Super X Transmission Removal

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Clutch Slave Cylinder Piston Removal and Installation

This step is mandatory as the Clutch Adjustment Screw will remain bolted in place and
you will not be able to remove the Primary Drive Cover (3699-0035R) without releasing
the Hex Nuts retaining the Slave Cylinder Piston in place.

Remove the three Hex. Button Head Screws (5199-0653) holding the Clutch Access
Cover (3899-0001C) in place; remove Clutch Adjustment Screw (4199-0019) Hex Nuts
(5199-0497) the outer one is the locking nut; remove Retaining Ring (5599-0004); pump
clutch hand lever slowly to push Slave Cylinder Piston (4199-0010) out of cavity being
careful not to scratch or drop Slave Cylinder Piston so you do not damage the surfaces
that come into contact with the seals.

When reinstalling insure that Retaining Ring sharp edge is outward. This is also a good
time to replace the Clutch Seals. It has been found that the standard “O” shape seals work
best of the three designs produced at the factory. If the Slave Cylinder Piston exhibits
scratches, carefully chuck it into a drill press by securing a bolt and nut through the
center of it and polish the surfaces at a safe rotational speed.
Primary Drive Cover Removal and Installation
Unbolt the Banjo Bolt (5199-0529) located at the bottom of the Primary Drive Cover
just underneath the Clutch Slave Cylinder Assembly; remove the rear Foot Lever
(2199-0006C) allowing the Primary Drive Cover enough clearance to be pulled off;
disconnect the Stator Wire harness by following it to where it connects at the engine.

Because the Stator consists of powerful magnets, you must pull the Primary Drive Cover
parallel to the engine keeping the gap between the engine and the Primary Drive Cover
equidistant all around. This will prevent chipping of the Stator magnets and wedging the
Stator which will prevent the removal of the Primary Drive Cover.

CAUTION: Keep a firm grip on the Primary Drive Cover as you remove and install it or
the magnets will rapidly slam the Primary Drive Cover onto the engine catching fingers,
hands or anything else in its way!

Installation: Use new Primary Cover Gasket (3699-0015) when reinstalling Primary
Drive Cover; install new Crush Washers (5299-0130) at the Banjo Bolt when reinstalling.
Lift Plate Assembly Removal and Installation
Remove Retaining Ring (4299-0020); grasp and pull Clutch Adjustment Screw pulling
toward you to remove Lift Plate Assembly. When reinstalling insure that Retaining Ring
sharp edge is outward.
STEP 3.1
Lift Plate Assembly Removal and Installation
Remove Retaining Ring (4299-0020); grasp and pull Clutch Adjustment Screw pulling
toward you to remove Lift Plate Assembly. When reinstalling insure that Retaining Ring
sharp edge is outward. Photograph shows what you will see after removing Lift Plate
Alternator Rotor Removal and Installation
In preparation of the Alternator Rotor (3699-0017) removal wedge a rag in between the
Crankshaft Starter gear (3799-0019) and Clutch Basket Assembly Gear (4299-0002) to
prevent the shafts from turning.
Alternator Rotor Bolt Removal and Installation
There were two different Crankshaft assemblies used in the 1999 model year X-Twin®
engine. The early Crankshaft have a Hex Nut (5199-0530) in lieu of the Alternator Rotor
Bolt (6000-0008) used in the later engines. The photographs show the later assembly
used in the majority of X-Twin® engines.

Using a 12 pt. socket to remove the Alternator Rotor Bolt (6000-0008) by using a
counterclockwise motion.

NOTE: For early model X-Twin® engines simply remove the Hex Nut (5199-0530) in
counterclockwise motion along with the Hardened Washer (5299-0038).
Alternator Rotor Bolt Oil Orifice Removal
In the end of the Alternator Rotor Bolt is a set screw with an orifice drilling through it.
The factory now recommends the removal of this orifice to provide more oil delivery to
the Stator for cooling purposes; remove set screw with appropriate Allen Head wrench
and save.

NOTE: In the early model X-Twin® engines remove Set Screw oil orifice (5199-0640)
located at the end of the crankshaft.
STEP 7.1
Alternator Rotor Removal
Use Alternator Puller (6999-0028A) made by Kent-Moore* to remove Alternator Rotor.

*Kent Moore can be contacted at (800) 345-2233,; the

price of the Alternator Puller (6999-0028A) was $28.41 at the time these instructions
were made. Thanks to Ed Tobolik owner of Super X® 1984 for this information.
STEP 7.2
Alternator Rotor Removal
Photograph shows Alternator Puller (6999-0028A) engaged.
STEP 7.3
Alternator Rotor Removal
Using a 1/2” breaker bar pull in a clockwise motion screwing the Alternator Puller into
Alternator Rotor housing releasing the Alternator Rotor. The Alternator Puller presses
against the crankshaft to free the Alternator Rotor.
STEP 7.4
Alternator Rotor Removal
Photograph shows Alternator Rotor removed and Alternator Puller in place.
STEP 8.1
Spring Retainer Removal and Installation
Use Torsional Compensator Wrench (6999-0041A) made by Kent Moore* for the
removal and installation of the Spring Retainer (3399-0049).

NOTE: On early model X-Twin® engines use the same tool. However the part number
for the Spring Retainer is 3399-0335.

