Gestational Diabetes and Neutrophil Activation: A Cellular Symphony
Gestational Diabetes and Neutrophil Activation: A Cellular Symphony
Gestational Diabetes and Neutrophil Activation: A Cellular Symphony
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All content following this page was uploaded by Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu on 04 March 2024.
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) represents a complex metabolic disorder during pregnancy, impacting both
maternal and fetal health. Recent investigations have shed light on the intricate interplay between gestational diabetes
and neutrophil activation, revealing a cellular symphony that contributes to the pathophysiology of this condition.
This review explores the current state of knowledge regarding the relationship between gestational diabetes and
neutrophil activation, focusing on the molecular mechanisms, immune responses, and inflammatory cascades that
orchestrate this cellular symphony. Understanding these interactions is crucial for unraveling the complexities of
gestational diabetes and may pave the way for novel therapeutic interventions aimed at mitigating the associated
inflammatory burden and improving pregnancy outcomes.
the host against infections. Pregnancy induces fetus. Hormones such as human placental
dynamic changes in the immune system to lactogen (hPL), progesterone, and cortisol
accommodate the growing fetus, and neutrophils contribute to insulin resistance, promoting
undergo alterations in phenotype and function glucose availability for fetal development.
during this period. However, disruptions in this However, in susceptible individuals, this insulin
delicate balance, as observed in gestational resistance can become exacerbated, leading to
diabetes, can lead to aberrant neutrophil impaired glucose tolerance.The pancreatic beta
activation, contributing to an inflammatory milieu cells, responsible for insulin secretion, face
with potential implications for pregnancy increased demands during pregnancy. In GDM,
outcomes.21-30 The rationale behind investigating these cells may struggle to produce sufficient
neutrophil activation in the context of gestational insulin to overcome the heightened insulin
diabetes is grounded in the growing recognition of resistance. This beta-cell dysfunction results in
the immune system's involvement in the inadequate insulin secretion, further contributing
pathophysiology of GDM. Neutrophils, to elevated blood glucose levels.31-45
traditionally viewed as frontline defenders against
microbial threats, have recently been implicated Inflammation and alterations in adipokine levels
in the inflammatory processes associated with contribute significantly to the pathophysiology of
metabolic disorders, including diabetes. GDM. Adipose tissue, particularly visceral
Understanding how hyperglycemia and other adipose tissue, secretes adipokines such as
factors related to gestational diabetes influence adiponectin and leptin. In GDM, an imbalance in
neutrophil behavior is pivotal for unraveling the adipokine production occurs, fostering a pro-
complexities of this cellular interplay. inflammatory environment. This inflammation,
characterized by increased levels of cytokines like
This review aims to provide a comprehensive tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and
exploration of the intricate connections between interleukin-6 (IL-6), is implicated in insulin
gestational diabetes and neutrophil activation, resistance and the progression of GDM.Persistent
unraveling the molecular mechanisms, immune hyperglycemia in GDM leads to the generation of
responses, and inflammatory cascades that reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative
collectively form a cellular symphony. By delving stress. Elevated glucose levels induce
into the current state of knowledge, this review mitochondrial dysfunction and endoplasmic
seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of reticulum stress, contributing to the production of
the pathophysiology of gestational diabetes, with ROS. Oxidative stress, in turn, exacerbates insulin
potential implications for novel therapeutic resistance and damages pancreatic beta cells,
interventions to mitigate the associated creating a feedback loop that perpetuates the
inflammatory burden and improve pregnancy hyperglycemic state.Inflammatory mediators,
outcomes. such as cytokines and chemokines, can interfere
with insulin signaling pathways, contributing to
Pathophysiology of Gestational Diabetes insulin resistance. These immune responses may
involve activation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) manifests as κB) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathways,
a state of glucose intolerance during pregnancy, impairing insulin receptor signaling and
affecting both maternal and fetal health. The downstream glucose uptake.The pro-
pathophysiology of GDM is complex, involving inflammatory milieu associated with GDM,
intricate interactions between hormonal, characterized by elevated cytokines and oxidative
metabolic, and immunological factors.GDM often stress, has implications for immune cell function.
