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Olarte Week 5 Day 1 & 2 DLL

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Daily School
Grade Level Grade 12
Lesson Teacher
Oral Communication
Log Teaching Dates April 01 to April 02, 2024
Quarter Fourth
and Time (10:45-11:45 A.M.)

A. Content Standards The learner recognizes that communicative competence requires understanding of speech
context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy.
B. Performance Standards The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech
C. Learning Competencies and Engages in a communicative situation using acceptable, polite and meaningful
codes communicative strategies. EN11/12OC-IIab-21
At the end of the lesson, the learner can:
Cognitive Distinguish various types of communicative strategy.
Psychomotor Perform a role play that engages learner in a communicative situation.
Affective Use acceptable, polite, and meaningful communicative strategy through different activities.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources oral-com-q2-module-1.pdf
a. Reviewing previous lesson Everybody please stand and let us pray. In the name of the father, and of the son,
or presenting the new lesson and of the holy spirit. Amen!
Best Morning, Class! Best Morning, Teacher Franco!

Please take your seat. Thank you, Teacher Franco!

First, let’s check your attendance. If I call

your name, please say ‘present’.

Student A I’m present, Teacher Franco!

Before we formally start our class, let us first Classroom Rules

read our classroom rules. Cooperate with your classmates
Open your mind to learning
Mind your manners
Strive for success
Think before you act
Respect yourself and others
Appropriate behavior is expected
Try your best

These are the classroom rules that we all

need to follow during the discussion.
Now, let’s have a review.

What did we discuss last meeting? We discussed about the types of speech

What are the types of speech acts? Locutionary, Illocutionary, and Perlocutionary

As an individual, how can you promote As an individual, you can promote greater
greater intentionality and minimize the intentionality and minimize unintended
occurrence of unintended impacts in their impacts in your communication by clarifying
communication? your intentions, practicing active listening,
considering your audience, being mindful of
language and tone, seeking feedback,
reflecting on past interactions, and remaining
open-minded and adaptable. By consistently
applying these strategies, you can promote
greater intentionality in your communication
and minimize the likelihood of unintended
impacts on others.
b. Establishing a purpose for I believe everyone has already understood
the lesson (MOTIVATION) the lesson we’ve discussed last meeting.
Today, we will have an activity. Our first
activity is titled, “Watch The Way We Talk”

Directions: The class will be grouped into Group 1: Home

3. The teacher will assign each group a Group 2: School
specific context. What each group needs to Group 3: Community
do is to describe the different conversations
they are usually engaged in through role
playing. The teacher will give 1 minute for
each group to prepare and a maximum of 1
minute to perform. Please be guided with
the criteria below:

Criteria Score
Voice Quality / Use of Emotions 5
Use of Non-Verbal Cues 5
Overall Presentation 5
Collaboration 5
Total 20

c. Presenting Now as you have finished performing your

examples/instances of the role play performance. Now, the class must
new lesson read the short story titled, “Table Number 5”
(ACTIVITY) and observe how the conversation takes
Table Number 5

“Table number 5,” I muttered looking at

the invitation in my hand. I looked around the
exquisitely decorated hall and finally found my
seat. I greeted the other delegates at the table
with a smile and a little nod. I was so nervous.
It was my first time to attend that kind of event.
It was a seminar for senior high school, and I
was the representative of our school. I sat
down, grabbed my phone in my pocket, and
started browsing my Facebook like all the
other 3 students at the table were doing while
waiting for the program to begin. “Hey, have
you heard that Maymay Entrata will host this
event?” All our attention went to her as she
broke the silence. I noticed at once how pretty
she is with her long black hair draping her
shoulders. “Really? As in Maymay Entrata, the
winner in the reality TV show Pinoy Big
Brother?” asked the boy in heavy glasses. She
nodded. “Besides being a reality show winner,
Maymay is also a singer, actress, composer,
model, and writer.” “Wow! Are you a fan? You
know many things about her,” she replied with
a grin and amazement to what I said. “Well,
I am a fan too!” said the other boy in our group
and we all laughed. “By the way, I am Anne. I
am from Batangas,” she finally introduced

“To herself. I was really waiting to know her name.

