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On The Contribution To The Alignment During An Organizational Change: Measurement of Job Satisfaction With Working Conditions

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On the contribution to the alignment during an organizational change:

Measurement of job satisfaction with working conditions

Article in Journal of Safety Research · January 2021

DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2020.12.006


41 6,284

5 authors, including:

Susana García Herrero Chaib Rachid

Universidad de Burgos University of Constantine 1


Sixto Herrera García Mébarek Djebabra

Universidad de Cantabria University of Batna 2


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Journal of Safety Research 76 (2021) 289–300

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Journal of Safety Research

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On the contribution to the alignment during an organizational change:

Measurement of job satisfaction with working conditions
Wafa Boulagouas a,b, Susana García-Herrero b,⇑, Rachid Chaib a, Sixto Herrera García c, Mébarek Djebabra d
Laboratory of Transportation Engineering and Environment, Department of Transportation Engineering, Faculty of Technology Sciences, University of Mentouri,
Conatantine1, Constantine, Algeria
Escuela Politécnica Superior, University of Burgos, Burgos, Spain
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain
Laboratory of Industrial Prevention Research, Health and Industrial Safety Institute, University of Batna2, Batna, Algeria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Introduction: Modern approaches to Occupational Health and Safety have acknowledged the important
Received 13 August 2020 contribution that continuous improvements to working conditions can make to the motivation of
Received in revised form 30 November 2020 employees, their subsequent performance, and therefore to the competitiveness of the company.
Accepted 8 December 2020
Despite this fact, organizational change initiatives represent a path less traveled by employees.
Available online 19 January 2021
Specialized literature has drawn on the fact that employees’ satisfaction presents both the foundation
and catalyst for effective implementation of improvements to working conditions. Method: This paper
conceptualizes the alignment of employees through measurement of job satisfaction and uses the
Health and safety
Organizational change
Bayesian Network to assess the influence of human factors, particularly the cognitive, emotional, and
Working conditions behavioral aspects. Toward this aim, the Bayesian Network is evaluated through a cross-validation pro-
Alignment cess, and a sensitivity analysis is then conducted for each influential dimension: emotional, cognitive, and
Bayesian Networks behavioral. Results: The results reveal that these three dimensions are interrelated and have a direct influ-
ence on job satisfaction and employees’ alignment during the organization change. Further, they suggest
that the best strategy for enhanced alignment and smooth conduct of organizational changes is simulta-
neous enhancement of the three dimensions. Practical applications: This study shows the influence of
emotional, cognitive, and behavioral dimensions on job satisfaction and employees’ alignment during
the organizational change. Furthermore, it elaborates the way to develop efficient and effective strategies
for a successful change implementation and sustained alignment.
Ó 2020 National Safety Council and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction make organizational changes aimed at modifying some specific

working conditions including restructuration and reorganization
Annually, reports and statistics in relation to work-related inju- (Montano et al., 2014).
ries, deaths, and occupational ill-health reflect the heavy cost the Changes in existing programs and structures seem to improve
world pays every year due to deficiencies in Health and Safety working conditions but at the same time create a climate of uncer-
(H&S) programs and poor working conditions. tainty and ambiguity about outcomes and their sustainability. Yet,
Despite increasing efforts to improve the quality of working life they might exacerbate the existing H&S problems and therefore fail
and make the workplace as rewarding and less threatening as pos- to bring about the desired outcomes (Gerbec, 2017). Likewise,
sible, workplace injuries are still a serious problem in many com- Sætren and Laumann (2017) have drawn on the fact that many
panies (Sadeghi, 2011; Holman & Axtell, 2016). Thus, as a way to work-related incidents and major accidents, such as the Bhopal,
improve their H&S records, many companies introduce either tech- Seveso, and Gullfaks C incidents, Macondo Blowout, and the Esso
nical resorts involving new technologies, process modifications, Gas Plant Explosion, occurred due to complex organizational and
and substitutions to minimize the likelihood of workplace injuries technological changes.
to survive (Konlechner et al., 2018; Levovnik & Gerbec, 2018) or As commonly explained by researchers (Choi & Ruona, 2011;
Rafferty & Restubog, 2017), factors influencing change outcomes
fall into three main categories: (i) unsuccessful change processes
⇑ Corresponding author. involving methods deployed to implement the change and inap-
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. García-Herrero).

0022-4375/Ó 2020 National Safety Council and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W. Boulagouas, S. García-Herrero, R. Chaib et al. Journal of Safety Research 76 (2021) 289–300

