Test Characteristics of Immunofluorescence and ELISA Tests in 856 Consecutive Patients With Possible ANCA-Associated Conditions
Test Characteristics of Immunofluorescence and ELISA Tests in 856 Consecutive Patients With Possible ANCA-Associated Conditions
Test Characteristics of Immunofluorescence and ELISA Tests in 856 Consecutive Patients With Possible ANCA-Associated Conditions
John H. Stone, Monica Talor, Justin Stebbing, Misty L. Uhlfelder, Noel R. Rose,
Kathryn A. Carson, David B. Hellmann, and C. Lynne Burek
Objective. To examine the test characteristics of clinical evidence of AAV (92% of all patients tested)
immunofluorescence (IF) and enzyme-linked immu- into 5 predefined categories of disease (including
nosorbent assays (ELISA) in a consecutive series of “other”) and an additional category for no identifi-
patients under evaluation for anti-neutrophil cytoplas- able disease. In a blinded fashion, we then per-
mic antibody (ANCA)–associated vasculitis (AAV). formed ELISAs on the stored serum for antibodies to
Methods. Using stored sera, we performed a proteinase-3 (PR3) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) and
cross-sectional study on 856 consecutive patients calculated the test characteristics for both ANCA
tested prospectively for ANCA by IF. Based on guide- assay techniques.
lines from the 1994 Chapel Hill Consensus Confer- Results. Sixty-nine of the 856 patients (8.1%) had
ence (CHCC), we determined each patient’s underly- clinical diagnoses of AAV based on CHCC guide-
ing diagnosis by a medical records review without lines. The positive predictive value (PPV) of ELISA
regard to their ANCA status (the CHCC guidelines do for AAV was superior to that of IF, 83% versus 45%.
not require ANCA as a prerequisite for diagnosis). For patients with both positive IF tests and positive
We grouped patients with forms of vasculitis com- ELISA tests, the PPV increased to 88%. Both IF and
monly associated with ANCA into one of 4 types of ELISA had high negative predictive values (97% and
AAV: Wegener’s granulomatosis (n ⫽ 45), micro- 96%, respectively). Positive ELISA tests were associ-
scopic polyangiitis (n ⫽ 12), Churg-Strauss syn- ated with higher likelihood ratios (LR) than IF (54.2
drome (n ⫽ 4), and pauci-immune glomerulonephri- [95% CI ⫽ 26.3, 111.5] versus 9.4 [95% CI ⫽ 6.9,
tis (n ⫽ 8). We also classified patients without 12.7]). The LR of both a positive IF and a positive
ELISA was 82.1 (95% CI ⫽ 33.3, 202.5).
Conclusions. Compared with IF, an ELISA test for
Supported by NIH/NCRR/GCRC grant RR-00052.
ANCA was associated with a substantially higher
John H. Stone, MD, MPH, Justin Stebbing, MD, Misty L.
Uhlfelder, BA, and David B. Hellmann, MD, Department of Med-
PPV and LR for AAV. This fact, combined with the
icine, Johns Hopkins University Vasculitis Center, Baltimore, greater sensitivity of IF, suggests that an effective
Maryland; Monica Talor, MS, Noel R. Rose, MD, PhD, and C. testing strategy is to perform ELISA tests only on
Lynne Burek, PhD, Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins Uni- samples that are positive for ANCA by IF.
versity Vasculitis Center, Baltimore, Maryland; and Kathryn A.
Carson, ScM, Department of Oncology, Johns Hopkins University Key words. ANCA; Vasculitis; Immunofluores-
Vasculitis Center, Baltimore, Maryland. cence; Enzyme-linked immunoassay.
