Checkpoint 1 - Group 3
Checkpoint 1 - Group 3
Checkpoint 1 - Group 3
Class: SE17A05
Group Pyramid
Problem & Solution Problem:
//Your idea is good but you have not captured customer insight//
The main problem is the challenges and uncertainties that new FPT
Da Nang University students fresher face, including concerns about
majors, activities, and campus life. (Please rewrite this sentence.
Your idea is good but the structure is not clear; new student -
The coaching service includes not only individual sessions but also
features an online community platform for continuous support. It
focuses on academic aspects, various facets of university life, and
building a well-rounded set of skills and knowledge for new
students. (Please move this paragraph to generic product)
Market size:
Digitalization of Coaching: A notable trend is the shift towards
online coaching platforms, offering convenience and accessibility.
Key players
Market share:
Considering the substantial market size and the evident trends, the
introduction of Fbittut positions itself strategically in the coaching
services sector. With a focus on the specific needs of FPT University
Danang students, including both newcomers and seniors, Fbittut
aims to capture a significant market share by providing a
comprehensive and personalized coaching experience. The emphasis
on digital platforms aligns with the industry trend, offering a modern
and accessible solution for students seeking mentorship and
guidance in their academic journey.
Innovative Technology - The website is modularized for easy upgrading and maintenance
Demographic - Gender: Female
- Age: 19
- Major: Digital Marketing
- Location: Da Nang
- Income: Financial support from family (How much?)
- Demonstrating determination for academic excellence.
- Nonactively participates in extracurricular activities and
attends school events.
- Regularly uses social media, particularly Instagram and
- Frequently checks email and engages in online groups.
Industry: Coaching service - sharing: knowledge - experience - student life.
In general, coaching services have many businesses participating in this field. But for FPT
Danang student customers, no one has determined that this will be their specific customer file,
and there is no product for this customer. There are only a few individuals, as well as student
forums, that provide this knowledge. So we can consider this to be the biggest competitor
Competitor 1: Fanpages, website, Forum - Ex: “ Hội săn học bổng FPT” ; “Phòng Công Tác Sinh
Viên ĐH FPT Đà Nẵng”; “ FLearning - Học để lấy Cóc Vàng”
Strength: Weakness
- Vast source of information, easy access, low -Difficult to find information as needed
Opportunity: Threat:
Opportunity: Threat:
- Enhance education and skill development: - Competition from other experts and
Have opportunities to learn and develop new professional organizations: Facing
skills through participating in courses, competition from many other coaching
seminars, and training programs. experts in the market.
Positioning Map: In this industry, we consider four important factors to determine the position
and level of influence of the brand on the market.
Map 1: Price - Service