Effect of Change Management On Employee Performance in Ethiopia

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Article · July 2023


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2 authors, including:

Shashi Kant
Ministry of Education, Ethiopia


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ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :8.017(2023); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:12, ISSUE:7(4), July: 2023
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2023 Issues)
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Cover Page Article Received: 2nd July 2023
Publication Date:30th July 2023
DOI: http://ijmer.in.doi./2023/12.07.83 Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India
www.ijmer.in Digital Certificate of Publication: www.ijmer.in/pdf/e-CertificateofPublication-IJMER.pdf


Yohanis Bali Dereso1 and Shashi Kant 2

MBA, Department of Management, College of Business & Economics, Bule Hora University, Ethiopia.
Department of Management, College of Business & Economics, Bule Hora University, Ethiopia


The study was conducted to access the effect of Change Management on employee performance. The primary data for this
study were collected from respondents randomly selected from employees. Descriptive statistics like mean, standard
deviation and percentage was used. Correlation analysis, regression and ANOVA were used as inferential statistics.
Probability sampling was used with simple random technique to collect the desired responses. Result from correlation
analysis using indicates that all four variables like Structural change; Technological change, Strategic change and
leadership change are significantly affecting employee performance. Also, the researcher generalized that leadership
change evaluation had strongest positive and statistically significant correlation with Employee Performance. As per the
regression analysis technological change is the most dominating factor that influences the Change Management in the
study area at most. The relative importance of technological change as a factor is high than other independent variables in
tem of influence on employee performance. Therefore, the all four explored effects played active role in Change
Management in the study area. Result of Multiple Regression revealed that technical change as a positive and statistically
significant influential relationship (contribution) to Employee Performance with β= 0.487, at 95% confidence level (p
<0.01). But, structural change has a negative and significant influential relationship (contribution) to employee
commitment with β= -.422, at 95% confidence level (p < 0.01). Therefore, it is recommended that the officials should give
focus on structural change according in study area.

Keywords: Employee Performance, Technological Change, Strategic Change, Structural Change, Leadership Change.

Change management is important to any organization either public or private. Change is inevitable and organizations in
the modern world are operating under ever changing demands. It is important for organization to implement change
initiatives successfully and effectively to achieve organizational goals [1].However, to achieve desirable and intended
outcomes; change must be effective and sustainable [2].
Change is inevitable, but the rate of change in modern times is greater than ever. As the world progresses, change
management is seen as a permanent aspect of any organization and an opportunity for organizations to improve their
productivity, profits, and competitive edge [3]. Furthermore, commitment to change on the part of organizational
members depends on their responses to the change management dimensions like strategic change, structural change and
technological change [4].
Change management is a systematic approach that includes the application of knowledge, resources, and tools that can be
used to leverage the benefits of change. It is also viewed that the systematic approach will better manage the change
process with the intention of positively improving performance [6]. Highlighting the importance this phenomenon holds
in the current environment, there is a huge and still growing body of research concentrating on change management [5]
In Africa, change is as well inevitable. Most African countries have undergone series of changes. Town administrations in
Africa have gone through tremendous changes due to growth and expansion of institutions of higher administrations. In
order to compete globally, town administrations have embraced change management factors such as culture, technology,
leadership and structure which affect both employee and organizational performance [7]. Employee performance is
important for an organization to achieve its objectives and goals. It is noted that rapid technological advancements, high
expectations of customers, and ever changing market situations. Change management was measured in terms of
leadership, technology; structure and culture change [8].

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :8.017(2023); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:12, ISSUE:7(4), July: 2023
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2023 Issues)
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Cover Page Article Received: 2nd July 2023
Publication Date:30th July 2023
DOI: http://ijmer.in.doi./2023/12.07.83 Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India
www.ijmer.in Digital Certificate of Publication: www.ijmer.in/pdf/e-CertificateofPublication-IJMER.pdf