Address correspondence to John H. Stone, MD, MPH, Johns
Hopkins Vasculitis Center, 1830 E. Monument Street, Suite 7500,
Baltimore, MD 21205. INTRODUCTION
Submitted for publication July 15, 2000; accepted in revised
form July 25, 2000. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)
© 2000 by the American College of Rheumatology. were first reported in 1982 in a group of patients
424 0893-7524/00/$5.00
Arthritis Care and Research ANCA Test Characteristics 425
with segmental necrotizing glomerulonephritis (1). studies (using selected disease and control subject
These findings were ascribed initially to arbovirus populations) demonstrated significant improve-
infections, but within several years ANCA had been ment of ELISA testing over IF in terms of specific-
linked to certain forms of idiopathic systemic necro- ity (11,18). When confronted with a potential case
tizing vasculitis (2). The first association between of vasculitis in clinical practice, however, clini-
ANCA and vasculitis was established with Wegen- cians must interpret the results of ANCA assays in
er’s granulomatosis (WG), but associations with the context of patients’ overall presentations. In
other types of vasculitis were recognized later, in- this setting, knowledge of the positive and nega-
cluding microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) (3–5), the tive predictive values (PPV and NPV, respectively)
Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) (6,7), and pauci-im- of diagnostic tests may be more useful than sensi-
mune glomerulonephritis (GN) (8). tivities and specificities, because the latter pertain
Two types of ANCA tests, immunofluorescence to situations in which the diagnosis is already
(IF) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays known. Few data exist about PPV and NPV in
(ELISA), are now in common use. With IF, 3 princi- unselected groups of patients undergoing both IF
pal patterns of fluorescence are recognized: cytoplas- and ELISA tests for AAV.
mic (cANCA), perinuclear (pANCA), and atypical. Another useful test characteristic is the likelihood
The cANCA pattern, which often correlates with ratio (LR). LRs—the ratio of the probability of a given
antibodies to proteinase-3 (PR3), has been strongly test outcome in patients with a disease to the prob-
linked to WG (9). The pANCA pattern, which corre- ability of the same test outcome in patients without
sponds strongly to the presence of anti-myeloperox- the disease—permit direct calculations of posttest
idase (MPO) antibodies in patients with vasculitis, is probabilities from estimates of the pretest likelihood
found frequently in MPA, CSS, and pauci-immune of disease. LRs are most useful in patients who have
GN (and sometimes in WG). Atypical ANCA may intermediate probabilities of a given disease (e.g., the
occur in association with a wide variety of diseases, patient demonstrating some features of a multiorgan
including inflammatory bowel disease (10) and con- system inflammatory illness but not a “classic” AAV
nective tissue disorders such as systemic lupus ery- phenotype). For such patients, a positive test known
thematosus (11). Forms of vasculitis with similar to be associated with a high LR may shift a clini-
clinical and pathological features that are commonly cian’s thinking dramatically toward AAV and direct
accompanied by ANCA are known collectively as attention to the proper steps for diagnostic confirma-
“ANCA-associated vasculitides” (AAV), even though tion and treatment.
not all patients with these disorders have ANCA. The In this study, we examined the predictive values
precise role of ANCA in the pathogenesis of these and LR of both IF and ELISA among 856 consecutive
diseases remains unclear (12). patients who underwent serologic testing at our cen-
The reported sensitivities and specificities of ter as part of evaluations for ANCA-associated con-
ANCA tests range widely, depending not only on the ditions.
test characteristics of the assays used but also on the
population under study. IF was initially believed to
have sensitivities and specificities both in excess of PATIENTS AND METHODS
90% for WG (2,13–16). Frequently, however, these
studies were performed in selected patient groups This study was approved by the Joint Committee
(e.g., subjects with previously defined AAVs and on Clinical Investigation of the Johns Hopkins Med-
healthy controls) rather than in series of patients ical Institutions. Between January 1, 1995, and April
with undiagnosed illnesses whose clinical presenta- 1, 1998, IF was the standard ANCA assay technique
tions suggested vasculitis. Subsequent studies, most at our institution. The Johns Hopkins Immunologic
of which have focused on the more widely available Disorders Laboratory (IDL) performs ANCA for inpa-
IF technique, have shown less favorable results. Al- tients and for patients from the attached outpatient
though a major prospective study of IF confirmed the clinics at our institution. During the study period,
high specificity of cANCA for the diagnosis of WG 856 patients underwent testing for ANCA. These
(i.e., most patients who did not have WG were sera were submitted to the IDL through the core
cANCA⫺), the sensitivity and positive predictive laboratory facility at Johns Hopkins Hospital. The
value of cANCA for WG were only 28% and 50%, samples came from inpatients from the hospital,
respectively (17). from various outpatient clinics contiguous to the
Recently, advantages of ELISA techniques to hospital, and from satellite outpatient clinics of
measure ANCAs have been reported. Two rigorous Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. Thus, the phy-
426 Stone et al Vol. 13, No. 6, December 2000
Table 1. Diagnoses in 856 patients tested for ANCA evidence of ongoing inflammation attributable to
during the study period* WG (20,21).
