Comparison of Transient Modeling Techniques For A Micro Turbine Engine
Comparison of Transient Modeling Techniques For A Micro Turbine Engine
Comparison of Transient Modeling Techniques For A Micro Turbine Engine
dΩ W& C + W&T + W& l To account for the accumulation, volumes were included in
= (6)
the model, as shown in Figure 1. The transient conservation
dt ΩI Rotating Components equations for a component were based on its exit conditions.
This is known as the inter-component volume method. The
The fuel flow was modeled with equation (7). The If was steady state results were based on the inlet conditions to the
assumed to be a constant, representing the inertia of the fuel component and steady state calculations, such as performance
system. The change in flow rate was forced by the difference maps. The components were assumed to have no volume and,
between the fuel set point, based on the control voltage applied, therefore, no storage capacity and the exit values are referred to
and fuel flow. The control voltage was calculated with a PID as quasi-steady-state. Immediately following them is the
control system algorithm, and the control settings were volume of the component, which does nothing but store, in this
identical to those used on the experimental engine. To further case, the mass.
mimic the test bed, the speed and control voltage were digitized The conservation of mass in the volume is given by
to match the resolution of the 8 bit data acquisition and control equation (8) [5]. Applying the ideal gas assumption and the
board. inter-component volume method then yields equation (9).
Further, the small Mach number assumption allows the
dm& f m& f set − m& f
= (7) stagnation pressure and temperature to be used in place of the
dt If static values, which will not significantly affect the models’
results [6]. This was important since it allowed a direct
The transient solver yielded the rotational speed and the solution from the information provided by the transient solver.
fuel flow, which, combined with the inlet conditions, defined If the static values were used, the solution would become
the engine operation. A modified version of the aero-thermal iterative and significantly slow down the calculations.
steady-state solution then calculated the engine operating point
{Davison, 2004 79 /id}. ∂ρ m& in − m& out
= (8)
This procedure required only two transient equations, but ∂t V
needed an iterative solution of the steady state equations for
every solution of the transient equations. However, if the ∂p (m& ss − m& )RTss
transient equations could define the operation of each = (9)
component the need for an iterative steady state solution would ∂t V
be eliminated, resulting in more rapid solutions for the same
time step size. With the small Mach number assumption equation (9)
yielded the differential equation (10) for the inlet plenum.
Gas dynamic transients Similar equations were applied to each component and solved
The next stage of modeling incorporated the conservation for the outlet pressure of each volume. Since only the
of mass. During steady state operation, the mass flow into a conservation of mass equations were being applied in this case,
component equals the flow out, but under transient conditions the transient and steady state stagnation pressures and
the density in a component changes and mass either temperatures were equivalent. This version will be referred to
accumulates or is ejected, resulting in a different inlet and as the mass model.
outlet flow rate.
model assumed that the conduction through the component was 126
= (23)
engine model and details on the test rig are given by Davison Set point Op. Engine 1 Op. Engine 2 Shaft Thermal
and Birk [12]. The shaft transient formed the basis of all the
other transient solutions, and the addition of gas dynamic Figure 3: Comparison of shaft speed for 2 experimental
transients had little effect on the overall engine response. The engine runs with shaft and thermal transient models, for
addition of thermal transients had a slight effect on the shaft acceleration from 118.2 to 126.0 kRPM
model, and continued to affect the result over relatively long
time duration.
1.05 1.00
1.04 0.98
To6/T o6 t=0
To6/T o6 t=0
1.03 0.96
1.02 0.94
1.01 0.92
1.00 0.90
0.99 0.88
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20
Time (s) Time (s)
Op. Engine 1 Op. Engine 2 Shaft Thermal Op. Engine 1 Op. Engine 2 Shaft Thermal
Figure 4: Comparison of To6 for 2 experimental engine runs Figure 7: Comparison of To6 for 2 experimental engine runs
with shaft and thermal transient model, for acceleration with shaft transient model, for deceleration from 126.0 to
from 118.2 to 126.0 kRPM 102.5 kRPM
1.19 1.05
1.17 1.00
1.15 0.95
mfuel /mfuel t=0
mfuel /m fuel t=0
1.03 0.70
1.01 0.65
0.99 0.60
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20
Time (s) Time (s)
Op. Engine 1 Op Engine 2 Shaft Thermal Op. Engine 1 Op Engine 2 Shaft Thermal
Figure 5: Comparison of fuel consumption for 2 Figure 8: Comparison of fuel consumption for 2
experimental engine runs with shaft and thermal transient experimental engine runs with shaft transient model, for
model, for acceleration from 118.2 to 126.0 kRPM deceleration from 126.0 to 102.5 kRPM
The optimal time step size for each technique is given in
120 Table 1. The optimal time step was chosen based on the error
compared to the previous time step and the time required to run
N (kRPM)
115 the simulation. The time steps were varied by a factor of 10.
Table 1 is based on a test case defined as follows:
Nstart=118.2 kRPM
105 Nend=126.0 kRPM (becomes set point at t=0.99s)
Tamb=293.0 K
0 5 10 15 20
Pamb=101.325 kPa
Time (s) AH=0
Set point Op. Engine 1 Op. Engine 2 Shaft Thermal Processor: P3 - 800MHz
Figure 6: Comparison of shaft speed for 2 experimental The error was defined as the difference in time to reach
engine runs with shaft transient model, for deceleration 120 kRPM for the particular step size compared to the case
from 126.0 to 102.5 kRPM with the smallest step. For the shaft transient this resulted in
Figure 9. A 1ms step size appeared to be optimal. The run
time increased very sharply when moving to a 0.1ms step size,
and the error increased sharply when moving up to the 10ms
0.7 0.07
Relative Run Time
0.6 0.06 approached the gas temperature the fastest. This was expected,
since the blades are similar to fins in the flow, allowing for
0.5 0.05
0.4 0.04 enhanced heat transfer.
