Minimum Power Design of RF Front Ends: WWW -
Minimum Power Design of RF Front Ends: WWW -
Minimum Power Design of RF Front Ends: WWW -
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Peter Baltus
Cover: JWL Producties Eindhoven
Minimum Power Design
of RF Front Ends
ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor
aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, op gezag van de
Rector Magnificus, prof. dr. R.A. van Santen, voor een
commissie aangewezen door het College voor
Promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen
op 16 september 2004 om 16.00 uur
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Trends in RF frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Relevance of RF front ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Relevance of low power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4 Relevance of fundamental limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 Thesis overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
8 RF Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
8.2 RF Platform elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
8.3 Architecture and partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
8.4 Building block specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
8.5 Design method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
8.6 RF Platform Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
8.7 Summary and conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Recommendations for further research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
A Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
A.1 Radio Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
A.2 Translating Messages into Radio Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
A.3 Sharing the radio channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Contents Page ix
E Limiting in zero-IF receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
E.1 Problems with limiting in zero-IF receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
E.2 Existing solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
E.3 New solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
E.3.1 Low-complexity generation of multiple IF signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
E.3.2 Accurate reconstruction in superhet receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
E.3.3 Accurate reconstruction in zero-IF receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Samenvatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Biography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Biografie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Page x Contents
List of symbols
Main Symbols
k Power linearity parameter; k = P / (G IP3)
C Capacitance
f Frequency
DR Dynamic range
DR0 Dynamic range of the desired signal
DR1 Dynamic range of the desired signal with a single interferer
DR2 Dynamic range of the desired signal with two interferers
F Noise factor
G Gain
Gp Realized power gain, or power gain: Pout,del/Pin,del
Gt Transducer power gain: Pout,del/Pin,av
Gav Available power gain: Pout,av/Pin,av
Gmax Maximum power gain: Pout,av/Pin,del
Gv Realized voltage gain; G = Gv /z
gm Transconductance
I Current
HD2 Second-order harmonic power of the output signal
IP2 Second-order intercept input power
HD3 Third-order harmonic power of the output signal
IP3 Third-order intercept input power
IP30 Third-order intercept input power measured for DC input signals
IP31 Third-order intercept input power measured for single-tone input signals
IP32 Third-order intercept input power measured for two-tone input signals
IP3' Third-order intercept single-tone input power measured for two-tone input signals
J Current density
k Boltzmann constant; k approximately equals 1.380658e-23
L Length of a device, or inductance value
NF Noise figure; NF = 10 log(F)
OIP2 Second-order intercept output power
OIP3 Third-order intercept output power
P Power
PAE Power added efficiency
R Resistance
T Absolute temperature
av available (as in available power)
del delivered (as in delivered power)
if if circuit
rf rf circuit
I running index, e.g. indicating the ith stage in a cascade
tot total
in input
out output
I running index for e.g. cascaded subcircuits
l load
src source
eff effective
b base
c collector
e emitter
bc base-collector
be base-emitter
cs collector-substrate
dist distortion component
fund fundamental component (desired signal)
base signal frequency component corresponding to the input frequency
third signal frequency component corresponding to 3 times the input frequency
AM Amplitude Modulation
AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone System
BT Bluetooth, a wireless personal area network standard
CDMA Code division multiple access
CDMAOne DSSS CDMA system, also called IS-95
CT0 Cordless Telephony System 0
CT1 Cordless Telephony System 1
CT2 Cordless Telephony System 2
DECT Digital European Cordless Telecommunications system
DCS Digital Communication System (GSM system in 1800MHz band)
DSSS Direct sequence spread spectrum
EDGE QPSK-based modulation for GSM with higher spectrum efficiency
EFOM Equivalent Figure of Merit
EM Electromagnetic
EMF Electromagnetic Field
ETSI European Telecommunications Standardization Institute
FDMA Frequency division multiple access
FDD Frequency division duplex (also sometimes called “full duplex”)
FHSS Frequency hopping spread spectrum
FM Frequency Modulation
FOM Figure of Merit
FSK Frequency Shift Keying
GFSK Gaussian Filtered Frequency Shift Keying
GPRS General Packet Radio Services, multislot packet service over GSM
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
HSCSD High speed circuit switched data, multislot extension to GSM
IEEE 802.11 Family of WLAN standards
IEEE 802.11a WLAN standard for data rates up to 54Mbps
at RF frequencies between 5GHz and 6GHz
IEEE 802.11b WLAN standard for data rates up to 11Mbps
at RF frequencies between 2.4GHz and 2.5GHz
IEEE 802.11g WLAN standard for data rates up to 54Mbps
at RF frequencies between 2.4GHz and 2.5GHz
I-mode Web-like services across GSM and PDC systems
IS-95 DSSS CDMA system, also called CDMAOne
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
LNA Low noise amplifier
MSK Minimum Shift Keying
NMT Nordic Mobile Telephony system
Communication, in all its guises, makes the difference between a number of lonesome
individuals and a community. It enables cooperation and the development of cultures. In
this sense, communication has played an essential role in the development of human
civilization [1].
In recent times, electrical systems have been developed to support and augment
communication. Among others, these systems allow communication across much greater
distances than would normally be practical or even possible. The electrical systems that
enable such communication are called telecommunication systems [2].
Telecommunication systems such as telephone, television and the Internet are changing
the communication between people dramatically, and have a correspondingly big impact
on communities, cultures and economies. This makes telecommunication systems a very
relevant research topic. Consequently, many aspects of telecommunication systems are
being studied all over the world.
Since the beginning of the previous century, propagation of electromagnetic (EM)
waves through space has become a very popular basis for many telecommunication
systems, since it allows electrical, but wireless, communication systems. Devices that use
such EM wave propagation in the frequency range of approximately 10kHz to around
1THz are commonly called radios [4]. Since radios allow communication without having
to build up a wired connection between the devices, they allow the mobile use of
communication devices, for example in cars (figure 1). Even though mobile use is not
quite impossible using wired connections [5], it is highly impractical.
Especially for mobile use, the energy consumption of the radio is very important,
since most mobile devices depend on a battery for their operation. Their energy
consumption then determines the amount of time that they can be used without replacing
or recharging the battery, and thus the cost and convenience of using such a device. The
time that a mobile device can be used without recharging is often split in the standby time
For omnidirectional antennas with constant gains, the link budget scales as (eq. 2):
GSM Bluetooth
Frequency 950 MHZ 2450 MHZ
NF 9 dB 25 dB
IP3 -10 dBm -21 dBm
This table shows that the smaller received signals and the stronger interferers that long-
range systems need to work with translate as expected in lower noise figures and higher
IP3 values. Please note that competitive implementations usually need to perform better
than the performance set in a standard. Still, a significant difference between both types
of systems remains. A more extensive overview of system parameters can be found in
appendix B.4.
Future portable wireless devices will be able to set up both short-range, high-bitrate
links and long-range connections, depending on the environment and the needs of the
user. This can be achieved through the use of multiple standards in one device, e.g.
Bluetooth and GSM, or through a single standard that supports different trade-offs
between range and data rate, such as UMTS/IMT 2000. In such multi-mode devices, the
properties of the transceiver front end will depend on the particular mode that the device
is being operated in. The optimizations discussed in this thesis will apply to each of these
modes. Although the methods proposed in this thesis can be applied to current systems,
they might need to be adapted to deal with future systems based on very different
approaches, such as time-domain ultra-wideband systems.
This block diagram shows that both gain and filtering are typically distributed throughout
the front end. The frequency conversion, here shown in a single conversion step using
mixers and local oscillator signals, can also be implemented as two or more conversion
steps, since this can reduce the requirements on the performance of the individual filter,
gain, and mixer blocks. A simple antenna interface is shown here, with separate, single,
transmit and receive antennas. In practice, it is often desirable to share the antenna
between transmitter and receiver, in order to save cost and space. This requires switches
or duplex filters between the circuits and the antenna. In addition, many systems today
As can be seen in this picture, the front-end part contributes significantly to the size of
the total handset. It also has considerable influence on other properties, such as power
dissipation and bill of material. Depending on the system, and trade-offs in the design,
the impact of the front end on the cost, size, and power dissipation of the total system can
be between 10% and 50%. Finally, the quality of the signals, and therefore the accuracy
of the messages, depends very much on the properties of the RF front end. This makes
The law of conservation of energy relates to electronic circuits, and thus to RF circuits, through the
relation between power consumed from the power supply and signal inputs, and power delivered to signal
outputs. The law of conservation of energy requires that, for any typical RF circuit that only exchanges energy
with its environment through electrical signals and through heat dissipation, the sum of the average signal
powers delivered at the output terminals is less than, or equal to, the sum of the average signal powers received
at the inputs, and the power consumed from the power supply.
Although eliminating the imperfections in the implementation technology might be physically
When this circuit is implemented on an IC, parasitic effects occur that are not taken into
account in the schematic of figure 5 or in the models of the transistors and resistors.
Figure 6 shows a simplified layout of this amplifier (in a simple, fictitious IC process):
Using the layout and knowledge of the IC process, the parasitic effects in the circuit can
be calculated. In the schematic diagram of figure 7, a small subset of the most significant
parasitic effects has been annotated.
Of all current design methods, custom design is still the most popular. It is the main RF
design method supported by the popular CAD tools such as Cadence from Cadence
Design Systems (San Jose, CA, U.S.A.), and ADS from Agilent (Palo Alto, CA, U.S.A.).
The main drawbacks of custom design are:
C low effectiveness. It is not clear how much margin is left between the performance
that has been achieved in a design, and the optimum performance that could be
achieved within the given boundary conditions (specifications, technology). The
results depend very much on the experience of the designer.
C low efficiency. The design is assembled from scratch in a (mostly) bottom-up
approach, often requiring iterations across multiple abstraction levels (system, circuit,
layout, hardware) to achieve the desired performance.
These drawbacks drive the research into alternative design methods which improve
upon, or even eliminate, these shortcomings. Many of these alternative methods address
only one or a few abstraction levels (system, circuit, layout, hardware), or can be applied
only to specific subcircuits of an RF front end.
An ideal design method should cover all applicable abstraction levels, as well as
all subcircuits of an RF front end, and achieve optimum performance in an effective and
efficient way. Such a design method for low power RF front-end circuits does not yet
exist, but will be developed in this thesis.
Figure 10 shows the gain and power dissipation of RF low-noise amplifiers as
reported in recent literature. This figure is representative of the performance and power
dissipation of other RF circuits: there is a wide variety in performance parameters and
power dissipation of individual circuits.
Comparing these numbers is difficult, however, since they relate to different circuit
topologies, different implementation technologies, and different specifications for
performance parameters such as noise, linearity, and bandwidth. A more accurate
portrayal of current LNA performance would show the performance of these circuits in
an n-dimensional space. The various dimensions would represent the relevant
performance parameters, and points in this space would represent individual designs.
Considering the variety in figures of merit, it would be natural to ask for the “correct”,
or “best”, or “most fair” FOM. This question cannot be answered, since the relevance of
different performance parameters depends on the boundary conditions of the system in
which a circuit will be used. In some systems, such as hearing aids or pagers, power
dissipation will be a dominant parameter, whereas in other systems, such as wireless data,
linearity might be more important.
“What are the fundamental limits for the power dissipation of telecommunication
front ends, and what design procedures can be followed that approach these limits
and, at the same time, result in practical circuits?”
This chapter will focus on fundamental limits in RF low-power design. Two types of
fundamental limits can be distinguished:
1. Fundamental limits imposed by physics
2. Fundamental limits imposed by technology
This distinction is relevant, since our understanding of the laws of physics tends to
remain valid for long periods of time, whereas technology limits are improved upon on
a regular basis in the semiconductors industry. Therefore, limits of RF circuit and system
performance can be expected to improve in parallel with technology limits, and to
approach limits imposed by physics in an asymptotic manner.
3.2 Gain
Gain stages have a fundamental lower limit in power dissipation that is imposed by the
law of conservation of energy, which, in this case, can be formulated as:
or, in words: the power provided by the supply should at least make up for the difference
between input and output power. Please note that the condition “ ” needs to be
included to make this limit a property of the circuit itself, independent of the actual value
of the input power.
Practical circuits often do not come close to this limit. Power amplifiers with low
linearity requirements (for example, for constant-envelope signals) can have efficiencies
in excess of 50%, but small signal amplifiers such as LNAs, in which the linearity is
important, can have efficiencies below 0.000001%3. This already shows that there might
be a lot of room for improvement of the power dissipation in mobile equipment.
One reason for low efficiencies is that all current active devices dissipate power,
which is caused by the voltage drop across the device in combination with the output
current. This is relevant for both long-range and short-range systems (Section 1.1).
This is based on a DECT LNA which will be discussed in Chapter 1. This LNA consumes 3.7mA at
3V, when generating (with an antenna signal at the -90dBm sensitivity level) an output signal of -70dBm,
corresponding to PAE=9.01 10 -9.
with P the power dissipation, I the order of the non-linearity that dominates the
power dissipation, bi a circuit and technology dependent constant, and IPi the
intercept point of order i.
2. Circuits using asymmetric devices often use bias currents which exceed the
maximum signal current to avoid bidirectional device currents (class A
amplifiers). This DC current results in additional power dissipation, but it
improves linearity. Different trade-offs between bias current and linearity result
in the familiar class AB, class B, and class C amplifiers. This results in higher
values for bi in equation (5).
3. Parasitic devices that are not related to the circuit components will have a smaller
impact when the circuits are scaled up in W and/or L, and therefore in current.
both of which increase with the dimensions that control intended device currents (W for
the lateral device, and L and W for the vertical device). These expressions are easily
understood by choosing )W and )L equal to zero. The numerator and denominator in the
It is interesting to note that the gain bandwidth products for lateral and vertical
devices scale differently. For larger devices, in which )W and )L are small compared to
W and L, and in which the perimeter contribution is small compared to the bottom area
(especially in IC processes with trenches), the gain bandwidth product for vertical devices
stays approximately constant with W and L, whereas the gain bandwidth product for
lateral devices is proportional to 1/L2, and therefore increases quadratically with
improvements in lithography. Therefore, bandwidth improvements in vertical devices
need to be achieved through other means than scaling of width and length, such as scaling
of vertical dimensions.
