CH 5

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Vision and Mission
LeArning oBjectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

5-1. Describe the nature and role of vision statements in strategic management.
5-2. Describe the nature and role of mission statements in strategic management.
5-3. Discuss the process of developing a vision and mission statement.
5-4. Discuss how clear vision and mission statements can benefit other strategic-management
5-5. Describe the characteristics of a good mission statement.
5-6. Identify the components of mission statements.
5-7. Evaluate mission statements of different organizations and write effective vision and
mission statements.

AssurAnce of LeArning exercises

The following exercises are found at the end of this chapter:
exercise 5A Examine Potential Changes Needed in a Firm’s
exercise 5B Studying an Alternative View of Mission Statement Content
exercise 5c Evaluate Mission Statements
exercise 5D Evaluate the Vision and Mission Statements of Unilever,
Nestlé’s Competitor
exercise 5e Selecting the Best Vision and Mission Statements in a
Given Industry
exercise 5f Write an Excellent Vision and Mission Statement
for Novartis AG

158 Strategic ManageMent

his chapter focuses on the concepts and tools needed to evaluate and write business
vision and mission statements. It also provides a practical framework for developing and
creating effective vision and mission statements. Actual mission statements from large
and small organizations and for-profit and nonprofit enterprises are presented and critiqued. The
exemplary company examined in the beginning of this chapter, Samsung Electronics, is exem-
plary in terms of both its vision and mission concepts as well as its strategic management.
We can perhaps best understand vision and mission by focusing on a business when it is
first started. In the beginning, a new business is simply a collection of ideas. Starting a new
business rests on a set of beliefs that the new organization can offer some product or service to
some customers in some geographic area using some type of technology at a profitable price.
A new business owner typically believes his or her philosophy of the new enterprise will result
in a favorable public image, and the business concept can be effectively communicated to and
adopted by important constituencies. When the set of beliefs about a business at its inception is
put into writing, the resulting document mirrors the same basic ideas that underlie vision and
mission statements. As a business grows, owners or managers find it necessary to revise the
founding set of beliefs, but those original ideas usually are reflected in the revised statements of
vision and mission.
Vision and mission statements often can be found in the front of annual reports. They often
are displayed throughout a firm’s premises and are distributed with company information sent
to constituencies. The statements are part of numerous internal reports, such as loan requests,
supplier agreements, labor relations contracts, business plans, and customer service agreements.

Vision Statements: What Do We Want to Become?

It is especially important for managers and executives in any organization to agree on the basic
vision that the firm strives to achieve in the long term. A vision statement should answer the
basic question, “What do we want to become?” A clear vision provides the foundation for devel-
oping a comprehensive mission statement. Many organizations have both a vision and mission

exempLAry compAny showcAseD

Samsung Electronics Co. Limited (SSNLF)

Headquartered in Suwon, South Korea, Samsung is the world’s larg- under five catego-
est information company. With over 270,000 employees, Samsung ries: People, Excel-
has assembly plants and sales networks across 88 countries. A leader lence, Change,
amongst smartphone manufacturer, Samsung also leads in the produc- Integrity, and
tion of electronic components like lithium-ion batteries, semiconductors Co-Prosperity.
chips, and tablet computers. The website also
Samsung’s values and philosophy are provided on the About Us sec- provides the
tion of the company’s website. Samsung’s vision statement, posted on their company’s Vision
website, states that the company aims to develop innovative technologies 2020 which rein-
and efficient processes to enter new territories, improve people’s lives, and forces the firm’s mission statement. The firm is exemplary in terms of both its
carry on as a leader in the digital platform. The company’s mission state- vision and mission concepts as well as its strategic management.
ment is called a statement of philosophy Right beneath the firm’s vision and
mission on the website, the company’s core values are listed and described Source: Based on company documents.
 CHAPTER5 • VisionAndMissionAnAlysis 159

statement, but the vision statement should be established first and foremost. The vision statement
should be short, preferably one sentence, and as many managers as possible should have input
into developing the statement. Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18).
For many, if not most, corporations, profit rather than mission or vision is the primary
motivator. But profit alone is not enough to motivate people. Profit is perceived negatively by
many stakeholders of a firm. For example, employees may see profit as something that they
earn and management then uses and even gives away to shareholders. Although this perception
is undesired and disturbing to management, it clearly indicates that both profit and vision are
needed to motivate a workforce effectively.
When employees and managers together shape or fashion the vision and mission statements
for a firm, the resultant documents can reflect the personal visions that managers and employees
have in their hearts and minds about their own futures. Shared vision creates a commonality of
interests that can lift workers out of the monotony of daily work and put them into a new world
of opportunity and challenge.
Although typically a single sentence, vision statements need to be written from a customer
perspective. For example, eBay’s vision is “To provide a global trading platform where practically
anyone can trade practically anything.” Vision statements need to do more than identify the
product/service a firm offers. The old Ford Motor Company vision, for example, was product-
oriented: “To make the automobile accessible to every American,” but today Ford has a more
effective customer-oriented vision statement: “To provide personal mobility for people around
the world.” Examples of vision statements are provided in Table 5-1.

Vision Statement Analysis

At a minimum, a vision statement should reveal the type of business the firm engages. For exam-
ple, to have a vision that says, “to become the best retailing firm in the USA” is much too broad,
because that firm could be selling anything from boats to bunnies. Notice here how Starbucks’
vision statement is improved.

Starbucks Vision Statement (paraphrased)

Starbucks strives to be the premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee globally.

Starbucks “Improved” Vision Statement

Starbucks’ vision is to be the most well-known, specialty coffee, tea, and pastry restaurant
in the world, offering sincere customer service, a welcoming atmosphere, and unequaled

Author Comments
• The first vision statement does not state what the company wants to become. Nor does
it acknowledge the firm’s movement into specialty tea offerings. It is not as customer-
oriented as needed.
• The improved vision statement reveals the company’s aspirations for the future and
acknowledges that upscale tea and pastries complement their premium coffee offerings.

Table 5-1 Vision Statement Examples

• General Motors’ vision is to be the world leader in transportation products and related services.
(Author comment: Good statement)
• PepsiCo’s responsibility is to continually improve all aspects of the world in which we operate—
environment, social, economic—creating a better tomorrow than today. (Author comment: Statement
is too vague; it should reveal how the firm’s food and beverage business benefits people)
• Royal Caribbean’s vision is to empower and enable our employees to deliver the best vacation
experience for our guests, thereby generating superior returns for our shareholders and enhancing
the well-being of our communities. (Author comment: Statement is good but could end after the
word guests)

Sources: Courtesy General Motors; © 2013 PepsiCo Inc. Used with permission; Courtesy Royal Caribbean.
160 Strategic ManageMent

Mission Statements: What Is Our Business?