*Kent Moore can be contacted at (800) 345-2233,;

the price of the Torsional Compensator Wrench (6999-0041A) was $60.74 at the time
these instructions were made. Thanks to Ed Tobolik owner of Super X® 1984 for this
STEP 8.2
Spring Retainer Removal and Installation
Torsional Compensator Wrench for the removal and installation of the Spring Retainer
shown engaged in four holes of Spring Retainer.
STEP 8.3
Spring Retainer Removal and Installation
Using a 1/2” breaker bar with Torsional Compensator Wrench remove the Spring
Retainer with counterclockwise motion.

Install with clockwise motion.

STEP 8.4
Spring Retainer Removal and Installation
Photograph shows Spring Retainer removed.
Clutch Assembly Lock Nut Removal and Installation
Remove Lock Nut (4299-0018) and Spring Washer (4299-0019) from Clutch Assembly.
Remove complete Clutch Assembly (4299-0001).
Transmission Assembly Removal and Installation
Back off Hex. Socket Head Screws (5199-0520) holding in Transmission assembly, but
leave them in place with enough threads because in Step 15.1 you will need to free
the Transmission Cassette by tapping on the Output Shaft for the Output Sprocket side
of the engine.
Transmission Assembly Removal and Installation
Remove Socket Hd. Screw (5199-0366) from Transmission Lever (2199-0032H), but the
balance of the Shifter Rod Assembly (2199-0066) connected. This will allow the Shift
Linkage shaft (6000-0023) to slide past engine housing later when you physically pull
out the Transmission Cassette, later in the process.
Rear Exhaust Pipe Removal and Installation
Unscrew the Oxygen Sensor (4599-0011) located on the backside of the Rear Exhaust
Pipe (4599-0014); it is easier to unplug the sensor from underneath the battery box on
the battery box side and putting the sensor in a safe place. Remove the Rear Exhaust
Pipe Cover (4599-0013) by undoing the two Cover Clamps (hose clamps 4599-0026).
Loosen Muffler Clamp (4599-0058) and remove Muffler. Loosen the bolt and spread the
integral clamp of the Crossover Cover (4599-0056). Unbolt the two Hex. Hd. Screws
(5199-0090) fastening the Muffler (4599-0029) to the Exhaust Support (4599-0052D)
Unbolt the two Hex. Flange Nuts (5199-0491) from the cylinder head. Carefully move
pipe from side-to-side while pulling toward the rear of the bike to slip Exhaust Pipe off
the Crossover pipe built onto the Front Exhaust Pipe (4599-0012) slipping the pipe off.
Be mindful of the Exhaust Seal Ring (3199-0029).
Output Sprocket Cover Removal and Installation
Remove the three Hex. Socket Hd. Screws (5199-0129) that secure the Output Sprocket
Cover (3899-0003C-01 or 3800-0001BK) to the engine. Be careful to keep the rubber
Grommets (6299-0007) these screws pass through in place on the Output Sprocket
Electronics Cover Assembly Removal and Installation
Remove the three Button Hd. Screws (5199-0130) securing the Electronics Cover
(2699-0198BK). Remove Oil Filler Cap & Dipstick Assembly (3899-0037); remove the
Electronics cover.

Before installation this is good time to check all the connections, but before doing so
disconnect the battery for safety reasons.
STEP 15.1
Output Sprocket Removal and Installation
Loosen the rear wheel Tensioner Bolts (5199-0605) allowing ample slack in the Drive
Belt to slip over the Output Sprocket (3899-0029). Back off, but do not remove, the Hex
Nut (5199-0499) on the end of the Output Shaft. Using a rubber mallet or hard plastic
faced hammer tap the on the nut and Output Shaft to dislodge the Output Shaft that in
turn pushes the entire Transmission Cassette Assembly out of its engine cavity.
STEP 15.2
Output Sprocket Removal and Installation
Remove the Hex Nut (5199-0499) and Locking Washer (5299-0129) in preparation of
removing the Output Sprocket and Drive Belt.
STEP 15.3
Output Sprocket Removal and Installation
Remove the Output Sprocket (3899-0029).

Before reinstalling you might want to prep, prime and paint the Output Sprocket. Most
Output Sprocket exhibit heavy rusting.
STEP 15.4
Output Sprocket Removal and Installation
Preparation on this is complete and this is how it should look. It is time to go to the other
side and complete the Transmission Cassette Removal.
STEP 16.1
Transmission Cassette Removal and Installation
Remove Hex. Socket Head Screws (5199-0520) holding in Transmission assembly, that
you previously loosened up, but did not take all the way out; grasp the Input Shaft
Assembly (6000-0015) with one hand, and slowly pull out.
STEP 16.2
Transmission Cassette Removal and Installation
This is the Transmission Casette Assembly after removal.
Final Step
This is what you should be looking at after the transmission cassette has been removed.
Clean and remove any oil coking in casing and Priamry Cover. Clean and remove any
filings in primary cavity and transmission cavity. If you notice broken gear teeth and
teeth go accounted, guide a magnetic pick up through the two square openings you will
see in the bottom of transmission cavity,

Did you remember to remove the Alternator Stator Bolt or in the case of the early model
V-Twin® engines, the Set Screw orifice to provide more oil to the Stator? Did you
remember to get a Primary Cover Gasket?

Install oil pump scavenge pump pick tube and plug second aft scavenge pump hole in
primary case housing.

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