The gain bandwidth product is usually interpreted as the bandwidth of a low-pass
transfer curve of an amplifier, caused by a single dominant pole, typically formed by a
resistor and parasitic capacitances (fig. 14). The bandwidth of such a circuit is obviously
The bandwidth of this circuit is determined by fc in combination with the quality factor
Q of the R, L, Cp combination:
This shows that tuning out parasitic capacitances does not increase the bandwidth
of a circuit, but it does shift the bandwidth to another center frequency which can, in fact,
be outside the pass band of the low pass configuration. For narrowband
telecommunication systems, this can result in a significant reduction of the power
dissipation. This model is fairly accurate for modern RF circuits, which can be
demonstrated using the circuits shown in figure 16.
Figure 17 Gain versus frequency of low pass (top) and band pass (bottom) amplifiers
As shown by these simulation results, the bandwidths in both cases are comparable
(1.28GHz for the low pass and 1.46GHz for the band pass circuit), even though the center
frequency of the band pass circuit (at 3.33GHz) is well outside the pass band of the low
pass circuit (1.28GHz). The gains in the centers of the pass bands are close as well
(30.7dB for the low pass, 30.1dB for the band pass). The differences are caused by the
complex higher order frequency selective parasitic elements of the bipolar transistor,
which violate, to some degree, the assumption of a single dominant pole.
Practical oscillators around 1GHz usually achieve efficiencies above 1%, within two
orders of magnitude from the physics imposed limits for power efficiency [24], [25],
[26], [27], [28], [29].
The limit imposed by physics on the second factor (time-variant changes in gain)
is set by the second law of thermodynamics, similar to the energy needed to open or close
a switch. In the same way as with a switch, information about the value of the gain needs
to be transported across a noisy channel. In the most simple case of a switching mixer,
only two values for the gain will be used, and a single bit of information needs to be
transferred to set the gain to the appropriate value. This transfer occurs through the
reference frequency signal across a noisy channel. This results in a minimum energy per
transition of [23]:
Current circuits exceed this limit by many orders of magnitude. Mixers operating at
frequencies around 1GHz usually require local oscillator (LO) signals with power levels
between 10:W and 1mW, whereas formula (12) predicts a minimum power of 5.6pW,
more than 6 orders of magnitude below this level.
In most systems, interfering signals are present at frequencies near that of the
desired signal. Such interfering signals can be stronger than the desired signal. The switch
signal, generated by the local oscillator, contains at least thermal noise, with a noise
density of kT. At high frequencies, the switch signal will have finite rise and fall times,
limited by the bandwidth of the technology used, and can be approximated by a sine
wave. This causes mixing to occur with frequency shifts different from the frequency of
the LO signal. This effect is called reciprocal mixing. As a result, the wanted output
signal of the mixer decreases, and mixing products from the interfering product increase.
A very simple model for this effect assumes that the output signal of the mixer, VIF,
can be represented as the product of the LO signal VLO and the input signal of the mixer
The noise of the local oscillator signal is represented by the integral part of this
equation. Af is the noise density, and Nf is the corresponding phase of the sine wave
element of the LO noise at frequency f. The parameters fl and fh define the lower and
upper boundaries of the frequency band in which the noise is applied to the mixer LO
input. The amplitude of the wanted output signal is not affected by the addition of the
noise, and the output noise level scales proportionally with the RF signal level and LO
noise level. This is not obvious: in other non-linear circuits such as e.g. oscillators, the
amplitude of the wanted output signal is in fact affected by the addition of noise.
Although this model is simple and easy to use, it does not take into account that
most mixer circuits are closer to switching circuits than linear multipliers. The reason for
this is that common mixer circuits exhibit various undesirable properties at high
In this model, the amplitude of the output signal of the mixer no longer depends on
the amplitude of the LO signal. As a consequence, increasing the noise level of the LO
signal not only results in an increase of the noise level of the output signal, but also in a
decrease of the wanted output signal. This effect is simulated with the HP VEE tool,
using a model implementation as shown in fig. 18.
The simulation result of this tool is shown in the graph in the upper right corner of
fig. 18. Fig. 19 is an enlarged picture of this graph. It shows the level of the wanted
output signal and the output noise as a function of the noise level in the LO signal. The
simulation uses a pseudo-random number generator to model the noise. In combination
with the limited simulation time, this results in a random fluctuation of the signal and
The impact of the LO signal SNR on the level of the wanted output signal and the
output noise is really a technology-imposed limitation, not a physics-imposed one. To
demonstrate this, the following graph (fig. 21) shows the result of the same simulation,
except for the bandwidth of the LO signal, which has now been increased by two orders
From equation (12), an expression for the minimum signal level Sc of the LO signal
can be derived:
Substituting (17) into (16) results in an expression for the critical SNR of the LO
signal, SNRc:
This demonstrates that reciprocal mixing is a technology limit rather than a physics-
imposed fundamental issue.
These operations have not been discussed, either because they are not part of the RF
signal chain (e.g. RSSI extraction, channel switching, power management, analog-to-
digital and digital-to-analog conversion), or because they are not usually implemented
inside the IC (EMF to signal conversion, RF switching, isolation, directional coupling).
The functions implemented by these operations have a limited interaction with the
elementary operations defined before. The main interactions are shown in table 5.
In this chapter, three elementary operations in an RF front end have been identified:
gain, frequency conversion, and selectivity. For each of these operations, the fundamental
and physics imposed limits have been identified. Table 6 shows the fundamental limits,
imposed by physics and technology, that have been identified for each of the three
elementary operations.
The technology limit equations at the top for gain and frequency conversion are
valid for short-range systems, and the equations at the bottom for long-range systems.
The technology limits expression for selectivity at the top is valid for active filters, the
middle one for passive filters in short-range systems, and the bottom one for passive
filters in long-range systems. The linearity and gain referred to in these last two
expressions refer to the gain stages that compensate for the losses in the passive filters.
Reciprocal mixing is not limited by physics, but by technology, as has been shown
in 3.3. Increasing the bandwidth in the LO input stages of the mixer will reduce
reciprocal mixing to arbitrarily low levels.
For practical circuits, the minimum power dissipation set by laws of physics is
exceeded by quite a large margin, often multiple orders of magnitude, and determined
mostly by technology limitations. This is very encouraging, since further reductions of
power dissipation are likely with improvements in technology. A reduction in power
dissipation might also be achieved with current technologies, by using improved system
and circuit designs and design methods.
4.1 Introduction
The current European cordless phone system is called the Digital European Cordless
Telecommunications (DECT) system, which extends the cordless phone concept in the
direction of large pico cellular systems for both speech and data communication. DECT
is a short-range system, and therefore the emphasis for this design was on low power
dissipation at high frequencies.
Section 4.2 introduces the DECT system and design targets, and Section 4.3
explains the principles of zero-IF receivers with their advantages and limitations. The
design of the receiver is discussed in Section 4.4. Implementation and results are shown
in Section 4.5.
4.2.4 Requirements
The DECT standard defines a relatively complicated communication protocol compared
to other cordless systems. This will require rather complex digital circuits (codec, burst
mode controller, micro controller). Some advantages of this protocol (high traffic density,
The phase difference between the LO signals is ideally 90 degrees. The sign of the phase
difference between I and Q can be used to distinguish between positive and negative
4.3.2 Advantages
Zero-IF receivers have several obvious advantages:
C The channel selectivity filter can be fully integrated since it can be implemented as
a low-pass filter. Such a filter does not require high-quality or very accurate
components, since the components only determine the bandwidth of the filter. The
“center” frequency (0Hz!) is correct by construction.
C Interference problems related to IF signals do not occur, since the signal frequencies
are very low.
C Only a single LO signal is required, and in the case of DECT, this signal has the same
frequency as the transmitter. Usually, it can be derived from the same source as the
transmitter signal. In a conventional receiver, this could also be achieved, but it is
much more difficult because of the short frequency switching time required of the LO
source when switching between send and receive.
C An image rejection filter is unnecessary, although some antenna selectivity might be
required in a practical implementation.
C Since it is possible to integrate the receiver completely, it is in principle possible to
achieve much better control over crosstalk than with a conventional receiver which
requires external components. Moreover, it allows higher impedance levels to be used
at high frequencies, reducing the power dissipation.
C The low frequencies in the IF part of the receiver can decrease the power dissipation
as well.
4.3.3 Disadvantages
The disadvantages and limitations of a zero-IF receiver are not always apparent at first.
They include:
C The dual receiver branches of a zero-IF receiver might consume more power than the
single branch of a conventional receiver.
C The accurate 90 degrees phase-shift circuit and well-matched filters can only be
implemented easily on an IC. For example, even a wire length difference of just 200
micrometers will introduce a phase error of about 1 degree at 2GHz. Therefore,
4.3.4 Comparison
A zero-IF architecture is an attractive choice for a DECT receiver because of the small
size, low weight, few adjustments, simple antenna filter, single simple synthesizer, and
relaxed DECT requirements for sensitivity and distortion. Power dissipation could end
up comparable to a conventional receiver design because of the combined advantages and
disadvantages of zero IF in this respect. This does require that the disadvantages
mentioned in the previous section can be overcome by careful design, as will be
discussed in the next section.
4.4 Design
The main specifications for this DECT receiver are shown in table 7. The noise figure of
9dB is in line with the low emphasis on sensitivity expected from a short-range system,
as is the relaxed linearity specification of -28dBm for the third-order intercept point (IP3).
The main challenges are the combination of a high RF frequency of 1.9GHz and the low
power dissipation of 90mW. These specifications have been divided into specifications
for the RF front end and the IF part of the receiver. This allowed for the concurrent
design of these two parts as two separate ICs. Ultimately, these two designs could be
combined into a combined RF/IF IC. The specifications for the RF front end are shown
in table 8.
A simple mathematical model was used to derive specifications of the subcircuits from
the front end specs. This model linked the gain, noise figure, and distortion of cascaded
stages to the overall gain, noise figure, and distortion. The model was implemented in a
spreadsheet, and the subcircuit parameters were derived by manual iteration and trial and
error, using specifications from existing circuits. Various distributions of gain, linearity
and noise across the different circuits were tried. In the IC process used, the best choice
was based on a low-noise, high-gain VCA. This reduced the noise behavior requirements
of the remaining subcircuits. Distortion requirements for the subcircuits became more
Power dissipation for the mixer, VCA, and phase shift circuits was initially set at
25% of the total power budget each. The remaining 25% could then be spent on output
buffers and support circuits.
4.4.2 Package
At 1.9GHz, the package parasitics are so significant that they have to be taken into
account as an integral part of the design. The package selected for this design is a plastic
SO16, a small outline 16-pin package. A bondwire of such a package at 1.9GHz already
has an impedance of about 70jS, which cannot easily be neglected for 50S inputs.
Inclusion of the package in impedance matching is therefore mandatory.
The package also plays a significant role in the LO-to-RF crosstalk. Simulations
have shown that even an empty package with unbalanced LO and RF signal pins achieves
only 20dB of isolation, because it resonates around 2GHz. Since the RF input has to be
single-ended to facilitate application of the front end, there was no choice but to make the
LO input balanced. In this way, an empty package achieves about 45dB of isolation.
Between the input transistor and the output stage, an emitter follower has been
introduced to reduce the capacitive load of the output stage. The peak detector of the
AGC loop is implemented with a differential pair (TNS_1,TNS_2) that compares the
collector signal of the input transistor to a DC-shifted and low-pass filtered version of
itself. The output of the threshold detector is fed through a series of amplifiers and a time
constant (external to this circuit) to the gate of the NMOS transistor which sets the gain
of the input transistor.
The source impedance of the LO signal does not affect the phase error directly. However,
a low source impedance allows a low-impedance RC network to be used, which is less
sensitive to capacitive loading. This circuit achieves power dissipation levels much lower
than similar circuits that have been reported before [92].
A diagram with the implementation details of the phase shift circuit is shown in fig.
33. The RC network is followed by emitter followers to reduce the parasitic load on the
central node of the RC network. The error introduced by capacitive loading of the central
node is shown in fig. 32. The load of the emitter followers is mainly capacitive and
amounts to approximately 20fF. In order to achieve equal delays through the emitter
followers, a dummy limiter input circuit has been added across the outer two emitter
Another source of phase errors is introduced by the distortion of the LO signal
itself. This error can be analyzed by determining the zero-crossing positions of the output
signals of the RC network when a distorted signal is applied to it. Define Vin as the LO
source voltage with a required frequency component f1 and a distortion component f2 (f2
= n f1):
Now the voltages across the resistor and capacitor can be defined as VI and VQ ,
which can be expressed in the components of the LO signal Vin according to the following
The relative positions of the zero crossings of VI and VQ define the phase difference
between the signals. Solving for this phase difference yields a function F(a,j), which
relates the phase difference F to the distortion level a and the relative phase j of the
frequency components f1 and f2 = n f1. Fig. 34 shows a plot of this function for f2 = 3 f1.
Phase accuracy has been simulated for the actual circuit at less than one degree
across a frequency range from 100MHz to 3GHz (fig. 35).
Crosstalk measurement results are shown in fig. 39. These measurement results are
close to the package model simulation.
This is consistent with the observation that powering down the front end actually
increases the crosstalk. The phase accuracy of the phase shift circuit cannot be measured
separately for the same reasons that make it impossible to implement the phase shift
circuit externally. Therefore, only the phase shift accuracy of the complete front end has
been measured, and it is within specifications. In fact, it is within the accuracy limits of
the phase meter used for these measurements. Fig. 40 shows the I and Q signals on an
oscilloscope, which gives results close to the phase meter readings.
Distortion of the circuit is shown in fig. 41 below, and corresponds to an IP3 of !23dBm.
The power dissipation for the subcircuits ended up close to the target (fig. 42). The VCA,
mixers and phase shift each dissipate close to 25% of the total, and the remaining power
goes to the output buffers and support circuits.
