English Language UPSR 2020: Name Class

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English Language

UPSR 2020
Power up My


Idioms & Proverbs Vol 2

Circle the correct answer.
51 Let’s us help you plan your birthday 52 There are many part time jobs at
party. You can’t do everything on he mall so _______________. Go
your own. After all, __________. to the mall an apply one.
A. more haste, less speed A. take the initiative
B. make hay while the sun shines B. actions speak louder than
C. many hands make light work words
D. it never rains but it pours C. put something on ice
D. make hay while the sun shines
53 His English had improved 54 My sister was upset because she
_____________. had burnt her toast, so I told her
that ________ and to just throw it
A. inside out away.
B. in leaps and bounds A. it’s no use crying over spilt
C. in cahoots milk
D. above broad B. take the initiative
C. all skin and bones
D. any time means no time
55 ________________. Let’s try the 56 We haven’t heard his side of the
food before you form any opinions. story yet so let’s not ________.
A. Don’t judge a book by its cover A. jump the gun
B. Judge not of men and things at B. jump out of your skin
first sight C. jump to conclusion
C. Jump to conclusion D. jump for joy
D. Jump for joy

57 Sheila _______________ when she 58 We ____________ to make the

was announced the winner. flood victim’s stay at the relief
centre more comfortable.
A. jump out of your skin A. have the magic touch
B. jump to conclusion B. went the extra mile
C. jump the gun C. made of money
D. jump for joy D. ask for the moon.
59 This brownie is moist. It ________ 60 I go to the airport just __________.
melts in your mouth.
A. melts in your mouth A. around the clock
B. make up your mind B. in the nick of time
C. next best thing C. as and when
D. asking for trouble D. out and about
Circle the correct answer.
61 I work better in the evenings 62 You can’t rebuild the house all by
than in the mornings. My friends yourself; ______________. The
say I’m a ______________. villagers will help you.
A. night owl
B. nice as pie A. accidents will happen
C. nice one B. no man is an island
D. next to nothing C. act of god
D. no smoke without fire
63 I don’t like to exercise but I really 64 I’m sure your parents will forgive you.
need to lose weight. As the Everyone makes mistakes, _________.
saying goes, ____________. A. nobody is perfect
A. a barking dog seldom bites B. not born yesterday
B. blessing in disguise C. a bad workman always blames
C. no sweat his tools
D. no pain, no gain D. all bets are off
65 I don’t like watching reality 66 We need to discuss the __________
show. They are ____________. of the proposal before going any
A. not my cup of tea further.
B. backseat driver A. null and void
C. bad egg B. against all odds
D. nothing doing C. nuts and bolts
D. pain in the neck
67 You can’t fool me again! 68 The English test was a ___________!
A. bouncing of the walls
A. Off the record B. piece of cake
B. Ants in one’s pants C. full of beans
C. Any time means no time D. piece by piece
D. Once bitten twice shy
69 You’ll get the dance routine as 70 Don’t invest all your money in one
long as you keep practicing. As company. Never ________________.
the saying goes, __________.
A. pull your socks up
A. practice makes perfect B. put all eggs in one basket
B. prevention is better than C. pull somebody’s leg
cure D. put your shoulder to the wheel
C. pride comes before a fall
D. put best foot forward
Circle the correct answer.
71 You should always ___________ 72 We’re all exhausted. Let’s
during a job interview. __________.
A. put your shoulder to the
wheel A. cut somebody to the quick
B. call it quits B. have a quick temper
C. put best foot forward C. quick off the mark
D. quick fix D. call it quits

73 When my mother is really angry, 74 I felt _____________ at the banquet

she has a ____________. because I did not know anyone there.
A. icing on the cake
A. a feather in your cap B. in cahoots
B. face like thunder C. ill at ease
C. face off D. afraid of one’s own shadow
D. face to face
75 I’m going for a job interview 76 John learned the words to his part in
tomorrow. ___________ for me! the play while peeling potatoes. He
A. Keep fingers crossed was ____________.
B. Keep finger on pulse A. kill one to warn a hundred
C. Keep a low profile B. kill two birds with one stone
D. Keep a level head C. like a knife through butter
D. kindred spirit