Everyone in our table started to introduce
themselves, including me.

we must
realize that we
are all
different in the
way we
the world and
use this
as a guide to
n with othe “To
effectively communicate, we must realize
that we are all different in the way we
perceive the world and use this
understanding as a guide to our
communication with others”
d. Discussing new concepts As you have finished reading the story, now,
and practicing new skills #1 I have questions to ponder. The group who
(ANALYSIS) could answer my question will receive 5

1. How would you describe the atmosphere 1. Before the interaction among the group
before the interaction among the group began, the atmosphere could be described as
began? tense and apprehensive. The protagonist, as
well as the other delegates at the table,
appeared nervous, likely due to the anticipation
of the event and the pressure of representing
their respective schools. The silence in the
hall further accentuated this tension, as
everyone seemed to be preoccupied with their
own thoughts and preparations. Overall, there
was a palpable sense of nervous energy
lingering in the air, waiting to be dispelled by
the forthcoming interaction among the group

2. How did Anne begin the conversation? 2. Anne began the conversation by breaking
What was the topic of the conversation? the silence with an intriguing piece of
information about Maymay Entrata hosting the
event. She captured the attention of everyone
at the table by sharing this exciting news,
diverting their focus from their individual
preoccupations to a common topic of interest—
the celebrity host of the seminar.
The topic of the conversation revolved around
Maymay Entrata and her accomplishments,
with Anne providing insights into Maymay's
background and talents. This sparked a
discussion among the group members about
Maymay's achievements, including her
success as a reality show winner, singer,
actress, composer, model, and writer. The
conversation served as a catalyst for the
group to bond over their shared admiration for
Maymay and her multifaceted career.

3. When did the shift in topic happen? What 3. The shift in topic happened after Anne
expression was used to make the shift? initiated the conversation by sharing the news
What was the next topic of the about Maymay Entrata hosting the event.
conversation? Once everyone's attention was captured by
this revelation, the conversation naturally
transitioned to discussing Maymay's various
talents and achievements.
The expression used to make the shift was
when one of the boys in the group expressed
his admiration for Maymay and exclaimed,
"Wow! Are you a fan? You know many things
about her." This statement acknowledged
Anne's knowledge about Maymay and
signaled the group's interest in discussing her
Following the discussion about Maymay
Entrata, the next topic of the conversation
became introductions, where each delegate at
the table revealed their name and origin. This
served as a way for the group members to get
to know each other beyond their shared
interest in the celebrity host.

4. Describe the effect that the conversation 4. The conversation among the group
gives to the situation in the members serves to alleviate the initial tension
story. and nervousness that pervaded the
atmosphere at the beginning of the story.
Anne's initiative in starting the conversation
about Maymay Entrata not only breaks the
silence but also creates a sense of
camaraderie among the delegates at the table.
By bonding over their shared admiration for
Maymay and engaging in a lively discussion
about her accomplishments, the group
members begin to feel more relaxed and
comfortable in each other's company.
This shift in conversation helps to humanize
the delegates, as they move beyond their
initial nervousness to connect on a personal
level. It also sets a positive tone for their
interaction throughout the event, fostering a
sense of friendship and unity among them.
Overall, the conversation serves as a catalyst
for building rapport and creating a more
enjoyable and inclusive atmosphere for
everyone involved in the seminar.

Now, as you have been able to successfully Learning Objectives:

finish the given activities. Let us first read At the end of the lesson, the learner can:
our learning objectives. 1. Distinguish various types of communicative
2. Perform a role play that engages learner in
a communicative situation.
3. Use acceptable, polite, and meaningful
communicative strategy through different
Those are the learning objectives that we all
need to achieve until the end of our
e. Discussing new concepts Let us now proceed to our lesson proper.
and practicing new skills #2 Our topic for today will be about the, “Types
(ABSTRACTION) of Communicative Strategy”.

But before that I have a question. Why do People use various strategies when
think people use some communication communicating to navigate the complexities
strategies when communicating? of human interaction and foster meaningful
connections with others.

That’s right, Student A! The following are 1. Nomination

some strategies that people use when - A speaker carries out nomination to
communicating. Everyone please read what collaboratively and productively establish a
Nomination is. topic.

You use this strategy to open a topic and

start a conversation. Nomination is usually
employed at the beginning of interaction to
set the purpose of conversation. You may
start off with making inquiries, giving
compliment, asking for opinion, or offering
help. This could efficiently signal the
beginning of a new topic in the conversation.

Can someone give an example of  “Have you heard about “the new normal”?
nomination?  “I saw your TikTok post on Facebook. It’s
 really great.”
 “What can you say about our new plan for
the project? Do you think it will work?”
 You are the new student, right? Would you
like me to tour you around the campus?
That’s right! Your given examples are

However, in the story we’ve read earlier, is There isn't a specific nomination highlighted in
there nomination observed? the story.
That’s right! Also, please do note that in
communicating we should remember to
avoid questions that are too personal like
asking about how much money the person
or his parents are earning. This may make
the person you are talking to uncomfortable
and may refuse to talk with you. Topics like
politics and religion should also be avoided
because these may cause quarrels or

Now, please read what is Restriction. 2. Restriction

Restriction in communication refers to any
limitation you may have as a speaker.
It is a strategy used when responses need
to be within the set categories or
instructions. These instructions confine you
as a speaker and limit what you can say.