NPN device:
emitter area: 2x1:m2
Collector-substrate capacitance (Cjs) 30fF (measured at 0V DC bias)
Collector-base capacitance (Cjc) 7fF (measured at 0V DC bias)
Base-emitter capacitance (Cje) 4fF (measured at 0V DC bias)
fT 13GHz
Resistors low-capacitance poly resistors
Interconnect 3 metal and 1 poly layer
Table 10 BiCMOS Process Parameters
The results in table 11 are shown for two conditions: the signal levels at minimum
antenna signal, i.e. the sensitivity limit of the receiver, and the signal levels at maximum
antenna signal. The reason for including both conditions is that the circuits are using class
A type biasing for the active devices. This makes the efficiency very much dependent on
the signal levels, as is obvious from the numbers in the table.
The minimum output level of the LNA is -70dBm, derived from the -90dBm
sensitivity limit and 20dB of gain. The power dissipation is 13.5mW, resulting in a PAE
The maximum output level of the LNA is approximately -10dBm, the 1dB
compression point. This results in a PAE of:
For the mixer, the input signal levels are 20dB higher, and the output signal level is 4dB
lower, corresponding to the power gain of the mixer. This results in a PAE at minimum
signal levels of:
The PAE is negative because the output power is lower than the input power, while the
circuit still dissipates additional power from the power supply. The power gain of less
than 1 is due to the 2.5kS differential output impedance of the mixers. The fundamental
limit for the power level of a 1.9GHz LO signal is 10.7pW, based on formula 12 in
Section 3.3. This brings the fundamental limit for the power dissipation of the mixer to
10.7pW-61pW=-50.4pW. The actual power level for the LO signal is 10:W, about six
orders of magnitude higher.
The maximum input level of the mixer is about -10dBm, and therefore the
maximum output level is !14dBm. This results in a PAE of:
The minimum input level of the output buffer is -74dBm. With 8dB of gain, the
minimum output level is -66dBm or 251pW. This results in a PAE of:
It is clear that at low signal levels, the main cause for the power dissipation is the
class-A biasing of the circuits. At high signal levels, the power dissipation is still one to
two orders of magnitude above the fundamental limits. This power dissipation is mainly
caused by the high signal frequencies for the LNA and mixer, which require a minimum
biasing of the active devices to achieve sufficient gain.
The power dissipation in the output buffer is mainly determined by the
requirements for driving IF signals up to 5MHz off-chip. In the original design
A typical front end design process consists of five consecutive stages, as shown in fig.
First, if people in charge of the design process change their mind about the project
targets, e.g. because of new market inputs, or because of changes in interface
specifications, the design process typically needs to be restarted from stage 1. If the
process has already advanced to a later stage, this results in a significant delay in the
project, and reduction in productivity.
Second, the information required to derive front end specifications is not always
readily available in a format that is easy to access. Also, knowledge of, and experience
with, the procedure for deriving front end specs from system specifications might be
The first shortcoming depends on many external factors. It can be reduced by formal risk
assessments such as “failure mode and effect” analysis, by better project management
methods, and by padding specifications to allow for some changes during the project. The
second shortcoming could be minimized by storing the knowledge of relevant systems
in such a way that it is easy to access for the incidental user, and by providing
descriptions or even automation of the spec derivation procedure. Systems knowledge is
available through e.g. ETSI CD-ROMs, books, internet sites etc. The information from
these sources is seldom in a consistent format, however. In practice, it takes a lot of
experience or an even larger amount of patience to understand the system requirements
based on these sources. Partial derivation procedures are available through many home-
brewn spreadsheets and simple software tools. These are seldom integrated into the
design process, and documentation is often minimal, requiring again experience or
patience from the designer who wants to use such tools.
Impedance transform
In narrow-band systems, a low loss transformer with an impedance transformation ratio
" can often be implemented cheaply at the PCB level, and sometimes (depending on the
IC technology) also on chip. When put in front of our building block, an impedance
transform with a factor " changes the input impedance, but leaves all other performance
parameters unchanged. However, this transform is a very useful part of other SITs. The
corresponding transform of the specifications is shown in (34).
Figure 49 Parallel
scaling down to very small currents offers more flexibility with respect to this transform.
The corresponding transform of the specifications is shown in (35).
Mismatch transform
Mismatch is different from attenuation, in the sense that the excess input power is not
dissipated but reflected. This is true both for signal and noise power. Since the excess
input power is not dissipated, no excess noise is generated and the noise figure is not
affected. The corresponding transform of the specification parameters is shown in (39).
Mismatch is also different from the other transforms in this section in the sense that it
changes the matching between circuits. All other transforms are based on the assumption
that the match between source, load, and circuit block will not be changed. In most on-
chip RF circuits, there will be significant mismatches between circuit blocks, both
because matching circuits are expensive to build on-chip, and because this increases the
robustness of the IC performance with respect to process and environmental changes. The
mismatch transform is the only transform that changes this (mis)match. It is attractive
Figure 53 Mismatch
A widely used distortion cancellation transform is balancing, which can be used to cancel
second order components. In this case, alpha=1 and beta=-1. Also, third order
cancellation is sometimes used, e.g. in “multi-tanh” circuits. In the case of two branches,
the coefficients should be chosen such that beta=-1/alpha^3 (in order to cancel the third
order component) and beta -1/alpha (otherwise the wanted signal would be suppressed).
Distortion cancellation transforms are special in that they trade accuracy for
linearity. Accuracy is required both in terms of matching between the elements in the two
branches and absolute accuracy of the coefficients alpha and beta. There is no real trade-
off between distortion cancellation and power dissipation. In general, there can be an
impact on the gain and noise figure. For the second-order distortion cancellation there is
no such penalty, since there is no reduction of the signal level or signal-to-noise ratio. For
the third-order distortion cancellation, there is a finite penalty in terms of the gain and
noise figure, but this can be made arbitrarily (and infinitesimally) small by choosing large
values of alpha. A large value of alpha will cause the third order distortion component
to become relatively large compared to the wanted signal as well as to the noise. Only a
small fraction of the output, corresponding to a small beta, is required to cancel the
distortion component, and this small version of beta will result in small effects on the
noise and wanted signal levels.
Therefore, there is no significant trade-off between distortion cancellation and gain,
noise figure or power dissipation for second- and third-order distortion cancellation. This
implies that distortion cancellation always yields improvement independent of other
transforms applied to the circuit, and is only limited by practical considerations. The
transform of the specification parameters for the second order distortion cancellation
transform is shown in (40), and for the “infinitesimal penalty” case of the third order
distortion cancellation transform in (41).
Feedback transform
Feedback is again a special transform, in the sense that it is not obvious to implement for
processing stages that include the frequency conversion elementary operation. This would
require an additional frequency conversion elementary operation in the feedback path,
and this additional frequency conversion will itself have the same impairments, such as
distortion and noise generation, that feedback is supposed to reduce. Therefore, feedback
cannot be considered a structure independent transform in the strict sense.
Even for signal-processing stages that do not include the frequency conversion
operation, implementing feedback while maintaining the power match is not trivial, and
merits a separate investigation.
These transforms show that for every circuit, the gain or the IP3 can be increased
independently, at the cost of a proportional increase in power dissipation. The transforms
are defined in such way, that they do not affect the source and output impedance of the
blocks. This allows the OSITs to he applied to subcircuits in a cascade without affecting
the other subcircuits.
The orthogonality of the OSIT_1 and OSIT_2 transforms does not by itself prove
that these transforms are optimum. However, none of the other transformations offer a
better trade-off between power, gain and linearity. Therefore, the optimality of OSIT_1
and OSIT_2 is assumed for the remainder of this thesis. If, at some point, a better
orthogonal SIT is found, it can replace OSIT_1 or OSIT_2 without affecting the proposed
method for minimum power design.
Table 81 shows the effects on gain, noise, linearity and power dissipation of both
OSIT transforms.
Gain NF IP3 P dc
Original circuit G NF IP3 P
OSIT_1 G NF mult IP3 mult P
OSIT_2 s 11 G NF IP3 s 11 P
Table 11: The effects of OSIT_1 and OSIT_2 transforms
Since none of the SITs showed a trade-off between low power dissipation and noise
performance, the noise figure is invariant for both OSITs. For most designers, this might
seem non-intuitive, since they often have the experience that the noise figure can be
improved at the cost of an increased power dissipation. In Section 5.5.4, this apparent
contradiction between experience and theory will be investigated further.
It relates the power dissipation Pdc of a circuit to its gain G and linearity IP3. Since
the output IP3 (OIP3) equals the product of gain and input IP3, this is equivalent to:
This is the reason for naming k the power linearity factor. k is invariant under the
OSITs defined in previous section. Note that 6 increases with increasing power
dissipation, and decreases with increasing gain and linearity. In other words, circuits with
a low 6 are more desirable for low power design.
Since circuits with a dominant pole also allow a trade-off between gain and
bandwidth (Section 3.2), and since there is often no significant dependence of IP3 and
power dissipation on the signal frequency, the power linearity factor for this class of
This graph suggests a relation between EFOM and technology used. CMOS LNAs
seem to outperform bipolar/bicmos and even GaAs LNAs. Therefore, the increasing use
of CMOS technology for RF circuits might have influenced the trend in power dissipation
of RF circuits as well. This is also consistent with the observation that silicon CMOS
technologies have overtaken silicon BiCMOS technologies in terms of bandwidth in
recent years (fig. 59).
For CMOS technologies, there is a high level of consensus and standardization in
the industry, e.g. through the Semiconductor Industry Association SIA. This results in
clear roadmaps. For BiCMOS, the situation is less clear, and there is a larger variety in
processes and roadmaps in various companies. Therefore, the CMOS trend can be
indicated by a line, whereas the BiCMOS trend can only be approximated by a box.
In addition to these developments at the circuit and technology level, there are also
developments at the system level to enable lower power dissipation. They can be divided
into the following categories:
C Relaxed specifications for the RF part: this approach has been followed in e.g. DECT
For the construction of an optimum distribution of gain, linearity, and noise in a front
end, it is assumed that a library of the “best” (as selected by EFOM_1) signal-processing
subcircuits is available from which such a front end will be constructed. For each of the
Every sub block can be characterized by its (transform invariant) nosie factor F i and its power linearity
factor k i. Each sub block then represents a class of potential sub blocks with different G i, IP3 i, and P i, but with
the same k i.
where k1, k2, F1, F2, Ftot, Gtot and IP3tot are known. These equations can be solved for G1,
G2, IP31 and IP32 by first solving for the gains:
Substituting G1 in (49) by the value from (48) results in explicit solutions for G1, G2 and
e.g. IP31. What remains is the solution for IP32. It would also have been possible to solve
for IP32 first, which would of course result in the same solution. There are an infinite
number of solutions for IP32 that satisfy the relations and known parameters. To find a
unique solution for minimum power, P is expressed as a function of IP32 only, using the
solutions for G1, G2 and IP31 from the previous equations. A typical graph of IP31 as a
function of IP32 is shown in fig. 61.
This equation has two roots for IP32: r1 and r2 (52). The root r2 has a positive second
derivative and r1 has a negative second derivative.
Since the positive second derivative in combination with a zero of the first derivative
corresponds to a minimum, r2 represents the value of IP32 that corresponds to the
minimum power dissipation. Please note that the power which corresponds to r1 actually
represents a total power dissipation that can be lower than that represented by r2.
However, the corresponding value of IP31 is negative, and therefore represents no valid
solution. Substituting r2 into the initial equations results in the following parameter
This is the minimum power dissipation that can be realized by any cascade of two stages.
The corresponding solution for the gain and linearity (53) represents the minimum power
distribution of gain, linearity and noise across two cascaded stages. It is of course
desirable to extend this solution to more than two stages.
Given numbers:
This general optimization problem was solved mathematically by dr. ir. A.J.E.M. (Guido)
Janssen, at the Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven, using Lagrange multipliers.
The derivation of this solution can be found in appendix F. The solution for the gain,
rewritten using the same parameters as in the problem definition above, is:
For n=2, this solution is of course identical to the solution found in the previous section.
In the next step, a minimum power front end can be assembled by applying the
OSITs to the original subcircuits with the parameters determined by the solution (58)-
(62).This will result in new subcircuits with the optimum gain and linearity for the front
end. These new subcircuits can then be assembled into a front end circuit by cascading
them according to the selected front end architecture.
Please note that in this formula, NF, SNRmin and Psens are in dB. The SNRmin can be derived
from the co-channel interferer level specified at an offset of 0, i.e. in the middle of the
receive channel.
The minimum IP3 value is determined from this distortion level, and the level of the
interferers on adjacent channels. Adjacent channels are channels that are one channel
spacing above or below the wanted channel. Alternate channels are channels that are two
channel spacings above or below the wanted channel. A detailed discussion of IP3 and
its relation to interferers can be found in appendix H.2.
An AGC function in the RF front end helps reduce the power dissipation by reducing the
signal levels in subsequent stages when high input signal levels are present. The reduced
signal levels translate in lower distortion requirements, which in turn result in lower
power dissipation as predicted by EFOM_1. The optimum AGC range of a receiver is
determined from the dynamic range of the desired signal, which could be dealt with fully
by AGC operation, and the dynamic range of the desired signal with one or two
interferers. The dynamic range required to process the interferers cannot be reduced by
AGC operation, since the front end should process both the wanted signal and the
interferers without distorting the interferers, and without decreasing the signal-to-noise
ratio for the wanted signal. Therefore, this settles the minimum dynamic range. The AGC
range should make up the difference between the dynamic range of the signal by itself,
and the dynamic range required for the correct processing of the interferers. The optimum
AGC range can be defined as:
Usually, some margin is added here to allow for imperfect AGC operation and similar
imperfections. The selectivity S()f) is determined by the relative strengths of adjacent
and alternate channel interferers compared to a co-channel interferer. Assuming that the
demodulator is not frequency selective within a 5 channel bandwidth, the single tone
interferers at adjacent and alternate channels need to be suppressed to a level comparable
to a co-channel interferer. This results in a selectivity of:
The maximum phase noise of the VCO is typically determined by the reciprocal mixing
of this phase noise with single-tone interferers. The reciprocal mixing products at )f (for
interferers at adjacent channels) and 2 )f (for interferers at alternate channels) will
coincide with the wanted signal, and need to be lower than a co-channel interferer.
