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Cor Pre Board

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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your
choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil
no. 2 only.

1. The following documents are included in the carpeta of the prisoner, EXCEPT:
A. His commitment order
B. His release document
C. The prosecutor’s information
D. The decision of the trial court and even the appellate court if any.

2. This shall refer to the commutation of sentence i.e. absolute or conditional pardon granted by
the president.
A. Reprieve C. Executive Clemency
B. Amnesty D. Parole

3. All EXCEPT ONE are the different documents that maybe considered by the officer, to
formally close a parole or conditional pardon supervision case.
A. Certificate of final release and discharged
B. Order of arrest and recommitment
C. Infraction report
D. Certified true copy of death certificate

4. (1) Filing of application for probation shall be deemed a waiver of the right to appeal (2) A
petitioner under Post Sentence Investigation shall have the right for a competent and
independent counsel of his own choice. This statement is ….
A. Statement No. 1 is true while statement No. 2 is false
B. Statement No. 1 is false while statement No. 2 is true
C. Statements No. 1 and 2 are true
D. Statements No. 1 and 2 are false

5. If Jennie was convicted for a crime of homicide and the penalty was reclusion temporal, but
she voluntarily surrendered herself in the proper authority Jennie’s sentence could be:
A. Reclusion perpetua is the maximum period.
B. Reclusion temporal in it’s medium period.
C. Reclusion perpetua to death.
D. Prison mayor in its medium period.

6. The released prisoners of Iwahig Penal Colony who were no longer interested of returning to
their original homes were given homestead lot with an area of ________.
A. one hectare C. six hectares
C. two hectare D. five hectares

7. Those uniformed personnel who are already in the BJMP service upon the effectivity of the
new law shall be given how many years to obtain the minimum educational qualification if they
are college undergraduate.
A. 8 years C. 5 years
B. 2 years D. 10 years
8. Which of the following is regarded as the most important program that aid in the
rehabilitation of prisoner?
A. Religious program C. Recreational program
B. Educational program D. Work/Employment program

9. What will be the salary grade of the uniformed personnel of the BJMP if his rank is Jail
Officer 1?
A. salary grade 12 C. salary grade 14
B. salary grade 10 D. salary grade 11

10. Prisoners who are exempted from admission to the Reception and Diagnostic Center
A. colonists C. detainees
B. death convicts D. Minors

11. In 1984 the inmates had established a corporate identity in order to improve the image and
marketability of prison products, what is the official registered trademark of their product?
A. Capic C. Cleansed
B. Plansta D. Copra

12. A well-rounded correctional program having for its aim the rehabilitation of prisoners must
be correlated with and into the system of:
1. Custody
2. Control
3. Security
A. 1 and 3 C. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3 D. 1, 2 and 3

13. In prison, it is commonly thought of as a procedure to prevent escapes, riots and disorders,
and the punishment of those involved.
A. Control C. Punishment
B Discipline D. Chastisement

14. In the development of penology in line with the modern approach, the term “correction” or
the institution of penology is often used today to indicate the chief concern is:
A. to punish criminals C. To correct anti-social behavior
B To pay for the crime they committed D. None of them

15. Main goal of the protection program in correctional administration is________.

A. To rehabilitate the prisoner mainly by changing his attitude
B. To protect society from convicted offenders
C. To protect the convicted offenders from society
D. Any of them

16. A written order of the court or any other competent authority confining an offender to jail
or prison.
A. Commitment Order C. Writ of Execution
B. Warrant of Arrest D. Mittimus

17. It evaluates prisoner’s fitness and qualification for the grant of pardon and parole.
A. Department of Justice C. Bureau of Corrections
B. Parole and Probation Administration D. Board of Pardon and Parole
18. Which of the following is regarded as the most important program that aid in the
rehabilitation of prisoner?
A. Religious program C. Recreational program
B. Educational program D. Work/Employment program

19. The most improved system of approach for self-improvement of prisoners was used by:
A. Alexander Moconochie C. Sir Walter Crofton
B. Demets of France D. William Penn

20. Which of the following prison system during the golden age of penology in 1870 to 1880,
which used Parole extensively?
A. Auburn Prison System C. Pennsylvania Prison System
B. Elmira Reformatory D. House of Refuge

21. If the petition for probation is granted, the petitioner will fill an information sheet and this is
A. worksheet C. carpeta
B. official record D. post sentence report

22. The father of Philippine Probation is whom?

A. President Marcos C. Juan Ponce Enrile
B. Teodulo C. Natividad D. Jose Almendras

23. How many times can a detainee or an inmate be granted with probation?
A. Twice C. Once
B. Any time D. Three

24. The work of Alexander Maconochie for the treatment of offender was:
A. Graded system C. Ticket of live
B. Ticket of leave D. Release order

25. What is main criteria to be considered for placing an offender on probation?

A. mental IQ is good
B. physical condition is fit to go home
C. family background
D. all information relative to the character

26. What is the number one condition of probation?

A. Select the program of supervision
B. Present himself to the probation officer
C. Report to his family for him to comply his obligation
D. He must avoid to enter houses of ill refute

27. Who controls the supervision of probationer?

A. Probation officer C. Court

28. Marriage ceremony of a prisoner can be solemnized where?

A. Jail C. Church
B. Court D. anywhere

29. Which who might be excused from hard labor and be placed on less strenuous details of
A. Prisoners over 60 years of age C. Detention prisoners
B. Women prisoners D. Gay prisoners

30. A well-rounded correctional program having for its aim the rehabilitation of prisoners must
be correlated with and into the system of any of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Custody C. Control
B. Security D. Discipline

31 In prison, it is commonly thought of as a procedure to prevent escapes, riots and disorders,

and the punishment of those involved.
A. Control C. Punishment
B. Discipline D Chastisement

32. If granted, it wipes away the guilt of the convicted prisoner without any condition attached
to it. It refers to which executive clemency?
A. Absolute Pardon C. Parole
B. Conditional Pardon D. Probation

33. After released from jail or prison, when does the parolee present himself to the parole and
Probation Office?
A. At least 1 month from release.
B. Within 3 months from release.
C. At least 3 weeks from release.
D. Within the period prescribed in the release document.

