Sample Paper IJRPR
Sample Paper IJRPR
Sample Paper IJRPR
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Post ,Department Name, College Name/University Name Example UG student, Anantrao Pawar College of Engineering and Research, Pune
abstract is summary of your work in paper Example Weather changes have a huge negative impact on the ecosystem and might suddenly precipitate natural
disasters. There are numerous machine learning approaches and algorithms that can be used to forecast these changes and predict them early. It has been noted
that, based on past research, there are a variety of additional ways to weather prediction. Various parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind direction,
precipitation, evaporation, and so on are taken into account based on these. Following a review of developing techniques and datasets, a proposed system is
developed. To anticipate efficient accuracy, decision tree, random forest algorithms are applied. Used algorithms allowing each individual learner to learn
differently about various parameters and increasing accuracy. The study indicated that a proactive catastrophe recognition system should be implemented to avert
future loss of human lives and environmental consequences.
Keywords: Keywords are important word in paper Example Weather Prediction, forecast accuracy
The introduction serves multiple purposes. It presents the background to your study, introduces your topic and gives an overview of the paper Example
This paper gives a brief summary of weather forecast trends, challenges, and the nature of their occurrence, as well as existing and promising solutions.
The neural network architecture is offered as a possible method for improving the accuracy of weather forecasts produced by various regional models.
This design enables for the prediction of atmospheric model forecast errors as well as their subsequent corrections. Experiments with various histories
of regional model errors are performed. It is demonstrated that the proposed architecture allows for the improvement of a weather forecast.
The initial attempt at weather prediction necessitated a larger workforce. Weather prediction has returned to the early models in terms of similarity,
thanks to the development of powerful and better modeling tools. The forecast equations in Weather Prediction are then simple-basic equations.
Because equations dictate how meteorological variables change over time, if the initial state of the atmosphere is known, equations may be used in our
project to anticipate new values for those variables in the future. Weather data is gathered for a short-range over a specific region at a specific station.
The results suggest that it can more precisely and reliably forecast meteorological conditions.
In the current era of machine learning and technologies, weather prediction is rapidly gaining ubiquity. Predicting the climate for an extended period of
time is critical. Decision trees, K-NN, and Random Forest etc. algorithms are valuable assets that have been used in a variety of prediction applications,
such as flood prediction and storm detection. The decision tree, K-NN, and random forest method calculations are used in this research to present a
simple technique for weather prediction of future years by employing historical data analysis, with the best accuracy result of these three algorithms.
Weather prediction is important in everyday life, and the forecast in this study is based on rain variations in a specific area.
All of these methods compute mean values, medians, confidence intervals, and probability, as well as plot the differences between the three algorithms'
plots, and so on. Finally, utilizing the algorithms used in this study, we can forecast whether it will rain or not. The dataset is totally dependent on the
weather of a given area including a few objects like a year, month, forecasted values, and so on.
Weather changes have a huge negative impact on the ecosystem and might suddenly precipitate natural disasters. There are numerous machine learning
approaches and algorithms that can be used to forecast these changes and predict them early. It has been noted that, based on past research, there are a
variety of additional ways to weather prediction. Various parameters such as rain, temperature, humidity, wind direction, precipitation, evaporation, and
so on are taken into account based on these
Weather forecasting is the use of science and technology to forecast atmospheric conditions for a specific location and time. For millennia, people have
sought to predict the weather informally, and systematically since the nineteenth century. Weather predictions are created by gathering quantitative data
on the current state of the atmosphere, land, and ocean, and then applying meteorology to project how the atmosphere will change at a certain location.
Weather forecasting is currently based on computer-based models that take many atmospheric aspects into account, rather than being estimated
manually based on changes in barometric pressure, present weather conditions, and sky condition or cloud cover. Pattern recognition skills,
teleconnections, knowledge of model performance, and understanding of model biases are still required for selecting the best potential forecast model
on which to base the forecast.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp 35-38, May 2022 36
The chaotic nature of the atmosphere, the massive computational power required to solve the equations that describe the atmosphere, land, and ocean,
the error involved in measuring initial conditions, and an incomplete understanding of atmospheric and related processes all contribute to forecasting's
inaccuracy. As a result, as the time difference between now and the time for which the forecast is being produced grows, projections become less
accurate. The usage of ensembles and model consensus can help to reduce the error and increase the forecast's confidence level.
Weather forecasts have a wide range of applications. Weather warnings are crucial forecasts because they safeguard people and property. Agricultural
forecasts based on temperature and precipitation are critical, and traders in commodities markets rely on them. Many people use weather forecasts to
decide what to wear on a given day on a daily basis. Because heavy rain, snow, and wind chill significantly limit outdoor activities, forecasts can be
used to schedule activities around these phenomena, as well as to prepare ahead and survive them.
Weather prediction's purpose is to give information that people and organisations can use to reduce weather-related losses and improve societal
advantages, such as life and property protection, public health and safety, and economic prosperity and quality of life.
As additional weather satellites are deployed into orbit and technology advances, the science of weather forecasting improves. Satellites, ships,
aeroplanes, weather stations, buoys, and gadgets dropped from planes or weather balloons are all used by meteorologists. There are two primary
methods of forecasting used by climatologists and meteorologists: deterministic and probabilistic, both of which have various subsets. A deterministic
prediction forecasts a specific event that will occur at a certain time and location, such as a hurricane's arrival or a tornado's touchdown.
Probabilistic weather predictions indicate the likelihood of weather occurrences occurring in a specific place over a specific time period, such as a
storm lasting a few days. Climate change caused by excess greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, on the other hand, frustrates forecasters since it
becomes more difficult to predict whether that varies due to any outside influence that does not follow seasonal trends or averages.
Climatology Method:
The climatology approach is a simple way of forecasting the weather. Meteorologists utilize this strategy after computing the averages of
meteorological data collected over several years. They forecast the weather for a given day and based on previous weather conditions for that day in the
preceding several years.
For example, a forecaster could look at Labor Day averages to estimate the weather for the forthcoming holiday. The climatology method works when
weather patterns remain consistent, but it is not the ideal strategy for predicting the weather in situations where outside causes affect the weather often,
such as climate change due to global warming.
Climatology is the study of weather patterns throughout time. The work is similar to that of meteorologists, but it is done over a much longer period of
time, examining trends across months, years, or even centuries.
● To predict long and short-scale patterns, researchers examine and interpret data, maps, reports, pictures, and charts.
● Predicting trends with computer models
● Creating projections and briefings for clients in the industrial, commercial, and government sectors
● Data from weather stations, satellites, or radar stations are collected and distributed to the media.
● Making scientific presentations and preparing for them
● Problems such as global warming, agriculture, and natural disasters can all benefit from using knowledge.
● Investigating the factors that cause weather events
● Analyzing historical climate data to aid in forecasting future developments
● Dealing with demands for information and interviews from the media
Analog Method:
When predicting the weather, the analog approach is difficult to utilize because it needs to identify a day in the past with weather that is comparable to
the current forecast, which is tough to do. Consider the following scenario: the current forecast predicts a warm day with a cold front approaching the
forecast area.
A similar day occurred in the previous month when a warm day was followed by the arrival of a cold front, which resulted in the formation of
thunderstorms later in the day. The forecaster could use the analog approach to anticipate the same type of weather, but even minor variances between
the past and the present can influence the outcome, thus the analog method may not be the best option.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp 35-38, May 2022 37
Because it relies on past trends, the persistence and trends method requires little to no talent to predict the weather. In an ideal world, the environment
changes slowly, resulting in a forecast for tomorrow that is identical to today, with a nod to the climate's norm for the season. This method merely
requires you to be aware of current situations and conditions, as well as knowledge about the region's climate averages.
Computers are used to predict the weather in numerical weather prediction. Meteorologists use massive supercomputers with software forecasting
models to generate weather predictions based on many atmospheric parameters like temperatures, wind speed, high- and low-pressure systems, rainfall,
snowfall, and other factors.
The weather person examines the data in order to determine the day's weather forecast. The accuracy of the forecast is determined by the methods
utilised by the computer software to forecast the weather. Errors occur when parts of the equations are not precise. Overall, when compared to other
methodologies, numerical weather prediction provides the best means of forecasting forthcoming meteorological conditions.
The systematic review identified 72 articles that met the inclusion criteria, which were analyzed using a thematic synthesis approach. The majority of
the studies were conducted in North America, Europe, and Australia, with a smaller number of studies conducted in Asia, Africa, and South America.
The research designs of the studies included qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods approaches. The sample sizes of the studies ranged from a
few participants to several hundred participants.
The analysis of the literature identified several key themes related to the academic and social integration of international students in higher education.
These themes were grouped into categories and subcategories. Language proficiency was identified as a crucial factor for academic success and social
integration [27]. The studies highlighted the importance of English language proficiency in particular, as English is the primary language of instruction
in most higher education institutions. The studies found that language barriers can limit communication and participation in academic and social
activities, which can affect academic performance and social integration.
Academic preparation, including familiarity with the academic expectations and systems of the host institution, was found to be important for academic
integration. The studies highlighted the challenges faced by international students in adapting to the different academic cultures and expectations of the
host institution. The studies also emphasized the importance of academic support programs that provide guidance on academic writing, research, and
study skills. Cultural adjustment, including acculturation and adaptation to the norms and values of the host culture, was crucial for social integration.
The studies highlighted the difficulties faced by international students in adjusting to the new cultural environment, including homesickness, culture
shock, and identity crises. The studies also emphasized the importance of intercultural training programs that help international students understand and
adapt to the cultural norms and values of the host culture. Social support, such as social networks, mentoring, and counseling, was vital for both
academic and social integration. The studies highlighted the importance of social support in reducing social isolation and promoting a sense of
belonging among international students. The studies also emphasized the role of peer mentoring programs, which pair incoming international students
with current students who can offer guidance and support.