Diagnosis Number (%)
ANCA testing by IF. All samples were screened in
ANCA-associated vasculitis 69 (8.1%) an identical manner on 3 types of slides: 1) ethanol-
Wegener’s granulomatosis 45 (5.3%) fixed slides prepared in our laboratory, 2) commer-
Microscopic polyangiitis 12 (1.4%) cially prepared slides fixed with ethanol (INOVA
Churg-Strauss syndrome 4 (0.5%)
Diagnostics, San Diego, CA), and 3) commercially
Pauci-immune glomerulonephritis 8 (0.9%)
Inflammatory bowel disease 22 (2.6%) prepared, formalin-fixed slides (INOVA Diagnostics,
Undifferentiated disease process, San Diego, CA). We screened with all 3 types of
possibly ANCA-associated 27 (3.2%) slides both to optimize the sensitivity of our IF assay
Other vasculitic or renal disorder 105 (12.3%) and to mitigate any potential artifacts that may occur
Other disease 477 (55.7%)
due to preparation of either the laboratory-prepared
No identifiable disease 156 (18.2%)
or the commercial slides. If a positive sample was
* ANCA ⫽ anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies. identified using any of these methods, we titrated the
sample on the laboratory-prepared slides.
For the laboratory-prepared slides, neutrophils
sicians ordering the tests were a diverse group of were derived from human group O blood. Briefly, the
generalists and subspecialists who suspected AAV blood (collected with heparin) was mixed with 3%
in their patients. The samples were collected se- Dextran in normal saline and sedimented for 20 min-
quentially and were selected for this study only be- utes. The leukocyte-rich plasma was centrifuged and
cause an ANCA was requested. If multiple samples the red cells lysed. The cells were washed with
were available for an individual patient over time, normal saline. Final resuspension to approximately
only the patient’s first sample was used. Serum sam- 105 cells/ml was done in tissue culture medium with
ples of the specimens tested for ANCA as part of 10% Nuserum IV (Collaborative Research, GIBCO,
routine clinical care were frozen at ⫺20°C. Rockville, MD). The cells were cytocentrifuged onto
glass slides, air dried, and then fixed in cold ethanol
Disease classification. Using the computer-based for 5 minutes. After drying, the slides were stored at
medical records system at our institution (Electronic ⫺80°C.
Patient Record, EPR), supplemented by medical The cells were overlaid with serum diluted in
chart reviews and discussions with patients’ treating phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (pH 7.4), incubated
physicians when necessary, 2 investigators (either in a humid chamber for 30 minutes at room temper-
JHS or JS) determined each patient’s diagnosis with- ature, washed in PBS for 30 minutes, and placed into
out regard to their ANCA status (Table 1). Followup the humid chamber again. The cells were then incu-
on the patients from the time of the original ANCA bated with goat anti-human IgG (h⫹1 chains) conju-
assay ranged from 6 to 46 months. We defined 6 gated to DTAF (Jackson Laboratories, West Grove,
disease categories: 1) AAV (WG, MPA, CSS, or PA) and mixed with Rhodamine-B BSA as counter-
pauci-immune GN); 2) inflammatory bowel disease; stain (DIFCO, Detroit, MI). After another wash pe-
3) undifferentiated disease process, possibly ANCA- riod, the slides were coverslipped with buffered
associated; 4) other vasculitic or renal disorder; 5) polyvinyl alcohol in glycerol as mounting medium
other disease; and 6) no identifiable disease. Classi- and were examined using a Zeiss fluorescence mi-
fication of the AAVs (i.e., the patients’ clinical diag- croscope for pattern of ANCA staining and end point
noses) was based on guidelines from the 1994 titer. A separate slide with rodent liver as substrate
Chapel Hill Consensus Conference (CHCC) (19). was used to assess the possibility of concurrent anti-
These guidelines do not require positive ANCA tests nuclear antibodies (ANA) (which may interfere with
for the diagnosis of an AAV. The diagnosis of pauci- evaluation of perinuclear IF). If ANAs were found,
immune GN required a renal biopsy and a tissue the patient’s serum was titrated on formalin-treated
immunofluorescence study showing few immunore- cells.