propriate organizational infrastructure to support the change ceived by employees who are recipients of the change (Daniels
implementation; (ii) the change content—for instance, modifica- et al., 2017; Neves et al., 2018). Similarly, in relation to alignment
tions to the strategy and culture of the company; and (iii) the studies, researchers (Tan & Jeyaraj, 2014; Kang, 2015) have argued
change context, covering internal and external conditions having that achieving higher performance is a question of aligning the
the potential to influence the company. macro ‘‘hard Ss” (strategy, structure, and systems) of the company
However, many scholars (Napier et al., 2017; Rosenbaum et al., with the micro ‘‘soft Ss” (skills, staff, and shared values). However,
2018) went as far as suggesting that the resistance of employees is some studies (Rothwell et al., 2015; Levkov, 2018) have asserted
the leading cause of these failures and confirmed that human fac- that in spite of the vital role of employees in the safe implementa-
tors and misalignment problems, which could be triggered by the tion of the change and in social and cultural dimensions (which
change, are critical factors that warrant more attention and cover in several respects emotional, cognitive, and behavioral
studies. aspects), these factors are still receiving less attention compared
As might be expected, many theories and frameworks have to the strategic and structural alignment.
been proposed, different empirical approaches have been devel- Indeed, the responses of employees to the change implementa-
oped, and analyses have been conducted to serve the successful tion are driven by the evaluation of the change based on psycho-
implementation and management of the change (i.e., factor analy- logical tendencies, which are framed by cognitive, emotional, and
sis [Reddick, 2011], regression trees [Li et al., 2016], structural behavioral dimensions. Regarding the emotional dimension,
equation models [Al-Ali et al., 2017], multi-criteria approaches (Bond et al., 2008) have considered that perceptions, assumptions
[Gurumurthy & Kodali, 2008]). and decisions of the employees to adapt their behaviors are
Despite the numerous merits of methods applied within change emotionally-driven.
management studies, these methods analyze current circum- For instance, prior studies (Klarner et al., 2011; Helpap &
stances and assess the change implementation feedback. More- Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, 2016) have spoken of two types of feelings
over, they are unable to consider all causality reasons that lead toward the change: (a) positive feelings seen in confidence about
to resisting the implementation of the change as a whole, while changes, enhanced mutual trust, and willingness to participate
an effective implementation and sustainable alignment require and support the change and (b) negative feelings expressed by fear,
more predictions on future changes and how an intervention on distress, and job insecurity leading to resistance.
a factor or a set of factors will influence other factors in the system. For the cognitive dimension, while summarizing a critique of
In this paper, a Bayesian Approach is used to identify and assess existing views of the change resistance, Boohene and Williams
the alignment during an organizational change considering the (2012) explained that the cognitive dimension encompasses opin-
influential human factors using Bayesian Networks (BN). Indeed, ions and beliefs about the change depending on positive and/or
the BN is considered to: (a) model the Joint Probability Distribution negative evaluation. In other words, it expresses how employees
(JPD) of all factors based on the statistical dependency given by the think and view the change: for instance, the value, advantages,
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) (Castillo et al., 2016); and (b) predict and disadvantages of the change implementation (Erwin &
consequences of interventions to enhance the alignment. Garman, 2010).
To this end, the remainder of this paper is structured around Finally, the behavioral aspects cover reactions of employees
five sections. The following section reviews the literature on the toward the change and their intention regarding what to do in
organizational change, strategies to the change management, and response to the implemented changes. For instance, cynicism,
human factors influencing the conduct of the change. Section 3 change resistance, and willingness to change and commit (Voet
introduces data used and details methods used to assess the align- et al., 2016). These behaviors are a function of personal factors
ment during the organizational change. Section 4 presents the and/or impact of the current social environment (Scherer et al.,
results of the study. Discussions and comments of findings are 2015).
given in Section 5, while Section 6 concludes this study. Another equally important question about the change manage-
ment is the definition of factors that could potentially impact these
human aspects (i.e., emotional, cognitive, and behavioral). In this
2. Background and related research regard, researchers (Stouten et al., 2018; Bögel et al., 2019) have
investigated factors contributing to the change resistance and
Changes to working conditions (i.e., reorganization, job rede- found that decisions being taken separately from employees, lack
sign, and restructuration) are becoming part of the life of many of trust in the top management, and lack of motivation and infor-
companies that seek to increase efficiency, effectiveness, produc- mation exchange are common problems encountered when imple-
tivity, and job commitment of employees and therefore respond menting changes. These factors are related to management
to current social and business market demands and keep being practices that are antecedents that correlate as driver components
competitive (Ito & Iijima, 2017). In terms of definition, organiza- of the employees’ alignment during an organizational change.
tional changes are unanticipated and inevitable events involving There is growing evidence about the multiple benefits of adopt-
ongoing and open-ended processes that imply designing to imple- ing participatory approaches to the design and implementation of
ment modifications and improvements in the structure, manage- the change. Such approaches (involving good change communica-
ment, and practices as a response to pressures exerted by tion, motivation, and integration of employees) allow engaging
circumstances that act beyond boundaries of the company (Ajmal employees in the change process, enhancing their perceptions,
& Lodhi, 2015; Král & Králová, 2016). thoughts, and opinions about the change, and gaining their contri-
As is widely accepted, organizational changes to working condi- bution to quickly align and support changes (Jalagat, 2016; von
tions create a climate of uncertainty and disagreement. These new Thiele Schwarz et al., 2017; Rogiest et al., 2018).
conditions generally take employees from their comfort zone to In the same vein, researchers (Maheshwari & Vohra, 2018;
the unknown, which most often leads to stress, anxiety over social Kumar et al., 2018; Mariscal et al., 2019) have acknowledged that
relationships, frustration, job insecurity, irrational thinking, emo- during an organizational change, supportive organizational poli-
tional behaviors, and perceptions of unfair treatment resulting in cies, enhanced social relationships, and training develop employ-
resistance (Thakur & Srivastava, 2018; King et al., 2020). In this ees’ skills and abilities promote fairness and equality and initiate
context, it has been proven that an important part of the change them to get clarity on how to meet organizational goals and over-
management relies on to what extent change is positively per- come assimilation barriers.
W. Boulagouas, S. García-Herrero, R. Chaib et al. Journal of Safety Research 76 (2021) 289–300

Similarly, commitment and change readiness, in large measure, ment to prior knowledge of the different factors. Although many
depend on stable and productive cooperative relationships (Kim software packages have been developed to efficiently learn BN,
et al., 2018). These are essentially based on emotional support built including the programming languages Python or R, in this study
through mutual trust between top management and employees. all calculations have been done using the Bayes Net (Murphy,
For instance, two years of research (Day & Lubitsh, 2012) on the 2001) Toolbox for Matlab1.
NHS complex reforms revealed that mutual trust plays a pivotal Taking advantage of properties of the BN, a sensitivity analysis
role in dealing with fear and anxiety and provides conditions that was conducted to estimate changes in the probabilities of being
encourage people to collaborate and participate in the change pro- satisfied about working conditions for each variable of the three
cess. Under the same rationale, studies (Bstieler et al., 2017; influential dimensions: emotional, cognitive, and behavioral.
Mattson Molnar et al., 2019; Newnam & Goode, 2019) found that
the trust relationship between top management and employees, 3.1.2. Cross-validation approach
during an organizational change, enhances their understanding In order to check the practical value of the obtained BN, K-fold
and knowledge leading to less fear and anxiety about the change, cross validation approach is used. It is considered more reliable
improved alignment and better performance, and acceptance of than other cross validation approaches (e.g., leave-one-out) with
the change decisions. large data set (Marcot, 2012).
In this study, a 10-fold has been developed to perform 10% of
3. Methods the entire sample as a validation set and 90% as the training set
for each partition to get the prediction for each fold, which is there-
3.1. Bayesian Network and cross-validation approach fore repeated for each subset. The prediction of the entire sample is
obtained by joining the 10 subsets and evaluated in terms of the
3.1.1. Bayesian Network AUC (Area Under the Receiver-Operating Characteristic -ROC-
BNs are probabilistic graphical models (Koller & Friedman, Curve). The AUC values range from 0 to 1, where less than 0.5
2009) that allow the conceptualization of the studied system and implies that the model more often yields wrong predictions, 0.5
development of causal knowledge through conditional dependen- implies that the model is totally random, and 1 denotes no error.
cies via a DAG (Ticehurst et al., 2007). First, this DAG is learned
by considering the score-based algorithm defined in Buntine 3.2. Data acquisition
(1992), obtaining graphical and intuitive representation of the sta-
tistical dependency between the variables included in the model. It Data used in this study come from the Sixth Eurofound’s Euro-
also simplifies the learning of the JPD based on the factorization pean Working Conditions Survey (EWCS)2. The Eurofound surveys
associated with the conditional dependencies reflected in the aim to measure working conditions across European countries and
DAG. Parameters defined by this factorization are then obtained analyze the existing relationships between different work aspects
by maximum likelihood as the ones better explaining the observed and the well-being of the employees. The Sixth EWCS is based on
data. a questionnaire of 106 questions designed to include a wide range
For many years, the BN approach was used in a wide range of of workplace issues including, but not limited to, physical work envi-
research fields (e.g., health, gene-expression, meteorology), and it ronment, work intensity, working time, social environment, work-
has recently been expanded and extensively applied to many other related health and safety risks and well-being, cognitive, emotional
study areas such as project management (Yet et al., 2016), safety and psychosocial factors, skills, trainings and participation, job secu-
culture (García-Herrero et al., 2013), organizational change man- rity, and work satisfaction. This questionnaire is administered face to
agement (Bakshan et al., 2017; Mirdamadi et al., 2018), working face to a random sample of almost 44,000 employees in 35 European
conditions (García-Herrero et al., 2012; Barrero et al., 2018), traffic countries.
safety (Febres et al., 2019) and job stress (García-Herrero et al., For the purpose of this study, the target population includes
2017). employees whose companies had experienced organizational
This approach involves uncertainty and probabilistic reasoning changes and have been directly affected by changes, and thus the
that relies on the Bayes theorem given (equation (1)) that describes sample size of this study is 9,018 employees. Only 18 questions
how the probability of an event A changes given information have been used to collect the relevant data as explained in the fol-
gained from measured variable(s) B and the factorization of the lowing section.
JPD (equation (2)) defined by the DAG based on the dataset.
3.3. Study variables and measures
PðA=BÞ ¼ ð1Þ
PðBÞ This study assesses the alignment during an organizational
Yn change considering the emotional (D1), cognitive (D2), and behav-
Pðx1 ; x2 ;    ; xn Þ ¼ i¼1
Pðxi jpi Þ ð2Þ ioral (D3) dimensions. The alignment increases proportionally with
the satisfaction of employees about new working conditions and
where pi are parents of xi variables included in the model, P(A|B) is decreases with the resistance to change due to non-satisfaction
the probability ‘‘a posteriori,” P(A) is the probability ‘‘a priori,” and P (Martinson & De Leon, 2018; Roskams & Haynes, 2019).
(B|A) is the verisimilitude. Note that events A and B could affect one To this end, we have defined question 20 (Q20) of the Sixth
or several variables in the model, and when A represents a variable, EWCS: ‘‘During the last three years has there been a restructuring or
the probability ‘‘a priori” corresponds to the marginal probability of reorganization at the workplace that has substantially affected your
this variable in the JPD. Finally, the probability ‘‘a posteriori,” P(A|B), work?” as Filter Variable (Vf) to consider only responses from
is given by the conditional probability of the event A given that the employees who have experienced an organizational change at their
occurrence of the event B is known. companies. The restructuring or reorganization (in this case) cover
In this study, BN is used, on the one hand, to obtain a graphical
representation of direct and conditional statistical dependencies 1
MATLAB para inteligencia artificial. from https://es.mathworks.com/.
between factors influencing the alignment, and on the other hand, 2
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions,
to predict the impact of potential actions on the alignment European Working Conditions Survey 2015, 3rd Edition, Colchester, Essex: UK Data
improvement as given by the conditional probabilities of the align- Archive, February 2017. SN: 8098, https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-8098–3.