Current thought on mission statements is based largely on guidelines set forth in the mid-1970s
by Peter Drucker, who is often called “the father of modern management” for his pioneering
studies at General Motors and for his 22 books and hundreds of articles. Drucker believes that
asking the question “What is our business?” is synonymous with asking “What is our mission?”
An enduring statement of purpose that distinguishes one organization from other similar enter-
prises, the mission statement is a declaration of an organization’s “reason for being.” It answers
the pivotal question “What is our business?” A clear mission statement is essential for effectively
establishing objectives and formulating strategies.
Sometimes called a creed statement, a statement of purpose, a statement of philosophy, a
statement of beliefs, a statement of business principles, or a statement “defining our business,”
a mission statement reveals what an organization wants to be and whom it wants to serve. All
organizations have a reason for being, even if strategists have not consciously transformed this
reason into writing. As illustrated with white shading in Figure 5-1, carefully prepared state-
ments of vision and mission are widely recognized by both practitioners and academicians as the

Chapter 2: Outside-USA Strategic Planning

The Internal
Chapter 6

Vision and Strategy

Types of Strategy Strategy Strategy
Mission Generation
Strategies Implementation Execution Monitoring
Analysis and Selection
Chapter 4 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
Chapter 8
Chapter 5

The External
Chapter 7

Chapter 3: Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability

Strategy Strategy Strategy

Formulation Implementation Evaluation
Figure 5-1
A Comprehensive Strategic-Management Model
Source: Fred R. David, adapted from “How Companies Define Their Mission,” Long Range Planning 22, no. 3 (June 1988): 40,
© Fred R. David.
 CHAPTER5 • VisionAndMissionAnAlysis 161

first step in strategic management. Drucker has the following to say about mission statements

A mission statement is the foundation for priorities, strategies, plans, and work assign-
ments. It is the starting point for the design of jobs and organizational structures. Nothing
may seem simpler or more obvious than to know what a company’s business is. A lumber
mill makes lumber, an airline carries passengers and freight, and a bank lends money.
But “What is our business?” is almost always a difficult question and the right answer
is usually anything but obvious. The answer to this question is the first responsibility of

Some strategists spend almost every moment of every day on administrative and tactical
concerns; those who rush quickly to establish objectives and implement strategies often overlook
the development of a vision and mission statement. This problem is widespread even among
large organizations. Many corporations in the United States have not yet developed a formal
vision or mission statement. An increasing number of organizations, however, are developing
these statements.
Some companies develop mission statements simply because owners or top management
believe it is fashionable, rather than out of any real commitment. However, as described in
this chapter, firms that develop and systematically revisit their vision and mission statements,
treat them as living documents, and consider them to be an integral part of the firm’s culture
realize great benefits. For example, managers at Johnson & Johnson (J&J) meet regularly with
employees to review, reword, and reaffirm the firm’s vision and mission. The entire J&J work-
force recognizes the value that top management places on this exercise, and these employees
respond accordingly.

The Process of Developing Vision and Mission

As indicated in the strategic-management model, clear vision and mission statements are needed
before alternative strategies can be formulated and implemented. As many managers as possible
should be involved in the process of developing these statements because, through involvement,
people become committed to an organization.
A widely used approach to developing a vision and mission statement is first to select
several articles (such as those listed as Current Readings at the end of this chapter) about these
statements and ask all managers to read these as background information. Then, ask managers to
individually prepare a vision and mission statement for the organization. A facilitator or commit-
tee of top managers should then merge these statements into a single document and distribute the
draft statements to all managers. A request for modifications, additions, and deletions is needed
next, along with a meeting to revise the document. To the extent that all managers have input
into and support the final documents, organizations can more easily obtain managers’ support
for other strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation activities. Thus, the process of
developing vision and mission statements represents a great opportunity for strategists to obtain
needed support from all managers in the firm.
During the process of developing vision and mission statements, some organizations use
discussion groups of managers to develop and modify existing statements. Other organizations
hire an outside consultant or facilitator to manage the process and help draft the language.
At times an outside person with expertise in developing such statements, who has unbiased
views, can manage the process more effectively than an internal group or committee of manag-
ers. Decisions on how best to communicate the vision and mission to all managers, employ-
ees, and external constituencies of an organization are needed when the documents are in final
form. Some organizations even create a videotape to explain the statements and how they were
An article by Campbell and Yeung emphasizes that the process of developing a mission
statement should create an “emotional bond” and “sense of mission” between the organization
and its employees.2 Commitment to a company’s strategy and intellectual agreement on the
162 Strategic ManageMent

strategies to be pursued do not necessarily translate into an emotional bond; hence, strategies
that have been formulated may not be implemented. These researchers stress that an emotional
bond comes when an individual personally identifies with the underlying values and behavior of
a firm, thus turning intellectual agreement and commitment to strategy into a sense of mission.
Campbell and Yeung also differentiate between the terms vision and mission, saying that vision
is “a possible and desirable future state of an organization” that includes specific goals, whereas
mission is more associated with behavior and the present.

The Importance (Benefits) of Vision and Mission

The importance (benefits) of vision and mission statements to effective strategic management is
well documented in the literature, although research results are mixed. As indicated in Academic
Research Capsule 5-1, there is a positive relationship between mission statements and measures
of financial performance.
In actual practice, wide variations exist in the nature, composition, and use of both vision
and mission statements. King and Cleland recommend that organizations carefully develop a
written mission statement in order to reap the following benefits:
1. To make sure all employees/managers understand the firm’s purpose or reason for being.
2. To provide a basis for prioritization of key internal and external factors utilized to
formulate feasible strategies.
3. To provide a basis for the allocation of resources.
4. To provide a basis for organizing work, departments, activities, and segments around a
common purpose.3
Reuben Mark, former CEO of Colgate, maintains that a clear mission increasingly must
make sense internationally. Mark’s thoughts on vision are as follows:

When it comes to rallying everyone to the corporate banner, it’s essential to push one vision
globally rather than trying to drive home different messages in different cultures. The trick
is to keep the vision simple but elevated: “We make the world’s fastest computers” or
“Telephone service for everyone.” You’re never going to get anyone to charge the machine
guns only for financial objectives. It’s got to be something that makes people feel better,
feel a part of something.4

