel through
Squid or another HTTP proxy, configure the https_proxy
parameter in the fm section.
Verify that timeout settings are Given the additional processing time and lags associated with
suitable for your deployment. SSL encryption/decryption and handshakes, reconsider the
following settings in particular:
• For the Fetching Module, iproxy.connect_timeout (default is
5 seconds).
• For the Media Control Platform, timeouts in the sessmgr and
sip sections.
User’s Guide 43
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Enabling Secure Communication
Enable SRTP for the media channel On the Media Control Platform Application:
between the Media Control Platform 1. Specify the required mode (accept-only, offer, or
and the remote endpoint. offer_strict) in the mpc.srtp.mode parameter. By default,
SRTP is not enabled.
2. If necessary, modify the default values for the encryption and
authentication algorithms (the cryptographic suites), and for
the session parameters that the Media Control Platform will
advertise in the SDP crypto attribute:
Enable SRTP for the media channel On the MRCPv2 Application that represents the third-party
between the MRCPv2 server and the MRCP server for ASR or TTS, verify and, if required, modify
Media Control Platform. settings for the following options:
Create security certificates to enable On Windows and Linux install and configure security certificates
the Supplementary Services Gateway to enable interactions over TLS. See Procedure: Creating
to interact with SIP Server over Security Certificates for TLS Interactions, on page 49.
secure ports.
If necessary, set up the Reporting See “Enabling HTTPS for Reporting” on page 283.
Server to use HTTPS.
Note: Observe standard security practices to ensure that you protect the
security of SSL private keys, SSL certificates, and configured user
names and passwords—for example, ensure that they are stored on
secure hosts, and do not create them over a network.
Inbound Inbound supports both sips: and transport=TLS schemas. Examples:
sips:[email protected]:5071;voicexml=http://
se/gvp8/hellotransfer.vxml;aai=N/A SIP/2.0
sip:[email protected];transport=TLS;voicexml=http://
0/testcase/gvp8/hellotransfer.vxml;aai=N/A SIP/2.0
Transfer Transfer can make calls with both and “transport=tls”. Examples:
<transfer name="newcall"
dest="sip:[email protected]:5071;transport=tls"bridge=
sent: INVITE sip:[email protected]:5071;transport=tls SIP/2.0
sent: REFER sip:[email protected]:5071;transport=tls SIP/2.0
Nuance Speech Server 6 supports only the sips: schema. Example:
sips:mresources@[MRCP server IP]:[port]
Nuance Speech Server 5 supports the transport=tls schema. Example:
sip:mresources@[MRCP server IP]:[port] ; transport=TLS
sips:[email protected]:5069;ccxml=http://
sip:[email protected]:5069;transport=TLS;ccxml=http://000.00.000.
User’s Guide 45
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Enabling Secure Communication
CTI Connector
When CTI Connector receives an incoming call on a secure channel, it will use
only a secure channel to make the outbound call.
For example:
INVITE sips:[email protected]:5080 SIP/2.0
INVITE sip:[email protected]:5080;transport=TLS SIP/2.0
Note: We have not tested CTI Connector behavior by modifying the
mediacontroller.sipsecure parameter. I will check with QA about this and
revert back to you.
Resource Manager
When the Resource Manager receives an incoming call on a secure channel, it
will use only a secure channel to make the outbound call.
Creating an SSL private key and certificate
Purpose: To illustrate how to create and deploy the private key and SSL
certificate that are used for SIPS and HTTPS authentication.
Perform this procedure for each Resource Manager, Media Control Platform,
and Call Control Platform in your deployment.
• The OpenSSL Toolkit (openssl) or other SSL tool is available.
You can download the OpenSSL Toolkit for Windows from Shining Light
Productions at the following URL:
For more information about OpenSSL, see http://www.openssl.org/.
Start of procedure
1. Generate the private key:
• For a password-protected key, execute the following command:
openssl genrsa -aes128 -out x509_private_key.pem 2048
• For a non-password-protected key, execute the following command:
openssl genrsa -out x509_private_key.pem 2048
2. Generate the certificate.
The following example of the required command creates a certificate with
file name x509_certificate.pem, which expires in 1095 days:
openssl req -new -x509 -key x509_private_key.pem -out
x509_certificate.pem -days 1095
For information about additional supported parameters, see the openssl
Manual page on the OpenSSL web site (http://www.openssl.org/).
3. Install the certificate and key.
The default GVP configuration assumes that the file names and paths are
as follows:
• For the certificate:
• For the private key:
End of procedure
Next Steps
• If required, modify the sip.transport.<x> configuration option for TLS to
update the parameters for the certificate path, key path, and password (if
Creating an SSL key and self-signed certificate for use
with IIS
Purpose: To illustrate how to use the OpenSSL Toolkit to create a private key
and self-signed SSL certificate request, to enable HTTPS connections to the
IIS web server for Fetching Module communications.
• The OpenSSL Toolkit (openssl) has been installed, with default settings.
You can download the OpenSSL Toolkit for Windows from Shining Light
Productions at the following URL:
User’s Guide 47
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Enabling Secure Communication
For more information about OpenSSL, see http://www.openssl.org/.
Start of procedure
1. Set up the openssl directories and files:
a. (Optional, but recommended) Add C:\OpenSSL\bin to your system path
(Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables >
System Variables).
b. Create a working directory—for example, C:\ssl.
c. Create the directory structure and files required by openssl:
• Directories: keys, requests, and certs
• Files: database.txt and serial.txt—these are empty (zero-byte)
text files
To create the directories and files manually, execute the following
commands at the C:\ssl> UNIX prompt:
md keys
md requests
md certs
copy con database.txt
copy con serial.txt
2. Set up a Certificate Authority (CA):
a. At the C:\ssl> prompt, execute the following command to create a
1024-bit private key:
openssl genrsa -des3 -out keys/ca.key 1024
b. At the C:\ssl> prompt, execute the following command to create the
CA certificate:
openssl req -config openssl.conf -new -x509 -days 1001 -key
keys/ca.key -out certs/ca.cer
The following certificate is created:
3. Create an IIS Certificate Request (certreq.txt).
For more information, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article number
228821, which is available from Microsoft Technical Support
4. Sign the Certificate Request.
a. Copy the certreq.txt file into C:\ssl\requests.
End of procedure
Next Steps
• Create security certificates for TLS interactions (if required). See
Procedure: Creating Security Certificates for TLS Interactions.
Creating Security Certificates for TLS Interactions
The Security Pack on Linux provides the components, such as shared libraries
and an example of a Certification Authority (CA), that are used to generate
certificates and to deploy them on the installed GVP components.
Start of procedure
On Windows 1. Import the ca_cert.pem file to the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities
2. Import the <serial_#>_<host_name>_cert.pfx file to the Personal folder of
the certificate service.
On Linux 3. Install the Security Pack for Linux.
4. Configure the environment variable that corresponds to Linux and specify
the path to Security Pack libraries. For example, export
The certificate is generated and added to the application.
On Windows and 5. In Genesys Administrator, assign the certificate to the host machine and
Linux the host application.
User’s Guide 49
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Enabling Secure Communication
End of procedure
Next Steps
• Configure the Fetching Module (pwproxy) to access files over HTTPS (see
Procedure: Configuring the Fetching Module for HTTPS).
Note: The following procedure is applicable for pre Genesys Voice Platform
8.1.2 only deployments.
Configuring the Fetching Module for HTTPS
• The SSL certificate and key have been created and installed under IIS.
For information about creating a self-signed certificate, see Procedure:
Creating an SSL key and self-signed certificate for use with IIS, on
page 47.
Start of procedure
1. Create the PEM certificate file:
a. Using a text editor, create a new file, proxy_client.pem. You can store
the file under any directory on the Fetching Module server.
b. Open the ca.key file created by openssl (see Step 2 on page 48).
c. Copy all the lines from ca.key into the new proxy_client.pem file.
d. Press Enter to create one blank line at the end of the text.
e. Open the iis.cer file created when you signed the certificate request
(see Step 4 on page 48).
f. Copy all the lines from iis.cer starting from -----BEGIN
CERTIFICATE---- and ending with -----END CERTIFICATE-----,
inclusive, into the bottom of the proxy_client.pem file.
The final file will look similar to Figure 4.
User’s Guide 51
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Enabling Secure Communication
End of procedure
Next Steps
• If required, modify the Squid configuration file to identify the “safe” ports
for HTTP and SSL requests, to identify the ports to be used for SSL
connections, and to deny access to non-SSL connections.
For more information, see Procedure: Modifying the Squid Configuration,
on page 268
Notes: Although, the GVP components supports IPv6, the Genesys SIP
Server and Cisco T-Servers do not. Before you enable IPv6 in your
GVP deployment, contact your Genesys Sales Representative for
more information.
GVP components support non-linked-local IPv6 addresses only.
When using IPv6, do not use linked-local addresses.
Tip: When using IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, be aware that not all
operating platforms function in the same way. While IPv4-mapped IPv6
addresses might function on a Windows platform, they might not
function on a Linux platform.
User’s Guide 53
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Enabling IPv6 Communication
Resource Manager • [proxy] sip. Use this option to specify the preferred IP version
preferred_ipversion when a destination address resolves into multiple
• [registrar] sip. IP addresses that use different IP versions. The
preferred_ipversion first IP address processed that matches the
preferred IP version is used. However, if a
• [monitor] sip.
sip.transport is not defined for the preferred
version, a defined version that matches one of the
• [subscription] sip. processed IP addresses is used. Valid values are
preferred_ipversion ipv4 and ipv6.
• [proxy] sip. Use these options to define the transport layer for
transport.<n> the SIP stack and the network interfaces that are
• [registrar] sip. used to process SIP requests.
• [monitor] sip.
• [subscription] sip.
Resource Manager • [proxy] sip.route. Use these options to specify the transport that is
(continued) default.udp.ipv6 defined in the sip.transport.x configuration
• [registrar] sip.route. option, where x is the value of this option. These
default.udp.ipv6 options are used when there are no IPv6 UDP
routes found.
• [monitor] sip.route.
• [subscription] sip.
Note: For a complete description of these Resource Manager options and their
default values, see Table 13 on page 85.
• [sip] route.default. Use these options to specify the default IPv6 route
udp.ipv6 for UDP, TCP, or TLS. The number denotes the
• [sip] route.default. transport that is defined in the sip.transport.x
tcp.ipv6 configuration option.
• [sip] route.default.
User’s Guide 55
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Enabling IPv6 Communication
Media Control [sip] transport.x Use this option to define the transport layer for
Platform the SIP stack and the network interfaces that are
(continued) used to process SIP requests.
[sip] transport. Use this option to specify the sent-by field of the
localaddress_ipv6 Via header and the hostport part of the Contact
header in an outgoing SIP message if an IPv6
transport is used The value must be a host name
or domain name. (Configuration of this option is
not required; it can work with the default value.)
Note: For a complete description of these Media Control Platform options and
their default values, see Table 23 on page 156.
Call Control [ccxmli] basichttp.recv. Use this option to specify the IPv6 address or host
Platform host.ipv6 name on which the basic HTTP event I/O
processor will listen for HTTP requests on IPv6
network interface.
[ccxmli] createsession. Use this option to specify the IPv6 address or host
recv.host.ipv6 name on which the session creation event I/O
processor will listen for HTTP requests on IPv6
network interface.
[mediacontroller] sdp. Use this option to specify the host part of the
localhost.ipv6 local host IPv6 address that is used in SDP.
Call Control • [sip] route.default. Use these options to specify the default IPv6 route
Platform udp.ipv6 for UDP, TCP, or TLS. The number denotes the
(continued) • [sip] route.default. transport that is defined in the sip.transport.x
tcp.ipv6 configuration option.
• [sip] route.default.
[sip] transport.x Use this option to define the transport layer for
the SIP stack and the network interfaces that are
used to process SIP requests.
[sip] transport. Use this option to specify that the sent-by field
localaddress_ipv6 of the Via header and the hostport part of the
Contact header in the outgoing SIP message will
be set to this value if a IPv6 transport is used.
(Configuration of this option is not required; it
can work with the default value.)
Note: For a complete description of these Call Control Platform options and their
default values, see Table 26 on page 213
CTI Connector [sip] transport.x Use this option to define the transport layer for
the SIP stack and the network interfaces that are
used to process SIP requests.
User’s Guide 57
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Enabling Conference Services
CTI Connector • [sip] route.default. Use these options to specify the default IPv6 route
(continued) udp.ipv6 for UDP, TCP, or TLS. The number denotes the
• [sip] route.default. transport that is defined in the sip.transport.x
tcp.ipv6 configuration option.
• [sip] route.default.
[sip] transport. Use this option to specify that the sent-by field
localaddress_ipv6 of the Via header and the hostport part of the
Contact header in the outgoing SIP message will
be set to this value if a IPv6 transport is used.
(Configuration of this option is not required; it
can work with the default value.)
Note: For a complete description of these CTI Connector options and their
default values, see Table 27 on page 230.
Notes: You can set values for options such as conference reserve, maximums
for number of conferences and participants, and conference
capabilities can be set at the level of the resource group, the resource,
and the IVR Profile, in order of override priority. These parameters
are significant in determining how the Resource Manager handles a
particular request for conference service.
Genesys recommends that, before you modify options, you carefully
review the descriptions for all contexts (resource group, individual
resource, and IVR Profile). For more information about the
configuration options, see the remaining chapters in the Provisioning
section of this guide, and the Genesys Voice Platform 8.5
Configuration Options Reference
Assign a conference resource to a See “Configuring Logical Resource Groups” on page 89:
logical resource group that provides 1. Create or modify a logical resource group for the Resource
conference service. Manager, where the value of the <logical resource
Note: For MCP only. group>.service-types option includes conference.
2. Set the general conference maximums for the resource group
(see the description of the confmaxsize and confmaxcount
3. If the resource has not already been added to the Resource
Manager connections, add it. For more information, see the
chapter about postintstallation activities in the Genesys Voice
Platform 8.5 Deployment Guide.
Create an IVR Profile for conference Set the following required parameter:
service. • gvp.service-prerequisite.conference-id
Also consider the following IVR Profile options, which
determine whether and how conference service will be provided:
• gvp.general.application-confmaxsize
• gvp.general.service-type
• gvp.policy.conference-allowed
• gvp.policy.conference-capability-requirements
• gvp.policy.conference-usage-limit and
For more information, see “IVR Profile Configuration Options”
on page 109.
Verify that conference-related • For the Media Control Platform, review the options in the
settings on the Media Control conference section.
Platform and Call Control Platform • For the Call Control Platform, verify the settings for the
are suitable. Default Conference device profile, and the options in the
mediacontroller configuration sections.
(Optional) Customize the SIP On the Resource Manager, customize the value of the
response codes and Resource rm.conference-sip-error-respcode option.
Manager behavior in the event of an For more information, see Table 100 on page 466.
Configuring Reporting
This section describes important parameters for GVP Reporting, which you
configure in the ems section of the Resource Manager, Media Control Platform,
User’s Guide 59
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Configuring Reporting
Note: Genesys recommends that you do not modify the log filter settings.
Com- Option
ponent Name (in
Com- Option
ponent Name (in
Note: The MCP, CCP, MRCPP, and RM components must have a connection
to the Reporting Server application in order to collect metrics, CDR
and OR data.
Note: Service Quality reports apply to NGi VoiceXML applications, and are
found in Genesys Administrator. GVP 8.1.5 and thereafter are
NGi-only platforms unless you run MCP 8.1.4 to incorporate support
for GVPi applications.
Inbound Reject Failure Specifies which in call reject reason codes that, A pipe (|)separated list.
Codes when encountered, do not mark the call as a Default value: decline
User’s Guide 61
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Configuring Logging
Outbound Reject Failure Specifies which out call reject reason codes that, A pipe (|)separated list.
Codes when encountered, do not mark the call as a Default value:
failure. busy|decline|fax|noanswe
Call Reject Latency Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, to Any integer.
Threshold determine whether the call reject latency is Default value: 3000
considered a failure because it falls below the
Audio Gap Latency Specifies the largest audio gap allowed while Any integer.
playing audio to the customer. Default value: 2000
Inter Prompt Latency Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, Any integer.
Threshold before playing a prompt after playing a previous Default value: 4000
prompt when no customer interaction has taken
Call Answer Latency Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, to Any integer.
Threshold determine whether the call answer latency is Default value: 3000
considered a failure because it falls below the
SQA Batch Size Specifies the number of SQA messages to queue An integer in the range of
before sending them to the Reporting Server. 1–5000.
Default value: 5000
Configuring Logging
Table 8 describes the most commonly customized options for logging. Table 9
on page 67 summarizes the default values for these options in GVP. The
User’s Guide 63
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Configuring Logging
Enable 6.x Specifies whether the application uses 6.x • true—The log of the
Compatibility Log output logic. level specified by Log
Output Priority Output options is sent to
the specified output.
• false—The log of the
level specified by Log
Output options and higher
levels is sent to the
specified output.
Log Message Format The log record header format that an • short—The Application
Application uses when writing logs in the log uses compressed headers
file. when writing log records
Using compressed log record headers improves in the log file.
application performance and reduces the size of • full—The Application
the log file. When message_format=short uses complete headers
(compressed headers): when writing log records
in the log file.
• A header of the log file or the log file
segment contains information about the Log record examples:
application (such as the application name, • Full format:
application type, host type, and time zone), 2002-05-07T18:11:38.19
whereas individual log records within the 6 Standard localhost
file or segment do not contain this cfg_dbserver
information. GCTI-00-05060
• Log message priority is abbreviated to Std, Application started
Int, Trc, or Dbg (instead of Standard, • Short format:
Interaction, Trace, or Debug, 2002-05-07T18:15:33.95
respectively). 2 Std 05060
• The message ID does not contain the prefix Application started
GCTI or the application type ID.
User’s Guide 65
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Configuring Logging
Time Generation for The system by which an application calculates • <number> local—The
Log Messages. the log record time when a log file is generated. time of log record
The time is converted from the time in seconds generation is expressed as
since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, a local time, based on the
1970). time zone and any
seasonal adjustments.
Time zone information of
the application's host
computer is used.
• <number> utc—The time
of log record generation is
expressed as Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC).
Time Format for Log The format in which the log file presents the • time—The time string is
Messages time at which time the application generated the the HH:MM:SS.sss format
log record. (hours, minutes, seconds,
• locale—The time string
is formatted according to
the locale of the system.
• ISO8601—The date in the
time string is the ISO
8601 format. Fractional
seconds are given in
Verbose Level Specifies the minimum level of log events that • all—All log events.
will be generated. • debug—Log events of all
In descending order of priority, the log event levels (same as all).
levels are: • trace—Log events of the
• Standard Standard, Interaction, and
• Interaction Trace levels.
• Trace • interaction—Log events
• Debug of the Standard and
Interaction levels.
• standard—Log events of
the Standard level only.
• none—No output will be
Table 9 provides the default values for those options in the log configuration
section that are commonly customized.
User’s Guide 67
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Configuring SNMP
Configuring SNMP
Table 10 describes the option for snmp task timeout.
SNMP Task Timeout Specifies the maximum time interval, in Any integer greater than zero.
milliseconds, that SNMP waits for a new Default Value: 100
Call Control Configuration Server —TCP dynamically Allows the CCP to receive
Platform (CCP) configured by the OS configuration data and updates from
the Configuration Server.
Call Control HTTP—TCP dynamically configured by Allows the CCP to fetch pages and
Platform (CCP) the OS HTTP messaging.
SNMP—TCP dynamically configured by Allows the CCP to connect to SNMP
the OS Master Agent
User’s Guide 69
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Configuring Client-Side Connections
User’s Guide 71
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Configuring Client-Side Connections
Resource Manager Reporting Server—TCP dynamically Allows the RM to send logging, OR,
(RM) configured by the OS and CDR information to the
Reporting Server.
T-Lib Port—TCP dynamically configured Allows the SSG to send and receive
by the OS T-lib messages from SIP Server.
CTI Connector Configuration Server—TCP dynamically Allows the CTI Connector to receive
(CTIC) configured by the OS configuration data and updates from
the Configuration Server.
User’s Guide 73
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Customizing SIP Responses
User’s Guide 75
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Configuring Session Timers and Timeouts
gvp.general. The timeout interval, in seconds, for the SIP Any positive integer.
sip.sessiontimer session that is executed for the IVR Profile. If Default value: Empty
the Resource Manager receives no SIP
messages associated with this call leg within the
timeout interval, it considers the call leg to have
For the call leg associated with the IVR Profile
for this tenant, the value that you configure for
this sip.sessiontimer option overrides session
expiry timeouts that are set at the level of the
resource and the Resource Manager.
PSTN Connector
GatewayManager Section
Enable Session Timer Specifies whether the session timers is enabled • True
for a call session. • False
Default value: True
Session Timer Interval The time interval, in seconds, for which a call An integer in the range of 90
(secs) session must be refreshed before it expires. to 86400.
Default value: 1800
Session Minimum The minimum time interval, in seconds, for An integer in the range of 90
Timer Interval (secs) which a call session must be refreshed. to 1800.
Default value: 90
Session Timer Refresh Specifies which user agent is to initiate the • 0—Local
refresh of a call session. • 1—Remote
Default value: 0
User’s Guide 77
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Configuring Session Timers and Timeouts
Resource Manager
proxy Section
Session Expires The default timeout interval, in seconds, for An integer in the range of
Media Control Platform or Call Control 90–3600.
Platform sessions. If no re-INVITES are sent or Default value: 1800
received within the timeout period, the session
If a different timeout has been set for a
particular VoiceXML or CCXML application, it
overrides the value of this sip.sessionexpires
Resource Manager
proxy Section
Session Timeout The timeout interval, in seconds, for each SIP Any unsigned integer.
session (call leg) that the Resource Manager Default value: 1800
If a different timeout has been set for a
particular resource or XML application, it
overrides the Resource Manager session expiry
timeout for the applicable session.
Changes take effect: After restart.
Resource Manager
registrar Section
Registrar Max Expiry The maximum expiry time, in seconds, of this An integer in the range of
Time registrar. If the client requests an expiry time 60–7200.
greater than this value, this sip.registrar. Default value: 60
maxexpirytime value is returned.
Registrar Min Expiry The minimum expiry time, in seconds, of this An integer in the range of
Time registrar. If the client requests an expiry time 60–7200.
smaller than this value, the request is rejected, Default value: 60
with this value in the Min-Expires header.
Additional Timeouts
The following timeouts and timers are also important for GVP behavior:
• Resource Manager, Media Control Platform, and Call Control Platform:
dproxy.sip.timer.ci_proceeding—The timeout for the client INVITE.
The timer starts after a 1xx response is received for a client INVITE. If
a final response is not received before the timer expires, the SIP
session and dialog is destroyed without further notice to the UAS. This
timer should be greater than the connect timeout of the outbound call
(depending on how the outbound call is initiated, the connect timeout
can be specified in the transfer tag, or in the remdial command).
Otherwise, the dsip.timer.ci_proceeding timer will trigger before the
connect timeout occurs, which overrides the connect timeout. (The
default is 120000 ms, or 120 seconds.)
• Resource Manager:
sip-timer_B—The timeout Resource Manager uses when selecting a
resource for messaging. If no 1xx provisional response is received with
this timeout, Resource Manger considers this resource unreachable,
and attempts to select another resource.
• Media Control Platform:
mpc.rtp.timeout—The timeout for the RTP/RTCP stream. (The default
is 60000 ms.)
msml.cpd.beeptimeout—The timeout for the default beep. (The default
is 30 seconds.)
msml.cpd.postconnecttimeout—The timeout for the CPD postconnect.
(The default is 30 seconds.)
msml.cpd.preconnecttimeout—The timeout for CPD preconnect. (The
default is 30 seconds.)
User’s Guide 79
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Configuring Session Timers and Timeouts
sessmgr.acceptcalltimeout—The timeout for the platform to accept
inbound calls, after alerting is issued. (The default is 30000 ms.)
sessmgr.maxincalltime—The maximum call time for inbound calls.
(The default is 0—disabled.)
sip.hfdisctimer—The timeout to terminate a SIP hookflash transfer.
(The default is 5000 ms.)
sip.referxferwaitbye - After a REFER transfer, timeout to wait for
BYE message from the remote end before sending BYE to disconnect
the call. If it is zero, it will send BYE right after a NOTIFY/200 is
received. If it is non-zero, it will wait for the configured timeout (in
milliseconds) before sending the BYE. Values are specified in
millisecond. (The default is 0 - send BYE immediately).
stack.connection.timeout—The connection timeout for the MRCP
Client stack to establish a TCP connection to the MRCP server. (The
default is 10000 ms.)
vrm.client.timeout—The connection timeout for the MRCP Client to
receive a response from the MRCP server. (The default is 10000 ms.)
vxmli.default.connecttimeout—The default value of the
connecttimeout attribute for bridge or consultation transfers, if not
provided. (The default is 30000 ms.)
vxmli.initial_request_fetchtimeout—The fetch timeout for the
initial VoiceXML page. (The default is 30000 ms.)
vxmli.max_script_time—The maximum time allowed for each script
or ECMAScript expression to be executed. (The default is 2000 ms.)
• Call Control Platform:
ccxmli.fetch.timeout—The default timeout for the fetch of the initial
page to be completed. (The default is 30 seconds.)
• Supplementary Services Gateway:
ssg.ReqAccOnResourceDNErrTimeoutSecs—The timeout for the
Supplementary Services Gateway to reject new requests from tenant
applications if the Supplementary Services Gateway fails to register a
Resource DN with SIP Server. (The default is 900 seconds).
ssg.ReqAccOnSIPSConnErrTimeoutSecs—The default timeout for the
Supplementary Services Gateway to reject new requests from tenant
applications if the Supplementary Services Gateway fails to connect to
SIP Server. (The default is 900 seconds).
• CTI Connector:
ctic.connectcalltimeout—The default timeout that CTI Connector
waits for an outbound call to connect. (The default is 6000 ms)
IServer_Sample.keepaliveresptimeout—The timeout that
CTI Connector waits for a response from IVR Server. (The default is 3
IVRSC.scriptidfetchtimeout—The time to wait for a response to fetch
the script id from URS. (The default is 5000 ms.)
• PSTN Connector:
GatewayManager.XferConnectTimeoutMSec—The time to wait for the
transfer result after issuing a blind or consult transfer request. (The
default is 60000 ms)
• MRCP Proxy:
timeout.back_in_service—The time to wait for the server to be put
back into service after it encounters errors such as timeout or TCP
connection error.
timeout.barge_in_occurred—The timeout for a barge-in to occur.
timeout.clean_loop—The time interval in which idle sessions are
cleaned, as determined by timeout.max_idle configuration option.
timeout.close_session—The time it takes for a Close-Session request
to expire.
timeout.control—The time it takes for a CONTROL message to expire.
timeout.define_grammar—The time it takes for a DEFINE-GRAMMAR
message to expire.
timeout.get_params—The time it takes for a GET-PARAMS message to
timeout.get_result—The time it takes for a GET-RESULT message to
timeout.get_server_info—The time to wait to get a response to a
Get-Server-Info request (ping) before timing out.
timeout.lca_calibrate—The time to wait (at connect or re-connect)
before an application mode query is sent to the LCA. After this timeout
expires the query can be sent.
timeout.max_idle—The maximum amount of time a session can be
idle before it is terminated.
timeout.open_session—The time it takes for an Open-Session to
timeout.pause—The time it takes for a PAUSE message to expire.
timeout.recog_start_timers—The time it takes for a
timeout.recognize—The time it takes for a RECOGNIZE message to
timeout.reconnect_interval—The time to wait before a reconnect
attempt is made, if the TCP connection is not yet established with the
MRCP server.
timeout.resume—The time it takes for a RESUME message to expire.
timeout.set_params—The time it takes for a SET-PARAMS message to
timeout.speak—The time it takes for a SPEAK message to expire.
timeout.stop—The time it takes for a STOP message to expire.
User’s Guide 81
Chapter 3: Configuring Common Features Configuring Session Timers and Timeouts
connection.timeout—The time it takes before a connection times out
when the SRM MRCPv1 and MRCPv2 stack is attempting to establish
a TCP connection to the server.
timeout—The maximum amount of time that SNMP can wait for a
new task.
Set up the Resource Manager to See “Configuring SIP Communication and Routing” on page 38.
function as SIP Proxy, SIP Registrar, To secure SIP communications between the Resource Manager
SIP Notifier, and resource monitor and the other GVP components, ensure that you specify a
and manager. transport for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol and a
secure routeset for outbound calls.
Provision GVP resources. See “Configuring Logical Resource Groups” on page 89.
User’s Guide 83
Chapter 4: Configuring the Resource Manager Important Resource Manager Configuration Options
Configure the IP DiffServ (ToS). Set the SIP packet’s ToS using
See “Configuring SIP Communication and Routing” on
page 38”.
Customize session management See “Configuring Session Timers and Timeouts” on page 76.
behavior and performance. See also the parameters in the proxy section that specify
parameters such as the number of threads and connections.
Customize Resource Manager See “Configuring SNMP” on page 68 and Table 100 on
messaging. page 466.
cluster Section
Election Timer Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, in which An integer in the range of
this node waits for a response from its remote 1000–10000
members. If there is no response within this time, Default value: 3000
the local Resource Manger becomes the active
FailOver Batch Specifies the path to the fail over script. Install dir /bin/nbl.bat
Script Default value:
Heartbeat Interval Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, for which An integer in the range of
the members of the cluster check each other’s 2000–60000
health status. Default value: 2000
User’s Guide 85
Chapter 4: Configuring the Resource Manager Important Resource Manager Configuration Options
Members 1 Describes the IP and TCP port on which the <first member IP
member ID 1 can be reached. The format is address>:<first member
IP:Port where IP and Port specifies the IP and port cluster communication
where this RM node can be reached for cluster port>
communication Default value: Empty
Members 2 Describes the IP and TCP port on which the <second member IP
member ID 2 can be reached. The format is address>:<second member
IP:Port where IP and Port specifies the IP and port cluster communication
where this RM node can be reached for cluster port>
communication Default value: Empty
Cluster HA Mode Specifies which cluster the Resource Manager • none—stand alone RM
instances are configured. • active-standby—RM in
• active-active—external
load balancer
Default value: none
rm Section
SIP Header for DNIS The header from which the Resource Manager • To
will retrieve the DNIS, to identify which IVR • Request-Uri
Profile to use.
• History-Info
Ensure that the value you specify is consistent
Default value: History-Info
with Media Gateway behavior, so that the INVITE
messages that SIP Server forwards to the Resource
Manager have the DNIS information in the
expected header.
• If the value of this parameter is History-Info
but there is no History-Info header in the SIP
INVITE, the Resource Manager picks up the
DNIS from the To header.
• If the value of the specified header in the SIP
INVITE is not a valid DNIS, the Resource
Manager cannot map the SIP request to an IVR
Profile, and it defaults to the next behavior to
select the IVR Profile.
• If the P-Called-Party-ID header is present, SIP
Header for DNIS is ignored.
Changes take effect: Immediately.
Default Resource Specifies the port capacity that is assigned to each Any unsigned integer.
Port Capacity physical resource. Default value: 500
Note: This parameter can be overridden by the
MaxPorts configuration during post installation
activities. For more information, see the Genesys
Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment Guide.
monitor Section
SIP Resource The interval, in milliseconds, at which the Any unsigned integer.
OPTIONS Interval Resource Manager sends OPTIONS messages to a Default value: 5000
healthy resource, to determine whether the
resource is alive.
User’s Guide 87
Chapter 4: Configuring the Resource Manager Important Resource Manager Configuration Options
SIP Unavailable The interval, in milliseconds, at which the Any unsigned integer.
Resource OPTIONS Resource Manager sends OPTIONS messages to a Default value: 5000
Interval dead resource to determine whether the resource is
SIP Release Specifies how to handle new incoming calls that • True
Conference Resource are joining the conference if the conference • False
on Failure resource goes offline.
Default value: True
If set to True, all conference sessions are released,
and the new incoming calls are routed to the next
available resource.
If set to False, all conference sessions are
released, and the new incoming calls will receive
an error.
proxy Section
IP Type of Service Specifies the IP differentiated services field (ToS) Range: 0-255
for SIP Transport to set in all outgoing SIP packets over the SIP Examples:
• 0—Disabled
• For Windows Server 2003, the ToS must be (0x10)
enabled in the registry. See
• For Windows Server 2008/2012, the ToS
configuration is not supported. It must be • 64—IPTOS PREC
configured at the OS level. You can define per
executable and per port, and what type of • 184—DiffServ EF
DiffServ bits to set on the outgoing packets (Expedited Forward
using the QoS policy defined in the following 0xBB)
article. Default value: 0
• For all Operating Systems, when the SIP/RTP
packets are sent across different subnets, the
router may reset the DiffServ bits in the IP
header even though it was set by MCP.
Record Route Host Specifies the host to be used for the Record-Route <hostname or IP address>
when an INVITE is forwarded when Resource
Manager is in stand-alone mode. The value
specified can either be configured as an IP
address, or FQDN. If the value is empty, the IP
address of the outgoing transport is used.
User’s Guide 89
Chapter 4: Configuring the Resource Manager Configuring Logical Resource Groups
You identify the actual resource hosts and applications in the connections that
you configure for the Resource Manager. In addition, you must create a remote
access point for the recordingserver resource that points to the Resource
Manager. See Procedure: Creating the resource access point for Recording
Server, on page 95.
For more information about logical resource groups, see the chapter about
post-installation activities in the Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment
The following procedure provides the detailed steps to use the Resource Group
Configuring logical resource groups
• The GVP Application objects have been installed, as described in the
Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment Guide.
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator. To access Genesys
Administrator, go to the following URL:
http://<Genesys Administrator host>/wcm
Start of procedure
1. In Genesys Administrator, go to the Provisioning > Voice Platform >
Resource Groups panel (see Figure 5).
End of procedure
Next Steps
• If required, configure the noresource-response-code option in the <gateway
resource group> section of the Resource Manager Application object.
The default behavior for the Resource Manager with regard to gateway
resources is not to retry failed requests. To configure the Resource
Manager to automatically retry other resources in a gateway resource
group, specify the required SIP failure response codes in the
noresource-response-code option. This option does not appear in the
Resource Management Wizard, you configure it on the Provisioning >
Environment > Applications > <Resource Manager> > Options tab.
• Manually set the capabilities and the preferences for the Logical Resource
Group (see page 94).
Table 14 provides information about the Resource Manager parameters for
logical groups.
User’s Guide 91
Chapter 4: Configuring the Resource Manager Configuring Logical Resource Groups
Group Type Specifies the type of logical resource group. • Media Control Platform
• Call Control Platform
• Gateway
• CTI Connector
• Recording Server
Default value: Empty
CTI Usage Specifies whether the Resource Manager will • Always off—Resource
use CTI Connector for a Gateway logical group Manager does not use
resource. CTI Connector, and
proceeds with the call
using DNIS-IVR Profile
• Always On—Resource
Manager will not map the
• Based on DID lookup—
Resource Manager
performs the IVR Profile
lookup for the call and
forwards it to
CTI Connector with the
CTI service parameters
configured in the IVR
Default value: Empty
Port Capacity Specifies the port capacity of all resources in • Default value: 500
this logical resource group combined. Individual
resource port capacity will be ignored.
Note: The port capacity option is available for
the Recording Server resource group only when
parallel-forking is used as the load balancing
Max Conference Size The maximum number of participants allowed An integer in the range of 0–
(For MCP) in a conference. 32.