W. Boulagouas, S. García-Herrero, R. Chaib et al. Journal of Safety Research 76 (2021) 289–300

a wide range of activities such as relocation, outsourcing, merging Q78h, (V15) Stress corresponds to Q61m, and (V16) Enthusiasm cor-
with or acquiring another organization, redundancies, business responds to Q90b.
expansion, or reorganization in the sense of organizational change. The cognitive dimension (D2) covers six variables whose fre-
The scale considered to measure this variable includes three possi- quencies are given in Table 2. The first variable of this dimension
ble states: (1) yes, (2) no, and (3) do not know. is (V21) Motivation and corresponds to Q89e, Cluster (C2) called
We also defined question 88 (Q88) about Job Satisfaction of the Communication includes variable (V22) is Information and corre-
Sixth EWCS: ‘‘On the whole, are you very satisfied, satisfied, not very sponds to Q21a and (V23) is Integration and corresponds to Q21b.
satisfied or not at all satisfied with working conditions in your main These two variables are grouped under Cluster (C2) called Commu-
paid job?” as Objective Variable (Vob). The scale to measure this nication. Variables (V24) is Negative Opinions and corresponds to
variable was changed to consider only three possible response cat- Q90e and (V25) is Positive Opinions and corresponds to Q90f. These
egories: (1) satisfied, (2) not satisfied, and (3) do not know. two variables are grouped under Cluster (C3) called Opinions.
The organizational change has extensive amounts of concepts, Finally, variable (V26) is Beliefs and corresponds to Q89b.
constructs, and dimensions. Considering the fact that there are a Finally, the behavioral dimension (D3) entails four variables
lot of personal and management factors that could affect the whose frequencies are given in Table 3. The first variable of this
organizational change conduct, in this study, the three dimen- dimension is (V31) Trainings and corresponds to question Q65a,
sions (emotional, cognitive, and behavioral) have been gauged (V32) Treatment corresponds to Q61l, (V33) Social Aspects corre-
with a set of variables (see appendix 1) conceptualized based sponds to Q89d, and (V33) Support corresponds to Q61b.
on the literature review presented in the previous section and
Sixth EWCS. First, the emotional dimension (D1) includes six vari- 4. Results
ables whose frequencies are given in Table 1. The first variable is
(V11) Management Trust and corresponds to Q70b, (V12) Employ- 4.1. Bayesian Network graph and validation of the model
ees Trust corresponds to Q70f, and these two variables have been
grouped under a Cluster (C1) called Mutual Trust. Variable (V13) is First, the performance validation of the obtained model as given
Job Security and corresponds to Q89g, (V14) Anxiety corresponds to by the cross-validation process is 0.845 on average, reflecting the

Table 1
Frequencies of different variables of the emotional dimension.

Emotional Dimension
V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16
States N° % N° % N° % N° % N° % N° %
1-SA or TA 6489 71.96 4864 53.94 5700 63.21
2-NAND 981 10.88 1486 16.48 1116 12.38
3-TD or SD 707 07.84 1836 20.36 1536 17.03
4-DK or Rf or NA 135 01.50 126 01.40 666 07.39
1-Y 1972 21.87
2-N 7020 77.84
3-DK or Rf 26 0.29
1-Aor MT 3135 34.76 6426 71.26
2-ST 3668 40.67 1777 19.71
3-R or N 2195 24.34 792 8.78
4-DK or Rf or NA 20 0.22 23 0.26

SA: Strongly Agree, TA: Tend to Agree, NAND: Neither Agree nor Disagree, TD: Tend to Disagree, SD: Strongly Disagree, DK: Don’t Know, Rf: Refusal, NA: Not Applicable, Y:
Yes, N: No, A: Always, MT: Most of the Time, ST: Sometimes, R: Rarely and N: Never.

Table 2
Frequencies of different variables of the cognitive dimension.

Cognitive Dimension
States V21 V22 V23 V24 V25 V26
N° % N° % N° % N° % N° % N° %
1-SA or TA 5191 57.56 3530 39.14
2-NAND 1814 20.12 1880 20.85
3-TD or SD 1777 19.71 3285 36.43
4-DKor Rf or NA 236 2.62 323 3.58
1-Y 6816 75.58 3256 36.11
2-N 2132 23.64 5674 62.92
3-DK or Rf 70 0.78 88 0.98
1-Aor MT 775 8.59 8504 94.30
2-ST 1392 15.44 428 4.75
3-R or N 6807 75.48 58 0.64
4-DK or Rf or NA 44 0.49 28 0.31

SA: Strongly Agree, TA: Tend to Agree, NAND: Neither Agree nor Disagree, TD: Tend to Disagree, SD: Strongly Disagree, DK: Don’t Know, Rf: Refusal, NA: Not Applicable, Y:
Yes, N: No, A: Always, MT: Most of the Time, ST: Sometimes, R: Rarely and N: Never.

W. Boulagouas, S. García-Herrero, R. Chaib et al. Journal of Safety Research 76 (2021) 289–300

Table 3
Frequencies of different variables of the behavioral dimension.

Behavioral Dimension
States V31 V32 V33 V34
N° Cases % N° Cases % N° Cases % N° Cases %
1-SA or TA 8157 90.45
2-NAND 442 4.90
3-TD or SD 187 2.07
4-DKor Rf or NA 232 2.57
1-Y 4152 46.04
2-N 4146 45.97
3-DK or Rf 14 0.16
1-Aor MT 6677 74.04 5023 55.70
2-ST 1008 11.18 1738 19.27
3-R or N 574 6.37 1380 15.30
4-DK or Rf or NA 53 0.59 171 1.90

SA: Strongly Agree, TA: Tend to Agree, NAND: Neither Agree nor Disagree, TD: Tend to Disagree, SD: Strongly Disagree, DK: Don’t Know, Rf: Refusal, NA: Not Applicable, Y:
Yes, N: No, A: Always, MT: Most of the Time, ST: Sometimes, R: Rarely and N: Never.