arises due to increased insulin resistance, a Neutrophils, key players in the innate immune
condition where cells exhibit reduced system, may undergo aberrant activation and
responsiveness to insulin. Pregnancy induces functional alterations in response to these
physiological changes aimed at ensuring an inflammatory signals, contributing to the intricate
adequate supply of nutrients for the growing cellular symphony associated with GDM.46-73
Int. J. Curr. Res. Med. Sci. (2024). 10(2): 26-38
further contributing to oxidative stress within aberrant activation, leading to enhanced oxidative
neutrophils. stress and inflammatory responses.
Hyperglycemia-induced changes in neutrophil
Hyperglycemia promotes the formation of function can impact chemotaxis and phagocytosis.
Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) Neutrophils from individuals with GDM may
through non-enzymatic glycation reactions.98 exhibit impaired chemotactic responses, leading
AGEs can bind to their receptors (RAGE) on to compromised migration to sites of infection or
neutrophils, activating intracellular signaling inflammation. Additionally, alterations in
pathways and promoting inflammatory responses. phagocytic capabilities may contribute to an
This interaction can enhance the production of inadequate clearance of pathogens. The intricate
pro-inflammatory cytokines and perpetuate an balance between immune tolerance and defense
inflammatory environment. The NF-κB signaling mechanisms is crucial for a healthy pregnancy.
pathway, a central regulator of inflammation, is GDM disrupts this equilibrium, potentially
activated in response to hyperglycemia. Elevated leading to impaired immune tolerance against
glucose levels can induce the translocation of NF- fetal antigens and an increased risk of
κB to the nucleus, promoting the expression of inflammatory conditions such as preeclampsia.
genes involved in inflammation. Neutrophils, Neutrophils, as key contributors to immune
under the influence of hyperglycemia, may tolerance, may undergo dysregulated activation in
exhibit increased NF-κB activity, contributing to response to altered cytokine profiles.
enhanced production of inflammatory mediators.
Hyperglycemia-induced changes in cellular The NF-κB pathway, activated by hyperglycemia,
structure and function extend to the cytoskeleton contributes to the upregulation of pro-
of neutrophils. Actin polymerization, crucial for inflammatory mediators.100 This pathway is
processes such as chemotaxis and phagocytosis, central to the coordination of immune responses,
may be altered, impacting the migratory and and its dysregulation in GDM may result in a
phagocytic capabilities of neutrophils.Elevated sustained and heightened inflammatory state.
glucose levels can modulate the expression of Neutrophils, responding to this inflammatory
adhesion molecules on neutrophils, affecting their milieu, may exhibit increased activation and
ability to adhere to endothelial cells and migrate prolonged survival. Toll-like receptors (TLRs)
to sites of inflammation. This altered adhesion play a crucial role in recognizing pathogen-
and migration may contribute to the dysregulated associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and
immune responses observed in GDM. initiating immune responses. In GDM, TLR
signaling may be dysregulated, influencing the
Immune Responses in GDM responsiveness of neutrophils to microbial
challenges. This altered TLR signaling can
The impact of gestational diabetes mellitus contribute to an imbalanced immune response in
(GDM) on immune responses extends beyond the the presence of infection.GDM is associated with
molecular alterations associated with alterations in the adaptive immune response,
hyperglycemia.99 The dysregulated immune including changes in T cell subsets and cytokine
milieu in GDM involves intricate interactions profiles. The crosstalk between adaptive and
between various immune cells, cytokines, and innate immunity is integral to mounting effective
signaling pathways. GDM is characterized by an immune responses. Dysregulation in adaptive
upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, immunity in GDM may impact the priming and
including tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), activation of neutrophils, influencing their roles in
interleukin-6 (IL-6), and interleukin-1β (IL-1β). immune defense and inflammation.The
These cytokines are not only implicated in the heightened oxidative stress and inflammatory
pathogenesis of insulin resistance but also environment in GDM may influence neutrophil
contribute to the systemic inflammatory milieu extracellular trap (NET) formation. While NETs
observed in GDM. Neutrophils, under the serve as an antimicrobial defense mechanism,
influence of these cytokines, may undergo dysregulated NET release has been implicated in
Int. J. Curr. Res. Med. Sci. (2024). 10(2): 26-38
vascular complications, linking the immune mechanisms crucial for maintaining pregnancy
responses in GDM to potential adverse pregnancy until term. The disruption of immune
outcomes. homeostasis, along with the potential activation of
neutrophils, could contribute to preterm birth.