34. What is the action of the court in case the probationer violated the conditions imposed in
the grant of probation?
A. Court revokes probation and the probationer goes to prison
B. Court directs the probationer to re-apply for probation
C. Court releases the probationer to the community
D. Court orders the continuation of probation program

35. Which of the factor is to be considered in the petition for executive clemency?
a. Age of the petitioner.
b. Gravity of the offense.
c. Manner in which offense was committed.
d. petitioners institutional conduct or behavior
e. Previous criminal record if any.

A. a, b, d, and e C. all of those listed

B. a, b, c, and d D. b, c and a

36. When can a drug user or one who is in possession of illegal drugs be placed on probation?
A. First time offender.
B. First time offender and less than 21 years old.
C. Second time offender and less than 21 years old.
D. Second time offender.

37. Which agency performs the evaluation of prisoner’s fitness and qualifications for the grant
of pardon or parole?
A. National Police Commission
B. Board of Pardon and Parole
C. Department of Social Welfare and Environment.
D. National Bureau of Investigation.

38. Which of the following a probationer should avoid?

A. Make periodic office report.
B. Go and gamble
C. Work regularly to support his family.
D. Stay away from bad associates.

39. Probation may be given to a person upon:

A. Conviction but before serving his sentence.
B. While serving his sentence.
C. During an appeal.
D. Before judgment of conviction.

40. He helps the juvenile offender at Birmingham court by finding them a person who will act as
their guardian, regarded as the father of probation in England.
A. Gov. Alexander H. Rice C. John Augustus
B. Matthew Davenport Hill D. Chief Justice White

41. Report submitted by the supervisor to the Board through the officer concerned, containing
the result of the supervision, together with the supervisor’s recommendation as to whether or
not the client will be released.
A. Summary Report C. Infraction Report
B. Supervision Report D. Recommendation Report

42. An application for probation shall be filed within the period of perfecting an appeal which is:
A. 10 days C. 30 days
B. 15 days D. 60 days

43. Regarded as The Golden Age Penology is which period?

A. 1980-1990 C. 1970-1980
B. 1880-1890 D. 1870-1880
44. The Director of English Prison who opened the Borstal Institution after visiting Elmira
Reformatory in 1897 is______.
A. Sir Evelyn Ruggles C. Sir Samuel Romily
B. John Howard D. Zebulon Reed Brockway

45. No officer of any correctional institution shall, in his relation to the inmates use force except
i. Self- defense
ii. In case of attempted escape to hold prisoners
iii. Active and passive physical resistance to hold prisoners
iv. Strong provocation

A. i, ii and iii C. i and iii

B. i, ii, iii and iv D. ii and iv

46. An offender sentence from one day to three years is known as what kind of prisoner?
A. Municipal prisoner C. City prisoner
B. Provincial prisoner D. National prisoner

47. An Act providing for the professionalization of the Bureau of Fire Protection and the Bureau
of Jail Management and Penology amending certain provision of Republic Act 6975 is?
A. RA 9263 C. RA 9344
B. RA 8551 D. RA 9372

48. The prisoners in the Bilibid Prison and even in Manila City jails were not house in the cells
but instead they utilized building made of very strong adobe stone and is presently known as:
a. Conquistador c. Brigadas
b. Comandancias d. Cell

49. Under the law, a sentenced prisoner whose penalty ranges from one (1) day to six (6)
months should be confined at what facility?
A. Provincial Jails C. Municipal Jails
B. City Jails D. National Prison

50. Which office is mandated to exercises general supervision over all process and probations
and promote the correction and rehabilitation of offenders outside the prison institution?
A. Pardons and Parole Agency C. Philippine Probations Association
B. Parole and Probation Administration D. Prison and Probation Administration

51. He helps the juvenile offender at Birmingham Court by finding them a person who
will act as their guardian. Who is being referred to?
A. Gov. Alexander H. Rice C. John Augustus
B. Matthew Davenport Hill D. Chief Justice White

52. A type of executive clemency, which can only be availed by filing of petition and its
grant shall be considered complete even without the necessity of acceptance. Which is
being described?
A. Parole C. Absolute Pardon
B. Conditional Pardon D. Communication of Sentence

53. An act of grace or sovereign power of the Chief Executive is known as –

A. Conditional Pardon C. Pardon
B. Commutation of Sentence D. Absolute Pardon

54. All EXCEPT ONE is the document that maybe considered by the public officer, to
formally close a parole or conditional pardon supervision case.
A. Certificate of final release and discharged
B. Order of arrest and recommitment
C. Infraction report
D. Certified true copy of death certificate

55. Aside for his name, offense which he was convicted, and court imposing the
sentence, what information about an offender should be reported to the commissioner
of immigration?
A. His educational background and profession.
B. Name of his wife and children
C. His age, weight and height
D. His nationality and number, if he is an alien, certification of registration.