Fig. 1. The obtained BN of factors affecting the alignment during an organizational change.

robustness and high performance of the model and approaches emotional dimension is related to variable motivation (V21) of
proposed. the cognitive dimension through variable treatment (V32) of the
Second, the obtained BN graph using the variables considered in behavioral dimension.
this study to assess the alignment during an organization change is
given in Fig. 1. 4.2. Sensitivity analysis
The Objective Variable (Vob) takes a central position in the
graph having six direct relations with different variables from the In order to evaluate the impact of each influential dimension
three dimensions (emotional, cognitive, and behavioral), namely (emotional, cognitive, and behavioral), a sensitivity analysis is per-
V13, V14, V15, V16, V21, and V32. The obtained acyclic directed graph formed where probabilities of the target variable (being satisfied
also presents the existing relationships between variables of the about working conditions) are obtained evidencing in the BN each
one dimension, on the one hand, and between variables of the dimension and comparing the resulting conditioned, or ‘‘a posteri-
three dimensions, on the other hand. For instance, variables anxi- ori,” and the initial, or ‘‘ a priori,” probabilities.
ety (V14) and stress (V15) of the emotional dimension are interre- Note that the prior probability of being satisfied about working
lated and are related to the cognitive dimension through conditions is 80.56%. This initial probability gives a perspective on
motivation (V21). Similarly, Cluster (C1) mutual trust of the the current situation of the satisfaction of employees regarding

W. Boulagouas, S. García-Herrero, R. Chaib et al. Journal of Safety Research 76 (2021) 289–300

Table 4
Sensitivity analysis of the global model.

States Emotional Dimension Cognitive Dimension Behavioral Dimension

V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V21 V22 V23 V24 V25 V26 V31 V32 V33 V34
1-SA or TA 83.55* 87.2* 85* 92.15* 87.17* 81.62*
2-NAND 73.01* 77.63* 79.04 78.4 82.34* 65.86*
3-TD or SD 60.76* 64.17* 63.74* 49.42* 71.62* 50.96*
1-Y 84.72* 80.88 85.26* 81.35
2-N 63.92* 77.94* 77.58* 78.97
1-Aor MT 66.75* 88.63* 73.61* 80.81 87.42* 84.78*
2-ST 85.42* 69.38* 72.83* 70.26* 60.02* 77.65*
3-R or N 90.47* 39.26* 82.48* 63.32* 33.80* 66.57*

SA: Strongly Agree, TA: Tend to Agree, NAND: Neither Agree nor Disagree, TD: Tend to Disagree, SD: Strongly Disagree, DK: Don’t Know, Rf: Refusal, NA: Not Applicable, Y:
Yes, N: No, A: Always, MT: Most of the Time, ST: Sometimes, R: Rarely and N: Never.
Values highlighted with an asterisk,*, are statistically significant at 95% level of confidence.

implemented changes. The detailed results of the sensitivity anal- influential variables all together on the satisfaction of employees
ysis are given in Table 4. about the implemented organizational change.
Probabilities of Table 4 show that almost all variables of the
emotional dimension have an important influence on the satisfac- - Sensitivity Analysis of Job Satisfaction vs. Enthusiasm and
tion about working conditions after the implementation of the Motivation:
organizational change. However, the most influential variable is
Enthusiasm (V16). Indeed, the probability of being satisfied about Results of the sensitivity analysis on the impact of joining vari-
new working conditions when employees are always or most of ables Enthusiasm and Motivation on the job satisfaction of
the time enthusiastic about their job is 88.63%, with a difference employees are given in Table 5. According to these results, when
of 49.37% compared to the probability of being satisfied when they employees always or most of the time feel enthusiastic about their
are rarely or never enthusiastic about their job. job and they strongly agree or tend to agree that the organization
With regard to the cognitive dimension, the most influential motivates them to give best performance, the probability of being
variable is Motivation (V21), having a probability of 92.15% of being satisfied about work conditions after the implementation of the
satisfied about new working conditions when companies motivate change is 94.35%. Joining these variables has increased the proba-
employees to give their best job performance. Indeed, this proba- bility of job satisfaction with 13.79% compared to the initial prob-
bility has a difference of 42.73% compared to the probability of ability (80.56%).
being satisfied when companies do not motivate employees to give This probability increases by 5.72% when it is compared to the
their best job performance. probability of being satisfied when employees feel enthusiastic
The behavioral dimension entails, in turn, an important influen- about their job and by 2.2% when they believe that the companies
tial variable, Treatment (V32). The probability of being satisfied motivate them to give best performance. Accordingly, it clearly
about new working conditions when employees are always or reveals that, in this combination, the influence of the motivation
most of the time treated fairly at their workplace is 87.42% with is more important. The job satisfaction probability is small (i.e.,
a difference of 53.62% compared to the probability of being satis- 26.19%) when employees rarely or never feel enthusiastic about
fied when they are rarely or never treated fairly. their job and management does not motivate them.
According to these results, to improve the job satisfaction of
employees and therefore their alignment to the implemented - Sensitivity Analysis of Job Satisfaction vs. Enthusiasm and
change, companies should concentrate on treating employees Treatment:
more fairly; this can be done by directing their efforts toward
boosting enthusiasm and motivating them to give the best Results of the sensitivity analysis of the impact of variables,
performance. Enthusiasm and Treatment on the job satisfaction of employees
Sensitivity analyses were conducted for joint variables to assess are given in Table 6. According to these results, when employees
the impact of, first, two variables together and then of the three always or most of the time feel enthusiastic about their job and
they are always or most of the time treated fairly at their work-
Table 5
Sensitivity analysis of job satisfaction vs. enthusiasm and motivation.

