Ieee Icphm2023 V6
Ieee Icphm2023 V6
Ieee Icphm2023 V6
Abstract—Gearbox faults can lead to significant damage and Existing methods for gearbox fault detection include visual
downtime in industrial machinery, resulting in substantial losses inspection, acoustic analysis [4], and vibration analysis [3].
for manufacturers. Detection of faults in gears in the incipient Visual inspection involves physically inspecting the gearbox
state is essential to ensure safe and reliable operation of for signs of wear, damage, or other faults. This method requires
industrial machineries. In recent years, there has been an significant expertise and can only detect faults that are visible
increasing interest in using machine learning algorithms to to the naked eye. However, recent studies have proposed
automate gearbox fault detection. This paper proposes a machine combining visual inspection with machine learning techniques
learning approach for identifying different categories of faults in
to improve the accuracy and efficiency of fault detection [5].
a gearbox based on vibration signals. The approach involves
preprocessing the signals, extracting features, and training a
Acoustic analysis involves measuring and analyzing the
machine learning model. The proposed method was evaluated on sound generated by the gearbox to identify potential faults.
a dataset of vibration signals collected from a two-stage gearbox This method is limited in its ability to distinguish between
under different operational conditions. The research is focused different types of faults and is susceptible to environmental
on developing a sequential neural network-based method for noise. Nevertheless, studies have shown that acoustic analysis
gearbox fault detection. The results showed that the developed can be effective in detecting certain types of gearbox faults [6].
method achieved high training and validation accuracies and Vibration analysis is currently the most widely used method
relatively low training and validation losses, indicating the for gearbox fault detection. Vibration monitoring is a technique
model's ability to accurately detect and classify faults in used to detect faults in gears by analyzing the vibrations they
gearboxes. The testing accuracies were also high, demonstrating produce. Healthy and faulty gears generate different vibration
the model's ability to generalize well to new data. The practical signals, which can indicate the presence of faults such as gear
implications of the research are significant for improving the tooth wear, gear tooth cracks, and pitting. Various techniques
reliability and maintenance of gearboxes in various industrial such as time domain, frequency domain, and time-frequency
applications. The developed method has the potential to reduce domain techniques are used to analyze these vibration signals.
downtime, maintenance costs, and improve safety and efficiency. The frequency domain technique involves using the Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT) of the time domain signal to evaluate
Keywords—gearbox fault detection, vibration analysis,
sequential neural network, maintenance the condition based on the signal's frequency content.
However, vibration signals from gears are considered non-
stationary and non-periodic, making it challenging to detect
I. INTRODUCTION gear faults using conventional FFT analysis [7]. To overcome
The problem of gearbox fault detection is a critical issue in this limitation, sophisticated signal processing method, such as
industrial machinery maintenance. Gearboxes are essential wavelet analysis, can be used for feature extraction from the
components in many machines, and faults in gearboxes can noisy gear signal.Vibration analysis requires advanced signal
lead to significant damage, downtime, and financial losses for processing and machine learning techniques for accurate and
manufacturers [1]. Identifying gearbox faults is crucial to reliable results [8].
prevent catastrophic failures, minimize downtime, and reduce
maintenance costs. However, gearboxes are subjected to a The objective of this paper is to propose a method for
range of wear and tear [2]. If left undetected, faults in analyzing vibration signals to monitor the health of
gearboxes can escalate rapidly, leading to complete machine industrial systems by analyzing the gear box. The proposed
breakdown, loss of productivity, and increased maintenance methodology involves data collection, feature extraction,
costs. Early detection and repair of gearbox faults can prevent and training a machine learning model to predict the state of
these issues and ensure optimal machine performance [3]. the gear condition. The effectiveness of the proposed
approach is evaluated on a dataset of vibration signals
Fig. 1. Five-fold cross-validation results for 2700 RPM (left) and 1500 RPM (right)