The review identified several challenges faced by international students, including language barriers, differences in academic expectations and systems,
cultural adjustment difficulties, and social isolation. The studies highlighted the negative impact of these challenges on academic performance, mental
health, and overall well-being. Overall, the review suggests that the academic and social integration of international students is a complex and
multifaceted process that depends on several factors, including language proficiency, academic preparation, cultural adjustment, and social support. The
review highlights the importance of addressing the challenges faced by international students and providing effective support programs and policies that
promote their academic and social integration. The findings of the review have implications for policymakers, educators, and institutions in developing
effective support programs and policies.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp 35-38, May 2022 38
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Table Factors influencing the rate for quality of service provided to the customers in the food truck
Service 62 55 29 8 0 633 1
Hospitality 41 70 34 8 1 604 3
58 594
Facility 41 47 8 0 4
Review 54 59 29 11 1 616 2
The suggested study work has established a model for weather prediction that can be used to improve performance without incurring significant
additional costs, as well as reducing prediction variation. Weather plays an important role in our daily lives, and it would be difficult to arrange daily
activities without the help of meteorologists and forecasters. Weather forecasters and meteorologists can predict the weather and its potential changes,
yet the weather is still unpredictable.
In this study, we used neural network architecture to improve forecasting by addressing regional numerical model flaws. Hopefully, this approach may
be used to forecast other continuous meteorological data. We ran tests with a variety of error histories to determine the number of epochs. We
demonstrated that the proposed architecture facilitates this.
The project's goal is to use a mathematical model to anticipate weather forecasting. The early design was to see if a larger workforce was required
numerically. Numerical Weather Prediction has made a comeback thanks to the advancement of powerful computers and improved technologies. The
rainfall of a specific place is predicted using characteristics. Due to frequent changes in the climate and ecology, predicting the weather of a specific
place is a difficult task. A mathematical model based on time-series data is employed in our project work to anticipate weather predictions for a certain
location over a period of time.
The system was tested in an indoor setting, and the values of the parameters were recorded. In the Jupyter notebook environment, models were trained
with pre-recorded parameter values and used to forecast weather parameters in a real-time setting. The model's output is compared to previous efforts in
the literature, and the suggested system outperforms them somewhat in terms of accuracy. Furthermore, the system may be customized for commercial
usage, and it has numerous uses in smart homes, buildings, sports, and hospitals, among others.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp 35-38, May 2022 39
List all the material used from various sources for making this project proposal
Research Papers:
1. An Ensemble Approach to Predict Weather Forecast using Machine Learning. Publish on November 04, 2020
2. Machine Learning to Improve Numerical Weather Forecasting. Publish on May 18, 2021
3. Designing A Model for Weather Forecasting Using Machine Learning. Published on August 08, 2020.
4. Real-time Weather Prediction System Using IoT and Machine Learning. Published on September 08, 2020
5. Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizes Weather Forecast, Climate Monitoring, and Decadal Prediction. Published on 13 August 2021.
6. AHMJakaria, “Smart Weather Forecasting Using Machine Learning: A Case Study in Tennessee,” 2018.
7. O. Y. Al-Jarrah, “Efficient Machine Learning for Big Data: A Review,” 2015.
8. M. S. S. S. A. S. A. J. Amit Kumar Agarwal, “Forecasting using Machine Learning,” 2019.
9. B.Vasantha, “Rainfall Pattern Prediction Using Real-Time Global Climate Parameters Through Machine Learning,” 2019.
10. C. Choi, “Development of Heavy Rain Damage Prediction Model Using Machine Learning Based on Big Data [Changhyun Choi] [2018],”
11. Y. Di, “Prediction of Long-Lead Heavy Precipitation Events Aided by Machine Learning,” 2015.
12. C. Feng, “Hourly-Similarity Based Solar Forecasting Using Multi-Model Machine Learning Blending,” 2018.
13. GylianVerstraete, “A data-driven framework for predicting weather impact on high-volume low-margin retail products,” 2018.
14. D. Hoai, “Downscaling Global Weather Forecast Outputs Using ANN for Flood Prediction,” 2011.
15. A. Koes Dwivedi, “Improving Traffic Flow Prediction With Weather Information in Connected Cars: A Deep Learning Approach,” 2016.
16. J. Lee, “Constructing Efficient Regional Hazardous Weather Prediction Models through Big Data Analysis,” 2016.
17. S. Madan, “Analysis of Weather Prediction using Machine Learning & Big Data,” p. 2018.
18. M. C. R. Murça, “Identification, Characterization, and Prediction of Traffic Flow Patterns in Multi-Airport Systems,” 2018.
19. J. Wu, “Prediction of hourly solar radiation with multi-model framework,” 2013.