Msds Masterbatch Stobec
Msds Masterbatch Stobec
Msds Masterbatch Stobec
3. Hazards Identification
Physical State and Appearance: Solid, colored pellets
Emergency Overview: Irritating vapors to respiratory system and eyes may form when
product is processed at high temperature. Molten or heated
material in skin contact can cause severe burns
Routes of Entry: For Hot Material: Skin contact, Eye contact, Inhalation.
Potential Chronic Health Effects: Product form makes chronic effects unlikely.
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Eyes: This product is not known to cause eye irritation. However, as with any chemical, some
individuals may experience eye irritation upon contact.
Heated Product: Eye contact can cause serious thermal burns. Vapors formed when
polymer is heated may be irritating to the eyes.
Skin: No known acute effects of this product resulting from skin contact. However, in light of
good industrial hygiene, exposure to any chemical should be kept to a minimum.
Heated Product: skin contact can cause serious thermal burns.
Inhalation: Negligible at room temperature. Nuisance dusts can be irritating to the upper
respiratory tract.
Heated Product: Irritating vapors may form when the product is processed at high
Ingestion: No effects are expected for ingestion of small amounts.
MSDS - BLUE MASTERBATCH PMS 2955C - English .doc Revision level: Rel
Date of issue: April 10, 2019 Page 1 of 4 Revision Date: -
4. First Aid Measures
Inhalation: If exposed to fumes from overheating, move to fresh air. If symptoms persist get
medical attention.
Skin Contact: No known effects for contact with the product in pellet form.
Heated Product: Cool rapidly with cold water. Do not attempt to peel the
material from skin. For serious burns, get medical attention.
Eye Contact: In case of contact with fumes, immediately flush with lukewarm water for a
minimum of 5 minutes. Get medical attention if irritated.
Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Have patient drink water. Get immediate attention or
contact a poison control center if symptoms occur after contact with fumes.
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Date of issue: April 10, 2019 Page 2 of 4 Revision Date: -
8. Exposure Controls/ Personal Protection
Eye: Safety goggles are recommended to prevent particulate matter from entering
the eyes.
Skin: Heat resistant gloves must be used by the personnel coming in contact with the
heated material. Long sleeve cotton shirt and long pants if handling molten
Ventilation: Local exhaust at processing equipment is recommended to control exposure to
dust and gases.
Respirator: None if ventilation is adequate.
Hygienic practices: Wash hands after handling compounds and before eating, using tobacco
products or using the washroom. Tobacco and food should be consumed in
designated areas only.
MSDS - BLUE MASTERBATCH PMS 2955C - English .doc Revision level: Rel
Date of issue: April 10, 2019 Page 3 of 4 Revision Date: -
12. Ecological information
Aquatic toxicity: Toxicity is expected to be low based on insolubility of polymer in water.
While the information contained is believed to be reliable as of the date of issue, such information is nonetheless of a general
nature. The material described can be hazardous if not handled, stored and processed properly. Stobec must rely upon the
user to use the information supply herein, together with all other appropriate information from other sources, to develop
appropriate work practices. All statements and suggestions are made without warranty, express or implied, regarding the
completeness or accuracy of the information connected with the use of the material. In addition Stobec Inc. must rely upon
the user to exercise precautions integral to fabricating operations , for example, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
avoid cross-contamination of different resins and exercising care in the selection and use of additives, materials and products
not supplied by Stobec Inc. The information contained in this MSDS is based on the present state of knowledge and current
national legislation. It provides guidance on health, safety and environmental aspects of this product and it does not constitute a
guarantee of technical performance or suitability for particular application.
MSDS - BLUE MASTERBATCH PMS 2955C - English .doc Revision level: Rel
Date of issue: April 10, 2019 Page 4 of 4 Revision Date: -