Ideally, employee performance has been on the rise as a result of improvement and adoption of change management by
most organization. This is because the change in management influences greatly on employees and therefore if proper
change is adopted and implemented, it results in increased performance of employees. This is simply because in every
change proposal, there are always forces for change and forces against change [9] [35]. Past empirical studies as listed
below have mixed results on the effect of change management on employee performance.
Study findings concluded that change management has a significant effect on the employee performance. The findings
established positive relationship between change management and the employee performance [10] [37]. Findings revealed
that employee performance is been positively influenced by change management. The variable that changed the most and
influenced employee performance positively is technology [11] [36]. Study concludes that change is inevitable and
managers all over the world are adapting to changing market conditions. Ignoring or trivializing a changing trend can be
costly, thus change management teaches managers how to be ahead of rivals and it ensures the long term survival of the
firms [12] [13].
In Africa, the service industry is undergoing structural changes in the areas of innovation and technology and it is
influencing the performance of the employees. The new technology has affected employees because they lack the skills,
qualification, education, experience to successfully cope hence many have ended up losing their work instead. So,
effected the employee performance negatively [14] [33]. While in their study found no significant relationship of
technological changes and employee performance [15].
Technology as a tool of change management has a positive impact on education and at the same time may also pose
negative effects [16] [23]. From the view point of study concluded that the change which is currently implemented by the
Ethio-telecom Central West Addis Ababa region shops is not enough. On the other hand, there is lack of training to the
staff concerning change, ineffective communication about the change introduced so far in the company, ineffective
performance appraisal in the shops of the region [17] [22].
The findings of study show that employee involvement in change is encouraging step for change process of organization.
However, the effect of Kurt Lewin’s models indirect through separate phases in the process [18] [21]. Research
associates positively the impact of change management on the employee performance in terms of employee involvement
in change, motivating employee for change. At each phase of the process model, the employees are considered to be one
unit, and each phase will be shifted to the next step of the Kurt model [32][19] [20].
Thus, as manifested that different research were using the different models of change management. So, researcher tries to
combine the different change management models to extend the knowledge to fill this knowledge gap.
1.3 Objectives of the study
1. To identify the major types of change management implemented in case of Guji zone Adola town administration.
2. To examine the relationship between change Management on employee’s performance in case of Guji zone Adola town
3. To analyze the effect of change Management and employee performance in case of Guji zone Adola town

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Source: Researchers own framework (2023)

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :8.017(2023); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:12, ISSUE:7(4), July: 2023
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2023 Issues)
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Cover Page Article Received: 2nd July 2023
Publication Date:30th July 2023
DOI: http://ijmer.in.doi./2023/12.07.83 Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India
www.ijmer.in Digital Certificate of Publication: www.ijmer.in/pdf/e-CertificateofPublication-IJMER.pdf


3.1 Description of Study Area

Figure 1: Map of Study Area

Source: Alemayehu et al., (2018).

Guji Zone is located in the east Guji Zone of the Oromia Region, at an altitude of 1,758 metres (5,768 ft) above sea level.
470 km from Addis Ababa. Guji zoneis served by a network of roads. A new road to Shakiso was built around 1960. Two
years later an all-weather road reached the town from the north and a dry-weather road south to Negele Borana. This town
has both telephone and postal service, and is supplied with electricity by the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation from
the national grid [31] [25].
3.2. Research Design and Approach
The study was adopted descriptive and explanatory research design [30]. Descriptive design is appropriate because the
discovery of answers to questions relating to demographic characteristics that define the respondents. Descriptive study
concerned with the views of a person towards effect of change management on employee performance. Explanatory
research design was also used to explain the relationship and effect between the variables and the results of the research.
According to Chetty (2020) Research approaches are plans and the procedures for research that span the steps from broad
assumptions to detailed methods of data collection, analysis, and interpretation [29].
The study was used mixed research approach is best suited to research. Qualitative approach was used to gather data in the
form of structured questionnaire. On the other hand quantitative research approaches was used to explaining the
association or relationship between the change management and employee performance.
3.3 Data Source
Primary data is raw data was collected directly from first-hand experience. The primary data was obtained from
respondents by conducting survey in the form of questionnaire and observation from the distinctive respondents. The
researchers likewise also accessed a variety of secondary data sources from Guji zone administration.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :8.017(2023); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:12, ISSUE:7(4), July: 2023
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2023 Issues)
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Cover Page Article Received: 2nd July 2023
Publication Date:30th July 2023
DOI: http://ijmer.in.doi./2023/12.07.83 Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India
www.ijmer.in Digital Certificate of Publication: www.ijmer.in/pdf/e-CertificateofPublication-IJMER.pdf

