Catch Up Friday The Cock and The Pearl

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Grade 9 (Cattleya, Catmint)

(March 1, 2024 | 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM)

Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature
and other text types serve as means of connecting to the world; also
how to use ways of analysing one-act play and different forms of
verbals for him/her to skillfully perform in a one-act play.
Performance Standard:
The learner skillfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective
verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following
criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.
Learning Competencies:
The learner:
a. demonstrates communicative competence through his/her
understanding of British-American literature, including Philippine Literature
and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those
of other countries.

I. Learning Objective
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. retell a story
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Reading Enhancement: The Cock and the Pearl
b. Materials: Laptop, Smart TV, Visual aids, Printed Materials
c. Reference/s:
a. Department of Education (2014). A Journey through Anglo-
American Literature – Grade 9 English – Learner’s
III. Procedure

A. Activities (Preliminary)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Prayer
- Good Morning class! Requesting - Good Morning, Ma’am! (The students
everyone to please settle down in 5, 4, proceed to follow instructions)
3, 2, 1.

- Secretary, please tell us the name of - (Class secretary calls the name of the
the prayer leader and the one assigned assigned students. Learner proceeds in front
for the recap today. to lead the prayer.)
- Okay ______. Let us pray. - (Almighty God, we love you with all our
hearts and minds…)

- Amen - Amen

- You may now take your seat.

b. Greetings

- Again, Good morning everyone. How - We’re good ma’am.

are you today?

- I’m happy to know that you are fine.

- This morning, we will be reading The

Cock and the Pearl.

B. Analysis of the Activity

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

- I will be giving you a script of Aesop’s
fable, The Cock and the Pearl, and I will be
giving you 15 minutes to practice and you
will be performing here it in front. Do you - Yes, ma’am!

The Cock and the Pearl

A cock was once strutting up and down the

farmyard among the hens when suddenly
he espied something shining amid the
straw. “ho ho! Quoth he, “that’s for me,”
and soon rooted it out from beneath the
straw. What did it turn out to be a Pearl
that by some chance had been lost in the
yard? “You may be a treasure,” said
Master Cock, “to men that prize you, but
for me I would rather have a single barley-
corn than a peck of pearls.
Precious things are for those that can prize
- Here is your scoring rubric for your

- (groups performing)

- Now, it’s your time to perform here in

- (students clapping)
front. Lights, camera, action!

- Wow, job well done everyone!

- I noticed that there are some words that

were mispronounced. Let me read it and
then you will read it after me.

- (words that were mispronounced)

C. Abstraction

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

- What did we do today? - (learner raises her/his hand and answers.)
- Today, we read about the fable, the Cock
and the Pearl.

- Okay, thank you. So, what is your - (student answers)

personal say/reaction to the piece? .

- Very good! Thank you for sharing

your answer.

- How would you interpret the piece? - (student answers)

- Marvelous! Do you have any

questions about today’s lesson? Did
you get our story for this session?
Good to hear!

- Okay, let’s test your understanding.

D. Application
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
- Individual work: Summarize the story and
retell it in your own words. - Yes, ma’am!

- (After 10 Minutes)
- Time’s up! Is everybody finished?
Okay, please pass your outputs.

E. Evaluation
Directions: Extract one theme/moral of the story and relate it to your personal life.
After writing, share it to the class.

F. Assignment: Bring a story book next meeting.

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