56. Which of the following is TRUE about parole and probation?

A. It is and institutional- based correction
B. It is an integrated system of correction
B. It is a community-based correction
D. It is a traditional system of correction

57. What was the system of money compensation in which harm could not be atoned
for by a money payment to the injured party?
A. bond to keep the peace C. destierro
B. banishment D. fine

58. Community-based corrections were formulated primarily –

A. To beautify the image of prisoners
B. To rehabilitate offenders
C. To decongest jails
D. To expedite the rehabilitation of offenders

59. Is Joselyn whose prison term is arresto mayor qualified for probation?
A. Yes, her sentence is less than 6 years and 1 day
B. No, her sentence is 12 years
C. No, her sentence is 8 years
D. Yes, her sentence is 6 months

60. You are a legislator who would like to help the resolution of the labeling problem of
ex convicts. Which of the following is the best legislative proposal to prepare?
A. A bill that would expunge all criminal records pertaining to all released
B. A bill that would penalized business establishment or officers which would not
accept released prisoners who are qualified to the vacant position.
C. A bill that would grant automatic absolute pardon to those who have served at
least 90 percent of their sentence.
D. A bill that would grant automatic parole to those who have served at least 80
percent of their sentence.

61. This refers to the right to be tried in an Ecclesiastical Court during the Middle Ages.
What is it called?
A. Inquisition C. Social Contract
B. Benefit of Clergy D. Secular Prosecution

62. When can a drug user or one who is in possession of illegal drugs be placed on
A. First time offender
B. First time offender and less than 21 years old
C. Second time offender and less than 21 years old
D. Second time offender

63. Which agency performs the evaluation of prisoner’s fitness and qualifications for the
grant of pardon or parole?
A. National Police Commission
B. Board of Pardon and Parole
C. Department of Social Welfare and Environment.
D. National Bureau of Investigation

64. Which of the following a probationer should avoid?

A. Make periodic office report.
B. Go and gamble
C. Work regularly to support his family.
D. Stay away from bad associates.
65. Probation may be given to a person upon –
A. Conviction but before serving his sentence.
B. While serving his sentence.
C. During an appeal.
D. Before judgment of conviction.

66. Supervision plan, should as much as possible be made confidential to the client.
Such statement is –
A. True C. Case to case basis
B. False D. In need basis

67. If Dindo was convicted for a crime of homicide and the penalty was reclusion
temporal, but he voluntarily surrender to the proper authority Dindo’s sentence could
be –
A. Reclusion perpetua is the maximum period.
B. Reclusion temporal in it’s medium period.
C. Reclusion perpetua to death.
D. Prison mayor in its medium period.

68. He was reform-minded governor of Pennsylvania who replaced the existing

regulations governing conduct in colony with the Quakers Criminal Code. Who is he?
A. John Howard C. William Penn
B. Hohn D. Cray D. William Blackstone

69. Regarded by many correctional authorities and reformists as the “Golden Age
Penology” because of so many reforms in penal management and corrections introduced
during that period is –
A. 1980-1990 C. 1970-1980
B. 1880-1890 D. 1870-1880

70. The Marion Correctional Institution for medium security males prisoners in the
State of Ohio operates a close circuit video television station called _______ broadcasting
A. Prison Greater Network C. Prison News Network
B. Prison Awareness Week D. Prison Broadcasting Company

71. Which type of Jail intended for detention prisoners whose length of stay is up to 48
hours only under the Philippine National Police?
A. City Jail C. Municipal Jail
B. Lock-Up Jail D. Provincial jail

72. On November 27, 1929 Act No. 3579 was passed into law establishing what type of
Penal institution which is intended for women?
A. Reception and Diagnostic Center
B. Mother and Their Children
C. Correctional Institution for Women
D. Woman and the Home
73. The Bureau of Prison was placed under the supervision of which department?
A. Department of Commerce
B. Department of Public Prison
C. Department of Justice
D. Department Interior and Local Government

74. The Prison News Network Broadcasting Program had its first production to enhance
the crew’s talent but what is unique is that mostly the inmates themselves operate it
and what is the title of its production?
A. Communicable Diseases in Prison
B. Different Problems of Prisons Inside the Jail
C. Different Diseases Inside the Jail
D. Inmates and Jail Wardens Problem

75. No officer of any correctional institution shall, in his relation to the inmates use
force EXCEPT in –
1. Self- defense
2. In case of attempted escape to hold prisoners
3. Active and passive physical resistance to hold prisoners
4. Strong provocation

A. 1 and 2 only C. 4 only

B. 1, 2 and 3 only D. 1 only

76. In what instance that a prisoner may be given passes or leaves from jails or places
of confinement, as may be allowed by law or regulation, upon approval of the
appropriate authority, or the court, if already committed by court order and upon
recommendation of the warden?
A. When the prisoner post bail for his temporary liberty
B. Upon very meritorious
C. On recognizance of a reputable citizen
D. On humanitarian consideration

77. The Correctional System in the Philippines is under three distinct and separate
departments of the national government. They are the following, EXCEPT -
A. The Department of National Defense
B. The Department of Justice
C. The Department of Interior and Local Government
D. The Department of Social and Welfare Development
78. Which among the following documents included in the CARPETA?
1. Certification of detention.
2. Social history of the man’s biography as a person
3. Prison records
4. Pre-sentence report

A. 1 and 3 only C. 2 only

B. 2 and 4 only D. 4 only
79. The Director of English Prison who opened the Borstal Institution after visiting
Elmira Reformatory in 1897.
A. Sir Evelyn Ruggles C. Sir Samuel Romily
B. John Howard D. Zebulon Reed Brockway

