Employees in Hotels Play A Significant Role For The Development of The Hotel
Employees in Hotels Play A Significant Role For The Development of The Hotel
Employees in Hotels Play A Significant Role For The Development of The Hotel
impacts the customers and performance of hotels. The employees are key responsible for
providing a sustainable competitive advantage for the hotels. The growth of hotel business
depends upon the job satisfaction of the employees. It is very important in the hospitality
industry to ensure the quality of customer service. Being a dynamic service sector, optimal
human resource management is required to ensure professionalism and efficiency
in service delivery of the hotel industry. The job satisfaction is the way how people feel about
their job and its various aspects or like or dislike their job. It is closely linked to that individual's
behaviour in the workplace. It is a collection of positive/ negative attitudes and feelings people
have about their work. (Kiruthiga & Magesh, 2015).
Kiruthiga, V. & Magesh, R. (2015). Gears of job satisfaction among Star Hotel employees.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. 4(1).
18563-18567. DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0401021
Employees in hotels play a significant role for the development of the hotel. The success of the
hotels depends on managing and retaining the qualified, skilled, experienced and energetic
employees. In Today's world of competitive environment, the hotel industry should try to
increase the job satisfaction among the employees by motivating them and at the same time they
should aim in developing their business. The hotel industry, being a human centric industry, the
abilities, behaviour, and attitudes of employees have become the very foundation stone of the
business and they also play a critical role in guest satisfaction/dissatisfaction which ultimately
leads to success/failure of an organization. Considering the importance of employees,
organizations are emphasizing on satisfying their employees as it leads to higher productivity,
low turnover, reduced absenteeism, increased morale and above all increases the commitment
level toward the organization (Kumar & Kumar, 2016).
Kumar, S. & Kumar, M. (2016). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment in hospitality
industry- An empirical study. Amity Research Journal of Tourism, Aviation and Hospitality,1(2),
Job satisfactions are a set attitude towards work and job satisfaction is required by all employees
which affects turnover, absenteeism and performance. Employees that are more satisfied with
their jobs or work are less absent and would stay on longer in their jobs compared to the least
satisfied employees. Employee job satisfaction in the hotel industry is determined by a variety of
factors, the work itself, wages or salaries, growth and upward mobility, supervision, colleagues
and attitude towards work. The employee will be satisfied if they are happy with the working
environment, getting the right rewards and recognition from the management, getting a kind of
job guarantee and security from the organization. Job satisfaction is the combination of
psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances that cause a person truthfully to
say that he/she is satisfied with his/her job. Job satisfaction is a set of factors that cause a feeling
of satisfaction. Job satisfaction is the pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of
one's job as achieving or facilitating one's job values.
(Hussein, M. K. (2017). Factors affecting employee job satisfaction in the hospitality industry in
Kenya: A case study of Boma hotels, Kenya. A research project submitted to School of
Management and Leadership, The Management University of Africa.
George and Jones (2008) focused Job satisfaction as a collection of feelings and beliefs that
people have about their current job like type of work, co-workers’ attitude and pay offered. Job
satisfaction is the response, attitude, behaviour of an employee towards various
facets of job which directly effects on increasing productivity, enhancing customers' satisfaction,
encouraging better performance and efficiency. Role conflict, burnout, socialization and work
autonomy are the influencing factors on job satisfaction in the hospitality industry. A positive
relationship between autonomy, strategic attention, role benefit, and employee engagement with
satisfaction. Autonomy and independence, greater power of decision making, flexible schedules,
better working conditions, and training are greater contributors to greater satisfaction and wages
and reduced benefits promotes dissatisfaction to employees of the hotel sector. George and Jones
George, J.M. & Jones, G.R. (2008). Understanding and managing organizational behaviour, 5th
ed., New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
A higher level of job satisfaction can have a direct impact on increasing the financial
performance of the hotel. A work environment where employees can achieve a feeling of
satisfaction can be linked to quality of service and retaining quality employees. When employees
know what is expected of them, they are more likely to meet role obligations and are more
satisfied with their job. Employee attitudes and opinions about their colleagues and the work
environment may make all the difference between workers' merely doing a good job and
delivering exceptional guest service. (Borralha, et al. 2016).
Borralha, S., Jesus, S., Pinto, P. & Viseu, J. (2016). Job satisfaction of hotel employees: A
systematic review of the literature. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 4(1), 4-20.
Sharma & Biswakarma (2020)) have found hospitality industry in Nepalese context specifying
hotel sector with respect to job satisfaction of employees in employee turnover, job performance
etc. Nepal cannot be an exception to it and employee retention is a matter of concern in the
hospitality industry in Nepal. Employee turnover in the hotel sector happens when there is
dissatisfaction in the job. Therefore, the objective of the study is to analyze the factors affecting
employee job satisfaction in Nepalese hospitality industry. Therefore, this study has focused on
employee job satisfaction taking compensation and reward, working environment, career
development, job security and coworkers as factors affecting job satisfaction in hotels of
Bhaktapur, an ancient city of Nepal.
Sharma, D.R. & Biswakarma, G. (2020). Mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship
between organizational support and job performance. European Business & Management. 6( 4).
84-94. doi: 10.11648/j.ebm.20200604.13
Sthapit and Shrestha (2018) discovered that rewards and compensation helped retain entry level
employees, while employer branding was a strong retention measure for those on higher
hierarchies. They also found that balanced work life and employer branding help retain higher
age group employees, while career growth is the strongest and balanced work life the weakest
measure to retain male hotel employees in Nepal. Perceived organizational support is correlated
with perceived job satisfaction of employees in the hotel industry in Nepal. They also depicted
that the perceived organizational support and perceived job performance can be strengthened
when employees perceived a satisfaction with their job. The issue of high employee turnover
rates is the problems highly reflected on hotel business, and there is only a small possibility for
hotel managers to influence this with their skills and knowledge to satisfy and retain the
employees. A high turnover rate is a critical issue in the hotel industry. A hotel spends their
efforts in training, recruiting and hiring new employees and puts in a lot of effort and money in
retaining employees. The value of employee retention in the hotel industry is irrefutable globally.
Sthapit, A. & Shrestha, B. (2018). Employee retention practices in hospitality industry in Nepal:
Investigating the moderating effect of management hierarchy, age group and Gender, Kelaniya
Journal of Human Resource Management, 13(2). 1-22. DOI: