Bobby The Jellyfish
Bobby The Jellyfish
Bobby The Jellyfish
Bobby is an ordinary jellyfish in an ordinary ocean full of schools of fishes . One day, Bobby
was watching the kids play tenticalball and asked Lucy and Josh if he could play and possibly
join their school. They said “No! NO and definitely not!” Bobby was confused why he could
not join their school. So bobby asked ‘Ok even though I cant join your school could play 1
game of tenticalball’ They yelled “NO! You can’t play because you’re ugly, smelly and a
orange jellyfish!” Lucy Boomed “And we do not like orange jellyfishes, go away!”
Bobby was upset and started to cry an ocean of water. He wandered off to the park and he
cried all the way home. He went to his ivory coloured bed and he could not sleep. First, his
cushion was hard and unconformable then too soft. So, he decided to write a speech to tell
them it did not matter about the colour of his skin. So he knuckled down and wrote a speech
and it was ready in the morning.
“It does not matter what colour or gender or how you look. Small, tall or having a disability,
we are all equal. We need more equality in this Jelly Town. We should be able to do what we
want to do without being judged by other jellyfishes or any other species of fish, and be free
in this world. This Jelly Town needs to be the best city in this watery World and we will start
with kindness and we will work our way up! Thank you for listening’.
The next day, Bobby asked the head teacher if he could say his speech in assembly. “OK” Mr
Morris said “And also it will inspire other little jellyfishes.” Mr Morris was a very kind
jellyfish. So Bobby gave the speech to everyone in the school. Everyone seemed so intrigued
by his speech. Bobby was extremely happy. Lucy and Josh were really sorry and asked if
Bobby wanted to join their school and play with them and everyfish lived happily ever after!!