Unit 1 - Lesson 1
Unit 1 - Lesson 1
Unit 1 - Lesson 1
• Figurehead role,
• Leader role
• Liaison role
⦿ ________ (1)
A manager plays a __________ when he performs activities such as attending ceremonial functions
which have symbolic nature.
Sometimes managers greet visitors, attend social functions involving employees, and handling out merit
certificates and other awards to outstanding employees.
⦿ ________ (2)
The ________ role of a manager involves leading and motivating his subordinates for willing
contribution. Managers perform _______ roles when they perform activities such as Hiring, Training,
motivating, and guiding subordinates.
⦿ ________ (3)
In the ________ role, the manager act as a mediator between the organization and the outsider.
He serves as a connecting link between his units and organizational units, and sometimes with people
from the external environment.
Managers perform _______ roles while interacting with other managers outside the organization to obtain
favors and information.
• Monitor role
• Disseminator role
• Spokesperson role
⦿ ________ (4)
The manager seeks and receives information about those factors which affect his activities. These factors
may be within the organization as well as outside it.
By playing a ________ role, Managers gain an understanding of the Organization and its environment.
⦿ ________ (5)
In the ________ role, the manager transmits information to subordinates, peers, and superiors within the
The manager has to act as a ________ and distributes the information to his subordinates because they
may not be in a position to collect it.
⦿ ________ (6)
In the ________ role, the manager represents his organization or unit while interacting with outsiders.
More precisely, the ________ speaks on behalf of the Organization and transmits information on
Organization plans, policies, and actions to outsiders.
In his decisional roles, the Manager performs four different roles as follows;
• Entrepreneur role
• Disturbance handler role
• Resource allocator role
• Negotiator role
⦿ ________ (7)
Manager as an _________ role, take initiative and make changes or improvements in the activities of the
The manager assumes certain risk which is involved in terms of the outcomes of action because these are
affected by a variety of external factors.
External factors are dynamic and change constantly. And manager is required to bring suitable changes
in the organizational processes to align these with the requirement of the environment.
⦿ ________ (8)
As a role of ________, the manager has in charge and takes corrective action when Organization faces
unexpected crises.
The manager is required to tackle those forces and events which tend to disturb the organizational
equilibrium and normal functioning.
These forces and events may be strikes by Employees and the Trade/Labor Union, shortage of raw
material, employee complaints and grievances, etc.
⦿ ________ (9)
A manager as the ________ role must divide work and delegate authority among his subordinates. He
must decide who will get what work.
The manager allocates resources such as human, physical and financial among his subordinates.
⦿ ________ (10)
The manager represents the organization in bargaining and negotiations with outsiders as well as insiders.
In the ________ role, the manager negotiates with various interest groups in the organization. Such
interest groups are shareholders, employees, and outside agencies.