Grammar as a set of rules Language as a system of communication Grammar Specifies all the possible analyses how it is organized to make grammatical structures. and exchange meaning. Focus: Appropriateness of a form Makes a distinction between for a particular communicative grammatical and ungrammatical purpose in a particular context. structures .
Concern: forms of grammatical
Concern: Functions of structures, and their structures their constituents and their relationship. meaning in context. Examples are made up to Examples are taken from illustrate the grammatical rules. authentic texts in specific contexts. “A description of a grammar needs to do more tan simply lay out the forms of structures of the language. It needs to show what they are for and how they are used.” (Graham Lock. “Functional English Grammar” p.3)
That is the primary aim of Functional
Grammar. How does language work? Levels of analysis. PHONOLOGY SOUNDS
SYNTAX SEMANTICS MEANING The organization of Grammar. RANK WORD GROUP/PHRASE CLAUSE SENTENCE EMBEDDING Unit within another unit. Same or lower Rank
GROUP CLASS Meaning in grammar Experiential: Language represents our experience and inner thoughts.
Interpersonal:How we use language to
act with one another and express our judgement and attitudes.
Textual:Ways in which language is
organized in relation to its context. The creation of coherence. Grammatical Functions Functions Uses of language How language is organized to enable speakers to express meaning.
TYPES: SUBJECT: Noun groups. Determine person and number of the Finite.
FINITE: Marked for tense and number agreement.
OBJECT: Typically noun group. Follow the Finite and Predicator.
ADJUNT: Additional. Typically adverbs or prepositional phrases.
PREDICATOR: Everything in the verb group except the Finite.