actants. Four IF results were recognized: cytoplasmic
For WG, the largest subset of AAV patients (n ⫽ (cANCA), perinuclear (pANCA), atypical, and nega-
45), we recorded the patients’ treatment at the time tive. The cANCA pattern on ethanol-fixed slides has
of the original IF assay. We also recorded the pres- a diffuse, granular staining of the neutrophil cyto-
ence or absence of active disease, defining activity as plasm. In contrast, the pANCA pattern appears
the presence of any clinical, radiologic, or pathologic around the nucleus on ethanol-fixed slides and
Arthritis Care and Research ANCA Test Characteristics 427
Table 2. Test characteristics of IF and ELISA tests in 856 consecutive patients with possible ANCA-associated
IF⫹ and
Sensitivity: patients with 67% 42% 25% 55% 35% 20% 52%
positive tests who have (46/69) (29/69) (17/69) (38/69) (24/69) (14/69) (36/69)
AAV/patients with AAV
Specificity: patients with 93% 96% 96% 99% 99% 99.7% 99%
negative tests without (731/787) (759/787) (759/787) (779/787) (781/787) (785/787) (782/787)
AAV/patients without
Positive predictive value: 45% 51% 38% 83% 80% 88% 88%
patients with AAV who (46/102) (29/57) (17/45) (38/46) (24/30) (14/16) (36/41)
have positive tests/
patients with positive
Negative predictive value: 97% 95% 94% 96% 95% 93% 96%
patients without AAV (731/754) (759/799) (759/811) (779/810) (781/826) (785/840) (782/815)
who have negative tests/
patients with negative
Likelihood ratio of a 9.4 11.8 6.9 54.2 45.6 79.8 82.1
positive test: sensitivity/
Likelihood ratio of a 0.36 0.60 0.78 0.45 0.66 0.80 0.48
negative test:
* IF ⫽ immunofluorescence; ELISA ⫽ enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays; ANCA ⫽ anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; cANCA ⫽ cytoplasmic ANCA;
pANCA ⫽ perinuclear ANCA; PR3 ⫽ proteinase-3; MPO ⫽ myeloperoxidase; AAV ⫽ ANCA-associated vasculitis (Wegener’s granulomatosis, microscopic
polyangiitis, Churg-Strauss syndrome, or pauci-immune glomerulonephritis).
sometimes covers the entire nucleus. Atypical Administration. The PR3 and MPO antigens used in
ANCA appear as a “rim” pattern on the nuclear the assay are purified and bound to polystyrene
membrane with an area of central clearing. Whereas wells using conditions to ensure that the antigens
“true” pANCA IF demonstrates a cytoplasmic stain- remain in the native state. Controls were prediluted
ing on formalin-fixed slides, atypical ANCA samples and consisted of a high positive, low positive, and
are negative on the formalin-fixed substrate. Based negative control sample. In both the anti-PR3 and the
on previous experience in our laboratory with IF anti-MPO assays, IgG antibodies were targeted.
techniques for the detection of ANCA, titers of 1:20
or greater were considered positive (we confirmed Statistical analysis. For both IF and ELISA, we
the validity of this cutoff point with receiver operat- calculated the sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and
ing characteristic [ROC] curves in this study). For the LR for positive and negative results. Definitions of
purposes of analysis in this study, atypical ANCA these test characteristics are provided in Table 2,
patterns were considered negative. column 1. To illustrate the use of LR in populations
similar to ours, we used the prevalence of AAV in
ANCA testing by ELISA. In preparation for the our sample as the pretest probability and computed
ELISA portion of this study, we performed a small the posttest probabilities of AAV using the formula:
pilot study (22). We tested 3 commercially available
ELISA kits on the sera of 20 patients with either WG 共 pretest odds of AAV兲 ⫻ 共LR兲
or MPA and chose 1 set of kits (for antibodies to PR3 ⫽ posttest odds of AAV
and MPO) based on consistency of test results for use
in the larger study. Using the stored serum speci- We compared the sensitivities and specificities of
mens, we then performed the ELISA tests according the IF and ELISA tests using appropriate tests for
to the manufacturer’s specifications (INOVA Diag- paired data. Because the total of discordant pairs was
nostics, San Diego, CA). These ELISA kits are ap- less than 20, we used STATA (StataCorp, College
proved for commercial use by the Food and Drug Station, TX) to compute a 2-sided exact binomial test
428 Stone et al Vol. 13, No. 6, December 2000
Figure 1. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for immunofluorescence assays. At titers ⬍1:20, there is minimal
gain in sensitivity at a point on the curve where specificity begins to fall off dramatically. Thus, 1:20 appears to be the
optimal cutoff for a positive test.
of the difference in sensitivities. McNemar’s test was categories of diagnosis and the number of patients in
used to test the difference in specificities of the IF each category are listed in Table 1.
