Men and Women
Men and Women
Men and Women
1 Look at the w ords and phrases in bold in these sentences and decide if w e generally consider them
to have a positive connotation or a negative connotation.
3 It's a fact that, w h e n it comes to p ro m o tin g th e ir employees, some com panies still discriminate on
the basis o f som eone's sex. Positive / N egative
5 Professional businesswom en, especially those in senior m a na ge m en t positions, are m ore astute
than m en. Positive / N egative
10 As far he is concerned, w o m e n are little m ore tha n sex objects. Positive / N e ga tive
2 Use the w ords and phrases in the box to complete the conversation.
Chris: I th in k th a t cleaning and cooking are a w om an's job . A fte r all, m en are no good at
Sam: I disagree.
Sam: In w h a t w ay?
topic-specific vocabulary
Men & women
Chris: In the w a y th a t there are a lot of things they can't d o as w ell as m en can . Such as, er, w ell, I
can't th in k of a nyth in g in particular at the m om ent.
Sam: Exactly.
Sam: I've never heard such unreconstructed rubbish. Thank goodness the 4.......................................................
exists to prevent your views being put into practice. A n d I suppose you think that w om en are only
good for changing babies' nappies, and other tedious aspects of 5.........................................................
Sam: W ell, all I can say is th a t I'm glad yo u r ideas of 8 ...................................................... ...... are n o t shared
by most people.
Chris: Nonsense! A lot of people believe in traditional 9 ............................................ ................: the man
goes o u t to w o rk , the w o m a n stays at hom e. It's as simple as that.
Sam: M en at w o rk and w om en at hom e? Com e on, love, those are such typical
1 0 .................................................................... W ith people like you around, the
1 1...........................................................w ill continue to rage on and on.
Sam: Sorry, Christine, but w e 're in the tw en ty-first century now. You need to m ove w ith the times.
3 Complete this essay w ith words and phrases from Exercises 1 and 2. In some cases, more than one
answer is possible.
topic-specific vocabulary Men & women
Take the office w orkplace as an example. For years, businesses and com panies w ere
7 Th e directors, managers and othe r senior executives w ere always
male, the secretaries and personal assistants almost always female. This was probably because m en
w ere traditionally seen as m ore 8............................................................ . m ore able to deal w ith the cu t-an d -
thrust of business. However, n o w w o m e n are proving th a t they can be just as to u g h , if not tougher,
w hile sim ultaneously being m ore 9 ............................................................and caring. In fact, in m any ways,
w o m e n are m uch better at 10............................................................ . w hich is vital in m odern business w h e re
you are expected to do m ore than one job. A n d thanks to the 11............................................................ . w o m e n
are paid the same as m en. It w o u ld appear that, in m any cases, the 12............................................................ is
a dying breed (alth o ugh , unfortunately, there are still m any 13............................................................ men in
the w orkplace w h o think they can do everything and anything better than their fem ale colleagues,
and there are still cases w h e re w o m e n clim bing up th ro u g h the ranks ge t to a p oin t w h e re the y hit a
14............................................................ and cannot clim b any higher).
The good news, therefore, is th a t w o m e n no longer need to feel the y are regarded as m ere
19.............................................................................................................................................. o r the underdogs in a 20.w ith
21.................................................................... In fact, m any believe th a t in the 22........................................................... ..
it is w o m e n w h o have com e o u t on top.