80. The central office of the Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR) is located in ____, where the
Director, the Assistant Directors and the General Administration Staff are holding
official functions.
A. Camp Crame, Quezon City C. Maximum Security Prison
B. Camp Aguinaldo Quezon City D. Maximum Security prison

81. The Old Bilibid Prison was constructed as the main penitentiary in Oroquieta
Street, Manila and designed to house the prison population of the country. This
prison became known as the –
A. Bilibid Prison I C. Manila National Prison
B. Correctional de Bilibid D. Carcel y Presidio Correccional

82. It refers to shock incarceration regime for adults and juveniles, originated in
America, which emphasize discipline and physical training in a military-style
environment. Which one of these?
A. Boot legs C. Mud Camps
B. Boot Camps D. Jamboree Camps

83. One of the following is NOT an Executive Clemency. Which one?

A. Reprieve C. Probation
B. Absolute pardon D. Commutation of sentence

84. The first Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC) facility was created in Building
No. 9 of the Maximum Security Compound and was relocated to the Medium
Security compound of Camp Sampaguita. Historically, this statement is –
A. True C. False
B. Not accurate D. Debatable

85. Being the initial stop of every national male prisoner, the Reception and
Diagnostic Center (RDC) greatly improved its rehabilitative programs. By the
adoption of the behavioural modification modality, a program for drug
dependents, the RDC was converted into a Therapeutic Community Camp on –
A. February 6, 2003 C. April 8, 2003
B. March 7, 2004 D. February 22, 1990

86. Among the Penal Farms in the country, ______ is the largest operating institution
under the Bureau of Correction covering a total land area of more or less 28,000
hectares is –
A. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm C. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
B. Davao Prison and Penal Farm D. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm
87. What theory of punishment proposes that sentencing can contribute towards
reducing crime by removing potential offenders from the community, so
eliminating their capacity to commit offenses?
A. Retribution C. Atonement
B. Incapacitation D. Reformation

88. The BJMP is the upgraded version of its forerunner, the office of Jail
Management and Penology of the defunct PC/INP last headed by –
A. Brigadier General Rafael Crame
B. Brigadier General Arsenio Concepcion
C. General Fabian Ver
D. Brigadier General Antonio Rodriguez

89. The second officer in command of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
is the ____ with the rank of Chief Superintendent.
A. Deputy Chief for Administration
B. Deputy Chief for Operations
C. Most Senior Commissioned Officer
D. Chief of Directorial Staff

90. Under the law, the ___ refers to the Officer- In- Charge of the New Bilibid Prison,
the Correctional Institution for Women and the prison and penal farm of the
Bureau of Corrections.
A. Penal Supervisor C. Penal Superintendent
B. Warden D. Director of Prison

91. The Chief of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology carries the rank of
_____ and serves a tour of duty that must not exceed four (4) years.
A. Director General C. Director
B. Deputy Director D. Warden

92. Petitions for parole shall be addressed to the _____. And the Board may consider
cases for parole, commutation of sentence or conditional pardon of deserving
prisoners whenever the interest of justice will be served thereby.
A. Office of the president
B. Secretary of Justice
C. Chairman or Executive Director of the Board
D. Director of the Bureau of Corrections

93. On November 15, 1940, all inmates of the Old Bilibid Prison in Manila were
transferred to the new site. The new institution was officially named the New
Bilibid Prison on –
A. January 22, 1941 C. March 22, 1943
B. February 22, 1942 D. April 22, 1945

94. The Leyte Regional Prison was established on January 16, 1973 under –
A. Proclamation No. 1101 C. Proclamation No. 1103
B. Proclamation No. 1102 D. Proclamation No. 1104

95. In case of an alien, the petition for executive clemency should be referred to the –
A. Bureau of Immigration C. Department of Foreign Affairs
B. Department of Justice D. Office of the President

96. When the penalty is imprisonment, the sentence is carried out either in the
municipal, provincial or national penitentiary depending on –
A. The judge who issues the order
B. The ability of the accused to get immediate rehabilitation
C. The availability of funds in prison or jails
D. The length of the sentence meted out

97. If, based on the Pre-Parole Investigation Report conducted on the Prisoner, there
is a clear and convincing evidence that his release on parole will endanger his
own life and those of his relatives or the life, safety and well-being of the victim,
his relatives, his witnesses and the community, the release of the prisoner should
be –
A. Deferred until the danger ceases
B. Disapproved by the Board
C. Referred to the office of the President for comment
D. Granted and placed on the witness protection program

98. After the quarantine period, the inmate should remain at the Reception and
Diagnostic Center for a period not exceeding _____ where he should undergo
psychiatric, psychological, sociological, vocational, educational and religious and
other examinations.
A. 30 days C. 55 days
B. 25 days D. 90 days

99. What should an inmate, before admission in the Reception and diagnostic
Center, present?
1. Mittimus/Commitment Order of the Court
2. Information
3. Court decision of the case
4. Investigation report of the investigator in case
5. Certificate of Detention

A. 1, 2, 4 and 5 only C. 1, 2, 3 and 4 only

B. 1, 2, 3 and 5 only D. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

100. The Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR) has a Classification Board that

classifies inmates according to its Manual of Operation. The chairman of this
classification board is the –
A. Superintendent
B. Chief of the Reception and Diagnostic Center
C. Medical Officer
D. Chief of the Custodial Force


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your
choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil
no. 2 only.