What examples can you give about  In your class, you might be asked by your
restriction? teacher to brainstorm on peer pressure or
deliver a speech on digital natives. In this case,
you cannot decide to talk about something else.
 You are invited to the police station to
answer some questions about what you know
about the accident.
That’s right! Your examples are correct.

Are there any restrictions observed in the

In the story, there isn't a clear indication of a
restriction being mentioned.
That’s right! Now, let’s read what is Turn-
3. Turn-taking
It pertains to the process by which people
Turn-taking strategy allows all participants in
decide who takes the conversational floor.
the conversation a chance to
speak. You can use this strategy to avoid
taking over the whole conversation.

Can someone give an example of turn-

 You can employ this strategy by making
your response shorter yet informative enough
to express your ideas and feelings.
 Spoken cues such as “What do you think?”
or “You wanted to say something?” provide
others a chance to speak. Pausing is a
That’s right! Did you observe any turn-taking nonverbal cue that will do as well.
in the story?
In the story, turn-taking is evident as the
conversation unfolds among the group
members seated at Table number 5. Anne
initiates the conversation by sharing the news
about Maymay Entrata hosting the event,
drawing the attention of everyone at the table.
This marks her turn to speak and set the topic
of discussion.
Subsequently, the other members of the group
\participate by expressing their reactions and
thoughts about Maymay, leading to a natural
flow of conversation. For example, one of the
boys expresses his admiration for Maymay's
accomplishments, while another boy reveals
his fandom for her. Each member takes turns
contributing to the conversation, sharing their
perspectives and engaging with one another.
After the discussion about Maymay, the
turn-taking continues as the group transitions
That’s right! Overall, turn-taking is an to introducing themselves, with each member
integral part of the interaction among the taking a turn to share their name and origin.
group members, allowing for an inclusive
and collaborative exchange of ideas and

Please do note that in communicating we

should always remember to listen to the
other person talking instead of just waiting
for your turn to talk. This way, you can have
a meaningful and productive conversation.
Also, always show politeness when you
need to take the conversational floor from
the person currently speaking.

Now, let’s read what is Topic Control.

4. Topic Control
Topic control covers how procedural formality
This is a strategy used when there is a need or informality affects the development of topic
to control and prevent unnecessary in conversations.
interruptions and topic shifts in a certain
conversation. Using this strategy makes the
conversation to stay focused on the topic
throughout the discussion and keeps the
development of the topic going by asking

Can someone give an example of topic

 During a board meeting, the director
manages the communication and directs who
may speak to collectively develop the topic of
 In the senate session, the senate president
presides the meeting. Senators who wish to
speak asks permission to the senate president.
 Expressions like “Okay, so much for that…
“Let's go back to the topic.” and “Going back to
what we are talking about…” can be used to
keep the conversation within the topic when
That’s right! In the story, is/are there any there is a sudden shift.
topic control observed?
In the story, topic control is initially held by
Anne when she starts the conversation by
sharing the news about Maymay Entrata
hosting the event. By introducing this topic,
Anne effectively directs the focus of the
conversation towards Maymay and her
various talents and accomplishments. This
demonstrates her control over the initial topic
of discussion.
As the conversation progresses, other
members of the group contribute their thoughts
and opinions about Maymay, expanding on the
initial topic. While Anne initiated the
conversation, the topic evolves naturally as
other members share their perspectives and
experiences related to Maymay.
However, there isn't a significant shift in topic
control throughout the story, as the discussion
mainly revolves around Maymay Entrata and
her role as the host of the event. The group
members collectively maintain focus on this
topic, with occasional diversions such as
That’s right! While Anne initiates the introductions, but the central theme remains
conversation and sets the initial topic, topic consistent.
control is shared among the group members
as they engage in a collaborative discussion
about Maymay Entrata.

Now, let’s read what is Topic Shifting.

5. Topic Shifting
This strategy is used to change the topic to Topic shifting involves moving from one topic
a new one which helps communication keep to another.

Can someone give an example of topic

 You may use conversational transitions
that indicate a shift like “By the way...”, “Before
I forget...”, “Which reminds me of,” and the like.
 In a report presentation you may use
expressions like “Moving on to the next topic…”
, “Now, let’s talk about…”, “This time, let me tell
That’s right! Are there any topic shifting you about…”
observed in the story?

