Statement 29feb2024
Statement 29feb2024
Statement 29feb2024
Mrs Y Dhayaparan
06 Highfield Avenue
Nationwide Bu ild ing Soc iety is a utho rise d by the Prude ntia l Re g u lation Autho rity a n d re g u late d by th e F ina nc ia l Co n d u ct Auth o rity a nd th e Prud e ntia l Re g u latio n Auth o rity u n d e r re g istratio n n u m be r 106078 .
He ad Office : Nationwide B u i ld ing Soc iety, Natio nwide Ho use , Pi pe rs Way, Swindo n , SN 3 8 1 NW
DC83 (Octo be r 2023)_CS IS
Your FlexDirect account
Please check you r statement to ma ke su re everyth i ng 's correct. If there's a nyth i ng you ' re u nsu re
a bout please g et i n touch or if you 've cha ng ed a ny of you r contact d eta i ls, you need to let u s know.
We work out overdraft interest each day and take it from your account each month. We calculate the total in-credit interest for a month on the last day of each
calendar month and apply it to your account on the first day of the next month.
Unless stated otherwise, all rates and fees are variable and we can change them at any time.
If we have to give you notice of a fee or interest well let you know by including a Notice of Charges page with your next regular statement, and well apply the
amount to your account 28 days after the statement date.
Since 6 April 2016, interest is paid without tax deducted and may count towards your Personal Savings Allowance. For more information please visit HMRC website at
Summa ry box for your Have you lost your ca rd or cheque book or had them stolen? Let us know
stra ig ht away, either via the Ba nki ng a pp (if you have it) or by ca ll i ng us on
Fl ex D i rect acco u nt 08000 55 66 22 . You ca n report lost or stolen ca rds a nd cheq ue books 24/7.
Th is informatio n does n 't re place yo u r Te rms a nd Cond itio ns
Ba n ki ng of cheq ues - You can pay money into or out of your account by cheq ue. To find out more information about cheq ue interest, clearing times, withdrawals
and certainty, please visit na tio nwid e .co .u k/cheq ue
If you have a problem with your account, and wish to complain, please try to settle it with us first. If you're not happy with the way in which we handled your complaint
or the outcome you may be able to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Well give you details of how to contact the Ombudsman.