Unit 4 - Unit Quiz
Unit 4 - Unit Quiz
Unit 4 - Unit Quiz
Exercise 1.
Follow the story about Murray PLC in the following sentences and
complete them with the most suitable accounting term a-c (based on
the context).
• Murray PLC is in the news today because it has failed to meet its
______________ in respect to its borrowings from Nateast Bank.
a. Covenants b. Credit rating c. Tax Return
• As a result of all this, the share price is falling and the ___________________
of Murray has fallen by 40% to $8 million.
a. Tax evasion b. Market Capitalisation c. Tax haven
Exercise 2.
Exercise 3.
3. A mortgage
a. a long-term property loan. b. Assets c. Fixed Assets
4. A recovery
a. A slump. b. a recession c. a rally