MCA Syllabus Sri Sri University

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Sri Sri University

DOCS-Department of Computer Science

Two Year MCA (2020-22) LOCF Based

Semester Lectures per Week Course Credits Marks

1 Semester 28 26 800
2nd Semester 28 26 800
3rd Semester 30 30 1000
4th Semester 40 40 1000
Total Course Credits - 100 3600

AEC- Ability Enhancement Compulsory, CC - Core Course, CCP -Core Course Practical, GE- Generic Elective,

GEP- Generic Elective Practical, SEC- Skill Enhancement Course, SECP- Skill Enhancement Course Practical,

DSE – Discipline Specific Elective, DSEP – Discipline Specific Elective Practical


Education is the key to development of any society. Role of higher education is crucial for securing right kind of
employment and also to pursue further studies in best available world class institutes elsewhere within and
outside India. Quality education in general and higher education in particular deserves high priority to enable
the young and future generation of students to acquire skill, training and knowledge in order to enhance their
thinking, creativity, comprehension and application abilities and prepare them to compete, succeed and excel
globally. Sustained initiatives are required to reform the present higher education system for improving and
upgrading the academic resources and learning environments by raising the quality of teaching and standards of
achievements in learning outcomes in undergraduate program in professional streams of higher education like
computer science. One of the significant reforms in the postgraduate education is to introduce the Learning
Outcomes-based Curriculum Framework (LOCF) which makes it student- centric, interactive and outcome-
oriented with well-defined aims, objectives and goals to achieve. LOCF also aims at ensuring uniform
education standard and content delivery across the country which will help the students to ensure similar
quality of education irrespective of the institute and location. With initiatives of University Grants Commission
(UGC) for nation-wide adoption and implementation of the LOCF for PG programmes in colleges, universities
and HEIs in general.So Two Year MCA at Sri Sri University is designed as per LOCF & as per UGC

The main objective of Two Year MCA program at Sri Sri University is to prepare a comprehensive course
structure with detailed syllabus along with quality reading material in order to have a uniform standard of
education in undergraduate Computer Science programme among students. This document shall serve as a
model document across the higher education institutes (HEIs) in the country for teachers, students and academic
administrators. It is a student centric framework where they are expected to learn fundamentals of computer
science along with the latest trends and techniques like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Machine
Intelligence,Cloud Computing alongwith advanced skillsets that include Mobile Application Development,
Object Oriented Programming among many other courses. It will help the students to be equipped with
fundamental as well as advanced and latest technologies in computer science after completion of the programme

MCA has been evolving as an important branch of science and engineering throughout the world in last couple
of decades and it has carved out a space for itself like any other disciplines of basic science and engineering.
Computer science is a discipline that spans theory and practice and it requires thinking both in abstract terms
and in concrete terms. Nowadays, practically everyone is a computer user, and many people are even computer
programmers. Computer Science can be seen on a higher level, as a science of problem solving and problem

solving requires precision, creativity, and careful reasoning. The ever-evolving discipline of computer science
also has strong connections to other disciplines. Many problems in science, engineering, health care, business,
and other areas can be solved effectively with computers, but finding a solution requires both computer science
expertise and knowledge of the particular application domain.

MCA has a wide range of specialties. These include Computer Architecture, Software Systems, Graphics,
Artificial Intelligence, Computational Science, and Software Engineering. Drawing from a common core of
computer science knowledge, each specialty area focuses on specific challenges. Computer Science is practised
by mathematicians, scientists and engineers. Mathematics, the origins of Computer Science, provides reason
and logic. Science provides the methodology for learning and refinement. Engineering provides the techniques
for building hardware and software.

MCA will commence at Sri Sri University in this year 2020, as this discipline evolved itself to a
multidisciplinary discipline. Information Technology is growing rapidly. Increasing applications of computers
in almost all areas of human endeavor has led to vibrant industries with concurrent rapid change in technology.
Unlike other basic disciplines, developing core competency in this discipline that can be reasonably stable
becomes a challenge.

Career Objective

Two Year MCA is aimed at postgraduate level training facilitating multiple career paths. Students so
graduated, can take up postgraduate programmes in CS leading to research as well as R&D, can be
employable at IT industries, or can pursue a teachers’ training programme such BEd in Computer Education,
or can adopt a business management career. . There are several employment opportunities and after
successful completion of an MCA. Graduating students can fetch employment directly in companies as Web
Developer, Software Engineer, Network Administrator, Data Scientist, or AI/ML personnel,system
administrator etc.

The Learning Outcome-based Curriculum Framework in MCA is aimed at allowing flexibility and innovation in
design and development of course content, in method of imparting training, in teaching learning process and in
assessment procedures of the learning outcomes. The emphasis in computer science courses, in outcome-based
curriculum framework, help students learn solving problems, accomplishing IT tasks, and expressing
creativity, both individually and collaboratively. The proposed framework will help Students learn
programming techniques and the syntax of one or more programming languages.

Many of the learning outcomes of MCA can be achieved only by programming a computer for several different
meaningful purposes. All students must, therefore, have access to a computer with a modern programming
language installed. The computer science framework does not prescribe a specific language. The teacher and
students will decide which modern programming languages students will learn. More importantly, students
will learn to adapt to changes in programming languages and learn new languages as they are developed.

The present Learning Outcome-based Curriculum Framework for MCA is intended to facilitate the students to
achieve the following.

1.To develop an understanding and knowledge of the basic theory of Computer Science and Information
Technology with good foundation on theory, systems and applications such as algorithms, data structures, data
handling, data communication and computation.

2.To develop the ability to use this knowledge to analyse new situations

3.To acquire necessary and state-of-the-art skills to take up industry challenges. The objectives and outcomes
are carefully designed to suit to the above-mentioned purpose.

