MAPEH Handout

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Impressionism & Expressionism Expressionism

↳ The term Expressionism was originally borrowed from

visual art and literature during the 20th century
Impressionism ↳ Was applied in 1918
↳ the term in music was borrowed from the field of ↳ Emphasizes intense and subjective emotion rather
visual arts, particularly painting. than portraying outward appearances.
↳ In 1874, Claude Monet along with other French ↳ It focuses on expressing one's emotions, like angst,
painters had an exhibition in Paris. despair, anger, and grief.
↳ 19th and early 20th century ↳ BACKGROUND:
↳ The sentimental melodies and dramatic emotionalism - Mainly a German/Austrian affair that is closely
of the preceding Romantic Period were being linked to the second Viennese school.
replaced in favor of moods and impressions. - Emotions are taken to the extreme, leading to
↳ It focuses on creating a sense of the piece”s topic disturbing, unsettling, and sometimes violent
by using blurred harmony and delicate shadings of music.
sound rather than relying on standard forms and has a - Artists are not concerned with reality as it
strong, clear rhythmic beat appears but with its inner nature and with the
↳ BACKGROUND: emotions aroused by the subject.
- Impressionism started as a painting style,
when french painters rebelled against Characteristics
traditional painting. ★ Dissonance → The quality of sound that seems
- They rejected photography and realism and unstable.
instead tried to make their paintings in a ★ Dynamics → Loudness or softness of the music
single movement. “Pianissimo to Fortissimo”
- Then it started in France where the French ★ Atonal → Music that lacks a key or tonal
turned against German Romantic Music center.

Characteristics Twelve-Tone System

★ Color → quality of tone ↳ dodecaphonic / twelve-tone
★ Atmosphere → mood; emotion ↳ refers to music based on serial manipulation of
★ Chords → Whole-Tone Scale twelve chromatic pitches: C, C#/Db, D, D#/Fb, F,
F#/Gb, G#/AB, A, A#/Bb, and B.
↳ In this rigid system of composition, the basic musical
unit is called a tone row
- contains all 12 tones of the chromatic

Claude Debussy Arnold Schoenberg

↳ Father of musical Impressionism ↳ One of the most influential composers of the 20th
↳ A french composer Century
↳ He was born in August 22, 1962 ↳ Born in Austria - on September 13, 1874
↳ Major works included Clair de lune's “Moonlight” ↳ Major works include Pierrot Lunaire.
↳ His music conveys a feeling of vagueness rather than ↳ He profoundly changed the entire music history by
sharply defined articulation establishing a substitute for the traditional tonal
↳ He graduated from the conservatory in 1884 and won system.
the Prix de Rome. ↳ In the early 1920s, he remarkably developed a more
↳ He created music that reflects an emphasis on color, systematic technique of organizing atonality—the
mood, and a misty atmosphere. twelve-tone system.
↳ Debussy suffered a slow, painful death in 1918
because of cancer.
Modern Art ● Neopremitivism
- In corporated elements from the
native arts of the south sea islanders
↳ are artworks made around the 1870s-1970s and the wood carvings of the African
↳ Modernism is characterized by a movement away tribes that surged in popularity at
from the traditional and classical modes in painting that time.
that made many artists feel outdated
● Fauvism
Impressionism - Bold, vibrant colors and visual
↳ The term came from an art critic Louis Leroy when distortions.
he saw Claude Monet’s Impression, Soleil Levant - Its name was derived from Les Fauves
(Impression, Sunrise) in 1874 (“wild beast”) referring to the group
↳ Impressionists were a group of French Artists who of French expressionist painters who
shared the realist interest in the real world. painted in this style.
↳ Impressionist painters chose to paint modern life
and concentrated on the middle class relaxing and ● Dadaism
doing leisurely activities. - Characterized by dream fantasies,
memory images, and visual tricks and
Notable Impressionist Painters surprises.

★ Edward Manet (1832-1883) ● Surrealism

→ was one of the first 19th century artists to depict - Was a style that depicted an illogical,
modern-life subjects. subconscious dream world that
seemed to exist beyond the logical
★ Claude Monet (1840-1926) conscious physical one.
→ He was the most prominent of the group, and is
considered the most influential figure in the movement ● Social Realism
- Express the artist’s role in social
★ Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) reform artists used their work to
→ His early works were snapshots of real life, full of protest against the injustices,
sparkling color and light by the mid-1880s inequalities, immortality, and ugliness
of the human condition.
★ Paul Cezanne (1839-1906)
→ 19th century impressionism to a new and radically
different world of art in the 20th century — paving
the way for the next revolutionary art movement
known as expressionism.

★ Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)

→ His works were remarkable for their strong, heavy
brush strokes, intense emotions, and colors that
appeared to almost pulsate with energy.