AcADemic reseArch cApsuLe 5-1

The Mission Statement/Firm Performance Linkage
A meta-analysis of 20 years of empirical research on mission to seek out, use, and promote the firm’s products and services.
statements concluded that “there is a small positive relationship Written from a customer perspective, mission statements may
between mission statements and measures of financial organi- indeed “accomplish their mission.”
zational performance” (Desmidt et al., 2011, p. 468). However,
research in marketing explains that customer satisfaction has Sources: Based on S. Desmidt, A. Prinzie, & A. Decramer, A. “Looking for
a strong positive relationship with organizational performance the Value of Mission Statements: A Meta-Analysis of 20 Years of Research,”
(Devasagayam et al., 2013). Indeed, researchers have noted that Management Decision, 49, no. 3 (2011): 468–483; R. Devasagayam,
“managers increasingly tend to see customer satisfaction as a valu- N. R. Stark, & L. S. Valestin, “Examining the Linearity of Customer
able intangible asset” (Luo et al., 2012, p. 745). Thus, mission Satisfaction: Return on Satisfaction as an Alternative,” Business Perspectives
and Research 1, no. 2 (2013): 1–8; X. Luo, J. Wieseke, & C. Homburg,
statements designed from a customer perspective could positively
“Incentivizing CEOs to Build Customer- and Employee-Firm Relations for
impact organizational performance by enhancing customer satis- Higher Customer Satisfaction and Firm Value,” Journal of the Academy of
faction. If written from a customer perspective, mission statements Marketing Science 40, no. 6 (2012): 45–758; M. E. David, Forest R. David,
could spur employees, salespersons, and managers to provide & Fred R. David, “Mission Statement Theory and Practice: A Content
exemplary customer service, which arguably would enhance cus- Analysis and New Direction,” International Journal of Business, Marketing,
tomer loyalty and translate into customers being “on a mission” and Decision Sciences 7, no. 1 (Summer 2014): 95–109.
 CHAPTER5 • VisionAndMissionAnAlysis 163

A Resolution of Divergent Views

Another benefit of developing a comprehensive mission statement is that divergent views among
managers can be revealed and resolved through the process. The question “What is our busi-
ness?” can create controversy. Raising the question often reveals differences among strategists
in the organization. Individuals who have worked together for a long time and who think they
know each other suddenly may realize that they are in fundamental disagreement. For example,
in a college or university, divergent views regarding the relative importance of teaching, research,
and service often are expressed during the mission statement development process. Negotiation,
compromise, and eventual agreement on important issues are needed before people can focus on
more specific strategy-formulation activities.
Considerable disagreement among an organization’s strategists over vision and mission
statements can cause trouble if not resolved. For example, unresolved disagreement over the
business mission was one of the reasons for W. T. Grant’s bankruptcy and eventual liquidation.
Top executives of the firm, including Ed Staley and Lou Lustenberger, were firmly entrenched in
opposing positions that W. T. Grant should be like Kmart or JC Penney, respectively. W. T. Grant
decided to become a bit like both Kmart and JC Penney; this compromise was a huge strategic
mistake. In other words, top executives of W. T. Grant never resolved their vision/mission issue,
which ultimately led to the firm’s disappearance.5
Too often, strategists develop vision and mission statements only when the organization is
in trouble. Of course, the documents are needed then. Developing and communicating a clear
mission during troubled times indeed may have spectacular results and may even reverse decline.
However, to wait until an organization is in trouble to develop a vision and mission statement is a
gamble that characterizes irresponsible management. According to Drucker, the most important
time to ask seriously, “What do we want to become?” and “What is our business?” is when a
company has been successful:

Success always obsoletes the very behavior that achieved it, always creates new realities,
and always creates new and different problems. Only the fairy tale story ends, “They lived
happily ever after.” It is never popular to argue with success or to rock the boat. It will
not be long before success will turn into failure. Sooner or later, even the most successful
answer to the question “What is our business?” becomes obsolete.6

In multidivisional organizations, strategists should ensure that divisional units perform

strategic-management tasks, including the development of a statement of vision and mission.
Each division should involve its own managers and employees in developing a vision and mission
statement that is consistent with and supportive of the corporate mission. Ten benefits of having
a clear mission and vision are provided in Table 5-2.
An organization that fails to develop a vision statement, as well as a comprehensive and
inspiring mission statement, loses the opportunity to present itself favorably to existing and

Table 5-2 Ten Benefits of Having a Clear Mission and Vision

1. Achieve clarity of purpose among all managers and employees.

2. Provide a basis for all other strategic planning activities, including internal and external
assessment, establishing objectives, developing strategies, choosing among alternative strategies,
devising policies, establishing organizational structure, allocating resources, and evaluating
3. Provide direction.
4. Provide a focal point for all stakeholders of the firm.
5. Resolve divergent views among managers.
6. Promote a sense of shared expectations among all managers and employees.
7. Project a sense of worth and intent to all stakeholders.
8. Project an organized, motivated organization worthy of support.
9. Achieve higher organizational performance.
10. Achieve synergy among all managers and employees.
164 Strategic ManageMent

potential stakeholders. All organizations need customers, employees, and managers, and most
firms need creditors, suppliers, and distributors. Vision and mission statements are effective
vehicles for communicating with important internal and external stakeholders. The principal
benefit of these statements as tools of strategic management is derived from their specification of
the ultimate aims of a firm. Vision and mission statements reveal the firm’s shared expectations
internally among all employees and managers. For external constituencies, the statements reveal
the firm’s long-term commitment to responsible, ethical action in providing a needed product
and/or service for customers.

Characteristics of a Mission Statement

A mission statement is a declaration of attitude and outlook. It usually is broad in scope for
at least two major reasons. First, a good mission statement allows for the generation and
consideration of a range of feasible alternative objectives and strategies without unduly stifling
management creativity. Excess specificity would limit the potential of creative growth for the
organization. However, an overly general statement that does not exclude any strategy alterna-
tives could be dysfunctional. Apple Computer’s mission statement, for example, should not
open the possibility for diversification into pesticides—or Ford Motor Company’s into food
Second, a mission statement needs to be broad to reconcile differences effectively among,
and appeal to, an organization’s diverse stakeholders, the individuals and groups of individu-
als who have a special stake or claim on the company. Thus, a mission statement should be
reconciliatory. Stakeholders include employees, managers, stockholders, boards of directors,
customers, suppliers, distributors, creditors, governments (local, state, federal, and foreign),
unions, competitors, environmental groups, and the general public. Stakeholders affect and
are affected by an organization’s strategies, yet the claims and concerns of diverse constitu-
encies vary and often conflict. For example, the general public is especially interested in
social responsibility, whereas stockholders are more interested in profitability. Claims on any
business literally may number in the thousands, and they often include clean air, jobs, taxes,
investment opportunities, career opportunities, equal employment opportunities, employee
benefits, salaries, wages, clean water, and community services. All stakeholders’ claims on
an organization cannot be pursued with equal emphasis. A good mission statement indi-
cates the relative attention that an organization will devote to meeting the claims of various
The fine balance between specificity and generality is difficult to achieve, but it is well worth
the effort. George Steiner offers the following insight on the need for a mission statement to be
broad in scope:

Most business statements of mission are expressed at high levels of abstraction. Vagueness
nevertheless has its virtues. Mission statements are not designed to express concrete ends,
but rather to provide motivation, general direction, an image, a tone, and a philosophy
to guide the enterprise. An excess of detail could prove counterproductive since concrete
specification could be the base for rallying opposition. Precision might stifle creativity in
the formulation of an acceptable mission or purpose. Once an aim is cast in concrete, it
creates a rigidity in an organization and resists change. Vagueness leaves room for other
managers to fill in the details.7

