Statement 29feb2024

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Your FlexDirect account


Mrs Y Dhayaparan
06 Highfield Avenue

Statement 29 February 2024 Sort code 07-08-06

Your FlexDirect
transactions Statement no 57 Account no 05866518
Start balance £583.82
End balance £9,845.86
Date Description £ Out £ In £ Balance Average credit
2024 Balance from statement 56 dated 31/01/2024 583.82 balance £7,492.47
Average debit
05 Feb Contactless Payment 4.70 balance £0.00
Effective Date 04 Feb 2024 Internationa l Payment?
Transfer from D MANIKAVASAKAR 100.00 679.12 BIC NAIAGB21
07 Feb Bank credit MANIK LIFESTYLE EX 1,226.20 1,905.32 IBAN GB79 NAIA 0708 0605 8665 1 8
08 Feb Payment to D MANIKAVASAGAR 1,000.00 Swift
Intermed iary Ba nk MIDLGB22
Payment to D MANIKAVASAGAR 50.00 855.32
09 Feb Bank credit Bargain Food & Win 1.00
Bank credit D Manikavasakar 4,998.00
Bank credit D Manikavasakar 4,995.00 10,849.32
13 Feb Direct debit H3G 9.00 10,840.32
17 Feb PSI SERVICES INT'L GBP 999-999-9999 50.00
PSI SERVICES INT'L GBP 999-999-9999 50.00 10,740.32
19 Feb Direct debit NBS PERSONAL LOANS 540.50
Contactless Payment 53.99 10,145.83
20 Feb Transfer to FLEX INSTANT SAVER 200.00 9,945.83
28 Feb APPLE.COM/BILL APPLE.COM/BIL 0.99 9,944.84
29 Feb Payment to D MANIKAVASAGAR 100.00
Interest added 1.02 9,845.86
Effective Date 01 Mar 2024

Nationwide Bu ild ing Soc iety is a utho rise d by the Prude ntia l Re g u lation Autho rity a n d re g u late d by th e F ina nc ia l Co n d u ct Auth o rity a nd th e Prud e ntia l Re g u latio n Auth o rity u n d e r re g istratio n n u m be r 106078 .
He ad Office : Nationwide B u i ld ing Soc iety, Natio nwide Ho use , Pi pe rs Way, Swindo n , SN 3 8 1 NW
DC83 (Octo be r 2023)_CS IS
Your FlexDirect account

Please check you r statement to ma ke su re everyth i ng 's correct. If there's a nyth i ng you ' re u nsu re
a bout please g et i n touch or if you 've cha ng ed a ny of you r contact d eta i ls, you need to let u s know.

I nte rest , Rates a n d Fe es

We work out overdraft interest each day and take it from your account each month. We calculate the total in-credit interest for a month on the last day of each
calendar month and apply it to your account on the first day of the next month.
Unless stated otherwise, all rates and fees are variable and we can change them at any time.
If we have to give you notice of a fee or interest we’ll let you know by including a ‘Notice of Charges’ page with your next regular statement, and we’ll apply the
amount to your account 28 days after the statement date.
Since 6 April 2016, interest is paid without tax deducted and may count towards your Personal Savings Allowance. For more information please visit HMRC website at

Summa ry box for your Have you lost your ca rd or cheque book or had them stolen? Let us know
stra ig ht away, either via the Ba nki ng a pp (if you have it) or by ca ll i ng us on
Fl ex D i rect acco u nt 08000 55 66 22 . You ca n report lost or stolen ca rds a nd cheq ue books 24/7.
Th is informatio n does n 't re place yo u r Te rms a nd Cond itio ns

Payi ng i n £1 ,000 o r mo re pe r mo nth AER Gross p.a .