4.The ability to synthesize the acquired knowledge, understanding and experience for a better and improved
comprehension of the real-life problems

5.To learn skills and tools like mathematics, statistics, physics and electronics to find the solution, interpret
the results and make predictions for the future developments.

Curriculum Planning- Learning Outcomes-based Approach for MCA
MCA in India is generally a two-year degree program which develops advanced
theoretical and research skills in subject . It is an appropriate course for students who
wish to pursue Mphil(CS) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in CS and a research or
academic career. This program facilitates students who wish to pursue an independent
research project in an area of interest under the supervision of an academic.

Aims of MCA Programmes

The MCA emphasizes problem solving in the context of algorithm development and software
implementation and prepares students for effectively using modern computer systems in various
applications. The curriculum provides required computer science courses such as programming
languages, data structures, computer architecture and organization, algorithms, database systems,
operating systems, and software engineering; as well as elective courses in artificial intelligence,
computer-based communication networks, distributed computing, information security, graphics,
human-computer interaction, multimedia, scientific computing, web technology, and other current
topics in computer science. The main aim of this Master degree is to deliver a modern curriculum
that will equip graduates with strong theoretical and practical backgrounds to enable them to excel
in the workplace and to be lifelong learners. The purpose of theMCA programs in computer science
are twofold: (1) to prepare the student for a position involving the design, development and
implementation of computer software/hardware, and (2) to prepare the student for entry into a
Research field.

MCA focus on the concepts and techniques used in the design and development of software
systems. Students in this program explore the conceptual underpinnings of Computer Science
-- its fundamental algorithms, programming languages, operating systems, and software
engineering techniques. In addition, students choose from a rich set of electives that includes
data science, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, database systems, computer architecture,
and computer networks, among other topics. A generous allotment of free electives allows
students to combine study in computer science with study in auxiliary fields to formulate a
program that combines experiences across disciplines.
Programme Learning Outcomes for MCA
The MCA program enables students to attain, by the time of completion :

PLO-A. Demonstrate the aptitude of Computer Programming and Computer based

problem solving skills.
PLO-B. Display the knowledge of appropriate theory, practices and tools for the
specification, design, implementation
PLO-C. Ability to learn and acquire knowledge through online courses available at
different MOOC Providers.
PLO-D. Ability to link knowledge of Computer Science with other two chosen auxiliary
disciplines of study.

PLO-E. Display ethical code of conduct in usage of Internet and Cyber systems.
PLO-F. Ability to pursue higher studies of specialization and to take up technical
PLO-G. Ability to formulate, to model, to design solutions, procedure and to use software
tools to solve real world problems and evaluate .
PLO-H. Ability to operate, manage, deploy, configure computer network, hardware,
software operation of an organization.
PLO-I.Ability to present result using different presentation tools.
PLO-J. Ability to appreciate emerging technologies and tools.
PLO-K. Apply standard Software Engineering practices and strategies in real-time
software project development
PLO-L. Design and develop computer programs/computer -based systems in the
areas related to algorithms, networking, web design, cloud computing, IoT and data

PLO-M.Acquaint with the contemporary trends in industrial/research settings and thereby

innovate novel solutions to existing problems

PLO-N. The ability to apply the knowledge and understanding noted above to the
analysis of a given information handling problem.
PLO-O. The ability to work independently on a substantial software project and as
an effective team member.
Course Structure & Syllabus

MCA Semester-I
Subject Subjects Name Contact Credits Examination Scheme
Code Hours per
L P L P Total Internal Theory Prac Total
MCA101 Design Analysis and Algorithms 4 4 4 40 60 100
MCA102 Database Management System 4 4 4 40 60 100
MCA103 Computer Networks 4 4 4 40 60 100
MCA104 Cloud Computing 4 4 4 40 60 100
MCA105 Optimization Techniques 4 4 4 40 60 100
MCA106 DAA - LAB 2X2=4 2 2 40 -- 60 100

MCA107 DBMS - LAB 2X2=4 2 2 40 -- 60 100

MCA108 Minor project 2 2 40 60 100
Total 20 8 20 6 26 320 300 180 800
Total Contact Hours per Week=28 Total Credits=26 Total Marks = 800
MCA Semester-II
Subject Code Subjects Name Contact Hours Credits Examination Scheme
per Week
L P L P Tota Internal The Pra Total
l Assessment ory c
MCA201 Programming with Java 4 4 4 40 60 100

MCA202 Computer Graphics and Multimedia 4 4 4 40 60 100

MCA203 Object oriented Software Engineering 4 4 4 40 60 100

MCA204 Elective – I 4 4 4 40 60 100
MCA205 Compiler Design & Language 4 4 4 40 60 100
MCA206 Java –LAB 2X2=4 2 2 40 -- 60 100

MCA207 CGM- LAB 2X2=4 2 2 40 -- 60 100

MCA208 Group Discussion/Seminar 2 2 40 60 100
Total 20 8 2 6 26 320 300 180 800
Total Contact Hours per Week=28 Total Credits=26 Total Marks = 800
Elective – I (Choose any one)
1. MCA 204A: Embedded System
2. MCA 204B: Data Mining and Analysis/ Data Mining Techniques
3. MCA 204C: Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing
4. MCA 204D: ERP and E-commerce
5. MCA 204E: PHP and My SQL
MCA Semester-III
Subject Subjects Name Contact Credits Examination Scheme
Code Hours
per Week
L P L P Total Internal Theor Prac Total
Assessment y
MCA301 Artificial Intelligence & Expert 4 4 4 40 60 100
MCA302 Python Programming 4 4 4 40 60 100

MCA303 Business Information System 4 4 4 40 60 100

MCA304 Elective – II 4 4 4 40 60 100
MCA305 Elective – III 4 4 4 40 60 100
MCA306 Elective – IV(Open) 4 4 4 40 60 100
MCA307 Artificial Intelligence & Expert 2 2 2 40 -- 60 100
System LAB
MCA308 Python Programming-LAB 2 2 2 40 - 60 100
MCA309 Minor in-house Project and Viva 2 2 1 40 -- 60 100