1. The following documents are included in the carpeta of the prisoner, EXCEPT:
A. His commitment order
B. His release document
C. The prosecutor’s information
D. The decision of the trial court and even the appellate court if any.

2. This shall refer to the commutation of sentence i.e. absolute or conditional pardon granted by
the president.
A. Reprieve C. Executive Clemency
B. Amnesty D. Parole

3. All EXCEPT ONE are the different documents that maybe considered by the officer, to
formally close a parole or conditional pardon supervision case.
A. Certificate of final release and discharged
B. Order of arrest and recommitment
C. Infraction report
D. Certified true copy of death certificate

4. (1) Filing of application for probation shall be deemed a waiver of the right to appeal (2) A
petitioner under Post Sentence Investigation shall have the right for a competent and
independent counsel of his own choice. This statement is ….
A. Statement No. 1 is true while statement No. 2 is false
B. Statement No. 1 is false while statement No. 2 is true
C. Statements No. 1 and 2 are true
D. Statements No. 1 and 2 are false

5. If Jennie was convicted for a crime of homicide and the penalty was reclusion temporal, but
she voluntarily surrendered herself in the proper authority Jennie’s sentence could be:
A. Reclusion perpetua is the maximum period.
B. Reclusion temporal in it’s medium period.
C. Reclusion perpetua to death.
D. Prison mayor in its medium period.

6. The released prisoners of Iwahig Penal Colony who were no longer interested of returning to
their original homes were given homestead lot with an area of ________.
A. one hectare C. six hectares
C. two hectare D. five hectares

7. Those uniformed personnel who are already in the BJMP service upon the effectivity of the
new law shall be given how many years to obtain the minimum educational qualification if they
are college undergraduate.
A. 8 years C. 5 years
B. 2 years D. 10 years
8. Which of the following is regarded as the most important program that aid in the
rehabilitation of prisoner?
A. Religious program C. Recreational program
B. Educational program D. Work/Employment program

9. What will be the salary grade of the uniformed personnel of the BJMP if his rank is Jail
Officer 1?
A. salary grade 12 C. salary grade 14
B. salary grade 10 D. salary grade 11

10. Prisoners who are exempted from admission to the Reception and Diagnostic Center
A. colonists C. detainees
B. death convicts D. Minors

11. In 1984 the inmates had established a corporate identity in order to improve the image and
marketability of prison products, what is the official registered trademark of their product?
A. Capic C. Cleansed
B. Plansta D. Copra

12. A well-rounded correctional program having for its aim the rehabilitation of prisoners must
be correlated with and into the system of:
1. Custody
2. Control
3. Security
A. 1 and 3 C. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3 D. 1, 2 and 3

13. In prison, it is commonly thought of as a procedure to prevent escapes, riots and disorders,
and the punishment of those involved.
A. Control C. Punishment
B Discipline D. Chastisement

14. In the development of penology in line with the modern approach, the term “correction” or
the institution of penology is often used today to indicate the chief concern is:
A. to punish criminals C. To correct anti-social behavior
B To pay for the crime they committed D. None of them

15. Main goal of the protection program in correctional administration is________.

A. To rehabilitate the prisoner mainly by changing his attitude
B. To protect society from convicted offenders
C. To protect the convicted offenders from society
D. Any of them

16. A written order of the court or any other competent authority confining an offender to jail
or prison.
A. Commitment Order C. Writ of Execution
B. Warrant of Arrest D. Mittimus

17. It evaluates prisoner’s fitness and qualification for the grant of pardon and parole.
A. Department of Justice C. Bureau of Corrections
B. Parole and Probation Administration D. Board of Pardon and Parole
18. Which of the following is regarded as the most important program that aid in the
rehabilitation of prisoner?
A. Religious program C. Recreational program
B. Educational program D. Work/Employment program

19. The most improved system of approach for self-improvement of prisoners was used by:
A. Alexander Moconochie C. Sir Walter Crofton
B. Demets of France D. William Penn

20. Which of the following prison system during the golden age of penology in 1870 to 1880,
which used Parole extensively?
A. Auburn Prison System C. Pennsylvania Prison System
B. Elmira Reformatory D. House of Refuge

21. If the petition for probation is granted, the petitioner will fill an information sheet and this is
A. worksheet C. carpeta
B. official record D. post sentence report

22. The father of Philippine Probation is whom?

A. President Marcos C. Juan Ponce Enrile
B. Teodulo C. Natividad D. Jose Almendras

23. How many times can a detainee or an inmate be granted with probation?
A. Twice C. Once
B. Any time D. Three

24. The work of Alexander Maconochie for the treatment of offender was:
A. Graded system C. Ticket of live
B. Ticket of leave D. Release order

25. What is main criteria to be considered for placing an offender on probation?

A. mental IQ is good
B. physical condition is fit to go home
C. family background
D. all information relative to the character

26. What is the number one condition of probation?

A. Select the program of supervision
B. Present himself to the probation officer
C. Report to his family for him to comply his obligation
D. He must avoid to enter houses of ill refute

27. Who controls the supervision of probationer?

A. Probation officer C. Court

28. Marriage ceremony of a prisoner can be solemnized where?

A. Jail C. Church
B. Court D. anywhere

29. Which who might be excused from hard labor and be placed on less strenuous details of
A. Prisoners over 60 years of age C. Detention prisoners
B. Women prisoners D. Gay prisoners

30. A well-rounded correctional program having for its aim the rehabilitation of prisoners must
be correlated with and into the system of any of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Custody C. Control
B. Security D. Discipline

31 In prison, it is commonly thought of as a procedure to prevent escapes, riots and disorders,

and the punishment of those involved.
A. Control C. Punishment
B. Discipline D Chastisement

32. If granted, it wipes away the guilt of the convicted prisoner without any condition attached
to it. It refers to which executive clemency?
A. Absolute Pardon C. Parole
B. Conditional Pardon D. Probation

33. After released from jail or prison, when does the parolee present himself to the parole and
Probation Office?
A. At least 1 month from release.
B. Within 3 months from release.
C. At least 3 weeks from release.
D. Within the period prescribed in the release document.