and ELISA tests. We considered P values less than
0.05 to be significant, and we calculated 95% confi- Test characteristics. The test characteristics of IF
dence intervals (CI) for LR according to the formula and ELISA are displayed in Table 2. IF was superior
described by Dujardin and colleagues (23). We also to ELISA in terms of sensitivity: 67% (46 patients
constructed ROC curves for the IF and ELISA tests, with positive tests, among 69 with AAV) versus 55%
using STATA. ROC curves plot 1-specificity (X-axis) (38 of 69), respectively (P ⬍ 0.05, exact binomial
versus sensitivity (Y-axis), illustrating the rates of 2-sided test). Whereas 10 of the 69 patients with
true- and false-positive results at all possible choices AAV were IF⫹ but ELISA⫺, only 2 were ELISA⫹
of cutoff points for positive tests. and IF⫺. The converse was true with regard to spec-
Finally, we examined the correlations between ificity, with ELISA being superior to IF: 99% versus
ANCA positivity by IF testing and ANCA positivity 93%, respectively (McNemar’s test ⫽ 42.7; P ⬍
by ELISA. For the subset of patients with WG, we
0.001). Of the 787 patients who did not have AAV,
calculated the sensitivities of IF and ELISA in the
51 were IF⫹ but ELISA⫺, whereas only 3 were
group with active disease at the time of the assay
ELISA⫹ but IF⫺.
(n ⫽ 29) and in the group with active disease who
The greater specificity of ELISA was reflected in
were receiving no treatment at the time of the assay
substantial improvements over IF in terms of PPV
(n ⫽ 18).
and the LR of a positive test. The PPV for ELISA was
83%, compared with 45% for IF. The LR of a positive
ELISA test was 54.2 (95% CI ⫽ 26.3, 111.5), com-
RESULTS pared with 9.4 for IF (95% CI ⫽ 6.9, 12.7). When the
information from both tests was combined, a posi-
Among the 856 patients who underwent testing for tive IF plus a positive ELISA test corresponded to a
ANCA at our center during the period of this study, PPV of 88% and an LR of 82.1 (95% CI ⫽ 33.3,
45 had WG, 12 had MPA, 4 had CSS, and 8 had 202.5).
pauci-immune GN. Thus, 69 of the 856 patients The ROC curve for the IF tests is shown in Figure
tested for ANCA (8.1%) had forms of vasculitis that 1. Although lowering the cutoff point for a positive
are commonly associated with these antibodies. The test from 1:20 to 1:10 increased the sensitivity of IF
Arthritis Care and Research ANCA Test Characteristics 429
Anti-PR3⫹ if cANCA⫹ 42% (24 of 57) cANCA⫹ if anti-PR3⫹ 80% (24 of 30)
Anti-MPO⫹ if cANCA⫹ 7% (4 of 57) pANCA⫹ if anti-PR3⫹ 7% (2 of 30)
Anti-MPO⫹ if pANCA⫹ 24% (11 of 45) cANCA⫹ if anti-MPO⫹ 25% (4 of 16)
Anti-PR3⫹ if pANCA⫹ 4% (2 of 45) pANCA⫹ if anti-MPO⫹ 69% (11 of 16)
Either anti-PR3⫹ or anti-MPO⫹ 40% (41 of 102) Either cANCA⫹ or pANCA⫹ 89% (41 of 46)
* IF ⫽ immunofluorescence; ELISA ⫽ enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays; PR3 ⫽ proteinase-3; ANCA ⫽ anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; cANCA ⫽
cytoplasmic ANCA; MPO ⫽ myeloperoxidase; pANCA ⫽ perinuclear ANCA.
by 1.4% (from 66.7% to 68.1%), it decreased the Six of the 30 anti-PR3⫹ patients (20%) did not
specificity of the test by 2.8% (from 92.9% to 90.1%). have AAV. Their diagnoses were poliomyelitis, mul-
Alternatively, increasing the cutoff for a positive test to tiple sclerosis and asthma, Sjögren’s syndrome, hep-
1:40 lowered the sensitivity by 7.3%, while increasing atitis C and end-stage renal disease, intraventricular
the specificity by only 1.8%. The cutoff points of 1:10, brain hemorrhage, and possible WG.