MCA310 Summer Internship Evaluation 1 100 100

Total 24 6 24 4 30 360 360 280 1000
Total Contact Hours per Week=30 Total Credits=30 Total Marks = 1000
Elective-II (Choose any one)
1. MCA 305A: Cryptography and Cyber Law
2. MCA 305B: Information Security and Management
3. MCA 305C: Parallel Computing
4. MCA 305D: Business Analytics and Big Data
5. MCA 305E: Dot Net Programming

Elective-III (Choose any one)

1. MCA 306A: Distributed System / Advanced Operating System
2. MCA 306B Cloud Computing
3. MCA 306C: Microprocessor & Assembly Level Language Programming
4. MCA 306D: Foundations of Natural Processing (NLP)
5. MCA 306E: Soft Computing
Elective-IV (Open -Choose any one)

1. MCA 307A: Internet of Things

2. MCA 307B: Entrepreneurship Development

3. MCA 307C: Marketing Management

4. MCA 307D: Environmental Engineering

5. MCA 307E: Software Testing

6. MCA 307F: Open Source Technology

7. MCA 307G: E-Governance and Practice

8. MCA 307H: Mobile Application Development

MCA Semester-IV
Subject Subjects Name Contact Credits Examination Scheme
Code Hours
per Week
L P Total Evaluation Evaluation Prac Total
by the by the
Industry Institute
(Report &
MCA401 Industrial Training cum 30 10 40 500 500 1000
Project/ Entrepreneurship
Training cum Project
Total Contact Hours per Week=40 Total Credits=40 Total Marks = 1000
MCA 101 Design Analysis and Algorithms
Module 1 (10 Hours)


Notion of an Algorithm – Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem Solving – Important Problem

Types – Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency – Analysis Framework –
Asymptotic Notations and its properties – Mathematical analysis for Recursive and Non-
recursive algorithms.Amortized Analysis.

Module 2(10 Hours)


Brute Force – Closest-Pair and Convex-Hull Problems-Exhaustive Search – Traveling

Salesman Problem – Knapsack Problem – Assignment problem. Divide and conquer
methodology – Merge sort –Heap Sort- Quick sort – Binary search – Multiplication of
LargeIntegers – Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication-Closest-Pair and Convex-Hull Problems.

Module 3(10 Hours)


Computing a Binomial Coefficient – Warshall’s and Floyd’s algorithm – Optimal Binary Search
Trees – Knapsack Problem and Memory functions. Greedy Technique– Prim’s algorithm-
Kruskal’s Algorithm- Dijkstra’s Algorithm-Huffman Trees.

Module 4 (10 Hours)

The Simplex Method-The Maximum-Flow Problem – Maximum Matching in Bipartite Graphs-
the Stable marriage Problem.


Limitations of Algorithm Power-Lower-Bound Arguments-Decision Trees-P, NP and
NPComplete Problems–Coping with the Limitations – Backtracking – n-Queens problem –
Hamiltonian Circuit Problem – Subset Sum Problem-Branch and Bound – Assignment
problem – Knapsack Problem – Traveling Salesman Problem- Approximation Algorithms for
NP – Hard Problems – Traveling Salesman problem – Knapsack problem.

Module 5 (6 Hours)

(as per choice of faculty)

Portion covered can be tested through Internal evaluation only not to be included in
University examination)

Text Books:
1. Thomas H.Cormen, Charles E.Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein,
“Introduction to Algorithms”, Third Edition, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2012.

2. Anany Levitin, “Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, Third Edition,
Pearson Education, 2012.


1. Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Data Structures and
Algorithms”, Pearson Education, Reprint 2006.
2. Donald E. Knuth, “The Art of Computer Programming”, Volumes 1& 3 Pearson
Education, 2009. Steven S. Skiena, “The Algorithm Design Manual”, Second Edition,
Springer, 2008
MCA-102 Database Management System (DBMS)
Module1 :( 10Hours)
Introductory concepts of DBMS:
Introduction and applications of DBMS, Purpose of data base, Data, Independence,
Database System architecture- levels, Mappings, Database, users and DBA

Relational Model:
Structure of relational databases, Domains, Relations, Relational algebra – fundamental
operators and syntax, relational algebra queries, tuple relational calculus

Module2: (16 Hours)

Entity-Relationship model:
Basic concepts, Design process, constraints, Keys, Design issues, E-R diagrams, weak entity
sets, extended E-R features – generalization, specialization, aggregation, reduction to E-R
database schema.

Relational Database design:

Functional Dependency – definition, trivial and non-trivial FD, closure of FD set, closure of
attributes, irreducible set of FD, Normalization – 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, Decomposition using FD-
dependency preservation, BCNF, Multi- valued dependency, 4NF, Join dependency and

Module3: (10 Hours)

Query Processing & Query Optimization:
Overview, measures of query cost, selection operation, sorting, join, evaluation of
expressions, transformation of relational expressions, estimating statistics of expression
results, evaluation plans, materialized views

Transaction Management:
Transaction concepts, properties of transactions, serializability of transactions, testing for
serializability, System recovery, Two- Phase Commit protocol, Recovery and Atomicity, Log-
based recovery, concurrent executions of transactions and related problems, Locking
mechanism, solution to concurrency related problems, deadlock, , two-phase locking
protocol, Isolation, Intent locking

Module 4 (10 Hours) Security:

