child tracking using iمعدلة
child tracking using iمعدلة
child tracking using iمعدلة
microcontroller board, which supports IoT, GPS, SQL Server, SQL Server is available in different editions such as Enterprise,
and Android applications, was used to construct the prototype. Standard, Web and Express. Enterprise Edition offers the most
In essence, the NodeMCU Microcontroller Kit is an open- comprehensive range of features. However, for development
source component used to create Internet of Things and testing purposes, SQL Server 2022 Developer Edition is
applications. The ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC from Espresso if free for non-production use.
Systems is compatible with the firmware in this kit. Its
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and SQL Server Data
hardware is based on the ESP-12 kit and is offered in this kit as
Tools (SSDT) are two tools that are frequently used with SQL
an integrated chip.
Server. While SSDT is a development environment for building
It can read analog and digital signals from the real world and SQL Server databases, managing database objects, and
may be used in many conventional applications, including deploying database updates, SSMS is an integrated
smart houses, smart irrigation systems, and robotics. It is environment for managing your SQL Server infrastructure.
similar to Arduino microcontroller kits in this regard. The 10
Microsoft provides cloud-based SQL Server options, such as
digital pins (D1–D10) in the NodeMCU kit can be used to read
Azure SQL Database and SQL Server on Azure Virtual
digital inputs or produce digital outputs. Such pins also have
Machines, in addition to on-premises SQL Server deployments,
analog outputs for PWM technology, except pin D0 does not
enabling cheaper total cost of ownership (TCO), high
output his PWM. Analog output is provided via the PWM
availability/disaster recovery, and hybrid connectivity.
system utilized.
Vary the pulse width (that is, the time of the signal).
Additionally, for reading the analog input signal, the kit has one III. System Design and Implementation
pin (A0).
The required procedures for creating and putting into practice
the real-time kid-tracking system based on the NodeMCU
2.2 GPS Module
microcontroller, GPS module, and Blynk software are
In fact, GPS devices operate by examining their distance from presented in this chapter's subsection. We suggest a fix for the
the number of satellites. similar to the gadget has GPS satellite issue that relies mostly on GPS and IoT technology. It makes
location pre-programmed. The satellite is a device that use of the two key rich features now available on modern, high-
transmits information in the form of radio waves, including the tech smart mobile platforms.
time and position of the earth. Satellites are located and The project's operational hardware and software components
receivers are discovered in these wavelengths. one among the are as follows:
most typical The NEO-6M GPS chip, sold by U-Blix, is the Android App
module used for GPS applications. business, page 4 of 13.
NodeMCU Microcontroller Board
Smaller than a postage stamp, this chip is distinguished by its
GPS Module
size. Yet it manages to cram a surprising lot of functionality into
its little block. Utilize 50 distinct channels to track up to 22
satellites, and control the most effective satellites. The greatest 3.1 Real-time tracking system
sensitivity for tracking is (-161 dB). only uses 45mA of the The suggested approach is introduced in this section of the
power source, which might be a battery or power supply. It can chapter. The device is accountable for monitoring kids. Based
be upgraded, unlike certain GPS units. Position up to 5 times on his Internet of Things technology, this gadget uses a
per second with a 2.5 m horizontal position accuracy U-Blix 6's NodeMCU microcontroller. The GPS module is utilized for in-
positioning engine has a sub-second initial fix time. among the the-moment tracking. Figure 5 illustrates how a specific
top This module's capability to offer a power-saving mode. it Android app is configured to track the device's position using
enables a decrease in the amount of System power used by just Google Maps. The program will show the child's GPS-
turning on or off specific receiver segments. It significantly measured speed and direction as well as the longitude and
lowers the module's power consumption to just 11mA, making latitude of their stopping point. Additionally, this app will
it appropriate for current-sensitive applications like GPS display your child's current position on Google Maps.
wristwatches. The NEO-6M GPS chip's fundamental data pins
are detached via a 0.1-inch pitch header. By doing this, the pins 3.2 Results of real-time Device tracking subsystem
needed for UART communication are removed. kit for a The GPS will begin connecting with the satellites as soon as the
microcontroller. Additionally, this module supports baud rates NodeMCU microcontroller is turned on in order to ascertain the
between 4800 bps and 230400 bps. The default value is 9600. device's latitude and longitude. Following that, his NodeMCU
microcontroller sends this data to the SQL server. For apps
developed on the Android platform and for maps created with
2.3 SQL Server
Google Maps, SQL servers present data in the form of latitude
Microsoft created and offers the relational database and longitude. Shown in Figure 5. The suggested technique was
management system known as SQL Server. It is a piece of tested by slowly shifting the smartphone's location in order to
software whose main job is to store and quickly retrieve data detect changes in latitude and longitude. The NodeMCU
from other software programs. Numerous transaction microcontroller connects to another internet network via his
processing, business intelligence, and analytical applications Wi-Fi network on his TP-Link router, allowing him to follow
are supported by SQL Server. the device from anywhere in the globe. The smartphone is
connected to the internet via WIFI service.
The internet and a microcontroller chip are the device's core
components. The database contains the captured location,
which is utilized to determine the current location.
V. Circuit Diagram
We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the
contribution of certain people without which it would not have
been possible to complete this paperwork. We are thankful to
Figure 4: Home / Main page the principal Dr Ganesh D B, our head of the department Dr.
Mouneshachari S, Guide and Coordinators for their support,
encouragement, and suggestions. We would like to express our
special appreciation and thanks to our guide Mrs. Latharani T
R, you have been a tremendous mentor for us.