As indicated in Table 5-3, in addition to being broad in scope, an effective mission statement
should not be too lengthy; recommended length is less than 150 words. An effective mission
statement should arouse positive feelings and emotions about an organization; it should be
inspiring in the sense that it motivates readers to action. A mission statement should be enduring.
All of these are desired characteristics of a statement. An effective mission statement generates
the impression that a firm is successful, has direction, and is worthy of time, support, and invest-
ment—from all socioeconomic groups of people.
A business mission reflects judgments about future growth directions and strategies that are
based on forward-looking external and internal analyses. The statement should provide useful
criteria for selecting among alternative strategies. A clear mission statement provides a basis
 CHAPTER5 • VisionAndMissionAnAlysis 165

Table 5-3 Characteristics of a Mission Statement

1. Broad in scope; does not include monetary amounts, numbers, percentages, ratios, or objectives
2. Fewer than 150 words in length
3. Inspiring
4. Identifies the utility of a firm’s products
5. Reveals that the firm is socially responsible
6. Reveals that the firm is environmentally responsible
7. Includes nine components: customers, products or services, markets, technology, concern
for survival/growth/profits, philosophy, self-concept, concern for public image, concern for
8. Reconciliatory
9. Enduring

for generating and screening strategic options. The statement of mission should be sufficiently
broad to allow judgments about the most promising growth directions and those considered less

A Customer Orientation
An effective mission statement describes an organization’s purpose, customers, products or services,
markets, philosophy, and basic technology. According to Vern McGinnis, a mission statement should
(1) define what the organization is and what the organization aspires to be, (2) be limited enough to
exclude some ventures and broad enough to allow for creative growth, (3) distinguish a given organi-
zation from all others, (4) serve as a framework for evaluating both current and prospective activities,
and (5) be stated in terms sufficiently clear to be widely understood throughout the organization.8
The mission statement should reflect the anticipations of customers. Rather than developing a prod-
uct and then trying to find a market, the operating philosophy of organizations should be to identify
customers’ needs and then provide a product or service to fulfill those needs.
Good mission statements identify the utility of a firm’s products to its customers. This is
why AT&T’s mission statement focuses on communication rather than on telephones; it is why
ExxonMobil’s mission statement focuses on energy rather than on oil and gas; it is why Union
Pacific’s mission statement focuses on transportation rather than on railroads; it is why Universal
Studios’ mission statement focuses on entertainment rather than on movies. A major reason for
developing a mission statement is to attract customers who give meaning to an organization.
The following utility statements are relevant in developing a mission statement:
Do not offer me things.
Do not offer me clothes. Offer me attractive looks.
Do not offer me shoes. Offer me comfort for my feet and the pleasure of walking.
Do not offer me a house. Offer me security, comfort, and a place that is clean and happy.
Do not offer me books. Offer me hours of pleasure and the benefit of knowledge.
Do not offer me CDs. Offer me leisure and the sound of music.
Do not offer me tools. Offer me the benefits and the pleasure that come from making beau-
tiful things.
Do not offer me furniture. Offer me comfort and the quietness of a cozy place.
Do not offer me things. Offer me ideas, emotions, ambience, feelings, and benefits.
Please, do not offer me things.

Components of a Mission Statement

Mission statements can and do vary in length, content, format, and specificity. Most practitioners
and academicians of strategic management feel that an effective statement should include the
nine mission statement components given here. Because a mission statement is often the most
166 Strategic ManageMent

visible and public part of the strategic-management process, it is important that it includes not
only the characteristics as summarized in Table 5-3 but also the following nine components:
1. Customers—Who are the firm’s customers?
2. Products or services—What are the firm’s major products or services?
3. Markets—Geographically, where does the firm compete?
4. Technology—Is the firm technologically current?
5. Survival, growth, and profitability—Is the firm committed to growth and financial
6. Philosophy—What are the basic beliefs, values, aspirations, and ethical priorities of the
7. Self-concept (distinctive competence)—What is the firm’s major competitive advantage?
8. Public image—Is the firm responsive to social, community, and environmental concerns?
9. Employees—Are employees a valuable asset of the firm?9
To exemplify how mission statements could be written from a customer perspective, a
component-by-component example for a charter boat fishing company is provided in Table 5-4.
Note the charter company’s customers are “outdoor enthusiasts.” “Customers” is a key compo-
nent to include in a mission statement, but simply including the word customer or consumer
does not qualify that component to be considered “written from a customer perspective.” The
statement needs to identify more precisely the target groups of customers. All nine components
in Table 5-4 are written from a customer perspective. For example, regarding the “product/
service” component, the charter fishing company provides “memories for a lifetime”—thus
revealing the “utility” of the service offered. Regarding the “distinctive competence” compo-
nent, whereby the firm reveals the major competitive advantage its products/services provide,
the statement says: “for customer enjoyment and safety, we provide the most experienced staff
in the industry.”

Evaluating and Writing Mission Statements

There is no one best mission statement for a particular organization, so when it comes to evalu-
ating mission statements, good judgment is required. Ideally, the statement will provide more
than simply inclusion of a single word such as products or employees regarding a respective

Table 5-4 Mission Statement Components Written from a Customer Perspective

1. Customers—Our customers are outdoor enthusiasts seeking fishing excitement and adventure.
2. Products or services—We provide fast, clean boats, all the bait and tackle needed, and friendly
first mates to create memories for a lifetime.
3. Markets—Our fleet of fast, clean vessels operate all along the Florida Gulf Coast.
4. Technology—Our vessels are equipped with the very latest safety and fish finding equipment to
ensure that customers comfortably are “catching rather than just fishing.”
5. Survival, growth, and profitability—Our prices are as low as possible to provide customers great
value in conjunction with high employee morale and a reasonable return for our owners.
6. Philosophy—We assure customers the upmost courtesy and care as our motto on every vessel is
to follow the Golden Rule.
7. Self-concept—For customer enjoyment and safety, we provide the most experienced staff in the
8. Public image—Our vessels use emission-friendly engines; we strive to bring repeat tourists to
all communities where we operate.
9. Employees—Our on-the-water and off-the-water employees are “on a mission” to help
customers have a great time.

Source: Based on Meredith E. David, Forest R. David, & Fred R. David, “Mission Statement Theory
and Practice: A Content Analysis and New Direction,” International Journal of Business, Marketing, and
Decision Sciences 7, no. 1 (Summer 2014): 95–109.
 CHAPTER5 • VisionAndMissionAnAlysis 167

component. Why? Because the statement should motivate stakeholders to action, as well as be
customer-oriented, informative, inspiring, and enduring.

Two Mission Statements Critiqued

Perhaps the best way to develop a skill for writing and evaluating mission statements is to study
actual company missions. Thus, Table 5-5 provides a component-by-component critique of two
actual mission statements from PepsiCo, and Royal Caribbean. The Royal Caribbean statement
includes only six of the nine components, comprises 86 words total, and lacks a customer per-
spective. The Royal Caribbean statement merely includes the word customer(s), which is inad-
equate to be considered written from a customer perspective.