Max Conference Count The maximum number of conferences allowed Any integer.
(For MCP) for a resource.
Monitoring Method The method that the Resource Manager will use • SIP OPTIONS—Resource
to determine whether the physical resources that Manager will use SIP
belongs to the logical resource group are alive OPTIONS messages.
and healthy. • None—Resource Manager
will not monitor resource
health. It assumes that
resources in this group are
always alive.
Default value: SIP OPTIONS
User’s Guide 93
Chapter 4: Configuring the Resource Manager Configuring Logical Resource Groups
The following procedure provides the detailed steps to manually configure the
Logical Resource Group capabilities, preferences and AOR.
Configuring Resource Group capabilities, preferences,
and AOR
• The GVP Application objects have been installed, as described in the
Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment Guide.
• The Logical Resource Group has been created.
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator. To access Genesys
Administrator, go to the following URL:
http://<Genesys Administrator host>/wcm
Start of procedure
1. In Genesys Administrator, go to the Provisioning > Environment >
Business Units/Sites
2. Select the appropriate tenant.
3. Select the MCP Application, and click Edit.
4. Add the Capability, Preference, and AOR parameters to the gvp.lrg
section. For more information on how to add options using Genesys
Administrator, see the Framework 8.5 Genesys Administrator Help.
See Table 14 for descriptions of these parameters.
End of procedure
Creating the resource access point for Recording
You must create a separate Application for each recording server in your
deployment. The Application type is Resource Access Point.
For detailed information about importing Application Templates and
metadata, and creating Applications from the templates, see Appendix A in
the Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment Guide, which describes the
pre-installation activities
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator. To access Genesys
Administrator, go to the following URL:
http://<Genesys Administrator host>/wcm
• The Resource Manager Installation Package (IP) is available.
Start of procedure
1. Create the Recording Server Application object.
a. Import the required Application Template from the Resource Manager
Installation Package (IP). For example,
b. On the Provisioning > Environment > Applications tab, create and
name the new Resource Access Point, based on the Application
Configure 2. In the gvp.rm section, on the Provisioning > Environment > Applications
Resource Access > <Recording Server> > Options tab, configure the following options:
• aor=sip[s]:<host|ip>:<port>
• port-capacity=500
• redundancy-type=active
Note: The host and port number in the aor configuration option, is
populated automatically when the LRG group wizard is used to
create the recordingserver resource group.
User’s Guide 95
Chapter 4: Configuring the Resource Manager Configuring Logical Resource Groups
3. In the provision section, ensure the default value of 1 is retained for the
recording-server configuration option.
4. Save the configuration.
End of procedure
Next Steps
• No further steps are required.
Create a connection to Policy Server In Genesys Administrator, open the Configuration Manager
in the Configuration Manager Application and on the Configuration tab, add Policy Server to
Application. the Connections.
Note: Policy Server can be deployed with Genesys Administrator
and Configuration Manager and later releases only.
User’s Guide 97
Chapter 5: Configuring Policy Server Important Policy Server Configuration Options
https Section
SSL Keystore Path Specifies the path to the keystore file, which Any string of characters.
will be used for all the HTTPS connectors. Default value:
Changes take effect: start/restart
SSL Keystore Specifies the password for the keystore file. Any string of characters.
Password Default value: Empty
Changes take effect: start/restart
SSL Keystore Type Specifies the type of keystore, which defines Any string of characters.
the supported file format for the security Default value: JKS
Changes take effect: start/restart
SSL Certificate Specifies the name of the SSL algorithm that Any string of characters.
Algorithm will be used for the configured keystore. Default value: SunX509
Changes take effect: start/restart
HTTPS Protocol Specifies the cryptographic protocol to use. Select one of five option
values—SSL, SSLv2, SSLv3,
TLS, or TLSv1
Default value: TLS
Changes take effect: start/restart
Secure Random Specifies the name of the RNG (Random Any string of characters.
Algorithm Number Generator) algorithm. Default value: Empty
For more information about the RNG, see the Changes take effect: start/restart
JDK JavaDoc for class
Security Provider Specifies the name of Java security provider. Any string of characters.
For more information about the security Default value: None
provider, see the JDK JavaDoc for class Changes take effect: start/restart
Client Authentication Specifies the HTTPS client authentication Select one of three option
Requirement requirements. values—none, required, or
If this option is set to: preferred.
User’s Guide 99
Chapter 5: Configuring Policy Server Important Policy Server Configuration Options
HTTPS Connector Specifies the type of Jetty connector that will Select one of two option
Type be used. values—1 or 2.
If this option is set to: Default value: 2
• 1 <NIO>—Non-blocking NIO connector. Changes take effect: start/restart
• 2 <BIO>—Blocking BIO connector.
For more information about these connectors,
see Jetty's JavaDoc for class
https_key Section
SSL Key Password Specifies the optional key password for the Any string of characters.
HTTPS configuration. Default value: Empty
Changes take effect: start/restart
log Section
Verbose Level Determines whether or not a log output is Select one of several log event
created. If it is, this option specifies the levels.
minimum level of log events that are Default value: standard
Any one of the following log event levels can
be selected as the value for this option
(starting with the highest priority level):
standard, interaction, trace, debug, all,
or none.
For a description of the log events that are
logged for each level, see Table 8 on page 64.
Output for Level All Specifies the outputs to which an application A string of characters.
sends all log events. Default value: Empty
The log output types must be separated by a
comma when more than one output is
Output for Level Specifies the outputs to which an application A string of characters.
Standard sends the log events of the Standard level. Default value: stdout
Output for Level Specifies the outputs to which an application A string of characters.
Interaction sends the log events of the Interaction level Default value: Empty
and higher, which means, more than one
output is configured—standard and
interaction levels.
Output for Level Specifies the outputs to which an application A string of characters.
Trace sends the log events of the Trace level and Default value: Empty
higher, which means, more than one output is
configured—standard, interaction, and
trace levels.
Output for Level Specifies the outputs to which an application A string of characters.
Debug sends the log events of the Debug level and Default value: logs/ps.log
higher, which means, more than one output is
configured—standard, interaction, trace,
and debug levels.
Log Segmentation Specifies the segmentation limit for a log file. A string of characters.
Sets the mode of measurement, along with the Default value: 10MB
maximum size.
If the current log segment exceeds the size set
by this option, the file is closed and a new one
is created.
For a complete description of the option values
for log segmentation, see Table 8 on page 64.
Log Expiration Determines whether or not the log files A string of characters.
expires. If they do, this option sets the Default value: false
measurement for determining when they
expire, along with the maximum number of
files (segments) or days before the files are
For a complete description of the option values
for log expiration, see Table 8 on page 64.
Log Messages Format Specifies the format of log record headers that Select one of two option
an application uses when writing logs in the values—short or full.
log file. Using compressed log record headers Default value: full
improves application performance and reduces
the log file's size.
For a complete description of each option
value, see Table 8 on page 64.
Time Format for Log Specifies how to represent the time when an Select one of three option
Messages application generates log records in a log file. values—time, locale, or
For a complete description of each option ISO8601.
value, see Table 8 on page 64. Default value: time
reporting Section
PS Service Hostname Specifies the hostname that will be used to A string of characters.
access Policy Server. Default value: Empty
Changes take effect: start/restart
PS Service Port Specifies the port on which Policy Server will An integer greater than 0.
receive reporting requests. Default value: 8090
Changes take effect: start/restart
PS Service Protocol Specifies the type of communication protocol Select one of two option
that Policy Server will use to service reporting values—http or https.
requests. Default value: http
Changes take effect: start/restart
Basic HTTP Specifies the user name that Policy Server uses A string of characters.
Authentication User to perform basic HTTP authentication. Default value: Empty
Changes take effect: start/restart
Basic HTTP Specifies the password that Policy Server uses A string of characters.
Authentication to perform basic HTTP authentication. Default value: Empty
Changes take effect: start/restart
Provisioning IVR Profiles
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator. To access Genesys
Administrator, go to the following URL:
http://<Genesys Administrator host>/wcm
Start of procedure
1. Use the IVR Profile Wizard in Genesys Administrator to create or edit an
IVR Profile object. For more information on how to use the wizard, see the
Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment Guide.
2. On the Provisioning > Voice Platform > IVR Profile tab of Genesys
Administrator, launch the IVR Profile Wizard.
3. On the Service Type page:
a. Enter the name of the IVR Profile.
b. Select the type of service that the IVR Profile requires. This sets the
gvp.general.service-type parameter. The possible values are:
• VoiceXML
• Conference
• Announcement
c. Complete the remainder of the wizard as applicable for your
deployment. Depending on the type of service you have selected in
Step b, the wizard presents different subsequent pages.
• For VoiceXML, go to Step 4 on page 104.
• For CCXML, go to Step 5 on page 106.
• For Conference, go to Step 6 on page 106.
• For Announcement, go to Step 7 on page 107.
4. For VoiceXML:
a. On the Service Properties page:
i. Enter the Initial Page URL. This sets the initial-page-url
ii. Enter the Alternate Page URL. This sets the alternatevoicexml
iii. Enter the Default Properties Page URL. This sets the
default-properties-page parameter.
iv. Select the type of VoiceXML interpreter. This sets the
voicexml.gvp.appmodule parameter. For more information on the
interpreters, see Chapter 7, “Configuring the Media Control
Platform,” on page 141.
v. Enter the Toll Free Number. This sets the toll-free-number
5. For CCXML:
a. On the Service Properties page:
i. Enter the Initial Page URL. This sets the initial-page-url
ii. Enter the Virtual Reporting Object 1 and Virtual Reporting
Object 2. This sets the VirtualReportingTag1, and
VirtualReportingTag2 parameters.
b. On the Usage Limits page, if required:
i. Enter the maximum number of concurrent sessions. This sets the
usage-limits parameter.
ii. Enter the usage limits for each service. This sets the
<service>-usage-limit parameter.
iii. Enter the usage limits per session. This sets the
<service>-usage-limit-per-session parameter.
c. On the IVR Capabilities page, if required:
i. Enable conferencing. This sets the conference-allowed parameter.
ii. Enable outbound calling. This sets the outbound-call-allowed
iii. Enable transfers. This sets the transfer-allowed parameter.
iv. Enable VoiceXML dialogs. This sets the voicexml-dialog-allowed
v. Select how to use the gateway. This sets the use-same-gateway
d. If you allowed outbound calls and/or transfers, on the Dialing Rules
i. Select to accept or reject the rule expression.
ii. Enter the Regular Expression.
iii. Click Add as New Rule.
Repeat Steps i to iii for each Dialing Rule required. This sets the
gvp.policy.dialing-rules parameter.
For more information on Dialing Rules, see “gvp.policy.dialing-rules
Section” on page 119.
e. On the Policies page, add the SQ Notification Threshold. This sets the
error.notification.threshold parameter.
For more information on CCXML IVR Profile parameters, see Table 16 on
page 109.
6. For Conference:
a. On the Service Properties page:
i. Enter the conference ID. This sets the conference-id parameter.
ii. Enter the maximum conference size, if required. This sets the
10. Modify the IVR Profile to capture the required configuration parameters
that are not set with the wizard.
The Resource Manager uses the IVR Profile name that you specify to
identify the context of the session. For more information, see “Application
Identifiers” on page 23.
For detailed information about the IVR Profile configuration options, see
“IVR Profile Configuration Options” on page 109.
For detailed information about configuring IVR Profiles for GVPi, see
“IVR Profile Configuration for GVPi” on page 123.
End of procedure
Notes: All changes to IVR Profile configuration options take effect with the
next session that uses the IVR Profile.
The alarm and response codes are not independent policies. Resource
Manager will look for the corresponding alarm and/or response code
parameters from the matched tenant/profile only.
gvp.general Section
Conf Max Size (For Conference only) The maximum number of Any unsigned integer.
participants in the conference. Default value: 20
This setting does not override conference size
maximums that are configured for the Resource
Manager logical group or the conference resource
Service Type The default type of service that the IVR Profile • ccxml
provides. • conference
The default service type does not preclude the use • voicexml
of other service types within the application as
• announcement
Default value: Empty
Toll Free Number The toll free number that is used by this IVR A string of characters.
Profile. Default value: Empty
SIP Session Timer The timeout value, in seconds, for the SIP session Any unsigned integer.
Interval that it executed for this IVR Profile. If the Default value: Empty
Resource Manager receives no SIP messages
associated with this call leg within the timeout
interval, it considers the call leg to have ended.
For the call leg that is associated with this IVR
Profile, the value of this sip.sessiontimer
parameter overrides session expiry timeouts that
are set at the level of the tenant, the Resource
Manager, and the resource.
Virtual Reporting Specifies the Virtual Reporting Object 1 and A string of characters.
Tag 1 Virtual Reporting Object 2. Default value: Empty
Virtual Reporting These parameters enable you to query and
Tag 2 correlate call data with custom parameters based
on business needs.
For example, if you are running a certain
campaign, you may want to associate calls with a
virtual reporting object value of “Last Campaign
2009” and later query call data by that, not having
to deal with which DIDs, IVR Profiles or platform
instances were utilized for that campaign.
gvp.log Section
metricsfilter The filter that determines which metrics (for calls <FilterID1>[,<FilterID2>,
that are made to this IVR Profile) will be ...]
forwarded to the Reporting Server. where:
If this parameter is set, the value will override the • <FilterID> is a single
default DATAC filter for the component for sessions Metric ID or a range of
that execute under this IVR Profile. This overrides Metric IDs. For the valid
the default parameter that is set at the platform Metric IDs, see the
level. Genesys Voice
The Resource Manager passes this property value Platform 8.5 Metrics
to the component in a SIP custom header. Reference.
The wildcard character (*)
means “all”.
Default value: Empty
gvp.policy Section
CTI Allowed Specifies whether calls that use this IVR Profile • True—Use
use CTI Connector to interface with IVR Server, CTI Connector
or send directly to Media Control Platform (MCP) • False—Use MCP or CCP
or Call Control Platform (CCP).
Default value: True
Allow Burst Usage. Specifies whether burst usage for an application is • True
allowed for various usage-based policies. • False
Note: This parameter applies to individual objects Default value: False
(tenant/profile) only; it’s not applicable for
hierarchical use.
Raise Alarm for Specifies whether to raise an alarm when the burst • True
Exceeding Burst limit has been exceeded. • False
Default value: False
Dialing Rule Based The SIP response code that is sent in the SIP • <sipcode>;<desc>
Rejection Response response when a call is rejected because of a • <sipcode>
Code dialing rule (gvp.policy.dialing-rules.
• <sipcode> is an integer in
the range of 400–699.
• <desc> is any string.
Default value: 403
Raise Alarm for Specifies whether an alarm will be raised for the • True
Dialing Rule Based corresponding policy violation. • False
Default value: False
Usage Limits Note: GVP has the ability to set policy limits for Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3
simultaneous use of specific services, and also usage limit alarms as well.
Usage Limits The number of times that a Resource Manager Any unsigned integer.
session can be concurrently in use in the context Default value: Empty
of any IVR Profile.
<service> Usage The maximum number of concurrent service Any unsigned integer.
Limit sessions that are permitted for this IVR Profile Default value: Empty
Valid values for <service> are:
• announcement
• ccxml
• conference
• inbound
• msml
• outbound
• voicexml
<service> Usage The number of times that the specified service Any unsigned integer.
Limit per session may be invoked in the context of this instance of a Default value: Empty
Resource Manager session. Valid values for
<service> are:
• announcement
• ccxml
• conference
• msml
• voicexml
<service> Usage The SIP response code that is sent in the SIP • <sipcode>;<desc>
Limit Exceeded response when a request for a service is rejected • <sipcode>
Response Code because the usage limits for that service
(gvp.policy.<service>-usage-limit or gvp.
policy.<service>-usage-limit-per-session) • <sipcode> is an integer in
have been reached. Valid values for <service> the range of 400–699.
are: • <desc> is any string.
• ccxml Default value: 503
• conference
• voicexml
• outbound
• inbound
• announcement
• msml
Usage Limit The SIP response code that is sent in the SIP • <sipcode>;<desc>
Exceeded Response response when a call is rejected because the usage • <sipcode>
Code limits that are specified in the following
configuration options have been reached:
• <sipcode> is an integer in
• gvp.policy.usage-limits
the range of 400–699.
• gvp.policy.outbound-usage-limit
• <desc> is any string.
• gvp.policy.inbound-usage-limit
Default value: 480
(Temporarily unavailable)
Raise Alarm for Specifies whether an alarm will be raised for the • True
<service> Not corresponding policy violation. Valid values for • False
Allowed <service> are:
Default value: False
• ccxml
• conference
• outbound-call
• transfer
• voicexml-dialog
• announcement
• msml
Raise Alarm for Specifies whether an alarm will be raised for the • True
<service> Usage corresponding policy violation. Valid values for • False
Limit Exceeded <service> are:
Default value: False
• ccxml
• conference
• inbound
• outbound
• voicexml
• announcement
• msml
<service> Forbidden Specifies the error response code to send when the <sipcode>;description
Response Code <service> is not allowed. Valid values for or
<service> are:
• ccxml
Default value: 403
• conference
For more information on SIP
• inbound Response Codes, see
• outbound Appendix D, “SIP Response
• voicexml Codes,” on page 465.
• announcement
• msml
Use Same Gateway (For gateway service only) Specifies whether • always—The Resource
outbound calls to a gateway must use the same Manager must forward
gateway that the Resource Manager session is the request to exactly the
currently using. same gateway resource
already associated with
A gateway resource becomes associated with a
the Resource Manager
Resource Manager session when (a) the Resource
session, or else the
Manager session is not already associated with
request fails.
another gateway resource and (b) one of the
following occurs: • preferred—The
Resource Manager first
• The Resource Manager receives a request from tries to forward the
a gateway resource. request to the gateway
• The Resource Manager receives a request for a resource already
gateway service and allocates it in accordance associated with the
with the load-balancing scheme for the group. Resource Manager
session, but tries other
gateways if the first
request fails.
• indifferent—The
Resource Manager
chooses a gateway in
accordance with
load-balancing scheme
for the group.
Default value: always
Prediction Factor Specifies the ratio of agent calls to customer calls Any integer range between
from Outbound Contact Server (OCS) for a 0.33—1.0.
campaign to minimize bridging when multiple Default value: 0.5
MCPs are present in the environment.
gvp.policy.dialing-rules Section
gvp.policy.call-info Section
gvp.policy.speech-resources Section
ASR default engine Specifies the default ASR engine to use. <vendor>?Protocol
Example: Nuance?MRCPv2 where:
• <vendor> is a supported
ASR Vendor.
• Protocol is either MRCPv1
or MRCPv2
Default value: Empty
TTS default engine Specifies the default TTS engine to use. <vendor>?Protocol
Example: Realspeak?MRCPv2 where:
• <vendor> is a supported
TTS Vendor.
• Protocol is either MRCPv1
or MRCPv2
Default value: Empty
ASR/TTS default Specifies the default ASR or TTS language. An alphanumeric string.
language Default value: Empty
gvp.service-parameters Section
<service>.<param- Each parameter that you create in this section <value-type>, <value>
name> takes the form of a pair of strings that determine where <value> is any string
whether a Request-URI parameter called and <value-type> is:
<param-name>, with a value specified in <value>,
will be included in forwarded SIP requests. • undefined—The SIP
Request-URI parameter
Valid values for <service> are: with the specified
• announcement <param-name> will not be
• ccxml in the forwarded request
(even if the parameter
• conference was already in the
• cti incoming request).
• gateway • fixed—The parameter
• voicexml
will be in the SIP
The Resource Manager will apply this parameter Request-URI.
to a SIP request only if the specified <service> is
• default—If the SIP
invoked by the SIP request.
Request-URI parameter
• Setting the <value-type> to undefined deletes with name <param-name>
the <param-name> parameter from the incoming already exists, it will be
SIP request. left unmodified in the SIP
• Setting the <value-type> to fixed overrides Request-URI, but if the
the <param-name> parameter value in the incoming request does not
incoming SIP request. already include the
parameter, the parameter
• Setting the <value-type> to default provides a
default value for the <param-name> parameter
will be added to the SIP
in the outgoing SIP request, if the
<param-name> parameter does not already exist.
gvp.service-prerequisite Section
Alternate VoiceXML (For voicexml service only) The URL to an Any valid URL.
URL alternative initial page that the Media Control Default value: Empty
Platform will use if the request to the Initial
Page URL fails. Before it forwards the service
request, the Resource Manager inserts this
information as the value of the
gvp.alternatevoicexml SIP parameter.
Announcement URL (Mandatory for announcement service) Specifies Any valid URL.
the play parameter. Default value: Empty
Default Properties (For voicexml service only) The URL to a page Any valid URL.
Page that contains the default properties and handlers. Default value: Empty
Before it forwards the service request, the
Resource Manager inserts this information as the
value of the gvp.defaultsvxml SIP parameter.
Initial Page URL (Mandatory for voicexml and ccxml services) The Any valid URL.
URL of the initial page that is to be invoked. Default value: Empty
Before it forwards the service request, the
Resource Manager inserts this information as the
value of the voicexml or ccxml SIP parameter.
gvp.context-services-authentication Section
Context Service Specifies the username that will be used for An alphanumeric string.
Username context services authentication. Default value: Empty
Context Service Specifies the password that will be used for An alphanumeric string.
Password context services authentication. Default value: Empty
OPM Section
transaction object Specifies the transaction or list object DBID that Any string of integers
ID will be referenced during runtime of this profile. (except 0 [zero]).
Default value: Empty
• Configure all the other IVR Profile parameters on the Provisioning >
Voice Platform > IVR Profile > <IVR Profile> > Option tab.
For more information about using Genesys Administrator to add or modify
configuration sections and options, see Procedure: Viewing or modifying GVP
configuration parameters, on page 30.
Table 17 section describes the specific IVR Profile configuration options for
Note: All changes to IVR Profile configuration options take effect with the
next session that uses the IVR Profile.
gvp.service-parameters Section
App Module Name Specifies which interpreter that Media Control • VXML-LGVP—GVPi
Platform is to use. • VXML-NG—Next
Default value: VXML-NG
ASR Platform Used Specifies the ASR speech engine that is used for Comma separated string.
for Recognition voice recognition. Default value: Empty
Bad XML Page Specifies the URL to which unsuccessfully parsed Any URL.
Hook VoiceXML pages are written. Default value: Empty
Note: This option is available only if the
voicexml.gvpi.$adn-flag$ (Enable Debugging)
option is set to 1.
Call Trace Hook Specifies the URL to which call trace information Any URL.
is written. Default value: Empty
Note: This option is available only if the
voicexml.gvpi.$adn-flag$ (Enable Debugging)
option is set to 1.
CTI - End Call when Specifies whether to end a call if an agent hangs • True
Agent Hangs up up when using a route request through IVR Server. • False
Default value: False
CTI - Reroute Specifies how long the platform waits before Any integer range from 3–
Timeout ending the call if the Agent leg ends without 60.
initiating a ReRoute. This is only applicable when Default value: 60
CTI - End Call when Agent Hangs up is set to
IVR Timeout The timeout interval, in seconds, for the initial An integer range from 0 –
page url to execute before trying the alternate page 300
url. Default value: 0
Dial out Number Specifies the phone number for calls to transfer to Any integer.
if there is an error in the IVR Profile. Default value: Empty
CPA Timeout The timeout interval, in seconds, for call progress Any unsigned integer.
analysis. Default value: Empty
Dump Fetched Specifies whether to move fetched VoiceXML • True—Move files to the
Pages pages to the <mcp installation>\tmp folder. temp folder
• False—Do not move files
to the temp folder
Default value: False
Enable setting Specifies whether to enable the last utterance with • True—Enable
application.lastresult dtmf nomatch when using an on-board DTMF • False—Disable.
$.utterance with recognizes.
Default value: True
DTMF nomatch If set to False, when ASR is disabled, and the
result application throws a nomatch, the
application.lastresult$.utterance parameter
is not populated with invalid digits.
Transfer Type Specifies whether the transfer that is requested is a • 1—Signal Channel—
blind transfer (one step), or a bridge and Blind
consultation transfer (two step). • 2—Signal Channel—
Bridge and consultation
Default value: 2—Signal
Transfer Connect Specifies the script to execute when establishing a Any URL.
Url transfer using the AT&T switch. Default value: Empty
Reclaim Code Specifies the sequence of DTMF tones to use Any valid DTMF sequence.
(ATT only) when removing the caller from hold during an Default value:*7
ATTConference transfer, after the conference with
the Agent is completed.
Transfer Connect Specifies the script to use if the Transfer Connect A string of characters.
Script parameter is enabled. This parameter is used for Default value: Empty
backwards compatibility.
Trap Hook Specifies the URL for sending SNMP traps. Any URL.
Default value: Empty
TTS Vendor Specifies the Text-to-Speech (TTS) vendor that is Comma separated string.
used. Default value: Empty
TTS Gender Specifies the voice gender that is used for TTS. • Male
• Female
Default value: Male
gvp.service-prerequisite Section
Alternate The URL to an alternative initial page that the Any valid URL.
VoiceXML URL Media Control Platform will use if the request to Default value: Empty
the Initial Page URL fails.
Before it forwards the service request, the
Resource Manager inserts this information as the
value of the gvp.alternatevoicexml SIP
Initial Page URL The URL of the initial page that is to be invoked. Any valid URL.
Before it forwards the service request, the Default value: Empty
Resource Manager inserts this information as the
value of the voicexml or ccxml SIP parameter.
gvp.service-parameters Section
ICM Service ID A static, unique service ID that indicates the A string of characters.
ICM service that is associated with this IVR Default value: fixed
Script Mapping Specifies whether the ICM routing script for the Choose one of two option
IVR Profile is chosen, based on the Toll-Free values: fixed,TFN or
Number (TFN) or the DNIS. For example, the fixed,DNIS
ICM script can be specified by using the DNIS. Default value: fixed,TFN
If so, the default value would be a TFN and the
applicable values could be either a TFN or the
Use Bridge Transfer When enabled, specifies that a BRIDGE transfer Choose one of two option
will be invoked by the CTI Connector to values: fixed, TRUE or
connect the caller to agent. When disabled, (by fixed, FALSE.
default) a BLIND transfer is triggered. This Default value: fixed,TRUE
feature is applicable for Service Control
Interface only, when the CONNECT message is
received with TransferHint flag set to false.
CTI Default Agent Specifies the default agent number to which the A string of characters.
Number CTI Connector will send a transfer (to an agent) Default value: fixed
if an ICM CONNECT message is sent with the
label type set to DEFAULT.
gvp.general Section
Toll Free Number A unique identifier for the ICM script which is String of integers.
an attribute that is configured in the IVR Default value: 0-9
profile. The Resource Manager sends the
toll-free number attribute in the Request-URI
that is sent to the CTI Connector in the
tollfreenum format
gvp.policy Section
CTI Allowed Specifies that this IVR Profile is enabled for • True—Enable
CTI functionality through the CTI Connector. • False—Disable.
Default value: False
Mapping IVR Profiles to DIDs
Purpose: To associate IVR Profiles with DIDs so that the Resource Manager
can use DNIS information to invoke the required GVP services.
• The IVR Profiles have been created if the DID Group is to be mapped to a
specific IVR Profile.
Note: DID Groups can be created without IVR Profiles, and assigned to
IVR Profiles at a later time.
For more information about creating an IVR Profile, see the chapter about
post-installation activities in the Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment
Guide. For more information about configuring the IVR Profile, see “IVR
Profile Configuration Options” on page 109.
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator. To access Genesys
Administrator, go to the following URL:
http://<Genesys Administrator host>/wcm
Start of procedure
1. Go to the Provisioning > Voice Platform > DID Groups.
2. In the menu bar of the tab, click New.
The Property screen displays (see Figure 6).
3. In the Name text box, enter the name of the DID Group.
4. From the IVR Profile drop-down list, select the required IVR Profile.
5. In the Click DIDs box, click Add.
The Add/Edit DID dialog box displays (see Figure 7).
Note: The DIDs can be entered as either a single DID (for example,
100), a range of DIDs (for example, 100-199), or a DID prefix (for
example, 100*).
8. To edit or delete existing DIDs from the group, select the DID you want to
change, and click either Edit or Remove.
9. Click Save.
Note: To add, edit or delete multiple DIDs, see “DID Group Bulk
Operations Wizard” on page 131.
End of procedure
Using the DID Group Bulk Operations Wizard
Purpose: To add, delete, and move DIDs using the DID Group Bulk
Operations Wizard.
• The IVR Profiles have been created.
For more information about creating an IVR Profile, see the chapter about
post-installation activities in the Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment
Guide. For more information about configuring the IVR Profile, see “IVR
Profile Configuration Options” on page 109.
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator. To access Genesys
Administrator, go to the following URL:
http://<Genesys Administrator host>/wcm
Start of procedure
1. Go to the Provisioning > Voice Platform > DID Groups.
2. Optionally, select the DID Group you want to change.
3. In the Tasks panel, click Bulk Operations Wizard to invoke the wizard.
4. After reading the introduction, click Next to start the wizard.
Note: The uploaded file must be a CSV file with the following
columns (in the given order):
• DID Group
• Tenant
A DID is either a single DID (in the form <did>), a range of
DIDs (in the form <start>-<end>) or a DID prefix (in the form
<prefix>*). Lines of text that don’t match these patterns are
considered invalid.
A DID Group is the name of either an existing group or a new
group that is to be created. This column is optional and
defaults to the selected DID Group (if one was selected during
the launching of the wizard).
A Tenant is the name of the tenant that owns (or will own) the
specified DID Group. This column is optional and defaults to
the current tenant.
Because DID Group and Tenant columns are optional, a flat
list of DIDs can be uploaded (instead of a CSV) for
addition/moving into of DIDs into the selected (in the DID
group list) DID group.
Note: The summary includes the counts for invalid DIDs, valid
DIDs, and DIDs that currently belong to other DID Groups.
b. Select Move to move the specified DIDs to a selected group, then click
i. Click Browse to select the file containing the list of new DIDs.
Note: The uploaded file must be a CSV file with the following
columns (in the given order):
• DID Group
• Tenant
A DID is either a single DID (in the form <did>), a range of
DIDs (in the form <start>-<end>) or a DID prefix (in the form
<prefix>*). Lines of text that don’t match these patterns are
considered invalid.
A DID Group is the name of either an existing group or a new
group that is to be created. This column is optional and
defaults to the selected DID Group (if one was selected during
the launching of the wizard).
A Tenant is the name of the tenant that owns (or will own) the
specified DID Group. This column is optional and defaults to
the current tenant.
Note: The summary includes the counts for invalid DIDs, valid
DIDs, and DIDs that currently belong to other DID Groups.
Note: The file must be a text file containing a list of DID numbers.
Each line is either a single DID (for example, 100), a range of
DIDs (for example, 100-199), or a DID prefix (for example,
100*). Lines of text that do not match these patterns are
Note: The summary includes the counts for invalid DIDs, valid
DIDs, and DIDs that currently belong to other DID Groups.
End of procedure
Using the Data Retention Policy Wizard
Purpose: To create data retention policies using the Data Retention Policy
• The IVR Profiles have been created.
For more information about creating an IVR Profile, see the chapter about
post-installation activities in the Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment
Guide. For more information about configuring the IVR Profile, see “IVR
Profile Configuration Options” on page 109.
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator. To access Genesys
Administrator, go to the following URL:
http://<Genesys Administrator host>/wcm
Start of procedure
1. Go to the Provisioning > Voice Platform > IVR Profiles.
2. Under the Tasks panel, select Configure Data Retention Policies to
invoke the wizard.
The Introduction screen appears.
3. Click Next.
4. If you do not want to use the default values, on the CDR Data Retention
screen, enter the required duration for Call Log Events, and CDR.
Note: The value configured for Call Log Events must be less than the
value configured for CDR for the Call Log Events value to be valid.
5. Click Next.
6. If you do not want to use the default values, on the OR Data Retention
screen, enter the required durations for the following:
• Five-minute Summaries
• Thirty-minute Summaries
• Hourly Summaries
• Daily Summaries
• Weekly Summaries
• Monthly Summaries
7. Click Next.
8. If you do not want to use the default values, on the VAR Data Retention
screen, enter durations for the following:
• Five-minute Summaries
• Thirty-minute Summaries
• Hourly Summaries
• Daily Summaries
• Weekly Summaries
• Monthly Summaries
9. Click Next.
10. If you do not want to use the default values, on the SQ Data Retention
screen, enter the required durations for the following:
• Five-minute Summaries
• Thirty-minute Summaries
• Hourly Summaries
• Daily Summaries
• Weekly Summaries
• Monthly Summaries
11. Click Next.
12. If you do not want to use the default values, on the Latency Data
Retention screen, enter durations for the following:
• Hourly Summaries
• Daily Summaries
• Weekly Summaries
• Monthly Summaries
13. Click Next, and then Finish to save the values.
For more information on the default values, see “Configuring Database
Retention Policies” on page 274.
End of procedure
gvp.general Section
Table 19 describes the parameters in the gvp.general section. These
parameters specify general configuration information for the Resource
Manager in the tenant’s environment.
gvp.general Section
Default Application (Mandatory) The default IVR Profile for a request <IVR Profile>
to the Resource Manager. The Resource Manager where <IVR Profile> is the
uses the default IVR Profile if the incoming name of the IVR Profile that
request does not contain information to map the you assigned when you
request to an application. created the IVR Profile
Default value: Empty
SIP Session Timer The timeout value, in seconds, for the SIP session Any positive integer.
Interval that executes for this IVR Profile. If the Resource Default value: Empty
Manager receives no SIP messages associated
with this call leg within the timeout interval, the
Resource Manager considers the call leg to have
For the call leg associated with this IVR Profile,
the value of this sip.sessiontimer parameter
overrides session expiry timeouts that are set at
the level of the Resource Manager, but may be
overridden by the sip.sessiontimer setting for
the IVR Profile.
For more information about how the Resource
Manager uses expiry timeouts to manage sessions,
see “Resource Manager Session Timers” on
page 76.
gvp.policy Section
The parameters in this section are identical to the configuration parameters in
the gvp.policy section of the IVR Profile object. These parameters enable you
to configure policies for the Resource Manager—for example, to specify
which requests the Resource Manager will allow, or to attach certain
Request-URI parameters to send to the endpoint to enable or disable particular
features. You can also specify Reporting Server tenant parameters in the
gvp.policy section.
For more information about the configuration options in the gvp.policy
section, see Table 16 on page 109.
gvp.policy.sqa Section
The parameters in this section are determine the Reporting Server service
quality behavior for the tenant. Table 20 describes the import options in the
gvp.policy.sqa section.
gvp.policy.sqa Section
Threshold for If the percentage of successful calls for an IVR An integer in the range of
Service Quality Profile falls below this threshold during a service -1–100.
Notification quality period, a notification is generated. Default value: -1
If set to -1, the Reporting Server default value is
gvp.service-parameters Section
The parameters in this section are identical to the configuration parameters in
the gvp.service-parameters section of the IVR Profile object. The Resource
Manager uses these values to add, modify, or delete Request-URI parameters in
the SIP requests that it forwards.