Therefore, the minimum CNR is determined by:
This function results in negative, and therefore impossible, values of Frf for low values
of Grf. In other words:
For high values of the front end gain, the maximum noise factor asymptotically increases
towards Ftot. This makes sense, since for high front end gain, the noise contribution of the
IF&baseband circuits is negligible. In the same way, the minimum IP3 of the front end
depends on the front end gain. The minimum value of the IP3 can be expressed as a
voltage VIP3rf using the expression for the total 3rd order distortion, Section H.2.2:
This graph is based on the following example parameters: F tot = 10, F if = 3
When Grf IP3tot exceeds IP3if, the minimum value for IP3rf becomes negative and no
solution exists. In other words:
For very low gain values, the IP3rf value decreases asymptotically to the IP3tot value. By
combining (72) and (75), we find the boundary conditions for the front-end gain:
In this graph, the following example parameter values have been used: VIP3 if = 0.83, VIP3 tot = 0.2,
and therefore VIP3 if/VIP3 tot = 12.36dB.
Based on this choice for the gain, the noise figure and IP3 can be determined from
equations (71) and (74).
This algorithm will provide the best topology for the front-end architecture, as well
as the best combination of subcircuits. The corresponding power dissipation is also
calculated. The formulas for the optimum noise, gain and linearity distribution provide
the specifications for each of the subcircuits. Since the OSITs are orthogonal, the
corresponding transforms can be easily derived from these specifications. The subcircuits
to be used can now be constructed from the selected subcircuit collection and the
corresponding transforms, and can then be assembled according to the selected topology.
This results in a minimum-power front end.
The rectangular boxes indicate data stored in databases. Each database has a
corresponding editor program associated with it, that allows the designer direct read &
write access to the database. The rounded boxes indicate programs that carry out
transformations on data in one or more databases, and that store the results in another
database. This tool is called FAT (Front- end Architecture Tool). The top-level interface
to this tool is shown in figure 67.
The interface is organized along the top-down design flow described in the design
procedure in the previous section. In the left column is the straight top-down path,
starting from system specifications, through transceiver and front-end specifications, to
front-end architecture and subcircuit selection. In the right column, the supporting
The buttons with the arrows start programs that carry out the transformation of data from
the database above to data in the database below the arrow. An example of such a
transformation program (in this case the “FE Calc” module) is shown below (fig. 69):
Using this tool, the calculations for front end specifications and a minimum power
implementation of the front end can be determined in a few minutes, if the information
has already been entered in the databases. Often, designers might want to spend some
time exploring this level of the design by entering hypothetical, potentially feasible
circuits, or investigating trade-offs between the front end and other circuits (IF/baseband,
antenna interface). This tool allows such explorations to be carried out efficiently.
Finally, the databases are set up in such a way that they can be shared through a network
between many users, allowing easy cooperation and dissemination of factual knowledge.
A detailed description of the databases and the transforms used in the FAT tool is
included in appendix G.
When keeping the specifications for the front end identical to the original target, as
described in Chapter 4, the starting point for the optimization is represented in fig. 71.
The optimum distribution of gain and noise figure can be calculated, as well as the
predicted current consumption, by pressing the “optim” button. The result is shown in fig.
The accuracy of such predictions is limited, since scaling of circuits and devices
over such a large range will probably introduce significant parasitic effects not included
in the simple models on which this design method is based. This does not alter the
relevance of this approach, though, since a power saving of even a single order of
magnitude is already sensational in handheld, battery-powered devices!
6.1 System
The design method discussed in the previous chapter considered system specifications
to be a boundary condition, and focused on achieving the lowest power implementation
of a system specification. However, decisions during the specification of a system can
have a large impact on the power dissipation of RF transceiver components of this
system. In this section, the impact of system aspects related to radio transmission itself
will be discussed, and system choices that reduce the total power dissipation of the
transceiver will be identified.
In any radio transceiver system, there is a relation between transmit power, receiver
sensitivity and the maximum range at which reliable reception of the transmitted signal
can be achieved. This relation is expressed through the radio transmission equation (cf
Section 1.1). When defining a new system, the radio transmission equation points to
several parameters that can be adjusted. These parameters affect system performance and
transceiver power dissipation:
C Transmit power. The power dissipation of the transmitter depends on the transmit
power, through the efficiency of the RF power amplifier.
This effect is generally well-known, and usually taken into account in the definition of
new systems.
6.1.3 Range
Since an increase in range results in higher power dissipation of the transmitter and/or
receiver (see previous sections), keeping the range of a system limited helps to reduce the
power dissipation. At the same time, a larger range is a benefit for the users in many
systems. Often, it is even the main feature. Reducing range is therefore not an obvious
or attractive proposition. The contradictory requirements for a long-range low-power
system can be reconciled by using a cellular system in combination with roaming. In this
way, the area in which a user can seamlessly use the radio link is much larger than the
range of the radio link itself. This way, a system that behaves like a long-range system
can be built up with short-range radio links.
6.1.4 Frequency
As discussed in Section 1.1, the need for higher data rates pushes short-range systems
towards higher frequencies, despite the higher path loss at such frequencies. In fact, in
combination with a cellular and roaming infrastructure, the higher path loss and resulting
shorter range can be regarded as an advantage, since it allows smaller cell sizes and
therefore a higher traffic density per area.
Because of the digital coding of the information in modern portable wireless devices, it
is not the average received power that is relevant, but whether the power level is high
enough to allow perfect reconstruction of the information after error correction. This is
possible if the signal level exceeds a threshold. The fraction of the area inside (or outside)
a building in which the received antenna power exceeds this threshold is called coverage
[97]. For example, a coverage of 99% indicates that in 1% of the area the signal is too
weak for reliable information transfer, but in the remaining 99% of the area, perfect
information transfer can be achieved. For portable wireless devices that transmit and
receive digital information, coverage is a more relevant performance parameter than
average received antenna power.
Even relatively simple schemes, such as equal-gain combining of two antennas, can
result in an improvement of about 10dB when targeting equal coverages in the 98% range
indoor [97] (fig. 78). In equal-gain combining antenna diversity, the signals from multiple
antennas are added with the same gain, but with an optimized phase difference. This
One way to interpret the function of an equal-gain combiner is to model the output signal
from the adder as if it was generated by a single antenna with a complex antenna pattern.
In that case, the effective antenna pattern of this virtual antenna depends on the value of
the variable phase shifter. Fig. 80 demonstrates some of the antenna patterns that can be
generated in this way.
The approximately 10dB of link budget improvement that can be achieved with equal
gain combining on one side of the radio link7 can be used to increase coverage and range.
However, it can also be used to reduce the power dissipation of a system, while
maintaining the original coverage and range. For example, the transmit power can be
reduced by 5dB and the receiver sensitivity by the “other” 5dB. In this way,
approximately 3x power dissipation reduction can be achieved both in transmit and
receive mode if the power savings are implemented on both transceivers in a link. An
even larger power dissipation reduction can be achieved in asymmetrical systems, by
reducing both the transmit power and receiver sensitivity by 10dB.
Figure 78 shows that the improvement depends on the target coverage. For higher
coverage targets, the improvement is substantially more than 10dB. In figure 81, the
relative power dissipation of the receiver is shown for both long-range and short-range
applications, assuming that half of the improvement in link budget is allocated to
reducing transmit power, and the other half to reducing receiver sensitivity.
Complementary to the situation with antenna losses, the increased signal levels provided
by antenna diversity can be used to optimize the front end for a proportionally increased
noise figure and proportionally decreased gain, to maintain overall sensitivity and signal
levels. In addition, the input IP3 of long-range systems has to increase proportionally to
the signal levels to maintain overall linearity. The result is shown in fig. 81. In this figure,
the relative power dissipation is the power dissipation of a receiver with equal-gain
It is possible to implement advanced antenna diversity schemes on both sides of the radio link.
Implementing diversity on one side of the link results in link budget improvements because of the antenna gain
created by multiple antennas, and because of the suppression of multipath fading. Adding antenna diversity on
the other side of a radio link as well will give additional antenna gain. The improvement because of the further
suppression of multipath is, however, typically negligible. Therefore, adding diversity on the other side of a
radio link will probably further improve the link budget by only about 3dB rather than another 10dB.
6.2 Circuit
In the design method described in the previous chapter, the performance of individual
circuits was considered a boundary condition. The design method focused only on
selecting the “best” circuit. In this section, the design of circuits that are optimized for
low-power operation will be investigated.
Circuits for short-range systems operate at very high frequencies, close to the limits
of the IC process. Therefore, the most effective circuit topologies are typically very
simple. New low power circuit topologies, other than the scaling mentioned in this
section, are not likely to be used for short-range systems. Circuits for long-range systems
do benefit from improvements in technology, because the RF frequencies for these
systems will remain limited to the region below approximately 5GHz. Therefore, the
margin between required circuit performance and available technology performance will
increase for these type of systems, and creative circuit topologies are more likely.
The characteristic impedance Z 0 of a microstrip line on a PCB can be approximated by the impedance
of a cylinder with diameter d above an infinite ground plane at distance D, in an environment with dielectric
constant e r: Z 0 = 138/%e r log(D/d). Because of technological constraints, such as minimum track widths and
maximum via heights, D/d cannot be made very large. This limits the characteristic impedance to a few hundred
Ohms in practice.
In the circuit of fig. 83, Q1 is the actual emitter follower. The biasing for Q1 is provided
by Q2. The current through Q1 is sensed by Rcol. A feedback loop, consisting of Q4, Rls,
and Q3, counteracts fluctuations of the current through Q1 by modulating the current
source Q2. If the current through Q1 becomes smaller, the collector voltage rises. This
rise in voltage is applied to the base of Q2 through the level shifter consisting of Q4 and
Rls. This increase in base voltage is translated into a higher collector current of Q2, and
therefore an increase in bias current for Q1. The voltage drop in the level shifter is
determined by the bias current through Q3, and therefore by Vbias. Vbias also sets the
quiescent current through the emitter follower. The modulation of the tail current
provided by Q2 causes the class-A/B operation. It reduces current fluctuations in Q2,
resulting in higher AC current gain of the emitter follower, and therefore higher input
In this amplifier, the transistors Q1 and Q2 form the actual differential pair. R5 and R6
are degeneration resistors to improve linearity. The usual tail current source has been
replaced by two independent tail current sources Q5 and Q10. They are driven by
collector-current sensing resistors Rc1 and Rc2, through level shifters created by Q11 and
In the upper graph of fig. 85, the individual output signals are shown as a function of the
differential voltage across the input. Only in a small region around zero, both outputs are
active and the circuit operates in class A. For input signal levels above 30mV, one output
saturates and the other output continues. This provides a much higher compression point
than would be possible with a class-A circuit and the same quiescent current. The lower
graph of fig. 85 shows the differential output signals as a function of the differential
voltage across the input. The higher gain in the class-A region is clearly visible in the
center of this graph.
The modulation of the power supply current is shown in fig. 86, showing a
reduction by more than a factor of 2. The small signal linearity is higher than the linearity
of a class-A differential pair with the same quiescent current, since the feedback loops
and output stages act as a translinear circuit that compensates for the exponential
behavior of the transistors. However, there is still a significant distortion in the transition
from class-A to class-B operation, since the saturation of one side of the circuit reduces
the gain by approximately a factor of two. This differential pair is very useful in
situations where it is necessary to occasionally deal with strong single-tone interferers.
In the absence of such interferers, the circuit operates at low currents in class A, and is
highly linear. When such interferers are present, the circuit switches instantaneously into
class-A/B operation, and avoids the signal deterioration caused by the limiting that occurs
in class-A circuits with low biasing and therefore low compression points.
This circuit can be the basis for a full class-A/B front end. It does require sufficient gain
at high frequencies and low quiescent currents for the control loops, and is therefore
suited for the same type of IC processes required for low-power, short-range circuits. This
class-AB differential pair has been patented [111].
6.3 Technology
The power consumption of an RF circuit depends, among others, on the properties of the
devices in the circuit, and therefore on the technology used to implement them. The
insights derived from the minimum power design method of Chapter 5 can be used to
identify the properties that limit a further reduction of the power dissipation of RF
circuits. This can be used as a basis for developing new technologies that are optimized
for low power RF circuits.
To quantify the properties of devices and IC processes that affect the power
dissipation of RF front-end circuits, various methods can be used, including:
C design, fabrication and measurement of benchmark circuits
C coupled device and circuit simulation [99]
C circuit simulation
C figures of merit (FOMs)
FOMs are an attractive and popular method, because they give a quick indication of the
properties of a device and/or process, and can be calculated with a minimum amount of
effort. Moreover, they allow for a very straightforward analysis of the factors in a device
and/or process that can be changed to improve the results.
with q the electron charge, k the Boltzman constant, T the absolute temperature, and Ic
the collector current of the active device. Another limitation for the voltage gain is the
maximum value of the collector load resistor Rl:
The only parameter in (81) which is significantly influenced by the device and process
properties is Re. The variation of Vce is often negligible compared to Vcc. It might seem
that Re is therefore a good indication of the low frequency gain performance of a
transistor. However, only the product Ic Re affects the gain - one is meaningless without
the other. The effect of parasitic emitter resistance can be reduced by running the
transistor at very low currents. This is already included in Gv,max(0).
In general, the bandwidth of a common emitter stage is limited by a combination
of at least 7 and possibly as many as 24 time constants [104]. In low power RF
applications, two of them are dominant in most devices and processes. One time constant
limits the frequencies that can get into the intrinsic transistor from the outside (input time
constant), and another time constant limits the frequencies which can get out of the
transistor (output time constant):
C The output time constant consists of the external load resistor R1 and the collector-
base (Cjc) and collector-substrate (Cjs) capacitor of the active device. This results in
a definition (82) for the output bandwidth f out: the frequency at which the voltage gain
Gv has decreased by 3dB from an initial value Gv(0).