77 Although they had only just met, 78 What you learn now will never be
they immediately felt they were wasted. ________________.
________ and soon became A. Knowledge is power
close friends. B. Knowledge in youth is wisdom in
A. a new broom sweeps clean age
B. like a knife through butter C. A leapoard cannot change its
C. knight in shining armour sports
D. kindred spirit D. A little bird told me
79 Anis always make me feel better 80 When I need someone to talk to, I
because she is so hilarious. It’s always call my Maya. She is ready to
like they say, _____________. ________.
A. laughter is the best
medicine A. learn the ropes
B. laugh your head off B. lend an ear
C. learn to walk before you run C. let the cat out of the bag
D. least said, soonest mended D. let the chips fall where they may
Circle the correct answer.
81 He _____________ when he told 82 You'd better check out all the costs
her about the party. It was before you buy a cellular phone,
supposed to be a surprise. ____________.
A. let the cat out of the bag A. live to fight another day
B. let sleeping dogs lie B. look before you leap
C. lie through teeth C. go the extra mile
D. fly off the handle D. make up your mind
83 She’s got a___________. She can 84 I’m having a party tomorrow.
tell you the name of all the Please come and invite your
countries in the world. friends too. The __________!
A. mind of information A. more the merrier
B. magic touch B. ten to one
C. matter of opinion C. next best things
D. memory like an elephant D. hat in hand
85 One person can do the job as well. 86 This is a beautiful watch. It must
As they say, ___________. have cost a ____________.
A. too many cooks spoil the
broth A. golden age
B. no man can serve to B. green light
masters C. pretty penny
C. you can’t keep a good man D. falls in a heap
D. hand in hand
87 ____________. Remember to keep 88 ___________ I will make it to the
your garden and drains clean so reunion dinner, I promise.
they do not become breeding
grounds for the Aedes mosquitoes. A. Race against time
A. Practice what you preach B. Rain or shine
B. Play by the rule C. Raining cats and dogs
C. Play by ear D. Hit the road
D. Prevention is better than cure
89 We’ll have to cancel the picnic as it 90 The doctor said that with some
is ____________. rest, my knee should heel nicely
and be _______ in a few weeks.
A. raining cats and dogs A. riding high
B. reach for the stars B. right as rain
C. ring off the hook C. ring off the hook
D. asking for trouble D. up and running
Circle the correct answer.
91 The _______ of the daily traffic 92 She searched the cupboard
congestion is construction work _________ but still couldn’t find her
along the road. watch.
A. rule of thumb A. go down a treat
B. above board B. ten to one
C. root cause C. through tick and thin
D. salt of the earth D. from top to bottom
93 You should not _______ going out 94 She has been there for me _______.
in public wearing so much She’s a true friend.
A. take a back seat A. week in, week out
B. take chances B. year by year
C. take a fancy C. through thick or thin
D. take for a ride D. you and yours

95 “I cant’s believe it’s time to go 96 The test was ____________ for me.
home. _________ and it feels like
we just arrived at grandma’s A. waiting game
place”. B. walk of life
A. Time flies C. a walk in the park
B. Only time will tell D. walk and chew gum
C. Time is money
D. Truth has no answer
97 We have to take some food home 98 It was a strenuous climb but I stayed
as I don’t’ want it to __________. strong and did it. As the saying goes,
A. be weak in the knees A. when in Rome, do as the
B. walk on eggshells Romans do
C. out of your way B. where there’s a will, there’s a
D. go to waste way
C. every which way
D. win or lose
99 Even though he did wrong, you 100 The children misbehaved when the
shouldn’t think about getting back teacher left the classroom. _______.
at him. _____________.
A. Two wrongs don’t make a A. Where there’s life there’s hope
right B. When the cat’s away, the mice
B. You are what you eat will play
C. You are only young once C. Work your way up
D. You are never to old to learn D. Worm’s eye view
“Never stop dreaming,
never stop believing,
never give up,
never stop trying, and
never stop learning.”



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