1:20, and 1:40, indicated by arrows on Figure 1, vali- Two patients of the 16 anti-MPO⫹ patients (13%)
dated our empiric use of 1:20 as the cutoff for a positive did not have AAV. One of these patients had throm-
IF assay. ROC curves for the anti-PR3 and anti-MPO botic thrombocytopenic purpura. The other had
ELISA assays confirmed the validity of the manufac- polymyalgia rheumatica and renal insufficiency of
turer’s recommendations regarding the cutoff for posi- unclear etiology (no clinical signs of glomerulone-
tive tests (data not shown).
Table 4. Non–“ANCA-associated diseases” associated
Correlations between IF and ELISA tests. The with positive cANCA assays (n ⫽ 28)*
correlations between IF and ELISA testing are sum-
Multiple sclerosis, asthma (⬎1:2560)†
marized in Table 3. On ELISA testing, more than half Eosinophilia and mesenteric adenopathy (undifferentiated
of the cANCA⫹ patients (29 of 57; 51%) and nearly disease process) (1:320)
three quarters of the pANCA⫹ patients (32 of 45; Inflammatory bowel disease (1:160)
71%) did not have antibodies to either PR3 or MPO. Sjögren’s syndrome (1:160)†
Dementia and aspiration pneumonia (1:160)
In contrast, 87% of the anti-PR3⫹ patients and 94%
Cystic fibrosis (1:160)
of the anti-MPO⫹ patients were either cANCA⫹ or Inflammatory bowel disease (1:80)
pANCA⫹. Four patients had IF patterns that were Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis (1:80)
atypical. Two of these patients had inflammatory Post-streptococcal GN (1:80)
bowel disease, one had scleritis, and the fourth had Alport’s syndrome (1:80)
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (1:80)
no known disease. None of the 4 patients with atyp-
Morbid obesity, proteinuria (1:40)
ical IF patterns had positive ELISA tests for anti-PR3 Poliomyelitis (1:40)†
or anti-MPO antibodies. HIV/HCV infection (1:40)
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (1:40)
Behçet’s disease (1:40)
Correlations between IF/ELISA results and AAV. Endocarditis (1:40)
Twenty-eight of the 57 cANCA⫹ patients (49%) did Focal segmental GN (1:40)
not have clinical diagnoses of AAV. The diagnoses of Immune complex–mediated GN (1:40)
HIV nephropathy (1:40)
these patients are displayed in Table 4. The median Viral infection with pustulo-vesicular rash (1:20)
titer of these “false-positive” tests was 1:40, com- Cocaine-induced pharyngeal necrosis (1:20)
pared with 1:160 for all patients with AAV. Only 2 of Dilated cardiomyopathy and sinusitis (1:20)
the 28 cANCA⫹ patients without AAV had antibod- Giant cell arteritis (1:20)
Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis (2° to HCV) (1:20)
ies to PR3.
HIV and anterior uveitis (1:20)
Twenty-eight of the 45 pANCA⫹ patients (62%) Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (1:20)
did not have clinical diagnoses of AAV. The diag- Polyarteritis nodosa (1:20)
noses of these patients are displayed in Table 5. The * ANCA ⫽ anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; cANCA ⫽ cytoplasmic
median titer of these “false-positive” tests was 1:80. ANCA; GN ⫽ glomerulonephritis; HIV ⫽ human immunodeficiency virus;
HCV ⫽ hepatitis C virus. Titers of ANCA by immunofluorescence are in
Only 2 of the 28 pANCA⫹ patients without AAV had parentheses.
antibodies to MPO. † Also had antibodies to proteinase-3.
430 Stone et al Vol. 13, No. 6, December 2000
Table 5. Non–“ANCA-associated diseases” associated ence of active disease and by whether or not they
with positive pANCA assays (n ⫽ 28)* were under treatment at the time of the assay.
Among the subgroup of WG patients with active
Inflammatory bowel disease (7 patients)†
disease who were not on treatment, 72% were pos-
SLE, urticarial vasculitis (⬎1:2560)
Polymyalgia rheumatica, renal insufficiency (1:320)‡ itive for ANCA by both IF and ELISA. Patients with
Pyoderma gangrenosum (1:320) active disease (regardless of treatment status) were
Renal cell carcinoma (1:320) more likely to have ANCA by IF than those with
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (1:160) inactive disease (24/29 versus 8/16; P ⫽ 0.02 [95%
Scleritis (1:160)
CI ⫽ 0.05, 0.60]). This same comparison did not
Inflammatory brain mass (1:160)
Immune complex-mediated GN (1:160) achieve statistical significance for the ELISA tests
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (1:80)‡ (19/29 versus 7/16; P ⫽ 0.16 [95% CI ⫽ ⫺0.08,
Myasthenia gravis, nephrotic syndrome (1:80) 0.52]).