Five Mission Statements Revised

As additional guidance for practitioners (and students), five actual mission statements are
revised/rewritten from a customer perspective and presented in Table 5-6. The improved state-
ments include all nine components written from a customer perspective, and, additionally, are
inspiring, concise, and comprised of fewer than 90 words each. Regarding the “customer” com-
ponent, the new Best Buy statement refers to “individuals and businesses”; the new Lowe’s state-
ment refers to “homebuilders and homeowners”; and the improved Crocs statement refers to
“men, women, and children.” In contrast, the Crocs, Best Buy, Rite Aid, and Lowe’s actual state-
ments merely include (or not) the word customer or consumer. The statements are revised to
potentially enhance customer satisfaction, especially if communicated to customers by market-
ers, and backed by company commitment to and implementation of the mission message. The
proposed statement for the footwear company Crocs, Inc., for example, talks about “dependable
and lasting comfort all day,” whereas the UPS proposed statement talks about “the most timely,
dependable, and accurate delivery times in the world.”

Two Mission Statements Proposed

The process by which mission statements are developed and the exact language/wording included
in the statement can significantly impact their effectiveness as a tool for strategic management
and marketing strategy. Firms strive to have customers exhibit an emotional bond with the firm’s

Table 5-5 Two Mission Statements Critiqued

The numbers in parentheses correspond to the nine mission statement components.


We aspire to make PepsiCo the world’s (3) premier consumer products company, focused on convenient
foods and beverages (2). We seek to produce healthy financial rewards for investors (5) as we provide
opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees (9), our business partners and the communi-
ties (8) in which we operate. And in everything we do, we strive to act with honesty, openness, fairness
and integrity (6). (Author comment: Statement lacks three components: Customers (1), Technology (4),
and Distinctive Competence (7); 62 words)
royal caribbean

We are loyal to Royal Caribbean and Celebrity and strive for continuous improvement in everything
we do. We always provide service with a friendly greeting and a smile (7). We anticipate the needs of
our customers and make all efforts to exceed our customers’ expectations. We take ownership of any
problem that is brought to our attention. We engage in conduct that enhances our corporate reputation
and employee morale (9). We are committed to act in the highest ethical manner and respect the rights
and dignity of others. (6). (Author comment: Statement lacks six components: Customers (1), Products/
Services (2), Markets (3), Technology (4), Survival/Growth/Profits (5), and Public Image (8); 86 words)

Source: Based on Meredith E. David, Forest R. David, & Fred R. David, “Mission Statement Theory
and Practice: A Content Analysis and New Direction,” International Journal of Business, Marketing,
and Decision Sciences 7, no. 1 (Summer 2014): 95–109. Also based on information found at the various
corporate websites. © 2013 PepsiCo Inc. Used with Permission. Courtesy Royal Caribbean.
168 Strategic ManageMent

Table 5-6 Five Mission Statements Revised

The numbers in parentheses correspond to the nine mission statement components.

rite aid

We are on a mission to offer the best possible drugstore experience for people of all ages (1) around
the United States (3). We have a state-of-the-art information system (4) that provides our pharmacists
(9) with warnings of any possible drug interactions to help better ensure customer safety (8). We are
determined to improve our customers’ overall health through our wellness programs (5). We offer an
extensive line of other beauty, food, drink, cosmetic, and vitamin products through our alliance with
GNC (2). We believe in treating our customers like family (6) and strive to maintain our reputation as the
most personable drugstore (7). (88 words total)
Best Buy

We are committed to providing individuals and businesses (1) the latest high-tech products (2) at the
lowest prices of any retail store (7). Serving North America, China, and other markets (3), all Best Buy
employees (9) are exceptionally knowledgeable about the products we offer. We believe good ethics is
good business (6) and use business analytics (4) to better understand customer trends. We strive to make
a profit for our shareholders (5) and be a good community citizen everywhere we operate (8). (72 words)

We are committed to exceeding the expectations of our homebuilder, homeowner, and other customers
(1). We offer superior home improvement products (2) and expert advice (7) at nearly 2,000 Lowe’s
stores in the United States, Canada, and Mexico (3). We have a best-in-class electronic in-store tracking
system (4) to help customers. We continue to create jobs (8) in all communities where we operate. Up to
80 percent of our employees work on a full-time basis (9) and have high ethical standards (6). We put the
customer first as we strive to grow profitably for our shareholders (8). (88 words)
United Parcel Service (UPS)

We strive to be the most timely and dependable parcel and freight forwarding delivery service (2) in
the world (3). By implementing the latest tracking technology (4), we are able to profitably grow
(5) by offering individuals and businesses (1) dependable and accurate delivery times (7). We promote
from within to improve morale among all employees (9). Our philosophy (6) is to responsibly balance
the needs of our customers, employees, shareholders, and communities (8) in an exemplary manner.
(68 words)
crocs, inc.

Crocs is committed to providing profound comfort, fun and innovation in all the shoe models (2) we
produce. Through our Croslite technology (4) (7), we are able to provide men, women, and children
(1) dependable and lasting comfort all day. We strive to expand our brand throughout the world (3) and
are able to save on costs (5), while protecting the environment (8) with our package-less shoes. We
adhere to the belief that good ethics is good business (6) in all that we do as we strive to take care of our
employees and shareholders. (85 words)

Source: Based on Meredith E. David, Forest R. David, & Fred R. David, “Mission Statement Theory
and Practice: A Content Analysis and New Direction,” International Journal of Business, Marketing, and
Decision Sciences 7, no. 1 (Summer 2014): 95–109.

products/services and be “on a mission” to use and promote those offerings. Mission statements
should be developed and used to foster customer satisfaction and create a bond between a firm
and its customers. Involving marketers and sales representatives in the mission statement devel-
opment process, coupled with including the nine components written from a customer perspec-
tive, could enable firms to create an emotional bond with customers, and enhance the likeli-
hood that salespersons would be “on a mission” to provide excellent customer service. Avon and
L’Oréal’s customers, for example, often portray an emotional bond or attachment to the firm’s
Proposed, exemplary mission statements for Avon and L’Oréal are provided in Table 5-7. These
rival firms have uniquely different competitive advantages in that Avon utilizes door-to-door sales
representatives to gain competitive advantage, whereas L’Oréal markets products in thousands of
retail outlets. The proposed Avon and L’Oréal statements have the characteristics described earlier,
 CHAPTER5 • VisionAndMissionAnAlysis 169

Table 5-7 Two Exemplary, Proposed Mission Statements

The numbers in parentheses correspond to the nine mission statement components.