3.4 Data Collection Instrument

3.4.1 Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering
information from respondents [28]. The questionnaire have structured (close-ended). Structured or close-ended questions
are the questions with a list of all possible alternatives from which respondents select the answer that best describes their
situation. They are easier to analyze since they are in an immediate form, the questioners have two sections:-
The First section of the questionnaire includes 4 questions which deal with different demographic characteristics of the
respondents such as gender, age, education level and position in Guji zone administration town administration to measure
demographic characteristics of the respondent’s.

3.5 Target Population

The study populations of the study will be the staff of the Guji zone administration at head office that has experienced in
various form of organization change. The total populations of the employees in Guji zone administration are 867 (Guji
zone administive office, 2022).

3.6 Sampling Technique

In conducting this study, probability sampling was employed to select the study of respondents. According to Alager
(2010) suggested that in probability sampling, simple random sampling is technique, n (the sample size) when sampling is
so drown that each and every unit of the sample unit as an equal and independent chance of being included in the sample
[27]. So the researcher is select this sampling method because of its easiness or simplicity to apply and it gives equal
chance being chosen and free from personal bias.

3.7 Sample Size

The sample size is the actual respondents representing the whole target population. After determining the entire
population for the study (i.e. 1200) sample size is calculated by using the Yemen formula (Ansari, 2017) accordingly,
𝟏 + 𝐍 (𝒆)𝟐
Where n is the sample size, N is the population size, and e is the margin of error. With the margin of error e= 5% with
95% confidence level and N= 1200.
𝑵 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝟎
𝒏= 𝟐𝒏 = 𝟐 n= 300
𝟏 𝐍 (𝒆) 𝟏 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝟎 (𝟎.𝟎𝟓)
Thus, the sample size for this particular research study was calculated was300, which is large enough to represent the


4.1 Response Rate

Table 4.1: Response Rate

Respondent Data Collection No. of No. of Respondent Rate

No. Tools Respondents Answered Percentage (%)
1 Questionnaires 300 275 91.66%
Source: SPSS Output (2023)

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :8.017(2023); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:12, ISSUE:7(4), July: 2023
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2023 Issues)
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Cover Page Article Received: 2nd July 2023
Publication Date:30th July 2023
DOI: http://ijmer.in.doi./2023/12.07.83 Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India
www.ijmer.in Digital Certificate of Publication: www.ijmer.in/pdf/e-CertificateofPublication-IJMER.pdf

No. of Respondents No. of Answered Respondent Rate
Percentage (%)

Source: Excel, 2023

The researcher circulated 300 questionnaires, and 275 of them were collected, as seen in the table above. The researcher
checked the data for completeness in order to prepare the raw data obtained from the questionnaire for statistical analysis.
As a result, 275 questionnaires in total were employed for this study, with a 91.66% response rate.
4.2 Reliability Test of the Instrument
Table 4.2: Result of Reliability Test for the questionnaire
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach’s Alpha N of Items
.971 5

Table 4.2.1: Item-Total Statistics

items Cronbach's Alpha
Structural change .962
Strategic change .963
Technological change .967
Leadership change .966
Employee Performance .964
Source: SPSS Output (2023)
The table No. 4.2 shows that the coefficient for the change management and employee performance related factors,
Structural change, Strategic change, Technological change and Leadership change (.962, .963, .967 and .966)
respectively, and Employee Performance is .946. Therefore, the overall reliability test indicated that good reliability and
internal consistency for which is greater than the standard value (i.e., >.70).


