Momina Rehan (2nd Essay)

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For me food is not just a part of life, it’s a way of life. Apart from the fact that it literally is the foundation
of our physical being, it also teaches you a lot in life.

I like to think of people as food, So I know the ones I want to see every day and which ones never! Some
people are like crème Brûlée, for instance my best friend Zuha, hard on the surface but as soon as you
break through that first layer, it’s all sweetness and softness. Others are like wine, intoxicating at first but
leave you with a terrible headache afterwards. And then there are people Korean Fried chicken, a perfect
combination of tender and crisp. In a way food makes it easy to understand the complexity of human

The best thing about food is that it successfully becomes so many things to so many people. Like a
blessing to the hungry, hospitality to a guest, treatment for the sick, a tradition being passed between
generations, a business for the businessman, and for foodies like me, it is life.

Food is identity. It represents a culture, a background, a story. Food is a language that needs no words. A
potato curry topped with salt and spices, cooked on mild heat served with freshly baked, steaming
bread, and the meal ended with the sweet and cold rice pudding is the perfect language of love and care
from my mother after I have had a long day. In my house food is also a perfect indication of one’s mood,
for instance, When I enter my house, and the mouth-watering smell of spicy biryani fills my nose I know
my mom’s had a good day but if there’s that grassy saag in lunch I know so someone’s had a little fight
with her husband so I better not step on her tail.

Food changes me for the better. Food makes me happy. When I have a full stomach, I am more easygoing
and calmer; not getting food when I want, however, teaches me patience. As a hostelite sometimes I
miss one meal so I have to wait for the next, but the wait makes the food taste so much more heavenly.

Food affects my mood, my motivation, my energy. It always gives me hope that there will be the next
meal, which I will get to enjoy. No matter how hard life is there is always one good thing I can look
forward to: Food.

This makes me think about the people who don’t have this necessity, those who don’t even know if they
are going to have something to eat in their next meal. People who skip their meals so their children can
eat. For them food is not a variety they can enjoy, but just some bland, small portion which will keep
them alive. It absolutely cracks my heart open that there are children in the world who have not
experienced the sweet joy of a cool popsicle on a scorching summer day, who do not eat at least three
meals a day, those who don’t get to experience the exquisite cuisines every day. Hence, I try my best to
share and give to others; and in my opinion sharing food is like sharing love. Food just like love, is even
more filling and potent when shared.

Food has taught me patience, hope, gratitude, and the fact at the end of the day if you want something
to be positive you have to look at it from a positive perspective and work towards it. After all, if honey is
food, then so is poison, it all depends on what you eat. Similarly, having a poisonous mindset and
negative thoughts will result in a negative outcome whereas, thinking in a positive light will at the end
lead to a bright destination.

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