Influential Variables of Job Satisfaction Job Table 6

Satisfaction Sensitivity analysis of job satisfaction vs. enthusiasm and treatment.
Enthusiasm Motivation Satisfied
Influential Variables of Job Satisfaction Job Satisfaction
Always or Most of Strongly Agree or Tend to Agree 94.35%*
Enthusiasm Treatment Satisfied
the Neither Agree nor Disagree 85.63%*
Time Tend to Disagree or Strongly 63.68%* Always Or Most of the Time Always or Most of the Time 92.71%*
Disagree Sometimes 73.51%*
Sometimes Strongly Agree or Tend to Agree 83.97%* Rarely or Never 49.44%*
Neither Agree nor Disagree 72.98%* Sometimes Always or Most of the Time 78.95%
Tend to Disagree or Strongly 48.13%* Sometimes 50.95%*
Disagree Rarely or Never 27.40%*
Rarely or Never Strongly Agree or Tend to Agree 65.97%* Rarely or Never Always or Most of the Time 53.35%*
Neither Agree nor Disagree 51.57%* Sometimes 24.90%*
Tend to Disagree or Strongly 26.19%* Rarely or Never 10.96%*
Values highlighted with an asterisk,*, are statistically significant at 95% level of
Values highlighted with an asterisk,*, are statistically significant at 95% level of confidence.

W. Boulagouas, S. García-Herrero, R. Chaib et al. Journal of Safety Research 76 (2021) 289–300

place, the probability of being satisfied about working conditions - Sensitivity Analysis of Job Satisfaction vs. Motivation and
after the implementation of the change is 92.71%. Joining these Treatment:
variables has increased the probability of job satisfaction with
12.15% compared to the initial probability (80.56%). The results of the sensitivity analysis on the impact of variables
Further, this probability increases by 4.08% when it is compared Motivation and Treatment on the job satisfaction of employees are
to the probability of being satisfied when employees always or given in Table 7. According to these results, when employees
most of the time feel enthusiastic about their job and by 5.29% strongly agree or tend to agree that their organization motivates
when they are always or most of the time treated fairly by the them to give the best job performance and are always or most of
management. Accordingly, it clearly reveals that, in this combina- the time treated fairly, the probability of being satisfied about
tion, the influence of the variable treatment is more important. The work conditions after the implementation of the change is
results of Table 6 also show that job satisfaction probability is 93.97%. Joining these variables increases the probability of job sat-
small, that is, 10.96%, when employees rarely or never feel enthu- isfaction by 13.41% compared to the initial probability (80.56%).
siastic about their job and the management does not treat them This probability increases by 1.82% when it is compared to the
fairly. probability of being satisfied when employees strongly or tend to
agree that the company motivates them to give the best job perfor-
mance and by 6.55% when they always or most of the time feel that
management treats them fairly. Accordingly, it clearly reveals that,
in this combination, the influential variable is the treatment. The
Table 7
Sensitivity analysis of job satisfaction vs. motivation and treatment. results of Table 7 also show that the job satisfaction probability
is small (i.e., 22.47%) when employees are rarely or never treated
Influential Variables of Job Satisfaction Job
fairly and the organization does not motivate them.
Motivation Treatment Satisfied
- Sensitivity Analysis of Job Satisfaction vs. Enthusiasm, Motivation,
Strongly Agree or Tend to Agree Always or Most of the 93.97%*
Time and Treatment:
Sometimes 77.64%
Rarely or Never 62.73%* The results of the sensitivity analysis on the impact of three
Neither Agree nor Disagree Always or Most of the 83.20%* influential variables, Enthusiasm, Motivation, and Treatment,
Sometimes 67.44%*
together on the job satisfaction of employees are given in Table 8.
Rarely or Never 45.98%* According to these results, the satisfaction of employees about new
Tend to Disagree or Strongly Always or Most of the 63.93%* work conditions significantly increases compared to the initial
Disagree Time probability (i.e., 95.67%) when employees always or most of the
Sometimes 39.79%*
time feel enthusiastic and fairly treated by management and they
Rarely or Never 22.47%*
strongly agree or tend to agree that they are motivated to give their
Values highlighted with an asterisk,*, are statistically significant at 95% level of best performance.

Table 8
Sensitivity analysis of job satisfaction vs. enthusiasm, motivation, and treatment.

Influential Variables of Job Satisfaction Job Satisfaction

Enthusiasm Motivation Treatment Satisfied
Always or Most of the Time Strongly Agree or Tend to Agree Always or Most of the Time 95.67%*
Sometimes 83.17%
Rarely or Never 70.55%
Neither Agree nor Disagree Always or Most of the Time 89.06%*
Sometimes 77.32%
Rarely or Never 58.06%*
Tend to Disagree or Strongly Disagree Always or Most of the Time 75.91%*
Sometimes 54.41%*
Rarely or Never 34.35%*
Sometimes Strongly Agree or Tend to Agree Always or Most of the Time 87.45%*
Sometimes 60.64%*
Rarely or Never 42.75%*
Neither Agree nor Disagree Always or Most of the Time 78.63%
Sometimes 60.58%*
Rarely or Never 39.05%*
Tend to Disagree or Strongly Disagree Always or Most of the Time 62.90%*
Sometimes 38.46%*
Rarely or Never 21.50%*
Rarely or Never Strongly Agree or Tend to Agree Always or Most of the Time 71.97%
Sometimes 36.54%*
Rarely or Never 21.82%*
Neither Agree nor Disagree Always or Most of the Time 59.27%*
Sometimes 37.91%*
Rarely or Never 19.72%*
Tend to Disagree or Strongly Disagree Always or Most of the Time 39.21%*
Sometimes 19.33%*
Rarely or Never 09.50%*

Values highlighted with an asterisk,*, are statistically significant at 95% level of confidence.

