Greenhouse Gas Evaluation and Market Opportunity of Bioplastic Bags From Cassava in Thailand
Greenhouse Gas Evaluation and Market Opportunity of Bioplastic Bags From Cassava in Thailand
Greenhouse Gas Evaluation and Market Opportunity of Bioplastic Bags From Cassava in Thailand
Abstract: Due to the huge amount of feedstock availability, bioplastic products have chance to penetrate in Thailand’s plastic market,
as most of the plastic products are relying on fossil fuels. Thus, this paper illustrates greenhouse gas emissions from bioplastic bags are
manufactured from cassava. This could replace percent conventional plastic bags share by 10% of total plastic bag product in Thailand.
The study also focuses on market opportunity for bioplastic by using interview questionnaire. The opportunity can be predicted by
analyzing the consumer behavior result and give recommendations for future support to bioplastic products. The results show that on
the basis of global warming effects, plastic bags perform better than bioplastic bags. On the other hand, bioplastic bags help to reduce
fossil fuel use and offer advantages vis-à-vis less emissions from disposal stage. Consumer behavior analysis revealed that on average
a person receives about 140 bags per year from shopping at the supermarket. About 60% of the people interviewed said that they are
willing to pay a small extra amount for bioplastic bags.
inventory for all stages is summarized in Table 1 and details of growing, and harvesting. Glucose production information was
each bag are described in the following sections. obtained by questionnaire and interview from Chonburi plant in
Thailand [13]. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) is a bioplastic which
2.2.1 Characteristics of bag is biodegradable. Composting of biodegradable plastics would be
The bag considered in this study has dimensions of a preferred option for disposal after use. Energy requirement for
30.48cm length, 50.8 cm width, thickness 0.06 mm which is PHA fermentation and recovery process is based on fermentation
commonly used plastic bag dimensions in Thailand’s supermarkets. plants in U.S. Air emissions from PHA production stage was
To make carrying capacity of bioplastics bag and plastic bag same considered only from energy use as the most of emissions came
at 20 kg, the thickness of bioplastic bag is assumed to increase by from this part [7]. Energy use in bag production is taken from the
mass load calculation. This makes the two bags functionally study of carrier bags in the UK [11]. Similar to plastic bags except
equivalent. The above mentioned assumptions can be validated for the recycling part, bioplastic bag disposal is assumed to be 76%
from the relevant literature [7,16]. The density and weight of landfill, 22% compost and 2% incineration.
plastic bags are 9.41 × 105 g/m3 and 8.74 × 10-3 kg while the
bioplastics bags are 1.25 × 106 g/m3and 15.48 × 10-3kg, 2.2.4 Cassava and its potential for bioplastic in Thailand
respectively. Thailand is a major producer and exporter of cassava in
the world. It can be grown throughout the country. A survey of
2.2.2 Plastic bags cassava crop plantation in year 2010 shows that, about 1, 227,000
The life cycle of plastic bag starts with crude oil and ha, area was under cassava plantation. Approximately 20-25
natural gas extraction, crude oil extracted from Middle East and million tonnes of cassava roots are harvested each year, 75% of
natural gas extraction data, from the Gulf of Thailand. Energy which are processed for export [20].
consumption from refinery processes is based in Singapore as With respect to the trend of alternative energy, use of
well as resin production. Emission data associated with HDPE bioethanol is being promoted in Thailand instead of using fossil
production was obtained from Thai National Life Cycle Inventory fuels. One of the feedstock's for bioethanol production is cassava as
Database by the National Metal and Materials Technology Center it is easily available in market with lower price than other energy
(MTEC).Assume that virgin resins are use in polymer production crops [21]. In the world market, the unit price of cassava starch is
since the use of recycled materials is not including in this study. lower than many other starches such as potato, maize and wheat
Energy use in bag production, data from UK is study by Edwards starch [22].
and (2011) [11]. As the use phase is excluded from the system In the year 2011, from the total cassava production of
boundary, the next stage is disposal. Plastic bag disposal is about 22 million tonnes, most of cassava was acquired by starch
assumed to be 76% landfill, 22% recycle and 2% incineration. As industry, cassava in the form of chips and pellets used for
the report of Pollution Control Department was showing that the producing animal feed and some amount was used for ethanol
about 22% of waste generated in Thailand is recycled [17] and production. But the use of cassava in ethanol production did not
incineration capacity is about 1.71% of total waste generated in help to rise up the cassava price too much as it was controlled by
Thailand [18-19]. demand and price of ethanol used to produce gasohol. For
example, in year 2011, Thailand had11ethanol plants which were
2.2.3 Bioplastic bags based on molasses with total capacity of 1.645 million liters per
The data for cassava plantation was based on cultural day and 4 plants which were based on cassava with total capacity
practices in Thailand by on-site data collection by [12]. The of 0.68 million liters per day, while domestic demand was only
process includes the steps from preparing cassava site, cassava 1.3 million liters per day [23].
