Additional Reviewer Insti

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ADDITIONAL REVIEWER 1:225; e) Health and Welfare personnel-to-

inmate ratio is 1:80; and f) Behavior

Modification personnel-to-inmate ratio is 1:150.
 NATIONAL PENITENTIARIES Contraband was commonly described in the
past as any material that might be used for an
ART. 29. Period of preventive imprisonment escape or used to take advantage of other
deducted from term of imprisonment. – inmates. Such items as matches, money,
Offenders or accused who have undergone pornographic pictures, guns, drugs and tools are
preventive imprisonment shall be credited in generally considered as contraband. Any item
the service of their sentence consisting of can be placed on the list of contraband if it is
deprivation of liberty, with the full time during perceived as a threat to orderly operation of jail
which they have undergone preventive or prison. At present, contraband is described as
imprisonment if the detention prisoner agrees any item found on the inmate or in his
voluntarily in writing after being informed of the possession or in his dorm that is not specifically
effects thereof and with the assistance of authorized by the rules.
counsel to abide by the same disciplinary rules
imposed upon convicted prisoners. A “shakedown”- been examined for contraband

Illegal contraband - unlawful in itself and not

because of some extraneous circumstance (i.e.
Detainee – an inmate who is undergoing dangerous drugs, weapons, potential weapons,
investigation/trial or awaiting final judgment. explosives);

nuisance contraband - are those that may not

Detainee’s Manifestation if he/she agrees to be classified as illegal under the law but are
abide by the same disciplinary rules imposed forbidden by jail rules (i.e. cellphone, money or
upon convicted inmates. Otherwise, the warden other commodities of exchange such as jewelry,
issues a certification under oath manifesting appliances and gadgets, excessive wearing
that the inmate was apprised of the provision of apparels and sleeping paraphernalia.
Art 29 of the RPC as amended and refused to Intoxicating liquors, cigarettes, pornographic
abide by the same; materials, gambling paraphernalia and other
products that are considered vices).
Increase of Personnel. The BuCor shall maintain
the custodial personnel-to-inmate ratio of 1:7 Expensive Jewelry is NOT ALLOWED but if it’s
for three (3) shifts and reformation personnel-
to-inmate ratio of 1:24 for one (1) shift.

The reformation ratio is broken down into the PUNISHABLE ACTS - An inmate is strictly
following: prohibited from committing any of the following
acts: 1. MINOR OFFENSES: a. Selling or bartering
a) Moral and Spiritual personnel-to-inmate ratio with fellow inmate(s) those items not classified
is 1:240; b) Education and Training personnel-to- as contraband; b. Rendering personal service to
inmate ratio is 1:120; c) Work and Livelihood fellow inmate(s); Untidy or dirty personal
personnel-to-inmate ratio is 1:180; d) Sports appearance; d. Littering or failing to maintain
and Recreation personnel-to-inmate ratio is
cleanliness and orderliness in his/her quarters items with jail personnel; d. Keeping in his/her
and/or surroundings; e. Making frivolous or possession money, jewelry, cellular phones or
groundless complaints; f. Taking the cudgels for other communication devices and other items
or reporting complaints on behalf of other classified as contraband under the rules; e.
inmates; g. Reporting late for inmate formation Tattooing others or allowing him/her to be
and inmate headcount without justifiable tattooed on any part of the body, or keeping any
reasons; and h. Willful waste of food. 2. LESS paraphernalia to be used in tattooing; f. Forcibly
GRAVE OFFENSES: a. Failure to report for work taking or extorting money from fellow inmates
detail without sufficient justification; b. Failure and visitors; g. Punishing or inflicting injury or
to render assistance to an injured personnel or any harm upon himself/herself or other
inmate; c. Failure to assist in putting out fires inmates; h. Receiving, keeping, taking or
inside the jail; d. Behaving improperly or acting drinking liquor and prohibited drugs; i. Making,
boisterously during religious, social and other improvising or keeping any kind of deadly
group functions; e. Swearing, cursing or using weapon; j. Concealing or withholding
profane or defamatory language directed at information on plans of attempted escapes; k.
other persons; f. Malingering or pretending to Unruly conduct and flagrant disregard for
be sick to skip work assignment; g. Spreading discipline and instructions; Escaping, attempting
rumors or malicious intrigues to besmirch the or planning to escape from the institution or
honor of any person, particularly BJMP from any guard; m. Helping, aiding or abetting
personnel; h. Failure to stand at attention and others to escape; n. Fighting, causing any
give due respect when confronted by or disturbance or participating therein and/or
reporting to any BJMP personnel; i. Forcing agitating to cause such disturbance or riot; o.
fellow inmates to render personal service to Indecent, immoral or lascivious acts by
him/her and/or to others; j. Exchanging himself/herself or others and/or allowing
uniforms or wearing clothes other than those himself/herself to be the subject of such
issued to him/her for the purpose of indecent, immoral or lascivious acts; p. Willful
circumventing jail rules; k. Loitering or being in disobedience to a lawful order issued by any
an unauthorized place; l. Using the telephone BJMP personnel; q. Assaulting any BJMP
without authority from the desk officer/warden; personnel; r. Damaging any government
m. Writing, defacing, or drawing on walls, floors property or equipment; s. Participating in
or any furniture or equipment; n. Withholding kangaroo court, an unauthorized or irregular
information, which may be inimical or court conducted with disregard for or
prejudicial to the jail administration; o. perversion of legal procedures as a mock court
Possession of lewd or pornographic literature by the inmates in a jail/prison; t. Affiliating with
and/or photographs; p. Absence from cell, any gang or faction whose main purpose is to
brigade, place of work during headcount, or at foment regionalism or to segregate themselves
any time without justifiable reason; and q. from others; u. Failing to inform the authorities
Failure to turn over any implement/article/s concerned when afflicted with any
issued after work detail. 3. GRAVE OFFENSES: a. communicable disease, such as tuberculosis,
Making untruthful statements or lies in any sexually-transmitted diseases, etc.; v. Engaging
official communication, transaction, or in gambling or any game of chance; w.
investigation; b. Keeping or concealing keys or Committing any act which violates any law or
locks of places in the jail which are off-limits to ordinance, in which case, he/she shall be
inmates; c. Giving gifts, selling, or bartering prosecuted criminally in accordance with law;
and x. Committing any act prejudicial to good
order and discipline.

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