Our mission is to provide women (1) quality fragrances, cosmetics, and jewelry (2) at reasonable prices
backed by outstanding customer service provided by our thousands of door-to-door sales representatives
(7, 9) operating globally (3). We use the latest technology (4) to profitably develop and market products
desired by women all over the world (5). Avon representatives put integrity first (6) in setting a good
example in every community (8) they operate—as they sell beauty. (58 words)

Our mission is to design, produce, and distribute the world’s best fragrances, perfumes, and personal
care products (2) to women, men, and children (1) by utilizing the latest technological improvements
(4). We empower our highly creative team of researchers to develop safe, eco-friendly (7) products that
will enable our firm to profitably grow (5) through thousands of retail outlets. We strive to be one of
the most socially responsible (8) firms on the planet (3) and appreciate our employees (9) making that
happen, while following the “golden rule” in all that we do (6). (85 words)

Source: Based on Meredith E. David, Forest R. David, & Fred R. David, “Mission Statement Theory
and Practice: A Content Analysis and New Direction,” International Journal of Business, Marketing, and
Decision Sciences 7, no. 1 (Summer 2014): 95–109.

and include the nine components written from a customer perspective. The proposed Avon state-
ment includes the nine components in 58 words, and provides a basis for an emotional bond to be
established between the firm and its customers. For example, the Avon statement reveals that if
you purchase Avon products, you will be rewarded with “outstanding customer service provided
by a personal sales representative who adheres to the highest ethical standards, while providing
fragrances, cosmetics, and jewelry that exhibit the highest technological advancements.” There is
quite a lot in that brief statement that an Avon customer can become loyal to, especially when the
Avon marketing representative reinforces the statement with her actions.
Also written from a customer perspective, the proposed L’Oréal mission statement provides
a basis for an emotional bond to be formed between the firm and its customers. Potential cus-
tomers are reassured in the statement that the L’Oréal’s fragrances, perfumes, and personal care
products are “organic” and developed by excellent teams of researchers. In addition, the state-
ment reveals that L’Oréal does great philanthropy work and follows the “golden rule” in all
endeavors. Customers may become more dedicated to L’Oréal when they see the company’s
marketing communications reinforce the basic content given in the proposed mission statement.
Loyal customers are a competitive advantage for any firm.

impLicAtions for strAtegists

Figure 5-2 reveals that establishing and nurturing an effective and action; they reveal the reason a business opens its doors every
vision and mission is a vital first step in gaining and maintaining day, the reason salespersons sell, the reason customers buy, and
competitive advantages. Businesses succeed by attracting and the reason employees work. The statements ideally are the passion
keeping customers, and they do this by providing better value for behind the company, the foundation for employee morale, and
customers than do their rival firms. Marketers continually assess the basis for customer loyalty. Written from a customer perspec-
customers’ changing needs and wants and make appropriate tive and included in both oral and written communication with
adjustments in the design and delivery of products and services to customers, the statements could be used to attract and keep cus-
sustain competitive advantage. Developing and communicating a tomers. Vision and mission statements do matter. Marketers pur-
clear business vision and mission is essential because without an sue projects and managers make daily decisions mindful of the
effective vision and mission statements, a firm’s short-term actions firm’s basic vision, mission, and resources. Managers work hard
may be counterproductive to long-term interests. A clear vi- every day trying to motivate employees. Executives are on a mis-
sion and mission provides direction for all subsequent activities sion to present the firm favorably to many stakeholders. A clear
that endeavor to see customers, employees, and shareholders vision and mission enables strategists to lead the way as a firm
concurrently “on a mission” to see the firm succeed. strives to gain, sustain, and grow its customer base and competi-
Vision and mission statements are not just words that look tive advantages.
nice when framed or engraved; they provide a basis for strategy
170 Strategic ManageMent

Establish A Clear
Vision & Mission

Evaluate & Monitor Formulate Strategies:

Results: Gain & Sustain Collect, Analyze, &
Take Corrective Competitive Prioritize Data Using
Actions; Adapt Advantages Matrices; Establish A
To Change Clear Strategic Plan

Implement Strategies:
Establish Structure;
Allocate Resources;
Motivate & Reward;
Attract Customers;
Manage Finances

Figure 5-2
How to Gain and Sustain Competitive Advantages

impLicAtions for stuDents

Because gaining and sustaining competitive advantage is the essence should certainly include the nine components and nine character-
of strategic management, when presenting your vision and mis- istics, but in your vision or mission discussion, focus on competitive
sion statements as part of a case analysis, be sure to address the advantage. In other words, be prescriptive, forward-looking, and in-
“self-concept (distinctive competence)” component. Compare your sightful—couching your vision/mission overview in terms of how you
recommended vision and mission statement with the firm’s existing believe the firm can best gain and sustain competitive advantage. Do
statements, and with rival firms’ statements to clearly reveal how not be content with merely showing a nine-component comparison
your recommendations or strategic plan enables the firm to gain and of your proposed statement with rival firms’ statements, although
sustain competitive advantage. Your proposed mission statement that would be nice to include in your analysis.

Chapter Summary
Every organization has a unique purpose and reason for being. This uniqueness should be
reflected in vision and mission statements. The nature of a business vision and mission can
represent either a competitive advantage or disadvantage for the firm. An organization achieves
a heightened sense of purpose when strategists, managers, and employees develop and commu-
nicate a clear business vision and mission. Drucker says that developing a clear business vision
and mission is the “first responsibility of strategists.”
A good mission statement reveals an organization’s customers; products or services; markets;
technology; concern for survival, growth, and profitability; philosophy; self-concept; concern for
 CHAPTER5 • VisionAndMissionAnAlysis 171

public image; and concern for employees. These nine basic components serve as a practical frame-
work for evaluating and writing mission statements. As the first step in strategic management, the
vision and mission statements provide direction for all planning activities. As indicated next in the
mini-case, Citizen Holdings’ vision and mission statement is clear and working well for the company.
Well-designed vision and mission statements are essential for formulating, implementing,
and evaluating strategy. Developing and communicating a clear business vision and mission
are the most commonly overlooked tasks in strategic management. Without clear statements of
vision and mission, a firm’s short-term actions can be counterproductive to long-term interests.
Vision and mission statements always should be subject to revision, but, if carefully prepared,
they will require infrequent major changes. Organizations usually reexamine their vision and
mission statements annually. Effective vision and mission statements stand the test of time.
Vision and mission statements are essential tools for strategists—a fact illustrated in a short
story told by Porsche’s former CEO Peter Schultz (paraphrased):

Three guys were at work building a large church. All were doing the same job, but when
each was asked what his job was, the answers varied: “Pouring cement,” the first replied;
“Earning a paycheck,” responded the second; “Helping to build a cathedral,” said the third.
Few of us can build cathedrals. But to the extent we can see the cathedral in whatever cause
we are following, the job seems more worthwhile. Good strategists and a clear mission
help us find those cathedrals in what otherwise could be dismal issues and empty causes.10

To complete the problems with the , go to EOC Discussion Questions in the MyLab.

