Vital Event Management System
Vital Event Management System
Vital Event Management System
Title: -Online Vital Event Management System for Wolaita Sodo
Prepared BY:
First, we would like to thank God for giving us the strength and patience to start and
finish this project. Next, we would like to thank our advisor Mr. ……………for his
patience unreserved and valuable advises during the process of writing this document.
The age of information brought lots of opportunity to the global economy. E-
government is one of the potential advantages of Information and Communication
Technology. E-government is defined as the delivery of government services and
information to the public using electronic means. Among many of the e-government
services(airport,mass-media ,telecommunication ,weather forecast, ECX etc..), But
currently some services are still managed through the manual system .vital event
management system is one them .Vital event management is the systematic,
continuous, permanent, compulsory and universal recording of the occurrence and
characteristics of vital events (births, deaths, marriages, and divorces) and other civil
status events pertaining to the population as provided by decree, law or regulation, in
accordance with the legal requirements in each country.
This project aimed to develop Vital Events Management System for Wolaita Sodo
city, which can handle the (birth, death, marriage and divorce) major vital events. The
system enables registration, generating report, certification of vital events, print
registered events and viewing of individual records. So, our aim is to develop a web
based vital event management system for Wolaiata Sodo city with the client/server
architected configuration. This means that there is a central application database to
store data.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE.........................................................................................................................1
1.1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................1
1.1.1. Background of the organization....................................................................................1
1.1.2. Introduction about the project.......................................................................................1
1.2. Literature review..................................................................................................................3
1.3. Statement of the problem.....................................................................................................4
1.4. Objectives............................................................................................................................5
1.4.1 General Objective..........................................................................................................5
1.4.2 Specific objectives: -......................................................................................................5
1.5. Significance of the project...................................................................................................6
The significance of the project is classified into three main parts: -..........................................6
1.6. Scope and limitation............................................................................................................6
1.6.1 Scope of the project.......................................................................................................7
1.6.2 Limitation of the project................................................................................................7
1.7. Methodology........................................................................................................................7
1.7.1. Data gathering methodology.............................................................................................7
1.7.2 System analysis and design methodology.....................................................................8
1.7.3. Hardware and software tools used for implementation................................................9 Software tools.........................................................................................................9 Hardware tools........................................................................................................9
1.7.4 Testing methodology...................................................................................................10 Unit testing...........................................................................................................10
1. 7.4.2. Integration testing...............................................................................................10 System testing.......................................................................................................10
List of figures
List of tables
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Background of the organization
Vital events Management in Ethiopia is started In July 28/2008 E.C after long time
preparation [2]. As a result, Wolaita Sodo city vital event Management starts at July
28/2008 E.C. among the vital events decided by UN, Ethiopia accepted to register
(birth, death, marriage, divorce, adoption, recognition of fatherhood and decision of
fatherhood through court). From those events Wolaita Sodo city in Ethiopia basically
works in four of them (birth, death, marriage, divorce).
As a result, Child birth is registered within 90 days after the baby is born and (death,
marriage and divorce) are registered within30 days after the event happen
The work flow of this work sector is similar with the work flow of the Ethiopian vital
event registration agency. So that Wolaita Sodo uses the Ethiopian technology in
order to enhance the socio-economic development of a country and itself.
Vital event registration is started before the birth of Jesus Christ by orthodox religion
followers by registering new born babies. After a long time in 1812 E.C vital event
registration is included under the government as one of the governments functions by
France government. At the beginning it was started by registering (birth, death,
marriage, divorce) but now because of the human need for basic, material and
spiritual things is growing time to time the united nation posted the following vital
events to be registered those are (birth, death, marriage, divorce, adoption, recognition
of fatherhood and decide fatherhood through court, death of fetus, separating husband
and wife by denying second time marriage and give recognition for children that are
born during marriage time).