0.3 0.03 Figure 12 examines the later part of the deceleration from
0.2 0.02 126.0 to 102.5kRPM. It shows the turbine rotor temperatures
0.1 0.01 and the fuel flow, and demonstrates the effect of the fuel
0.0 0.00 control system on the temperature. Each time the fuel flow
0.1 1 10 100 decreased, the gas temperature reacted in a corresponding
Step Size (ms)
fashion. The turbine blades, with the high heat transfer
Run Time Error coefficient and relatively low mass, tracked the gas
temperature, but lagged slightly behind and damped out the
Figure 9: Error and relative run time for standard test case effect. The other components showed no effect, at this scale,
with decreasing step size for shaft transient model from the changes in gas temperature, due to the increased
damping created by the greater mass and reduced heat transfer
effectiveness. This detail may be of little practical value for
Table 1: Comparison of transient models running test case this engine, but does provide interesting insights into engine
comparing run times and error in engine operating time to response and the potential thermal stresses in the components.
reach 120kRPM
927 3.125
model. Since the CDP is not strongly dependent on the energy
926 3.115 conservation, the mass simulation did not show any unusual
925 3.105 spikes. Again the shaft, mass and energy models converge,
924 3.095
despite taking different paths to get there. The thermal model
once more diverged as time passed. However, Figure 14 shows
923 3.085
the thermal model started to re-converge, but after seconds
922 3.075 instead of milliseconds.
30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Instead of plotting parameters with time it is instructive to
Time (s)
plot the running line on the compressor performance map, as in
Tg T blade T rim T diaphragm T outer casing Fuel
Figure 18. This plot shows the first 9 milliseconds after the
opening, and the sharp changes in the shaft model and the
Figure 12: Turbine rotor average gas and component
smoothed paths of the gas dynamic models are apparent.
temperatures for deceleration from 126.0 to 102.5 kRPM
difference between the shaft, mass and energy models. The 125.0
control system prevented any large spikes in fuel flow, so the
engine did not change state rapidly enough that accumulation in
the control volumes significantly affected the operating point.
Plots similar to Figure 3 to ***will not be presented, since at
that scale the curves from the mass and energy models were 124.0
coincident to the shaft curves. 0 1 2 3 4 5
The mass and energy transients affected the results on a Time (s)
small time scale when a sudden change in engine operation Set point Shaft Mass Energy Energy Thermal
occurred, such as the failure of a seal or plug after the
compressor. To model a similar failure a 5mm diameter hole Figure 13: Comparison of transient models of shaft speed
was inserted 10ms into the simulation. Figure 13 compares the for bleed air through 5mm diameter hole at 0.01s for 5s
various models’ predicted shaft speed, and Figure 14 compares after opening
the predicted CDP. Over the long time period shown in these
figures, the only significant difference was in the thermal
0.995 0.998
0.990 0.996
P o3/P o3 t=0
P 03 /P 03 t=0
0.985 0.994
0.980 0.992
0.975 0.990
0.970 0.988
0 1 2 3 4 5 -1 1 3 5 7 9
Time (s) Time (ms)
Shaft Mass Energy Energy Thermal Shaft Mass Energy Energy Thermal
Figure 14: Comparison of transient models of CDP for Figure 17: Comparison of transient models of CDP for
bleed air through 5mm diameter hole at 0.01s for 5s after bleed air through 5mm diameter hole at 10ms (adjusted to
opening 0ms on graph) for 9ms after opening
126.02 3.249
126.00 3.243
125.98 3.237
N (kRPM)
125.96 3.231
125.94 3.225
125.92 3.219
125.90 3.213
-1 1 3 5 7 9 0.968 0.971 0.974 0.977 0.980 0.983
Time (ms) mrel
Set point Shaft Mass Energy Energy Thermal Shaft Mass Energy Energy Thermal
Figure 15: Comparison of transient models of shaft speed Figure 18: Comparison of transient models on compressor
for bleed air through 5mm diameter hole at 10ms (adjusted performance map for bleed air through 5mm diameter hole
to 0ms on graph) for 9ms after opening at 10ms plotted for 9ms after opening
The mass transient model was the best choice for most
1.010 uses. For gas path parameters the difference between it and the
1.008 thermal energy model was less than the difference between the
T o6/T o6 t=0
models and the experimental results, but the addition of heat
soak did bring the solution closer to the experimental results.
The time required for a solution was the deciding factor with
1.002 the mass model being the fastest.
1.000 If the temperature of the engine itself was required, the
thermal models would be useful. This could, for example, be
-1 1 3 5 7 9 the case for tip clearance studies. It also provided insight into
Time (ms) the engine behaviour that could not be otherwise easily
Shaft Mass Energy Energy Thermal
obtained. Unless small time scale response was necessary, the
shaft version of the thermal model was superior, since it ran
Figure 16: Comparison of transient models of EGT for twice as fast as the energy thermal model. This was the only
bleed air through 5mm diameter hole at 10ms (adjusted to case where the shaft model was faster than the gas dynamic
0ms on graph) for 9ms after opening solutions. For an engine this size the basic shaft model was
much slower than the gas dynamic models. Its only advantage
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