Table 1. Life cycle inventory of bag.
Life Cycle Stage Data required Data source
Plastic bags
Crude oil and natural gas extraction - Energy consumption - Khoo, et al. (2010a) [7]
- Air emissions - Phumpradab, et al. (2009) [8]
Resin production (High density polyethylene, - Energy consumption - Khoo, et al. (2010a) [7]
HDPE) - Air emissions - Thai National LCI Database [9]
- Kellenberger, et al. (2004) [10]
Plastics bag production - Energy consumption - - Edwards and Fry (2011) [11]
Bioplastic bag
Cassava cultivation - Fertilizer use - Nguyen, et al. (2007) [12]
- Herbicide use
- Diesel use
Glucose production - Fuel oil use - Taengwathananukool (2010) [13]
- Energy consumption
- CH4 from wastewater
PHA production - Energy consumption - Khoo, et al. (2010a) [7]
Bioplastic bag production - Energy consumption - Edwardsand Fry (2011) [11]
Landfill - Energy consumption - Khoo, et al. (2010b) [14]
- Air emissions
Incineration - Energy consumption - Khoo, et al. (2010b) [14]
- Air emissions
Compost - Air emissions - Khoo, et al. (2010b) [14]
Recycling - Energy consumption - Edwards and Fry (2011) [11]
- GHG emission - EPA (2011) [15]
Crude oil extraction (Natural gas-fired power - Air emissions - Khoo, et al. (2010a) [7]
from Middle East)
Other remaining stage - Air emissions - Thai National LCI Database [9]
Cassava can be used as raw material for bioplastic process is described as follow. Plastic bags: To produce 1 kg
packaging that could be another opportunity for cassava producers plastic bag, 790 g of HDPE, 110 g of LLDPE (linear low density
to increase the product price. Thailand has wide potential for polyethylene) and 100 g of chalk are used [11]. 1 kg of HDPE is
bio-degradable plastics industry, where cassava used as a raw produced from 1.22 kg of crude oil and 0.4 kg of natural gas [7].
material is cheap and can be obtained in large quantity. A study GHG emissions from recycling process of HDPE are 1.38E-03 kg
has shown that if cassava is used as a feedstock for bioplastic CO2 eq. per kg of HDPE recycled [15]. The major contributor to
production then there are chances to increase the cassava value as GHG emissions of plastic bags life cycle is the stage of monomer
high as 200,000 million baht (from the current 40,000 million production comprising about 63% of total GHG emissions. For
baht) [24]. bioplastic bags, 1 kg is produced from 1 kg PHA resin. About
Thailand’s research sector is equipped with many 3.33 kg of glucose needed to produce 1 kg of PHA [7] and to
researchers and experts who make useful contribution in the produce 1 kg of glucose 4.32 kg of cassava is used [13]. GHG
bioplastics research. The entire cycle of bioplastic production emission from cultivation process is 3.055E-02 kg CO2 eq. per kg
process ranges from the upstream, midstream to downstream cassava (from fertilizer, herbicide and diesel use) [12] and 1.99
industries [24]. Thailand has potential to support upstream industries kg CO2 eq. per kg of glucose (from fuel oil use and CH4 from
as biomass raw materials are available and many plastics factory wastewater) [13]. The major contributors to GHG emissions of
to support downstream industries. The National Roadmap for the bioplastic bags life cycle are the stages of PHA and glucose
Development of the Bioplastics Industry phase 2, 2011-2015 by production comprising about 85% of total GHG emission. Energy
NIA (National Innovation Agency) mentioned the target of a required in each stage is shown in Table 2.
bioplastics pilot plant with a capacity of 10,000 tons per year by The contribution of the various life cycle stages to the
2015 [25]. global warming potential is presented in Figure 1. After replacing
10% of total plastic bags used in Thailand in one year (about
2.2.5 Consumer behavior study 5,377 million bags) by bioplastic bags, the results show that GHG
In this study, use phase is outside of the system boundary emissions increase by about 20% from conventional use.
however, the data in use phase were derived from a survey However, replacing 10% of plastic bags by alternative carrier
conducted in Bangkok where 400 consumers were interviewed via bags helps to reduce the use of crude oil and natural gas by 4,166
a questionnaire. Consumers were surveyed in the areas of Bang and 1,410 tons respectively. The reduction of non-renewable
Khen, Lat Phrao, Phaya Thai, Ratcha Thewi, Patumwan, Rat resource consumption will significantly affect abiotic resource
Burana and Thung Khru. The objective of this consumers’ survey depletion. Another disadvantage of plastic bags is the energy used
was to investigate their behavior with regards to supermarket in the disposal phase which is about 6 times higher than bioplastic
carrier bag and their attitudes toward bioplastic bags in Bangkok. bags.