W. Boulagouas, S. García-Herrero, R. Chaib et al. Journal of Safety Research 76 (2021) 289–300

This satisfaction probability increases by 1.32% with the consid- nizational change conduct. This perspective devotes special atten-
eration of fair treatment in combination with enthusiasm- tion to the optimal contribution of employees to the change
motivation. Regarding the enthusiasm of employees, the satisfac- beyond their defined work roles. Such behaviors include the inter-
tion probability increases by 1.7% when it is considered in combi- personal helping, cooperation, engagement, and individual initia-
nation with treatment-motivation. However, this probability tives. This is mainly achieved by means of training, support, and
increases by 2.96% with the consideration of the motivation in fairness.
combination with enthusiasm-treatment. This study conceptualized the assessment of the alignment of
Table 8 shows that the job satisfaction probability is small (i.e., employees during organizational change to working conditions
9.50%) when employees are rarely or never treated fairly, do not through the measurement of job satisfaction. It used the BN as a
feel enthusiastic about their job, and the organization does not perspective for a proactive management of the organizational
motivate them to give the best job performance. change and early anticipation of resistance and contrary behaviors.
Likewise, it can be observed that all three variables directly In the context of the organizational change and improvements
influence job satisfaction. Moreover, the results show that Motiva- to working conditions, researchers (Lofquist et al., 2011; Spagnoli
tion (V21) is the one with the highest improvement rate of job sat- et al., 2017; Mathisen et al., 2017) have been interested in investi-
isfaction, an increase of 2.96%, followed by Enthusiasm (V16) with gating the relationship between job satisfaction and the outcomes
an improvement rate of 1.7% and finally treatment (V32) with an of change implementation and confirmed that this latter factor is
improvement rate of 1.32%. often accompanied by increased workload, workplace bullying,
Further, as expected, by joining the three influencing variables physical and psychological stress, anxiety, and burnout.
(i.e., enthusiasm, motivation, and treatment) together, the job sat- In this study, the obtained BN showed that the three dimen-
isfaction of employees about new working conditions increases to sions (emotional, behavioral, and cognitive) have direct influence
the highest value. on the satisfaction of employees and therefore on their alignment
during the organizational change. This result comes in line with
5. Discussion findings of many studies (Smollan & Sayers, 2009; Bouckenooghe,
2010; Chung et al., 2012; Thakur & Srivastava, 2018) that have con-
There is no doubt that improving working conditions presents firmed that parallel to launching any organizational change,
one pillar of a better quality of working life. From an intervention employees struggle to keep up emotionally and cognitively and
perspective, these improvements are seen as a fundamental com- start making decisions regarding the change based on self-
ponent of an engaged, effective, efficient, and lasting productive assessment of new conditions. Yet, for possible outcomes of the
workplace. Likewise, many safety and organizational psychology change, employees tend to use personal opportunities and make
studies (Kinzl et al., 2005; Fida et al., 2019; Hafee et al., 2019) have assumptions generally driven by cognitive, emotional states that
considered that job satisfaction presents a central variable and result in behavioral situations. Moreover, the BN model showed
important predictor of working life quality and alignment. that the three dimensions are interrelated and influence each
Considering the fact that companies are entities driven by indi- other. This finding is consistent with the established literature
viduals who are characterized by their own opinions, emotions, review by Kark Smollan (2006) that has been used in literature
behaviors, and attitudes (Koivupalo et al., 2015; Ioannidis et al., debates about this tripartite and that has discussed the exclusion
2019) unraveling the role of human factors in the change conduct of one aspect in the study of the organization change and focusing
as well as the fact that their satisfaction is a determinant ingredi- on the others. The model of Kark Smollan (2006) determined the
ent, the study of the satisfaction of employees and, by extension, relationship between these three aspects (i.e., emotional, behav-
their alignment during the organizational change is essential. ioral and cognitive), positing that any change triggers cognitive
The literature review showed that the alignment of employees responses, which are based on perceptions regarding the outcomes
during organizational change projects could be gained based on that impact, but also are being impacted by, the emotional
two main perspectives: (a) the organizational learning and (b) responses and result in behaviors.
the organizational citizenship behavior. The sensitivity analysis results showed that boosting the align-
The first perspective has interests in increasing the organiza- ment, expressed by increased job satisfaction about working con-
tional learning and improving the social support. Two main com- ditions after the introduction of organizational changes, depends
ponents frame this perspective, namely: (a) the cognitive in large part on factors affecting human factors (i.e., treatment
component that aims at spreading positive thoughts about the and motivation of employees by top management). The crucial role
change among employees and enriching their knowledge, leading of management in the smooth transition of the change has been
them to recognize positive future outcomes of the organizational emphasized by many research studies (Zin & Ismail, 2012; Al-
change and (b) the emotional component, which focuses on the Haddad & Kotnour, 2015; Sorensen et al., 2019), which have sug-
psychological empowerment of change-related feelings. gested that management has to adopt more holistic mechanisms
This first perspective is achieved by means of good change com- and integrated approaches to conduct a systematic and construc-
munication process, deployment of participatory strategy, motiva- tive changes where employees are viewed as active actors in the
tion, and increased social support. change process, not just passive recipients allowing an effective
The second perspective (i.e.., the organizational citizenship adjustment of their behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes to supply pos-
behavior) reflects the contextual performance of the operating- itive energy to the change process and minimize potential destruc-
level employees and their behaviors/performance during the orga- tive barriers and divergent outcomes.

W. Boulagouas, S. García-Herrero, R. Chaib et al. Journal of Safety Research 76 (2021) 289–300

Further, as suggested in the organizational justice studies

(continued on next page)

1- Strongly Disagree or Tend to Disagree,
(Arnéguy et al., 2018; Cui & Jiao, 2019), when employees see them-

3-Tend to Disagree or Strongly Disagree,

3-Tend to Disagree or Strongly Disagree,

selves as being treated fairly, they develop attitudes and behaviors

1- Strongly Agree or Tend to Agree,

1- Strongly Agree or Tend to Agree,

required for successful change; in contrast, when organizational

4- Not Applicable or DK or Refusal

4- Not Applicable or DK or Refusal

4- Not Applicable or DK or Refusal

3-Tend to Agree or Strongly agree,
decisions and managerial actions are deemed unfair, employees

2-Neither Agree nor Disagree,

2-Neither Agree nor Disagree,

2-Neither Agree nor Disagree,

tend to resist, are uncooperative, develop contrary behaviors, and
Models and approaches used in the change management stud-
ies have many limitations and fail to consider these three dimen-

Measurement Scale
sions together and their interrelations and do not consider

3- DK or Refusal
predictions about possible outcomes of the interventions on the
dimensions and on the overall alignment. Considering the flexibil-
ity and capacities of the BN in this regard, it is a promising tool for
modeling the human factors influencing the alignment during an

2- Yes
1- No
organizational change.

