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F3 Geog LessonWS Energy 2022-23 Student 220829

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F.3 Geography 22-23 / Energy / Lesson worksheet / p.

F.3 Geography
Topic 1:
Scramble for Energy
Name: _____________________________ Student number: __________

Unit 1: What energy resources do we use?

1.1 What major energy resources do we use? (Refer to textbook p.5)
Energy resources

____________ energy resources are energy ________________ energy resources which can
resources that will not run out only be used once and will run out one day
Examples include: Examples include:
‧ ____________ power Fossil fuels:
‧ ____________ power ‧ ____________
‧ ____________ power ‧ ____________
‧ Water power (_______________ ‧ ____________
power, ____________ power and wave
power) ‧ ___________ power
‧ ____________ (biofuel and fuelwood)

1.2 What are the most widely used and energy resources in the world? (Refer to
textbook p.6-7)
‧ The three most used energy resources in the world Global consumption of energy
are ____________, __________ and ____________. resources in 2015
‧ These energy resources are known as ____________. Energy resource Share (%)
They are ____________ energy resources. They were Oil 33
formed millions of years ago from the remains of Coal 27
dead ____________ and ____________. Natural gas 24
‧ This kind of energy resources are widely used as they HEP 7
are ____________ and ____________ to mine and Nuclear power 4
transport. At the same time, they produce much Others 5
energy. In addition, they are ____________ to use.

1.3 What are fossil fuels? Where are they? (Refer to textbook p.8-9)

Coal reserves are mainly found in Oil and natural gas reserves are heavily concentrated in
____________ the ____________
F.3 Geography 22-23 / Energy / Lesson worksheet / p.2

Unit 2: Why do we have to scramble for energy resources?

2.1 The mismatch of energy-producing countries and energy-consuming

countries (refer to textbook p.12-13)
A. Energy balance and the type of country
Criteria Energy balance/ condition Type of country
Energy production >
Energy consumption
Energy production >
Energy consumption
Energy production >
Energy consumption

B. Balance between production and consumption of fossil fuels for the major producers and
consumers in 2019
Country Coal Oil Natural gas
China Deficit Deficit Deficit
USA Surplus Deficit Surplus
Russia Surplus Surplus Surplus
Australia Surplus Deficit Surplus
Saudi Arabia Balanced Surplus Balanced
India Deficit Deficit Deficit
Note: ‘Surplus’ means ‘production > consumption’; ‘deficit’ means ‘production < consumption’; and ‘balanced’
means ‘production = consumption’.

Some countries, e.g. Russia and Saudi Some countries, e.g. _ and
Arabia, have a of fossil , do not produce enough fossil
fuels fuels to meet their demand

. _______ of energy-producing countries and energy-consuming countries

_______ for energy resources

C. What can countries do when they do not produce enough fossil fuels to meet their own
‧ maintaining good relationships with the energy- ____________ countries;
‧ ____________ in the energy industry in the energy-exporting countries;
‧ building ____________ and ____________ facilities to ensure smooth transport of fuels; and
‧ developing alternative energy resources, such as ________________________
F.3 Geography 22-23 / Energy / Lesson worksheet / p.3

2.2 Insufficient fossil fuel reserves to meet the increasing demand (refer to textbook

‧ The global consumption of fossil fuels has been ____________ in past decades.
‧ The consumption will further ____________ in the future.
‧ However, fossil fuels are expected to run out in about ____________.

Consumption of oil in the USA, 1965–2015 Consumption of oil in China, 1965–2015

More developed countries (MDCs) Less developed countries (LDCs)

‧ High levels of ____________ and ‧ Rapid ____________ and economic
industrial development development in recent decades
‧ High ____________ standards ‧ Rapid ____________ growth
‧ ____________ in living standards

Increasing demand for ____________ fuels, which will run out one day

‧ Fossil fuels are ____________ resources with limited supply

‧ ____________ to extract new fossil fuel reserves
F.3 Geography 22-23 / Energy / Lesson worksheet / p.4

Countries scramble for energy resources

2.3 What problems will the shortage of oil cause? (Refer to Textbook p.17)
A. Economic disruption
‧ Energy production may decrease due to ___________________________________________
of countries, which may result in a ____________ energy price.
‧ ____________ control energy supply in the market by keeping their stocks for sale at a higher

B. Conflicts among countries

Shortage of oil
Countries want to May result in
secure a wars and
. ______ . conflicts among
Importance of oil supply
supply of oil countries
to _______ .
F.3 Geography 22-23 / Energy / Lesson worksheet / p.5

Unit 3: What are other problems with current energy resources?

3.1 How do fossil fuels cause global warming? (Refer to Textbook p.21-23)

A. What is greenhouse effect?

B. What is the relationship between carbon dioxide emission by fossil fuels and the global
average temperature?

As the global emission of carbon dioxide by fossil fuels ____________, the global average
temperature gets ____________. They are ________________________.