Table 4.3 Pearson Correlation between Change Management and Employee Performance
Employee Performance
Structural Change Pearson Correlation .866**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 275
Strategic Change Pearson Correlation .911**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :8.017(2023); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:12, ISSUE:7(4), July: 2023
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2023 Issues)
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Cover Page Article Received: 2nd July 2023
Publication Date:30th July 2023
DOI: http://ijmer.in.doi./2023/12.07.83 Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India
www.ijmer.in Digital Certificate of Publication: www.ijmer.in/pdf/e-CertificateofPublication-IJMER.pdf

N 275
Technological change Pearson Correlation .924**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 275
Leadership Change Pearson Correlation .936**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 275
Employee Performance Pearson Correlation 1
Sig. (2-tailed)
N 275
Source: SPSS Output (2023)
As per above table, there were statistically significant positive relationship between four determinants of Change
management and Employee Performance at p<0.01 level. Therefore, we can say that Employee Performance had
statistically significant positive correlation with all the four explored determinants.
1. Structural change
As shown on the above table, there was a positive and statistically significant relation between Structural changes and
Employee Performance with (r = 0.866, p<.01). This implies that there is a strong positive correlation between Structural
change and Employee Performance held by employees. In other words; Structural change plays a deceive role in holding
an Employee Performance by the employees in the study area. There were statistically significant positive relationship
found between Structural change of Change management and Employee Performance at p<0.01 level.
2. Strategic change
The result of correlation above showed that there was found a positive and statistically significant relation between
strategic changes and employee performance holding with (r = .911, p<.01). This implies that there is a positive
correlation between Strategic change as one of the factor of change management and employee performance. In other
words, Strategic changes have more strong relation with employee performance and r value of .838 shows a strong
positive correlation between variables.
3. Technological change
According to the result correlation above, there was found a positive and statistically significant relationship between
technological change and employees Performance with (r = .924**, p<.01). This implies that there is a strong positive
correlation between technological change as a factor of change management and employee’s performance. There were
statistically significant positive relationship between Structural change of Change management and Employee
Performance at p<0.01 level since p value is 0.000.
4. Leadership change
According to the result correlation above, there was found a positive and statistically significant relationship between
leadership change and employees Employee Performance with (r = .936**, p<.01). This implies that there is a strong
positive correlation between leadership change evaluation as a factor of change management and employees performance.
There were statistically significant positive relationship between leadership change and Employee Performance at p<0.01
level since p value is 0.000.
Thus, the researcher generalized that leadership change evaluation had strongest positive and statistically significant
correlation with Employee Performance. Thus, the researcher generalized that leadership change had strongest positive
and statistically significant correlation with employee performance than the other dimensions
4.6.1 Regression Analysis
Assumption of Multicollinearity
According to Keith (2006) Multicollinearity occurs when several independent variables correlate at high levels with one
another. The researcher is able to interpret regression coefficients as the effects of the independent variables on the
dependent variables when Collinearity is low.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :8.017(2023); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:12, ISSUE:7(4), July: 2023
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2023 Issues)
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Cover Page Article Received: 2nd July 2023
Publication Date:30th July 2023
DOI: http://ijmer.in.doi./2023/12.07.83 Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India
www.ijmer.in Digital Certificate of Publication: www.ijmer.in/pdf/e-CertificateofPublication-IJMER.pdf

Table 4.4 : Multicollinearity and independence of residual test

Model Collinearity Statistics
Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant)
Structural Change .149 6.718
Strategic Change .243 4.108
Technological change .117 8.562
Leadership Change .193 5.194
Source: SPSS Output (2023)
According to Pallant (2010), Collinearity diagnostics can pick up the problems with Multicollinearity that may not be
evident in the correlation matrix.
Regression Model:
Table 4.5: Model Summaryb
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the Durbin-Watson
Square Estimate

1 .970a .940 .940 .10919 2.422

a. Predictors: (Constant), Leadership Change, Structural Change, Strategic Change, Technological
b. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
Source: SPSS Output (2023)
As shown on above table, R is the degree of association between Change management practices and Employee
Performance. On the model summary the values of R, R2 and the adjusted R2 were 0.970, 0.940 and 0.940 respectively.
The results of Multiple Regression analysis, as presented on the above table, model summary revealed that the R2 of
0.940 indicates that 94% of the variation of can be predicted in Employee Performance by the all independent variables.
This implied that Employee Performance is combination influenced by 94% by all four variables in the study area.
Table 4.6: ANOVAb

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 50.818 4 12.705 1065.695 .000a
Residual 3.219 270 .012
Total 54.037 274
a. Predictors: (Constant), Leadership Change, Structural Change, Strategic Change, Technological change

b. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance

Source: SPSS Output (2023)
ANOVA analysis is normally used to compare the mean scores of more than two groups or variables. It is also called
analysis of variance because it compares the variance between groups (Pallant, 2010). On the above table, ANOVA shows
that the p-value for F-Statistics (0.000) is less than the significance level 0.01 (p<0.01). This is to mean that the model is
significant/ acceptable from a statistical perspective. To explain more, accepting at least one of the independent variables
had a significant influential relationship on Employee Performance.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :8.017(2023); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:12, ISSUE:7(4), July: 2023
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2023 Issues)
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Cover Page Article Received: 2nd July 2023
Publication Date:30th July 2023
DOI: http://ijmer.in.doi./2023/12.07.83 Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India
www.ijmer.in Digital Certificate of Publication: www.ijmer.in/pdf/e-CertificateofPublication-IJMER.pdf

Table 4.7: Coefficientsa

Model Standardized
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .840 .072 11.613 .000
Structural Change -.422 .048 -.550 -8.738 .000
Strategic Change .484 .042 .553 11.439 .000
Technological .487 .039 .753 12.438 .000
Leadership Change .230 .044 .232 5.270 .000
Source: SPSS Output2022
As it is stated earlier in the first chapter, this study aims to identify the most contributing independent variable/s in the
prediction of the Employee Performance. Hence, the coefficient explains the average amount of change in dependent
variable that is caused by a unit of change in the independent variable. Accordingly, Standardized beta coefficients (β) tell
us the unique contribution of each factor to the model. A high beta value (β) and a small p value (p<0.05) indicate the
predictor variable has made a statistically significance contribution to the model.
On the other hand, a small beta value (β) and a high p value (p >0.05) indicate the predictor variable has little or no
significant contribution to the model (George and Mallery, 2003).
Above table indicates that structural change had statistically significant contribution to Employee Performance at 95%
confidence level, since their p-values are 0.000 and which was less than 0.01 (p<0.05). also, Strategic change and
technological change had statistically significant contribution to Employee Performance since their p-value were 0.000
and 0.000 respectively and which were greater than the significance level 0.05 (p>0.05).
In general, technological change is the most significant independent variable which has significantly statistical
contribution to Employee Performance with p-value of 0.000 with followed by self-evaluation.

Organizational change is a significant event in the life of private and public sector organizations of the twenty first
century. In today’s rapidly changing business environment, organizations are faced with the challenging task to either
adapt to the changes or to perish altogether. Staff play a pivotal role in the success of an organization which brings into
focus the importance of their commitment towards any developmental or change related initiatives. Demands for high
performance and organizational growth requires staff to take the initiative and link their work skills to the evolving needs
of the organization in a manner that suits change initiatives being introduced. However, this is not easy task. Decades of
change initiatives has had a dramatic impact on staff and change initiators alike. The way in which work is currently
performed has been revolutionized by recent organizational changes. In the past, a person entered a vocation, and
practiced that work for a lifetime. Nowadays, with change and change management impacting every job and the manner
in which staff work, staff cannot rely on their work skills to be assured of a lifetime of employment. Organizations are
now looking to staff to keep pace with change, anticipate changes and even create some of the change.


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Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:12, ISSUE:7(4), July: 2023
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2023 Issues)
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Cover Page Article Received: 2nd July 2023
Publication Date:30th July 2023
DOI: http://ijmer.in.doi./2023/12.07.83 Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India
www.ijmer.in Digital Certificate of Publication: www.ijmer.in/pdf/e-CertificateofPublication-IJMER.pdf

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ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :8.017(2023); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286

Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:12, ISSUE:7(4), July: 2023
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2023 Issues)
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Cover Page Article Received: 2nd July 2023
Publication Date:30th July 2023
DOI: http://ijmer.in.doi./2023/12.07.83 Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India
www.ijmer.in Digital Certificate of Publication: www.ijmer.in/pdf/e-CertificateofPublication-IJMER.pdf

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