Introduction, Discretionary access control, Mandatory Access Control, Data Encryption SQL
Basics of SQL, DDL,DML,DCL, structure – creation, alteration, defining constraints – Primary
key, foreign key, unique, not null, check, IN operator,Functions - aggregate functions, Built-in
functions –numeric, date, string functions, set operations, sub-queries, correlated sub-
queries, Use of group by, having, order by, join and its types, Exist, Any, All , view and its
types. transaction control commands – Commit, Rollback, Savepoint Distributed Data Base
PL/SQL Concepts:
Cursors, Stored Procedures, Stored Function, Database Triggers

Module 5 (6 Hours)
(As per choice of faculty)
(Portion covered can be tested through Internal evaluation only not to be included in
University examination)

Text Books:
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth and S. Sudarshan, “Database Systems
Concepts”, McGraw-Hill Education , New Delhi
2. RamezElmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”,
Pearson Education Inc., New Delhi. Reference Books:
1. Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffret D. Ullman, JennifferWidom, “Database Systems: A
Complete Book”, Pearson Education Inc., New Delhi.
2. C. J. Date “An introduction to Database System”, Pearson Education Inc., New Delhi.
3. Bipin Desai, “An introduction to Database System”, Galgotia Publications.
4. Peter Rob & Carlos Coronel, “Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and
Management”, CENGAGE Learning India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Mark L. Gillenson, “Fundamentals of Database Management Systems”, Wiley India
Pvt. Ltd., New delhi.
6. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, “Database Management Systems”, McGraw-
Hill Education (India), New Delhi.

MCA 103 Computer Networks

Module 1 (10 Hours)

Network architecture – layers – Physical links – Channel access on links – Hybrid
multiple accesstechniques - Issues in the data link layer - Framing – Error correction
and detection – Link-level FlowControl

Module 2 (10 Hours)

Medium access – CSMA – Ethernet – Token ring – FDDI - Wireless LAN –
Bridges andSwitches,Circuit switching vs. packet switching / Packet switched networks
– IP – ARP – RARP – DHCP – ICMP –Queueing discipline – Routing algorithms –
RIP – OSPF – Subnetting– CIDR – Interdomain routing – BGP – Ipv6 – Multicasting –
Congestion avoidance in network layer

Module 3 (10 Hours)

UDP – TCP – Adaptive Flow Control – Adaptive Retransmission -Congestion control –
Congestionavoidance – QoS

Module 4 (10 Hours)

Email (SMTP, MIME, IMAP, POP3) – HTTP – DNS- SNMP – Telnet – FTP –Security – PGP -

Module 5 (6 Hours)
(as per choice of faculty)
Portion covered can be tested through Internal evaluation only not to be included in
University examination) Preferably use of NetSim, NS2

1. Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie, “Computer Networks: A Systems Approach”, Third
Edition,Morgan Kauffmann Publishers Inc., 2003.

1. JamesF.Kuross,KeithW.Ross,“Computer Networking,ATop
DownApproachFeaturingtheInternet”,Third Edition,Addison Wesley, 2004.
2. NaderF.Mir,“Computer andCommunicationNetworks”,PearsonEducation,2007
3. Comer, “ComputerNetworks andInternetswithInternetApplications”,Fourth Edition,
4. Andrew S.Tanenbaum,“Computer Networks”,FourthEdition,2003.
5. William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication”, Sixth Edition, Pearson

MCA 104 Cloud Computing

Module 1 (10 Hours)

Overview of Computing Paradigm: Recent trends in Computing : Grid Computing, Cluster
Computing, Distributed Computing, Utility Computing, Cloud Computing. Introduction to
Cloud Computing: Introduction to Cloud Computing,History of Cloud Computing, Cloud
service providers, Benefits and limitations of Cloud Computing

Module 2 (10 Hours)

Cloud Computing Architecture: Comparison with traditional computing architecture (client/server),
Services provided at various levels, Service Models-Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS), Platform as a
Service(PaaS), Software as a Service(SaaS), How Cloud Computing Works, Deployment , Models-
Public cloud, Private cloud, Hybrid cloud, Community cloud, Case study of NIST architecture.
Module 3 (10 Hours)
Case Studies: Case Study of Service, Model using Google App Engine Microsoft
Azure, Amazon EC2.
Service Management in Cloud Computing: Service Level Agreements (SLAs),Billing &
Accounting, Comparing Scaling Hardware: Traditional vs. Cloud,Economics of Scaling.
Module 4 (10 Hours)
Cloud Security: Infrastructure Security- Network level security, Host level security, Application
level security, Data security and Storage- Data privacy and security Issues, Jurisdictional issues raised
by Data location, Authentication in Cloud Computing.
Module 5 (6 Hours)
(as per choice of faculty)
Portion covered can be tested through Internal evaluation only not to be included in University
examination) Preferably use of NIST Architecture & SPI Model

1. Barrie Sosinsky, “Cloud Computing Bible”, Wiley-India, 2010
2. Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej, M. Goscinski, “Cloud
3.Computing Principles & Paradigms”, Wiley-2011.
4.Cloud computing for dummies,wiley publication