34. What is the action of the court in case the probationer violated the conditions imposed in
the grant of probation?
A. Court revokes probation and the probationer goes to prison
B. Court directs the probationer to re-apply for probation
C. Court releases the probationer to the community
D. Court orders the continuation of probation program

35. Which of the factor is to be considered in the petition for executive clemency?
a. Age of the petitioner.
b. Gravity of the offense.
c. Manner in which offense was committed.
d. petitioners institutional conduct or behavior
e. Previous criminal record if any.

A. a, b, d, and e C. all of those listed

B. a, b, c, and d D. b, c and a

36. When can a drug user or one who is in possession of illegal drugs be placed on probation?
A. First time offender.
B. First time offender and less than 21 years old.
C. Second time offender and less than 21 years old.
D. Second time offender.

37. Which agency performs the evaluation of prisoner’s fitness and qualifications for the grant
of pardon or parole?
A. National Police Commission
B. Board of Pardon and Parole
C. Department of Social Welfare and Environment.
D. National Bureau of Investigation.

38. Which of the following a probationer should avoid?

A. Make periodic office report.
B. Go and gamble
C. Work regularly to support his family.
D. Stay away from bad associates.

39. Probation may be given to a person upon:

A. Conviction but before serving his sentence.
B. While serving his sentence.
C. During an appeal.
D. Before judgment of conviction.

40. He helps the juvenile offender at Birmingham court by finding them a person who will act as
their guardian, regarded as the father of probation in England.
A. Gov. Alexander H. Rice C. John Augustus
B. Matthew Davenport Hill D. Chief Justice White

41. Report submitted by the supervisor to the Board through the officer concerned, containing
the result of the supervision, together with the supervisor’s recommendation as to whether or
not the client will be released.
A. Summary Report C. Infraction Report
B. Supervision Report D. Recommendation Report

42. An application for probation shall be filed within the period of perfecting an appeal which is:
A. 10 days C. 30 days
B. 15 days D. 60 days

43. Regarded as The Golden Age Penology is which period?

A. 1980-1990 C. 1970-1980
B. 1880-1890 D. 1870-1880
44. The Director of English Prison who opened the Borstal Institution after visiting Elmira
Reformatory in 1897 is______.
A. Sir Evelyn Ruggles C. Sir Samuel Romily
B. John Howard D. Zebulon Reed Brockway

45. No officer of any correctional institution shall, in his relation to the inmates use force except
i. Self- defense
ii. In case of attempted escape to hold prisoners
iii. Active and passive physical resistance to hold prisoners
iv. Strong provocation

C. i, ii and iii C. i and iii

D. i, ii, iii and iv D. ii and iv

46. An offender sentence from one day to three years is known as what kind of prisoner?
A. Municipal prisoner C. City prisoner
B. Provincial prisoner D. National prisoner

47. An Act providing for the professionalization of the Bureau of Fire Protection and the Bureau
of Jail Management and Penology amending certain provision of Republic Act 6975 is?
A. RA 9263 C. RA 9344
B. RA 8551 D. RA 9372

48. The prisoners in the Bilibid Prison and even in Manila City jails were not house in the cells
but instead they utilized building made of very strong adobe stone and is presently known as:
a. Conquistador c. Brigadas
b. Comandancias d. Cell

49. Under the law, a sentenced prisoner whose penalty ranges from one (1) day to six (6)
months should be confined at what facility?
A. Provincial Jails C. Municipal Jails
B. City Jails D. National Prison

50. Which office is mandated to exercises general supervision over all process and probations
and promote the correction and rehabilitation of offenders outside the prison institution?
A. Pardons and Parole Agency C. Philippine Probations Association
B. Parole and Probation Administration D. Prison and Probation Administration

51. He helps the juvenile offender at Birmingham Court by finding them a person who
will act as their guardian. Who is being referred to?
A. Gov. Alexander H. Rice C. John Augustus
B. Matthew Davenport Hill D. Chief Justice White

52. A type of executive clemency, which can only be availed by filing of petition and its
grant shall be considered complete even without the necessity of acceptance. Which is
being described?
A. Parole C. Absolute Pardon
B. Conditional Pardon D. Communication of Sentence

53. An act of grace or sovereign power of the Chief Executive is known as –

A. Conditional Pardon C. Pardon
B. Commutation of Sentence D. Absolute Pardon

54. All EXCEPT ONE is the document that maybe considered by the public officer, to
formally close a parole or conditional pardon supervision case.
A. Certificate of final release and discharged
B. Order of arrest and recommitment
C. Infraction report
D. Certified true copy of death certificate

55. Aside for his name, offense which he was convicted, and court imposing the
sentence, what information about an offender should be reported to the commissioner
of immigration?
A. His educational background and profession.
B. Name of his wife and children
C. His age, weight and height
D. His nationality and number, if he is an alien, certification of registration.