For more information about the configuration options in the
gvp.service-parameters section, see Table 16 on page 109.
gvp.policy.<child-tenant> Section
The parameters in this section are those policies that Resource Manager must
enforce for a child tenant on behalf or a parent tenant. For more information
about the configuration options in the gvp.policy parameters section, see
Table 16 on page 109.
gvp.dn-groups Section
Table 21 describes the parameters in the gvp.dn-groups section. These
parameters specify the mapping for DID groups in an Hierarchical
Multi-Tenancy (HMT) environment. The Resource Manager obtains DID
group information from this section.
gvp.dn-groups Section
DN Group Name The name of each parameter represents the name • An individual DID, for
of the DID Group. example, 1000
The value contains the list of DIDs. The value is • A consecutive block of
a comma-separated string in which each value DIDs, for example,
represents one of the following: 1000-1999
• An individual DID • A prefix DIO with *
suffix, for example,
• A consecutive block of DIDs
• A prefix DID with a * suffix
• Any number of the
above combinations
separated by commas for
a DID Group.
gvp.dn-group-assignments Section
Table 22 describes the parameters in the gvp.dn-group-assignments section.
These parameters specify the IVR Profile mapping for DID Group assignments
in an HMT environment.
gvp.dn-group-assignments Section
DN Group Name The DBID of the IVR profile to which the DID A positive integer.
group is mapped. The value must be a positive
Any tenant in the hierarchy can define DID
Groups. Each group can contain:
• An individual DN.
• A consecutive block of DNs.
• A prefix DN string (for example, 1234*).
Corresponding to these DID Groups, each tenant
can contain DID group assignments to specify the
target IVR Profile for each group. Only those IVR
Profiles that are at the current tenant level can be
Integrate the Media Control Platform 1. Point the Media Control Platform to the Resource Manager as
with the Resource Manager. the SIP Proxy server, and define the properties for SIP
communications. Key configuration options are:
sip.routeset or sip.securerouteset
2. To secure SIP communications, ensure that you specify a
transport for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol and
a secure routeset for outbound calls.
For additional, relevant configuration options, see
“Configuring SIP Communication and Routing” on page 38.
3. If you if intend to use the Call Recording Solution through
third-party recording servers, configure the following option
so that it points to the Resource Manager’s IP address and
(Optional) Secure the media channel 1. Enable Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) by
between the Media Control Platform specifying the required mode (accept-only, offer, or
and the remote endpoint. offer_strict) in the mpc.srtp.mode parameter. By default,
SRTP is not enabled.
2. If necessary, modify the default values for the encryption and
authentication algorithms (the cryptographic suites) and
session parameters that the Media Control Platform will
advertise in the SDP crypto attribute:
If required for your deployment, See “Enabling ASR and TTS” on page 146.
provision the third-party Media
Resource Control Protocol (MRCP)
servers for ASR and TTS.
Configure the IP DiffServ (ToS) and Set the RTP/RTCP packet and the SIP packets ToS using:
RTP/RTCP. [mpc] rtp.tos
[mpc] rtcp.tos
[sip] transport.[n].tos
See “Configuring SIP Communication and Routing” on page 38.
Tune Media Control Platform • Configure appropriate maximums and timeouts for your
performance. deployment. Consider the following options, in particular:
vxmli.cache.document.max_count (default is 50)
vxmli.cache.document.max_size (default is 1000000 bytes)
vxmli.max_num_documents (default is 2000)
vxmli.initial_request_fetchtimeout (default is 30000 ms)
vxmli.max_num_sessions (default is 10000)
• If your deployment includes ASR and TTS, consider the
following options, which affect the MRCP Client behavior:
vrm.client.timeout (default is 10000 ms)
stack.connection.timeout (default is 10000 ms)
• See also “Configuring Session Timers and Timeouts” on
page 76.
• It is usually not necessary to modify the default settings for
the media processing behavior of the Media Server (mpc and
mtinternal configuration sections). However, review buffer
and packet size related mediamgr.* and rtp.* options in the
mpc configuration section, to verify that they are optimal for
your deployment (especially if using video).
Customize Media Control Platform • Review and, if necessary, modify the configuration options in
behavior in relation to VoiceXML the vxmli configuration section (see the Genesys Voice
applications. Platform 8.5 Configuration Options Reference). Some of the
important NGI vxmli options are described in Table 23 on
page 156. Some of the important GVPi options are described
in Table 23.
• For Next Generation Interpreter (NGI), consider also the
parameters in the sip configuration section that specify what
parts of SIP messages are exposed to the VoiceXML
application (for example, in.invite.headers and
in.invite.parameters). For the list of SIP headers that are
known to GVP, see Table 96 on page 445.
Customize Media Control Platform • Verify that settings for the following configuration options,
for Inband DTMF detection. which are required for DTMF detection, are suitable for your
deployment. Consider the following parameters:
Customize Media Control Platform • Verify that the general CPA settings are suitable for your
for Call Progress Analysis deployment. Consider the following parameters:
Customize Media Control Platform • Re-define standard tones or add new custom tones if
for Call Progress Analysis necessary for your deployment:
(Continued) cpa.fax
Customize Media Control Platform • For NGI, if required, set the following configuration option to
for video recording. enable I-frame request during video recording:
Customize Media Control Platform • For PSTN Connector, if installed, the following configuration
for PSTN Connector prompt play options can be adjusted for your requirements:
support. mpc.playremoteflushtimeout
Customize Media Control Platform See “Enabling Outbound Dialing” on page 149.
for Outbound dialing.
Customize session management See “Configuring Session Timers and Timeouts” on page 76.
behavior and performance.
Customize Media Control Platform See “Configuring SNMP” on page 68 and Table 100 on
messaging. page 466.
Customize Media Control Platform Create a VoIP Service DN and set the contact option to the
for SIP Server and MSML. Resource Manager IP address in the T-Server section.
For more information, see the Framework 8.5 SIP Server
Deployment Guide.
Provisioning ASR and TTS resources
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator. To access Genesys
Administrator, go to the following URL:
http://<Genesys Administrator host>/wcm
• The Media Control Platform Installation Package (IP) is available.
Start of procedure
1. Create the MRCPv1 or MRCPv2 Application object.
a. Import the required Application Template from the Media Control
Platform Installation Package (IP).
The following Application Templates are available:.
• MRCPv1_ASR •
• MRCPv1_TTS •
Note: The generic templates can be used for those vendors that are not
listed above.
MCP/ MRCPP/ 5. If you are deploying the Media Control Platform with the MRCP Proxy:
MRCP Server • On the Provisioning > Environment > Applications > <Media Control
Platform> > Configuration tab, create the connection between the
Media Control Platform and the MRCP Proxy.
• On the Provisioning > Environment > Applications > <MRCP Proxy> >
Configuration tab, create the connection between the MRCP Proxy
and the MRCP Server.
For more details, see the procedure to assign the MRCP Proxy to the Media
Control Platform and the MRCP Server to the MRCP Proxy in the chapter
about post-installation activities in the Genesys Voice Platform 8.5
Deployment Guide.
End of procedure
Making a Call
You can use the telnet interface to connect to the preconfigured remote dialing
port (default 6999) to place outbound calls. The following example shows the
outbound request with a VoiceXML page:
pw@galahad 379>
pw@galahad 379> telnet localhost 6999
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is ‘^]’.
PW RemoteDial>
call 4167360905 4167362012
http://www.genesyslab.com/helloworld.vxml 0001 Test
!CALL_SENT 1: telno:4167360905 dnis:4167362012
PW RemoteDial>
!CALL_STATUS 1: CONNECTED: Line is connected.
PW RemoteDial>
!CALL_DROP 1 41: USER_END: User hung up call. (time spent
was 41 secs) (protocol reason: [DlgcChannel] User
PW RemoteDial>
You can also use the command-line interface to make an outbound call. This
interface provides a number of useful commands. These include:
call <telno> <ani> <url> <refno> [uuidata] [defaults]
The call command initiates an outbound call to the specified telephone number
(<telno>). The <telno> parameter can accept up to 1023 characters. This can
either be a sip: uri, or a tel: uri. If not specified, a tel: uri is assumed. If a
tel:uri is used, the defaultgw configuration option in the sip section must be
configured to point to a device that can handle the SIP call (for example, a
media gateway), so that the call can be forwarded. When connected, the
VoiceXML page referred to by the specified URL (<url>) is attached to the
The value of the <ani> parameter is displayed in the CDR as the local.uri. If
the value of <ani> is a SIP URI, it is used in the From header of the SIP INVITE
request. If the value of <ani> is not a SIP URI, it is converted into a SIP URI,
and used in the From header of the SIP INVITE request.
The <platform ANI> parameter can accept up to 32 characters. The actual
number of ANI digits that can be delivered on PSTN depends on the
network—for example, the maximum number on ISDN T1 is 15.
The reference number (<refno>) parameter is a user-supplied identifier that is
used to associate status replies with the call initiation, and is unique for each
active call. This reference number must be an integer between 0 and
There are three other optional parameters that can be specified:
• [uuidata]—The user-to-user information element.
• [defaults]—The default VoiceXML page.
• [parameter_list]—The name value pair separated by the pipe (|)
character that is passed from the interface to the call manager.
The gvp.appmodule in the parameter list is used to specify the Next Generation
Interpreter used to execute the vxml page.
You can also specify all the parameters before the gvp.appumodule parameter,
or specify the dash (-) character for the default value. For example, if
you wish to specify the parameter list, but not the uuidata and the defaults file,
use the following command:
PW RemoteDial> call 4167366493 2323
Status Messages
Once the call has been placed with the CALL_SENT notification, there are two
possible status messages returned.
Note: The <refno> returned in the status message must match the one the
• !CALL_SENT <refno>—telno:<telno> dnis:<dnis> url:<url>
uuidata:<uuid> defaults_file:<defaults>
• !SOCKET_ERROR <refno>— Socket not found
• !NO_REFNO—No reference number
• !INVALID_REFNO <refno>—Invalid reference number
• !TOO_MANY_CALLS <refno>—Too many calls in progress
• !INVALID_TELNO <refno>—Incorrect telephone number
• !INVALID_URL <refno>—Incorrect URL format
• !INVALID_UUIDATA <refno>—Incorrect UUIDATA format
• !CALL_FAILED <refno>—telno:<telno> dnis:<dnis> url:<url>
uuidata:<uuid> defaults_file:<defaults>
In all these cases, except for CALL_SENT, there will be no further status
returned for this call attempt.
CONNECTED—Connected successfully.
MACHINE—Answering machine detected.
UNKNOWN_STATUS <status number>—Status is unknown.
The call is then dropped with the following message:
!CALL_DROP <refno> <timespent> <network disconnect reason>: <one of
the disconnect reason listed below:> <protocol reason: protocol
disconnect string>
USER_END—The caller disconnected the call.
APPL_END—The VoiceXML application disconnected the call.
TIMELIMIT_END—The timelimit of call is reached.
UNKNOWN_REASON <internal disconnect reason number>—The reason
for the disconnect is unknown.
2. The call does not connect and is dropped immediately with a !CALL_DROP
message instead of a !CALL_STATUS message.
!CALL_DROP <refno> <timespent> <network disconnect reason>:
<drop_status>. < protocol reason: protocol disconnect string>
where <drop_status> is one of the following:
MACHINE—Answering machine detected.
VXML_DECLINE—The VoiceXML Interpreter declined the call.
BUSY—The connection is busy.
NO_ANSWER—There is no answer in <num_units> <unit_type>.
NO_RESOURCES—There are no free channels or media resources.
CALL_FAILED—The call failed.
URLTIMEOUT—The fetch URL timed out.
BADURI—The URI type is invalid.
NOAUTH—The network denied the call.
SHUTTINGDOWN—The Interpreter is shutting down.
NETWORKTIMEOUT—The network timed out.
BADDEST—The destination number is invalid.
UNSUPPORTED_URL—The URL is not supported.
INVALID_TELNO—The telephone number is invalid.
USER_END—The caller disconnected the call.
UNKNOWN_REASON <internal disconnect reason number>—The reason
for the disconnect is unknown.
The <network disconnect reason>, and the <protocol disconnect string>
are returned by the callmanager to give more information about the reason
the call was dropped.
Note: Genesys recommends that you do not modify the default values,
unless you are an advanced user who needs to use special CMAPI
applications for your deployment.
• sip—Parameters integrate the Media Control Platform with the SIP Proxy
(the Resource Manager). These parameters determine the behavior of the
SIP Line Manager application module, and configure the supported
transport interfaces.
• snmp (see “Configuring SNMP” on page 68)—Parameters that determine
SNMP behavior.
• stack—Parameters relate to the MRCP stack and determine the way the
Media Control Platform manages connections to the external MRCP
• tts—Parameters determine specific configuration for TTS behavior.
• vrm—Parameters determine the behavior of the MRCP Client. These
parameters relate to the Voice Resource Management (VRM), or Speech
Resource Management (SRM), module.
• vxmli—Parameters determine the behavior of the Next Generation
Interpreter (NGI).
Table 23 provides information about important Media Control Platform
parameters that are not described in Chapter 3 on page 37. Table 23 provides
parameter descriptions as well as the default parameter values that are
preconfigured in the Media Control Platform Application object.
Unless indicated otherwise, all changes take effect on restart.
For information about all the available configuration options for the Media
Control Platform, see the Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Configuration Options
For information about configuring multiple Media Control Platforms, see
“Deploying Multiple Media Control Platforms” in the Genesys Voice Platform
8.5 Deployment Guide.
asr Section
ASR Load once per Specifies whether there will be one VRM session • True—Single session not
call for the entire call, or whether a separate VRM enabled.
session will be opened for each recognition • False—Single session
request. enabled.
A single session for the entire call Default value: False (only
(load_once_per_call = 1) means that each call one VRM session for the
may have multiple recognition sessions. entire call)
If this parameter is set not to enable a single
session for the entire call (load_once_per_call =
0), each VRM session is closed when the
recognition request completes, either successfully
or unsuccessfully (such as no match). Therefore,
each call may have multiple VRM sessions.
Having multiple VRM sessions in a call may
improve the efficiency of ASR server license
usage. However, be aware of the following
possible consequences:
• There will be longer delays on speech
• Some recognizer servers delete saved
utterance data after each VRM session. In
these cases, the VoiceXML application cannot
refer to the saved utterance file after the
recognition session.
Changes take effect: Immediately.
ASR Engine Default Specifies the default ASR Engine resource when <resourcename>
using Request URI. [?<protocol>]
Changes take effect: Immediately For example,
callmgr Section
conference Section
Conference Specifies the maximum number of participants Any integer greater than or
Participant Limit allowed for a conference that is initiated by a equal to 0.
conferencing application. Default value: 0
If this option is set to 0, the number of
participants allowed is unlimited and depends on
the machine resource limits.
Conference Highest Specifies the number of highest inputs that will A range of integers.
Input be used for mixing output. Default value: 3
If this option is set to 0, all inputs are used.
cpa Section
The CPA Method Specifies the supported Outbound CPA method. • NONE—Disable CPA for
Used for Outbound Changes take effect: Immediately. outbound calls.
Calls • AUDIOCODES—CPA using
AudioCodes gateway.
• NATIVE—CPA using
Native CPA.
Default value: NONE
Outbound Calls with Specifies the initial CPA state when using Native • preconnect —Detection
Native CPA - Initial CPA. starts as soon as the call is
State Changes take effect: Immediately. initiated.
• postconnect —Detection
starts when the call is
Default value: preconnect
Outbound Call with Specifies whether the CPA algorithm ignores the • True —Ignore call
Native CPA - Ignore call connect event. connect event.
Call Connect Events Note: This parameter is valid only if Outbound • False —Use the call
Calls with Native CPA - Initial State is set to connect event.
preconnect. Default value: False
Changes take effect: Immediately.
fm Section
HTTP Proxy Specifies the HTTP proxy to use for HTTP <host:port>
requests. Default value:
HTTPS Proxy Specifies the HTTPS proxy to use for HTTPS <host:port>
requests. Default value: Empty
Outgoing Interface Specifies the network interface IP address that is Any string of characters.
used for outgoing HTTP requests. If this Default value: Empty
configuration option has an empty value, the
Media Control Platform automatically selects the
network interface it will use.
If the Squid HTTP proxy is used, it must be
configured to accept HTTP requests from the
interface that is specified. Otherwise, by default,
it accepts HTTP requests from the local host only.
No Cache URL Specifies that documents fetched from a URL Any comma delimited list of
Substring containing one of the substrings in this list should characters.
not be cached. Any substring listed in this comma Default value:
delimited list, will not be cached. cgi-bin,jsp,?
Maxage for Local Specifies, in seconds, how long to cache local file Any integer.
File for. If set to 0, local files will not be cached. Default value: 60
Maximum Cache Size The total maximum size, in bytes, of all cached Any integer.
files. Default value: 50,000,000
Maximum Cache Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of each Any integer.
Entry Size cache entry. Default value: 500,000
Maximum Cache Specifies the maximum number of entries that Any integer.
Entry Count can be stored in cache. Default value: 1000
SSL Certificate Specifies the certificate file name. Any string of characters.
Default value: Empty
SSL Certificate Type Specifies the format of the certificate file name. • PEM—Privacy Enhanced
• DER—Distinguished
Encoding Rules
Default value: PEM
SSL Key Specifies the private key file name. Any string of characters.
Default value: Empty
SSL Key Type Specifies the format of the key file name. • PEM—Privacy Enhanced
• DER—Distinguished
Encoding Rules
Default value: PEM
SSL Key Password Specifies the password required in order to use Any string of characters.
the SSL Key. Default value: Empty
SSL Version Specifies the Secure Socket Layer version to use. • 0—Automatically detect
• 1—Force TLSv1
• 2—Force TLSv2
• 3—Force TLSv3
Default value: 0
Verify Peer Specifies whether to verify the peer’s certificate. • 0—Do not verify
Certificate Note: SSL CA Info or SSL CA Path must also be • 1—Verify
set in order for this parameter to take affect. Default value: 0
SSL CA Info Specifies the file name to use for verifying peer Any string of characters.
certificate. Default value: Empty
SSL CA Path Specifies the path to the directory holding the Any string of characters.
peer certificates. Default value: Empty
Note: This directory must be created using the
openssl c_rehash utility.
SSL Random File Specifies the random initial value used to Any string of characters.
Seed generate the first number of the SSL key. Default value: Empty
SSL Verify Host Specifies how the common name from the peer • 0—Do not verify
certificate is to be verified during the SSL • 1—Check existence only
• 2—Make sure that it
matches provided host
Default value: 0
SSL Cipher List Specifies the list of ciphers to use for the SSL Any string of characters.
Connection. Default value: Empty
mpc Section
Append Rejected Specifies whether GVP will advertise all • 0—GVP will not
Codecs supported codecs when it generates a Session advertise all supported
Description Protocol (SDP) answer or SDP offer. codecs.
Even if codecs are rejected or not presented in the • 1—GVP will advertise all
caller’s SDP message, the platform will still supported codecs.
support receiving these codecs. The platform will Default value: 0
not send for the SDPs unless a payload is
presented by the caller.
Changes take effect: Immediately.
Codec Preference Specifies whether remote or local preferences • l—Local preferences will
will be used to interpret the list of accepted be used.
codecs. • r—Remote preferences
• Local preferences means that the effective will be used.
accept list is the locally configured accept list, Default value: r
filtered to include only those capabilities also
offered by the remote entity.
• Remote preferences means that the effective
accept list is the list of formats offered by the
remote entity, filtered to include only those
entries also on the locally configured list.
Changes take effect: Immediately.
<codec > ptime If this option is disabled, the SDP ptime attribute
(continued) is not sent to the remote SDP unless the SDP
offer had the SDP ptime attribute.
Display name values for <codec> ptime:
• G.722
• G.726-32
• G.729
• GSM 6.10
• G.711 A-law (PCMA)
• G.711 -law (PCMU)
• RFC2833 DTMF (Telephone-Event)
Maximum and Specifies the accuracy of the minimum and A positive integer.
Minimum Frequency maximum tone frequencies (in Hz) for CPA. The
of Segments options names are configured as follows:
Where <m> ranges from 1 to 10 for each tone, and
<n> ranges 1 to 3 for each segment.
Default Audio The default audio format for the Call Manager. • ALAW
Formats • ULAW
Default value: ULAW
SRTP Mode The mode of operation with regard to Secure • none—No SRTP support.
Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP). The Media Control
For offer mode: Platform will ignore the
crypto attribute in SDP
• If the other side ignores SRTP, the platform offers.
will fall back to non-SRTP mode.
• accept_only—SRTP is
• If a previously negotiated m-line is used in a supported for SDP offers
reoffer or if the far end requests an offer, and sent to the Media Control
that m-line did not have SRTP negotiated, Platform, but the platform
SRTP will not be added. will not add SRTP to
• If the far end reoffers and adds SRTP to a m-lines in outgoing offers
previously negotiated m-line, SRTP will be that did not previously
negotiated. contain it.
• offer—SRTP is
supported for SDP offers
sent to the Media Control
Platform, and will be
included in all outgoing
SDP offers.
• offer_strict—The
Media Control Platform
accepts SRTP received in
the offer, and sends a
crypto line in its own
offer, but will fail if the
answer does not contain a
valid crypto line.
• offer_selectable—Two
media lines are offered for
each media type, one with
crypto, one without. If
both media lines are
accepted, all RTP is sent
and received through the
crypto line.
Default value: none
RTP Send Mode Specifies the output mode for outgoing RTP • continous—Audio
streams. silence is sent when there
Notes: is no data to send.
• vad—RTP transmissions
• Continuous mode applies only for G.711
stop when there is no data
mulaw, G.711 alaw, AMR, and AMR-WB
audio codecs. to send.
IP Type of Service for Specifies the IP differentiated services field Range: 0-255
RTP/RTCP (ToS) to set in all outgoing RTP/RTCP packets. Examples:
Notes: • 0—Disabled
• For Windows Server 2003, the ToS must be • 16—IPTOS LOWDELAY
enabled in the registry. See (0x10)
• For Windows Server 2008/2012, the ToS PRIORITY (0x20)
configuration is not supported. It must be
configured at the OS level. You can define per • 64—IPTOS PREC
executable and per port, and what type of CRITICAL (0x40)
DiffServ bits to set on the outgoing packets • 184—DiffServ EF
using the QoS policy defined in the following (Expedited Forward
article. 0xB8)
https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library Default value: 0
• For all Operating Systems, when the SIP/RTP
packets are sent across different subnets, the
router may reset the DiffServ bits in the IP
header even though it was set by MCP.
Maximum Record Specifies the maximum file size, in bytes, An integer range of 0–
File Size reached before the recording is stopped. 4,000,000,000.
If this option is set to 0, disables this limit. Default value: 0
Note: The recorded file may exceed this limit by
a few hundred bytes depending on the codec and
container chosen.
SDP Origin Name Specifies the origin to match in the SDP. If the <FQDN or IP
Map [n] origin specified by this parameter matches the Address>/[session name
SDP, the DTMF type and confgain specified by content]
DTMF Send Type [n] and Conference gain [n]. Default value: Empty
n= 0 to 9
DTMF Send Type [n] Specifies the DTMF type to use when SDP • SIPINFO
for SDP Origin Name Origin Name Map [n] matches the SDP of the • INBAND
Map[n] call.
Default value: INBAND
n=0 to 9
Conference Gain [n] Specifies the input gain percentage to apply for An integer range of 0–1000
for SDP Origin Name the SDP matching connection when joining a Default value: 100
Map [n] conference.
n= 0 to 9
RTP De-Jitter Delay Specifies the duration, in milliseconds, of buffer An integer range of 0–10000
time to allow for RTP packet inter-arrival Default value: 0
dejittering. This translates to an initial delay
before the packets are dispatched.
If set to 0, inter-arrival detector is disabled.
RTP De-Jitter Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that An integer range of 0–1000
Timeout the RTP packets are to wait for the missing RTP Default value: 200
packet. Once the timeout expires, the packets are
dispatched without the missing packet.
RTP/RSTP/RSTP Specifies the ports for MPC to use. A character string with
RTP Port Range Note: The Media Control Platform allocates local possible values of 1030 to
RTP port in a round-robin manner starting from 65535.
the lowest port specified, and starting from the Default value: 10000-65535
lowest port again when the highest port is
Local RTSP/RTP Specifies the where the RTSP interface is located. <IP Address>
Address Default value: $LocalIP$
RTP Audio Buffer Specifies the size of the buffer to be used for Any integer.
Size sending RTP audio data. Default value: Empty
RTP Video Buffer Specifies the size of the buffer to be used for Any integer.
Size sending RTP video data. Default value: Empty
Notes: The higher frame rates and resolutions
require larger values this parameter, but the
default value should be big enough for MCP to
play any frame rates and resolution.
For H263 or H264 video file play, SQCIF, QCIF,
and CIF resolution with 10, 15, and 30 frame
rates have been tested with the default
Media Manager Specifies the size of the buffer to be used for Any integer.
Audio Buffer Size sending non-TTS audio data. Default value: 102400
Media Manager Specifies the size of the buffer to be used for Any integer.
Video Buffer Size sending non-TTS video data. Default value: Empty
Notes: The higher frame rates and resolutions
require larger values this parameter, but the
default value should be big enough for MCP to
play any frame rates and resolution.
For H263 or H264 video file play, SQCIF, QCIF,
and CIF resolution with 10, 15, and 30 frame
rates have been tested with the default
Transcoders Specifies the list of transcoders that will be used Valid values:
to provide transcoding services. The G.726 • G.722
transcoder is loaded by default.
• G.726
If this option value is set to none, all transcoders
• G.729
are disabled.
• MP3
• H.263
• H.264
• None
Default value: None
msml Section
Beep Filename Specifies the filename of the beep that is sent $InstallationRoot$/
before the <join> operation. Default value:
Example: file://$InstallationRoot$
file://$InstallationRoot$/audio/ulaw/ /audio/ulaw/default_audio
default_audio/endofprompt.vox /endofprompt.vox
Beep File Time Limit Specifies the time limit, in milliseconds, for the An integer range of 1–10000.
in Join audible beep when played during a <join> Default value: 5000
CPD default Beep Specifies the CPD beep timeout, in seconds, if An integer range of 0–60.
Timeout the <cpd> element is not used in the VoiceXML Default value: 30
Note: Setting this parameter to 0 disables the
CPD default Specifies the CPD post-connect timeout, in An integer range of 0–60.
Post-connect Timeout seconds, if the <cpd> element is not used in the Default value: 30
VoiceXML application.
Note: Setting this parameter to 0 disables the
CPD default Specifies the CPD pre-connect timeout, in An integer range of 0–60.
Pre-connect Timeout seconds, if the <cpd> element is not used in the Default value: 30
VoiceXML application.
Note: Setting this parameter to 0 disables the
Root Directory for Specifies the path to the prompt media root A character string.
Play Media directory. Default value:
Root Directory for Specifies the path to the recording media root A character string.
Record Media directory. Default value:
Root Directory for Specifies the path to the CPD recording root A character string.
CPD Recording directory. Default value:
File Extension for Specifies the CPD recording file extension that A character string.
CPD Recording determines the MIME-type and extension to use. Default value: .wav
Default Final Silence Specifies the final silence duration, in seconds, in An integer range of 0–10000.
Timeout order to terminate the recording. Default value: 4
Changes take effect: Immediately
MSML INFO Specifies the content -types allowed in a SIP An alphanumeric string of
Allowed INFO messages for the MSML AppModule. space delimited characters.
Content-Types Only the defined content types are processed, Default value:
others are ignored. application/vnd.radisys.m
Default Audio File Specifies the default file extension of the audio A character string.
Extension for Play files used in play prompt or recording. Default value: .wav
Prompt and
Netann Section
Root Directory for Specifies the path to the prompt media root A character string.
Prompt Media directory. Default value:
Root Directory for Specifies the path to the record media root A character string.
Recorded Media directory. Default value:
Root Directory for Specifies the path to the recording media root A character string.
Record Media directory. Default value:
Maximum Recording Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, allowed Any integer.
Time to record. Default value: 0
If set to 0, the recording time is unlimited.
Default Repeat Times Specifies the default repeat times to be used for A character string.
for Play Netann Netann announcement playback. Default value: forever
Announcement Note: This parameter is not applicable to DTMF
Prompts prompts.
Conference Specifies the recording mode when recording is • mixed—The recorded file
Recording Mode enabled in a conference. format will be specified
by request with audio
from all participants
mixed into a single file.
• pcap—One pcap format
file will be created for
each participant.
Default value: mixed
List of H.263 Video Specifies, in a comma separated list, H.263 video A character string.
Formats formats that are used for selecting H.263 video Default value: QFIC=2
files to play.
H.263 video formats are:
SQCIF=1 to 6
QCIF=1 to 6
CIF=1 to 6
CIF4=1 to 6
CIF16=1 to 6
remdial Section
Remdial Port Specifies the port used for remote dialing. An integer in the range of
Default value: 6999
Remdial Max Calls Specifies the maximum number of concurrent Any integer greater than
remdial calls. zero.
Default value: 500
Remdial Max Client Specifies the maximum number of remdial clients Any integer greater than
Sockets allowed to connect to the interface. zero.
Default value: 64
Remdial Telnet Mode Specifies the telnet Operating System mode. • Auto—Mode
automatically selected
based on the OS.
• RAW—Windows OS mode.
• Normal—Linux OS mode.
Default value: Auto
sip Section
(Note: For additional important options in this configuration section, see also “Configuring SIP
Communication and Routing” on page 38.)
Default Blind The default transfer method for SIP, for blind • HKF—Hookflash
Transfer transfers. • REFER—REFER-based
• BRIDGE—Bridge-based
• REFERJOIN—Consultative
REFER transfer
redirect transfer
In-band Courtesy transfer
In-band Consult transfer
In-band Conference
Default Bridge The default transfer method for SIP, for • BRIDGE—Bridge-based
Transfer bridge-type transfers. transfer
redirect transfer
Default value: BRIDGE
Default Consultation The default transfer method for SIP, for • HKF—Hookflash
Transfer consult-type transfers. • BRIDGE—Bridge-based
• REFERJOIN—Consultative
REFER transfer
redirect transfer
In-band Consult transfer
In-band Conference
Out-of-Band Consult
AT&T Out-of-Band
Conference transfer
Default value: REFERJOIN
Default Gateway The default gateway host and port that will be <Host name or IP
used for SIP calls (transfer, call, or remote dial) to address>:<SIP port>
a telephone, if the destination address does not Default value: Empty
specify a gateway.
If this parameter is not specified, telephony calls
that do not specify a gateway in the destination
address will fail.
If sip.defaultgw=pstn-gw.voiceplatform.
com:5060 and a SIP call is placed to telephone
number 123456789, the SIP Line Manager
translates the destination address to
sip:123456789@default-gw, and the call is
routed to port 5060 on host pstn-gw.
Default Host The default host and port that the Media Control <Host name or IP
Platform will use for SIP calls (transfer, call, or address>:<SIP port>
remote dial), if the destination address does not Default value: Empty
contain a host name or IP address.
If this parameter is not specified, calls that do not
specify a host in the destination address will fail.
If sip.defaulthost=voiceplatform.com:5060
and a SIP call is placed to address sip:1234@, the
destination address is translated to:
sip:[email protected]:5060
Defer Out Alerting Enables early media for an outbound call, by • 0—CallOutAlerting will
specifying whether the CallOutAlerting response not be deferred.
to the session manager will be deferred until the • 1—CallOutAlerting will
media session is initialized and registered. be deferred.
If enabled, the session manager can start Default value: 0
performing media operations on the channel as
soon as the session manager receives the
CallOutAlerting notification.
DNIS Correlation ID The length of the correlation ID, within the A non-negative integer.
Length user-id portion of the DNIS. The correlation ID Default value: 0 (no
is the portion of the user-id that will be stripped, correlation ID)
in order to isolate the DNIS.
Note: In the special case where the correlation ID
is all of the user-id, the ampersand character
(@) will also be stripped away from the DNIS,
because @<hostname> does not make sense.
DNIS Correlation ID The offset that specifies where the correlation ID Any integer.
Offset starts, within the user-id portion of the DNIS. A negative value indicates
The correlation ID is the portion of the user-id that the offset is from the
that will be stripped, in order to isolate the DNIS. right.
Default value: 0 (no offset)
Enable Send/Receive Enables the sending and receiving of SIP INFO • True—VoiceXML
Events messages for VoiceXML application usage. applications are enabled
This parameter does not affect SIP INFO messages to send and receive SIP
INFO messages.
used for other purposes (for example, DTMF).
• False—VoiceXML
Changes take effect: Immediately.
applications cannot send
and receive SIP INFO
Default value: True
Enable SDP answer Specifies whether to send an SDP answer in the • True—The MCP includes
in provisional reliable provisional response if the INVITE the SDP answer.
response contains an SDP offer. • False—The MCP does
Note: Applies only if Enable Reliable not include the SDP
Provisional Responses is set to Supported or answer.
Required, or if Send Alert is set to 2. Default value: True
Enable Reliable Specifies whether to allow the SIP stack to send • 0—Disabled
Provisional reliable 101-199 provisional responses. • 1—Supported
Responses If set to 1, the 100rel extension is included in the • 2—Required
header of the outbound INVITE request giving
Default value: 0
the remote end the option to send the reliable
provisional response.
If set to 2, the MCP includes the 100rel extension
in the Require header of the outbound INVITE
forcing the remote end, that supports PRACK, to
send the reliable provisional response.
HF Disconnect Type The timeout value, in milliseconds, to terminate a Any non-negative integer.
SIP hookflash transfer. Default value: 5000
• If sip.hftype=0 (wait for disconnection), the
transfer is treated as failed if a BYE is not
received from the remote end before this
timeout expires.
• If sip.hftype=1 (force disconnection), the
transfer is always treated as successful. If a
BYE is not received from the remote end before
this timeout expires, then a BYE will be sent
from the local end.
HF Prefix The SIP hookflash transfer dialing prefix. A string that contains one or
Examples: more of the following
characters: 0–9,! * none
• sip.hfprefix=none means the dial string is
exactly as specified in the transfer. Default value: !
• sip.hfprefix=! means dial a hookflash.
• sip.hfprefix=*8, means dial *8 followed by
two pause durations.
HF Stop Dial The digits to dial to stop a hookflash transfer. A string that contains one or
Dialing the digits specified in this parameter will more of the following
abort a multi-phase hookflash. The connection is characters: 0–9 !
switched back to the original caller. Default value: !
Hook Flash Transfer Specifies the type of hookflash transfer for SIP. • 0—Wait for
Type disconnection.
• 1—Force disconnection.
Default value: 0
Customer Inbound The list of header names from incoming <SIP <Header1> [<Header2>...]
<SIP request> request> messages that will be exposed to the where <HeaderX> is:
Headers VoiceXML application, where <SIP request> is
• A header name—Each
one of:
specified header name
• BYE will be exposed.
• INFO • *—All header names will
• INVITE be exposed.
The names of the exposed headers appear in the • none—No header names
application in the following format: will be exposed. If any
other value is specified
alongside none, none is
Example: From To Via
Default values:
• For BYE requests: Reason
requests: *
Custom Inbound The list of header names from incoming INVITE <Header1> [<Header2>...]
Invite Parameters requests whose parameters will be exposed to the where <HeaderX> is:
VoiceXML application.
• A header name—Each
The exposed parameter values appear in the specified header name
application in the following format: will be exposed.
sip.invite.<headernam>.<paramname>=<value> • none—No header names
will be exposed. If any
other value is specified
alongside none, then none
is ignored.
