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Quarter 4 – Module 5:
Composing a Research Report on a
Relevant Social Issue

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English- Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Fourth Quarter- Module 5: Composing A Research Report On A Relevant Social
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Zenith R. Guzman
Content Editors: Sonia Lauronal, Dulce Cayang and Ruditha C. de Asis
Language Editors: Reynilda D. Mangubat and Michelle Angelie J. Bejec
Reviewers: Dr. Ma. Chona B. Redoble, Michael Angelo S. Magalso
Illustrator: Irvin Paul V. Valenzona
Layout Artist: Resdale Venz R. Palabrica
Evaluators: Dr. Emma C. Olandria, Dr. Merari B. Hernane
Charlie A. Gerasmio, Emilia S. Ibones

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Office Address: IPHO Bldg., Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City
Telefax: (032) 255-6405
Email Address: [email protected]


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Good day dear learner!

This module is solely prepared for you to access and to acquire lessons befitted
in your grade level. The exercises, drills and assessments are carefully made to suit
your level of understanding. Indeed, this learning resource develops your skills in
composing a research report on a relevant social issue (EN10SS-IVe-2.3).
Independently, you are going to go through this module following its proper sequence.
Although you are going to do it alone, this is a guided lesson and directions on how to
do every activity are plotted for your convenience.

Using this learning resource, you will be composing a research report on a

relevant social issue (EN10SS-IVe-2.3) as inculcated in the K-12 Most Essential
Learning Competencies.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

a. identify features of an effective research report;
b. compose a research report on a relevant social issue; and
c. demonstrate sense of responsibility in composing a research report.

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Match the descriptions in Column A with the items listed in Column B. Write the letter
of your chosen answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Column A Column B
1. Explains the current state of the field A. Methodology
and addresses identified gaps in the
2. Provides a summary and synthesis of B. Literature Review
all available sources directly related to
the study
3. Describes how research was C. Introduction
4. Contains restatement of the major D. Title page
5. Provides explanation of all the results E. References
in relation to the previous study
6. Provides summary of the research F. Conclusion
findings and conclusions, context of
the study, research questions or G. Results
7. Lists all the sources used in research H. Discussion
8. Contains other related information
such as graphs, charts, tables I. Abstract
9. Presents some of the fundamental
concepts needed by the readers to J. Related Concepts
better understand the study
10. Contains an informative title that
describes the content of the paper,
author’s name, address or affiliations,
and date of submission

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Making Me Ready
Directions: Answer the writing disposition survey found below. Put a check mark (✓)
on the response that best describes how you generally feel toward writing.

4- Usually 3- Sometimes 2- Seldom 1- Never


36-40 Advanced
31-35 Proficient
26-30 Approaching Proficiency
21-25 Developing Proficiency
20 below Beginning Proficiency

My Writing Disposition 4 3 2 1
1. I consider my purpose before writing.
2. I incorporate all necessary parts of a research report.
3. I establish the conduct of the study in the introduction.
4. I don’t bother rewriting my written output especially when
I am busy.
5. I don’t usually pay attention to the purpose of why I’m
writing the output or to whom it is addressed.
6. It is important to reread, revise, and edit my written
7. I find it helpful to show my written output to others and
get feedback.
8. I use reliable sources to support my ideas.
9. I validate my survey forms, questionnaires, or other
instruments before gathering data.
10. I list all the references I use in my research report
using the appropriate documentation style.

❖ Based on your responses, what is your level of proficiency in writing a research


❖ Why should you consider your intended audience/readers when you write?

❖ Is writing a research report an easy or difficult task? Why do you say so?

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Sing and analyze the song Paraiso by Smokey Mountain. Answer the questions that

Smokey Mountain

Return to a land called paraiso

A place where a dying river ends
No birds there fly over paraiso
No space allows them to endure
The smoke that screens the air
The grass that's never there
And if I could see a single bird, what a joy
I try to write some words and create
A simple song to be heard
By the rest of the world
I live in this land called paraiso
In a house made of cardboard floors and walls
I learned to be free in paraiso
Free to claim anything I see
Matching rags for my clothes
Plastic bags for the cold
And if empty cans were all I have, what a joy
I never fight to take someone
Else's coins and live with fear
Like the rest of the boys
Paraiso, help me make a stand
Paraiso, take me by the hand
Paraiso, make the world understand

❖ What relevant social issue is presented in the song?