It is conventional to define fout for a low voltage gain of 10, since this is a typical
value for the input stage of a low noise amplifier (83). Note that the output bandwidth
increases with increasing collector current.
C The input time constant consists of the base resistance Rb and a combination of base-
emitter junction capacitance Cje, diffusion capacitance CD, and the Miller-enlarged
collector base junction capacitance Cjc. As a first approximation, the effective base
resistance is assumed to be lumped in series, and all capacitors are assumed to be
Note that the input bandwidth decreases when the collector current of the device
increases, because CD increases with the collector current.
The expression for fv does not take into account the effects of the parasitic emitter
resistor. This resistor serves as a feedback across the first gain stage, reducing the low-
frequency gain, and increasing the input bandwidth by the same amount. This increased
bandwidth is indicated by the symbol fv’. The combined effect of Gv,max(0), fv, fv’, and fout
on the gain and bandwidth behavior of a bipolar CE stage is shown in fig. 87 for the case
where fout exceeds fv’:
Whether fv exceeds fout or the other way around depends on the biasing of the transistor.
In fact, a biasing condition exists at which the total bandwidth of the circuit is optimized:
higher currents would reduce the input bandwidth, and smaller currents would reduce the
output bandwidth. By extending fig. 87 to include the collector current as an independent
variable, this optimum biasing point can be made visible. In fig. 88, such a graph is
shown for a common emitter stage with a minimum size NPN device in the QUBiC
process [102]. In this case, it is obvious that for biasing currents lower than the collector
current for peak fT, no optimum bandwidth: is found: increasing the collector current
results in a continuously increasing bandwidth. This is also consistent with the experience
The difference between fig. 88 and fig. 87 is caused by the relatively low fout of this
device: fv (1.6GHz) still exceeds fout (1.2GHz) for the highest biasing condition.
Therefore, performance is limited mainly by fout. To obtain better performance from this
circuit, the device should be optimized to improve the parameters that make up fout, i.e.
Cjs and Cjc. In this case, the value of Cjs is much larger than the value of Cjc. This is rather
typical for many small bipolar RF devices, and can be solved by reducing Cjs
significantly, e.g. through trenches, such as in QUBiC4. The gain for such a device is
shown in fig. 89. In this graph, an optimum biasing condition at high frequencies can
easily be identified.
RF IC processes are often characterized by their fT. However, fT as a FOM for RF low-
power performance is not very relevant, since fout and fv do not depend significantly on
The total bandwidth of the active device is sometimes defined by the figure of merit
fa. The bandwidth of a common emitter stage with resistive collector load such that Gv(0)
=10 is defined as the available bandwidth fa. In this way, fa combines the effects of fv and
fout in a single FOM.
While the output bandwidth of most devices was dominated by the collector-
substrate capacitance, fout and fa provided adequate indications of the RF performance
limits of active devices. With new technologies, such as the trenches in QUBiC4, that
significantly reduce the collector-substrate capacitance, this is no longer true, and a new
FOM is needed. The bandwidth of a common emitter stage in an RF circuit is now
significantly affected by the load of the next stage. This load depends of course on the
specific design in which the common emitter stage is used. In some cases, it will be an
emitter follower which provides a relatively low load to the CE stage, in other cases it
will be another CE stage with a larger device and larger currents. As with the choice of
Gv(0) for fout, a typical situation can be defined. In this case, such a typical situation is the
loading of the CE stage by an identical CE stage, which provides a load somewhere
between the two cases mentioned before. This results in a new FOM which will be named
the collector bandwidth fcoll in this thesis. The corresponding expression for fcoll is given
by (86).
The input bandwidth is not significantly affected by the loading of the next stage.
Similar to the definition of the available bandwidth fa of an unloaded common emitter
stage, another new FOM is defined here which represents the bandwidth of a loaded
common emitter stage as the combined input bandwidth and the collector bandwidth. It
is named the loaded bandwidth fl. This FOM is relevant when comparing modern
technologies that use trenches or other techniques to reduce the parasitic capacitance at
the output of the active device, especially the implementation of circuits for short-range
For low currents, fl is dominated by fcoll, and CD will become negligible compared
to the other capacitances in the denominator (Cjs, Cjc, and Cje). Also, the term gm Re will
become negligible. Therefore, at low currents, fl can be approximated by (87).
This bandwidth is proportional to the current. Therefore, the ratio between fl and the
collector current is a good measure for the bandwidths that an active device can achieve
at low currents, and will be called the bandwidth-current ratio or BCR (88, 89, 89).
At low currents, the term fl / Ic can be replaced by BCR. Together with the usual
assumption of Gv(0) = 10, EFOM_1 for active devices can be rewritten as:
The EFOM_1 value can be improved by the BCR. This has the additional advantage
that the device becomes more attractive for both short-range and long-range systems. In
terms of the FOMs discussed in the previous sections, this can be achieved by improving
the fcoll, which, in turn, can be achieved by reducing the Cje, Cjc and Cjs of the active
device. Note that the diffusion capacitance CD, and therefore the fT, does not appear in the
expression for BCR, and is therefore not relevant for the low-power, high-frequency
performance of active devices in either short-range or long-range systems.
The substrate of the SOI wafer is now facing upwards. This silicon substrate is removed
completely, using the buried oxide as an etch stop. Usually, glass is selected for the
substrate because it is cheap and has low losses over a wide frequency range. From a
design point of view, SOA offers five important advantages compared to a conventional
bipolar silicon process:
C a lateral NPN transistor with 0.1:m2 emitter area using 0.5:m lithography. A
common emitter stage provides 2.4GHz of bandwidth at 20dB of gain with only
10:A current;
C interconnect (including bondpads) with 5 to 20 times lower parasitic capacitance to
ground (depending on the line width);
C almost perfect isolation between circuit blocks;
C integrated inductors with Q values of up to 40;
C an individual trade-off between fT, base resistance, Early voltage and breakdown
voltages for every individual transistor in the design, by changing the collector drift
region (parameter Lcdr in table 12).
The process also provides 15kS/9 poly resistors, 1.5nF/mm2 capacitors, PIN diodes,
varicaps, PNPs and JFETS, and 2.5 metal layers, all in 14 mask steps, which together
To demonstrate that the goal of increasing gain at low power levels has been achieved in
the SOA process, figure 94 shows the fa of both a minimum-size SOA transistor and a
standard 1:m QUBiC1 transistor.
The high bandwidth at low currents is a direct result of the scaling of the emitter area and
proportional scaling of the transistor parasitics, enabled by the fully isolating substrate.
The difference between the processes is also clearly captured by the newly introduced
BCR 126MHz/:A 5.32MHz/:A
EFOM_1 293MHz 177MHz
Table 95 BCR and EFOM_1 figures of merit for SOA and QUBiC1 processes
These active devices, together with the enhanced passives and low-parasitic interconnect
make SOA an ideal technology for low power RF design, especially for short-range
This transceiver is not compatible with any of the IEEE 802.11 standards, even though it operates in
the same 2.5GHz ISM frequency band as the IEEE 802.11b and IEEE 802.11g systems. The data rate of this
system is 100kbps, the transmit power 10dBm, and the modulation GFSK with BT=0.5.
The weighting is accomplished through the 4 variable-gain amplifiers in fig. 95. These
variable-gain amplifiers are implemented as Gilbert cells, and are controlled by dual 8-bit
DACs that generate the voltages corresponding to the cos(N) and sin(N) terms in eq. 92.
This method of phase shifting provides the highest flexibility, since the weighting factors
can be adjusted in very small steps, which is especially important for combinations of a
larger number of antennas.
For two antennas, a simpler circuit is possible as well, using resistive interpolation
(fig. 96). In this circuit, the I+ and I- signals are the balanced outputs of the “I” mixer in
Resistive dividers can also be used for diversity schemes with three or more antennas.
However, such schemes typically use maximum ratio combining rather than equal gain
combining. For maximum ratio combining, both the amplitude and the phase of the
individual antennas needs to be adapted. This requires a two-dimensional resistive
network, which is more complicated to design and implement, especially if crosstalk and
When comparing this LNA with the LNA from the DECT front end from Chapter 4 and
the LNAs from literature as discussed in Section 2.1, the following EFOM values are
found (fig. 98).
Figure 98 EFOM of SOA LNA in context of DECT and other LNAs from literature
The supply current of the total receiver front end is 1.0mA at 3.0V, with about half that
current going into the LNA and mixers, and the other half into the DACs and phase
shifters, which can be powered down independently. Biasing is provided by on-chip
bandgap reference sources. The complete die is shown in fig. 100. Although this die is
“upside-down” after the substrate transfer, the devices are still visible because the
original substrate has been removed. The replacement glass substrate below the devices
After the interpolation, limiters provide the high gain required to drive the demodulator
with sufficiently large signals. They also eliminate any amplitude variation. The IF
signals are then converted to baseband information by a 4 branch differentiate-and-cross-
multiply demodulator, as shown in fig. 162 in appendix E. The demodulator provides
pulses at 8 times the IF frequency, with positive pulses for positive frequencies and
negative pulses for negative frequencies. This is sufficient for a reliable detection of the
data. However, there will still be some jitter on the data transitions, so bit clock recovery
might be affected. This is corrected by a reconstruction circuit based on the
In the bottom part, the same “Dem+” and “Dem-” signals are used to create voltages *1
and *2, which start to rise linearly with time after positive respectively negative data
transitions. The “Dem+” signal is connected to the “Set” input of a flip-flop FF1, and the
“Dem-” signal to the “Reset” input of this flip-flop. Therefore, the output of this flip-flop
will indicate the sign of the last known instantaneous frequency of the IF signal, “Imp.
Rec.”. This is a rough approximation of the received data, in which the value of the data
is correct, but the moments of data transition are not yet correct. Transitions in the “Imp.
Rec.” signal are also used to set either FF2 (for a 061 transition) or FF3 (for a 160
transition). These flip-flops indicate that a transition of the reconstructed signal is
pending, and should be carried out after a delay that corresponds to the <1 and <2 signals.
When FF2 is set, *1 will start increasing, and *2 will start increasing when FF3 is set.
The signals *1 and <1 are added, as well as *2 and <2. To both of these sums, a
negative threshold voltage “Vref” is added, resulting in two signals "1 and "2. The zero
crossings of these signals define the exact moments on which the reconstructed data,
“Perf. Rec.”, should make a positive or negative transition, which is achieved through
limiters (for detecting the zero crossings), and a flip-flop FF4 that represents the
reconstructed output signal. The “Vref” signal adds a constant delay to the output signal.
The minimum delay is set by the causality requirements discussed in appendix E. This
new method of reconstructing the data from a limited low-IF FSK signal has been
patented [114].
A die photo of the complete IF IC is shown in fig. 104, and the output signal of the
demodulator is shown in fig. 103. The total supply current of the IF IC is 0.15mA at 3V,
bringing the total power dissipation of a simple receiver to 3.5mW, or 7mW for the dual-
beam angle-scanning receiver. Typical 2.5GHz WLAN receivers in literature around the
Although some part of this factor is due to the higher data rates of most of these W LAN receivers
compared to the proprietary system described in this section, the largest part of this factor is still due to system
and circuit design, and technology. This is supported by the relatively small difference in power dissipation
between Bluetooth and W LAN receivers, even though the Bluetooth receivers also run at a much lower bitrate.
The largest part of the power dissipation in these receivers is in the RF part, which is not affected by bandwidths
and/or datarates of the system.
RF Platforms
Thus far, this thesis has concentrated mostly on the design of minimum-power RF front
ends. The minimum-power design method offers an efficient way to design RF front ends
with minimum power dissipation, within the boundary conditions of this method, and
within the accuracy of the models used. In many product development projects, there is
a strong time pressure. Some of the causes of delays are outside the boundary conditions
and models used in the design method proposed in this thesis. Therefore, an additional
method to speed up the RF front-end design is required, and will be described in this
8.1 Introduction
As discussed in Section 1.4, a significant delay in the RF design process is caused by
modeling inaccuracies. This causes the performance measurement results to be
significantly different from the simulation results. As a consequence, multiple iterations
over the design-layout-fabrication-packaging-testing loop are required, as shown in figure
The solid bottom curve shows the profit margin over time after product introduction. The
area below this curve labeled “traditional design” represents the integral of this profit
When deriving specifications for subcircuits from a system specification, there are
degrees of freedom. In this thesis, these degrees of freedom have been used to minimize
the power dissipation. Similar degrees of freedom exist in translating a cloud of
specifications at the product level to clouds of specifications at the building block level
(fig. 111).
These extra degrees of freedom can be used to reduce the number of building blocks
required to cover the whole application area. Finding the minimum number of such
building blocks is a complicated problem that needs further study. It depends, among
others, on the range over which the performance trade-offs of single building blocks can
The GSM/DCS/PCS standards each also cover the EDGE and GPRS extensions. The
numbers in each column below a building block type indicate which building block of
this specific type is preferred for this application. Detailed specifications for each of these
building blocks have been created, and they are currently being developed.
The main goal of this thesis was to answer the following question:
“What are the fundamental limits for the power dissipation of telecommunication
front ends, and what design procedures can be followed that approach these limits
and, at the same time, result in practical circuits?”
In Section 3.6, it was demonstrated that the fundamental limits are set by physics, but are
typically not reached because they are dominated by limits in technology and circuit
To approach the limits imposed by technology, a design method was developed based on
complexity reduction. A two-step approach was developed based on structure-
independent transforms. In a first step, the optimum distribution of gain, noise, and
linearity across the subcircuits in a front end have been derived. In a second step, the
transforms are used to modify circuits from a library to match this optimum distribution.
On the basis of this design method, a design procedure was developed that allows:
C the selection of subcircuits that are the best basis for a low power front end design;
C the derivation of front-end specifications from system specifications;
C the derivation of subcircuit specifications from front-end specifications and a
selection of subcircuits;
C the transformation of the selected subcircuits into optimized subcircuits for a specific
front end.