56. Which of the following is TRUE about parole and probation?

A. It is and institutional- based correction
B. It is an integrated system of correction
B. It is a community-based correction
D. It is a traditional system of correction

57. What was the system of money compensation in which harm could not be atoned
for by a money payment to the injured party?
A. bond to keep the peace C. destierro
B. banishment D. fine

58. Community-based corrections were formulated primarily –

A. To beautify the image of prisoners
B. To rehabilitate offenders
C. To decongest jails
D. To expedite the rehabilitation of offenders

59. Is Joselyn whose prison term is arresto mayor qualified for probation?
A. Yes, her sentence is less than 6 years and 1 day
B. No, her sentence is 12 years
C. No, her sentence is 8 years
D. Yes, her sentence is 6 months

60. You are a legislator who would like to help the resolution of the labeling problem of
ex convicts. Which of the following is the best legislative proposal to prepare?
A. A bill that would expunge all criminal records pertaining to all released
B. A bill that would penalized business establishment or officers which would not
accept released prisoners who are qualified to the vacant position.
C. A bill that would grant automatic absolute pardon to those who have served at
least 90 percent of their sentence.
D. A bill that would grant automatic parole to those who have served at least 80
percent of their sentence.

61. This refers to the right to be tried in an Ecclesiastical Court during the Middle Ages.
What is it called?
A. Inquisition C. Social Contract
B. Benefit of Clergy D. Secular Prosecution

62. When can a drug user or one who is in possession of illegal drugs be placed on
A. First time offender
B. First time offender and less than 21 years old
C. Second time offender and less than 21 years old
D. Second time offender

63. Which agency performs the evaluation of prisoner’s fitness and qualifications for the
grant of pardon or parole?
A. National Police Commission
B. Board of Pardon and Parole
C. Department of Social Welfare and Environment.
D. National Bureau of Investigation

64. Which of the following a probationer should avoid?

A. Make periodic office report.
B. Go and gamble
C. Work regularly to support his family.
D. Stay away from bad associates.
65. Probation may be given to a person upon –
A. Conviction but before serving his sentence.
B. While serving his sentence.
C. During an appeal.
D. Before judgment of conviction.

66. Supervision plan, should as much as possible be made confidential to the client.
Such statement is –
A. True C. Case to case basis
B. False D. In need basis

67. If Dindo was convicted for a crime of homicide and the penalty was reclusion
temporal, but he voluntarily surrender to the proper authority Dindo’s sentence could
be –
A. Reclusion perpetua is the maximum period.
B. Reclusion temporal in it’s medium period.
C. Reclusion perpetua to death.
D. Prison mayor in its medium period.

68. He was reform-minded governor of Pennsylvania who replaced the existing

regulations governing conduct in colony with the Quakers Criminal Code. Who is he?
A. John Howard C. William Penn
B. Hohn D. Cray D. William Blackstone

69. Regarded by many correctional authorities and reformists as the “Golden Age
Penology” because of so many reforms in penal management and corrections introduced
during that period is –
A. 1980-1990 C. 1970-1980
B. 1880-1890 D. 1870-1880

70. The Marion Correctional Institution for medium security males prisoners in the
State of Ohio operates a close circuit video television station called _______ broadcasting
A. Prison Greater Network C. Prison News Network
B. Prison Awareness Week D. Prison Broadcasting Company

71. Which type of Jail intended for detention prisoners whose length of stay is up to 48
hours only under the Philippine National Police?
A. City Jail C. Municipal Jail
B. Lock-Up Jail D. Provincial jail

72. On November 27, 1929 Act No. 3579 was passed into law establishing what type of
Penal institution which is intended for women?
B. Reception and Diagnostic Center
B. Mother and Their Children
C. Correctional Institution for Women
D. Woman and the Home
73. The Bureau of Prison was placed under the supervision of which department?
A. Department of Commerce
B. Department of Public Prison
C. Department of Justice
D. Department Interior and Local Government

74. The Prison News Network Broadcasting Program had its first production to enhance
the crew’s talent but what is unique is that mostly the inmates themselves operate it
and what is the title of its production?
A. Communicable Diseases in Prison
B. Different Problems of Prisons Inside the Jail
C. Different Diseases Inside the Jail
D. Inmates and Jail Wardens Problem

75. No officer of any correctional institution shall, in his relation to the inmates use
force EXCEPT in –
1. Self- defense
2. In case of attempted escape to hold prisoners
3. Active and passive physical resistance to hold prisoners
4. Strong provocation

A. 1 and 2 only C. 4 only

B. 1, 2 and 3 only D. 1 only

76. In what instance that a prisoner may be given passes or leaves from jails or places
of confinement, as may be allowed by law or regulation, upon approval of the
appropriate authority, or the court, if already committed by court order and upon
recommendation of the warden?
A. When the prisoner post bail for his temporary liberty
B. Upon very meritorious
C. On recognizance of a reputable citizen
D. On humanitarian consideration

77. The Correctional System in the Philippines is under three distinct and separate
departments of the national government. They are the following, EXCEPT -
E. The Department of National Defense
F. The Department of Justice
G. The Department of Interior and Local Government
H. The Department of Social and Welfare Development
78. Which among the following documents included in the CARPETA?
1. Certification of detention.
2. Social history of the man’s biography as a person
3. Prison records
4. Pre-sentence report

A. 1 and 3 only C. 2 only

B. 2 and 4 only D. 4 only
79. The Director of English Prison who opened the Borstal Institution after visiting
Elmira Reformatory in 1897.
A. Sir Evelyn Ruggles C. Sir Samuel Romily
B. John Howard D. Zebulon Reed Brockway