Key Terms and Concepts

employees (p. 166) philosophy (p. 166)
public image (p. 166) products or services (p. 166)
survival, growth, and profitability (p. 166) reconciliatory (p. 164)
creed statement (p. 160) self-concept (distinctive competence) (p. 166)
customers (p. 166) stakeholders (p. 164)
markets (p. 166) technology (p. 166)
mission statement (p. 160) vision statement (p. 158)
mission statement components (p. 166)

Issues for Review and Discussion

5-1. Develop (or find) a mission statement for Samsung 5-6. Conduct a Google search for the key words “mission
Electronics. Analyze the company’s mission statement statement.” What are the two best websites in your
in light of the guidelines in Chapter 4. opinion that provide example mission statements?
5-2. Summarize Samsung’s successful global strategy for 5-7. Write a vision statement for your university. Write
the last decade. Can that strategy be as successful in a vision statement for your School (or College) of
2016? Explain. Business within the university.
5-3. See if you can find a vision statement for Samsung. If 5-8. If you just purchased a 10-employee company, how would
not, write a proposed vision statement for the company. you establish a clear vision and mission?
5-4. Should the mission statement components vary in im- 5-9. Search the web for six mission statement examples. Evaluate
portance depending on type of business? If yes, how the six statements and bring your analysis to class.
would their relative importance vary for Samsung ver- 5-10. How and why could the process of developing a vision
sus Singapore Airlines? and mission statement vary across countries?
5-5. List three things you are on a mission to accomplish 5-11. In order of importance, list six benefits of having a
in the next three years. How relevant is the concept of clearly defined vision and mission statement.
vision/mission to an individual in their personal and 5-12. Only the fairytale ends with a “they lived hap-
professional life? Explain. pily ever after.” What is the relevance of this
172 Strategic ManageMent

statement to the concepts vision and mission 5-20. How often do you think a firm’s vision and mission
statement? statements should be changed? Why?
5-13. Define “reconciliatory” and give an example of how 5-21. Explain how a mission statement can be “reconcilia-
this “characteristic” can be met in a mission statement. tory.” Give an example.
5-14. List the nine mission statement components. Give 5-22. Do local fast food restaurants need a mission statement
an example of each component for your college or posted in their place of business? Why or why not?
university. 5-23. Understand the “Implications for Students” and explain
5-15. In order of importance, rank seven characteristics of a how a team of students should couch their mission
mission statement. statement discussion of slides in a presentation.
5-16. Write a vision and mission statement for a local restau- 5-24. List the four most important characteristics of a mission
rant in your area. statement for a small retail store. Explain.
5-17. Write an excellent sentence for Samsung, which in- 5-25. Give an example of how the “product” component of a
cludes four mission statement components. mission statement could have a customer orientation for
5-18. Within a given industry, compare the mission state- a charter fishing company.
ments of three companies in your country versus three 5-26. Give an example of how the “technology” component
competing companies from the United States. How do of a mission statement could have a customer orienta-
they differ? tion for a charter fishing company.
5-19. Does Singapore Airlines have its vision and mission 5-27. Give an example of how the “philosophy” component
statement posted on its website? Should the company? of a mission statement could have a customer orienta-
Why or why not? tion for a charter fishing company.

Go to the Assignments section of your MyLab to complete these writing exercises.
5-28. Explain why a mission statement should not include 5-29. List seven characteristics of a mission statement.
strategies and objectives.

AssurAnce of LeArning exercises

exercise 5A
Examine Potential Changes Needed in a Firm’s Vision/Mission
Samsung Electronics is featured in the opening chapter insert as a firm that engages in excellent strategic
planning. This exercise gives you practice examining the change or needed change in a company’s vision
and mission statements, given a change in the company’s product offerings. Visit the Samsung corporate
website. Samsung’s vision statement is posted on their website, as: “Samsung is dedicated to developing
innovative technologies and efficient processes that create new markets, enrich people’s lives and continue
to make Samsung a digital leader.” The company’s mission statement is called a statement of philosophy
and also is given on the corporate website. Samsung does an excellent job in strategic management.
Step 1 Evaluate Samsung’s vision and mission statements in light of the characteristics and compo-
nents in Chapter 5.
Step 2 Write improved vision and mission statements for Samsung Electronics given shortcomings of the
statements based on Chapter 4 concepts and Samsung’s new products being rolled out globally.

exercise 5B
Studying an Alternative View of Mission Statement
This exercise presents a somewhat different view of mission statements as compared to concepts
presented in Chapter 5. For example, according to Bart, 1997, a mission statement consists of three
essential components:
 CHAPTER5 • VisionAndMissionAnAlysis 173

1. Key market—Who is your target client/customer?

2. Contribution—What product or service do you provide to that client?
3. Distinction—What makes your product or service unique, so that the client would choose you?
For example, if you locate McDonald’s mission statement on the Internet, Bart’s essential com-
ponents are covered in the following ways:
• Key Market: the fast food customer worldwide
• Contribution: tasty and reasonably-priced food prepared in a high-quality manner
• Distinction: delivered consistently (world-wide) in a low-key décor and friendly atmosphere.

Compare and contrast the guidelines presented by Bart with the guidelines presented in Chapter 5.

Source: Based on information at Christopher K. Bart. “Sex, Lies, and Mission Statements,” Business Horizons, p. 9–18,
November, 1997.

exercise 5c
Evaluate Mission Statements
A business mission statement is an integral part of strategic management. It provides direction for
formulating, implementing, and evaluating strategic activities. This exercise will give you practice
evaluating mission statements, a skill that is a prerequisite to writing a good mission statement. The
mission statement for Nestlé is given below:
Step 1 On a separate sheet of paper, write the nine mission statement components down the left
Step 2 Write “yes” or “no” beside each number to indicate whether you feel the Nestlé mission
statement has included the respective component. For any component that you record a “no,”
write a good sentence to encompass that component.
Step 3 Submit your paper to your instructor for a grade.

exercise 5D
Evaluate the Vision and Mission Statements of
Unilever, Nestlé’s Competitor
There is always room for improvement in regard to an existing vision and mission statement. A major
competitor to Nestlé is Unilever. Those two firms for example produce one third of all the ice cream
sold on the planet. Go to the Unilever’s website, visit the “our vision” page, and review their corporate
vision statement and purpose (mission) statement.
Step 1 On a separate sheet of paper, write the nine mission statement components down the left
Step 2 Write “yes” or “no” beside each number to indicate whether you feel the Unilever mission
statement has included the respective component. For any component that you record a “no,”
write a good sentence to encompass that component.
Step 3 Turn your paper in to your instructor for a grade.
Step 4 Write a new and improved vision statement for Unilever.

exercise 5e
Selecting the Best Vision and Mission Statements
in a Given Industry
This exercise is designed to get you familiar with existing vision and mission statements in an indus-
try of your choice.
174 Strategic ManageMent

Identify companies in an industry that you are interested in working in one day. Find five company
vision statements and five company mission statements. Rank your five vision statements and your
five mission statements in order of attractiveness, with 1 being the best and 5 being the worst. Give a
rationale for your rankings.

exercise 5f
Write an Excellent Vision and Mission Statement for
Novartis AG
This exercise is designed to give you practice developing from scratch or improving an existing vision
and mission statement.
Step 1 Go to the Novartis AG website and look for the company’s vision statement and mission
statement. Look at Recall from Chapter 4 that compa-
nies use different names or titles for these documents.
Step 2 Prepare an improved vision and mission statement for Novartis AG whether or not you were
able to find these statements on the company’s website or in the firm’s Annual Report.