Polyarteritis nodosa (1:80)
Focal sclerosing GN (1:80)
Chronic sinusitis (1:40)
Fibromyalgia (1:40) DISCUSSION
No known disease (1:40)
Idiopathic subglottic stenosis (1:20) In the past decade, the increasing availability of
Focal sclerosing GN (1:20) (2 patients) ANCA testing has provided an important tool for the
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (1:20)
evaluation of patients with possible systemic vascu-
Paraproteinemia, Alzheimer’s disease (1:20)
Undifferentiated inflammatory arthritis (1:20) litis. This study is the first to examine both PPV and
LR for IF and ELISA tests in an unselected patient
* ANCA ⫽ anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; pANCA ⫽ perinuclear
ANCA; SLE ⫽ systemic lupus erythematosus; GN ⫽ glomerulonephritis. population. Thus, these results provide data for a
Titers of ANCA by immunofluorescence are in parentheses. current, evidence-based approach to the use of these
† Titers ranged from 1:20 to 1:640.
‡ Also had antibodies to myeloperoxidase. assays. The major findings of this study were: 1) the
ELISA technique for the assay of ANCA had substan-
tial advantages over IF in terms of both PPV and the
LR of a positive test; 2) antibodies to PR3 or MPO
phritis). Because of profound depression, she was were detected in fewer than half of the patients who
unable to consent to renal biopsy. The clinical im- tested positive for ANCA by IF; and 3) even though
pression at the time of her evaluation and in fol- our study was conducted at a tertiary care center,
lowup discussions with her clinicians was that her 55% of all patients in our population with positive
renal insufficiency was not secondary to AAV. IF assays did not have AAV.
In this study, all patients originally had ANCA
Sensitivity in WG. Table 6 displays the test re- ordered by their physicians because of suspicion of
sults for patients with WG, subdivided by the pres- an ANCA-associated condition. Using stored sera
from these prospectively collected patients, we
tested all of the patients by ELISA in a blinded
Table 6. Sensitivities of IF and ELISA tests in manner. The PPV of IF for AAV in our population
Wegener’s granulomatosis* was only 45%. In contrast, the PPV of ELISA was
83%. The LR of a positive IF test (9.4) boosted the
Active odds of an AAV, but a positive ELISA was associated
Active disease and with a substantially larger increase in the odds of
disease no treatment
Test All (n ⫽ 45) (n ⫽ 29) (n ⫽ 18)
AAV (54.2). When combined, positive IF and posi-
tive ELISA tests yielded an LR that was higher still
IF⫹ 71% 83% 89% (82.1). Understanding the differences in the PPV and
cANCA⫹ 53% 59% 72% LR for these two types of ANCA assay is essential for
pANCA⫹ 18% 24% 17%
the proper clinical use of these tests. The results of
ELISA⫹ 58% 66% 78%
Anti-PR3⫹ 51% 59% 72% this study in a consecutively tested group of patients
Anti-MPO⫹ 7% 7% 6% with possible AAV strongly support the performance
IF⫹ and of ELISA tests for antibodies to PR3 and MPO in all
ELISA⫹ 56% 62% 72% patients who are positive for ANCA by IF.
* IF ⫽ immunofluorescence; ELISA ⫽ enzyme-linked immunosorbent as- For most of this decade, IF has been the gold
says; ANCA ⫽ anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; cANCA ⫽ cytoplas-
mic ANCA; pANCA ⫽ perinuclear ANCA; PR3 ⫽ proteinase-3; MPO ⫽
standard for ANCA testing. However, the initial en-
myeloperoxidase. thusiasm about high sensitivities and specificities of
Arthritis Care and Research ANCA Test Characteristics 431
IF has yielded to the realization that IF testing for the diagnosis of WG (including tissue biopsies with
ANCA has important shortcomings. IF assays are not granulomatous inflammation) may demonstrate
antigen-specific; their interpretation depends upon pANCA staining patterns by IF (36,37). Second, for
the sometimes subjective analysis of fluorescence the purpose of diagnosis, Rao and colleagues used
patterns, requiring experience and a high degree of the American College of Rheumatology criteria for
skill (11). Substantial variability even among expert the classification of WG (38). The shortcomings of
ANCA labs has been reported (24). “False-positive” these criteria in diagnosis are well described (39).
tests have been reported in a variety of conditions, Finally, Rao and colleagues excluded patients with
including infections (25–27), drug-induced vasculi- known diagnoses of WG from their study, which
tis (28,29), other systemic autoimmune diseases presumably decreased their reported sensitivity of
(30,31), malignancies (32), and disorders not associ- cANCA for WG. The PPV of cANCA for WG reported
ated with vascular inflammation (10,33). Similarly, by Rao and colleagues (50%) is similar to our result
negative tests are known to occur in a significant for IF related to all AAV (45%).
subset of patients whose clinical and histopatholog- Over the past few years, European investigators
ical features are consistent with “ANCA-associated” have conducted a series of studies designed to stan-
vasculitis (34,35). dardize ANCA testing methodology (18,24,40). In a
The high number of “false-positive” cANCA re- 14-center study involving 169 newly diagnosed and
sults in our study was striking and provides a con- 189 historical patients with idiopathic systemic vas-
trast with studies from more selected patient popu- culitis or pauci-immune GN (i.e., “ANCA-associated
lations (11,13–16). Merkel and colleagues (11), for vasculitis”), as well as 184 controls with other dis-
example, reported high specificities of cANCA (no eases and 740 healthy controls, the investigators re-
reproducible cANCA occurred in any of the 664 ported sensitivities and specificities very similar to
non-AAV study subjects). In our study, nearly half of ours. For example, the sensitivity of cANCA for WG
all positive cANCA tests (28 of 57) occurred in pa- was 64%, and that of pANCA 21% (compared with
tients without AAV and thus were considered false- 53% and 18%, respectively, in our population). In
positive results with respect to this group of disor- contrast to our data, the European group reported
ders. In test populations such as ours, which have a higher sensitivities and lower specificities for ELISA
high prevalence of multiorgan system diseases that tests compared with IF (e.g., 64% versus 66% sensi-
may easily mimic AAV (yet have treatments that are tivity for cANCA and PR3 in WG, and 95% versus
quite different), this is a sobering reality. Confirming 87% specificity). We suspect that this discrepancy
all positive IF tests by ELISA testing would dramat- between the 2 studies is due to differences in the
ically reduce the number of false-positive ANCA performance of IF assays rather than to differences in
results in patient populations similar to ours (from characteristics of the ELISA tests used or to patient
28 of 57 to 2 of 57, in the case of cANCA). The selection. In the multicenter European study, which
findings in our study are extrapolated most easily to employed a selected patient population rather than a
other tertiary medical centers. However, in popula- consecutively evaluated one such as ours, the PPV,
tions with lower prevalences of AAV, such confir- NPV, and LR of ANCA tests were not calculated.
mation may have even greater value. The cutoff point for positive IF assays was estab-
We found that IF had a significantly higher sensi- lished empirically by our previous experience with
tivity than ELISA (67% versus 55%). We anticipated this test. The validity of this cutoff point (and that
this finding, because more than one type of antibody recommended by the manufacturer for the ELISA
specificity may demonstrate the cANCA and pANCA kits we used) was confirmed by our ROC curves. It
patterns on IF. Both IF and ELISA had excellent must be noted that, just as the expertise with use of
specificities for AAV, even though that of ELISA was the IF technique varies from center to center, ELISA
statistically higher (99% versus 93%). kits are also of varying quality (41). Clinicians who
In a prospective examination of IF ANCA tests, order ANCA assays on a frequent basis should famil-
Rao and colleagues (17) reported a sensitivity of 28% iarize themselves with the test characteristics of the
for cANCA, substantially lower than the sensitivities assay used at their centers.
for both IF and ELISA in this study. Several expla- Our study has certain weaknesses. First, some of
nations for this discrepancy are apparent. First, Rao the results considered to be false-positive tests may
and colleagues focused only on cANCA results (to reflect incomplete knowledge about the precise con-
the exclusion of pANCA) and only on WG (as op- tribution of ANCA to many disease states. It is cur-
posed to the entire group of AAV). As others have rently considered that there are a handful of “ANCA-
reported, patients who meet current guidelines for associated” conditions defined by a set of similar
432 Stone et al Vol. 13, No. 6, December 2000
clinical and pathological characteristics, even nosis of these conditions remains, in the final ana-
though not all patients demonstrating these charac- lysis, a clinicopathological one.
teristics have demonstrable ANCA. Thus, the desig-
nation of an ANCA-associated condition is not based
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