6. Conclusions

of the following health problems: –Anxiety?”

-‘‘Over the last 12 months, did you have any
- ‘‘In general, employees trust management”
- ‘‘The management trusts the employees to

-‘‘I might lose my job in the next 6 months”

Promotion programs and improvement initiatives to H&S man-
agement systems are complex and present a multilevel challenge
for companies, and, when inappropriate, they contribute to major
The primary purpose of this study was to explore human and
management factors leading to the misalignment and resistance
to change during an organizational change to working conditions.
The secondary purpose was to discover the relationship between
these factors and how they affect and/or contribute separately

do their work well”

and/or together to the alignment. Texts of the items
It was concluded that factors most influencing the alignment
during the organizational change are enthusiasm (V16) of the emo-
tional dimension (D1), motivation (V12) of the cognitive dimension
(D2), and treatment (V32) of the behavioral dimension (D3).
Important points regarding these findings include (a) the three
dimensions have a direct effect on job satisfaction; (b) regarding
the cognitive and behavioral dimension, the most influential vari-

ables are related to the management practice; and (c) all variables
of the three dimensions are interrelated—for instance, the enthusi-
Appendix 1. Details of the dimensions and variables considered in the study

asm is directly related to the motivation and mutual trust is related



to motivation and treatment. Consequently, the best strategy for a Q89g


smooth conduct and enhanced alignment during an organizational

change is simultaneous enhancement of fairness at the workplace
V11: Management Trust

and continuous motivation of employees to boost their enthusiasm

V12: Employees Trust

for their job.

The use of BN allowed for understanding the alignment of
employees during the organizational change. It showed the exist-
ing dependencies between the factors and gave insights on the
effect of changes in probabilities to define the best strategies to
improve the alignment, which is not usually furnished by the con-
ventional statistical methods used in most change management
In terms of limitations, in the present study, the choice of the
variables was limited to those extracted from the Sixth EWCS. As
C1: Mutual Trust

V13: Job Security

a result, future research can consider other factors, for instance:

to measure the
Variables used

management and organizational culture and investigate their

V14: Anxiety

mediating role in shaping employees beliefs and behaviors and


therefore their alignment during the organizational change.


We are grateful to the European Foundation for the Improve-

D1: Emotional

ment of Living and Working Conditions for providing the dataset


of the Sixth European Working Conditions Survey to be used in this

research work.

W. Boulagouas, S. García-Herrero, R. Chaib et al.
Appendix 1. Details of the dimensions and variables considered in the study (continued)

Dimension Variables used Questionnaire Texts of the items Measurement Scale

to measure the items
V15: Stress Q61m -‘‘ You experience stress in your work” 1- Rarely or Never
2- Sometimes
3- Always or Most of the Time
4- DK or Refusal
V16: Enthusiasm Q90b -‘‘ I am enthusiastic about my job” 1- Always or Most of the Time
2- Sometimes
3- Rarely or Never
4- DK or Refusal
D2: Cognitive V21: Motivation Q89e -‘‘The organization I work for motivates me 1- Strongly Agree or Tend to Agree,
to give my best job performance” 2-Neither Agree nor Disagree,
3-Tend to Disagree or Strongly Disagree,
4- Not Applicable or DK, Refusal
C2: Communication V22: Information Q21a -‘‘Before this restructuring or reorganization 1- Yes,
took place, were you informed of the 2- No,
forthcoming changes?” 3- DK or Refusal
V23: Integration Q21b -‘‘Before this restructuring or reorganization 1- Yes
took place, were you asked to give your 2- No
opinion?” 3- DK or Refusal
V24: Beliefs Q89b -‘‘My job offers good prospects for career 1- Strongly Agree or Tend to Agree,
advancement” 2-Neither Agree nor Disagree,

3-Tend to Disagree or Strongly Disagree,

4- Not Applicable or DK or Refusal
C2: Opinions V25: Negative Opinions Q90e -‘‘I doubt the importance of my work” 1- Rarely or Never
2- Sometimes
3- Always or Most of the Time
4- DK or Refusal or Not Applicable
V26: Positive Opinions Q90f -‘‘In my opinion, I am good at my job” 1- Always or Most of the Time
2- Sometimes
3- Rarely or Never
4- DK or Refusal or Not Applicable
D3: Behavioral V31: Trainings Q65a -‘‘Over the past 12 months, have you 1- Yes
undergone a training paid for or provided by 2- No
your employer to improve your skills?” 3- DK or Refusal

Journal of Safety Research 76 (2021) 289–300

V32: Treatment Q61l -‘‘You are treated fairly at your workplace?” 1- Always or Most of the Time
2- Sometimes
3- Rarely or Never
4- DK or Refusal or Not Applicable
V33: Social Aspects Q89d -‘‘I generally get on well with my work 1- Strongly Agree or Tend to Agree,
colleagues” 2-Neither Agree nor Disagree,
3-Tend to Disagree or Strongly Disagree,
4- Not Applicable or DK or Refusal
V34: Support Q61b 1- Always or Most of the Time
-‘‘Your manager 2- Sometimes
helps and supports you” 3- Rarely or Never
4- DK or Refusal or Not Applicable
W. Boulagouas, S. García-Herrero, R. Chaib et al. Journal of Safety Research 76 (2021) 289–300

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