Basics of idea of optimization of a function: Extremizer of function of single variable, and several
variables, local minimizer and global minimizer of functions. Concept of critical points. feasible
regions, convex region. Constrained optimization, unconstrained optimization. Introduction to linear
programming problem(lpp). Formulation of lpp. Basic feasible solution of set of linear constraints.
Determination feasible solutions of lpp with two variables by graphical method, use of iso-profit line.
Different forms of lpp, standard form and canonical form.
Solution of linear programming problem : Solution of lpp by simplex method, use of artificial
variable in solving lpp. Identifying initial basic feasible solution, solution of lpp by Big-M method, and
by two phase method. Duality in lpp , general rule for converting primal lpp to its dual. Dual simplex
method is solving special types of lpp. Duality theorems (discussions on statements only), duality
techniques in solving lpp.
Special types of lpp : Introduction to transportation problem(TP) as an lpp. Solution of transportation
problem: searching initial basic feasible solution of transportation problem by Vogel’s method, test for
optimality in TP, improving feasible solution for optimality, optimal solution of TP by MODI method.
Degeneracy in TP. Introduction to assignment problem as special type of TP, solution of assignment
problem by Konig’s algorithm. Special type of assignment problem prohibited assignment and
traveling sales man problem.
Network Scheduling Problem: Introduction to network scheduling problem, Network and basic
components, rules of network construction. Network scheduling by Critical Path Method (CPM) and
Program Evaluation and Review method, distinction between CPM and PERT method.
Non Linear Programming : One dimensional optimization, unimodal functions and its minimizer,
optimization of unimodular functions by function comparison methods-two point equal search method,
bisection method, golden section method; polynomial interpolation methods- quadratic interpretation,
cubic interpretation; iterative methods- Newton’s method, secant method. Unconstrained gradient
based optimizations; method of steepest descent method, conjugate gradient method, Newton type
method. Constrained optimization of non linear functions in function of several variables- Lagrange
multipliers method, optimization by using Khun-Tucker conditions.
Recommended Books:
1.Operations Research, K. Swarup, P. K. Gupta, M. Mohan, Sultan Chand & sons, New Delhi, 1990.
2. Optimization : Theory and Practice, M. C. Joshi, K. M. Moudgalya, Narosa Publishing House.
3.Optimization Techniques: An Introduction,L. R. Foulds,Springer-Verlag.
4. Optimization Techniques,Chander Mohan and Kusum Deep,New Age Science.
5. Operation Research : An Introduction, H. A Taha, Mc Millan Publishing Co, New York, 1986.

MCA 107 Minor Projects

Small project on MapReduce, Maple, NetSim, NS2


MCA 201 Programming with Java

Module 1 (10 Hours)

Features of Java, Data types, operators & expressions, control structures, arrays,
Classes, objects & methods, constructors, garbage collection, access qualifiers, string
handling – string operations, character extraction, string comparison, searching and
modifying strings, String Buffer, packages and interfaces, Wrapper classes.

Module 2 (10 Hours)

Inheritance: single and multilevel inheritance, method overriding, abstract class, use of
super and final keywords. Exception Handling: Exception types, uncaught exceptions,
multiple catch clauses, nested try statements, built-in exceptions, creating your own
exceptions. Multithreading: Java thread model, creating multiple threads, thread priorities,
synchronization, interthread communication, suspending, resuming and stopping threads.

Module 3 (10 Hours)

Applets: Local & Remote Applets, Applet Architecture, Passing Parameters to Applets,
Applet Graphics, Adapter Class. I/O Streams: Console I/O – reading console input, writing
console output, Files I/O – Byte Streams, Character Streams, Collection Interfaces &
Classes, Delegation Event Model

Module 4 (10 Hours)

AWT Classes: Window fundamentals, working with graphics, working with color & fonts.
AWT controls, layout managers & working with menus, JFrames. Swing Classes, Java
Beans, Servlet classes & Life Cycle.

Module 5 (6 Hours)
(as per choice of faculty)
Portion covered can be tested through Internal evaluation only not to be included in
University examination)

Text Books:
1. Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference Java 2, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw
2. Liang Y.Daniel, Introduction to Java Programming (7th Edition), 2009, Pearson
Reference Books:
1.Steven Holzner, Java 1.2, BPB-1998
2.E. Balaguruswami, Programming with Java - Second Edition, Tata McGraw
3.Mughal K.A., Rasmussen R.W., A Programmer‟s Guide to Java Certification,
Addison-Wesley, 2000 `

MCA 202 Computer Graphics and Multimedia

Module 1 (10 Hours)

An Introduction Graphics System : Computer Graphics and Its Types, Application of computer
graphics, Graphics Systems : Video Display Devices, Raster Scan Systems, Random Scan
Systems, Graphics Monitors and Work Stations, Input Devices, Hard Copy Devices, Graphics
Module 2 (10 Hours)
Output Primitives and Attributes of Output Primitives : Output Primitive Points and Lines, Line
Drawing Algorithms, Circle Generating Algorithms, Scan-Line Polygon Fill Algorithm, Inside-
Outside tests, Boundary-Fill Algorithm, Flood Fill Algorithm, Cell Array, Character Generation,
Attributes of Output Primitives : Line Attributes, Color and Grayscale Levels, Area fill
Attributes, Character Attributes, Bundled Attributes, Antialiasing.
Module 3 (10 Hours)

Two-dimensional Geometric Transformations : Basic Transformations, Matrix Representation

and Homogeneous Coordinates, Composite Transformations, Reflection and Shearing. Two-
Dimension Viewing : The viewing Pipeline, Window to view port coordinate transformation,
Clipping Operations, Point Clipping, Line Clipping, Polygon Clipping, Text Clipping, Exterior
Clipping Three-Dimensional Concepts : Three Dimensional Display Methods, 3D
Transformations, Parallel Proection and Perspective Projection.
Module 4 (10 Hours)

Multimedia : Introduction to Multimedia : Classification of Multimedia, Multimedia Software,

Components of Multimedia – Audio : Analog to Digital conversion, sound card fundamentals,
Audio play backing and recording Video, Text : Hypertext, Hyper media
and Hyper Graphics, Graphics and Animation : Classification of Animation. Authoring Process
and Tools. Case Study: graphics software MatLab, Use of MatLab in graphics application,
Features of MatLab, Generalize application by using MatLab.

Module 5 (6 Hours)

(as per choice of faculty)

Portion covered can be tested through Internal evaluation only not to be included in
University examination)
Text Books:

1.Donald Hearn & M. Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics with OpenGL”, Third Edition,
2004, Pearson Education, Inc. New Delhi.
2.Ze-NianLi and Mark S. Drew, “Fundamentals of Multimedia”, First Edition, 2004, PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

Reference Books:

1.Plastock : Theory & Problem of Computer Gaphics, Schaum Series.