Vital event registration is now very important for countries including our country for
various purposes like developing appropriate policies for certain place based on the
registered data, used as evidence for courts and it also used for government planning
and budgeting by providing the exact number of populations. In general, vital event
registration means registering events that are so important or have great impact for
certain country.
procedures for reporting of the occurrence of vital events. In 1960 registration activity
were incorporated in the Ethiopian Civil Code [3]. The vital events that were referred
in the Civil Code were birth, death and marriage. In support of accepting the need of
vital events registration for the success of development, in 2007 Tesfaye proposed an
automated vital events registration system. Automating such system will improve the
correctness, completeness and availability of the record and recording process [4].
The proposal includes the following services:
Add new and update existing birth and death events of individuals.
Authentication of users.
Even though this proposal tried to take the advantages of electronic vital events
registration, it has limitations that will hinder to take the possible potential benefits of
vital events management system. The limitations include:
Currently the Central Statistics Agency has established an office which is responsible
for vital events registration system initiation. The office prepared a draft proclamation
on both civil registration and population register. The draft on civil registration
proclaims that birth, death, marriage divorce and divorce as mandatory events to be
certified. It also has a provision that registration is the duties of kebeles (the lowest
Even though this proposal tried to take the advantages of electronic vital events
registration, it has limitations that will hinder to take the possible potential benefits of
vital events registration
Duplication of data
Generally, the current system has a number of problems. These problems are going to
lead the registration office to give unsatisfactory service to the community.
That is why we need a system that finds a way to automate the system using most
recent vital registry technique that is proficient in the developed world. This makes
the services vital registration of Wolaita Sodo city more efficient and technological.
1.4. Objectives
1.4.1 General Objective
In order to achieve the general objectives, the following specific tasks should be met
Study the existing system and find out the problem.
Designing and developing the system using selected tools and techniques
For government: -
Government can easily perform national census and categorize population into
different group.
Government can easily find out why some vital events are occurring more
frequently in some places and also recommends the solution.
Use as evidence in many areas like courts and to eliminate things that are done
arbitrarily like early marriage etc.
People can ask their rights using the registered data as evidence. For example: -
To ask for Keble id card
The current system is manual and runs at many stages so our working boundary will
be the overall structure of Wolaita Sodo city vital event registration offices that
specially focuses on registration of birth, death, marriage and divorce events. Our
project will serve for all offices of vital event registration at all stages.
This project is bounded to provide the following features:
The system will do the registration of marriage, birth, divorce, and death.
The system administrator will create new accounts for actors of the system.
Events will have their own form to register and can be viewed by actors that
have privilege.
The system will generate report and give printed certificate if it is necessary.
This system will have well organized central database that is accessible by
every stage employee.
It is not available on mobile and tablet, i.e. its run only on computer.
1.7. Methodology
The following are the data collection methods used for requirement gathering Primary
data source for our project
Interview: We used interview as one of the major data collection methods. During the
interview we have got different necessary information from the vital event registration
Observation: in order to get better information about the system we have got through
the vital event registration process. We have observed the current document which
they used to gathering data from the users. And also, we have observed how their
work is going from the starting to the end.
Document Analysis: we have analyzed different documents and brochure from the
Sodo town vital event registration office.
Internet: Internet helps us to see the available samples and to download different
types of tutorials which help us in developing the system.
Object Oriented Analysis (OOA):-During this phase the team used to model the
functions of the system (use case modeling), find and identify the business objects,
organize the objects and identify the relationship between them and finally model the
behavior of the object.
Object Oriented Design (OOD): -During this phase the team used to refine the use
case model to reflect the implementation environment, model object interactions and
behaviors that support the use case scenario, and finally update object model.
5 Visual studio Create a local web server for testing and deployment purposes.
2 Flash disk Required for data movement to store & transfer data from
one PC to another PC.
The system will be tested to discover as many faults as possible such that they can be
repaired before the delivery of the system by executing the system (or parts of it) with
sample input data sets. We will use unit test and integration testing
System testing is a level of testing that validates the complete and fully integrated
software product. The purpose of a system test is to evaluate the end-to-end system
specifications. System Testing is actually a series of different tests whose sole
purpose is to exercise the full computer-based system [5].