Datasheet Weberset Plus White
Datasheet Weberset Plus White
Datasheet Weberset Plus White
• After mixing allow the mixture to stand for 2 • Joint width shall be as per recommendation
minutes for it to mature. of architect/site engineer.
• NOTE: The size of the notch trowel and the
Note:- angle of application will determine the bed
• Do not attempt to extend the pot life by thickness as per the following formula:
adding more water to the mix. NW × NH × sin θ
Bed Thickness =
• Do not add any additional substance, like (NG+NW)
cement, sand etc. to the mix. These may Where:
adversely affect the performance of the • NW is the width of the notch
product. • NG is the Gap in between the notches
• NH is the Height of the notch
• θ is the angle of application
Tile/substrate application table
Ceramic tiles
Ceramic mosaic
Quarry tile
Marble mosaic
Vitrified tiles
Glass mosaics
Natural stone
Porcelain tiles
Precast terazzo
type Substrate
Cement-based screeds
and mortars
Existing floor
Cementitious Concrete masonry
Cement terrazzo
Self levelling screeds
Brick masonry
Gypsum plaster
Underfloor heating
Ceramic tile
Tiles Vitrified tile
without plastic mesh with primer 401
ANSI A118.15
Condition Property Requirement weberset plus-white
Glazed Tile Shear Strength 7 day dry ≥ 450 psi ( 3.1 N/mm2) 3.14 N/mm2
"Impervious Mosaic 7 day water immersion ≥ 250 psi ( 1.7 N/mm2) 1.73 N/mm2
(Porcelain) Tile Shear 1 day ≥ 100 psi ( 0.69 N/mm2) 0.69 N/mm2
Strength" 7 day dry ≥ 300 psi ( 2.07 N/mm2) 2.49 N/mm2
28 day dry ≥ 400 psi ( 2.8 N/mm2) 2.83 N/mm2
7 day water immersion ≥ 200 psi ( 1.38 N/mm2) 1.39 N/mm2
Quarry Tile shear Strength 28 day dry ≥ 150 psi ( 1.03 N/mm2) 1.09 N/mm2
Product Details Condition of Sale
Sold subject to the company’s condition of sale
Physical state Powder
which are available on request.
Colour White
Bulk Density 1.45 to 1.55 g/cc Caution
Mixing Ratio 2.5 : 1 by volume There may be irritation caused in eyes and skin
(powder to water) in case of contact for a very long time. Please
Pot life 2 hours seek medical help if the problem persists for a
Open time 20 - 25 min long time. The product is recommended to be
applied with gloves.
Adjustability time 20 - 25 min
Ready for grouting on walls 24 hours Disclaimer
Ready for grouting on floor 24 hours The user should determine the usability of the
Set to light foot traffic 220 mins product for its intended use. Our products are
Ready for use 14 days manufactured under the Saint-Gobain quality
standards, and subjected to strict quality control
Shelf Life procedures. Since the company has no control
over site conditions and installation procedures,
1 year from month and year of manufacturing,
the company will not be responsible under any
for unopened bags and can, stored in dry condi-
circumstances for any loss, damage or liability
from incorrect usage.
weberset plus-white
Product information
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