2.Foley & Van Dam : Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics, AddisonWesley.
3.Newman : Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill.
4.Tosijasu, L.K. : Computer Graphics, Springer-Verleg.
5.S. Gokul : Multimedia Magic, BPB Publication.
6.Bufford : Multimedia Systems, Addison Wesley.
7.Jeffcoate : Multimedia in Practice, Prectice-Hall.
8.any other book(s) covering the contents of the paper in more depth.
MCA 203 Object Oriented Software Engineering

Module 1 (10 Hours)

Software Process Models:

Software Product, Software crisis, Handling complexity through Abstraction and

Decomposition, Overview of software development activities, Process Models, Classical
waterfall model, iterative waterfall model, prototyping mode, evolutionary model, spiral
model, RAD model, Agile models: Extreme Programming.

Module 2 (10 Hours)

Software Requirements Engineering:

Requirement Gathering and Analysis, Functional and Non-functional requirements,

Software Requirement Specification (SRS), IEEE 830 guidelines, Decision tables and

Software Project Management:

Responsibilities of a Software project manager, project planning, Metrics for project size
estimation, Project estimation techniques, Empirical estimation techniques, COCOMO
models, Scheduling, Organization &team structure, Staffing, Risk management, Software
configuration management.

Module 3 (10 Hours)

Structured Analysis & Design:
Overview of design process: High-level and detailed design, Cohesion and coupling,
Modularity and layering, Function–Oriented software design: Structured Analysis using
DFD Structured Design using Structure Chart, Basic concepts of Object Oriented Analysis
& Design. User interface design, Command language, menu and iconic interfaces.

Coding and Software Testing Techniques:

Coding, Code Review, documentation. Testing: - Unit testing, Black-box Testing,
Whitebox testing, Cyclomatic complexity measure, coverage analysis, mutation testing,
Debugging techniques, Integration testing, System testing, Regression testing.

Module 4 (10 Hours)

Software Reliability and Software Maintenance:

Basic concepts in software reliability, reliability measures, reliability growth modeling,

Quality SEI CMM, Characteristics of software maintenance, software reverse engineering,
software reengineering, software reuse.

Emerging Topics:

Client-Server Software Engineering, Service-oriented Architecture (SOA), Software as a

Service (SaaS).

Module 5 (6 Hours)

(as per choice of faculty)

Portion covered can be tested through Internal evaluation only not to be included in
University examination)

Text Books:

1. Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Rajib Mall, PHI, 2014.

2. Software Engineering, A Practitioner‟s Approach, Roger S. Pressman, TMG Hill.

Reference Books:

1. Software Engineering, I. Somerville, 9th Ed. , Pearson Education.

MCA 204D: ERP and E-commerce (ELECTIVE I)


What is E-Commerce, Forces behind E-Commerce Industry Framework, Brief history of E-

Commerce,Inter Organizational E-Commerce Intra Organizational E-Commerce, and
Consumerto Business Electronic Commerce, Architectural framework
Network Infrastructure for E-CommerceNetwork Infrastructure for E-Commerce, Market
forces behind I Way, Component of I wayAccess Equipment, Global Information
Distribution Network, Broad band Telecommunication.


Mobile Commerce
Introduction to Mobile Commerce, Mobile Computing Application, Wireless Application
Protocols, WAP Technology, Mobile Information Devices, Web Security
Introduction to Web security, Firewalls & Transaction Security, Client Server Network,
Emerging Client Server Security Threats, firewalls & Network Security.



World Wide Web & Security, Encryption, Transaction security, Secret Key Encryption,
Key Encryption, Virtual Private Network (VPM), Implementation Management Issues.


Electronic Payments

Overview of Electronics payments, Digital Token based Electronics payment System,

SmartCards, Credit Card I Debit Card based EPS, Emerging financial Instruments, Home
Banking,Online Banking.

Net Commerce

EDA, EDI Application in Business, Legal requirement in E -Commerce, Introduction to

supplyChain Management, CRM, issues in Customer Relationship Management.


1. Greenstein and Feinman, “E-Commerce”, TMH

2. Ravi Kalakota, Andrew Whinston, “Frontiers of Electronic Commerce”, Addision
3. Denieal Amor, “ The E-Business Revolution”, Addision Wesley
4. Diwan, Sharma, “E-Commerce” Excel
5. Bajaj & Nag, “E-Commerce: The Cutting Edge of Business”, TMH
MCA 205 Compiler Design and Language Processor

Module 1 (10 Hours)

Introduction to Compilers: Compilers and translators, Phases of compiler design, cross

compiler, Bootstrapping, Design of Lexical analyser, LEX programming.

Syntax Analysis: Specification of syntax of programming languages using CFG, Topdown

parser, design of LL (1) parser, bottom up parsing technique, LR parsing algorithm,
Design of SLR, LALR, CLR parsers.YACC programming.

Module 2 (10 Hours)

Syntax directed translation: Study of syntax directed definitions & syntax directed
translation schemes, implementation of SDTS, intermediate notations: postfix, syntax tree,
TAC, translation of expression, controls structures, declarations, procedure calls, Array

Storage allocation & Error Handling: Run time storage administration, stack allocation,
symbol table management, Error detection and recovery: lexical, syntactic, semantic.

Module 3(10 Hours)

Code optimization: Important code optimization techniques, loop optimization, control flow
analysis, data flow analysis, Loop invariant computation, Induction variable removal,
Elimination of Common sub expression.
Module 4 (10 Hours)

Code generation – Problems in code generation, Simple code generator, Register

allocation and assignment, Code generation from DAG, Peephole optimization.

Text Books:

• Compilers: Principles Techniques and Tools 1st edition by A. V. Aho, Sethi,

Ullman, Pearson education.
• Principal of Compiler Design – Alfred V. Aho& Jeffery D. Ullman ,Narosa Pub.