Inflammatory Cascades and Pregnancy Altered neutrophil functions and dysregulated
Complications cytokine profiles may play a role in initiating
labor prematurely.
The intricate interplay between gestational
diabetes mellitus (GDM) and neutrophil Conclusion
activation sets the stage for inflammatory
cascades that can impact various aspects of Inflammatory mediators released in response to
pregnancy.101 The dysregulated immune GDM and neutrophil activation may impact fetal
responses and sustained inflammation associated growth by influencing nutrient transport and
with GDM may contribute to a range of placental function. This can lead to fetal growth
pregnancy complications, influencing both restriction, a condition associated with adverse
maternal and fetal well-being.GDM is perinatal outcomes. The dysregulated immune
characterized by an inflammatory milieu marked responses in GDM, including the potential
by the dysregulated secretion of pro-inflammatory aberrant activation of neutrophils, contribute to a
cytokines and chemokines. Neutrophils, activated spectrum of adverse pregnancy outcomes. These
in response to hyperglycemia, contribute to this may encompass not only preeclampsia, preterm
cytokine storm by releasing inflammatory birth, and fetal growth restriction but also an
mediators. Elevated levels of cytokines such as increased risk of gestational hypertension and
tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and cesarean section. The symphony of gestational
interleukin-6 (IL-6) create an inflammatory diabetes mellitus (GDM) and neutrophil
environment that extends beyond the local site of activation orchestrates a complex interplay that
neutrophil activation. The sustained inflammatory influences the course of pregnancy. This review
state associated with GDM can negatively impact has delved into the molecular mechanisms linking
placental function. Chronic inflammation may hyperglycemia to neutrophil activation, explored
disrupt the delicate balance required for normal the immune responses in GDM, and deciphered
placental development, potentially leading to the inflammatory cascades that contribute to
complications such as impaired nutrient various pregnancy complications.
exchange, oxidative stress, and alterations in the
expression of growth factors crucial for fetal GDM, marked by elevated glucose levels,
development. Inflammatory cascades initiated by instigates a series of molecular events within
GDM and exacerbated by neutrophil activation neutrophils. Hyperglycemia-induced reactive
can contribute to endothelial dysfunction, a key oxygen species (ROS) production, activation of
feature of conditions like preeclampsia. The protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms, and the
release of inflammatory mediators, coupled with formation of advanced glycation end products
oxidative stress, may compromise vascular (AGEs) contribute to a pro-inflammatory milieu.
integrity, leading to hypertension, proteinuria, and These molecular alterations, in turn, modulate
impaired blood flow, characteristic of neutrophil functions, impacting their roles in
preeclampsia. Inflammatory signals generated in immune surveillance and host defense. The
response to GDM and neutrophil activation can immune responses in GDM are characterized by
contribute to insulin resistance, not only in the dysregulated cytokine and chemokine release,
mother but also in the developing fetus. This fetal creating an inflammatory environment that
exposure to an inflammatory environment may extends beyond the local activation of neutrophils.
contribute to long-term metabolic programming, This chronic inflammation is implicated in
increasing the risk of obesity and diabetes in the various pregnancy complications, including
offspring later in life. Chronic inflammation in placental dysfunction, endothelial dysfunction
GDM may compromise immune tolerance leading to preeclampsia, insulin resistance,
Int. J. Curr. Res. Med. Sci. (2024). 10(2): 26-38
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Medical Sciences