Global emissions of carbon dioxide by fossil fuels from Global average temperature
1971 to 2013 from 1880 to 2015

C. How does burning fossil fuels causes global warming?

‧ Burning fossil fuels from transport, ____________ activity and electricity generation gives out
large quantities of ________________________.
‧ It is a kind of ____________ ________(GHG) which traps heat and keeps the earth warm.
‧ With the increase of GHGs, the greenhouse effect is ____________
‧ That results in a ____________ in average global temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. It is
called ________________________.
F.3 Geography 22-23 / Energy / Lesson worksheet / p.6

3.2 What are the pollution problems caused by fossil fuels?

A. Air pollution (Refer to Textbook p.24)

Fossil fuels ( especially

____________) are
burned during ________ Releases air pollutants such
generation, __________ as ____________
and _________ activities ____________ , Poses risk on human health
____________ such as ____________
____________, causing air ____________

When these chemical gases Damage ____________, e.g.

mixed with moisture and stone statues and
The burning process oxygen in the cloud, they ____________ areas
emits air pollutants, such will change into
as ____________ and ____________ and Killing plants and fish,
____________ ____________, forming damaging natural
____________ ____________

B. Water pollution (Refer to Textbook p.25)

Extracting or Accidents may sometimes

transporting oil occur, e.g. ____________

________ ____________, Damaging the

which contains poisonous Water
Mining coal ____________
chemicals, is washed into pollution
rivers or seas

Burning fossil Power plants may release

fuels to generate hot water into rivers or
electricity seas (________ pollution)

C. Land disruption (Refer to Textbook p.27)

‧ When coal is extracted through

____________ ____________,
vegetation and the ____________ are
removed. The barren land becomes
‧ Extracting coal from underground
mines may cause the ground surface
above to collapse, leading to
____________ ____________.
F.3 Geography 22-23 / Energy / Lesson worksheet / p.7

D. What problems caused by the use of fuelwood? (Refer to Textbook p.28)

Fuel wood is common in less developed countries
‧ it is ____________ to use
‧ ____________ (an infinite source of energy)
(1) Inefficient in producing energy
(2) Health problems
‧ If fuelwood is burnt insufficiently, smoke and ____________ are given out
‧ Burning fuelwood indoor releases ____________ ____________, which is toxic
(3) Environmental problems
Higher demand for
Population growth energy source
Problems Wood is being used
quicker than it can be
replaced by growth
____________ ____________ will Land will become
results become serious ____________ (with little,
or no plants)
Environment will Whole ecosystem
no longer be will be affected
suitable for life

Unit 4: Is nuclear power a good alternative?

4.1 How is nuclear power generated? (Refer to Textbook p.34)
‧ Nuclear fission of ____________ (i.e. splitting of uranium atoms) in the nuclear reactor
produces large amounts of ________ energy, which boils up water for electricity generation
‧ In Hong Kong, about 15% of energy consumption come from nuclear power

4.2 What are the advantages of nuclear power? (Refer to Textbook p.35)

Advantage of nuclear power

Cleanliness It is relatively clean as it produces no ________ pollutants and
____________ gases during electricity generation
Efficiency of fuel It is efficient because a very small amount of ____________ can produce
massive power
Cost The fuel cost and ____________ costs are

Reliability It is reliable because it can generate electricity

F.3 Geography 22-23 / Energy / Lesson worksheet / p.8

4.3 What are the problems with nuclear power? (Refer to Textbook p.36-40)
Disadvantage of nuclear power
Fuel supply Fuel supply is ____________ as uranium will run out one day

Safety  Leakage of ____________ substances from nuclear power

plants can cause radiation hazards, which are very harmful to
people, animals and plants
 Areas affected by radiation hazards will be inhabitable.
People will need to ___________
 Radiation can contaminate land and water. This affects
____________ and ____________ activities

Explosion of Fukushima Daiichi reactors on 11 March 2011

Environmental impact
 Waste disposal  It is ____________ to dispose of the nuclear waste because it
remains radioactive for hundreds of years
 Pollution problem  Releasing hot water from nuclear power plants may lead to
____________ pollution and cause ____________ bleaching
 Mining and transporting uranium may cause ____________
and ____________ pollution
Cost The ____________ and maintenance costs of nuclear power plants
are high
F.3 Geography 22-23 / Energy / Lesson worksheet / p.9

Unit 5: Are renewable energy resources good alternatives?