Module 5 (6 Hours)

(As per choice of faculty)

(Portion covered can be tested through Internal evaluation only not to be included in
University examination)

Text Books

1. Principles of Compiler Design by Alfred V. Aho., Jeffrey D. Ulman.

“Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools” Aho, Ravi Sethi, Ullman, Pearson
Education, VIII Ed. 2002.

Reference Books

1. Lex and Yacc by Johan R. levine, Tonny Mason, et. al. O” Reilly and Assosiates.
“Compilers Design in C” Allen I. Holub, PHI eastern economy edition 2003.
MCA 208 Group Discussion/Seminar


Reading of newspapers, writing of articles, how to prepare seminars and reports, technical
paper writing skills, GD on current topics, invited guest for spoken English, HR personnel
from IT industries.

Note:10 things to succeed in Group Discussion

Read voraciously

Make a habit of reading voraciously on every subject. This will keep you ready for any
topic for a discussion in GD Your knowledge is your most important weapon in a

Initiate the discussion

Most of us have a misconception that initiating the discussion would give you an
advantage over others. It does give you an advantage but only if you know the subject
well and have something relevant to start the discussion otherwise it is a disadvantage.

For e.g. when a group was given a subject “Is Capital punishment right?” some members
of the group heard the word punishment and jumped at starting the discussion without
understanding the meaning of Capital Punishment. The evaluators kept hearing for 2
minutes after which they intervened and asked the group if they knew the meaning of
Capital Punishment. Not to say, the members who initiated were quite looking at each
other‟s faces. That is when a quite member of the group got up and explained the
meaning of the topic. From this incidence, you can easily tell who must have succeeded in
the GD, the ones who initiated the discussion or the one who explained the topic and gave
it a right direction.

They say, “Speaking just for the sake of speaking is noise”. So, don‟t create noise in the
GD rather make some useful and resourceful contributions to get noticed in the

Speak politely and pleasantly

As you speak make sure that you do not speak at the top of your voice. You should be
audible and clear. Remember that you are participating in a discussion which is different
from a speech given out by the leaders in their rallies. Even if you disagree with the
other‟s point of view, disagree politely. Use phrases like, I would like to disagree a bit
here, I am sorry but I think I have a slightly different point of view here.

Be précised

Abstain from using irrelevant information and data from your talks during a GD Speak
precisely so that others also get a chance to put across their point of view.

Acquire and apply knowledge

Stay attentive to the ideas put forward by other group members and keep writing the
important points discussed during the GD As you get a chance to speak, put forward your
views about the topic. You can also agree or disagree with other‟s ideas, based on your
knowledge about the subject.

Agree with the right

Don‟t take a stand on either extreme when the discussion begins. It might happen
that you get convinced by other‟s argument and want to change your stand.
Respect other‟s opinion as well and agree with what is right, even if you initially
had a different opinion.

Speak confidently

Maintain your confidence as you speak. Establish eye contact with other members of the
group and do not let your voice tremble.


Try to moderate the discussion if any arguments arise. This is necessary to ensure that
the group doesn‟t wander from the goal of the GD

Use positive body language

Your body language should not demonstrate dominance or low self-confidence. Show
your interest in the discussion through your gestures like bending forward a bit, nodding
your head.

Be a team player

Last but not the least; be a team player as this is a group activity. Be comfortable with the
group members and vice versa.

Sample GD topics
• Reservation system should be stopped
• Donald Trump‟s presidency – Impact on India bad or good
• Divorce and remarriage should be encouraged
• Reservation for women would help the society
• Hindi movies are harming our society
• Live-in relationships should be encouraged
• India should be reorganized into smaller states
• IT boom and the growing pressure
• Smaller businesses and start-ups have more scope
• Developing countries need trade, not aid  China is a threat to Indian IT industry
• Should agricultural subsidies be stopped?
• Multinational corporations: Are they devils in disguise?
• Business and Ethics do not go together
• India - really the NexGen superpower
• Fate of Apple after Steve Jobs
• FDI in Retail - Will really affect the farmers of India?
• EU Zone Crisis - reason for rising value of dollar
• US Debt Crisis - really has an impact on world market
• Should central government provide West Bengal a moratorium on loan
• Sanctions against Iran - right or wrong?
• FDI in Indian retail should be welcomed
• China market - a threat to Indian market
• Black money in tax heavens - declared national property  Rising petrol prices -
Govt. can control?  Government should give up the control on CBI  US war
on Iraq-justified or not?
• Depreciation of Indian Rupee has only negative impact on the economy  Nokia
and Microsoft are a planned alliance or desperate move?  RBI cannot control
inflation with its temporary monetary policies
• Ditching the Kyoto Protocol - Is India's objection on EU justified?

MCA 301Artificial Intelligence & Expert System

Module I
Introduction to AI, AI Problems and AI techniques, Solving problems by searching, Problem
Formulation. Intelligent Agents: Structure of Intelligent agents, Types of Agents, Agent
Environments .Uninformed Search Techniques: DFS, BFS, Uniform cost search, Depth Limited
Search, Iterative Deepening, Bidirectional search, Comparing Different Techniques.
Module II
Informed Search Methods: Heuristic functions, Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Best First
Search, A*, IDA*, SMA*, Crypto-Arithmetic Problem, Backtracking for CSP, Performance
Evaluation.Adversarial Search: Game Playing, Min-Max Search, Alpha Beta Pruning.
Module III
Knowledge and Reasoning: A Knowledge Based Agent, WUMPUS WORLD Environment,
Propositional Logic, First Order Predicate Logic, Forward and Backward Chaining. Planning:
Introduction to Planning, Planning with State Space Search, Partial Ordered planning,
Hierarchical Planning, Conditional Planning, Planning with Operators.
Module IV
Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning: Uncertainly, Representing Knowledge in an Uncertain
Domain, Conditional Probability, Joint Probability, Bays theorem, Belief Networks, Simple
Inference in Belief Networks. Learning: Learning from Observation, General Model of Learning
Agents, Inductive Learning, Learning Decision Trees, Rote Learning, Learning by Advice,
Learning in Problem Solving, Explanation based Learning. Expert Systems: Introduction, Design
of Expert systems.

1. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition,
Pearson Education.
2. Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, Shivshankar B Nair, Artificial Intelligence, McGraw Hill, 3rd

3. Nills J. Nilsson, “Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis”, 2nd Edition, 2000, Elsevier India
Publications, New Delhi.
4. Michael Negnevitsky, “Artificial Intelligence: A Guide to Intelligent Systems”, Second
Edition, 2005, Pearson Education, Inc. New Delhi.

5. Dan W. Patterson, “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems”, 1st Edition,
1996, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
6. Ben Coppin, “Artificial Intelligence Illuminated”, 2005, Narosa Publication, New Delhi.
ISBN: 978-81-7319-671-3

MCA 302 Python Programming

Module I
Overview of Computing Paradigm: Recent trends in Computing : Grid Computing, Cluster
Computing, Distributed Computing, Utility Computing, Cloud Computing. Introduction to Cloud
Computing: Introduction to Cloud Computing,History of Cloud Computing, Cloud service providers,
Benefits and limitations of Cloud Computing
Module II
Cloud Computing Architecture: Comparison with traditional computing architecture (client/server),
Services provided at various levels, Service Models-Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS), Platform as a
Service(PaaS), Software as a Service(SaaS), How Cloud Computing Works, Deployment , Models-
Public cloud, Private cloud, Hybrid cloud, Community cloud, Case study of NIST architecture.
Module III
Case Studies: Case Study of Service, Model using Google App Engine Microsoft
Azure, Amazon EC2.
Service Management in Cloud Computing: Service Level Agreements (SLAs),Billing &
Accounting, Comparing Scaling Hardware: Traditional vs. Cloud,Economics of Scaling.
Module IV
Cloud Security: Infrastructure Security- Network level security, Host level security, Application
level security, Data security and Storage- Data privacy and security Issues, Jurisdictional issues
raised by Data location, Authentication in Cloud Computing.
Recommended Books:

1. Barrie Sosinsky, “Cloud Computing Bible”, Wiley-India, 2010

2. Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej, M. Goscinski, “Cloud
3. Computing Principles & Paradigms”, Wiley-2011.
4. Cloud computing for dummies,wiley publication
MCA 303 Business Information System

This course will give a high level understanding of what information is, what business is and how information is key to
successful execution of a business. It will help understanding the evolution of information system from a traditional way
of dealing with information to a level how information is a business enabler. It also covers the tools and techniques
deployed to expedite the information processing and controlled dissemination of information.

Module 1(10 Hours)

Introduction to Business Information System: What is information and what is Business. Why
information System, perspectives of information system, contemporary approaches to
information system, Learning to use information system- key management issues.

Module 2 (10 Hours)

Information System in the enterprise: Major types of information system, systems from a
functional perspective, integrating functions and business processes, Management opportunities,
Challenges and Solutions

Module 3 (10 Hours)

Information systems, organizations, management and strategy: Organizations and information
systems, how information system impact organizations and business firms, impact of IT on
management decision making, management information system and business strategy,
management opportunities challenges and solutions

Module 4(10 Hours)

The digital farm: Electronic Business and electronic commerce and digital farm, eCommerce, e-
Business and digital farm, management opportunities, challenges and solutions, ethical and social
issues in digital farm, ethics in an information society, moral dimensions of information system.
IT infrastructure and Platforms: IT infrastructure, infrastructure component, contemporary
hardware platform trend, contemporary software platform trends, organizing data in a
traditional file environment, database approach to data management, Telecommunications,
network and the internet, contemporary networking infrastructure, Internet, social media.

Module 5 (6 Hours) (as per choice of faculty)

Portion covered can be tested through Internal evaluation only not to be included in University
MS Suit of products (Excel, Access, Power-point) covering information extraction using Scenarios,
Pivot, Macros. Animated presentations, small scale database design and reporting.

1. Management Information Systems by Kenneth C Laudon- Prentice Hall. 2.
Business Information Systems by Robert C Nickerson, Prentice Hall
MCA304 (Elective-II )
Elective-II (Choose any one)
1. MCA 304A: Cryptography and Cyber Law
2. MCA 304B: Information Security and Management
3. MCA 304C: Parallel Computing
4. MCA 304D: Business Analytics and Big Data
5. MCA 304E: Dot Net Programming

MCA305 (Elective-III)
Elective-III (Choose any one)
1. MCA 305A: Distributed System / Distributed Technology
2. MCA 305B Cloud Computing
3. MCA 305C: Microprocessor & Assembly Level Language Programming
4. MCA 305D: Foundations of Statistical Natural Processing (NLP)
5. MCA 305E: Soft Computing

MCA306 (Elective-IV)

Elective-IV (Open -Choose any one)

1. MCA 307A: Internet of Things

2. MCA 307B: Entrepreneurship Development
3. MCA 307C: Marketing Management
4. MCA 307D: Environmental Engineering
5. MCA 307E: Software Testing
6. MCA 307F: Open Source Technology
7. MCA 307G: E-Governance and Practice
Eligibility for admission to MCA
1. B. Sc. Computer Science/B.Sc(Hons) Computer Science
2. B. Sc. ITM with Mathematics at +2 level,
3. BCA with Mathematics at +2 level
4. Btech(CSE)/Btech(IT)
5. Bsc(Hons) Data Science
With 50% marks

Examinations: As per University norms for MCA Courses.

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