Microsoft Excel MCQ Questions With Answer - MS Excel - Computer Fundamental
Microsoft Excel MCQ Questions With Answer - MS Excel - Computer Fundamental
Microsoft Excel MCQ Questions With Answer - MS Excel - Computer Fundamental
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51. Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called ________
A. Accessing
B. Referencing
C. Updating
D. Functioning
Answer: Option B
Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called Cell reference.
There are Three types of Cell reference in Excel
A. Number
B. Character
C. Label
D. Date/Time
Answer: Option B
There are Three types of data in cells: labels, values, and formulas. Labels (text) are descriptive pieces of information, such as names, months,
or other identifying statistics, and they usually include alphabetic characters. Values (numbers) are generally raw numbers or dates. Formulas
are instructions for Excel to perform calculations.
A. Contents
B. Objects
C. Scenarios
Answer: Option D
All elements of a worksheet can be protected from accidental modification.
To protect a worksheet in Excel 2007 and higher versions, click the Review tab, click Protect Worksheet (or Protect Sheet), and click OK.
Excel 2003 and Earlier Versions click Tools > Protection, click Protect Sheet, and click OK.
54. A numeric value can be treated as label value if ________ precedes it.
A. Apostrophe ( ‘ )
B. Exclamation ( ! )
C. Hash ( # )
D. Tilde ( ~ )
Answer: Option A
An apostrophe before a cell value forces Excel to interpret the value as text. This is mostly useful for values that look like a number or date.
A. Apostrophe ( ‘ )
B. Exclamation ( ! )
C. Hash ( # )
D. Ampersand ( & )