mini-cAse on citizen hoLDings compAny

LimiteD (cizn)


Citizen Holdings, headquartered in Nishitokyo, Japan, manufactures Cincom precision lathe machine
tools as well as Citizen and Bulova watches. The company has five segments—watches and clocks,
machine tools, devices and components, electronic products, and other products.
The financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016, saw the watches
Source: © georgy Kopytin.123rf and clocks segment increase profits, with net sales of ¥43.0 billion (up 13.3 percent year-on-year)
and operating income of ¥4.5 billion (up 101.3 percent year-on-year). The machine tools segment
achieved higher sales but lower profits, with net sales of ¥12.2 billion (up 5.4 percent year-on-year)
and operating income of ¥1.2 billion (down 12.5 percent year-on-year). The devices and components
segment saw net sales of ¥19.8 billion (up 18.9 percent year-on-year) and operating income of ¥1.7
billion (up 3.1 percent year-on-year). However, the electronic products segment fell in both sales and
profit, with net sales of ¥5.7 billion (down 11.3 percent year-on-year) and operating income of ¥0.0
billion (down 99.9 percent year-on-year), and the other product segment, as a whole, recorded lower
sales but higher profits, with net sales of ¥2.7 billion and operating loss of ¥0.1 billion.
For the three months ended June 30, 2015, Citizen’s sales amounted to ¥83,690 million, a 10.2
percent increase from the previous year. The company’s operating income for the three months ending
June 30, 2015 was ¥6,350 million, which was a 39 percent increase from the previous year. For now
Citizen Holdings Company is ticking along very nicely.

1. Visit the corporate index on Citizen’s global website. This provides Citizen’s corporate profile.
Check whether a vision/mission statement is given. If yes, evaluate that statement in light of the
content provided in the chapter. If no vision or mission is found, write an excellent vision and
mission statement for the bank.
2. On the About Us section of the company’s website, go to the message section. It appears that the
CEO of Citizen Holdings, Toshio Tokura, has a vision for the company. It is “Aiming to be a ‘Solid
Global Company’.” Is that slogan useful as a vision statement? Explain.
Source: Based on company documents.
 CHAPTER5 • VisionAndMissionAnAlysis 175

Current Readings Hollensbe, Elaine, Charles Wookey, Loughlin Hickey, and

Gerard George, “Organizations with Purpose.” Academy
Bartkus, Barbara, Myron Glassman, and R. Bruce McAfee. of Management Journal 57, no. 5 (October 2014):
“Mission Statements: Are They Smoke and Mirrors?” 1227–1234.
Business Horizons 43, no. 6 (November–December 2000): 23. Ibarra, Herminia, and Otilia Obodaru. “Women and the Vision
Binns, Andy, et al. “The Art of Strategic Renewal.” MIT Sloan Thing.” Harvard Business Review (January 2009): 62–71.
Management Review 55, no. 2 (2014): 21–23. Lissak, Michael, and Johan Roos. “Be Coherent, Not
Birkinshaw, Julian, Nicolai J. Foss, and Siegwart Lindenberg. Visionary.” Long Range Planning 34, no. 1 (February
“Combining Purpose with Profits.” MIT Sloan 2001): 53.
Management Review 55, no. 3 (2014): 49–56. Luo, X, J. Wieseke, and C. Homburg. “Incentivizing CEOs to
Braun, S., J. S. Wesche, D., Frey, S. Weisweller, & Build Customer- and Employee-Firm Relations for Higher
C. Paus. “Effectiveness of Mission Statements in Customer Satisfaction and Firm Value.” Journal of the
Organizations—A Review.” Journal of Management & Academy of Marketing Science, 40 (2012): 745–758.
Organization, 18 (2012): 430–444. MacMillan, Martin I. “Managing Your Mission—Critical
Canton, Andrew M., Chad Murphy, and Jonathan R. Clark. Knowledge.” Harvard Business Review (January–February
“A (Blurry) Vision of the Future: How Leader Rhetoric 2015).
about Ultimate Goals Influences Performance.” Newsom, Mi Kyong, David A. Collier, and Eric O. Olsen.
Academy of Management Journal, 57 (December 2014): “Using ‘Biztainment’ to Gain Competitive Advantage.”
1,544–1,570. Business Horizons (March–April 2009): 167–166.
Church Mission Statements, Nonprofit Organization Mission Statements,
Collins, David J., and Michael G. Rukstad. “Can You Say What Palmer, T. B., and J. C. Short. “Mission Statements in U.S.
Your Strategy Is?” Harvard Business Review (April 2008): Colleges of Business: An Empirical Examination of
82. Company Mission Statements, Their Content with Linkages to Configurations and Performance.” Academy of Management Learning &
Conger, Jay A., and Douglas A. Ready. “Enabling Bold Education 7 (2008): 454–470.
Visions.” MIT Sloan Management Review 49, no. 2 Peyrefitte, Joe, and Forest R. David. “A Content Analysis of
(Winter 2008): 70. the Mission Statements of United States Firms in Four
Craig, Nick, and Scott Snook. “From Purpose to Impact.” Industries.” International Journal of Management, 23
Harvard Business Review 92, no. 5 (2014): 104–111. (2006): 296–301.
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Sensing and Acting on Weak Signals.” Long Range com/restaurant_mission_statements.html
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of 20 Years of Research.” Management Decision, 49 European Management Journal 21 (2003): 439–446.
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Devasagayam, R., N. R. Stark, and L. S. Valestin. “Examining Missions Accomplish Their Missions? An Exploratory
the Linearity of Customer Satisfaction: Return on Analysis of Mission Statement Content and Organizational
Satisfaction as an Alternative.” Business Perspectives and Longevity.” The Journal of Applied Management and
Research, 1 (2013): 1–8. Entrepreneurship 6 (2001): 75–96.

1. Peter Drucker, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, and 7. John Pearce II, “The Company Mission as a Strategic
Practices (New York: Harper & Row, 1974), 61. Tool,” Sloan Management Review 23, no. 3 (Spring
2. Andrew Campbell and Sally Yeung, “Creating a Sense 1982): 74.
of Mission,” Long Range Planning 24, no. 4 (August 8. George Steiner, Strategic Planning: What Every Manager
1991): 17. Must Know (New York: The Free Press, 1979), 160.
3. W. R. King and D. I. Cleland, Strategic Planning and 9. David, Meredith E., David, Forest R., and David, Fred
Policy (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1979), 124. R. “Mission Statement Theory and Practice: A Content
4. Brian Dumaine, “What the Leaders of Tomorrow See,” Analysis and New Direction,” International Journal of
Fortune (July 3, 1989), 50. Business, Marketing, and Decision Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 1,
5. “How W. T. Grant Lost $175 Million Last Year,” Business Summer 2014, 95-109.
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6. Drucker, Management, 88. Statement&id=3846671

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