2.3 Functional Unit Table 2. Summary energy consumption per 1 kg bag in different
The functional unit (FU) in this study is the plastic bags stages.
produced and distributed in Thailand in one year, or about 47,000 Energy Use
tonnes of plastic bags [26-27] which is equivalent to 5,377 Life Cycle Stage
MJ/kg plastic bag MJ/kg bioplastic bag
million bags as referred from section 2.2.1. The study uses a 10% Crude oil and natural gas 40.18 -
replacement of plastic bags by bioplastics bags following the process
National Bioplastics Roadmap Phase 2. HDPE / PHA production 19.05 52.53
Cassava cultivation - 0.82
3. Results and Discussion Glucose production - 21.84
Bag manufacture 2.73 3.76
3.1 Greenhouse gas emissions and energy use Disposal 0.50 0.03
Emissions occur and energy consumption for each Total 62.47 78.98
Figure 1.Global warming potential for the different stages of plastic and bioplastic bags.
The weak point of bioplastic bags is the large emissions are more beneficial through reducing fossil fuel consumption and
coming from the process of glucose and PHA production. The ability to degrade during the disposal phase. One of the primary
environmental performance of bioplastic bags can be improved reasons for paying attention on bioplastic in Thailand is that, it is
through energy recovery system by using wastewater from an agricultural country with abundant biomass resources. Thus
glucose production and methane gas from landfill to produce promoting bioplastic would encourage the use of local
biogas to generate electricity. This helps reduce GHG emissions agricultural resources thus reducing dependence on imported
by about 30% from the baseline scenario. Upflow anaerobic fossil fuels and also increase the price of cassava. To reduce GHG
sludge blanket (UASB) reactor technology could possibly be emissions from the bioplastic product, improvement in efficiency
used for anaerobic wastewater treatment. This technology can of glucose and PHA production process are important. Capturing
capture 100% biogas and generate electricity with an efficiency and utilizing methane emissions from anaerobic treatment of
of 30%; however, 30% of the produced electricity is used by the wastewater as well as landfill gas could provide significant
system itself (parasitic use). The electricity generation of 3 kWh reduction in GHG emissions. Also utilization of renewable
is considered from 1 m3 CH4. In this case, the process can reduce energy sources would be beneficial because most of the GHG
about 0.456 M ton CO2 eq. Landfill gas capture is considered by emissions in this process are from energy use.
assuming 75% of CH4 can be captured to produce electricity with A questionnaire survey showed that many people are
the same conditions as that for electricity generation from concerned about environment and are interested in using
wastewater. The GHG emission can be reduced by 0.118 M ton bioplastic bags. Most of the people showed willingness to pay an
CO2eq with the benefit of about 11,300 MWh of electricity. extra amount for bioplastic bags, though only if they have to pay a
As the bioplastic industry is still in the nascent stage, it is nominal amount. Hence government may consider providing
anticipated that the PHA production process can be improved in subsidy for bioplastic bags in the earlier stage for promoting their
future to help to reduce the GHG emission from this stage. The use. The continuous use and proven benefits of bioplastic will
global warming potential of the various life cycle stages from compete in the plastic market and would be acceptable by
100% bioplastic in the baseline situation and 100% bioplastic with consumers in the future. Another important issue to pay attention
improved conditions are presented in Figure 1. to the group of people who were indifferent to the introduction of
bioplastic bags; more information on the benefits of bioplastic
3.2 Market opportunity products could be provided to change their mindset.
Cassava has a considerably low price in Thailand as it’s
depends on market driven factors such as uncertain demand and Acknowledgements
price from the export countries. So to add value to fresh cassava
by taking the product to the next level before sale will help to add The authors would like to acknowledge National Metal
an extra value to the fresh product. Another lucrative way to add and Materials Technology Center (MTEC) for providing Thai
the value to cassava is by transforming fresh cassava to National Life Cycle Inventory Database for this study and the
bioplastics, which will help to add value to cassava as many as 10 Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment at King
times [28]. If small and medium scale industries are well Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi for providing
established and have the capability to produce wide range of scholarship.
products according to the National Roadmap for the
Development of the Bioplastics Industry plan [25]. Hence, the References
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