80. The central office of the Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR) is located in ____, where the
Director, the Assistant Directors and the General Administration Staff are holding
official functions.
C. Camp Crame, Quezon City C. Maximum Security Prison
D. Camp Aguinaldo Quezon City D. Maximum Security prison

101. The Old Bilibid Prison was constructed as the main penitentiary in
Oroquieta Street, Manila and designed to house the prison population of the
country. This prison became known as the –
C. Bilibid Prison I C. Manila National Prison
D. Correctional de Bilibid D. Carcel y Presidio Correccional

102. It refers to shock incarceration regime for adults and juveniles, originated
in America, which emphasize discipline and physical training in a military-style
environment. Which one of these?
C. Boot legs C. Mud Camps
D. Boot Camps D. Jamboree Camps

103. One of the following is NOT an Executive Clemency. Which one?

C. Reprieve C. Probation
D. Absolute pardon D. Commutation of sentence

104. The first Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC) facility was created in
Building No. 9 of the Maximum Security Compound and was relocated to the
Medium Security compound of Camp Sampaguita. Historically, this statement is

C. True C. False
D. Not accurate D. Debatable

105. Being the initial stop of every national male prisoner, the Reception and
Diagnostic Center (RDC) greatly improved its rehabilitative programs. By the
adoption of the behavioural modification modality, a program for drug
dependents, the RDC was converted into a Therapeutic Community Camp on –
C. February 6, 2003 C. April 8, 2003
D. March 7, 2004 D. February 22, 1990

106. Among the Penal Farms in the country, ______ is the largest operating
institution under the Bureau of Correction covering a total land area of more or
less 28,000 hectares is –
C. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm C. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
D. Davao Prison and Penal Farm D. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm
107. What theory of punishment proposes that sentencing can contribute
towards reducing crime by removing potential offenders from the community, so
eliminating their capacity to commit offenses?
C. Retribution C. Atonement
D. Incapacitation D. Reformation

108. The BJMP is the upgraded version of its forerunner, the office of Jail
Management and Penology of the defunct PC/INP last headed by –
E. Brigadier General Rafael Crame
F. Brigadier General Arsenio Concepcion
G. General Fabian Ver
H. Brigadier General Antonio Rodriguez

109. The second officer in command of the Bureau of Jail Management and
Penology is the ____ with the rank of Chief Superintendent.
E. Deputy Chief for Administration
F. Deputy Chief for Operations
G. Most Senior Commissioned Officer
H. Chief of Directorial Staff

110. Under the law, the ___ refers to the Officer- In- Charge of the New Bilibid
Prison, the Correctional Institution for Women and the prison and penal farm of
the Bureau of Corrections.
C. Penal Supervisor C. Penal Superintendent
D. Warden D. Director of Prison

111. The Chief of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology carries the rank
of _____ and serves a tour of duty that must not exceed four (4) years.
C. Director General C. Director
D. Deputy Director D. Warden

112. Petitions for parole shall be addressed to the _____. And the Board may
consider cases for parole, commutation of sentence or conditional pardon of
deserving prisoners whenever the interest of justice will be served thereby.
E. Office of the president
F. Secretary of Justice
G. Chairman or Executive Director of the Board
H. Director of the Bureau of Corrections

113. On November 15, 1940, all inmates of the Old Bilibid Prison in Manila were
transferred to the new site. The new institution was officially named the New
Bilibid Prison on –
C. January 22, 1941 C. March 22, 1943
D. February 22, 1942 D. April 22, 1945

114. The Leyte Regional Prison was established on January 16, 1973 under –
C. Proclamation No. 1101 C. Proclamation No. 1103
D. Proclamation No. 1102 D. Proclamation No. 1104

115. In case of an alien, the petition for executive clemency should be referred to
the –
C. Bureau of Immigration C. Department of Foreign Affairs
D. Department of Justice D. Office of the President

116. When the penalty is imprisonment, the sentence is carried out either in the
municipal, provincial or national penitentiary depending on –
E. The judge who issues the order
F. The ability of the accused to get immediate rehabilitation
G. The availability of funds in prison or jails
H. The length of the sentence meted out

117. If, based on the Pre-Parole Investigation Report conducted on the Prisoner,
there is a clear and convincing evidence that his release on parole will endanger
his own life and those of his relatives or the life, safety and well-being of the
victim, his relatives, his witnesses and the community, the release of the prisoner
should be –
E. Deferred until the danger ceases
F. Disapproved by the Board
G. Referred to the office of the President for comment
H. Granted and placed on the witness protection program

118. After the quarantine period, the inmate should remain at the Reception and
Diagnostic Center for a period not exceeding _____ where he should undergo
psychiatric, psychological, sociological, vocational, educational and religious and
other examinations.
C. 30 days C. 55 days
D. 25 days D. 90 days

119. What should an inmate, before admission in the Reception and diagnostic
Center, present?
6. Mittimus/Commitment Order of the Court
7. Information
8. Court decision of the case
9. Investigation report of the investigator in case
10. Certificate of Detention

C. 1, 2, 4 and 5 only C. 1, 2, 3 and 4 only

D. 1, 2, 3 and 5 only D. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
120. The Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR) has a Classification Board that
classifies inmates according to its Manual of Operation. The chairman of this
classification board is the –
E. Superintendent
F. Chief of the Reception and Diagnostic Center
G. Medical Officer
H. Chief of the Custodial Force


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