AER stands for Annual Eq uivalent Rate and
Credit Interest For the first 12 months (introductory rate shows what the interest rate would be if
fixed for 12 months from account opening): 5% 4.89% interest was paid and compounded once a year.
on ba la nces up to
£1 ,500 . After 12 months (ongoing variable rate): 1% 0.99%
Payi ng i n less tha n £1 ,000 pe r mo nth 0.00% 0.00% Gross p.a . is the interest rate without tax
Arranged overdraft interest 39.9% per yea r compounded (variable)
As an example, if you borrow £500 for an £3.26 for 7 days
arranged overdraft it will cost you: Our pe r yea r co mpo u nd ed interest rate
* For the 60 day example, we’ve applied the £13.99 for 30 days shows the rate of interest that you’ll pay on
Overdraft interest charges for the first 30 days, on day 31. This your overdraft over a year and takes account
and charges means that the charge in the second month of the fact we charge interest each month on
is higher as we charge interest on the £28.37 for 60 days* your balance and this will include any interest
interest you’ve incurred up to that point.
which has already been added to your account
Unarranged overdraft interest 0% per year previously.
Monthly maximum charge (unarranged £0 per month
overdraft) Rece ivi ng mo ney with i n the U K
Se nd i ng mo ney with i n the U K To receive sterling payments into your account,
the person making the payment will need to
Chaps £20 transaction fee each time
q uote your sort code and your 8 digit account
SEPA (euros) £0 transaction fee number, which you’ll find on the front of your
Cha rges for statement. Entering account numbers incorrectly
specia list services SWIFT (foreign currency except euros) £20 transaction fee each time can mean payments being misdirected, so please
Se nd i ng mo ney o utsid e the U K be sure to provide the correct details.
SEPA (euros within the SEPA region) £0 transaction fee Rece ivi ng mo ney fro m o utsid e
the U K a nd rece ivi ng mo ney fro m with i n the
SWIFT (except euros within the SEPA £20 transaction fee each time U K i n a cu rre ncy othe r tha n ste rl i ng
For Visa excha nge rates, visit visa SWI FT - someone making a payment to you
excha nge-rate-ca lculator.html must q uote your Bank Identifier Code ( B IC) and
International Bank Account Number ( IBAN). The
Foreign usage Ca sh withd rawa l i n fo re ig n cu rre ncy o utsid e the U K BIC and IBAN are the international eq uivalents of
* If you make awithdrawal Non-SterlingTransaction Fee 2.99% of the transaction amount your UK sort code and account number.
in a foreign currency from An international payment will also need to q uote
a LINK ATMor over the Non-Sterling Cash Fee £0 per withdrawal the SWIFT Intermediary Bank number as we're
counter your transaction Ca sh withd rawa l i n fo re ig n cu rre ncy with i n the U K using the routing services of an Agent Bank.
will normally reach us as You'll find this number along with your B IC and
a sterlingcash transaction Non-SterlingTransaction Fee* 2.99% of the transaction amount IBAN on the front of your statement.
so non-sterlingfees won’t S EPA Cred it Tra nsfe r - someone making a
apply. Non-Sterling Cash Fee* £0 per withdrawal
Debit ca rd payment i n foreig n cu rrency
payment to you must q uote your International
Bank Account Number ( IBAN). Your IBAN is
Non-SterlingTransaction Fee 2.99% of the transaction amount found on the front of your statement.

Ba n ki ng of cheq ues - You can pay money into or out of your account by cheq ue. To find out more information about cheq ue interest, clearing times, withdrawals
and certainty, please visit na tio nwid e .co .u k/cheq ue
If you have a problem with your account, and wish to complain, please try to settle it with us first. If you're not happy with the way in which we handled your complaint
or the outcome you may be able to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service. We’ll give you details of how to contact the Ombudsman.

Important information about compensation arrangements

The deposits in this account are eligible for protection under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme ( FSCS) . An Information Sheet and Excl usion List which
provides information about the FSCS and the protection that it provides can be found at
For further information about the compensation provided by the FSCS, refer to the FSCS website at
Alternatively, please visit your local branch or call 03456 077 357 to req uest a copy or to chat to us about your account. For more information out our opening times,
DC85 (October 2023) CSIS

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