This design method is described in Chapter 5 and was then applied to the DECT front end
that was used as a case study in Chapter 4. In this case, a significant power savings of a
factor of 2.7 is to be expected. The design procedure can also be used to demonstrate the
additional reduction in power dissipation that can be achieved by relaxing the
specifications until the system requirements are exactly met. The predicted power
dissipation reduction exceeds two orders of magnitude!
This design method offers the best approximation of the technology-imposed low-
power limits, within the boundary conditions posed by system specifications, circuit
design and implementation technologies. Further savings, and therefore a closer
approximation of the fundamental limits, can be achieved by changing these boundary
conditions. For example, by reducing the margin between front-end specification and
system requirements, the power dissipation of the DECT front end could be reduced by
up to 2 orders of magnitude. But also the impact of other changes in boundary conditions,
such as the addition of advanced antenna diversity, and the implementation in IC
technologies that allow circuit scaling to high impedance levels, can be predicted using
this design method. The impact of such changes can be very significant, as is shown in
Chapter 6.
As a spin-off of the design method, a new class of figures of merit has been
identified, called equivalent figures of merit. They are special, in that they not only
project the performance of all subcircuits in a hyperplane in design space onto a point
Communication is the process of exchanging information between two or more entities.
Three types of communication (figure 113) can be distinguished:
C Point-to-point communication, in which one entity communicates with one other
entity (e.g. two people talking to each other)
C Point-to-multi-point communication, in which one entity communicates with several
(many) other entities simultaneously (e.g. a formal presentation)
C Multi-point-to-multi-point communication, in which several (many) entities
communicate with several (many) entities simultaneously (e.g. informal conversation
at a party).
“transmitter”, whereas the device translating the other message type back to the original
is commonly called “receiver”. This thesis will concentrate on the message conversion
and transmission in transmitters and receivers (often called “transceivers” when
combined into a single device). The construction and interpretation of the original
messages (coding and decoding) is beyond the scope of this thesis.
These impairments are often modeled as a channel between the transmitter and receiver,
as shown in figure 119. Depending on the properties of the channel and the properties of
the translation in the transmitter and receiver, the receiver might or might not be able to
recover the original message from the impaired signal received through the channel.
An important aspect in the design of radio transmitters and receivers is the robustness
against channel impairments. This impacts directly the quality of the signal transmission,
and therefore the perceived quality (and often value) of the radio. Important transmitter
and receiver parameters with respect to this quality are:
C Transmitter power: transmitting a signal with a higher power level will result in
received signals that are stronger compared to the noise and interference from other
sources, and therefore in a more accurate received message, because the radio channel
is highly linear. At the same time, these stronger signals can cause more interference
for signals from other transmitters, so transmission power in a system is a
compromise between the quality of the wanted signal at the receiver, and interference
to other signals. In addition, higher transmitter power will result in higher battery
power and therefore lower battery lifetime and/or larger (and more expensive)
C Transmitter linearity: signals that are distorted in the transmitter can result in more
impaired messages at the receiver. Furthermore, they can cause unwanted signal
components that interfere with signals from other transmitters.
C Transmitter noise: noise that is added to the signal in the transmitter can impair the
messages at the receiver. In addition, it may impair signals from other transmitters.
C Transmitter spurious: any additional signals that are generated by the transmitter, but
are not part of the intended message. These additional signals can cause impairments
of the messages at the receiver, as well as interference for signals from other
C Receiver sensitivity: a more sensitive receiver can better reconstruct a message from
a smaller received signal, and is therefore capable of receiving better quality
messages across larger distances.
C Receiver linearity: a non-linear receiver will distort the received signal, thus causing
impairments to the message. In addition, other signals might combine with the
wanted signals through the non-linearity of the receiver, making the receiver more
sensitive to interference.
C Receiver selectivity: a less selective receiver will a larger part of an unwanted signal
to combine with the wanted signal. This increases sensitivity of the receiver to
In this thesis, the focus will be on the front end part of the radio, since this part is
responsible for a significant part of the cost, performance and power consumption of the
In principle, any combination of radio signal parameters can be used to represent
the message, but only a limited number of methods have become popular:
C Frequency modulation (FM): the frequency of the radio signal contains the
information representing the original message. For messages represented through
digital signals, several forms of FM have become popular, such as frequency shift
keying (FSK), in which a logical “1” is represented by a frequency shift )f, and a
logical “0” by a frequency shift -)f with respect to the original signal frequency. FM
and FSK have the advantage of being simple to implement, especially since they
allow non-linear distortion of the signal without significant effects on the message.
They also allow for good quality reception with limited signal to noise and
interference ratio of the modulated signal. The constant envelope of FM and FSK
signals allows for the use of non-linear power amplifiers in the transmitter, and the
robustness against non-linear distortion allows for the use of limiters in the receiver,
adding to the simplicity of implementation. The main disadvantage is that this
modulation method is rather spectrum inefficient. Derivatives of FSK, such as
Gaussian frequency shift keying (GFSK) and minimum shift keying (MSK) have
been developed to improve the spectrum efficiency of FSK systems to some degree.
C Amplitude modulation (AM): this modulation method represents the message in the
amplitude of the RF signal, typically by frequency shifting the original signal to a
higher frequency. It is spectrum efficient and fairly straightforward to implement,
although it does require linear processing of the signal in the transmitter and receiver.
To improve spectrum efficiency, single sideband modulation (SSB) has been
developed. In this approach, only one of the two sidebands of a conventional AM
signal is transmitted, resulting in a doubling of the spectrum efficiency at the cost of
a higher complexity receiver and transmitter.
C Phase modulation (PM): this modulation method uses the phase of the RF signal to
represent the information of the message. PM and its derivatives for digital signals
The first attempts at mobile phones started in the 1920s. They slowly developed into the
first commercial cellular phone systems in the 1980s. Before the year 1990, the prevalent
cellular mobile phone systems around the world were analog systems, using mostly
narrow band frequency modulation (FM) transmission. In the USA, the Advanced Mobile
Phone System (AMPS) was used. Various other systems, often based on Nordic Mobile
Telephone (NMT) systems, were put into operation in different
countries of Europe. Initially, the mobile sets were limited to car
phones. Already in the 1980s briefcase-like phones and later
even handsets appeared, although they were huge by today’s
standards. Due to the cost of the subscription, air time, and
equipment, use was limited and mostly restricted to businesses.
These cellular systems are commonly called the first generation.
In Europe, these analog systems were succeeded by a
digital mobile phone system: the Global System for Mobile
Communications (GSM, fig. 121). It operates in the 900MHz
band, although later extensions (Digital Communication System
or DCS, and Personal Communication System or PCS) allow for Figure 121GSM
operation in the 1800MHz and 1900MHz band as well. GSM phone
GSM already provided for wireless data services in the first generation of GSM products,
allowing it to be used for WAN applications. Typically, the GSM phone needed to be
connected to a computer through a special (and very expensive) cable. After this
IEEE 802.11b provides for raw data rates of up to 11Mbps, and allows handover between
different access points to extend the coverage to larger areas. The system is being used
both for home/office applications with private access points, as well as through so-called
“hot spots” with public access points at e.g. airports, coffee stores, etc. However, IEEE
802.11b works at frequencies in the 2.4GHz industrial, scientific & medicinal (ISM)
band, which is also used for other purposes, including microwave ovens, BT, WCPE, etc.
This reduces the throughput, and currently solutions are being developed to work around
these limitations.
The IEEE 802.11a standard is likely to offer significant improvement in these areas.
It operates at less crowded frequencies between 5GHz and 6GHz, and offers data rates
up to 54Mbps. IEEE 802.11g offers the same 54Mbps at the 2.4GHz band as a
compromise between the high data rate of IEEE 802.11a and the low cost of 802.11b.
Other, similar, standards have been proposed as well, most notably the European
Hiperlan. However, at the moment, it seems that the IEEE 802.11 family of standards
will become the dominant standards for WLAN applications for some time to come.
In the WPAN area, several standards exist. Most notably, the Bluetooth (BT) standard
was introduced in the middle of the 1990s, with the intention of providing a cheap
replacement for the many wires between cellular phones, headsets, infrared connections
etc. The radio specifications for BT were originally quite relaxed in order to allow cheap
implementations. As happened with DECT, intense competition, especially on sensitivity,
resulted in the need for much better performance than in the original standard. BT offers
data rates of up to 720kbps in multi-slot mode over a range of a few meters for the low
power classes. The high power class should cover a range of 100m. Extensions of the BT
standard that allow higher data rates are currently in development.
Zigbee is a standard that offers even lower power and lower cost than BT, but also
lower data rates. The main applications are expected to be in the area of remote control,
and first products are currently under development.
When developing a product, many other parameters are important as well, such as cost,
stability, isolation, ruggedness, and reliability. However, these parameters tend to have
A simplified layout of a lateral device is shown in figure 127. For practical reasons, such
as the need to add contacts to a device, the actual device is often larger than the part of
the device that carries the main current, and across which the main voltage drops occur.
This can be approximated by adding compensation factors ()L and )W) to the length (L)
and width (W), resulting in a total device size of ()L + L) by ()W + W).
A simple model for the current through a lateral device is based on the assumption that
the current density J is proportional to the width/length (W/L) ratio when the voltage
across the device is kept constant. For passive and homogeneous devices, such as
resistors, this is an accurate model, since such devices have a constant electrical field
with "1 a device-dependent scaling constant. Parasitic effects of lateral devices can be
modeled as additional resistive and capacitive elements. The capacitive elements scale
with bottom area and perimeter length:
with "2 and "3 device-dependent scaling constants. Please note that the parasitics are
mostly caused by the total device area and perimeter, not just the part that carries the
main current. The additional parasitic resistive elements end up as series elements that
scale with the length extensions:
Figure 129 Simplified schematic for a lateral device with related parasitic
The parasitic will result in an additional, frequency-dependent current Jcpar that can be
expressed as:
The ratio between intended current and parasitic current can now be expressed as:
The partial derivative of this ratio with respect to the width W is:
which is positive definite for all W and L. Similarly, the partial derivative of the I/Icpar
ratio is:
which is negative definite for all W and L. This shows that, for any lateral device, the
ratio between intended current and parasitic current inevitably decreases with L and
increases with W. It also decreases at higher frequencies. Since the device current is
proportional to W/L, any attempt to decrease the device current at higher frequencies by
reducing device width and/or increasing device length will result in a relatively larger
impact of currents through the parasitic capacitance, bypassing the device.
Please note that this effect even occurs when )W and )L are zero. In that case,
equation (6, 98, 101, 102, 102) simplifies to:
which has the same properties of the partial derivatives with respect to L and W. The
gain bandwidth product G BW can be derived by finding the frequency f at which the
I/Icpar ratio reaches 2, that is, half the output current ends up in the parasitic capacitance
of the device, and therefore the gain is decreased by 3dB.
In vertical devices, both passive and active, the current scales accurately with W*L. This
is due to the fact that the electrical field distribution in such devices is almost
independent of the scaling, since it is orthogonal to both scaling dimensions. As with
lateral devices, expressions for the scaling of intended and parasitic currents can be
derived. The scaling of the intended current is modeled as:
Again, the parasitic capacitance of a vertical device scales with bottom area and perimeter
From this, the partial derivatives for L and W respectively, are derived as follows:
With both partial derivatives being definite positive, the ratio between intended and
parasitic current will be smaller (and thus worse) for smaller values of either L or W. In
other words: any vertical device will unavoidably show a worse ratio between intended
and parasitic current for smaller values of W and L, that is, for smaller intended currents.
Also, the ratio decreases at higher frequencies. In a similar way, it can be shown that the
same conclusion holds even if )L and )W are zero.
The gain bandwidth product G BW can be derived in the same way as for lateral
Since in IC processes, devices are built either as lateral or vertical devices, and since for
both types of devices the ratio between intended and parasitic current becomes smaller
(and thus worse) for smaller currents through the device and for higher frequencies, there
is a fundamental problem with scaling devices in any IC technology to achieve low power
at high frequencies. These problems can be reduced by special technologies, such as
vertical scaling, trenches, SOI, and SOA, but the fundamental problem remains.
Modeling and characterizing all these effects is cumbersome at best, and almost
impossible in those cases where the relative positions of the circuit blocks involved, and
One technology that helps to reduce inter-block interaction, and at the same time
alleviates modeling problems, is RF-module technology. Using this technology, circuit
blocks can be implemented on individual physical ICs, and packaged and connected in
an RF module. By modeling and characterizing the building blocks based on
measurements of the physical ICs, their behavior can be accurately predicted. The
interaction between circuit blocks is minimized by the larger physical distance in a
module, the elimination of a common semiconductor substrate, and decoupling of the
power and ground signals between the blocks.
If this baseband signal is applied to the input of a frequency shift keying (FSK)
modulator, which has a center frequency fc and a swing f*, this will result in an IF signal
with the following phase N(t) versus time (fig. 133).
After limiting this IF signal, a signal LI(t) is obtained as shown in fig. 135.
Due to the lack of amplitude information, the phase of this signal is often determined on
the basis of the last zero crossing (as is the case, for example, in a count detector or pulse
count demodulator). The reconstructed phase variation ImpRec(t) is shown in fig. 136,
again plotted as a function of time.
The value of the function ImpRec equals B times the number of zero crossings of the
The error introduced after demodulation can be modeled in the same way as quantization
noise in an A/D converter, because the operation in the phase domain corresponds to
quantizing the phase. A major difference is that the phase is a cyclic phenomenon, so that
the "range" of the phase quantizer is not limited, unlike A/D converters for voltages or
currents. This property makes it possible to enlarge the apparent range per period of the
baseband signal by increasing the carrier frequency. This corresponds to adding a linearly
increasing voltage to the input signal of an A/D converter, and is similar to the effect of
dithering in such a converter: in either case the number of transitions is enhanced while
the input signal remains the same, so that the input signal can be approximated more
The quantization effect increases when reducing the IF frequency. Therefore it also
becomes more obvious in the phase domain (fig. 138).
