Tugas Metodologi Penelitian - 1
Tugas Metodologi Penelitian - 1
Tugas Metodologi Penelitian - 1
Terima Kasih
Contoh Jawaban Seperti ini :
Keterangan :
Variabel Bebas ( Independen) : Kualitas Pelayanan, Kepuasan Hidup dan Motivasi Pasien
Variabel Terikat ( Dependen) : Kepuasan Pasien
Variabel Penghubung ( Intervening) : Loyalitas Pasien
3. Cari minimum 9 judul artikel internasional yang berhubungan dengan topik penelitian anda
No Peneliti dan judul Alat Analisis Variabel Independent Variabel Variabel Hasil Penelitian
penelitian Dependent Mediating
7 Biljana Angelova Analisis ACSI Model (X1) Loyalty (Z) Retention The results and
(2020) regresi Service Quality (X2) (Y) findings will provide
linier Satisfaction (X3) extra information
Measuring berganda concerning
Customer customers’ needs,
Satisfaction with wants and their
Service Quality satisfaction. It will
Using American also contribute to
Customer research since this
Satisfaction study sets the ground
Model (ACSI for further research in
Model) measuring service
quality in the service
industries in
8 James Ndambuki Analisis Quality Health Care Utilization of The results of the
(2020) regresi (X1) Nursing Services study revealed that
linier (Y) patients in the Renal
The level of berganda unit were generally
patients’ satisfied with the
satisfaction and nursing services
perception on
quality of nursing
services in the
Renal unit,
Kenyatta National
Hospital Nairobi,
9 Hussein M. Al‐ Analisis Patient perception Patien The results showed
Borie (2021) regresi (X1), Satisfaction (Y) that sex, education,
linier Service quality, income and
Patients' berganda SERVQUAL (X2) occupation were
satisfaction of statistically
service quality in significant in
Saudi hospitals: a influencing inpatients'
SERVQUAL satisfaction, and all
analysis the null hypotheses
were rejected. Only
inpatient age was not