Circumference DLL Cot3

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School District 4- Sinayawan CLC Grade Level Advanced Elementary

ALS Teacher Charmagne Ople Borra Learning Area LS 3- Mathematical and problem-
ALTERNATIVE solving skills
LEARNING Date & Time March 2024 COT 3

I.OBJECTIVES 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of the circumference, including definition,

calculation using the formula and application in real-world problems.
2. Measure and calculate the circumference of a circle using the formula C= π d/ C=2 π r,
and solve real-world problems involving circumferences.
3. Appreciate the importance of understanding circumference in real-world applications.

A. Content Standard Measurement

B. Performance Standard Demonstrate knowledge and skills in using measuring devices in solving real life problems

C. Learning Competencies Solve routine and non-routine problems involving circumference of a circle
A. References CURRICULUM GUIDE 2019
1. Session Guide pages Page 149
2.Module/Learner’s LEARNING STRAND 3
Material paged
3.Additional materials Marker, bond paper, chalk, ruler, tape measure, circular object (small mirror, plate, plastic
from learning Resource cups, etc.)
(LR) portal/materials

B. Other Learning A. Values: Responsible, appreciation and understanding

Resources B. Strategies: Science, Geography, History and English integration, group work,
collaborative learning, cooperative learning, games, individual activity and peer


A. Springboard/  The teacher will distribute circular cut papers to the learners.
Motivation  Ask the learners to measure the length the distance across a circle, passing through a
(Establishing a centre.
purpose for the  Ask the learner if we can measure the length around the circle?
lesson)  How to measure the distance around the circle?
B. Activity (Review of  The teacher will present a diagram of a circle and ask what they already know of the
Previous lesson/s or different parts of the circle
presenting the new  The teacher will ask the learners, what if the arc is extended all over the circle? Can we
lesson still call it a major arc?
 The teacher will also present a diagram of a major arc
C. Analysis (Presenting The Teacher will introduce and discuss the concept of circumference, defining it as the
examples/ Instances distance around the outer edge of a circle.
of the new lesson) Write the formula for calculating the circumference: C = 2πr or C = πd, where C is the
circumference, r is the radius, and d is the diameter, give different examples in solving the
circumference of a circle
D) Discussing new Peer Activity: “Circumference Accuracy Challenge”
concepts and  The teacher will ask the learners to find a circular objects with different sizes. Ask the
practicing new skills learners to measure the diameter of each circle using rulers or measuring tapes. Once
(sub- activity # 1) they have the diameters, instruct them to calculate the circumference using the formula
discussed earlier.
 The teacher will present the rubric of the activity.
E. Discussing new Group Activity: Circumference story Activity
concepts and practicing  The class will be divided into 3 groups. Each group will be given a task. The learners
new skills #2) will create short stories or narratives that involve the problem-solving concept of
 The teacher will present a rubric for the activity
 Every group will have a reporter to share in front of the class
Group 1 task- (Science) Celestial bodies
Group 2 task- (Geography) Geographical Features
Group 3 task-(History) Historical Landmarks
F. Abstraction The teacher will ask the learners:
(Making  So again, what is circumference? How to solve the circumference of a circle?
Generalizations about
the lesson)
G. Application Real Life Application: Group Activity
(Developing Mastery)  The class will have a game, called Circumference Race Challenge
 The class will be divided into two groups. Each group will form a line, the first person
of each group will be the one the answer the problem-solving. The first group who get
the correct answer will get 2 points.
 After that, the next person in line will be the one to answer.
 The teacher will also present a rubric
H. Valuing (Finding The teacher will ask the learners:
practical Application  How important circumference of circle in our daily life situation?
of concepts and skills Let the learners share their experiences where they apply calculating the circumference in
in Daily living) their daily living.

I. Evaluation (Assessing The teacher will give an individual activity

Learning) I. Calculate the circumference of circle given the diameter and radius. Write
your answer and show your solution
Diameter Circumference
1. 16 cm
2. 26 cm
1. 9 m
2. 7 m
3. 13 m
II. Calculation and Problem-solving application (show your solution)
1. An Olympic-sized swimming pool has a circular shape with a diameter of 50
meters. Calculate the distance a swimmer would travel if they swim around the
edge of the pool once.
2. A pizza with a diameter of 18 inches is being cut into slices. If each slice is cut
along a radius, and there are 8 slices in total, what is the length of the crust on
each slice?
J. Agreement (Additional Answer the following in 1 whole sheet of paper.
Activities for 1. The learners will choose a sport that involves a circular playing area (e.g.,
Application or basketball, soccer). Research the official dimensions of the playing area and
remediation) calculate the circumference of the playing area using the formula C = π * d or C
= 2πr
Prepared by:

Charmagne Ople Borra

ALS Teacher Checked by:
Felipa S. Cuizon

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