5.1 What are the trends of using renewable energy resources? (Refer to Textbook p.42-44)

 Renewable energy resources are becoming

____________ important in the world.
 ____________ is expected to be the most important
renewable energy resource in the future

5.2 How do different types of renewable energy generate electricity? What are
their advantages?
Solar Power Wind Power Hydroelectric Power Biofuel
(Refer to Textbook p.36-37) (Refer to Textbook p.38-39) (Refer to Textbook p.42-43) (Refer to Textbook p.45-46)

‧ ______________ ‧ Wind currents move ‧ A __________ is Two types of biofuels:

are installed to tap the ______________ constructed to store (1) ______________:

the sunlight. of the ___________ water in the produced by sugars from

‧ Solar energy ______________. _________ behind. crops such as _________
_____________ the ‧ The ‧ As water flows and ______________.
water in pipes. The ______________ through the dam, (2) ______________:
water turns into inside the wind falling water pushes produced by oil from
______________. turbines turns kinetic the ___________, plants such as
The steam drives energy from the wind drives the __________ oil and palm
the to electricity. generators to oil, waste cooking oil,
______________ to generate electricity. animal fats and fish oil.
produce electricity.
Abundant in ‧ Normally built in Normally built in a ‧ Large piece of
______________ as places with _______ river course with _____________ is

there is few cloud and _______ wind _____________ required for growing
cover speed gradient and high _____________
‧ More wind farms are _____________. ‧ Depends on whether
build in the _______ __________________
is available
______________availa -- Electricity generation Since crops can be grown
ble, as it can be tapped is more locally, it reduces the

when there is sunshine. ______________ than need of ______________

solar and wind power. fossil fuels.
In Common:
‧ ______________, clean (no ______________), low ______________ cost (except biofuel), safe.
F.3 Geography 22-23 / Energy / Lesson worksheet / p.10

5.3 What are the limitations and problems arise from using renewable energy
Solar Power Wind Power Hydroelectric Power Biofuel
(Textbook p.36-37) (Textbook p.38-39) (Textbook p.42-43) (Textbook p.45-46)
‧ The cost of ‧ Costly to ‧ Costly to build It is expensive to
manufacturing manufacture and the dam/ HEP refine biofuels.
solar panels is set up wind power plants
higher than setting turbines, ‧ High
cost up ____________ particularly the compensation
_______________ ______________ cost for
ones. ______________
of people.
‧ Only available Need _____________ Electricity generation The supply of fuel
Unstable during and ______________ will be affected crops is affected by
electricity ______________ wind speed over a during the _____________
generation ‧ Its production ____________ period ______________. and _____________.
(Low varies with of time in order to run This in turn affects
______________ the wind turbines. the supply of
Manufacturing solar ‧ ______________ ‧ Reservoir behind ‧ As more land is
panels causes produced by wind the dam ________ cleared for
______________, as turbines may a large area of growing fuel
toxic materials such frighten away settlements. crops, it reduces
as ______________ birds and animals. ‧ The dam will the
and lead are involved It may be also change the natural ______________
in making solar annoying to environment. This of natural habitats.
Environmental panels people. disturbs fish and ‧ The clearance of
impact ‧ Blades may kill other __________ land means fewer
______________ in the river. trees to absorb
and bats. ‧ Sediment supply to ______________
‧ To some people, the downstream in the atmosphere.
wind turbines area is _________.
cause This lowers the
______________. ______________
of farmland there.
It requires a --- A serious disaster ‧ _____________ is
______________ may occur if the dam required to grow
land area to set up ________. crops for biofuels,
solar power plants. such as ________
and ___________.
The energy used
may be as much as
the energy
‧ As crops are used
to produce
biofuels, _______
___________ may
decrease. The food
prices may _____
as a result.
F.3 Geography 22-23 / Energy / Lesson worksheet / p.11

Unit 6: How can future energy demands be met in a more sustainable


6.1 How can we meet future energy demand more sustainably? (Refer to Textbook
Fossil fuels are limited in supply and will _________ soon. In order to avoid damaging the quality
of life of ___________________, we should use and develop energy resources in a sustainable way.
Energy supply Energy demand
Increase the supply of energy that is:  ___________ energy
 clean  Improve energy ___________
 ___________
 safe
 ___________

6.2 What has Hong Kong done to use energy sustainably? (Refer to Textbook p.58-61)
Strategies Description
(1) Electricity generation
‧ Power companies are required to reduce the use of ___________ and to use
Increase the more ______________________ which is cleaner.
supply of ‧ Introducting ______________________, e.g. ______ is produced at landfills.
cleaner ‧ Promoted the use of biodiesel (made from ___________) for motor users
energy (2) Transport
‧ Encourage the use of ___________ cars through tax reductions
‧ Use ___________ batteries in cars and ferries
(1) Greener Transport
‧ Hong Kong has developed a very efficient system of public transport,
particularly the ___________ system (i.e. ___________). This helps reduce
the reliance on private cars, thus reduces energy consumption.
(2) Buildings
‧ Many new buildings are designed with energy-saving features, such as
Reduce the
______________________ and ___________ to save electricity.
demand for
‧ Less electricity is used for lowering the room temperatures by adopting
___________ and ___________ and setting room temperature at ________.
‧ Pass laws to ensure more economic use of energy in buildings.
‧ Adopting _________________________________ designs.
(3) Electrical appliances
‧ ______________________ scheme is developed to help consumers to learn
which electrical appliances are more energy-efficient.
F.3 Geography 22-23 / Energy / Lesson worksheet / p.12

6.3 What can individual do? (Refer to Textbook p.73)

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