The reconstructed phase of the limited IF signal now becomes (fig. 141):
Since it is impossible to distinguish positive and negative frequencies on the basis of this
single IF signal, phase reconstruction is very limited (fig. 146):
When sending these signals through a limiter, the following results will be obtained (fig.
The combination of the I and Q signs indicates in which quadrant the phase is at that
moment. Since there is assumed that the phase variation is a continuous function of time,
the phase variation may be reconstructed from the successive quadrants, except for one
constant value (the initial phase). The frequency of the IF signal can now also be
determined, both for positive and negative frequencies. The reconstruction of the phase
variation established in this manner shows the following pattern (fig. 151):
This phase variation follows the IF phase more accurately than the reconstruction based
upon a single IF signal (Fig. 22), but it is still very limited (Fig. 152):
The previous examples have been based on a modulation index of 0.3. When reducing
the modulation index to less than 0.25, no reconstruction of the limited signal will be
possible any more (fig. 153).
Reducing the step size can be achieved by using additional IF signals [94] (fig. 154).
In a multi-branch receiver, the VCO needs to generate multiple (in this example 4) local
oscillator signals (in this case with phases N1, N2, N3 and N4). Each LO signal is
connected to a different mixer, and the output of these mixers provide the multiple IF
signals (in this case "IF1" through "IF4"). This architecture is rarely used, however, since
the complexity of the receiver increases significantly: each additional IF signal calls for
a new mixer, a new filter, and an additional VCO output.
Accurate reconstruction in between quantization levels is achieved, for instance,
by PLL demodulators. The use of such a demodulator in a zero-IF receiver, however,
requires an oscillator that can generate both positive and negative frequencies. This
implies that such an oscillator needs to cover an infinite number of octaves of tuning
range. This is difficult to realize with practical boundary conditions.
Any new IF signal with phase $ can now be generated by a linear combination of I and
Therefore the creation of additional IF signals can be postponed to a later stage in the
signal processing chain. This reduces the increase in circuit complexity, since additional
signal processing stages only need to be implemented from the point where the additional
IF signals are created. Postponing this to the last possible stage result in the
implementation with the lowest complexity.
The last possible stage at which the linear combination of I and Q, as described in
(113), can be carried out, is the stage before the first non-linear processing of the IF
signal, i.e., before the limiters. The linear combination from (113) can be accomplished
through a simple resistive interpolation network, similar to the interpolation circuits used
in an folding & interpolation ADC [95]. A block diagram of a receiver using this
interpolation approach is shown in fig. 155.
When comparing this signal with the original signal (fig. 157), it is obvious that the
samples represent the exact value, without any quantization error.
Since traditional sampling theory is based on equidistant samples, and requires Nyquist
bandwidth limits for reconstruction, it does not apply directly to the sampling as shown
in fig. 157. The sampling is obviously non-equidistant, and the bandwidth of the phase
trajectory is seldom, if ever, specified or controlled in telecommunication transceiver
In a superhet architecture, this can be solved by considering the inverse function
of the IF signal, namely, the time as function of the phase of the signal. This is possible
because the IF frequency is significantly higher than the frequency deviation, making the
phase trajectory as a function of time strictly monotonic. Hence, an inverse function is
guaranteed to exist. Fig. 158 shows a curve of time plotted against phase for the same
Fig. 159 shows that the quantized version of this IF signal can be interpreted as an
equidistantly sampled signal:
The top curve of fig. 160 shows the baseband signal, i.e. the data to be transmitted. In this
example, a random data sequence "101100100101" is used. The associated phase
variation of the IF signal in a zero-IF receiver is shown in the second curve ("N"). The
horizontal dashed lines represent the quantization levels, with a quantization step of B/2.
This IF signal is then converted into time samples as a function of phase using a
differentiate-and-cross-multiply (DACM) demodulator, as shown in fig. 161.
The major disadvantage of this algorithm and the corresponding boundary conditions is
that the period of time between two successive opposite pulses may be arbitrarily long.
As a consequence, Td needs to be infinitely large as well, so that the memory capacity
for the implementation will also have to be infinitely large.
This may be avoided if more information about the signal is known, for example, that it
will be partitioned in packets of predefined maximum length, and/or that the symbol
sequence "10101010101010 ..." has a predefined maximum length. There are modulation
systems in which this can be guaranteed, for example, (d,k,N)-constrained sequences (d
$ 1) for super density CD, and the PHY and MAC layers for the DECT protocol.
With this stricter boundary condition, the maximum period of time between two pulses
is 2T, so that the minimum delay in the reconstruction becomes T. This means that a
memory with a capacity of only one symbol is sufficient, and that step 6 from the
algorithm may be omitted.
and, by convention:
Note that xi can be interpreted as the output IP3 of block i, whereas yi can be interpreted
as the partial gain of blocks 1 through i.
Also, let
Note that a can be interpreted as the part of the noise factor that exceeds the noise factor
of an ideal circuit block (F=1).
Then the xi, yi are positive but otherwise unrestricted by the definitions in equation (118).
Condition (124) is the equivalent of Friis formula, whereas condition (125) is the
equivalent of the IP3tot spec of a front end. Please note that at this point, yi is a function
of xi, b, ai and a.
Take y0, y1, ... , yn-1, yn > 0 such that the constraints (124) and (125) are satisfied. Then
determine the minimum of P in (123) as a function of x1, ... , xn under the constraint (125).
This yields a minimum value P(y = (y0, y1, ... , yn-1, yn)). Now determine y = (y0, y1, ... ,
yn-1, yn) such that the constraints (124) are satisfied while P(y) is minimal.
Step 1:
Given y0, y1, ... , yn-1, yn > 0 such that (125) holds, minimize (i.e. find xi):
Step 2:
Minimize P(y) under the condition that (124) holds.
Details of step 1:
Fix y0, y1, ... , yn-1, yn > 0
Based on Lagrange’s multiplier rule [40], there is a point where the extrema of P occur
under the constraint that there is a multiplier 8 such that:
The extrema represent the minimum power for OIP3i while meeting the IP3 specs.
This gives:
The constraint in (126) needs to be satisfied, hence 8 needs to be determined such that:
The first part of this equation ensures that the IP3 spec is met, while the second part
represents the solution of xi for minimum power.
This can be used to express 8 as a function of yi, resulting in a new function for x:
In this expression, the value for that follows from (130) was substituted.
Details of step 2:
It is also valid to minimize:
where the zi > 0 are constrained by the equivalent of Friis formula, see (124):
Thus Q(z) in (136) must be minimized under the constraint (137). By again applying
Lagrange’s multiplier rule, there has to be a multiplier : at the minimum point such that:
This gives:
The constraint (137) needs to be satisfied, hence : should be determined such that:
This gives:
FAT transforms
Other receiver specifications are derived from the system specification through formulas.
In these formulas, the field names of the database table are used as variables to indicate
the appropriate values from the database tables. The table from which these database
fields are taken is indicated as a subscript. The following parameters are derived (table
Also, the following parameters are derived from detail tables of the System.db table, and
translated to detail tables of the Trx.db table, to show offset-frequency dependence (table
The noise figure is derived from the thermal noise floor in the channel bandwidth, the
minimum signal power and the minimum required signal-to-noise ratio. It is assumed that
the noise figure consumes the margin between minimum signal level, thermal noise in
the channel bandwidth, and minimum signal to noise ratio of the system:
Please note that the minimum channel is in dBm and needs to be adjusted to dBW since
the calculation of the noise power results in dBW as well (this explains the number 30).
Also, the channel bandwidth is in kHz and needs to be adjusted to the noise density of
Please note that this formula will give different values for IP3 based on the offsetSysI2.db
at which the SignalPowerSysI2.db and the InterfererPowerSysI2.db are selected. This allows
for specifications in which larger interferers are allowed at larger offsets from the desired
channel. This can be accommodated in implementations with selectivity distributed
through the receiver chain. Therefore, IP3 is included in the transceiver specifications as
a separate table: TrxIp3.db.
The 1dB compression point of the front end needs to be chosen in such way that
the largest interfering signal can still be handled without any compression that would
reduce the sensitivity of the receiver for the desired signal. The following dynamic ranges
are introduced to simplify this discussion:
The 1dB compression point does not need to accommodate the maximum desired signal.
If both DR1 and DR2 are smaller than DR0, then the requirements for the transceiver
dynamic range can be reduced by introducing AGC in or before the first active stage of
the transceiver. The range DGAGC of this AGC for a system with fixed dynamic range
should ideally be chosen according to the following formula:
The reasoning behind this equation is that with ideal AGC, the receiver should be able
to cope with a dynamic range Max(DR1, DR2), and therefore the maximum signal after
AGC should be sensitivity plus maximum dynamic range. Obviously, the circuit in front
of the AGC should be able to cope with maximum signals as defined in
RxMaxSignalSystem.db, but ideally there should be no active circuits in front of the AGC.
Margin is a margin that should be taken into account to allow the receiver to operate at
the desired BER in the presence of an interferer. Many telecom standards are defined in
such a way that this margin is 3dB, resulting in the same interferer signal and noise
Selectivity offers two benefits:
1. The noise bandwidth is reduced to the channel bandwidth, thereby increasing the
sensitivity of the receiver;
2. Interferers are attenuated until their level is low enough to allow reception of a
weak desired signal.
The first benefit can already be achieved with rather moderate filter requirements.
Therefore, the selectivity requirements are typically determined by the second point. It
is possible to increase the selectivity of a receiver beyond the requirements posed by the
second point. This might reduce the IP2 and IP3 requirements of receiver stages. If this
selectivity can be implemented with passive components and with low signal loss, then
the total power dissipation of the receiver might be reduced. Since the amount of
selectivity that can be introduced this way is theoretically unlimited, it is not possible to
take this aspect of selectivity or even an upper limit for it into account. Instead, the
minimum amount of selectivity needed to meet the specifications will be calculated.
The minimum selectivity is determined by the relative increase in out-of-channel
interferers relative to the co-channel interferer. This increase can only be accommodated
by selectivity:
Again, Margin is a margin that should be taken into account to allow the receiver to
operate at the desired BER in the presence of an interferer. Many telecom standards are
defined in such a way that this margin is 3dB, resulting in the same interferer signal and
noise power.
The duty cycle of the transmitter and receiver is assumed to be the reciprocal of the
number of time slots:
More complex systems might need manual adjustments of these fields. Finally, the name
of the transceiver and the comment and source fields can be chosen freely.
The following parameters are derived by simple tranformations, that will be described
later in this section:
There is one degree of freedom in deriving the specifications from the front end: the IF
IC only has specifications for NF and IP3, whereas the front end has specs for NF, IP3
and gain. Because of the trade-off between these parameters, a common-sense default
value for the gain is calculated first:
Basically, this formula selects the geometrical means for the gain of the front end
between the two limits posed by meeting the receiver noise figure spec for low front end
gains and meeting the receiver IP3 specs for high front end gain. The FAT tool also
provides a simple mechanism to explore this trade-off, showing that typically there is a
rather flat, and therefore non-critical, optimum.
Based on this first estimate for the gain, the noise figure is calculated based on Friis’
The IP3 is calculated based on the worst case equation for IP3 of cascaded stages:
The reflected power coefficient '’ is the ratio between reflected power and maximum
available power:
This can be proven by simple expansion of the left hand side and right hand side, splitting
the value of Zsrc and Zload in their respective real and imaginary parts:
For real Zsrc, the term in which these expressions differ becomes zero. This also happens
to be the case when the load impedance is real but the source impedance is complex.
'` can be rewritten in a form that is only slightly different from the traditional
definition for ', and is consistent with ' for real source impedances:
Therefore, the reflected power coefficient '` is a more universally applicable parameter
than the reflection coefficient ', and compatible within the domain Zsrc 0 U. By
measuring the voltage ratio Vs2 / Vs1, we can find the value of Rload. The derivation of
this formula is shown below:
H.2.1 IP3
The third order intercept point IP3 is typically defined as the input power level at which
the extrapolated third order intermodulation component of a processed signal would have
equaled the extrapolated first order output component. The figure below shows the
relations between first order output component, third order input component, and input
power level:
Assume the general case of a non-linear voltage two-port. Such a two-port can be
modeled through a Taylor Series expansion around its biasing point V0:
VIP30 is defined as the level of the DC input signal Vin for which the extrapolated
distortion components are equal to the extrapolated amplified input signal. In case of DC
signals, this results in a value of:
The IP3 that corresponds to this VIP3 can be easily found when taking into account the
input impedance Zin of the circuit. In this section, Zin is assumed to be a real (i.e. resistive)
Please note that the third order distortion component also generates signals at the same
frequency as the input signal. These components are responsible for the non-constat gain
of the signals at the input frequency, such as compression effects. Since the third order
signal component is distributed across two frequency components, but single-tone VIP31
is traditionally based on the power at three times the input frequency, the expression for
single-tone VIP31 is different from the formula for DC VIP30:
The IP31 that corresponds to this VIP31 can be found easily, because different frequency
components add independently to the signal power. Therefore, equal voltages of different
frequency components imply equal power, hence:
For a two-tone input signal, which is the usual measurement method for the narrowband
systems typically found in telecom applications, the situation is again different. An input
signal can now be defined as:
In this case, there are even more frequency components in the distorted signal, and only
part of the distortion power ends up at the beat frequencies (2T1-T2) and (2T2-T1) . Only
these distortion components are typically used in determining the dual-tone IP3.
Therefore, the expression will be different again. The two-tone VIP32 can be determined
by solving for equal amplitude of the beat frequencies and the desired signal. This results
The two-tone IP3 can be found from the VIP3 using the same approach:
When this is translated from voltages to power levels, another inconsistency is often
introduced: the amplitude of the two-tone input signal is typically taken as the amplitude
of the individual tones. This inconsistent IP32 value will be indicated by IP3'. It is
defined by the following equation:
Please note that the IP3' inconsistency cannot be applied to the single-tone or DC case,
since there is no second input signal component that can be neglected. Summarizing, the
following expressions represent the different measurement methods of IP3:
DC IP3 (IP30)
From this table, it becomes clear that the different methods that exist to derive IP3 from
a circuit result in different IP3 figures. This is caused by neglecting various input- and
distortion output signal components. Unfortunately, the differences are large enough to
cause confusion, but not large enough to make it implicitly obvious which method has
been used. Therefore, it is preferable to indicate the measurement method used to arrive
at a quoted IP3. In this thesis, the conventions listed in the table above will be used. If
IP3 without further indication is used, IP3' is meant.
The IP3 of multiple cascaded stages can now be determined for the worst case situation:
in-phase addition of distortion components. The distortion at the output of the cascaded
stages is:
The input power of stage i (denoted as Pin,i) can be expressed in terms of the input power
Pin, as is shown in the next formula:
Now Pin can be extracted from the sum, and the products of gain can be combined:
The products of stage gains Gi can be combined into the total gain G:
This results in the following expression for the output distortion power:
Substituting (201) in (191) results in the expression for worst case IP3 of cascaded
And the gains of the separate stages can be combined into a total gain G:
Using Pdist to calculate the overal typical (instead of worst-case) IP3 results in:
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12. P. Baltus, "Design Issues for Low Power Mobile Transceiver Frontends", VLSI
TSA Workshop, Taiwan, 1997 (invited plenary paper)
13. A. Wagemans, P. Baltus, "A 3.5mW 2.5GHz diversity receiver and a 1.2 mW 3.6
GHz VCO in Silicon-On-Anything", ISSCC, San Francisco, February 1998
US Patents
1. US06282413 28/8/2000 Multi-staged frequency conversion with single local
oscillator (6-mixer single LO dual image cancellation receiver) Peter Baltus
2. US06192229 20/02/2001 Diode Mixer circuit (Schottky Ring Mixer) Eduard
Stikvoort, Peter Baltus, Anton Tombeur
3. US06060968 05/09/2000 Device with circuit element and transmission line
formed by a dielectric between facing conductor strips (flip chip transmission
line) Peter Baltus, Ronald Dekker, Lukas Leyten
4. US055999050 12/07/1999 Differential amplifier, an integrated circuit, and a
telephone (class A/B differential pair) Peter Baltus
5. US05887247 03/23/1999 Radio transmission system and a radio apparatus for use
therein (Angle scanning diversity principle) Peter Baltus, Lukas Leyten, Henk
Visser, Anton Tombeur, Ton Wagemans, Jan van Sinderen
6. US05808509 09/15/1998 Receiver and demodulator for phase or frequency
modulated signals (reconstruction of data in limited ZIF FSK receiver) Peter
Baltus, Guido Janssen
7. US05751249 05/12/1998 Radio transmission system and a radio apparatus for use
in such a system (Angle scanning diversity implementation) Peter Baltus, Lukas
Leyten, Henk Visser, Anton Tombeur, Ton Wagemans, Jan van Sinderen
8. US05694071 12/02/1997 Electronic device comprising means for compensating
an undesired capacitance (Electronic inductor device) Fred Hurkx, Peter Baltus,
Marinus Knuvers, Cees Hart
9. US05224103 06/29/1993 Processing device and method of programming such
Japanese Patent
1. JP01189227 28/07/1989 Analog/Digital Converter (corresponds to US4897656)
This thesis describes an investigation into the design of RF front ends with minimum
power dissipation. The central question is:
“What are the fundamental limits for the power dissipation of
telecommunication front ends, and what design procedures can be followed that
approach these limits and, at the same time, result in practical circuits?”
After a discussion of the state of the art in this area, the elementary operations of
a front end are identified. For each of these elementary operations, the fundamental limits
for the power dissipation are discussed, divided into technology imposed limits and
physics imposed limits. A traditional DECT front end design is used to demonstrate the
large difference between the fundamental limits and the power dissipation of existing
To improve this situation, first the optimum distribution of specifications across
individual subcircuits needs to be determined, such that the requirements for a specific
system can be fulfilled. This is achieved through the introduction of formal transforms
of the specifications of subcircuits, which correspond with transforms of the subcircuit
itself. Using these transforms, the optimum distribution of gain, noise, linearity and
power dissipation can be determined. As it turns out, this optimum distribution can even
be represented by a simple, analytical expression. This expression predicts that the power
dissipation of the DECT front end can be reduced by a factor of 2.7 through an optimum
distribution of the specifications.
Using these optimum specifications of the subcircuits, the boundaries for further
power dissipation reduction can be determined. This is investigated at the system, circuit
and technology level. These insights are used in the design of a 2.5GHz wireless local
area network, implemented in an optimized technology (“Silicon on Anything”). The
power dissipation of the complete receiver is 3.5mW, more than an order of magnitude
below other wireless LAN receivers in recent publications.
Finally, the combination of this minimum power design method with a platform
based development strategy is discussed.
Dit proefschrift beschrijft onderzoek naar het ontwerp van RF front ends met minimale
vermogensdissipatie. De centrale vraag hierin is:
“Wat zijn de fundamentele grenzen voor de vermogensdissipatie van RF front
ends, en welke ontwerpprocedure kan worden gevolgd zodat deze limieten met
praktische circuits kunnen worden benaderd?”
Na een bespreking van de huidige stand van zaken op dit gebied worden de
elementaire bewerkingen van een RF front end geïdentificeerd. Voor ieder van deze
elementaire bewerkingen worden de fundamentele grenzen voor de vermogensdissipatie
besproken, opgesplitst naar grenzen bepaald door de fysica en grenzen bepaald door de
technologie. Aan de hand van een traditioneel ontwerp van een DECT front end wordt
vervolgens gedemonstreerd dat er nog een groot verschil is tussen de fundamentele
grenzen en de vermogensdissipatie van bestaande circuits.
Om hier verbetering in aan te brengen is het allereerst nodig om te bepalen wat de
optimale verdeling is van de specificaties van de individuele subcircuits waarmee aan de
eisen van een bepaald systeem kan worden voldaan. Dit wordt mogelijk door de
introductie van formele transformaties op de specificaties van subcircuits, die
corresponderen met een transformatie op het circuit zelf. Aan de hand van deze
transformaties kan een optimale verdeling van versterking, ruis, lineariteit en
vermogensdissipatie worden bepaald. Deze optimale verdeling blijkt zelfs te kunnen
worden weergegeven in een eenvoudige, gesloten uitdrukking. Deze uitdrukking
voorspelt dat de vermogensdissipatie van het DECT front end door een optimale
verdeling van de specificaties met een factor 2.7 kan worden gereduceerd.
Met deze optimale specificaties van de subcircuits wordt het mogelijk om te
bepalen waar er ruimte is voor verdere reductie van de vermogensdissipatie. Dit is
onderzocht op systeem-, circuit- en technologieniveau. Deze inzichten zijn vervolgens
gebruikt bij het ontwerpen van een 2.5GHz front end voor een draadloos netwerk in een
geoptimaliseerde IC-technologie (“Silicon on Anything”). De vermogensdissipatie van
de complete ontvanger is 3.5mW, ruim een orde lager dan andere draadloze netwerk-
ontvangers in recente publicaties.
Tenslotte wordt besproken hoe deze ontwerpmethode kan worden gecombineerd
met een productontwikkelingsstrategie gebaseerd op platformen.
The work described in this thesis was not, and could not have been, carried out in
isolation. The environment that existed in Philips Research Eindhoven was essential,
especially the open and stimulating interaction between people in different competence
areas, as well as the interaction with people in the business organizations of Philips. It
was never a problem to get help, support, and feedback from people. Therefore, I would
like to thank everyone at Philips who has, in some way or another, been involved in my
Some people had a special impact on this work. Among them, Rudy van de
Plassche, my first group leader at Philips, spent a lot of time teaching me things about
analog electronics that cannot be found in text books, and in some cases I could only
learn them by being allowed to make the required mistakes myself. Thank you very
much, Rudy!
Dieter Kasperkovitz provided unlimited amounts of wisdom and reflection, as well
as guidance in technical and organizational problems, especially during the first years of
the RF design work at Philips Research, for which I am very grateful.
A lot of the work was done together with people in the RF front end modules
cluster. Ton Wagemans combined a positive attitude and lots of optimism with a good
insight in RF design. He was always ready for, and looking forward to, the next
challenge. His passing away after an illness at such a young age is still difficult to accept,
and I miss him a lot. Thanks for everything, Ton! Special thanks also go to Lukas Leyten
and Guido Dolmans for their excellent research in the area of radio propagation and
antenna diversity, to Luuk de Maaijer for the first RF CMOS circuit designs, to Henk
Visser for the ‘high power’ part of low-power front ends, and of course to Anton
Tombeur for working together on most projects, from the very beginning (DECT front
end) through the SOA transceiver. Thank you very much! During a lot of this work, I
shared an office with Johan van der Tang, who was always there to discuss any topic with
me, and still keeps this up even after we both left that office. Thank you very much,
IC technology plays an important role in RF design, and a lot of this work would
not have been possible without a lot of help from, and interaction with, people in IC
process research. At Philips Research in Sunnyvale, Richard Lane was the first “IC
technology” colleague with whom I discussed the impact of IC process properties on
Petrus Gerardus Maria Baltus was born in Sittard, The Netherlands, on July 5th 1960.
From a very early age he showed an interest in analyzing the workings of his toys by
taking them apart at the very earliest opportunity. Soon afterwards, he became interested
in building new things from parts obtained in this way, especially electrical and electronic
circuits. After radio receivers and transmitters, his interests broadened to include
measurement equipment and computer hardware and software.
Given these interests, studying Electrical Engineering at the University of
Technology, Eindhoven, was an obvious choice. During this time, he worked on projects
such as an HPIB bus tester, passive video filter synthesis and analysis software, accuracy
improvements of industrial weighing equipment, and software models of industrial
chemical processes for a real-time simulator. He also worked as an assistant in the
organizational behavior research group. He received his M.Sc. Degree (cum laude) in
February 1985. The subject of his Master’s thesis, carried out at the Philips video lab in
Eindhoven, was “visibility of errors generated in time discrete video filters”.
After his graduation, he started working at the Philips Research Laboratories in
Sunnyvale, California, initially designing fast folding analog-to-digital converters in the
group of Rudy van de Plassche. This was a relatively small lab focusing on research in
the areas of CAD tools, IC design, and IC technology, offering a very stimulating
environment with lots of possibilities for interactions between the different research
areas. As a result, he became interested in the relations between system design, circuit
design and IC technology. Later, he worked on the design of RISC micro controllers, as
well as system simulators and compilers for such micro controllers. In 1990, he moved
to the Netherlands and started working in the radio and data transmission systems
department of Philips Research in Eindhoven, where he worked for 10 years as research
scientist and cluster leader on the design of RF front ends for telecommunication systems.
Projects during this time included front ends for cordless phones, pagers, and wireless
LANs. Although Philips Research in Eindhoven (the “Nat.Lab.”) was a much larger
organization than Philips Research Labs in Sunnyvale, it offered again lots of
opportunities for interaction with other research groups, especially in the IC technology
sector. Most of the work on which this thesis is based was carried out in this period. In
2000, he joined Philips Semiconductors to work as development lab manager at the RF-
business development center in Tokyo, Japan, where W-CDMA and Bluetooth products
were developed, and later as RF domain manager at the system labs in Eindhoven.
Petrus Gerardus Maria Baltus werd geboren op 5 juli 1960 in Sittard. Al vanaf een heel
jonge leeftijd toonde hij interesse in het analyseren van de werking van zijn speelgoed
door het bij de eerste de beste gelegenheid uit elkaar te halen. Kort daarna raakte hij
geïnteresseerd in het opbouwen van nieuwe elektrische en elektronische schakelingen met
behulp van de onderdelen die hij op deze manier had verkregen. Na radiozenders en
ontvangers verbreedde zijn interesse zich tot meetinstrumenten en computerhardware en
Gezien deze interesses was het een voor de hand liggende keuze om elektrotechniek
te gaan studeren aan de Technische Universiteit in Eindhoven. Tijdens deze studie werkte
hij aan projecten zoals een HPIB bus-tester, passieve videofilter synthese- en analyse-
software, verbetering van de nauwkeurigheid van industriële weegwerktuigen en
softwaremodellen van industriële chemische processen voor een real-time simulator. Ook
werkte hij als student-assistent in de groep organisatiepsychologie. Hij studeerde cum
laude af in 1985. Het onderwerp van zijn afstudeerproject, dat werd uitgevoerd op het
Philips videolab in Eindhoven, was “zichtbaarheid van beeldfouten gegenereerd in
tijddiscrete videofilters”.
Na zijn studie ging hij werken bij de Philips Research Laboratories Sunnyvale in
Californië, waar hij begon met het ontwerpen van snelle analoog-digitaal convertors in
de groep van Rudy van de Plassche. Dit was een relatief klein laboratorium dat zich
richtte op research op het gebied van CAD tools, IC-ontwerp en IC-technologie. Het bood
een heel stimulerende omgeving met veel mogelijkheden voor interactie tussen de
verschillende research-onderwerpen. Tengevolge hiervan raakte hij geïnteresseerd in de
verbanden tussen systeemontwerp, circuitontwerp en IC-technologie. Later werkte hij aan
het architectuur- en circuitontwerp van RISC-microcontrollers en de systeemsimulatoren
en compilers hiervoor.
In 1990 verhuisde hij terug naar Nederland en begon te werken in de groep radio-
en datatransmissiesystemen van Philips Research in Eindhoven, waar hij 10 jaar lang als
wetenschappelijk medewerker en clusterleider onderzoek deed naar het ontwerp van RF
front ends voor telecommunicatiesystemen. Projecten in deze periode omvatten onder
andere front ends voor draadloze telefoons, semafoons, en draadloze netwerken.
Ofschoon Philips Research in Eindhoven (het ‘Nat.Lab.’) een veel grotere organisatie
was dan Philips Research Labs in Sunnyvale, waren er ook hier weer veel mogelijkheden
voor interactie met andere research- groepen, in het bijzonder in de IC-technologiesector.