❖ How do we gather information about the social issue?


❖ How can research be applied in resolving this issue?


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In this module, we will learn the mechanics of composing a research report.

What is a research report?

A research report is an expanded paper that presents interpretations and

analyses of a phenomenon based on experiments and previous information so readers
can better understand it. It is produced through formal investigation and scientific

What are the features of a good research report?

a. It is a detailed presentation of research processes and findings, and it usually

includes tables and graphs.
b. It is written in a formal language.
c. It is usually written in the third person.
d. It is formative and based on first-hand verifiable information.

What is the purpose of a research report?

The purpose of a research report is to demonstrate or develop your ability to

undertake a complete piece of research which includes the research design, and an
appreciation of its significance in the field.

What are the essential parts of a research report?

1. The Title Page contains an informative title that describes the content of the
paper, the name of the author/s, addresses or affiliations, and date of
2. The Abstract contains the summary of research findings and conclusions. It
briefly presents the context of the study, research questions or objectives,
methodology, major findings, conclusions, and sometimes implications. An
abstract does not contain any citation nor plenty of statistical results. Its length
ranges from 100 to 250 words.
3. The Introduction explains the current state of the field and identifies research
gaps. It is also the part where the research focus is presented by addressing
the identified gaps in the topic. It puts the research topic in context. It is usually
three to five paragraphs long.
4. The Literature Review contains the summary and synthesis of all available
sources directly related to the study. This is divided into two sections:
a. Related concepts present some of the fundamental concepts
needed by the readers to better understand the study. Concepts and
theories are defined, explained, and described.

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b. Related studies are based on previously conducted studies directly

related to the paper. The section ends with a paragraph that
synthesizes all the studies presented and puts the study in context.
Hence, the last paragraph may include the topic and specific
research problems.
5. The Methodology, also known as Materials and Methods, describes how the
experiments or tests in the research were conducted. It presents the context
within which the study was conducted, the participants, the instruments used,
data gathering procedure, and data analysis. In discussing the context of the
study and the participants, the number and the demographic profiles of the
participants are explained as well as the place where the study was conducted.
The discussion of the instruments used presents the tools for gathering
data. These tools may be in the form of a questionnaire, interview, focus group
discussion, survey, and tests among others. All of the instruments used should
be described in detail, along with an explanation of how they were validated.
The data gathering section presents the details on how the data were
collected, while the data analysis section presents how the data were
analyzed, either qualitatively (coding scheme) or quantitatively (statistical
tools). The past tense is used in writing the methodology.
6. The Results factually describe the data gathered and the tables and graphs
that summarize the collected data. Along with the tables and graphs are their
respective interpretations. The flow of the results section should follow the
flow of the research questions/problems/objectives. It is expected that for
each research problem or objective, corresponding results are presented.
7. The Discussion explains all the results of the previous studies presented in the
literature review. In this section, research problems or objectives, as well as the
major findings are restated in the first paragraph. The succeeding paragraphs
should explain whether the study supports or rejects the previous findings and
explain the reasons for this. New findings uncovered in the research should
also be stated. Like the flow of the results, the discussion part follows the flow
of the research problems or objectives.
8. The Conclusion contains the re-statement of research problem, the major
findings, the recommendations, and the implications.
9. The References contain the different sources used in the study, these may be
academic books, journals, and other online sources. Its format depends on the
school, teacher, or field of study.

What are the steps in writing a research report?

1. Choose a relevant social issue as your topic.

2. Make a plan that is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-oriented
and Time-bound).
3. Check with the teacher for advice and approval.
4. Conduct the research by gathering data and taking notes.
5. Outline the research project.
6. Write the research project with all the essential parts present.
7. Edit then reread the report for checking and correcting errors.

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Guided Activity. Getting More Acquainted

Arrange the following parts of a research report in their proper order when you write.
Write your answers in the space provided. No. 1 has been done for you.

abstract methodology references discussion

results title page introduction conclusion

literature review

1. __title page_____ 6. _______________

2. _______________ 7. _______________
3. _______________ 8. _______________
4. _______________ 9. _______________
5. _______________

Answer the questions that follow.
1. Which part of the research paper contains the summary of research findings
and solutions?
2. How is the methodology written?
3. Why are academic books, journals, and online sources not the only way by
which you can generate data?