Default value: RequestURI
INFO Request The content type of outgoing SIP INFO messages A string indicating the
Content-Type that correspond to VoiceXML application <log> content type.
events. Default value:
A VoiceXML application can trigger the sending application/text
of a SIP INFO message by using the <log> tag
with dest="callmgr". Call Manager will then
send a SIP INFO message to the remote end. The
content of the SIP INFO message is the content of
the <log> tag.
Local RTP Address The Media Control Platform IP address to <IP address>
advertise for Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). Default value: Empty
With multicast or proxied systems, you may need (which causes the local IP
to specify what IP address to advertise in the SDP address to be determined
description for a session. By default, the IP automatically)
address of the local system is retrieved by
performing a standard gethostname(). However,
if your system is multi homed or behind a
firewall, use this parameter to control the IP
address that is advertised.
Custom Outbound The list of header names from outgoing <SIP <Header1> [<Header2>...]
<SIP request> request> messages that will be exposed to the where <HeaderX> is:
Headers VoiceXML application, for customization. <SIP
• A header name—Each
request> is one of:
specified header name
• INFO will be exposed.
• INVITE • *—All header names will
• REFER be exposed.
The customized names of the exposed headers • none—No header names
appear in the application in the following format: will be exposed. If any
other value is specified
alongside none, none is
Example: From To Via
Default value: *
Custom Outbound The list of header names from outgoing <SIP <Header1> [<Header2>...]
<SIP request> Params request> messages whose parameters will be where <HeaderX> is:
exposed to the VoiceXML application, for
• A header name—Each
customization. <SIP request> is one of:
specified header name
• INVITE will be exposed.
• REFER • none—No header names
The exposed parameter values appear in the will be exposed. If any
application in the following format: other value is specified
alongside none, none is
<value> ignored.
Default value: RequestURI
Route Set Specifies the route set for non-secure SIP Any string of characters.
outbound calls. If defined, this route set is Default value: Empty
inserted as the ROUTE header for all outgoing
calls and forces the MCP to send the SIP
messages through this defined route set. Each
element in the routeset must be separated by
commas. For example,
Note: This parameter does not apply to SIP
REGISTER messages.
Secure Route Set Specifies the route set for secure SIP outbound Any string of characters.
calls. Secure SIP calls must specify the sips Default value: Empty
scheme or tls transport parameters. If defined,
this route set is inserted as the ROUTE header for
all outgoing calls and forces the MCP to send the
SIP messages through this defined route set. Each
element in the routeset configuration option
must be separated by commas. For example,
Note: This parameter does not apply to SIP
REGISTER messages.
SIP Static Route List Specifies, in a pipe delimited list, the static route Any string of characters.
groups. Each route group contains a list, Default value: Empty
separated by commas, of IP addresses. Within the
route group, each IP address may substitute each
other as an alternate route destination if sending a
SIP request to one of the IP address that fails. For
specifies two static route groups, and each group
specified two routes that are alternate to each
Use Original Specifies how the Media Control Platform will • 0—The gateway specified
Gateway in Outbound determine which gateway to use for an outbound in sip.defaultgw or
Call call or transfer, if the destination address does not sip.defaulthost will be
contain a host name or IP address. used.
Example: • 1—The gateway of the
inbound call will be used.
If sip.outcalluseoriggw=1 and the inbound call
came from a gateway with host name 3000, the Default value: 1
call will be placed to one of the following:
• tel://3000
• sip:3000@—The ampersand character (@) is
required to delimit the user part from the host
part of the address.
Refer Transfer Hold Specifies whether to put the originating caller on • 0—Original caller will
hold (Invite hold) before the Media Control not be put on hold.
Platform sends the REFER message for a REFER or • 1—Original caller will be
REFERJOIN transfer. put on hold.
Default value: 1
Refer Transfer Retry Specifies the action to take if the caller (or its • 0—Disabled
REFER on the Media Gateway) cannot handle the REFER • 1—Enabled
Outbound Leg request.
Default value: 0
If the Caller (or its Media Gateway) cannot
handle the REFER request, the transfer will fail.
When failed, MCP will send REFER with
Replaces to the Agent instead (hoping the Agent
can establish direct connection to the Caller,
when the Caller cannot do so).
Send Alert The SIP response for alerting and intermediate • 0—No SIP response
provisional responses. • 1—Send 180 RINGING
Changes take effect: Immediately response
• 2—Send 183 Session
Progress response with
SDP information
Default value: 1
INFO Allowed A space-delimited list of the content types that <Content type1>[<Content
Content-Type are allowed to be passed up to the VoiceXML type2>...]
application level in a SIP INFO message. Any where <Content typeN> is:
content types that have not been defined will be
• An alphanumeric string—
Defines the content type.
• An empty string—Allows
all content to be passed
Default value:
In-band Courtesy transfer
In-band Consult transfer
In-band Conference
out-of-band courtesy
out-of-band consult
VoiceXML URL Specifies whether VoiceXML URLs in SIP • 0—VoiceXML URLs will
INVITE INVITE messages will be accepted, thereby not be accepted.
bypassing the normal method of selecting a • 1—VoiceXML URLs will
VoiceXML application on the basis of DNIS be accepted.
Default value: 1
If vxmlinvite is enabled, the originator of a SIP
call can specify the initial VoiceXML URL that
will be fetched for the session. To implement this
functionality, the originator of the SIP call must
encode the Request-URI in the following special
where the <URL> portion is encoded (for example,
Warning Headers Specifies whether the Media Control Platform • 0—The Media Control
will send warning headers. Platform will send
Changes take effect: Immediately. warning headers only
when it receives an error
• 1—The Media Control
Platform will always send
warning headers, if there
are any.
• 2—The Media Control
Platform will never send
warning headers.
Default value: 0
IP Type of Service for Specifies the IP differentiated services field Range: 0-255
Transport (ToS) to set in all outgoing SIP packets over the Examples:
SIP transport.
• 0—Disabled
Note: This configuration parameter is not valid
on Windows 2008 and 2012 operating systems.
• 184—DiffServ EF
(Expedited Forward
Default value: 0m
Transport Instance 0 Specifies the transport layer for the SIP stack and A string.
the network interfaces that are used to process Default value: Empty
SIP requests.
This option uses the following format:
sip.transport.x = transport_name type:
ip:port [parameters]
• transport_name—Is any string.
• type—Is UDP, TCP, or TLS.
• ip—Is the IP address of the network interface
that accepts incoming SIP messages.
• port—Is the port number where the SIP stack
accepts incoming SIP messages.
• [parameters]—Defines any extra SIP
transport parameters. This is used for
Preferred IP version Specifies the connection timer bucket depth. A numeric string.
to be used in SIP If this parameter is set to a higher value, the Default value: 3000
initial memory usage increases, but the allocation
of run-time memory for high loads is prevented,
thereby enhancing performance and stabilizing
memory at a lower mark. The default for this
section is set to the maximum value of 3000 for
performance reasons.
sessmgr Section
Send SDP in INVITE Specifies whether to send the caller’s last SDP to • True
for Media Redirect the called party for Media Redirect calls. • False
For NGI applications: Default value: True
• If this option is set to true, if a call has
connectwhen specified as answered, MCP will
send the caller’s last SDP in the re-INVITE and
the ACK message.
• If this option is set to false, MCP will not
send the caller’s last SDP in the re-INVITE.
For GVPi applications:
• If this option is set to true, and the transfer is
a 2 leg transfer, if a call has connectwhen
specified as answered, MCP will send the
caller’s last SDP in the re-INVITE and the ACK
Accept Call Timeout Specifies the time, in milliseconds, to wait after Any integer.
an alert is issued when the application module Default value: 30000
does not accept the inbound call before
disconnecting it.
tts Section
TTS Engine Default Specifies the default TTS Engine resource when <resourcename>
using Request URI. [?<protocol>]
Changes take effect: Immediately Default value: Empty
For example, REASPEAK?MRCPv2.
vrm Section
SRM Default The timeout interval, in milliseconds, for the An integer in the range of 1–
Response Timeout MRCP client to wait for a response from the 60000.
MRCP server. Default value: 10000
If no response is received within this timeout
period, the request is deemed to have failed.
SRM Ping Frequency The interval, in milliseconds, at which the MRCP An integer in the range of 1–
Client pings each MRCP server that has been 3000000.
provisioned. Default value: 30000
The MRCP DESCRIBE method is used as a ping
SRM Ping Timeout The timeout interval, in milliseconds, for the An integer in the range of 1–
MRCP client to wait for a ping response from the 6000000.
MRCP server. Default value: 60000
If no response is received within this timeout
period, the MRCP server is considered to be
unavailable. The MRCP Client disconnects from
the server, and then periodically tries to
re-establish a connection, at a retry interval
specified in the client.ping.frequency
Genesys recommends setting the
client.ping.timeout value to twice the value of
the client.ping.frequency parameter.
Universals Grammar The URI convention that the NGI uses to specify builtin:grammar/
URI the universals grammars. universals
Default value:
vxmli Section
Release ASR Engines Specifies that for successful transfers, without • True
on Transfer speech grammars loaded, the interpreter will • False
release all open ASR engines.
Default value: True
Strict Grammar Mode Specifies whether the NGI will follow the • True
VoiceXML specification strictly when handling • False
the grammar element.
Default value: False
The default value (false) means that the NGI
will ignore the mode attribute for an external
Enable Real Time Enables real-time debugging for the platform. • True
Debugging • False
Default value: False
Initial Request The HTTP method to use for the initial request. • GET
Method • POST
Default value: GET
Maximum Subdialog Specifies the maximum number of dialogs that An integer range of 1–1000.
Depth are allowed in a VoiceXML session. The depth Default value: 50
increments when a subdialog is entered, and the
depth decrements when a subdialog is returned.
Maximum bytes of Specifies the maximum number of bytes that are An integer range of 0–2 GB.
total saved temp files allowed for the total saved temp files per session. Default value: 100 MB
per session If the limit is exceeded, saving the temp files is
disabled for the applicable session.
Maximum Size of Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) that is An integer range of 0–1 GB.
VXML Document allowed for a VoiceXML document. If the limit is Default value: 0
exceeded, the interpreter will generate a
error.badfetch event.
Note: Setting the parameter to 0 disables the
Maximum Size of Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) that is An integer range of 0–1 GB.
Script File allowed for a script file. If the limit is exceeded, Default value: 0
the interpreter will generate a error.badfetch
Note: Setting the parameter to 0 disables the
Maximum Size of Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) that is An integer range of 0–1 GB
XML/JSON data allowed for XML or JSON data. If the limit is Default value: 0
exceeded, the interpreter will generate a
error.badfetch event.
Note: Setting the parameter to 0 disables the
Userdata Prefix The string that, when used as a prefix in a SIP Any string.
header, identifies userdata variables. Default value: X-Genesys-
New MRCP (For MRCPv2 only) Specifies whether the MRCP • True
Connection Per Client will create a new connection to the ASR or • False
Session TTS server for each MRCP session setup.
Default value: True
Speech Resource The URI to the speech resource. • For MRCPv1 ASR:
URI rtsp://<MRCP server
• For MRCPv1 TTS:
rtsp://<MRCP server
• For MRCPv2:
server IP>:<port>
Default value: Empty
ASR Only
ASR Resource Specifies whether or not the MCP reserves an • true (enabled)
Reservation ASR resource prior to accepting the call. This • false (disabled)
resource is available until the resource is explicitly
Default value: false
released, or until the end of the call. The call is
rejected if the resource is not successfully
HotKey Base Path The HTTP fetchable location for the hotkey /mcp/$AppName$/grammar/co
grammars. The value of this parameter is mmon/hotkey
concatenated with the IP address of the Media Default value: Empty
Control Platform to form a fetchable location for
hotkey grammars.
The <vendor name> in the path must be the same
as the vendor name that is specified in
vrm.client.resource.name on page 190.
HotKey Local Path The local path for the hotkey grammars on the $InstallationRoot$/
Media Control Platform. The MRCP Client uses grammar/<vendor name>/
the HotKeyBasePath to translates this address to hotkey
the appropriate URI, which is sent to the ASR Default value: Empty
Enable Silence Specifies whether to send silence audio during an • True—Send silence audio
Filling ASR recognition session pause period. to the MRCP server.
• False—Does not send
silence audio to the
MRCP server.
Default value: True
TTS Only
TTS Resource Specifies whether or not the MCP reserves an TTS • true (enabled)
Reservation resource prior to accepting the call. This resource • false (disabled)
is available until the resource is explicitly
Default value: false
released, or until the end of the call. The call is
rejected if the resource is not successfully
Complete the prerequisites. 1. Create the ASR and TTS speech resource Application objects
If you have not already done so, see the Procedure: Provisioning
ASR and TTS resources, on page 146.
3. Configure the [vrmproxy] uri option with URI that the Media
Control Platform uses to contact the MRCP Proxy.
If the MRCP Proxy and Media Control Platform are installed on
the same host, retain the default value for this option. Otherwise,
configure the host part with the actual IP address of the MRCP
Complete the prerequisites. 1. Ensure that the Solution Control Server (SCS)
Application is configured to support HA licenses:
For a description of how to create and configure the
license files, see the Framework 8.5 Deployment Guide
and the Framework 8.5 Management Layer User’s
Note: To support HA mode, you must ensure that the
latest versions of Management Framework and LCA are
installed. In addition, the Solution Control Server (SCS)
must have an HA license. If the SCS is not licensed, it
cannot provide HA functionality.
Configure the primary MRCP Proxy 1. Create the server connections to:
The ASR and TTS speech resource access points that
will be used by this proxy.
The Reporting Server
The SNMP Master Agent (optional)
To create server connections, see the procedure in
Chapter 7 of the Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment
Configure the backup MRCP Proxy Complete the same steps as you did for the primary MRCP
Application Proxy.
See “Configure the primary MRCP Proxy Application”,
(Steps 1 and 2 only) in this table.
Note: The connections must be the same for both the
primary and backup proxy.
ems Section
MF Sink Metrics Specifies the metrics that are delivered to the MF A string of characters in the
Filter Sink. format of a comma-separated
An asterisk in the value (*) indicates that all list of values or ranges. A
metrics will be sent to the sink. Alternatively, metric value must be
5-8,50-55,70,71 indicates that metrics with IDs between 0 and 141 inclusive,
5,6,7,8,50,51,52,53,54,55,70 and 71 will be sent but values '*' and blank are
to the MF sink. also allowed.
Default value: *
MF Sink Log Filter Specifies how the log messages that are sent to A pipe-delimited range or
the MF sink are controlled. string of characters for log
The values between pipes can be in the format: levels, module IDs and
m-n,o,p (for example, 0-4, 5,6). The wildcard specifier IDs in the format:
character * (asterisk) can also be used to indicate levels|moduleIDs|specifie
all valid numbers. For example, *|*|* indicates rIDs (repeated if necessary).
that all log messages should be sent to the sink. Default value: *|*|*
Alternatively, 0,1|0-10|*|4|*|* indicates that
CRITICAL(0) and ERROR(1) level messages with
module IDs in the range 0-10 will be sent to the
sink; as well as all INFO(4) level messages.
Persistent DB File for Specifies the full path of the local database file A character string.
CDR Data that is used to locally persist data for CDRs. Default value:
Changes take effect:
Persistent DB File for Specifies the full path of the local database file A character string.
OR Data that is used to locally persist data for Operational Default value:
Reporting. orsQueue_rm.db
Changes take effect:
CDR Batch Size Specifies the number of CDR messages that can An integer between 1-5000
be queued up by the Reporting Client before they inclusive.
are sent to the Reporting Server.
Default value: 500
Larger batch sizes (for example, 50 records)
Changes take effect:
lessen bandwidth constraints, at the cost of
making and sending CDR data at larger intervals.
OR Batch Size Specifies the number of OR messages that can be An integer between 1-5000
queued up by the Reporting Client before they inclusive.
are sent to the Reporting Server.
Default value: 500
Changes take effect:
OR Reporting Specifies the interval, in seconds, between the An integer between 1-299
Interval accumulation of operational reports that are inclusive.
submitted to the Reporting Server.
Default value: 60
Changes take effect:
Maximum Records in Specifies the maximum number of data items to An integer greater or equal
the Persisted Local the local database for CDR reporting. to -1.
DB File for CDR Queuing occurs either when the Reporting Server Default value: -1
Data is unavailable, or when data is provided to the
Changes take effect:
client faster than the Reporting Server can
consume it.
The default value -1 indicates an unlimited
number of records are allowed. A value of 0
indicates that no records are persisted locally and
data is discarded if the Reporting Server is
Maximum Records in Specifies the maximum number of data items to An integer greater or equal
the Persisted Local the local database for CDR reporting. to -1.
DB File for OR Data Queuing occurs either when the Reporting Server
Default value: -1
is unavailable, or when data is provided to the
Changes take effect:
client faster than the Reporting Server can
consume it.
The default value -1 indicates an unlimited
number of records are allowed. A value of 0
indicates that no records are persisted locally and
data is discarded if the Reporting Server is
TLS Certificate for Specifies the file name of the TLS certificate in A string of characters.
Reporting Client PEM format. The certificate is required to make Default value:
the connection to the Reporting Server $InstallationRoot$/config
Changes take effect:
log Section
Verbose Level Determines whether or not a log output is created. Select one of several log
If it is, this option specifies the minimum level of event levels.
log events that are generated. Default value: standard
Any one of the following log event levels can be
selected as the value for this option (starting with
the highest priority level): standard,
interaction, trace, debug, all, or none.
For a description of the log events levels, see
Table 8 on page 64.
Output for Level All Specifies the outputs to which an application A string of characters.
sends all log events. The log output types must be Default value:
separated by a comma when more than one ../logs/MRCPProxy
output is configured.
Log events are sent to the Standard output
Output for Level Specifies the outputs to which an application A string of characters.
Standard sends the log events of the Standard level. Default value:
Log events are sent to the Standard output ../logs/MRCPProxy
Output for Level Specifies the outputs to which an application A string of characters.
Interaction sends the log events of the Interaction level and Default value:
higher, which means, more than one output is ../logs/MRCPProxy
configured—standard and interaction levels.
Log events are sent to the Standard output
Output for Level Specifies the outputs to which an application A string of characters.
Trace sends the log events of the Trace level and higher, Default value:
which means, more than one output is ../logs/MRCPProxy
configured—standard, interaction, and trace
Log events are sent to the Standard output
Output for Level Specifies the outputs to which an application A string of characters.
Debug sends the log events of the Debug level and Default value:
higher, which means, more than one output is ../logs/MRCPProxy
configured—standard, interaction, trace,
and debug levels.
Log events are sent to the Standard output
Log Expiration Determines whether or not log files expire. If A string of characters.
they do, this option value sets the measurement Default value: 20
for determining when they expire, along with the
maximum number of files (segments) or days
before the files are removed.
Keep Startup Log File Specifies whether or not a startup segment of the A string of characters.
log, containing the initial T-Server configuration, Default value: false
is kept. If it is, this option value can be set to true
or to a specific size. Changes take effect:
If this option value is set to true, the size of the
initial segment will be equal to the size of the
regular log segment that is defined by the
segment option. If this option value is set to
false (segmentation is turned off), the value of
this option will be ignored.
Message File Specifies the file name of application-specific log A string of characters.
events. The name must be valid for the operating Default value: Empty
system on which the application is running. The
option value can also contain the absolute path to
the application-specific *.lms file. Otherwise, an
application looks for the file in its working
Log Messages Format Specifies the format of log record headers that an Select one of two option
application uses when writing logs in the log file. values—short or full.
Using compressed log record headers improves Default value: short
application performance and reduces the log file's
For a complete description of each option value,
see Table 8 on page 64.
Time Generation for Specifies the system in which an application Select one of two option
Log Messages calculates the log record time when a log file is values—local or utc.
generated. The time is converted from the time in Default value: local
seconds since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January
1, 1970).
For a complete description of each option value,
see Table 8 on page 64.
Time Format for Log Specifies how to represent the time when an Select one of three option
Messages application generates log records in a log file. values—time, locale, or
For a complete description of each option value, ISO8601.
see Table 8 on page 64. Default value: ISO8601
Enable Printing Specifies whether the application attaches Select one of two option
Extended Attributes extended attributes, if any exist, to a log event values—true, or false.
that it sends to log output. Typically, log events Default value: false
of the Interaction log level and audit-related log
events contain extended attributes.
Note: When this option is set to true, audit
capabilities are enabled, but performance is
negatively affected.
Genesys recommends that you enable this option
for Solution Control Server (SCS) and
Configuration Server when audit tracking is used.
For other applications, see Genesys Combined
Log Events Help to find out whether an
application generates Interaction-level and
audit-related log events; If it does, enable the
option when testing new interaction scenarios
Check Point Interval Specifies how often the application generates a An integer.
check point log event to divide the log into Default value: 1
sections of equal time.
By default, the application generates this log
event every hour. Setting the option to 0 prevents
the generation of check-point events.
Memory Snapshot Specifies the name of the file to which the A string of characters.
File Name application regularly prints a snapshot of the Default value: Empty
memory output, if configured to do so. The new
snapshot overwrites the previously written data.
If the application terminates abnormally, this file
contains the latest log messages.
Note: Memory output is not recommended for
processors with a CPU frequency lower than 600
Memory Output Specifies the buffer size for log output to the A string of characters.
Buffer Size memory, if configured. Default value: Empty
This option value can be configured in kilobytes
(KB), minimum 128 KB, or megabytes (MB),
maximum 64 MB.
Folder for Temporary Specifies the folder, including the full path, in A string of characters.
Network Log Output which an application creates temporary files that Default value: Empty
File are related to network log output.
If the option value is changed while the
application is running, the change does not affect
the network output that is currently open.
Enable 6.x Specifies whether the application uses 6.x output Select one of two option
Compatibility Log logic. values—true or false.
Output Priority For a complete description of each of the option Default value: false
values, see Table 8 on page 64.
snmp Section
SNMP Task Timeout Specifies the maximum amount of time, in Any integer value greater
milliseconds, that SNMP waits for a new task. than zero (0).
Default value: 100
stack Section
MRCP Connection Specifies the connection timeout, in milliseconds, Any integer value.
Timeout for SRM MRCPv1 and MRCPv2 stack to Default value: 10000
establish a TCP connection to the server.
Changes take effect:
Enable MRCP Stack Specifies whether or not to enable the STACK Boolean: True/False
Debug Trace DEBUG message. Default value: True
Changes take effect:
RTSP Port Range for Specifies the port range of the RTSP stack that is A string of characters.
MRCPv1 Client used by the MRCPv1 client. Default value: 10000-11999
Changes take effect:
vrmproxy Section
MRCP Proxy Contact Specifies the full Real-Time Streaming Protocol String of characters in RTSP
RTSP URI URI that is used by the MRCPv1 clients to URI format.
contact this proxy. Default value:
The MRCP Proxy listens for TCP connections at rtsp://$LocalIP$:11000/mr
the port that is specified by the URI. If port is not cpproxy
specified in the URI, default port 11000 is Changes take effect:
assumed. If the MRCP Proxy is deployed on a immediately
host separate from the Media Control Platform,
the default value must be changed to the IP of the
MRCP Proxy.
Error Recovery Time Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, for a Any integer value.
for Speech Resource server to be put back in service after it encounters Default value: 10000
errors, such as timeouts or TCP connection
errors. Changes take effect:
Barge-In Timeout Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, for the Any integer value.
BARGE-IN to occur. Default value: 10000
Changes take effect:
Control Timeout Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, of CONTROL Any integer value.
messages. Default value: 10000
Changes take effect:
Session Max Idle Specifies the maximum session idle time. Any integer value.
Timeout Sessions that exceed this idle time are terminated. Default value: 180000
Changes take effect:
Pause Timeout Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, of PAUSE Any integer value.
messages. Default value: 10000
Changes take effect:
TCP Re-connect Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, between Any integer value.
Interval connection attempts, when the TCP connection Default value: 10000
with the MRCP server is not yet established.
Changes take effect:
Resume Timeout Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, of RESUME Any integer value.
messages. Default value: 10000
Changes take effect:
Speak Timeout Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, of SPEAK Any integer value.
messages. Default value: 10000
Changes take effect:
Stop Timeout Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, of STOP Any integer value.
messages. Default value: 10000
Changes take immediately
Specify use of the sips: schema Set the platform-level configuration option
mediacontroller.sipsecure to true, to specify that all calls
initiated by CCP via the tags <createcall>, <dialogprepare>,
<dialogstart>, <createconference> and <redirect> are
initiated in the sips: schema.
Control SIP Secure Mode using the Use the CCXML hints attribute in the tags listed above to
hints Attribute override the platform-level configuration. Examples:
To enable SIP Secure:
<var name="hints" expr="new Object()"/>
<assign name="hints.sipsecure" expr="'1'"/>
To disable SIP Secure:
<var name="hints" expr="new Object()"/>
<assign name="hints.sipsecure" expr="'0'"/>
<dialogstart src="'helloworld.vxml'"
connectionid="in_connectionid" dialogid="dialogid"
Control SIP Secure Mode Using the Use the dest attribute in the <createcall> and <redirect> tags
dest Attribute to override the corresponding hints. When using dest for this
purpose requires that you also use the sips: schema. Examples:
<createcall dest="'sips:[email protected]:5071'"
<redirect dest="'sips:[email protected]:5071'"
Integrate the Call Control Platform Point the Call Control Platform to the Resource Manager as the
with the Resource Manager and SIP Proxy server and interim target of media service requests,
Media Control Platform. and define the properties for SIP communications. Key
configuration options are:
• mediacontroller.sipproxy
• mediacontroller.bridge_server (see page 218)
• sip.transport.x (see page 41)
• sip.routeset or sip.securerouteset (see page 41)
For additional, relevant configuration options and actions, see
“Configuring SIP Communication and Routing” on page 38 and
“Enabling Secure Communication” on page 42.
(Required only if you made TCP or Modify the CCXML applications so that the Request-URI for
TLS the preferred default transport any endpoints includes the transport=TCP or transport=TLS
protocol [see page 38]) parameter.
Ensure that the Request-URI header • Use CCXML hints in the <createcall>, <dialogprepare>,
in SIP requests specifies the required <dialogstart>, and <createconference> tags. For example:
transport protocol.
<var name="hints" expr="new Object()"/>
<assign name="hints.requesturi" expr="new Object()"/>
<assign name="hints.requesturi.transport"
<dialogstart src="'file:///C:\Program
Files\GCTI\gvp\VP Media Control Platform
8.1\MCP_80\helloaudio.vxml'" hints="hints"/>
Note: The W3C CCXML Specification, Draft 29, specifies that
the hints attribute in <createcall>, and <createconference> be
an ECMAScript object. There is no such specification for
<dialogprepare>, however, Genesys recommends that hints are
not passed as any other primitive data type for any of these three
hints attributes.
Ensure that the Call Control Platform Verify and, if necessary, modify the device profiles that have
can interact with all other SIP been provisioned. For more information, see “Configuring
devices in your deployment. Device Profiles” on page 484.
Enable PRACK support. Configure CCP for Reliable Provisional Responses, specifically:
• sip.prack.support
Configure the IP DiffServ (ToS). Set the SIP packet’s ToS using
See “Configuring SIP Communication and Routing” on
page 38”.
Tune Call Control Platform Configure appropriate maximums and timeouts for your
performance. deployment. Consider the following options, in particular:
• ccxmli.max_num_documents (default is 6000)
• ccxmli.num_session_processing_threads (default is 5)
• ccxmli.max_num_sessions (default is 6000)
• ccxmli.max_conn_per_session (default is 100)
• ccxmli.max_dialog_per_session (default is 100)
• ccxmli.max_conf_per_session (default is 100)
See also “Configuring Session Timers and Timeouts” on page 76.
Customize session management See “Configuring Session Timers and Timeouts” on page 76.
behavior and performance.
Customize Call Control Platform See “Configuring SNMP” on page 68 and Table 100 on
messaging. page 466.
ccpccxml Section
Default CCXML The URI for the default CCXML application. <URI path to file>
Default value:
Send SIP Progressing Specifies whether CCP is to send the 180 SIP • 0—The 180 response is
response with the <accept> tag for all incoming sent when the <send> tag
calls. is called.
• 1—The 180 response is
sent immediately after
sending the 100 Trying
Default value: 0
ccxmli Section
BasicHTTP Receive Specifies the IPv4 address or host name on which String
- Host for IPv4 the basic HTTP event I/O processor will listen for Default value: Empty
network HTTP requests on IPv4 network interface.
If the value of this option is an empty string, the
system listens on all available IPv4 network
interfaces. If the host name is specified, the first
IPv4 address in the resolved list is used.
BasicHTTP Receive Specifies the IPv6 address or host name on which String
- Host for IPv6 the basic HTTP event I/O processor will listen for Default value: Empty
network HTTP requests on IPv6 network interface.
If the value of this option is an empty string, the
system listens on all available IPv6 network
interfaces. If the host name is specified, the first
IPv6 address in the resolved list is used.
Preferred IP Version Specifies the preferred IP version that will be used • ipv4
Used in BasicHTTP in basic HTTP access URI • ipv6
Access URI session.ioprocessors["basichttp"].
Default value: ipv4
Preferred IP version Specifies the preferred IP version that will be used • ipv4
Used in in the create session access URI • ipv6
CreatesSession session.ioprocessors["createsession"].
Default value: ipv4
Access URI
Save CCXML Files Specifies whether fetch request, response, and • TRUE
Save Script Files data for each CCXML or ECMAScript file that is • FALSE
fetched and processed in a session will be saved to
Default value: FALSE
This feature is convenient for debugging CCXML
applications, particularly when CCXML pages are
dynamically generated during a session.
fm Section
HTTP Port Range Specifies the local port range that will be used for String
HTTP requests. If this parameter is not specified, Default value: Empty
the CCP allows the operating system choose the
local port.
HTTP Proxy Specifies the HTTP proxy to use for HTTP <host:port>
requests. Default value:
HTTPS Proxy Specifies the HTTPS proxy to use for HTTPS <host:port>
requests. Default value: Empty
Outgoing Interface Specifies the network interface IP address that is Any string of characters.
used for outgoing HTTP requests. If this Default value: Empty
configuration option has an empty value, the
Media Control Platform automatically selects the
network interface it will use.
If the Squid HTTP proxy is used, it must be
configured to accept HTTP requests from the
interface that is specified. Otherwise, by default, it
accepts HTTP requests from the local host only.
No Cache URL Specifies that documents fetched from a URL Any comma delimited list of
Substring containing one of the substrings in this list should characters.
not be cached. Any substring listed in this comma Default value:
delimited list, will not be cached. cgi-bin,jsp,?
Maxage for Local Specifies, in seconds, how long to cache local file Any integer.
File for. If set to 0, local files will not be cached. Default value: 60
Maximum Cache The total maximum size, in bytes, of all cached Any integer.
Size files. Default value: 50,000,000
Maximum Cache Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of each Any integer.
Entry Size cache entry. Default value: 500,000
Maximum Cache Specifies the maximum number of entries that can Any integer.
Entry Count be stored in cache. Default value: 1000
SSL Certificate Specifies the certificate file name. Any string of characters.
Default value: Empty
SSL Certificate Type Specifies the format of the certificate file name. • PEM—Privacy Enhanced
• DER—Distinguished
Encoding Rules
Default value: PEM
SSL Key Specifies the private key file name. Any string of characters.
Default value: Empty
SSL Key Type Specifies the format of the key file name. • PEM—Privacy Enhanced
• DER—Distinguished
Encoding Rules
Default value: PEM
SSL Key Password Specifies the password required in order to use the Any string of characters.
SSL Key. Default value: Empty
SSL Version Specifies the Secure Socket Layer version to use. • 0—Automatically detect
• 1—Force TLSv1
• 2—Force TLSv2
• 3—Force TLSv3
Default value: 0
Verify Peer Specifies whether to verify the peer’s certificate. • 0—Do not verify
Certificate Note: SSL CA Info or SSL CA Path must also be • 1—Verify
set in order for this parameter to take affect. Default value: 0
SSL CA Path Specifies the path to the directory holding the peer Any string of characters.
certificates. Default value: Empty
Note: This directory must be created using the
openssl c_rehash utility.
SSL Random File Specifies the random initial value used to generate Any string of characters.
Seed the first number of the SSL key. Default value: Empty
SSL Verify Host Specifies how the common name from the peer • 0—Do not verify
certificate is to be verified during the SSL • 1—Check existence only
• 2—Make sure that it
matches provided host
Default value: 0
SSL Cipher List Specifies the list of ciphers to use for the SSL Any string of characters.
Connection. Default value: Empty
mediacontroller Section
Address of bridge The Resource Manager IP address. The Call <IP address>
server Control Platform sends requests to the Resource Default value: Empty
Manager to find a bridging server to use when two
endpoints cannot be joined because of media
bridging limitations (implicit conference and
The bridge server must be capable of:
• Sending media to multiple endpoints.
• Sending and receiving from distinct endpoints.
• Performing transcoding.
Device Profile of The name of the device profile to use with the <Device profile name>
Bridge Server configured bridge server. Default value: Default
For information about configuring device profiles, Conference
see “Configuring Device Profiles” on page 484.
Full Audio Codec A space-separated list of the <media type> codecs <payload>|<codec>|<MIME-t
Full Video Codec that get set in the SDP in an initial offer when ype>|<rate>|<number of
there is no media bridge. In other words, the channels>
media line that will be used to create a connection Default values:
less SDP.
• Audio—
• |1105|AMR|audio/AMR|8000
Full Audio Codec A space-separated list of the <media type> codecs 112|AMR-WB|audio/AMR-W
that get set in the SDP in an initial offer when B|16000|1
Full Video Codec
there is no media bridge. In other words, the 101|telephone-event|no
media line that will be used to create a connection ne|8000|1
less SDP. (continued) • Video—
Inbound allowed The default allowed media types for an inbound • dynamic
Media call. All inbound calls will be limited to this set of • audio video
media types in terms of SDP exchange.
• audio
Note: If set to dynamic, the media type is
• video
determined from the capability SDP of the
inbound call. If capability SDP is not available, it Default value: dynamic
defaults to audio and video.
SDP localhost Specifies the host part of the local host IPv4 String
address that is used in SDP. Default value: $LocalIP$
SDP localhost IPv6 Specifies the host part of the local host IPv6 String
address that is used in SDP. Default value: $LocalIPv6$
Unknown headers A space-separated list of the unknown headers A string specifying a list
allowed for a SIP that can be sent in an outgoing SIP message. header names.
Message Genesys recommends that you allow the Default value: Warning
following headers: Reason
• Reason
• Warning
Note: Specifying a wildcard (*) means that all
unknown headers are allowed; therefore, the
wildcard should be the only value in the field—
for example, sip.allowknownheaders = *.
sip Section
Enable Reliable Specifies whether to allow the SIP stack to send • 0—Disable
Provisional reliable provisional responses (100-199). • 1—Supported
Responses If set to 1, PRACK is supported, and the 100rel • 2—Required
extension is included in the Supported header of
Default value: 0
the outbound INVITE request.
If set to 2, PRACK is required, and the 100rel
extension is included in the Require header of the
outbound INVITE request.
Default IPv4 route Specifies the default IPv4 route for UDP. The Numeric
for UDP number denotes the transport that is defined in the Default value: Empty
sip.transport.x configuration option, where x
is the value of this parameter and is used when no
IPv4 UDP routes are found.
Default IPv6 route Specifies the default IPv6 route for UDP. The Numeric
for UDP number denotes the transport that is defined in the Default value: Empty
sip.transport.x configuration option, where x
is the value of this parameter and is used when no
IPv6 UDP routes are found.