In the story, there is a subtle shift in topics as

the conversation progresses. Initially, the topic
revolves around Maymay Entrata and her role
as the host of the event. Anne initiates the \
conversation by sharing this news, and the
group members engage in discussion about
Maymay's accomplishments and talents.
However, there is a shift in topic when one of
the boys expresses admiration for Maymay
and asks Anne if she is a fan. This prompts a
brief discussion about Maymay's fandom and
the shared interest among the group members.
While still related to Maymay, the focus shifts
from her role as the event host to her
popularity and the group's admiration for her.
Additionally, there is another shift in topic when
the group members introduce themselves.
That’s right! Overall, while the central theme This marks a transition from discussing
of the conversation remains consistent Maymay specifically to getting to know each
(Maymay Entrata), there are subtle shifts in other on a more personal level.
topics within that overarching theme as the
discussion progresses.

Please remember that topic shifting requires

good timing. So, make sure that topic is
adequately discussed before changing it to
another one. There may be a need to shift
topic when there’s a pause in conversation,
minimal response like nodding and smiling.

Now, let’s read what is Repair.

6. Repair
Repair refers to how speakers address the
Repair is the self-righting mechanism in any problems in speaking, listening, and
social interaction (Schegloff et. comprehending that they encounter in a
al, 1977). We can employ this strategy conversation.
whenever we encounter problems in
communication to prevent a breakdown.

Speaker may use recasting or changing the
form of message to a more
understandable one using the following
 “What I mean is….”
 What I am trying to say is that…”

The speaker may repeat his/her statements

using the following expressions:
 “Let me repeat myself.”
 “Again…”
 I would like to reiterate that…”

Repair strategies also include requesting

clarification or making a clarifying question,
request for repetition, and request for
definition, translation or explanation.
 I am sorry but what do you mean by
“new normal?”
 “Does it mean that we do not need
to come to school if there are no
faceto-face classes?
 “Can you please repeat the last part
of the instructions?”
 “Doc, can you please explain what a
ferritin test is?”
 Could you please clarify your state?

Repair may also include addressing physical

and physiological issues affecting
Is/are there any repair observed in the
In the story provided, there isn't a clear
instance of repair being employed, as the
conversation flows smoothly without significant
That’s right! Now let’s read our last and interruptions or misunderstandings.
seventh communicative strategy which is
Termination. 7. Termination
Termination refers to the conversation
participants’ close-initiating expressions that
This strategy is used to end an interaction or end a topic in a conversation.
close a topic. Most of the time, the topic
initiator or the person who opened the topic
takes responsibility to signal the end of the
discussion as well.

Can someone give an example of

 “It’s nice catching up with you. I must be
In other situations, you may end the topic by  Thanks for your time. See you around.
sharing what you learned from the  Regards to your wife. See you soon.”

Is termination observed in the story?

In the story provided, there isn't a clear

instance of termination explicitly mentioned,
as the conversation among the group members
That’s right! While termination isn't explicitly appears to continue until the program of the
described in the story, it's reasonable to event begins.
assume that the conversation among the
group members would naturally conclude or
transition as the seminar begins, signaling
the end of their interaction.
f. Developing mastery (leads Let us assess if you have really understood
to Formative Assessment 3) the types of speech act through our activity
titled, “What’s your Reply?”

Directions: Each group will be given letters.

Everyone will read a situation. Each group is
tasked to select the most acceptable, polite
and meaningful response in each situation
by choosing the letter of the best answer.
Each correct answer is equivalent to 2

1. Your leader unconsciously read the 1. A. “I am sorry for interrupting you but can
instruction too fast. you read it once more?”
A. “I am sorry for interrupting you but can
you read it once more?”
B. “Sorry, but I did not understand the
C. “Excuse me, I will not understand the
instruction if you are reading too fast.”

2. During the club meeting, you want to 2. C. “Excuse me everyone, can I share my
express your ideas in resolving the issues ideas about it?”
you are all in.
A. “I want all of you to listen to me.”
B. “I think I have a better idea so hear me
C. “Excuse me everyone, can I share my
ideas about it?”

3. You want to end your phone conversation 3. B. “Hey, friend! as much as I want to go on
with your friend since your mother is asking in our conversation but my mom is asking me
you for something. for something, can you just call me later?”
A. “I think I need to go. Goodbye!”
B. “Hey, friend! as much as I want to go on
in our conversation but my mom is asking
me for something, can you just call me
C. “Sorry I can’t talk to you right now.