Learning to Learn
Answer the following question in three to five-sentence paragraph.

Why should the topic of a research report be a relevant social issue?


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Doing It Your Way

Answer the question below.

Based on the discussion on the crafting of a research report,

how could you make your work good and effective?



Check Your Understanding

Analyze the pictures below and answer the questions that follow.

❖ What have you seen in the pictures?

❖ Are these scenarios considered relevant social issues of today? Justify
your answer.
❖ Do the pictures inspire you to conduct a research report? Why do you say

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Continuing Study
Compose a research report on one of the relevant social issues listed below. Use the
rubrics as your guide.
• Waste management
• Student’s perception on the use of technology in the classroom
• Traffic problems in highly urbanized areas
• Unemployment problems

Proceed to the writing of the research report in a pace-by-pace manner. You have four
weeks to do it, as in:

Week 5: Write the Title Page, and Introduction.

Week 6: Write the Literature Review, and Methodology.
Week 7: Write the Results, Discussion, References, and Abstract.
Week 8: Reread, review, and revise your work to come up with a
refine written output.

➢ The research report that you have written should be computerized. Short-sized
bond paper is required.
➢ After all the finishing touches, compile your work in a portfolio.
➢ Lastly, submit it to your teacher.

Rubric for a Research Report writing

INDICATORS 5 pts. 4 pts. 3 pts.

Research Explanation of each Explanation of each Explanation of each
Problem research question or research question or research question or
objective is objective is less objective is not
comprehensive and comprehensive and comprehensive and
sufficient. sufficient. sufficient.
Abstract Abstract clearly Abstract does not Abstract does not
provides an clearly provide an provide an overview
overview of the overview of the of the research
research report. research report. report.
Literature Literature review Literature review Literature review
Review comprehensively less does not
presents concepts comprehensively comprehensively
that are critical to a presents concepts present concepts
better understanding that are critical to a that are critical to a
of the report. better understanding better understanding
of the report. of the report.

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Methodology Methodology section Methodology section Methodology section

specifies in detail specifies less in does not specify in
the participants and detail the detail the
context of the study, participants and participants and
instruments used, context of the study, context of the study,
data gathering instruments used, instruments used,
procedure, and data data gathering data gathering
analysis. procedure, and data procedure, and data
analysis. analysis.
Discussion Discussion section Discussion section Discussion section
explains the results explains less the does not explain the
using appropriate results using results using
theory principles appropriate theory appropriate theory
and sufficient principles and principles and
evidence. sufficient evidence. sufficient evidence.
Results Interpretation of Interpretation of Interpretation of
tables and graphs is tables and graphs is tables and graphs is
sufficient and in- less sufficient and not sufficient and in-
depth. in-depth. depth .
Conclusion Conclusion restates Conclusion restates Conclusion does not
the research less the research restate the research
problems/objectives, problems/objectives, problems/objectives,
main findings, main findings, main findings,
implications, implications, implications,
limitations, and limitations, and limitations, and
suggestions. suggestions. suggestions.


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all the Answers Vary
The teacher will check
Notes to the Teacher!
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. F 5. H
6. I 7. E 8. G 9. J 10. D
Answers may vary.
Answers may vary.
Guided Activity.
1. title page 4. literature review 7. discussion
2. abstract 5. Methodology 8. conclusion
3. introduction 6. Results 9. reference
Assessment. Answers may vary.
Answers may vary. Answers may vary.
Answers may vary. Answers may vary.


• Department of Education Curriculum and Instruction Strand, K to 12

Most EssentialLearning Competencies With Corresponding Codes
accessed August 14, 2020, K-to-12- MELCS-with-CG- Codes.pdf.
• Almomte, Liza, et al, Celebrating Diversity through World Literature,
Grade 10 English-Learner’s Manual, First Edition ,2015.

• Barrot, Jessie S., Academic Reading & Writing for SHS, 2016.
• https://www.otago.ac.nz/distance/otago021395.pdf. Accessed by
May 12, 2021
• https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0.Acessed by May13,

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region VII, Division of Cebu Province
Office Address: IPHO Bldg., Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City
Telefax: (032) 255-6405
Email Address: [email protected]


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