If this parameter is not set, the first IPv6 UDP
transport found in the sip.transport.x becomes
the default.
Default IPv4 route Specifies the default IPv4 route for TCP. The Numeric
for TCP number denotes the transport that is defined in the Default value: Empty
sip.transport.x configuration option, where x
is the value of this parameter and is used when no
IPv4 TCP routes are found.
Default IPv6 route Specifies the default IPv6 route for TCP. The Numeric
for TCP number denotes the transport that is defined in the Default value: Empty
sip.transport.x configuration option, where x
is the value of this parameter and is used when no
IPv6 TCP routes are found.
If this parameter is not set, the first IPv6 TCP
transport found in the sip.transport.x becomes
the default.
Default IPv4 route Specifies the default IPv4 route for TLS. The Numeric
for TLS number denotes the transport that is defined in the Default value: Empty
sip.transport.x configuration option, where x
is the value of this parameter and is used when no
IPv4 TLS routes are found.
Default IPv6 route Specifies the default IPv6 route for TLS. The Numeric
for TLS number denotes the transport that is defined in the Default value: Empty
sip.transport.x configuration option, where x
is the value of this parameter and is used when no
IPv6 TLS routes are found.
If this parameter is not set, the first IPv6 TLS
transport found in the sip.transport.x becomes
the default.
Local Transport IPv4 Specified the sent-by field of the Via header and String
Address the hostport part of the Contact header in the Default value: Empty
outgoing SIP message will be set to this value if a
IPv4 transport is used. The value must be a host
name or domain name.
If this option value is left empty the outgoing
transport's actual IP and port is used for the Via
and Contact headers.
Note: If the domain name that is used in the SRV
record query is specified, the
sip.transport.localaddress.srv configuration
option must be set to true to prevent the port
part from being automatically generated by the
SIP stack.
Local Transport IPv6 Specifies that the sent-by field of the Via header String
Address and the hostport part of the Contact header in Default value: Empty
the outgoing SIP message will be set to this value
if a IPv6 transport is used. The value must be a
host name or domain name.
If this option value is left empty the outgoing
transport's actual IP and port is used for the Via
and Contact headers.
Note: If the domain name that is used in the SRV
record query is specified, the
sip.transport.localaddress.srv configuration
option must be set to true to prevent the port
part from being automatically generated by the
SIP stack.
Preferred IP version Specifies the local TCP port range to be used for String
Used in SIP SIP transport. If this parameter is not specified, Default value: Empty
the CCP allows the operating system to choose
the local port.
Route Set Specifies the route set for non-secure SIP Any string of characters.
outbound calls. If defined, this route set is inserted Default value: Empty
as the ROUTE header for all outgoing calls and
forces the MCP to send the SIP messages through
this defined route set. Each element in the
routeset must be separated by commas. For
Note: This parameter does not apply to SIP
REGISTER messages.
SIP Static Route List Specifies, in a pipe delimited list, the static route Any string of characters.
groups. Each route group contains a list, separated Default value: Empty
by commas, of IP addresses. Within the route
group, each IP address may substitute each other
as an alternate route destination if sending a SIP
request to one of the IP address that fails. For
specifies two static route groups, and each group
specified two routes that are alternate to each
IP Type of Service Specifies the IP differentiated services field (ToS) Range: 0-255
for RTP/RTCP to set in all outgoing RTP/RTCP packets. Examples:
Notes: • 0—Disabled
• For Windows Server 2003, the ToS must be • 16—IPTOS LOWDELAY
enabled in the registry. See (0x10)
• For Windows Server 2008/2012, the ToS PRIORITY (0x20)
configuration is not supported. It must be
configured at the OS level. You can define per • 64—IPTOS PREC
executable and per port, and what type of CRITICAL (0x40)
DiffServ bits to set on the outgoing packets • 184—DiffServ EF
using the QoS policy defined in the following (Expedited Forward
article. 0xB8)
https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ Default value: 0
• For all Operating Systems, when the SIP/RTP
packets are sent across different subnets, the
router may reset the DiffServ bits in the IP
header even though it was set by MCP.
10 Configuring the
CTI Connector
The Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) provides two modes of CTI deployment
that provide access to Genesys Management Framework functionality—
Genesys CTI through IVR Server and Cisco CTI through Intelligent Contact
Management (ICM).
This chapter provides information about how to configure the CTI Connector
to function in each of the two deployment modes. It contains the following
Configuring the CTI Connector, page 225
Important CTI Connector Configuration Options, page 229
Cisco ICM Messages and Data Formats, page 235
CTIC (Genesys) and Treatments, page 238
Multiple Trunk Group ID support for CTI Connector (ICM), page 240
CTI Connector (ICM) and ECC Variables, page 241
CTIC (ICM) Parameter Notes, page 242
Integrate the CTI Connector with the Point the CTI Connector to the IVR Server. The key
IVR Server. configuration section is IVRServer_Sample (see Page 229).
For more information on integrating GVP with IVR Server, see
the Voice Platform Solution 8.x Integration Guide.
Enable CTI Transfers. See “Provisioning IVR Profiles for GVP” on page 103.
Ensure that the CTI Connector can Verify and, if necessary, modify the device profiles that have
interact with all other SIP devices in been provisioned. For more information, see “Configuring
your deployment. Device Profiles” on page 484.
Note: The error response that is forwarded by SIP Server to
GVP from the agent by must always be the same (603 Decline).
To ensure this happens, set the sip-busy-type configuration
option value to 2 on the Trunk to which the error response will
be sent.
Task Summary: Configuring the CTI Connector for Cisco CTI summarizes the
configuration steps and options to implement CTI Connector functionality in
your Cisco CTI deployment.
Integrate the CTI Connector with Cisco When you are installing the CTI Connector, and you select
ICM. the Cisco ICM, the Service Control Interface is initialized by
1. If you want to use the Call Routing Interface (CRI), in
the CTI Connector Application, configure the
[icmc].ICMInterface option with the CRI value.
Task Summary: Configuring the CTI Connector for Cisco CTI (Continued)
Task Summary: Configuring the CTI Connector for Cisco CTI (Continued)
Specify the Tenant name. In the CTI Connector Application’s Tenant1 section, enter
the tenant name for value of the TenantName configuration
• For each newly created tenant, in the CTI Connector
Application’s Tenantx configuration section, change the
value of the Ports configuration option, as required. For
example, 8000, 9000, 10000.
Task Summary: Configuring the CTI Connector for Cisco CTI (Continued)
Ensure that the CTI Connector can Verify and, if necessary, modify the device profiles that have
interact with all other SIP devices in your been provisioned. For more information, see “Configuring
deployment. Device Profiles” on page 484.
Note: The error response that is forwarded by SIP Server to
GVP from the agent by must always be the same (603
Decline). To ensure this happens, set the sip-busy-type
configuration option value to 2 on the Trunk to which the
error response will be sent.
Customize client side communication See “Configuring Client-Side Connections” on page 68.
ctic Section
Default DNIS Specifies the default DNIS if the IVR Server does Any string of characters.
not provide the DNIS. Default value: Empty
Note: This option is applicable only when IVR
Server is configured in behind-the-switch-mode
Fetch DNIS From Specifies whether the CTI Connector it to receive • True
IVR Server the DNIS from IVR Server. • False
Note: This option is applicable only when IVR Default value: False
Server is configured in behind-the-switch-mode.
IVRPort Base Index Specifies the starting IVR port number. Each port Any integer value.
number increments by one after this is set. Default value: -1
If this parameter is set to -1, CTI Connector will
not generate an IVR Port, instead it will take the
port base on DNISIndicator.
Notes: Use this option when the port information
is unavailable. IVR Server uses this port number
to pass the DNIS information. For deployments
using multiple CTI Connectors, the port range
must be distinct.
This parameter is applicable when IVR Server is
deployed in-front-of-switch mode.
Max IVRPorts Specifies the maximum number of IVR ports that Any integer value.
CTI Connector uses. Default value: 2000
Notes: Use this option when the port information
is unavailable.
This parameter is applicable when IVR Server is
deployed in-front-of-switch mode.
CTI Framework Specifies which CTI framework to use for CTI • IVRServerClient—The
functionality. Genesys IVR Server
• CiscoICMClient—The
Cisco ICM
Default value:
icmc Section
Trunk Group ID The Trunk Group ID information that is sent to Any integer value.
the ICM for every call through the Voice Default value: 0
Resource Unit-Peripheral Gateway (VRU-PG) to
report ICM metrics.
ECC Variables CTI Connector registers the configured list of A string of characters.
ECC variable names with ICM through the initial Default value: Empty
REGISTER_VARIABLES message. The ECC variable
names must be separated by commas.
Use Translation Label This value indicates to CTIC whether the translation-routed-call
incoming call is translation-routed or normal. Default value: false
Set to true for Type 8 Network VRU Takes effect at start/restart.
DNIS mapping This parameter value indicates which field from DNISIndicator
attribute from RUN_SCRIPT_REQ message should be used for Valid values: ScriptID, 1-10
RUN_SCRIPT_REQ fetching the DNIS value.
Default value:
None (blank)
Takes effect after restart
ICM Interface to Use Specifies the interface that is used by the CTI • Service Control
Connector to communicate with ICM. By default, Interface—0
it communicates with ICM by using the Service • Call Routing Interface
Control Interface (SCI). (CRI)/Event Data Feed
Default value: 0
ivrsc Section
Customer IVR Specifies the list of IVR Servers that A string of characters.
Servers List CTI Connector uses. Default value:
Fetch Script ID from Specifies the user defined key value from Any integer value.
URS Genesys Framework. Default value: 0
Script ID Key Name Specifies the key name configured in URS that is A string of characters.
used in the UdataGet message for IVR Server Default value: Empty
Note: This parameter is applicable when IVR
Server is set in behind-the-switch mode.
IServer_Sample Section
IVR Client Name Specifies the IVR Group Name that is configured A string of characters.
in Genesys Administrator. Default value: Empty
IVR Server Host IP Specifies the host name of the IVR Server. <Host name or IP address>
Address Default value: Empty
mediacontroller Section
Default IP version in Specifies the default IP version that will be used • ipv4
SDP in the SDP message, and applied to the initiated • ipv6
SDP offer to the endpoint.
Default value: ipv4
Local IPv6 Address Specifies whether or not the sent-by field of the String.
for SDP Via header and the hostport part of the Contact Default value: Empty
header in the outgoing SIP message is set to this
value if a IPv6 transport is used. The value must
be a host or domain name.
If this option value is left empty the outgoing
transport's actual IP and port is used for the Via
and Contact headers.
If the domain name that is used in the SRV record
query is specified, the
sip.transport.localaddress.srv option must
be set to true to prevent the port part from
being automatically generated by the SIP stack.
SIP Proxy Specifies The address of SIP Proxy for outbound String.
SIP requests, in the following format: Default value: $LocalIP$:5080
sip Section
Contact Header User Specifies the Contact Header name generated by A string of characters.
Name the platform. Default value: CTIConnector
SIP Static Route List Specifies, in a pipe delimited list, the static route Any string of characters.
groups. Each route group contains a list, Default value: Empty
separated by commas, of IP addresses. Within the
route group, each IP address may substitute each
other as an alternate route destination if sending a
SIP request to one of the IP address that fails. For
specifies two static route groups, and each group
specified two routes that are alternate to each
Tenant1 Section
Peripheral Gateway • Specifies a list of listener port numbers, Any string of characters.
Communication Port separated by commas on which the CTI Default value: 9000
Numbers Connector waits for TCP connections from
the Cisco VRU-PG. For example:
• TrunkGroupID is set to the value of the
gvp.rm.resource-req.TrunkGroupID received
as a RURI parameter in the incoming sip
INVITE message. If the parameter is not
received, then you can set the value here.
Default is 1.
Tenant Name Specifies the name of the tenant. Any string of characters.
Default value: Empty
ICM messages
Connection Management
ICM messages
SCI messages
CRI messages
EDF events
Caller Entered Digits ICM_CED ICM identifies the caller entered digit
field by a tag identifier and not by name.
The name is used between the VoiceXML
application, Media Control Platform, and
CTI Connector only to make it user
friendly and readable.
ECC variables ICM_ECC_user<variable name> ECC variable names must begin with
user. To avoid name clash with other
ECC variables that are currently in use, as
a best practice, Genesys recommends that
you add the company name to the ECC
variable name. For example,
user<variable name>
The CTI Connector submits the
user<variable name> part only to ICM
as the ECC variable name.
Note: CTIC(G) does not support PROMPT service for the Genesys Legacy
Interpreter, or for the PlayAnnounce&Collect treatment type.
Music Treatment
CTIC(G) sends a NETANN-style INVITE to MCP as follows:
INVITE sip:annc@<RM-IP-Addr>:5080;DURATION=10;play=http://
/Test/Resources/Prompts/m.vox;gvp.netann.reportvxml=true SIP/2.0
In this example: 6000:1&2;7000;8000:3&4, the PIM listening on port 6000
supports TGIDs 1 and 2, the PIM listening on port 7000 has no TGID specified,
and the PIM on port 8000 supports TGIDs 3 and 4.
Set the maximum value of TGID with the configuration parameter
MaxTrunkGroupID (section ICMC). Default = 65535.
In ICM, each TGID is associated with one set of DNISes having a unique
prefix. Whenever a call is received by ICM for a particular TGID, then it picks
the DNIS from the corresponding DNIS set and places the call to GVP with the
selected DNIS.
So, when a call is received at SIP-Server, it will have only DNIS information
but not the actual TGID of the call. GVP must identify a TGID for an
incoming call for the provided DNIS. To extract the actual TGID, create a DN
of the type trunk on the SIP switch for each TGID.
The Trunk DN should be configured with the following parameters.
[TServer]prefix=”Unique DNIS Prefix”
[TServer]contact=”sip:<RM-IPAddr>:<RM Port>
If You Specify
The variable name that you specify in the parameter eccSessionIdVarName
must also be specified in the ECC Variables list. If it is not, or if
eccSessionIdVarName is specified but empty or null, then the Session ID is not
sent in the NEW_CALL message.
You can add or modify the ECC variable names as needed. See the “CTI
Connector (ICM) and ECC Variables” on page 241.
11 Configuring the
Supplementary Services
The Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) Supplementary Services Gateway (SSG)
component provides managed initiation of outbound sessions and queuing
functionality to accept a batch of outbound session creation requests. It also
provides result notifications for requests, including batch requests, that are
received from the Trigger Application to determine whether a particular
outbound call has succeeded or failed.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Task Summary: Configuring the Supplementary Services Gateway,
page 245
Important Supplementary Services Gateway Configuration Options,
page 246
Call Progress Detection, page 251
Trigger Applications interact with the Supplementary Services Gateway
through HTTP. For more information on the HTTP Interface and the HTTP
XML schema, see Appendix I, “SSG HTTP Interface,” on page 515.
Configure the Supplementary The key configuration sections are HTTP, Tenant1 and SSG (see
Services Gateway to initiate page 246).
outbound calls.
Enable Reporting Server to poll the Install LCA and SNMP Master Agent on the Supplementary
Supplementary Services Gateway Services Gateway server.
Install and configure security Create a security certificate on Windows and Linux to enable the
certificates. Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection between the
Supplementary Services Gateway and SIP Server.
For installation and configuration procedures, see Chapters 16-18
in the Genesys Security Deployment Guide.
Common Section
Enable IPv6 for SIP Specifies whether the IPv6 communication • 1 (true)
Server connection between SSG and SIP Server is enabled or • 0 (false)
Default value: 0
fm Section
HTTP Proxy Specifies the HTTP Proxy that will be used by A string.
the Fetching Module. Default value: Empty
HTTP Section
HTTPS Certificate Specifies the name of the HTTPS Server Any string of characters.
File Name Certificate file. Default value:
HTTPS Cert Key File Specifies the name of the HTTPS Server Any string of characters.
Certification Key file. Default value:
HTTPS Cert Specifies the password to access the Certificate Any string of characters.
Password Key file. Default value: Empty
Secure Protocol Specifies the name of the secure protocol and • SSLv23
Version version. • SSLv3
• SSLv2
• TSLv1.
Default value: SSLv23
Default HTTP Page Specifies the default HTTP page that SSG uses to Any string of characters.
service incoming outbound requests. Default value: SSG
HTTP Port Specifies the port that SSG uses to receive HTTP Any integer.
requests from trigger applications. Default value: 9800
HTTPS Port Specifies the port that SSG uses to receive Any integer.
HTTPS requests from trigger applications. Default value: 9801
SSG Section
Request Batch Size Specifies the number of requests that can be A string of characters.
fetched from the database into memory in a given Default value: TotalPorts
If set to TotalPorts, SSG uses the GVP total port
capacity received from the SIP Server
EventResourceInfo as the batch limit.
If set to AvailPorts, SSG uses the current
available port capacity received from the SIP
Server EventResourceInfo as the batch limit.
Otherwise, you can configure any integer value
as a string for the batch limit.
Clean Interval Specifies the time (in seconds) that determines An integer in the range of
the frequency in which SSG removes expired or 30–900.
completed requests from the database. Default value: 180
Queue Low Specifies when to activate the next fetch cycle An integer in the range of
Watermark from the database. The algorithm uses this value 1—99.
to calculate the percent of the total batch limit. Default value: 25
When the in-memory queue falls below this
number, the next fetching cycle starts.
Initiated Call Retry Specifies whether the Initiated Call requests are • 0 (Do Not Retry Initiated
Flag retried when the SSG process starts back up. Requests)
• 1 (Retry Initiated
• 2 (Purge New And
Initiated Requests)
• 3 (Purge All Requests
Without Notification)
Default value: 1
Maximum Attempts Specifies the upper bound of the MaxAttempts Any integer.
Limit parameter that the trigger application is allowed Default value: 25
to use in the HTTP requests to SSG.
Time to Live Limit Specifies the upper bound of the TimeToLive Any integer.
parameter, in minutes, that the trigger application Default value: 1440
is allowed to use in the HTTP requests to SSG.
Application Slot Specifies the number of records that are allotted • Proportionate—Divide
Calculation for an application in each database fetch. the batch limit among the
applications in the same
ratio as their pending
• Equal—Divide the batch
limit among the
applications equally.
Default value:
Equal Priority Specifies the priority that is given to new and old • True—Give equal
Between Old and requests for applications. priority.
New Note: If this option is set to True, increased • False—Do not give equal
database fetches can result in performance priority.
degradation. Default value: False
Port Load Factor Specifies the number of outbound calls that SSG An integer in the range of 1–
initiates at a time. The value that is specified is a 100.
percentage of the current GVP available port Default value: 100
Next Retry Interval Specifies the retry interval, in seconds, for call if An integer in the range of 1–
temporary internal errors occur. 65536.
Default value: 10
Resource DN Specifies the frequency, in seconds, that SSG will Any integer.
Registration Failure attempt to re-register the Resource DN with SIP Default value: 120
Recovery Interval Server if the Resource DN registration is lost
during runtime, or fails at SSG start up.
SIPS Connection Specifies the frequency, in seconds, that SSG will Any integer.
Failure Recovery attempt to connect to SIP Server if the connection Default value: 120
Interval to SIP Server is lost during runtime, or fails at
start up.
Request Acceptance Specifies the timeout interval, in seconds, that Any integer.
Time-Out on SSG rejects requests from trigger applications if Default value: 900
Resource DN DN registration with SIP Server fails.
Registration Failure
Request Acceptance Specifies the timeout interval, in seconds, that Any integer.
Time-Out on SIPS SSG rejects requests from trigger applications if Default value: 900
Connection Failure the connection with SIP Server fails.
Max Calls/Sec to SIP Specifies the maximum number of calls per An integer in the range of 1–
Server second that the Supplementary Services Gateway 200.
initiates with SIP Server. Default value: 30
Tenant1 Section
Trunk Group DN Specifies the DN for outbound calls to use if Any string of characters.
using the Next Generation Interpreter. The Trunk Default value: Empty
Group DN (TGDN) option value is used as the
Tenant name.
Routing Point DN Specifies the DN for outbound calls to use if Any string of characters.
using the Legacy GVP Interpreter, or Default value: Empty
CTI Connector.
Name of Access Specifies which access group controls Digest Any string of characters.
Group Authentication enabling for the tenant. Default value: Empty
Attribute Description
rnatimeout Specifies the timeout interval (in seconds) for the Ring No
Answer scenario.
This value is passed to SIP Server in the
TMakePredictiveCall request. SIP Server starts the timer
after receiving the 180 Ringing message from the external
party. If the timer expires, and the call is not connected,
SIP Server disconnects the call, and sends the
EventReleased TEvent with the CallState attribute set to
NoAnswer to the Supplementary Services Gateway.
Attribute Description
detect Specifies the action that SSG is to take with the outbound
call when CPD is detected.
• None (default)—Do not request CPD. Start the IVR as
soon as call is connected. This maps to
• All—Start the IVR regardless of the detection result
(VOICE/MACHINE/FAX). This maps to
• Voice—Start the IVR only if the detection result is
VOICE. The call is re-attempted if the detection result
is MACHINE. It is not re-attempted if the detection
result is FAX. This maps to
• AM—Start the IVR only if the detection result is
MACHINE. The call is re-attempted if the detection
result is VOICE. It is not re-attempted if the detection
result is FAX. This maps to accurate_am_detection,
and requires the following setting on SIP Server
(am-detected: connect).
• FAX—Start the IVR only if the detection result is
FAX. The call is re-attempted if the detection result is
VOICE/MACHINE. This maps to no_am_detection,
and requires the following setting on SIP Server
(fax-detected: connect).
• Voice,AM,FAX —Can be combined by using comma
separation (for example, voice,am or am,fax or
voice,am,fax). If any of the comma-separated values
are detected, connect to IVR; otherwise, retry the call.
This maps to full_positive_am_detection.
DTMF Payload Type Specifies the payload or encoding type of DTMF Any integer.
packets. Default value: 101
Supported Local Specifies the codec that is used by the TDM • Mulaw
Codec Type trunks. The RTP stream generated by PSTN • Alaw
Connector uses the same codec.
Default value: Alaw
PSTN Connector SIP Specifies the local SIP port for PSTN Connector Any integer.
Port to use for SIP communication. Default value: 5170
SIP Destination IP Specifies the end point to send SIP calls to when <Host name or IP address>
Address PSTN Connector receives TDM calls and Default value: Empty
translates them to SIP.
SIP Destination Port Specifies the SIP port number of the end point Any integer.
Number that is configured in the SIP Destination IP Default value: Empty
Address parameter.
Session Timer Specifies the time interval, in seconds, for which An integer in the range of
Interval a call session is refreshed. If not set, the session 90–86400
will expire. Default value: 1800
DialogicManager Section
ATT Conference Specifies the duration, in milliseconds, for which Any integer.
Sleep Time Before PSTN Connector must wait before connecting the Default value: 5000
Answer agent, and the caller in an AT&T Conference
Transfer. Set this parameter when whisper to
agent is required, otherwise, set the value to 0.
CPA Failure Timeout Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, to Any integer.
wait for positive answering machine detection. Default value: 4000
CPA Max Inter-ring Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, to Any integer.
Timeout wait between consecutive ring-backs before Default value: 8000
CPA Min Inter-ring Specifies the minimum ring duration, in Any integer.
Timeout milliseconds, for answering machine detection. Default value: 1900
CPA Option Specifies whether to choose custom enabled CPA • 0—Enable CPA Detection
parameters. • 1—Enable custom CPA
detection Springware
• 2—Enable custom CPA
detection DMV
Default value: 0
CPA PAMD Option Specifies the level of accurate answering machine • 0—Quick AM detection
detection. • 1—Full AM detection
• 2—Accurate AM
Default value: 2
CPA Start Delay in Specifies the time, in milliseconds, to wait before Any integer.
MSec starting cadence, frequency, or positive voice Default value: 250
Ringback Filename Specifies the audio file to use for playing Any string of characters.
ringback tone. The file format must be 8Khz Default value: m12.vox
PCM -law or A-law, and must contain a single
ring with the desired trailing silence.
If this parameter is not configured, the value
configured for AlawIndexFileName or
UlawIndexFileName is used based on the protocol
configured (A-law for E1, and -law for T1).
Default DNIS Value Specifies default DNIS number when the DNIS Any string of characters.
information is not available in behind-the-switch Default value: NoDNIS
DialogicManager_CPD Section
IP Address of Specifies the IP address of the primary T-Server. <Host name or IP address>
Primary TServer Default value: Empty
Primary TServer Specifies the primary T-Server’s port number. Any integer.
Listening Port Default value: 0
IP Address of Backup Specifies the IP address of the backup T-Server. <Host name or IP address>
TServer Default value: Empty
Backup TServer Specifies the backup T-Server’s port number. Any integer.
Listening Port Default value: 0
Offhook Delay Specifies the time, in milliseconds, to wait before Any integer.
going off hook. Default value: 100
If negative, go off-hook first, wait the specified
time, then dial.
If positive, dial first, wait the specified time, then
set the channel off-hook.
Note: This parameter is valid only if Use TServer
to Make Calls is set to True.
TServer Reconnect Specifies the time, in milliseconds, to wait before Any integer.
Timeout the reconnecting to the dialer. Default value: 20000
Wait for Offhook Specifies whether to wait for the off-hook • True
Confirmation confirmation event from T-Server before dialing. • False
Note: This parameter is valid only if Offhook Default value: False
Delay is set to a negative value.
DialogicManager_Route1 Section
Enable CPD Library Specifies whether CPD results are to be received • True
from T-Server. • False
If set to False, CPD results are received from Default value: False
Route Description Specifies the description of the route configured. • Inbound Route
• Outbound Route
• Inbound Outbound Route
Default value: Inbound
Dial Prefix Specifies the number to prepend to the number Any string of characters.
dialed. Default value: 1
Note: This parameter is used only when the
Network Type is PSTN.
Range of Directory Specifies, in a comma or dash separated list, the Any string of characters.
Numbers DN range for the route. Default value: Empty
For example, 101-110,115,120-130.
Note: This parameter is used only if TServer is
used for CPD (Enable CPD Library is True).
Max Digits to Dial Specifies the number of digits to dial. Any integer.
If Network Type is set to PSTN, then this value Default value: 7
must be 7,10, or 11.
If Network Type is set to Enterprise, then this
parameter can have any value.
If this value is set to 0, there is no maximum
number of digits to dial.
If this value is missing or invalid, the default is
Media Resource Specifies the board number used for Continuous Any integer.
Board to Use for CSP Speech Processing (CSP) when using JCT Default value: 0
If no value is specified, it defaults to the same
board as used for the network port.
For ISDN JCT boards, a different board must be
configured for CSP other than the network board.
Note: Routes with this parameter configured
must be on a single board.
Network Type Specifies the type of telephony network the route • 0—PSTN
is connected to. • 1—Enterprise
Default value: 0
New Call Specifies when to collect digits for inbound calls, • 0—Before Answer
Confirmation and when to start CPA for outbound calls. • 1—After Answer
For inbound calls, if set to After Answer, the call Default value: 0
is accepted and answered before collecting the
DNIS. If set to Before Answer, the ANI and
DNIS are collected before the called is answered.
For outbound calls, if set to After Answer, CPA is
started immediately after dialing. If set to Before
Answer, CPA is started after the call is connected.
Note: If you are using the groundstart protocol,
you must set New Call Confirmation to After
Max Digits to Specifies the maximum number of digits (ANI + Any integer.
Receive in Overlap DNIS + delimiters) to receive in overlap receive Default value: 0
Receive Mode mode.
T1-RB ANI DNIS Specifies the character that separates ANI from Any single character.
Delimiter DNIS in the incoming call data. Default value: *
T1-RB ANI/DNIS Specifics which order to receive the ANI and • 0—No ANI/DNIS
Order DNIS. • 1—DNIS only
Note: This parameter is ignored if the signaling • 2—DNIS followed by
protocol is not T1-RobbedBit. ANI
• 3—ANI followed by
Default value: 1
T1-RB Protocol File Specifies the Dialogic T1 configuration file to Any string of characters.
use. For example, use us_mf_loop_io for Default value: pdk_dmv
loopback testing.
Note: This parameter is mandatory for T1
robbed-bit signaling.
Two Channel Specifies the type of two channel transfer to use. • Empty
Transfer Type • NortelRLT
• ECTExplicit
• ECTExplicit_AUS
• ECTExplicit_NZ
• ECTExplicit_UK
• QSigPathReplace
Default value: Empty
Notes: You do not need to change the default configuration for the Fetching
Module to work.
With GVP version 8.1.2 and higher, the Fetching Module
functionality has been included in the Media Control Platform, and
Squid is an optional component.
Modify the Squid caching proxy See “Configuring the Squid Caching Proxy” on page 268.
configuration, if required for the For more information about configuring Squid, which is an
following reasons: open-source product, see online sources.
• To configure for a second-level
• You cannot configure the Web
Server to deliver Expires headers,
and you need to change the Squid
refresh-pattern rules.
• You are following the
recommended practice of denying
access to all ports except those
that you have identified as safe,
but the ports you are using for
HTTP or, if applicable, HTTPS
and SSL are not the ports that are
configured as safe ports and SSL
ports, respectively, in the default
Squid configuration file.
Schedule a task to rotate the Squid See the chapter about post-installation activities in the Genesys
Caching Proxy service logs. Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment Guide.
Note: If you restart the Fetching Module, you must also stop and then restart
the associated Media Control Platform or Call Control Platform.
iproxy Section
HTTP Proxy The IP address and port that the HTTP or HTTPS <Proxy IP address>:<port>
HTTPS Proxy proxy will use. Default value:
• If HTTP_proxy is disabled (empty), the pwproxy • HTTP proxy—
will not use an HTTP proxy.
• If HTTPS_proxy is disabled (empty), the • HTTPS proxy—Empty
pwproxy will not use an HTTPS proxy.
Modifying the Squid Configuration
Perform this procedure on each Media Control Platform and Call Control
Platform host in your deployment whose behavior you want to modify.
• You have the required permissions to modify files in the Squid
configuration directory.
Start of procedure
1. Back up the original configuration file in case you need to restore it later.
2. Open the Squid configuration file in a text editor.
c:\squid\etc\squid.conf (Windows)
/usr/local/squid/etc/squid.conf (Linux)
Note: Changes to the configuration file are not reflected in the running
configuration until you execute this command
End of procedure
Verify directory paths for: If necessary, modify settings for options in the following
• Java Message Service (JMS) for configuration sections:
CDR, OR summary, and call • messaging. In particular, verify the path to the directory that
events reporting. ActiveMQ uses for persistent queuing
• The Atomikos distributed (activemq.dataDirectory).
transactions processing engine.
Configure the maximum size of Call • If necessary, modify the cdr.max-page-size option, to
Detail Record (CDR) and Call configure a suitable value for your deployment, for the
Events reports. maximum number of CDR or metrics records per page The
default is 100.
• Consider also the cdr.max-page-count option, for the
maximum number of pages per report. The default is 10.
Configure database retention Use the Database Retention Policy Wizard (see “Data Retention
policies. Policy Wizard” on page 134) to configure the database retention
For more information, see “Configuring Database Retention
Policies” on page 274.
Configure Reporting Server behavior See “Important Reporting Server Configuration Options” on
in general. page 276.
(Optional) Configure HTTPS to See “Controlling Access to Reporting Services” on page 283.
secure access to Reporting Services.
Verify that Genesys Administrator If necessary, configure or modify the connection between
displays GVP reports requested from Genesys Administrator and the Reporting Server. For more
the Monitoring > Voice Platform information, see the Genesys Voice Platform 8.5 Deployment
navigation panel. Guide.
If running on Oracle in partitioned Disable the GATHER_STATS_JOB before installing the RS database
mode, optimize performance. to ensure that inaccurate statistics are not associated with the
staging tables. For more information, see the Genesys Voice
Platform 8.5 Deployment Guide.
Day 92 (days)
Week 53 (weeks)
Month 36 (months)
Note: When using the default parameter, there is a possibility that one
maintenance execution may be skipped when Day Light Savings
occurs. This will cause missing data on the VAR reports.
Notes: • RM and MCP must provide the correct media service type in the first
CDR message for a given call session.
• A new VXML field for RM CDRs is set by RM, to satisfy the above
• See RS.OR.MS.x for more details about media service types.
agentx Section
Subagent Connection Specifies the maximum connection attempts to be An integer greater than 0.
Attempts made by the SNMP subagent to the SNMP Default value: 0
Master Agent.
If the option value if not set or if the value is less
than or equal to 0, there is no limit on the number
of attempts.
cdr Section
Call Timeout The amount of time, in minutes, until a call is An integer in the range of
considered timed out from the perspective of 1-1440.
VAR and CDR reporting. Default value: 180 (3 hours)
The Reporting Server may receive no CDR
call-termination update because:
• The call was dropped from the platform (for
example, because a component shut down
Limit of Disk Storage Specifies a limit to the amount of disk storage String.
for Messages that can be used for messages handled by the Default value: 256 gb
Handled by the ActiveMQ broker.
ActiveMQ Broker
Max Page Count The maximum number of pages that will be An integer in the range of 1–
returned in any given CDR or Call Events report 100.
request. Default value: 10
Max Page Size The maximum number of records that will be An integer in the range of
returned in a single page in any given CDR or 1-10000.
Call Events report request. Default value: 100
This limit prevents users from overloading the
system by requesting unreasonably large numbers
of CDRs or metrics in a report.
imdb Section
Max Concurrent CDR The maximum number of concurrently executed An integer in the range of 1–
Queries CDR in-progress queries. 15.
Default value: 3
Max Query Lock The maximum time, in milliseconds, for the An integer in the range of
Timeout real-time query to wait before locking the 100–5000.
in-memory storage. Default value: 1000
latency Section
• Page Compile—100|95
• JavaScript Execution—
• Initial Response—
• Call Answer—2000|95
• Call Reject—2000|95
• First Prompt Inbound—
• First Prompt
• Inter Prompt—2000|95
• Cumulative Response—
• DTMF Prompt—2000|95
• ASR Input—2000|95
• No Input Response—
• Recording Response—
• Transfer Response—
• MRCP ASR Session
• MRCP TTS Session
• MRCP ASR Set Params—
messaging Section
ActiveMQ Broker Specifies the type of connector that will be An integer equal to 0, 1, or 2.
Connectors enabled on the ActiveMQ broker. • 0 = Unencrypted
connections only.
• 1 = SSL connections only.
(Not supported for
GVP 8.1.3 or earlier
• 2 = SSL-enabled for
GVP 8.1.4 and earlier
clients, that will connect
in unencrypted mode.
(GVP 8.1.4 and later
clients will connect in
encrypted mod.)
Default value: 0
ActiveMQ JMS Specifies the SSL listening port for the An integer greater than 0.
Broker Port for SSL ActiveMQ JMS broker that receives incoming Default value: 61617
data from Reporting Clients.
ActiveMQ Keystore Specifies the path to the Java Keystore file that A string of characters.
for SSL Private Key contain the cryptographic key and trusted Default value: keystore.ks
and Certificate certificate entries that ActiveMQ broker requires
to provide TLS/SSL support.
ActiveMQ Keystore Specifies the password that is required to open A string of characters.
Password the keystore used by the ActiveMQ broker. Default value: ””
Local Listening Specifies the IP address for the listening port that A string of characters.
Address for the is used by the ActiveMQ broker (an unencrypted Default value: ””
ActiveMQ's Broker connector).
Local Listening Specifies the IP address for the TLS (encrypted) A string of characters.