4. It is your first time meeting your sister’s 4. A. “Hi! Nice meeting you. My sister shares
best friend. a lot of things about you.”
A. “Hi! Nice meeting you. My sister shares a
lot of things about you.”
B. “You work in a big corporation, right?
How much do you earn?
C. “Hi! You look younger in the picture.”

5. You want your classmate to help you in 5. A. “Hello! Classmate can you help me in
answering your assignment. answering this?”
A. “Hello! Classmate can you help me in
answering this?”
B. “I helped you last time, can you help me
this time?”
C. “I need you to help me with my
g. Finding practical applications Now, let’s have another group activity titled,
of concepts and skills in daily “Talk to Me!”.
(APPLICATION) Directions: Each group will be given a Group 1
paper which contains a uncomplete Situation: First Day of Classes
conversation. Assume that you are in the Teacher: Good morning class! I know that you
situation given and complete the following are all excited to meet one another with that,
conversations using acceptable, polite, I want each of you to introduce yourself here in
and meaningful various communicative front So let’s start.
strategies that you learned. The group must Student 1: ____________________________
present their output through a roleplay. _____________________________________
Please be guided with the criteria below. _____________________________________
Teacher: Very Good! That's interesting,
Anyone, who would like to go next?
Student 2: ____________________________
Criteria Score Teacher: _____________________________
Use of Communicative Strategies 5 _____________________________________
Relevance / Content 5 _____________________________________
Presentation / Mechanics 5
Collaboration 5 Group 2
Total 20 Situation 2: Election of Classroom Officers
Elected President: _____________________
Student 1: I respectfully nominate _________
to be our classroom secretary.
Student 2: ____________________________
Elected President: Do you still have other
Student 3: ____________________________
Elected President: Okay we can now proceed
to voting.

Group 3
Situation 3: A group of friends having a group
video call.
Friend 1: Hello everyone! How are you today?
Friend 2: _____________________________
Friend 3: Wow! That is good to hear. I am
busy doing the household chores and trying
new things. Is everyone done with our
online assignment?
Friend 4: ____________________________
Friend 5: Oh, I see. Opps is that your mother?
I can hear her over the phone? ls she asking
you for something?
Friend 4: ____________________________
Friend 1: Okay bye nice talking to you guys.
Have a good day!
h. Making generalizations and Congratulations on the successful role play
abstractions about the presentations. With that, together let’s give a
lesson round of applause to ourselves for giving our
(GENERALIZATION) best in today’s class.

Value: Respectful

Before we proceed to our quiz, I have

questions to ponder. I have random
numbers in my hand. The chosen number of
the group will be the question number that
they will answer. Each correct answer is
equivalent to 5 points.

1. What strategies do you employ to By employing these 7 communicative

maintain politeness while effectively strategies, I aim to maintain politeness while
conveying your message? effectively conveying my message in various
communication contexts.
2. Can you share an example of a situation Answers may vary.
where using a meaningful communicative
strategy had a positive impact on the

3. How do you ensure your communicative To ensure my communicative approach is both

approach is both acceptable and respectful acceptable and respectful in various situations,
in various situations? I consider context, cultural sensitivity, social
norms, empathy, feedback, flexibility, ethical
principles, and conflict resolution skills. Not
only that but through applying those 7
communicative strategies, I would be able to
provide acceptable, polite and meaningful
response in various situations.
i. Evaluating learning Now, let’s have a 5-minute quiz to assess
(EVALUATION) your understanding of today’s lesson.

Directions: Identify the type of

communicative strategy evident in each
statement. Write your answer on the answer
sheet provided.

1. “Ok goodbye! See you around.” 1. Termination

2. “Hello, I guess you are familiar. Have we 2. Nomination
met before?”
3. “Anyone, who is not in favor of my idea? 3. Turn-taking
4. “May I request everybody to be quiet so 4. Repair
we can proceed to the next part of our
5. “Sorry but can you repeat your question?” 5. Repair
6. “That was an excellent solution to resolve 6. Termination
this issue.”
7. “Do you have any clarification about our 7. Nomination
contingency plan this school year?”
8. “The president will lead the meeting and 8. Turn-taking
then the secretary will write the minutes.”
9. “In addition, to what you have said, I think 9. Topic shifting
we should also assure the safety of our
learners in times like this.”
10. “The rules only specified in the 10. Restriction
ordinance will be followed.”
j. Additional activities for Directions: Create a KWL Chart about our
application or remediation topic today. Write your answer on the given
(REMEDIATION) answer sheet/template.

What I What I What I
Know Want to Learned

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Designed by: Checked and Reviewed by:


Pre-Service Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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