Company Profile 1 1
Company Profile 1 1
Company Profile 1 1
Leen #60306988
Ziyad #60307152
Rasha #60300619
Sebastian #60306070
-Choose a company for your Group Activity from the list below:
Qatar Petroleum(QP), Qatar Energy, QTerminals, Qatar National Bank (QNB), Ooredoo, Qatar
Development Bank (QDB), Baladna, Qatar Airways, Katara Hospitality, United Development
Company (UDC), Katari Diar, Al Fardan Group, Power International, Hamad Medical Corporation, Ali
Bin Ali, Al Meera, Qatar Insurance Company.
- Collect company information using online resources and social media
- Prepare Company Profile below based on the CLO1 course materials and the information
gathered from the external resources
- Analyse the collected information to introduce the HR functions reflected through the
information you gathered
- Complete all paragraphs of the provided ‘Company Profile’ template
- Each answered question will be awarded 1 mark.
2. Company Webpage
3. How many people does the The Company has 189 employees.
company employ?
4. Is the company local or
International? Where is The company is local and is originally Qatari based.
this company originally
5. Is the company publicly or Privately owned
privately owned?
AL Meera was established in 2005 under the directive of H.H. the Father
Emir. It is governed by the Qatari Commercial Law and Memorandum of
9. What is the company’s brief
Association under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. A Meera is 26
per cent owned by the Qatar Holding Company, and 74 per cent owned by
shareholders. The company has been listed on the Qatar Stock Exchange
since October 28th, 2009.
10. What is the Vision of the Al Meera Consumer Goods Company (Q.P.S.C.) aspires to be the leading
company? retailer in Qatar, offering the best shopping experience to customers.
11. What is the company’s
Mission? Being Qatar’s favorite neighborhood retailer
12. What are the Values? To inspire the respect of our customers and their stakeholders in all facets
of our business.
13. Who are the company’s Families, induvial people, pet owners
main clients/customers?
(list 3-4)
14. What are 2 major
Qatar’s sustainable development projects, with unwavering commitment
accomplishments that the
to social and cultural values in its position as a leading national company.
company has achieved in
the past 3-5 years?
15. What kind of special
Al Meera has started the construction work on several new branches as
programs or projects the
part of its expansion strategy to construct 14 new shopping malls across
company has realized
recently or is still working
Mr Yousef Ali Al Obaidan is the CEO of Al Meera Group and his career boasts a
16. What information have spate of landmark transactions and large-scale assignments in Qatar’s business
you found on the and investment sector. Yousef was the Acting Chief Executive Officer at The First
company’s leaders? Investor (TFI), Barwa Bank’s investment banking firm.
20. Based on the collected Free meals, child care facility, health insurance, soft skill training
information what kind of
benefits the company can
offer their employees?