Address for the listening port that is used by the ActiveMQ Default value: ””
ActiveMQ's Broker broker (an unencrypted connector).
persistence Section
reporting Section
Maximum configured The maximum number of <granularity> periods See Table 35 on page 275.
units of <time that are included in any report with a granularity Example:
period> of <granularity>, where <granularity> is:
If rs.query.limit.5min=288
• 5min—5-minute periods (1 day), a request for a report
• 30min at 5-minute granularity for
• day the time period 2008/01/01
00:00 – 2008/01/02 12:00
• hour
will be truncated to
• month 2008/01/01 00:00 –
• week 2008/01/02 00:00.
If a reporting request at a particular granularity
level specifies a time range that is greater than the
configured maximum, the request is truncated to
cover the maximum allowed time period, starting
from the From time specified in the request.
Summarization Specifies the buffer time, in minutes, that ensures An integer range from 0–
Buffer Time that the summarization process runs after this 44640.
time has elapsed. Records will be summarized Default value: 60
before this time.
The maximum Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, for Any integer range from 0–
allowed database Reporting Server to query the database before 65535.
query running time cancelling the request. Default value: 60
(in seconds) before
the RS sends cancel
query request to
database server
schedule Section
Call Timeout Process The cron schedule for Quartz to execute the Call Default value:
Timeout Process, which is responsible for timing 0 50 * * * ?
out Resource Manager, Media Control Platform,
Call Control Platform, and VAR CDRs, so that
they do not get stuck as open calls in the
By default, the process runs every 50 minutes.
A configurable option specifies the timeout
interval that determines when a call is considered
timed out (see the cdr.call-timeout option).
RS DB Maintenance The cron schedule for Quartz to purge data from Default value:
Process the database, in accordance with data retention 0 0 1 * * ?
By default, the process runs at 1 a.m. every day.
sqa Section
Minimum Calls for Specifies the minimum number of calls that need Any integer value.
Service Quality to be recorded before the service quality alarm is Default value: 100
issued at the critical level.
Minimum Latency Specifies the minimum number of latency Any integer value.
Measurements for measurements that need to be recorded before a Default value: 100
Threshold Warning warning is logged.
Enabling HTTPS for Reporting
Start of procedure
1. Obtain a server certificate that is signed by a third-party authority (for
example, CAcert, Comodo, or VeriSign).
2. Install the server certificate.
Use the PKCS12Import utility to import the server certificate into the Jetty
keystore with the following command:
java -classpath <jar> org.mortbay.jetty.security.PKCS12Import
<source> <keystore>
<jar> is the path to the ems-rs.jar file.
<source> is the path to the PKCS12 file that contains the keys and
<keystore> is the path to the keystone file where the keys and
certificates are installed.
For example,
java -classpath ems-rs.jar
org.mortbay.jetty.security.PKCS12Import rs_example_com.pkcs12
Enter input keystore passphrase: secret123
Enter output keystore passphrase: secret123
Alias 0: 1
Adding key for alias 1
3. Configure the Reporting Server application.
a. In Genesys Administrator, go to the Provisioning > Environment >
Applications > <Reporting Server> > Options tab.
b. Under the reporting section, add the following parameters:
hostname = the FQDN of the host to which the server certificate is
protocol = https
c. Under the https section, modify the following parameters:
https.keystore.path = the path to the keystore file.
https.protocol = SSL.
password = the keystore password.
d. Under the https_key section, set the password parameter to the
keystore password.
e. Click Save.
4. Restart Reporting Server.
End of procedure
15 Configuring GVP in
Multi-Site Environments
This chapter describes the requirements to configure Genesys Voice Platform
(GVP) to support multi-site environments.
It contains the following sections:
Overview, page 287
Configuring the Site Folder, page 288
GVP supports multi-site configurations in large scale environments. Typically,
a single site is represented by a Resource Manager (RM) instance (or a pair of
redundant RM instances), a Reporting Server (RS) instance (or a pair of
redundant RS instances), and a pool of Media Control Platform (MCP)
instances. Within a single site, scalability is limited by the number of call
attempts-per-second (CAPS) supported by the Reporting Server.
GVP scalability has gone beyond a single site and is now scalable across
multiple physical sites. The Resource Manager can facilitate resource-sharing
between sites and consistently enforce usage policies across all sites. The
Reporting Server can generate historical and real-time reports that are filtered
to produce site reporting or system-wide reporting. In addition, SIP Server
instances within the same site can use all of the available resources within the
Site Identification
In GVP multi-site environments, sites are identified by a folder object in
Genesys Management Framework. The folder is created and configured in
Genesys Administrator on the Provisioning tab. For example, Provisioning >
Environment > Application > Site folder. The Options tab in the
configuration properties of the Site folder, the Advanced View (Annex)
contains a configuration section called gvp.site. You can add various options
to this section to control resource-sharing, geo-location, and the types and
weight (or number) of calls that can be routed to this site. See Table 37.
Management Framework obtains the site name from the site folder within the
Applications folder. The DBID of the site folder is used as the site ID, so it
must be unique.
The only GVP Applications in the site folder are the Resource Manager and
Reporting Server.
Configuring a Site folder by using Genesys
Start of procedure
1. In Genesys Administrator, go to Provisioning > Environment >
2. In the task bar, click New Folder.
The Folder name dialog box appears.
3. Enter the site folder name and click OK.
4. Right-click on the folder and select Edit.
The Configuration tab appears.
5. On the Options tab, select New.
6. In the Section field enter, gvp.site.
7. In the Name field:
a. Enter contact. This is the SIP route address in the format:
Which represents either the virtual IP and Resource Manager proxy
port (when RM is clustered) or the network interface that RM binds to
and the RM proxy port (when RM is standalone). (This configuration
option is mandatory.)
b. Enter the following additional options, if required:
— weight—Enter a weight. (If a value is not specified, default = 100.)
— geo-location—Enter a location. (Optional, can be left blank.)
— resource-sharing—Enter true or false. (If a value is not
specified, default = true).
8. In the Value field, enter an appropriate value.
9. To add additional options, click Save & New.
10. To move an existing Resource Manager or Reporting Server Application
into the folder:
• Highlight the Application.
• In the task bar, select Move to.
• In the Browse window, select the Site folder you created in Step 2.
11. In the Confirm dialog box, click Yes.
End of procedure
Next Steps
• No further steps are required.
2 Monitoring GVP
This part of the Guide describes the available real-time and historical reports in
Genesys Administrator.
This information appears in the following chapters:
• Chapter 16, “Reporting Overview,” on page 293
• Chapter 17, “Voice Platform Dashboards,” on page 311
• Chapter 18, “Real-Time Reports,” on page 329
• Chapter 19, “Historical Reports,” on page 337
• Chapter 20, “Service Quality Reports,” on page 367
• Chapter 21, “Voice Application Reports,” on page 377
16 Reporting Overview
This chapter describes how to use Genesys Administrator to create real-time
and historical reports. It contains the following sections:
Reports—Using GA vs. Using GAX, page 293
Generating a Report with GA, page 294
Generating a Report with GAX, page 298
GAX Report Generation Table, page 300
Report Groups, page 303
Report Filters, page 306
Functionality Exclusive to GA
• Configuring GVP.
Warning! The tenant that is defined as the parent becomes the reference
entry point in the tenant hierarchy. The parent tenant with read
permissions can view their child tenants and their configurations
and reports, but cannot view the child tenants below them (their
grandchild tenants).
Generating a Report Using Genesys Administrator
• The valid URL for Genesys Administrator—for example, http://<Genesys
Administrator host>/wcm/.
• The username and password with the correct permissions for running
• The name of Genesys Administrator application—for example, default.
Start of procedure:
1. In the web browser’s address bar, enter http://<Genesys Administrator
The login to Genesys Administrator dialog box appears.
2. Enter the following parameters:
• User Name
• Password
• Application
• Host Name
• Port
3. Click Login.
The Genesys Administrator screen appears (see Figure 8) with the
Monitoring tab active.
Figure 10: Configure Filters for the Historical Call Browser Screen
End of procedure
Generating a report using GAX
• The valid URL for GAX—for example, http://<GAX_host>:<port>/gax/
• The username and password with the correct permissions for running
Start of procedure:
1. In the web browser’s address bar, enter http://<GAX_host>:<port>/gax/.
The GAX login dialog box appears.
2. Complete the following fields:
• User Name
• Password
3. Click Login.
The GAX home screen appears.
4. In the Navigation panel across the top of the home screen, select Reports.
The VP Reporting drop-down menu appears.
5. Select the required report: the list Call Browser, Dashboard, Operational
Report, Service Quality Report, VAR Report.
6. The report screen appears; the filter criteria occupy the left third. A
different set of filters appears for each report type.
7. Select the appropriate filters. Required filters have a red asterisk(*) next to
their name.
Filters for each of the four report types are described in the online help:
• Call Browser Report
• Dashboard Report
• Operation Report
• Service Quality Report
• VAR Report
Filters may appear in these formats:
• Radio button list (examples: Call Status, Report Type)
• Check box list (examples: Query Data From, Media Control Platform
Components, IVR Profiles)
• Drop-down list (examples: Component Type, Call Type)
End of procedure
Next Steps
• Which choices generate a specific report? See “GAX Report Generation
Table” on page 300.
• What is in each report? See Chapter 19, “Historical Reports,” on page 337.
The following Reporting descriptions appear in GAX online help:
• Overview.
• Applying report filters for each report type (see also: “Report Filters” on
page 306).
• Reading the reports.
Table 38: To Generate a Report, You Must Make These Selections (Continued)
IVR Profile Call Operational Call Arrivals IVR Profile Select IVR Profile(s)
Arrivals Report
IVR Profile Call Operational Call Peaks IVR profile Select IVR Profile(s)
Peaks Report
Component Call Operational Call Arrivals Component Select one: RM, MCP, VXML,
Arrivals Report Media Service, CCP, PSTNC,
ASR / TTS Call Operational Call Arrivals Component Select one: ASR, TTS
Arrivals Report
Component Call Operational Call Peaks Component Select one: RM, MCP, VXML,
Peaks Report Media Service, CCP, PSTNC,
ASR / TTS Call Operational Call Arrivals Component Select one: ASR, TTS
Peaks Report
IVR Profile Call Operational Call IVR Profile Select IVR Profile(s)
Durations Report Durations
Table 38: To Generate a Report, You Must Make These Selections (Continued)
Report Groups
Reports that you can generate using the GAX-GVP Reporting Plugin fall into
these categories:
Generate real-time reports that monitor in-progress calls from the perspective
of IVR Profiles or GVP components.
Operational Reporting
Generate reports on the rate of call arrivals, call durations, and peak call
volume by IVR Profile or GVP component.
Note: VAR reporting data is available only for applications that leverage the
VAR <log> interfaces described in the Reporting Server Functional
Report Filters
Table 39 describes the filter criteria that you can use to retrieve call detail
records, IVR action data, or summary data.
Time Range Filters the data by start date, start time, end date, and end
time. The results will display calls that started on or after
the start time and ended before the end time.
Note: Selecting from the Predefined Ranges
automatically populates the Start and End dates with
common time ranges.
• This Hour (granularity = five minutes)
• Today (granularity = hour)
• Yesterday (granularity = hour)
• This Week (granularity = day)
• Last Week (granularity = day)
• This Month (granularity = day)
• Last Month (granularity = day)
The following Time Ranges are for the Active Call
Browser report only.
• Last Five Minutes
• Last Fifteen Minutes
• Last Thirty Minutes
• Last Hour
• Last Day
Default: Today.
IVR Profile Filters the data by IVR Profile. You can choose more than
one IVR Profile for some of the reports.
For more information on IVR Profiles, see Chapter 6 on
page 103.
Call Type Filters the data by call type. The possible call types are:
• Inbound—Applicable for MCP and RM components.
• Outbound—Applicable for MCP and RM components.
• Bridged—Applicable for MCP components only.
• New Call—Applicable for CCP components only.
• Createccxml—Applicable for CCP components only.
• External—Applicable for CCP components only.
• Unknown—Applicable for RM components only.
Call Failure Type Filters the data by the reason for the failed call. The
possible call failure types are:
• Call answer
• Call reject
• Inbound first prompt latency
• Outbound first prompt latency
• Inter-prompt latency
• Cumulative response latency
• Audio gap latency
• Application error
• System error
• Unknown Failure
ID Filters the data by the call ID. The possible IDs are:
• Session ID—The GVP Component specific ID that is
generated by the component to identify the call leg.
• GVP GUID—The globally unique ID that identifies a
complete interaction with GVP. This ID is generated by
the Resource Manager, and is passed to all the
resources that provide service for the call.
• Genesys UUID—The Genesys CallUUID that is
generated by T-Server or SIP Server.
For more information on these IDs, see Chapter 1,
“Introduction,” on page 17.
Call State Filters the data by Call States. The possible Call States
• Accepted—The call has been received by Resource
Manager, but has not yet landed on a VoiceXML
platform, or been transferred to an agent.
• IVR—The call has landed on a VoiceXML platform.
• Transferring—The call is being transferred to an
• Transferred—The call was successfully completed.
Call Disposition Filters the data according to the outcome of the call. The
possible call dispositions are:
• Completed in IVR—The call completed in self service.
• Abandoned in Queue—The caller hung up while
waiting in the queue. This is available only for those
call flows that include IVR Server for CTI.
• Transferred to Agent—The call was send to an
• Rejected—The call cannot be routed to a media
Call End State Filters the data by Call End State. The possible Call End
States are:
• Application End—The voice application hung up.
• System Error—The call did not end properly.
• Unknown—The platform did not log an end state.
• User End—The caller hung up.
Call Result Filters the date by Call Results. The possible Call Results
• Success—The call was processed successfully.
• Failed—A failure occurred that prevented the call
from being processed properly
• Rejected—The platform rejected the call.
• Unknown—Some unknown reason that the call ended
Virtual Reporting Filters the data by the user defined Virtual Reporting
Object Object.
Remote URI Filters the data by the full URI of the remote party that is
involved in the session.
Note: Accepts the * wildcard.
Local URI Filters the data by the URI of the local service.
Note: Accepts the * wildcard.
The data on the reports that use the granularity filter are stored in the database
for the length of time that is given for the dbmp.rs.db.retention.cdr.default
parameter. Granularity works with the data reporting limits that are configured
in the Reporting Server. These limits are the maximum amount of data that the
Reporting Server returns based on the which granularity level is selected. The
Report Server options are:
• rs.query.limit.5mins
• re.query.limit.30mins
• rs.query.limit.hour
• rs.query.limit.day
• rs.query.limit.week
• rs.query.limit.month
For more information, see “Configuring Reporting, by Granularity” on
page 273.
The Voice Platform Dashboards display a high-level summary of the current
usage for IVR Profiles and Resource Manager (RM), Media Control Platform
(MCP), Call Control Platform (CCP), Supplementary Services Gateway
(SSG), and PSTN Connector (PSTNC) components. Each dashboard can be
configured to auto-update its display at regular intervals. The data that is
displayed represents current values. How current the data is depends on two
• In-progress session counts are derived from CDRs. There can be delays in
the delivery of CDRs to Reporting Server. The dashboard reflects the
CDRs that are currently available to Reporting Server.
• Calls this hour/day; Peaks today are derived from operational summary
data. By default operational data is submitted once per minute. The hover
ToolTip indicates how current the reported values are.
The following procedures describe how to filter the dashboard layout.
Filtering the Voice Platform Dashboard with GA
Note: In GAX, see the onscreen help about filtering and configuration.
• The valid URL for Genesys Administrator—for example, http://<Genesys
Administrator host>/wcm/.
• The username and password with the correct permissions for running
• The name of Genesys Administrator application—for example, default.
Start of procedure:
1. In the web browser’s address bar, enter http://<Genesys Administrator
The login to Genesys Administrator dialog box appears.
2. Enter the following parameters:
• User Name
• Password
• Application
• Host Name
• Port
3. Click Login.
The Genesys Administrator screen appears (see Figure 8 on page 296) with
the Monitoring tab active.
4. From the Navigation panel, select Voice Platform.
5. Select the required dashboard—for example, Call Dashboard.
The selected dashboard appears (for example, see Figure 12).
c. Click OK.
To remove IVR Profiles, Component, or Tenants:
a. Select the desired IVR Profiles, Components, or Tenants from the
b. Click Remove.
To remove all of the IVR Profiles, Components, or Tenants:
• Click Remove All.
6. To enable refreshing for the Voice Platform Dashboard, select the Refresh
every check box, and enter the desired rate in either seconds or minutes.
End of procedure
Note: In order for the GVP Dashboard to display data, you must connect
each GVP application to the SNMP Master Agent application.
Call Dashboard
This section describes the Call Dashboard. It contains the following sections:
IVR Profile Utilization, page 315
Component Utilization, page 316
Tenant Utilization, page 318
Note: Usage limits and bursting limits apply to IVR Profile utilization only.
For more information on usage limits and bursting levels see Chapter 14,
“Configuring the Reporting Server,” on page 271.
Column Description
Column Description
Peak Time The time for which today’s peak calls registered.
VAR % Successful The percentage of calls that had a successful VAR call
VAR % Failed The percentage of calls that had a failed VAR call
VAR % Unknown The percentage of calls that did not have the VAR call
Component Utilization
The Component Utilization section of the Call Dashboard (see Figure 14)
displays current activity for GVP Components (RM, MCP,CCP, SSG, and
PSTNC platforms) for the current day and time up to and including the time
that is spent viewing the dashboard.
Column Description
In-progress The number of calls, broken down by call type, that are
currently in progress.
Note: Select the hyperlinked value to display the Active
Call List report.
This Hour The number of calls, broken down by call type, that
were processed in the last hour. This values is current as
of the time that is displayed in the ToolTip.
Note: Select the hyperlinked value to display the
Historical Call Browser report.
Column Description
Peak Time The time for which today’s peak calls registered.
Tenant Utilization
The Tenant Utilization section of the Call Dashboard (see Figure 15) displays
current activity for tenants for the current day and time up to and including the
time that is spent viewing the dashboard.
Column Description
Column Description
Peak Time The time for which today’s peak calls registered.
VAR % Successful The percentage of calls that had a successful VAR call
VAR % Failed The percentage of calls that had a failed VAR call
VAR % Unknown The percentage of calls that did not have the VAR call
SQ Latency Dashboard
The SQ Latency Dashboard (see Figure 16) displays service quality latency
data for a set of selected MCP components. The latency data is grouped by
latency category, which contains many latency types. The data is broken down
for comparison by today’s data, this week’s data, and this month’s data. For
more information on SQ Latency data, see Chapter 20, “Service Quality
Reports,” on page 367.
Column Description
Column Description
Fetch Dashboard
The Fetch Performance Dashboard (see Figure 17) displays near-real-time
statistics of the Media Control Platform and Call Control Platform fetching
processes. This dashboard pulls this data from the Reporting Server through
SNMP from the Media Control Platform and the Call Control Platform
Column Description
Avg. Proxy Hit The average HTTP proxy cache hit response time.
Avg. Proxy Reval The average HTTP proxy cache re-validation response
Avg. Server Reval The average HTTP server re-validation response time.
SSG Dashboard
The SSG Dashboard display near-real-time utilization of the Supplementary
Services Gateway (SSG) components. This dashboard pulls this data from the
Reporting Server through SNMP from the SSG components. The SSG
Dashboard has the following panes:
SSG IVR Profile Utilization, page 323
SSG Component Utilization, page 323
SSG Tenant Utilization, page 324
Table 45 lists and describes the SSG IVR Profile Utilization columns.
Column Description
Column Description
Column Description
PSTNC Dashboard
The PSTN Connector (PSTNC) dashboard (see Figure 21) displays
near-real-time utilization data of PSTNC components and the PSTN boards
that they manage. This dashboard pulls this data from the Reporting Server
through SNMP from the PSTN Connector components.
Column Description
TDM Inbound Total The total number of TDM inbound calls received.
TDM Inbound The total number of TDM inbound calls received that are
Active currently active.
TDM Outbound The total number of TDM outbound calls attempted that
Active are currently active.
SIP Inbound Total The total number of SIP inbound calls received.
Column Description
SIP Outbound Total The total number of SIP outbound calls initiated.
SIP Inbound Active The number of SIP inbound calls that are currently active.
SIP Outbound The number of SIP outbound calls that are currently
Active active.
Note: Select the arrow (>) beside the board to view each port. Hover over
each port number to view the individual details of that port.
Right-click a port to reset or disable it.
CTIC Dashboard
The CTI Connector (CTIC) dashboard (see Figure 22) displays near real-time
CTI Connector component and ICM connection statistics, which are polled by
the Reporting Server by using SNMP.
Column Description
Total Failed at GVP The total number of calls failed at the Voice Platform.
Column Description
Total Default Agent The total number of Default Agent responses received.
Connection Time The time at which the connection request from Intelligent
Contact Management (ICM) is accepted by CTI
Tenant The name of the tenant for which CTIC is handling the
calls on this port.
18 Real-Time Reports
This chapter describes the available reports that display real-time data. It
contains the following sections:
Overview, page 329
Active Call Browser, page 329
The real-time reports display statistics of the current call that is in progress.
However, real-time data updates are not instantaneous, because there may be a
slight delay while the Media Control Platform (MCP), the Call Control
Platform (CCP), or Resource Manager (RM) sends data to the Reporting
Call detail records (CDR) and call events are delivered in batches to the
Reporting Server. By default the batch size is 500 CDRs or ten seconds. This
means that a message will be sent either when 500 CDR updates are queued, or
ten seconds has expired, whichever occurs first. You can reconfigure the
system to be more real-time by changing the batch size—for example,
changing it to 1. This means that a CDR update or the call event will be
delivered to the Reporting Server as soon as it is raised by the component.
There are performance implications to changing the batch size. For more
information, see “Configuring the Reporting Server” on page 271.
Generating the Active Call Browser Report with GA
Note: In GAX, see the onscreen help about filtering and configuration.
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instructions:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306).
b. On the Call Info tab, select the appropriate Call Type (on page 308)
and Call State (on page 308).
c. On the IVR Profile tab, specify the IVR Profiles (on page 332) to
include in the report. To modify the list of IVR Profiles, do any of the
i. Too add an IVR Profile, click Add. Select the IVR Profiles from the
ii. To remove an IVR Profile from the list, click Remove.
iii. To remove all IVR Profiles the list. Click Remove All.
d. On the Components tab, select the Component Type (on page 307).To
build a list of Components (on page 307) for which active calls are to be
reported on:
i. To add a component, click Add.
ii. To remove a component, select it and click Remove.
End of procedure
Notes: If you do not select an IVR Profile, all IVR Profile data is displayed. If
you do not select a Component, only RM call detail records will
display. You must select the MCP component to view MCP call detail
Data is returned if no filter is selected.
When the backup Reporting Server switches to primary mode, the
Active Call Browser report will show inaccurate data for a short period
of time.
You can select multiple IVR Profiles and multiple Components.
For more information on the details of completed calls, see “Component Call
Peaks” on page 347.
Table 50 describes the fields for the summary level for the Active Call Browser
Field Description
Start Time The start date and start time of the call.
Call Type The type of the call. Valid call types are the following:
• Inbound
• Outbound
• Bridged
• Unknown
• New Call
• Createccxml
• External
Local URI The SIP address of the component that received the call.
Field Description
Call State The state of the call. Valid call states are the following:
• IVR—The call is being processed by MCP.
• Accepted—The call has been received by RM, but not
landed on the VoiceXML platform or transferred to an
• Transferring—The call is being transferred to an agent.
• Transferred—The call was successfully transferred to
an agent.
Profile Usage The number of calls in progress for the given IVR Profile.
This is recorded when the Resource Managers associates
the call with the IVR Profile. The burst level is indicated
with a color bar. The colors green, yellow, and red
correspond to burst levels 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
Tenant Usage The number of calls in progress for the tenant. The burst
level is indicated with a color bar. The colors green,
yellow, and red correspond to burst levels 1, 2, and 3
The Active Call List Details report breaks down the detail recorded of the
selected call according to component type (see Figure 24).
Table 51 describes the fields for the Active Call Browser Details report.
Fields Description
Fields Description
Start Time The start date and start time of the call.
End Time The end date and end time of the call if the call has
Call Status The state of the call. Valid call states are the following:
• Completed
• Timed Out
• In Progress
Call Type The type of call. Valid call types are the following:
• Inbound
• Outbound
• Bridged
• Unknown
• New Call
• Createccxml
• External
Fields Description
Call State The state of the call. Valid call states are the following:
• IVR—The call is being processed by MCP.
• Accepted—The call has been received by RM, but not
landed on the VoiceXML platform or transferred to an
• Transferring—The call is being transferred to an agent.
• Transferred—The call was successfully transferred to
an agent.
Profile Usage The number of calls in progress for the given IVR Profile.
This is recorded when the Resource Manager associates
the call with the IVR Profile. The burst level is indicated
with a color bar. The colors green, yellow, and red
correspond to burst levels 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
Tenant Usage The number of calls in progress for the tenant. The burst
level is indicated with a color bar. The colors green,
yellow, and red correspond to burst levels 1, 2, and 3
Session Start Origin The source from which the call started.
19 Historical Reports
This chapter describes the available historical reports. It contains the following
Overview, page 337
IVR Profile Call Arrivals, page 338
Component Call Arrivals, page 340
Tenant Call Arrivals, page 342
Media Service Call Arrivals, page 343
IVR Profile Call Peaks, page 344
Component Call Peaks, page 347
Tenant Call Peaks, page 349
Media Service Call Peaks, page 351
MCP VXML Call Arrivals, page 352
MCP VXML Call Peaks, page 352
ASR/TTS Usage, page 353
ASR/TTS Usage Peaks, page 354
Media Services Usage and GVP Ports Peaks, page 355
Historical Call Browser, page 358
The historical reports display call detail records, call arrival and summary
information over a selected period of time, of the specified IVR Profiles,
Components, and Tenants.
The Historical Call Summary and Historical Peaks reports display the data in
both a pictorial graph and a table. The graph provides the following navigation
• To zoom in, drag from left to right on a selected area.
Generating the IVR Profile Call Arrivals Report with GA
Note: In GAX, see the onscreen help about filtering and configuration.
Purpose: To generate the IVR Profile Call Arrivals report using Genesys
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instruction:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306) and the Granularity (on page 306).
b. On the IVR Profile tab, specific the IVR Profiles (on page 307) to
include in the report. To modify the list of IVR Profiles, do any of the
i. Too add an IVR Profile, click Add. Select the IVR Profiles from the
ii. To remove an IVR Profile from the list, click Remove.
iii. To remove all IVR Profiles the list. Click Remove All.
3. Click Generate Report. Continue from Step 8 on page 298.
End of procedure
To view the matching Historical Peaks data, select the Historical Peaks link
from the Related Reports section of the Tasks panel.
Note: You can select up to a maximum of eight IVR Profiles; however, you
cannot access the IVR Profile Peaks report from the Tasks panel.
Table 52 describes the fields for the IVR Profile Call Arrivals report.
Field Description
Period The date and time of the call for the given granularity
period. Click >> to view the End of Period column.
IVR Profile Name The total number of calls for the given IVR Profile.
IVR Profile Name The total number of inbound calls for the given IVR
(Inbound) Profile.
IVR Profile Name The total number of outbound calls for the given IVR
(Outbound) Profile.
IVR Profile Name The total number of unknown calls for the given IVR
(Unknown) Profile.
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instruction:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306) and the Granularity (on page 306).
b. On the Components tab, select the Component Type (on page 307).To
build a list of Components (on page 307) for which active calls are to be
reported on:
i. To add a component, click Add.
ii. To remove a component, select it and click Remove.
iii. To remove all components, select Remove All.
3. Click Generate Report. Continue from Step 8 on page 298.
End of procedure
To view the matching Component Peaks data, select the Historical Peaks link
from the Related Reports section of the Tasks panel.
Table 53 describes the fields for the Component Call Arrivals report.
Field Description
Period The date and time of the call for the given granularity
period. Click >> to view the End of Period column.
Component Name The total number of calls for the given IVR Profile.
Component Name The total number of inbound calls for the given IVR
(Inbound) Profile.
Component Name The total number of outbound calls for the given IVR
(Outbound) Profile.
Component Name The total number of unknown calls for the given IVR
(Unknown) Profile.
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instruction:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306) and the Granularity (on page 306).
b. On the Tenants tab, select the Tenant (on page 307).To build a list of
Tenants (on page 307) for which active calls are to be reported on:
i. To add a tenant, click Add.
ii. To remove a tenant, select it and click Remove.
iii. To remove all tenants, select Remove All.
End of procedure
To view the matching Tenant Peaks data, select the Historical Peaks link
from the Related Reports section of the Tasks panel.
Table 54 describes the fields for the Tenant Call Arrivals report
Field Description
Start of Period The date and time of the call for the given granularity
period. Click >> to view the End of Period column.
Tenant Name The total number of calls for the given Tenant.
Tenant Name The total number of inbound calls for the given Tenant.
Tenant Name The total number of outbound calls for the given Tenant.
Tenant Name The total number of unknown calls for the given Tenant.
For each of the services in Table 55, the GMS provides session arrival (total
sessions) for the RS deployment or for each tenant if in a multi-tenant
environment. The time period for each arrival count can be hour or higher
granularity (see Time Period in “Report Filters” on page 306).
The report generates data for the following types of calls:
Table 55: Media Service Call Arrival Reporting
This report can be generated for specific tenants or for the entire deployment.
• See “Generating a Report with GA” on page 294 for the procedure steps.
• See “GAX Report Generation Table” on page 300 for the specific choices
to make, to generate this report (and others).
Purpose: To generate the IVR Profile Call Peaks report using Genesys
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instruction:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306) and the Granularity (on page 306).
b. On the IVR Profile tab, specific the IVR Profiles (on page 307) to
include in the report. To modify the list of IVR Profiles, do any of the
i. Too add an IVR Profile, click Add. Select the IVR Profiles from the
ii. To remove an IVR Profile from the list, click Remove.
iii. To remove all IVR Profiles the list. Click Remove All.
3. Click Generate Report. Continue from Step 8 on page 298.
End of procedure
To view the matching IVR Profile Call Arrivals data, select the Historical
Arrivals link from the Related Reports section of the Tasks panel.
The Peaks Volume, which is shown on the graph, counts the peak number of
calls that is observed during the specified time range, according to the selected
granularity level.
Table 56 describes the fields for the IVR Profile Call Peaks report.
Field Description
Period The date and time of the call for the given granularity
period. Click >> to view the End of Period column.
Total The total number of calls for the given peak period.
Inbound The total number of inbound calls for the given peak
Outbound The total number of outbound calls for the given peak
Unknown The total number of unknown calls for the given peak
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instruction:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306) and the Granularity (on page 306).
b. On the Components tab, select the Component Type (on page 307).To
build a list of Components (on page 307) for which active calls are to be
reported on:
i. To add a component, click Add.
ii. To remove a component, select it and click Remove.
iii. To remove all components, select Remove All.
3. Click Generate Report. Continue from Step 8 on page 298.
End of procedure
◆ To view the matching Component Call Arrivals data, select the Historical
Arrivals link from the Related Reports section of the Tasks panel.
The Peaks Volume, which is shown on the graph, counts the peak number of
calls that is observed during the specified time range, according to the selected
granularity level.
Table 57 describes the fields for the Component Call Peaks report.
Field Description
Period The date and time of the call for the given granularity
period. Click >> to view the End of Period column.
Inbound The total number of inbound calls for the given peak
Outbound The total number of outbound calls for the given peak
Unknown The total number of unknown calls for the given peak
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instruction:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306) and the Granularity (on page 306).
b. On the Tenant tab, select the Tenant (on page 307).To build a list of
Tenants (on page 307) for which active calls are to be reported on:
i. To add a tenant click Add.
ii. To remove a tenant, select it and click Remove.
iii. To remove all tenants, select Remove All.
3. Click Generate Report. Continue from Step 8 on page 298.
End of procedure
To view the matching Tenant Call Arrivals data, select the Historical
Arrivals link from the Related Reports section of the Tasks panel.
The Peaks Volume, which is shown on the graph, counts the peak number of
calls that is observed during the specified time range, according to the selected
granularity level.
Table 58 describes the fields for the Tenant Call Peaks report.
Field Description
Start of Period The date and time of the call for the given granularity
period. Click >> to view the End of Period column.
Inbound The total number of inbound calls for the given peak
Field Description
Outbound The total number of outbound calls for the given peak
Unknown The total number of unknown calls for the given peak
GMS CPD Peak Daily Use of CPD sessions and peak timestamp. Call
Progress Detection Peaks can be used for outbound
GMS Media Peak Daily Use of Media sessions and peak timestamp.
This is for completeness where the service is not
These peaks are available from Reporting Server, by tenant for reporting in
Genesys Administrator and for Genesys License Reporting Manager (LRM)
access via the Reporting Server web services API.
This report can be generated for specific tenants, or for the entire RS
• See “Generating a Report with GA” on page 294 for the procedure steps.
• See “GAX Report Generation Table” on page 300 for the specific choices
to make, to generate this report (and others).
• See “GAX Report Generation Table” on page 300 for the specific choices
to make, to generate this report (and others).
Note: MCP CDR data is used to calculate the VXML Call Peaks. CDR data
that arrives late may be incorporated into hourly VXML peak
statistics, but a late CDR is not incorporated if it arrives late by more
than the operations counts retention parameter
The ASR/TTS Usage report provides the overall ASR and TTS usage on calls
on a per-component (ASR or TTS Server), IVR Profile, Tenant, and
deployment basis.
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instruction:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306) and the Granularity (on page 306).
b. On the Components tab, select the Component Type (on page 307).To
build a list of Components (on page 307) for which active calls are to be
reported on:
i. To add a component, click Add.
ii. To remove a component, select it and click Remove.
iii. To remove all components, select Remove All.
3. Click Generate Report. Continue from Step 8 on page 298.
End of procedure
Field Description
Start of Period The date and time of the call for the given granularity
period. Click >> to view the End of Period column.
Session The number of ASR or TTS sessions that are used during
a time period for a specific ASR Server or TTS Server,
IVR Profile, or tenant.
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instruction:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306) and the Granularity (on page 306).
b. On the Components tab, select the Component Type (on page 307).To
build a list of Components (on page 307) for which active calls are to be
reported on:
i. To add a component, click Add.
ii. To remove a component, select it and click Remove.
iii. To remove all components, select Remove All.
End of procedure
You can select and modify the list of IVR Profiles and Tenants in the same way
as you did the Components, by clicking on their respective tabs. The Resource
Type drop-down menu is not displayed on the IVR Profiles or Tenants tab.
Table 61 describes the fields for the ASR/TTS Usage Peaks report.
Field Description
Start of Period The date and time of the call for the given granularity
period. Click >> to view the End of Period column.
Genesys (unless you have GVP ports), it will eventually tracked by the
Genesys License Reporting Manager (LRM) product. Hence this statistic may
be used for pay per use (PPU) tracking by Genesys for customer billing
contracts, via the LRM server. This value is also useful for system capacity
planning. LRM tracks this peak value.
Generating the Historical Call Browser Report
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instructions:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306).
b. On the Call Info tab:
i. Enter the DID (on page 307).
ii. Select the appropriate Call Type (on page 307).
iii. Select the Call Disposition (on page 309).
iv. Enter the minimum and maximum Call Lengths (on page 307).
v. Enter the Call End State (on page 309).
vi. Enter the Call Result (on page 309).
vii. Select the appropriate ID (on Page 308), and enter its value.
c. On the IVR Profile tab, specific the IVR Profiles (on page 307) to
include in the report. To modify the list of IVR Profiles, do any of the
i. Too add an IVR Profile, click Add. Select the IVR Profiles from the
ii. To remove an IVR Profile from the list, click Remove.
iii. To remove all IVR Profiles the list. Click Remove All.
d. On the Components tab, select the Component Type (on page 307).To
build a list of Components (on page 307) for which active calls are to be
reported on:
i. To add a component, click Add.
ii. To remove a component, select it and click Remove.
iii. To remove all components, select Remove All.
e. On the Tenants tab, select the Tenant (on page 307).To build a list of
Tenants (on page 307) for which active calls are to be reported on:
i. To add a tenant, click Add.
ii. To remove a tenant, select it and click Remove.
iii. To remove all tenants, select Remove All.
f. On the Other tab, enter the Virtual Reporting Object, the Remote URI,
and/or the Local URI (on page 309).
3. Click Generate Report. Continue from Step 8 on page 298.
End of procedure
Note: You can select multiple IVR Profiles, Components, and Tenants.
Table 62 describes the fields for the Historical Call Browser report.
Field Description
Field Description
Call Type The type of call. Valid call types are the following:
• Inbound
• Outbound
• Bridged
• Unknown
• New Call
• Createccxml
• External
Call Status The state of the call. Valid call states are the following:
• IVR—The call is being processed by MCP.
• Accepted—The call has been received by RM, but not
landed on the VoiceXML platform or transferred to an
• Transferring—The call is being transferred to an agent.
Call Disposition The outcome of the call. Valid call states are the
• Unknown—The outcome was not specified by the
Resource Manager.
• Completed in IVR—The call completed in self service.
• Transferred to Agent
• Abandoned in Queue—The caller hung up while
waiting in the queue.
Note: The Abandoned in Queue disposition is available
only for those call flows that involve IVR Server for CTI.
This column is only visible when the Component type is
Field Description
Queue Wait Time The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the caller waited
in queue. This value is displayed only for those calls with
the Transferred to Agent or Abandoned in Queue
Note: Because calls can be transferred to an agent without
waiting in queue, the Queue Wait Time may display no
values (empty) for the Transferred to Agent disposition.
This column is only visible when the Component type is
Dialed Number The number that was dialed. This column is visible only
when the Component type is RM.
Session Start Origin The source from which the call started.
(CCP only)
End State The end state of the call. Valid states are:
(MCP only) • Application End—The application hung up.
• System Error—The call did not end properly.
• Unknown—The MCP did not log an end state.
• User End—The caller hung up.
End Result The end result of the call, as reported by the application.
(MCP only) Valid results are:
• Success
• Failed
Resource Type The type of resources that were used on the call.
(MCP only)
Field Description
Notes Any other notes that are associated with the call.
(MCP only)
Profile Usage The number of calls that are in progress for the given IVR
Profile. This is recorded when the Resource Manager
associates the call with the IVR Profile. The burst level is
indicated with a color bar. The colors green, yellow, and
red correspond to burst levels 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
Note: This column is only visible when the Component
type is RM.
Tenant Usage The number of calls that are in progress for the tenant. The
burst level is indicated with a color bar. The colors green,
yellow, and red correspond to burst levels 1, 2, and 3
Note: This column is visible only when the Component
type is RM.
Clicking on a GVP GUID link results in displaying the Historical Call Browser
details that breaks down the selected record according to component type. It
displays the call detail records for all components that were involved in
handling the call. There can be multiple call detail records for each component
if there was more than one leg in the call.
Clicking on a Session ID of an MCP call results in displaying the VAR events
associated with the call.
Expanding an MCP call row reveals a table of custom VAR variables
associated with that call.
Generating the Per-Call IVR Actions Report
The Per-Call IVR Actions Report displays Media Control Platform data only.
Start of procedure
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instructions:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306) or a predefined range and the Granularity (on page 306).
3. On the Component tab, select the Media Control Platform for which you
require data.
4. Click Generate Report.
5. In the IVR Action column, click the arrows in the row for which you
require data.
The reporting data is displayed.
End of procedure
The report also provides usage information in the CDR. See Figure 33.
Table 63 describes the fields for the Per-Call IVR Actions Report.
Field Description
Field Description
CODEC If any transcoding was used for this call (any leg).
NATIVECPA If native media server CPD/CPA was used during the call.
MSPLAY If a request for MSML <play> was made during the call.
The Service Quality tool measures system performance, based on service
quality metrics that impact the caller experience, and includes alarm generation
and detailed reporting. The Service Quality reports display statistics of service
quality metrics and time measurement for specific system tasks. Service
Quality data is for Media Control Platform components only.
There are performance implications to changing the batch size. For more
information, see “Configuring the Reporting Server” on page 271.
SQ Call Failures
Failed Calls A single call can either be a success or a failure from the perspective of Service
Quality, and GVP uses this type of failure to calculate SQ % (the percentage of
calls that are successful). Consider this type, a failed call.
Quality Failures Regardless of whether a single call is a failure or a success, multiple non-fatal
failures may occur during that single call. Consider these quality failures. GVP
uses quality failures to track total failures (a number which can exceed the total
number of calls).
• Failure time represents the exact time that a failure occurred.
Generating the SQ Call Failures Report with GA
Note: In GAX, see the onscreen help about filtering and configuration.
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294.
2. For Step 7 in those instructions:
a. On the Time Range tab or in the corresponding start/end fields, select
the appropriate Time Range (on page 306).
b. On the Call Info tab, if required select the appropriate Call Failure
Type (on page 308).
c. On the IVR Profile tab, if required specify the IVR Profiles (on
page 307) to include in the report. To modify the list of IVR Profiles,
do any of the following:
i. Too add an IVR Profile, click Add. Select the IVR Profiles from the
ii. To remove an IVR Profile from the list, click Remove.
iii. To remove all IVR Profiles the list. Click Remove All.
d. On the Components tab, if required select the Component Type (on
page 307).To build a list of Components (on page 307) for which SQ
failures are to be reported on:
i. To add a component, click Add.
ii. To remove a component, select it and click Remove.
Note: You do not need to select Call Failure Type, IVR Profiles, or
Components in order to retrieve data.
End of procedure
Field Description
Start Date The start time of the call that failed to meet a defined
minimum latency standard (service quality).
IVR Profile The IVR Profile of the call that failed to meet a defined
minimum latency standard (service quality).
Order If there is more than one failure for the given call, this is
the chronological order of the failure, starting with the
number 1.
Failure Time The time the call that failed to meet a defined minimum
latency standard (service quality).
Field Description
Failure Type The reason for the call that failed to meet a defined
minimum latency standard (service quality).
SQ Failure Summary
The SQ Failure Summary report (see Figure 35) provides a graphical display
of calls that failed to meet a defined minimum latency standard for sessions that
have ended in each service quality period.
The following procedure describes how to generate the SQ Failure Summary
Generating the SQ Failure Summary Report
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instructions:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306), and granularity
b. On the IVR Profile tab, specify the IVR Profiles (on page 307) to
include in the report. To modify the list of IVR Profiles, do any of the
i. Too add an IVR Profile, click Add. Select the IVR Profiles from the
ii. To remove an IVR Profile from the list, click Remove.
iii. To remove all IVR Profiles the list. Click Remove All.
c. On the Components tab, build a list of Components (on page 307) for
which service quality failures are to be reported on:
i. To add a component, click Add.
ii. To remove a component, select it and click Remove.
iii. To remove all components, select Remove All.
d. On the Tenants tab, build a list of tenants (on page 307) for which
service quality failures are to be reported on:
i. To add a component, click Add.
ii. To remove a component, select it and click Remove.
iii. To remove all components, select Remove All.
3. Click Generate Report. Continue from Step 8 on page 298.
Select the hyperlinked value in any column to view a detailed histogram of
that column.
End of procedure
Field Description
Field Description
In. 1st prompt The total number of calls that failed in the first inbound
prompt threshold.
Out. 1st prompt The total number of calls that failed in the first outbound
prompt threshold.
Inter-prompt The total number of calls that failed in the inter prompt
Init resp The total number of calls that failed at the initial response
Audio gap The total number of calls that failed in the audio gap
Sys. error The total number of calls that failed because of a system
SQ Latency Summary
The SQ Latency Summary report (see Figure 36) displays the number of calls
that fell below a threshold for sessions that have ended in each service quality
period. The latency thresholds are configured in the Media Control Platform
application under the ems section. For more information on these parameters,
see “Service Quality Analysis (SQA)” on page 61.
The following procedure describes how to generate the SQ Latency Summary
Generating the SQ Latency Summary Report
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instructions:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306), and granularity.
b. On the Components tab, select the Component (on page 307).
End of procedure
Field Description
Field Description
Call Control The number of calls that fell below the Call Control
threshold. The Call Control thresholds are:
Prompt The number of calls the fell below the Prompt threshold.
The Prompt thresholds are:
Fetching The number of calls that fell below the Fetching threshold.
The Fetching thresholds are:
Field Description
The number next to the chart is the average latency.
The light blue bar marks the minimum and maximum latency readings.
The dashed line marks the average.
The dark blue area around the average marks the standard deviation (1
standard to each side of the dashed line).
The solid short line marks the nth percentile based on the Reporting
Server latency parameters (if an estimate exists).
Hovering over the chart displays a tooltip that shows the numeric
values depicted in the chart.
The Voice Application Reports display the usability data for applications that
have been divided into logical transactions using the VoiceXML <log> tag.
For more information on Genesys Voice Platform specific log extensions, see
the Genesys Voice Platform 8.x Genesys VoiceXML 2.1 Help file.
Generating the VAR Call Completion Summary Report
with GA
Note: In GAX, see the onscreen help about filtering and configuration.
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instructions:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306) and the Granularity (on page 306).
b. On the IVR Profile tab, select the IVR Profile (on page 307).
c. On the Tenants tab, select the Tenant (on page 307).
3. Click Generate Report. Continue from Step 8 on page 298.
End of procedure
To view the matching VAR IVR Action Usage data, select the VAR IVR Action
Usage link from the Related Reports section of the Tasks panel.
Table 67 describes the fields for the VAR Call Completion Summary report.
Field Description
Call Completion The date and time (in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format)
Time when the call finished.
End State The end state of the call. Valid states are:
• Application End—The application hung up.
• System Error—The call did not end properly.
• Unknown—The MCP did not log an end state.
• User End—The caller hung up.
Field Description
End Result The end result of the call, as reported by the application.
Valid results are:
• Success
• Failed
• Unknown—The call end result is not specified by the
application that is using the VAR <log> interface.
For more information on VoiceXML <log> extensions,
see “VoiceXML <log> Extensions” on page 497.
Total Calls The total number of calls that ended for the time duration
(granularity) that is selected.
Avg. Call Len. (sec) The average length, in seconds, of the call.
Generating the VAR IVR Action Summary Report
Purpose: To generate the VAR IVR Action Summary report using Genesys
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instructions:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306) and the Granularity (on page 306).
b. On the IVR Profile tab, specify the IVR Profiles (on page 307) to
include in the report. To modify the list of IVR Profiles, do any of the
i. Too add an IVR Profile, click Add. Select the IVR Profiles from the
ii. To remove an IVR Profile from the list, click Remove.
iii. To remove all IVR Profiles the list. Click Remove All.
c. On the Tenants tab, select the Tenant (on page 307).To build a list of
Tenants (on page 307) for which active calls are to be reported on:
i. To add a tenant, click Add.
ii. To remove a tenant, select it and click Remove.
iii. To remove all tenants, select Remove All.
3. Click Generate Report. Continue from Step 8 on page 298.
End of procedure
To view the matching Call Completion Summary data, select the VAR Call
Completion link from the Related Reports section of the Tasks panel
Table 68 describes the fields of the VAR IVR Action Summary report.
Field Description
IVR Profile The name of the IVR Profile for which these actions
Usage Count The number of times that the IVR action was used.
Calls The number of calls that used this IVR action at least
% Calls The percentage of total calls that used this IVR action at
least once.
Generating the VAR Last IVR Action Report
Purpose: To generate the VAR Last IVR Action report using Genesys
Start of procedure:
1. Follow the instructions to generate a report (see Procedure: Generating a
Report Using Genesys Administrator, on page 294).
2. For Step 7 in those instructions:
a. On the Time Range tab, select the appropriate Time Range (on
page 306) and the Granularity (on page 306).
b. On the IVR Profile tab, select the IVR Profile (on page 307).
c. On the Tenants tab, select the Tenant (on page 307).
End of procedure
Note: The VAR Last IVR Action report displays MCP data only.
Table 69 describes the fields for the VAR Last IVR Action report.
Field Description
Last Used in Calls The total number of calls for which the given IVR Action
was the last action that was executed.
Field Description
% Unknown The percentage of calls that used the Last IVR Action in
which the call end result was not specified by the
application that is using the VAR <log> interface.
3 Appendixes
This part of the Guide contains miscellaneous reference information in the
following appendixes:
• Appendix A, “Module and Specifier IDs,” on page 387
• Appendix B, “Media Control Platform Reference Information,” on
page 435
• Appendix C, “Tuning Call Progress Detection,” on page 455
• Appendix D, “SIP Response Codes,” on page 465
• Appendix E, “Device Profiles,” on page 475
• Appendix F, “VAR API,” on page 495
• Appendix G, “Video Support,” on page 503
• Appendix H, “Custom Log Sinks,” on page 509
• Appendix I, “SSG HTTP Interface,” on page 515
• Appendix J, “Network Partitioning Configuration Options,” on page 555
• Appendix K, “SIP Customizable Headers and Parameters,” on page 559
Table 70: Media Control Platform Application Module Names and IDs (Continued)
VRMMGR 37 None
Table 70: Media Control Platform Application Module Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71 lists the Media Control Platform specifier names and IDs.
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 71: Media Control Platform Specifier Names and IDs (Continued)
Table 74: Call Control Platform Application Module Names and IDs
Module Module ID
Error Events
Warning Events
Info Events
Error Events
Warning Events
Info Events
Resource Manager
The Module ID for the Resource Manager application is 148.
Table 78 describes the specifiers for the Resource Manager application
CTI Connector
Table 79 lists the CTI Connector Application Module names and IDs.
Module Module ID
CTI Adaptor
Table 80 describes the specifiers for the CTI Adaptor module.
CTI Client
Table 81 describes the specifiers for the CTI Client module.
ID Specifier Name
ID Specifier Name
PSTN Connector
Table 83 lists the PSTN Connector Application Module names and IDs.
Module Module ID
Dialogic Manager
Table 84 describes the specifiers for the Dialogic Manager module.
Gateway Manager
Table 85 describes the specifiers for the Gateway Manager module.
Media Manager
Table 86 describes the specifiers for the Media Manager module.
PSTN Connector
Table 87 describes the specifiers for the PSTN Connector module.
Fetching Module
The Module ID for the Fetching Module Application is 80.
Table 88 describes the specifiers for the Fetching Module application module.
Level: Critical
Level: Error
Level: Warning
Audio-Only Formats—Play
Table 89 lists the supported audio-only file formats for playing prompts.
.vox audio/x-vox Raw audio 8-bit mono G.711 ulaw, G.711 alaw
audio/vox (depends on platform
.au audio/au Audio with .au 8-bit mono G.711 ulaw, G.711 alaw,
audio/x-au header PCM, G.726, G.722 (depends
on file header information)
Note: The sample rate is always 8000 Hz except for AMR-WB and G722 which are 16000 Hz. If Media
Control Platform detects a non-8000 Hz audio file, it issues a warning message, and plays the prompt as
if the sampling rate is 8000 Hz. A configurable Media Control Platform parameter,
mpc.mediamgr.strictsamplingrate, enables you to prevent the playing of non-8000 Hz audio files
(except for AMR-WB).
.nist audio/wav Audio with NIST 8-bit mono G.711 ulaw, G.711 alaw
audio/x-wav header (depends on file header
Note: The sample rate is always 8000 Hz except for AMR-WB and G722 which are 16000 Hz. If Media
Control Platform detects a non-8000 Hz audio file, it issues a warning message, and plays the prompt as
if the sampling rate is 8000 Hz. A configurable Media Control Platform parameter,
mpc.mediamgr.strictsamplingrate, enables you to prevent the playing of non-8000 Hz audio files
(except for AMR-WB).
Video-Only Formats—Play
Table 90 lists the supported video-only file formats for playing prompts.
Note: The .avi recordings produced by GVP are supported with media
players that can play avi files only without index tables. A list of
known supported media players include Super and ffdshow. A list of
known unsupported media players include QuickTime and Nokia
Media Converter Pro.
Audio-Only Formats—Record
Table 92 lists the supported audio-only file formats for recording.
audio/x-vox Raw audio 8-bit mono G.711 ulaw, G.711 alaw .vox
audio/vox (depends on platform
• Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) 8.1 and above support the 8000 Hz and 16000 Hz audio sampling
• Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) 8.1 and above do not support .au and .nist file recording.
• Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) 8.1 and above support the 8000 Hz and 16000 Hz audio sampling
• Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) 8.1 and above do not support .au and .nist file recording.
• Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) 8.1 and above support the 8000 Hz and 16000 Hz audio sampling
• Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) 8.1 and above do not support .au and .nist file recording.
Video-Only Formats—Record
Table 93 lists the supported video-only file formats for recording.
Note: Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) 8.1 and above support the 8000 Hz and 16000 Hz audio sampling
msml.cpd.beeptimeout mpc.cpa.maxsil_before_beep
msml.cpd.postconnectimeout mpc.cpa.preconn_tones_det_mode
msml.cpd.preconnectimeout mpc.cpa.ontime_ringback_match_percent
mpc.cpa.enable_log_param mpc.cpa.ontime_preconn_match_percent
mpc.cpa.enable_log_result mpc.cpa.silencefilltimeout
mpc.cpa.maxpreconntime mpc.cpa.ringback
mpc.cpa.maxpostconntime mpc.cpa.busy
mpc.cpa.maxbeepdettime mpc.cpa.fastbusy
mpc.cpa.detectstatenolimitbuffdur mpc.cpa.sit_nocircuit
mpc.cpa.keptdur_before_statechange mpc.cpa.sit_vacantcircuit
mpc.cpa.priority_normal_machinegreetingdur mpc.cpa.sit_operatorintercept
mpc.cpa.priority_normal_voicepausedur mpc.cpa.sit_reorder
mpc.cpa.priority_normal_maxvoicesigdur mpc.cpa.fax
mpc.cpa.priority_voice_machinegreetingdur mpc.cpa.custom1
mpc.cpa.priority_voice_voicepausedur mpc.cpa.custom2
mpc.cpa.priority_voice_maxvoicesigdur mpc.cpa.custom3
mpc.cpa.priority_machine_machinegreetingdur mpc.cpa.custom4
mpc.cpa.priority_machine_voicepausedur mpc.cpa.tone1(..10).segment1(..3).f1(..2).min
mpc.cpa.priority_machine_maxvoicesigdur mpc.cpa.tone1(..10).segment1(..3).f1(..2).max
mpc.cpa.faxdur mpc.cpa.tone1(..10).segment1(..3).ontime.min
mpc.cpa.voice_range_db mpc.cpa.tone1(..10).segment1(..3).ontime.max
mpc.cpa.voice_level_db mpc.cpa.tone1(..10).segment1(..3).offtime.min
mpc.cpa.maxrings mpc.cpa.tone1(..10).segment1(..3).offtime.max
SIP Headers
Table 96 lists the SIP headers that the Media Control Platform recognizes and
uses. You can use values from many of these headers to send and receive data
to and from the VoiceXML or CCXML application in SIP INFO messages.
Do not use the header names in Table 96 for any custom headers, or they will
be ignored.
Accept RFC 3261 (20.1) When responding to a SIP OPTIONS request, lists all
the content types accepted by the component.
Allow RFC 3261 (20.5) When responding to a SIP OPTIONS request, lists all
the methods supported by the component.
Contact RFC 3261 (20.10) Forms the remote request URI in a dialog.
From RFC 3261 (20.20) Contains the calling party information (ANI). Maps
to the VoiceXML session variable
History-Info RFC 4244 The list of header values that are exposed at the
application layer as the redirection variable. Maps to
the VoiceXML session variable
• Original Called Number (OCN) is treated as the
first entry in the History-Info header.
• Redirection Reason is treated as a list of all
reasons in the History-Info header values.
P-Asserted- RFC 3325 Provides the calling party information (ANI) if the
Identity From header is anonymous.
If this header exists, its value overrides the From
header as the ANI.
Reason RFC 3326 If the Reason header is in the BYE message, the reason
text will be available as a read-only variable in the
Record-Route RFC 3261 (20.30, 16.12.1) Specifies the routeset when sending requests within
the dialog.
Refer-To RFC 3515 (2.1) Sets the destination of the transfer request.
Replaces RFC 3891 Sets the dialog to replace for whisper transfer.
Route RFC 3261 (20.34) Sets the next hop address when sending a request.
You can set the value with the application or by
If the INVITE request contains Record-Route headers,
Record-Route values override the configured ruttiest
for all requests within the dialog.
RSeq RFC 3262 (7.1) Sent by the User Agent Server (UAS) on a reliable
Rack RFC 3262 (7.2) Sent by the User Agent Client (UAC) to
acknowledge (ACK) a reliable response.
Session-Expires RFC 4028 (4) Sets the session expiry time and the refresher role.
To RFC 3261 (20.39) Contains the called party information (DNIS). Maps
to the VoiceXML session variable
Unsupported RFC 3261 (20.40) Contains the list of option tags not supported by the
User Agent (UA) when rejecting a call.
X-Genesys-RM- The DBID of the IVR Profile (in other words, the
Application-dbid VoiceXML or CCXML application).
410 Gone
484 Address
407 Proxy
600 Busy
603 Decline
501 Not
606 Not
No response
VAR Metrics
Table 98 summarizes the metrics that the Media Control Platform generates
when the Next Generation Interpreter (NGI) executes a VAR-specific <log>
tag. The metrics include the PCDATA specified in the <log> element.
Table 98 includes information about the valid syntax and values for the
VAR-specific <log> tag. If the format of the PCDATA for the element does not
conform to the valid syntax, the VAR metric will not be logged.
For more information about using the VAR <log> tag labels (or extensions) in
VoiceXML applications, see the Genesys Voice Platform 8.x Genesys
VoiceXML 2.1 Reference Help.
Formatting Note
Contrary to type conventions in the remainder of this guide, italic text in the
<log> tag syntax indicates placeholders for user-specified values. The angle
brackets are a required part of the VoiceXML syntax.
Tone Definition
Tones are either predefined, or custom defined in the platform configuration.
Each tone definition includes up to three segments, in which each segment can
contain one or two audio frequency bands that must be present for detection to
occur. The duration of each segment and the pause between segments can also
be configured as part of the tone definition.
For example, the parameters in Table 99 are required to define the SIT No
Circuit tri-tone:
By assigning these values and ranges to the segments of the tone definition,
you are enabling the detection of the SIT No Circuit tri-tone during CPD.
The accuracy of frequency detection is +/- 10 Hz for a signal level that is equal
to the nominal level for the North American Numbering Plan. (See Supplement
2 to ITU.T Recommendation E.180.)
The detection result is included in the MSML fragment that is executing on the
Media Control Platform and is passed to the application in a SIP INFO
Pattern Types
CPD behavior is controlled by a list of pattern types. Each pattern type (see
“Supported North American SIT Tones” on page 456) has an associated
configuration option, in which a list of one or more tone definitions (that are
mapped to the pattern type) is configured. If the configuration option for a
pattern type is not set, detection of that pattern type is disabled.
The list of available tone definition names consists of a set of built-in standard
tones and a number of configurable tones. The built-in tones currently include
North American definitions for ringback, busy, fast busy, fax, and SIT. These
tone definitions are named na_ringback, na_busy, na_sit, and standard_fax.
In the following list, <m> is the custom tone identifier (1 through 10), <n> is the
segment identifier within the tone (1 through 3), the frequencies are identified
as f1 and f2, and the min and max configuration options define a range:
• mpc.cpa.tone<m>.segment<n>.f1min
• mpc.cpa.tone<m>.segment<n>.f1max
• mpc.cpa.tone<m>.segment<n>.f2min
• mpc.cpa.tone<m>.segment<n>.f2max
• mpc.cpa.tone<m>.segment<n>.ontimemin
• mpc.cpa.tone<m>.segment<n>.ontimemax
• mpc.cpa.tone<m>.segment<n>.offtimemin
• mpc.cpa.tone<m>.segment<n>.offtimemax
When f2 values are specified, a second frequency for the segment is implicitly
enabled. When segment2 values are specified, a second segment is implicitly
enabled, and when segment3 values are specified, a third segment is enabled.
These configuration options match the data in the tone definition examples in
Table 99 on page 456.
Monitoring When the Media Control Platform monitors ringbacks to detect the connection,
Ringbacks the mpc.cpa.maxrings configuration option is used to define an upper limit for
the number of ringbacks. If the number of ringbacks exceeds the value of this
option, a timeout result is returned, and it is assumed that the call was not
answered. The timeout feature is disabled when this option is configured with
a value of 0.
Time Limits The Media Control Platform supports the configuration of time limits for CPA
detection. A timeout result is returned if the timeout interval expires. Three
timeout intervals are supported:
1. Timeout interval for the call to advance from the preconnect to the
connected state (mpc.cpa.maxpreconntime).
2. Timeout interval for the call fax, human or answering machine detection
occurring after the start of the connected state (mpc.cpa.maxpostconntime).
3. Timeout interval for answering machine beep after answering machine
result-type detection (mpc.cpa.maxbeepdettime).
If any of these options are configured with a value of 0, the timeout is
You can provision CPD in one of two ways:
• Configuring the Media Control Platform—The values that are set in the
[mpc].cpa configuration options enable CPD detection for all calls that
land on this particular Media Control Platform.
• Configuring the IVR Profiles—The values that are specified in the IVR
Profile service parameters enable IVR application-level CPD tuning and
override the Media Control Platform system-wide configuration options.
Calls that use these particular IVR Profiles will have customized
CPD-related configurations.
For example, an option is configured in Configuration Manager as follows:
However, the IVR Profile’s gvp.service-parameters section has the
name/value pair configured as follows:
Name: voicexml.gvp.config.mpc.cpa.voice_range_db
Value: fixed, 20
Value: fixed, 20
This configuration will then apply to human voice detection in all MSML
services that are included in the CPD request.
For a complete list of CPA options that can be overwritten, see Table 95, “CPA
Options That Can Be Overwritten,” on page 444.
This section contains useful information that can be used to tune CPD
CPD performance is controlled by tone patterns and tone definitions. To
diagnose CPD issues:
1. Carefully examine the configuration to ensure that the tone patterns
include appropriate tone definitions that are accurately configured for your
locale and telephony network.
2. If the configuration is correct, collect CPD recordings and results, and
analyze them to determine if there are any systemic issues. For example, is
the CPD audio in the recorded files valid?
3. Ensure that the audio cut-through is taking place prior to connect. If not, it
is likely that the only available CPD results are being delivered by the SIP
network itself. For example, if a media gateway is being used to connect to
the TDM network, and audio cut-through does not occur, the only available
results are from the gateway itself.
You can enable or disable CPD-related information logging by using the
following two configuration options:
• [mpc].cpa.enable_log_param (Value: true or false)
• [mpc].cpa.enable_log_result (Value: true or false)
When the [mpc].cpa.enable_log_param is set to true, the Media Control
Platform logs all of the configuration option values that are used for CPD
detection, whenever CPD detection is initiated by an MSML request, or in a
VoiceXML application.
Metrics Log The log is in metrics log format, which includes the Global Call ID, timestamp,
Format and configuration information. See the following example of the metrics log
Tone Setting In addition, the MCP logs the tone-setting information in the metrics log
Information format. See the following example of the tone setting information:
When the [mpc].cpa.enable_log_result option value is set to true, the Media
Control Platform logs all of the CPA results that are reported by the Media
Control Platform. The CPA result log is in the metrics log format, which
includes the Global Call ID, timestamp, and CPA result. See the following
example of a CPA result:
cpa_result Answering machine detected
answering machine or service often plays a beep tone to prompt the caller to
leave a message, which is then recorded. As a result, a number of parameters
and internal heuristics control assessment of the postconnect media, and drive
a categorization of the entity that is answering the call.
The Media Control Platform enables the configuration of three categories to
control AMD behavior:
• Human pause time
• Maximum human voice time
• Answering machine greeting time
Profile Types In addition, the Media Control Platform supports three AMD profiles, which
provide different weightings, based on the expected demographic that is
receiving the calls. For example, when detection is ambiguous:
• Normal profile—Does not favor either human or answering machine
• Answering machine profile—Favors answering machine detection.
• Human profile—Favors human detection.
These profiles, each defining separate values, can be selected on a per-call
basis by using MSML.
Use the following options to configure the profile types:
• mpc.cpa.priority_normal_machinegreetingdur
• mpc.cpa.priority_normal_voicepausedur
• mpc.cpa.priority_normal_maxvoicesigdur
• mpc.cpa.priority_voice_machinegreetingdur
• mpc.cpa.priority_voice_voicepausedur
• mpc.cpa.priority_voice_maxvoicesigdur
• mpc.cpa.priority_machine_machinegreetingdur
• mpc.cpa.priority_machine_voicepausedur
• mpc.cpa.priority_machine_maxvoicesigdur
Signal-to-Noise The Media Control Platform supports two configuration options related to the
Ratio signal-to-noise ratio, and the level of speech that is detected in the input signal.
• mpc.cpa.voice_range_db—Specifies the minimum dynamic range (ratio of
maximum-to-minimum energy level) for which each section of the
received media is considered to contain an active signal (in decibels).
• mpc.cpa.voice_level_db—Specifies the active voice signal level (in
decibels) relative to the maximum.
Use the following configuration options to tune AMD:
• voice_range_db—The signal-to-noise ratio, which indicates voice traffic.
• machinegreetingdur—The duration of time after connection, which
indicates a machine greeting. If the voice signal is longer than this
duration, the input is likely to be considered an answering machine. If the
voice signal is shorter than this, and longer than maxvoicesignal duration,
the result is weighted, based on the profile that is in use.
• maxvoicesigdur—The duration of time after connection, which indicates a
voice signal. If the voice signal is shorter than this duration, the input is
likely to be considered human. If the voice signal is longer than this, and
shorter than machinegreetingdur duration, the result is weighted, based on
the profile that is in use.
• voicepausedur—The amount of silence that indicates the end of AMD.
Beep Detection
The Media Control Platform supports optional answering machine beep
detection. The request for beep detection is passed as part of the MSML
fragment within the request for CPD/AMD. Beep detection takes place as part
of AMD and enables identification of the beep tone that usually follows an
answering machine greeting. This phase of detection, which is indicated by a
period of silence, then a beep, followed by another period of silence, has the
following characteristics:
• A transition from low energy to a period of strong energy in the signal.
• Detection of a beep that has one or two strong frequencies present in the
• The presence of this signal for a minimum amount of time followed by a
minimum period of silence.
Note: This feature detects any single or dual frequency response in the
The mpc.cpa.maxbeepdettime configuration option controls how long the
Media Control Platform waits for a beep detection result after an answering
machine has been identified. When this option value is set to 0, the timeout
feature is disabled.
The mpc.cpa.maxsil_before_beep configuration option controls the maximum
amount of silence allowable before a beep. If this value is exceeded, beep
detection is abandoned and a silence timeout result is returned.
The minimum on time, and the minimum off time are currently not
The following configuration option is the only one that impacts beep detection:
maxsil_before_beep—The maximum amount of silence allowable prior to the
detection of a beep.
If you observe: Then adjust:
Delays before connection to the Increase or decrease the beep detection
application, or beeps not being detected timeout.
because the application has already
183 Session MCP The non-default intermediate sip.sendalert (see page 181)
Progress response, which includes SDP
183 Session CCP Intermediate response sent for If the media bridge requires
Progress incoming calls when a media changes, they are implemented
(continued) bridge has been configured through subsequent SDP
between this bridge and any other updates in re-INVITE, 200 OK,
endpoint. The response includes and 183 messages.
the appropriate SDP content. Note: When a BYE is received
on a SIP dialog that is
associated with an endpoint
while a transition involving
that endpoint is being executed,
any new bridge involving the
endpoint will fail. The
join event is thrown, with an
empty Reason property.
3xx [Various] MCP The MCP, acting as a User Agent See Warning header
Server (UAS), failed to negotiate information in Table 96 on
a media session or the NETANN page 445.
request was malformed.
302 Moved CCP The platform is redirecting a call To customize the SIP response
Temporarily in the ALERTING state (<redirect> code for specific situations, use
tag). the <hints> attribute of the
If the CCXML application <redirect> tag—the
specifies a <reason> attribute, the responseCode property of the
reason is included in the text hints object specifies the
portion of the Reason header. response code that is to be
BYE message CCP Bridge failure resulting from the The Reason header value is set
failure of endpoints to negotiate to Application Disconnect.
SDP might cause the CCP to
send SIP BYE messages to the
components involved.
E Device Profiles
This appendix provides details for configuring device profile and summarizes
the settings for the default device profiles that are provisioned for the Call
Control Platform and CTI Connector. It contains the following sections:
Device Profile Usage, page 475
Configuring Device Profiles, page 484
Default Device Profiles, page 491
Sending SDP
This section describes the Call Control Platform and the CTI Connector
behavior based on device profile configuration when constructing the SDP.
This SDP offer contains a connection line with as the IP address.
Example 2 Figure 41 shows an SDP offer that is generated in a 183 response or a 200OK
response with the following settings:
• unjoined-initial-answer-pref equals none or connectionless-sdp
• connectionless-sdp-type set to non-routable
This SDP offer contains a connection line with as the IP address.
Example 3 Figure 42 shows an SDP offer that is generated in a 183 response or a 200OK
response with the following settings:
• offer-answer-support equals true
• connectionless-sdp-type equals none
• nomedia-sdp-support equals true
• unjoined-initial-answer-pref equals nomedia-sdp
• offer-answer-support equals true
• nomedia-sdp-support equals true
Example 2 Figure 45 shows that an SDP answer is generated in a 183 response or a 200OK
response with the following settings:
• offer-answer-support equals true
• unjoined-initial-answer-pref equals reject-media
• unjoined-initial-answer-pref equals none
• offer-answer-support equals true
• connectionless-sdp-type equals none
183/200OK (SDP)
This SDP response has all media lines in the offer with ports set to 0.
Example 3 Figure 46 shows that an SDP answer is generated in a 183 response or a 200OK
response with the following settings.
• offer-answer-support equals false
• unjoined-initial-answer-pref equals reject-media
• nomedia-SDP-support equals true
• offer-answer-support equals false
• unjoined-initial-answer-pref equals nomedia-SDP
• nomedia-SDP-support equals true
• offer-answer-support equals false
• unjoined-initial-answer-pref equals none
• connectionless-sdp-type equals none
183/200OK (SDP)
200OK (SDP)
Example 2 Figure 49 shows an SDP offer that is generated in INVITE with the following
• connectionless-sdp-type equals non-routable
• offer-less-invite-support equals false
• unjoined-initial-offer-pref equals none
• connectionless-sdp-type equals non-routable
• unjoined-initial-offer-pref equals connectionless-SDP
This SDP offer contains a connection line with as the IP address.
Example 3 The platform cannot generate an outbound INVITE based on the device profile
with the following settings:
• offer-less-invite-support equals false
• connectionless-sdp-type equals none
Example 4 Creating a dialog to Media Server is an exceptional case. The platform will
always set the ports in each media line to 0. This puts the call on hold if the
device supports offer and answer.
Receiving SDP
CCP and CTI Connector perform the following verifications when receiving
an SDP offer:
1. If the offer-answer-support parameter equals true, the number of media
lines in the offer can not be less than previously negotiated, or the call will
be terminated.
2. If the offer-answer-support equals false, and the new SDP contains more
media lines than previously received, the new media lines are ignored.
They will not be passed to any other calls that are joined.
CCP and CTI Connector perform the following verification when receiving an
SDP answer:
If the offer-answer-support equals true, the number of media lines in the
SDP answer must be the same as the offer sent, or the call will be
Device Classes
Table 101 describes the properties that define the device classes
of the device profiles.
The unjoined-initial-offer-pref parameter controls the behavior when
generating the initial INVITE for an outbound call if the call is not explicitly
joined to any other calls.
If this parameter is set to none or does not exist in the device profile, the
following methods are used in the order given if enabled in the device profile:
1. offer-less-invite-support
2. connectionless-sdp
If neither method is enabled, the call will fail.
unjoined-initial-answer-pref Configuration
The unjoined-initial-answer-pref parameter controls the behavior when
generating the initial SIP response for an inbound call if the call is not already
joined to another call.
This parameter also applies to an outbound call if the offer-less INVITE
method is used to generate the INVITE. In this case, the received response will
contain an offer, and the unjoined-initial-answer-pref parameter controls
how the SDP answer is generated in the ACK message.
If this parameter is set to none or does not exist in the device profile, the
following methods are used in the order given for answering an SDP offer:
1. connectionless-sdp-type
2. reject-media (if offer-answer-support equals true)
3. nomedia-sdp-support (if offer-answer-support equals false)
4. Call Rejected with 488
If the unjoined-initial-answer-pref parameter is set to none or does not exist
in the device profile, the following methods are used in the order given for
generating an SDP offer:
1. connectionless-sdp-type
2. nomedia-sdp-support
3. Call Rejected with 488
If multiple methods are supported by the device, the
unjoined-initial-answer-pref specifies the method to use.
During software initialization, this parameter has the following verifications,
and if it detects an error, the value of unjoined-initial-answer-pref will
default to none
• unjoined-initial-answer-pref equals connectionless-sdp
Required—connectionless-SDP-type does not equal none
Otherwise—unjoined-initial-answer-pref equals none
• unjoined-initial-answer-pref equals reject-media
Required—offer-answer-support equals true
Otherwise—unjoined-initial-answer-pref equals none
• unjoined-initial-answer-pref equals nomedia-sdp
Required—nomedia-sdp-support equals true and offer-answer-support
equals false
Otherwise—unjoined-initial-answer-pref equals none
Tip: To verify which device profile was used for a failed call, use the log
files at debug level: Search for SelectProfile, and match the incoming
INVITE to the device profile selection. Then review the parameter values
for that profile to identify the parameters you need to change.
Provisioning Device Profiles
• The Call Control Platform or the CTI Connector has been installed in a
directory for which you have write access permissions.
• You have identified the required attributes for the device profile(s) you
want to create or modify.
Start of procedure
1. Back up the existing provision files, in case you later want to restore the
original settings.
2. Open the <Call Control Platform Installation Directory>\config\
ccpccxml_provision.dat or the <CTI Connector Installation
CTIC_Provision.dat file in a text editor.
3. Add or modify device profile entries as required for your deployment.
The format for each device profile entry is the following:
<entry id="<Entry ID>" type="401" name="CCXML Device Profile">
<Profile Name>
<Device Profile Class Name>
<# of properties>
<Property Name 1> <Property Value 1>
<Property Name m> <Property Value m>
<SIP Header Name> <Regex>
Note: The angle brackets in the first and last lines of each device profile
entry are required characters in the syntax.
End of procedure
Entry ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Precedence 1 0 0 0 0 2 3
Number of properties 12 10 10 10 10 12 10
Entry ID 8 9 10 11 12 13 15
Precedence 4 5 6 7 8 9 15
Number of properties 12 10 12 10 12 12 12
This appendix describes the Voice Application Reporter (VAR) application
programming interface (API). It contains the following sections:
Overview, page 495
VAR Records, page 495
VoiceXML <log> Extensions, page 497
In GVP 8.5, Voice Application Reporter is provided by the GVP Reporting
Server. The Reporting Server provides access to a web service (VAR Reporting
Service) that generates VAR reports. VAR statistics are computed by the
Reporting Server based on the series of events the Media Control Platform
produces while it is executing VoiceXML applications. The platform generates
some of these events when it encounters VAR-specific <log> tag extensions.
VAR Records
The following section describes the information that is contained in the three
main types of VAR records that are stored by the Reporting Server.
The platform provides an extension to the <log> tag, using
label=com.genesyslab.var.CallResult. This allows application developers to
specify a result for a call using the following format:
<log label="com.genesyslab.var.CallResult">result[|reason]</log>
The following code snippet is an example that uses the
com.genesyslab.var.CallResult element.
<submit next="/servlet/weather" namelist="city state"/>
The value of the result must either SUCCESS, FAILED or UNKNOWN (default). The
result is not case-sensitive, and preceding or trailing spaces are ignored. If the
VoiceXML application specifies a call result other than those that are
mentioned, or if no call result is specified, the call result is set to UNKNOWN. A
CallResult <log> tag can be used more than once in an application, but only the
one that is processed last will be recorded by the Reporting Server.
The maximum length of the reason is 256 bytes, and any text beyond the limit
will be truncated.
com.genesyslab.var.ActionStart and
An IVR Action can be used to define key transaction points within a
VoiceXML application, and associate those transactions with a given action
ID. An Action starts when a <log> tag is executed with the label attribute set to
com.genesyslab.var.ActionStart. The Action ends when a <log> tag is
executed with the label attribute set to com.genesyslab.var.ActionEnd.
The following code snippet shows the syntax to start an IVR Action:
Application developers must be aware of the following:
• The actionID is the ID of the action that is being started. If this action is
nested inside of an active action, the ID of the parent action (PID) must also
be included.
• The actionID and PID can be any valid UTF8 string that does not contain
spaces or pipes, and it is restricted to a maximum of 64 bytes.
• Spaces are ignored.
The following code snippet shows the syntax to end an IVR Action:
Application developers must be aware of the following:
• The actionID is the ID of the action that is being started.
• The ID can be any valid UTF8 string that does not contain spaces or pipes,
and it is restricted to a maximum of 64 bytes.
• Spaces are ignored.
• The result must be either SUCCESS, FAILED or UNKNOWN (default). The result is
not case sensitive, and proceeding and trailing spaces are ignored.
• The reason is optional. The maximum length of the reason is 256 bytes,
and any text beyond that limit is truncated.
Note: The Reporting Server will implicitly end actions in certain cases (see
“Implicit End” on page 500.
<log label="com.genesyslab.var.CustomVar">state|<value
<log label="com.genesyslab.var.CustomVar">city|<value
<submit next="/servlet/weather" namelist="city state"/>
<catch event=".">
In some cases an ActionEnd and ActionStart labels are ignored by the
Reporting Server if:
• The specified parentID is not the ID of an active Action (an Action that has
started, but that has not yet ended).
• Its actionID is not the ID of an active IVR Action.
• Its result is not one of SUCCESS, FAILED, or UNKNOWN.
Implicit End
An IVR Action starts when a <log> tag with an ActionStart label is executed.
However, if an IVR Action is currently active, starting a new Action will
automatically cause the previously active Action to end (implicit end), unless
the new Action designates the previously active Action as its parent.
Ending an IVR Action will cause the Reporting Server to end all of its child
Actions implicitly. In addition, when a call ends, all active IVR Actions will be
ended implicitly.
<log label="com.genesyslab.var.ActionStart">action_1</log>
<log label="com.genesyslab.var.ActionStart">action_2|
<log label="com.genesyslab.var.ActionStart">action_3|
In the following code snippet, action_1 will be designated the last IVR Action
because the application exits after this Action ends.
Testing Last IVR Action
<log label="com.genesyslab.var.ActionStart">action_1</log>
<log label="com.genesyslab.var.ActionStart">action_2|
<log label="com.genesyslab.var.ActionStart">action_3|
The platform provides an extension to the <log> tag that allows application
developers to associate free-form notes with an IVR Action.
The following code snippet shows the syntax for action notes:
<log label="com.genesyslab.var.ActionNotes">actionID|notes</log>
Application developers must be aware of the following:
• The actionID is the ID of the action.
• The ID can be any valid UTF8 string that does not contain spaces or pipes,
and it is restricted to a maximum of 64 bytes.
• Spaces are ignored.
• Notes are limited to 4096 bytes, and cannot be empty. Any content beyond
the limit is truncated.
IVR Action Notes can be logged during or after the specified action is ended.
The platform provides an extension to the <log> tag that allows application
developers to associate free-form notes with a call. Call notes are limited to
4096 bytes, and cannot be empty. Any content beyond the limit will be
the following code snippet shows the syntax for call notes:
<log label="com.genesyslab.var.CallNotes"> notes</log>
The platform provides an extension to the <log> tag that allows application
developers to associate custom name/value pairs with a call.
The following code snippet shows the syntax for custom variables:
<log label="com.genesyslab.var.CustomVar">name|value</log>
Application developers must be aware of the following:
• The name is any valid UTF8 string that does not contain spaces or pipes,
and it is restricted to a maximum of 64 bytes. Spaces are ignored.
• The value is any valid UTF8 string, to a maximum of 256 bytes. Spaces are
• If it is not formatted properly, the custom variable data is logged as a
simple message, and will not impact VAR statistics.
Custom variables can be specified at any point in a VoiceXML application.
You can have a maximum of eight configured custom variables for any given
call by setting the [ems]dc.default.max.custom_vars parameter in the Media
Control Platform Application object in Genesys Administrator. Any custom
variables that are specified beyond the maximum are discarded by the system.
G Video Support
This appendix describes the Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) supported video
It contains the following section:
Overview, page 503
Supported Protocols and Specifications, page 503
Video Features, page 504
GVP includes support for the following video applications:
• Video voicemail
• Video conferencing and conferencing management
• Entertainment applications
Because video support is not defined as part of VoiceXML 2.1, the VoiceXML
tags, <audio> and <record>, are enhanced to allow development of video play
and video record applications—for example, video voicemail.
• audio_codec for AVI can be ulaw (g.711 mulaw), alaw (g.711 alaw), g729[b]/g729a[b], AMR-NB,
AMR-WB, adpcm, pcm 16 (singed linear PCM 16 bit, or pcm (unsigned linear PCM 8 bit)
• audio_codecs for 3GP can be amr (AMR-NB or AMR-WB)
• video_codec for AVI can be h263 (h.263) or h263-1998 (h.263+) or VP8
• video_codec for 3GP can be h263 (h.263) or h263-1998 (h.263+) or h264
Video Features
GVP supports many features for video recording and playback.
VoiceXML Features
GVP video supports the following VoiceXML features:
• Video file playback (including embedded audio)
• Video file record (including embedded audio)
• Video text overlay
• DTMF recognition
• Speech recognition
• Speech and DTMF barge-in
• Prompt queuing
• Caching
Video Playback
The following snippet of code provides an example of video playback:
<?xml version=“1.0”?>
<vxml version=“2.0” xmlns=“http://www.w3.org/2001/vxml”>
<meta name=“application” content=“Video Playback
<form id=“Welcome”>
<block name=“Hello”>
<audio src=“builtin:prompts/sting.vox”/>
Which trailer would you like to watch, Science Fiction or
<field name=“movie”>
<option> Science Fiction </option>
<option> Drama </option>
<if cond=“movie==‘Science Fiction’”>
Here’s the trailer for Science Fiction
<audio src=“harrypotter.avi”/>
<elseif cond=“movie=‘Drama’”/>
Here’s the trailer for Drama
<audio src=“jurassic.avi”/>
Video Recording
The following snippet of code provides an example of video recording:
<?xml version=“1.0”?>
<vxml version=“2.0” xmlns=“http://www.w3.org/2001/vxml”>
<meta name=“application” content=“Video Recording
<property name=“caching” value=“safe”/>
<property name=“bargein” value=“false”/>
<property name=“confidencelevel” value=“0.45”/>
<property name=“loglevel” value=“4”/>
<record name=“video_message” beep=“true” maxtime=“30s”
finalsilence=“5s” dtmfterm=“true”
<prompt> please re cord your message </prompt>
Here is your video message <value expr=“video_message”/>
<block name="setupTxt">
<var name="videotxt" expr="new Array(1)"/>
<assign name="videotxt[0]" expr="new Object()"/>
<assign name="videotxt[0].xoffset" expr="0"/>
<assign name="videotxt[0].yoffset" expr="0"/>
<assign name="videotxt[0].text" expr="'My text on Video.'"/>
<assign name="videotxt[0].fontsize" expr="60"/>
<assign name="videotxt[0].fontwidth" expr="0"/>
<assign name="videotxt[0].fontname" expr="'Courier New'"/>
<assign name="videotxt[0].fontstyle" expr="'Regular'"/>
<!-- Yellow color with black background -->
<assign name="videotxt[0].fontcolor" expr="'ffff00'"/>
<assign name="videotxt[0].bgcolor" expr="'000000'"/>
<audio src="audiofile/superman-12s.avi" gvp:videotextexpr="videotxt"/>
For more information about the video text overlay feature, see the description
of the videotextexpr attribute of the VoiceXML <audio> element in the
Genesys Voice Platform 8.x VoiceXML Help.
Advanced Features
GVP has many advanced features that work well with video. For more
information, see the “Tutorials” in the Genesys Voice Platform 8.x Genesys
VoiceXML Reference Help file.
VCR Controls
GVP allows the caller to navigate within an audio or video stream using
DTMF keys. Functions include pause, resume, skip forward, skip backward, as
well as other features.
Note: When VCR control is used with video, the video will not be updated
(and appear out-of-sync) until an I-frame is played from the Media
Control Platform.
Advanced Barge-in
GVP allows intelligent prompt playback, and confirmation of what prompts
the caller has heard with the reporting of barge-ins offsets based on time and
marks set in the prompt stream.
Video conferencing can be managed by the CCXML and the Media platforms
in the following ways:
• Full, or half-duplex conference connections (including listen only, send
only, or full bidirectional video and audio).
• Video switching.
• Video pre-select.
• Video based on active (loudest) speaker
• Video mixing (tiled conferencing)
The </join> attributes are added for specifying video conferencing behavior:
loudest is the video from the active participant.
fixed is a pre-selected video channel.
none disables video conferencing.
Video mixing is enabled by setting the [conference] video_output_type
configuration option value to mixed. The layout that is used can be controlled
by using the [conference] video_mixer_layouts configuration option.
The GVP logging infrastructure enables you to develop custom log sinks to
filter and process GVP logs according to your specific requirements. A custom
log sink can receive all log types and call metrics.
On Windows, a custom sink must be a DLL (Dynamically Linked Library); on
Linux, it must be a shared object. The instructions provided in this appendix
focus on writing a log sink for C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (C++
2005) for Windows.
class IEMSLogSink
IEMSLogSink() {m_bInitialized = false;}
virtual ~IEMSLogSink() {};
* @return The version of the Log Sink.
virtual const char * GetVersion() const = 0;
* Initializes the Log Sink.
* @param[in] pszName The name assigned to this sink.
* @param[in] llNetworkID The network ID of the current process.
* @param[in] pConfigService - For internal GVP use.
* @param[in] pIEMSLog:: - For internal GVP use.
* @return TRUE (success), FALSE (error).
virtual bool Initialize(const char* pszName, long long
void* pConfigService, void* pEMSLogInterface) = 0;
* Uninitialize the Log Sink.
virtual bool Uninitialize() = 0;
* This function can be used to process log messages (or metrics).
* @param[in] uLogLevel The log level (LOG_0 - LOG_5 or METRICS).
* @param[in] uLogID The log ID, including module bits and
specifier bits, or the METRICS ID.
* @param[in] strCallID The caller ID string.
* @param[in] timeValue The current time value.
* @param[in] llOriginalSenderID The network ID of the calling
* @param[in] strData The log message.
* @param[in] uThreadID The thread ID.
* For Future use, NOT CURRENTLY USED
virtual bool ExecuteSinkCommand(const char* pszCommand,
list<string> & listCommandParameters, string & strResult) = 0;
* For Future use, NOT CURRENTLY USED
virtual bool GetSupportedCommands(list<string> & commandList,
list<string> & descriptionList) = 0;
* For Future use, NOT CURRENTLY USED
virtual bool GetSinkHealthData(std::map<std::string, void*> &
healthData, const char* pszAttribute = NULL) = 0;
bool m_bInitialized;
When coding the custom sink, you need to write a new class to inherit from
gvp::IEMSLogSink. The GetSink() function must be written so that it returns an
instance of this new class. The implementation specifics of the
gvp::IEMSLogSink functions in the new class depend on your specific
Note: You must use the Uninitialize() method to properly shut down your
custom logging sink.
For more information on the [ems] log sink parameters, see Configuring
Reporting, page 59.
LogToSink() Method
The LogToSink() method is called every time a log is sent to the custom sink
through GVP Logging.
Table 105 lists and describes the LogToSink() method parameters.
unsigned int uLogID Specifies the unique identifier of the The module represents the code
log. This includes the module module that generated the log
identifier (the 12 most significant message (or 0 if a Call Metric).
bits), and the log specifier (the 20 The specifier bits represent an ID
least significant bits). For metrics associated with the log message
logs, the module ID is always 0. within the given module.
constr char* strCallID Specifies the session ID for the MCP Example string for MCP:
and CCP session. 00020023-100003E9
constr timeval & Specifies the time, in UTC, the log timeval structure
timeValue was created.
const char* strData The string containing the entire log • Metrics example string:
message. incall_initiated 13:1
• Regular log example string:
Starting Resource Manager
Each time a log is sent to the sink, the above values are passed through the
LogToSink() method. At this point, the custom sink can perform additional
filtering, and process the logs as desired.
Building and linking the custom shared object on Linux can be done using g++
(GCC). The following example shows what commands and options to use:
Building and linking on Windows depends on the compiler available. For
Microsoft Visual C++, create a Win32 Application - DLL project. Make sure
that in the property pages of the project, the Configuration Properties >
General >Configuration Type is configured as Dynamic Library (.dll), and
that the Configuration Properties > C/C++ >Code Generation > Runtime
Library is configured as Multi-threaded DLL.
HTTP Request
The HTTP POST request URI must contain TenantName as a query string
parameter. The Content-Type of the POST request must be either text/xml or
application/xml. The content can be either a single request, or multiple (bulk)
requests. The Supplementary Services Gateway validates the content with the
defined schema, and inserts create request(s) into the Database for persistence.
The following examples show how to create requests.
<SSGRequest xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<SSGRequest xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<cpd record="false"
<SSGRequest xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<CreateRequest Token="Token7034" MaxAttempts="2
TimeToLive="123s" IVRProfileName="Application"
<cpd record="false"
<CreateRequest Token="Token7035" MaxAttempts="2"TimeToLive="123s"
IVRProfileName="Application" Telnum="9884719189"
<cpd record="false"
Table 106 describes the CreateRequest attributes for HTTP POST.
Attribute Description
IVRProfileName The name of the IVR profile that will be used for this
outbound call. IVR profiles used in outbound calls are
provisioned in Genesys Administrator and are sent to the
Resource Manager through SIP Server. The Supplementary
Services Gateway does not perform validation on IVR
profiles. This attribute is mandatory.
MaxAttempts The number of times the SSG attempts to place the outbound
call, should it fail. When the maximum number of attempts
is reached, no further attempts are made and the
Supplementary Services Gateway sends a Notification URL
to the TA indicating that call initiation failed. This attribute
is mandatory.
HTTP Response
In most cases, the Supplementary Services Gateway responds to Trigger
Applications with a 200 OK message, and the body contains the result (success
<ResponseElement ResponseType="SUCCESS" Token="T1002"
<ResponseElement ResponseType="SUCCESS" Token="T1003
Attribute Description
Attribute Description
• Shutdown in progress
Reason Code: 130
Reason: Unable to process the request. Shutdown
in progress
• Internal error
Reason Code: 500
Reason: Unable to process the request due to
Internal Error
HTTP Request
The Tenant Name and RequestID are the only required parameters in the HTTP
GET or HTTP POST query request. The Tenant Name and RequestID must be
passed in the query string of HTTP GET method, or in the XML body of the
HTTP POST. For the HTTP POST, the Content-Type must be either text/xml
or application/xml.
The following examples show the query requests:
<SSGRequest xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<QueryRequest RequestID="1231245"/>
</SSGRequest >
<SSGRequest xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<QueryRequest RequestID="1231245"/>
<QueryRequest RequestID="1000000"/>
</SSGRequest >
HTTP Response
In most scenarios, the Supplementary Services Gateway returns HTTP 200 OK
with the content (conforming to the XML response schema as described in the
“Fatal Errors” section) to indicate success or failure. The Content-Type of the
200 OK response is text/xml.
The following examples show the possible responses for querying.
Reason="RequestID not found in the Database"/>
Attribute Description
IVRProfileName The name of the IVR profile that will be used for this
outbound call. IVR profiles that are used in outbound calls
are provisioned in Genesys Administrator and sent to the
Resource Manager through SIP Server. The Supplementary
Services Gateway does not perform validation on IVR
profiles. This attribute is mandatory.
Attribute Description
Attempts Made The total number of times that the Supplementary Services
Gateway attempted to place this outbound call.
TTL Remaining The length of time (in seconds or milliseconds) that remain
for the request to stay alive.
Status The state returned of the current request. The valid states
• Waiting to be processed
• Outbound call failed because TTL expired/TTL
• Outbound call in progress
• Outbound call has been completed
Attribute Description
• Shutdown in progress
Reason Code: 130
Reason: Unable to process the request. Shutdown
in progress
• Internal error
Reason Code: 500
Reason:Unable to process the request due to
Internal Error
content must conform to the XML request schema in the “Fatal Errors”
HTTP Request
The TenantName and RequestID are the only parameters required in the HTTP
DELETE or the HTTP POST cancel request. The TenantName and RequestID
must be passed in the query string of the HTTP DELETE or in the XML body
of the HTTP POST. For HTTP POST, the Content-Type must be either
text/xml or application/xml.
The following examples show how to cancel outbound requests.
<SSGRequest xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<CancelRequest RequestID="1231245"/>
</SSGRequest >
<SSGRequest xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<CancelRequest RequestID="1231245"/>
<CancelRequest RequestID="1000000"/>
</SSGRequest >
HTTP Response
For most scenarios, the Supplementary Services Gateway returns the HTTP
200 OK with the content indicating success or failure. When using a bulk cancel
request, some of the cancel requests might succeed while others might fail. The
Content-Type of the 200 OK response is text/xml.
The following examples show how the possible responses to the
Cache-control: no-cache
Attribute Description
Attribute Description
Reason Code, • HTTP POST request parsing failed due to invalid XML
Reason (continued) data
Reason Code: 110
Reason: XML Data Parsing Failed:: <Failure
reason> at LineNumber: XXX and ColumnNumber:
• Shutdown in progress
Reason Code: 130
Reason: Unable to process the request. Shutdown
in progress
• Internal error
Reason Code: 500
Reason: Unable to process the request due to
Internal Error
3 Deletes only requests with status NEW (1) and INITITATED (2).
Attribute Description
IVRProfileName The name of the IVR profile that will be used for this
outbound call. IVR profiles that are used in outbound calls
are provisioned in Genesys Administrator and are sent to
the Resource Manager through SIP Server. The
Supplementary Services Gateway does not perform
validation on IVR profiles. This attribute is mandatory.
Attempts Made The total number of times that the Supplementary Services
Gateway attempted to place this outbound call.
Attribute Description
CallUUID The unique identifier that is generated by SIP Server for this
Note: If multiple attempts have been made for this
outbound call, the last call’s CallUUID is included in the
Notification URL.
Attribute Description
Attribute Description
IVRProfileName The name of the IVR profile that will be used for this
outbound call. IVR profiles that are used in outbound calls
are provisioned in Genesys Administrator and sent to the
Resource Manager through SIP Server. The Supplementary
Services Gateway does not perform validation on IVR
profiles. This attribute is mandatory.
Attempts Made The total number of times that the Supplementary Services
Gateway attempted to place this outbound call.
CallUUID The unique identifier generated by SIP Server for this call.
Note: If multiple attempts have been made for this
outbound call, the last call’s CallUUID is included in the
Notification URL.
Fatal Errors
When the Supplementary Services Gateway receives any failure reason, it is
considered a FATAL ERROR, and the request is no longer sent for outbound call
processing. For example, the reason FaxDetected would be considered a FATAL
ERROR when the CPD tag includes detect=voice, am, or voice,am, and the call
lands on a Fax machine.
Status = FATAL ERROR–<Reason from any one from the below list>
• InvalidNum
• CallStateSitVacant
• CallStateSitNocircuit
• FaxDetected
Status = Fatal Error–InvalidNum
Table 113 lists and describes the possible call failure reasons.
Reason Description
DestinationBusy The dialed number is busy. The call is retried again for
CallStateSit Detected A SIT error occurs. If the call has Attempts and TTL
remaining, it is retried for processing.
CallStateSit A SIT error occurs. If the call has Attempts and TTL
Intercept remaining, it is retried for processing.
CallStateSit A SIT error occurs. If the call has Attempts and TTL
Unknown remaining, it is retried for processing.
CallStateSit A SIT error occurs. If the call has Attempts and TTL
Reorder remaining, it is retried for processing.
Reason Description
UnknownExternal The call failure reason is not known. If this call has
Error Attempts and TTL remaining, it is retried for processing.
Reason Description
Request Schema
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="SSGRequest">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
A single POST body can contain single create/query/cancel or multiple,
and any combination of the three.
It must conform to the XML request schema present in schema directory
under root path.
<xs:element name="CreateRequest" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
<xs:element name="QueryRequest" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
<xs:element name="CancelRequest" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
<xs:complexType name="CreateRequestDef">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
"CreateRequest" tag is used to specify the attributes used for
creating new outbound call requests.
<xs:element name="cpd" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
"CustomData" tag defined in CreateRequest is to allow the user to pass
additional key/value pairs to the IVR application.
To add each Key/Value pair, a sub-element "KeyValue" should be added with
"Key" carrying "KeyName" and
"Value" carrying "Value" for the above KeyName.
<xs:element name="KeyValue" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:attribute name="Key" use="required">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
"Key" carrying "KeyName"
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:maxLength value="255"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="255"/>
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
Name of the Application Profile to be used for an outbound call.
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>
<xs:maxLength value="255"/>
<xs:maxLength value="255"/>
<xs:complexType name="QueryRequestDef">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
<xs:complexType name="CancelRequestDef">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
"CancelRequest" tag is used to specify the attributes used for
cancelling an existing outbound call requests from
SSG's persistence storage.
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:maxLength value="255"/>
Response Schema
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="SSGResponse">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
SSG responds to the Trigger Application with 200 OK and the body contains the
(either success or failure) formatted in XML response schema.
The response body in 200 OK is single/bulk depending on whether the POST request
was single/bulk.
It must conform to the XML response schema present in schema directory
under root path.
<xs:element name="ResponseElement" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
<xs:element name="FailureDescription" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"
<xs:complexType name="ResponseElementDef">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
"ResponseElement" tag is used to specify the attributes sent as
response to the received create/query/cancel request.
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="SUCCESS|FAILURE"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
<xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger"/>
J Network Partitioning
Configuration Options
This appendix describes the Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) configuration
options for each component that are used to support network traffic
It contains the following section:
Configuration Options and Protocols, page 555
Table 115 lists the configuration options and protocols that are used by the Call
Control Platform.
Table 116 lists the configuration options and protocols that are used by the
Resource Manager.
Table 117 lists the configuration options and protocols that are used by the
MRCP Proxy.
Table 118 lists the configuration options and protocols that are used by the CTI
Table 119 lists the configuration options and protocols that are used by the
Supplementary Services Gateway.
The configured parameters (above) are the which is the IP address of the Supplementary Services
Gateway host and are used in the HTTP requests as the port and host name.
Table 120 lists the configuration options and protocols that are used by the
PSTN Connector.
Table 121 lists the configuration options and protocols that are used by the
Reporting Server.
Defines the list of headers to expose to the application. This specifies a list of
header names from the incoming INVITE requests, whose values will be
exposed to the application.
For example, sip.in.invite.headers = From To Via. The exposed values'
names will be in the format sip.invite.<headername>=<value>. If this value is
*, then all headers will be exposed. If this value is none, then no headers will be
exposed. none will be ignored alongside other values.
Default: *
Defines list of parameters to expose to the application. This specifies a list of
header names from the incoming INVITE requests, whose parameter values
will be exposed to the application.
For example, sip.in.invite.params = From To Via. The exposed values’
names will be in for format sip.invite.<headername>.<paramname>=<value>. If
this value is none, then no parameters will be exposed. none will be ignored
alongside other values.
Default: RequestURI
Each session variable entry is composed of three components. The first
component is the session variable name as exposed within VoiceXML. The
second component is the variable name sent back from the Call Manager. The
third component indicates whether the session variable will be included in the
request for the initial page URL.
Each session variable entry is composed of three components. The first
component is the session variable name as exposed within VoiceXML. The second
component is the variable name sent back from the Call Manager. The
third component indicates either whether the session variable will be included in
the request for the initial page URL (0 = do not include, 1 = include in GET, 2 =
include in POST, 3 = include in GET and POST), or the type of array of the
session variable (6 = associative array, 7 = ???).
Here is an example configuration for exposing request URI’s paramA, request
URI’s paramB, From header, and To header’s paramC:
With the configuration above and the following SIP INVITE message:
INVITE sip:[email protected];paramA=valueA;paramB=valueB
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0809fb404f9bcd
From: <sip:[email protected]:5060>;tag=9FB30200-
To: <sip:[email protected]>;paramC=valueC
Max-Forwards: 70
Call-ID: 9FB30200-B96C-C781-2A00-
[email protected]:5060
Contact: sip:[email protected]:5060
Content-Length: 190
Content-Type: application/sdp
o=Cisco-SIPUA 2455 9673 IN IP4
s=SIP Call
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 30400 RTP/AVP 0 101
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
The following session variables will be defined:
session.connection.protocol.sip.invite.from <sip:[email protected]
session.connection.protocol.sip.invite.to.paramC valueC
The Media Control Platform can also be configured to set outgoing SIP
INVITE or REFER requests’ URI parameters, headers, and parameters of any
headers (limitations) using signaling variables from the VXML application.
This feature is supported for transfers and calls initiated using RemDial, and can
be enabled by configuring sip.out.invite.headers, sip.out.invite.params,
sip.out.refer.headers and sip.out.refer.params. Please see the Media
Control Platform Deployment Guide regarding the details for these parameters.
Below is an example VoiceXML page that will perform configuration that is
described in the above paragraph, using signalvar:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
——<form id="form1">
————<var name="callvars" expr="new Object()"/>
——————<assign name="callvars['sip.invite.requesturi.parama']" expr="'valueA'"/>
——————<assign name="callvars['sip.invite.requesturi.paramb']" expr="'valueB'"/>
——————<assign name="callvars['sip.invite.headerc']" expr="'valueC'"/>
————<transfer destexpr="'sip:[email protected]:5060'" bridge="true" gvp:signalvar="callvars">
Below is an example Media Control Platform configuration for customizing
request URI’s paramA, request URI’s paramB and HeaderC in outgoing
INVITE messages (for <transfer> involving two call legs and remdial calls):
If the following signaling variables are defined (or the equivalent name/value
list is defined and appended to the remdial call request):
Then, the following SIP INVITE message will be generated for the outgoing
INVITE sip:[email protected];paramA=valueA;paramB=valueB
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0809fb404f9bcd
From: <sip:[email protected]:5060>;tag=9FB30200-
Session Variable Value
<sip:[email protected]:5060>;tag
session.connection.protocol.sip.invite.to.paramC valueC
Related Documentation
The following resources provide additional information that is relevant to this
software. Consult these additional resources as necessary.
Management Framework
• Framework 8.5 Deployment Guide, which provides information about
configuring, installing, starting, and stopping Framework components.
• Framework 8.5 Genesys Administrator Deployment Guide, which provides
information on installing, and configuring Genesys Administrator.
• Framework 8.5 Genesys Administrator Help, which provides information
about configuring and provisioning contact center objects by using the
Genesys Administrator.
• Framework 8.5 Configuration Options Reference Manual, which provides
descriptions of the configuration options for Framework components.
SIP Server
• Framework 8.5 SIP Server Deployment Guide, which provides information
about configuring and installing SIP Server.
Composer Voice
• Composer 8.1 Deployment Guide, which provides information about
installing and configuring Composer Voice.
• Composer 8.1 Help, which provides information about using Composer
Voice, a GUI for developing applications based on VoiceXML and
• Genesys Technical Publications Glossary, which ships on the Genesys
Documentation Library DVD and which provides a comprehensive list of
the Genesys and CTI terminology and acronyms used in this document.
• Genesys Migration Guide, which ships on the Genesys Documentation
Library DVD, and which provides documented migration strategies for
Genesys product releases. Contact Genesys Customer Care for more
• Release Notes and Product Advisories for this product, which are available
on the Genesys Customer Care website at http://genesyslab.com/support.
Information about supported operating systems and third-party software is
available on the Genesys Documentation website in the following documents:
Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide
Genesys Supported Media Interfaces Reference Manual
Genesys product documentation is available on the:
• Genesys Customer Care website at http://genesyslab.com/support.
• Genesys Documentation Library DVD, which you can order by e-mail
from Genesys Order Management at [email protected].
You will need this number when you are talking with Genesys Customer Care
about this product.
Type Styles
Table 122 describes and illustrates the type conventions that are used in this
Monospace All programming identifiers and GUI Select the Show variables on screen
font elements. This convention includes: check box.
(Looks like • The names of directories, files, folders, In the Operand text box, enter your
teletype or configuration objects, paths, scripts, dialog formula.
typewriter boxes, options, fields, text and list boxes, Click OK to exit the Properties dialog
text) operational modes, all buttons (including
radio buttons), check boxes, commands,
tabs, CTI events, and error messages. T-Server distributes the error messages in
EventError events.
• The values of options.
If you select true for the
• Logical arguments and command syntax.
inbound-bsns-calls option, all
• Code samples. established inbound calls on a local agent
Also used for any text that users must are considered business calls.
manually enter during a configuration or Enter exit on the command line.
installation procedure, or on a command line.
Angle A placeholder for a value that the user must smcp_server -host <confighost>
brackets specify. This might be a DN or a port number
(< >) specific to your enterprise.
Note: In some cases, angle brackets are
required characters in code syntax (for
example, in XML schemas). In these cases,
italic text is used for placeholder values.
wait for offhook confirmation . . . . . . . . . 260
warning headers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
web server
Reporting Server, and HTTPS. . . . . . . . 44
X-Genesys-CallUUID header . . . . . . . . 22
X-Genesys-gsw-ivr-profile-id header . . . . . 24
X-Genesys-gsw-session-dbid header . . . . 24
X-Genesys-GVP-Session-ID header
defined. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
X-Genesys-RM-Application-dbid header . . . 24
X-Lite (device profile). . . . . . . . . . . . . 493