[ ! ] Expressionist artists created work with more

emotional force rather than with realistic or natural
images. To achieve this, they distorted outlines,
applied strong colors, and exaggerated forms. They
work more with their imagination and feelings, rather
than with their eyes seen in the physical world.
Skill- and Health- Related ○ Agility
→ relates to the ability to rapidly change the position
Fitness of the entire body in space with speed and accuracy.
→ Ex.: Hexagon Agility Test
Health-Related Fitness
↳ play a significant role in developing the total ○ Balance
personality of an individual, physically, mentally, → involves doing exercises that strengthen the muscles
emotionally, socially, and spiritually. that help keep you upright, including your legs and
○ Cardiovascular Fitness → Stork Stand Test
→ The ability of the heart (cardio) and circulatory
system (vascular) to supply oxygen to muscles for an ○ Speed
extended period of time. → this is the ability to perform successive movements
→ Ex.: 1 kilometer run/walk of the same pattern in the shortest period of time.
→ Ex.: 40-meter sprint
○ Muscle Strength and Endurance
→ Muscle Strength is determined by how much force ○ Coordination
you can exert or how much weight you can lift. Building → the ability to select the right muscle at the right
muscular strength uses heavier weights for fewer time with proper intensity to achieve proper action.
repetitions → coordinated movements is characterized by
→ Muscular Endurance refers to the ability of a muscle appropriate speed, distance, direction, timing, and
to sustain repeated contractions against a resistance muscular tension.
for an extended period of time → Ex.: Paper Juggling
→ Ex.: Partial curl-ups and Push-ups
○ Power
○ Flexibility → this is the capacity to transfer force at a rapid
→ also called range-of-motion exercises or plain old pace. This is the product of strength and speed.
stretching, keep your muscle joints moving freely and → Ex.: Standing Long Jump
→ Ex.: Zipper test and Sit-and-Reach ○ Reaction Time
→ is an ability often overlooked in sport. It simply
○ Body Composition means how fast an athlete is able to respon to a
→ In Physical Fitness, body composition is used to stimulus.
describe the percentages of fat, bone, water, and → Ex.: Stick Drop Test
muscle in human bodies.
→ Body Mass Index (BMI) Lifestyle Diseases
- This determines one’s health fitness based on
weight and height results.
2 ↳ A disease associated with the way a person or group
𝐵𝑀𝐼 = 𝐵𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 (𝑘𝑚) ÷ 𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑚)
of people lives.
- Classification:
Below 18.5 Underweight
A. Obesity
18.5-24.9 Normal
↳ This is the excessive fat of a person gained from
25.0-29.9 Overweight
food or an inactive lifestyle.
30.0-Above Obese
↳ How to Overcome Obesity:
1. Exercise Daily
Skill-Related Fitness
2. Eat only when angry
↳ refers to you ability to perform physical tasks
3. Reduced passives pastime
efficiently as it relates to a particular sport, and
4. Eat a balance meal
health-related fitness relates to you day-to-day
→ The Don’ts of Eating: → Events in Athletics
○ Fitness and exercises are equally important 1. Throwing Event: Discuss, Throw,
but sustaining lifetime fitness require not only Javelin Throw
physical involvement but at the same time 2. Running Event: Sprinting (100m, 200m,
good eating habits. and 400m dash), Hurdles
○ What are the poo eating habits that should be 3. Jumping Event: Long Jump, Role Vault
1. Skipping Breakfast B. Dual Sports
→ Breakfast is the most important ↳ This type of sport needs of partner to play a certain
meal of the day. sport.
2. Weight Targets ★ Badminton
→ Setting specific weight targets will → Originated in India
put pressure and stress to a person. → It is played over a net using a racket and
3. Not eating fruits and vegetables shuttlecock
→ A person who refuses to eat fruits → Facilities & Equipment:
and vegetables is prone to sickness. ○ Court
4. Night, Social, and Emotional Eating ○ Post and Net
→ Unplanned eating must be avoided ○ Shuttlecock
to prevent weight gain. ○ Racket
→ Basic Skills in Badminton:
B. Diabetes 1. Correct Gripping – It is made near
↳ This pertains to a person’s condition wherein the the handle.
amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood is too high and 2. Ready Position – the weight is on the
the body cannot use it properly because it cannot balls of the feet with knees slightly
enter the body’s cells. bent.
→ Types of Service:
C. Heart Diseases 1. Long Short – The shuttle falls beyond
↳ The leading global cause of death is heart disease. the short service line.
↳ How to avoid heart problems? 2. Long high – Shuttle falls within the
1. Adopt a healthy lifestyle. rear boundary line.
2. Have a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and 3. Drive – A quick flip that makes the
whole grains to protect the heart. shuttle fall directly to the desired
3. Practice regular physical involvement spot.
4. Stay happy and avoid life stressors. → Basic Hand Strokes:
1. Forehand Strole – Is performed to
Dynamic Sports Participation return the shuttle from the right of
the body.
2. Backhand Stroke – Is performed to
Active Sports Participations return the shuttle from the left side of
↳ It brings not only enjoyment but also fulfillment the body.
3. Overhand Stroke – Is performed to
CLASSIFICATION OF SPORTS return a high shot.
4. Drop Shot – Is performed to return a
A. Individual Sports high shot. Arm and shoulder are
↳ Type of sports that can be done individually. This also extended to react to shuttle.
requires self-monitoring skills. 5. Drive – Makes the opponent run from
★ Athletics side to side because of the flat shot
→ The word athletics comes from the Greek keeping the shuttle low.
word “athlos” that means “contest”. 6. Smash – Is an attack shot that
requires power and speed.
C. Team Sports Selection and Evaluation of Health Information,
↳ Type of sports which is composed of 3 or more Products, and Services
★ Football A. Reading the Package Label
→ A team sport that requires speed, power, ↳ a wise health consumer needs to distinguish
agility, and coordination. the use of various products.
→ How to start the game: - Name of the product
1. Preliminaries - Kind of health product
– The winner of the tossed coin - Quantity or amount
determines the first goal to attack in - Ingredients/Composition
the first half of the match. - Directions for use
2. Kickoff - Precautions before use
– This is done to start and restart the - Price
B. Advertising
↳ The recommending or praising something

Guide to Evaluate Health that calls forth the attention of the public.

Information Health Service Providers

● Health Professionals → health care providers

Health Consumer
like doctors, nurses, dentists, and
↳ is someone who buys things that help take care of
nutritionist-dietitians are professionals who
the body.
directly deliver health services to the
↳ To be a wise health consumer:
1. Find out all possible choices you could make
2. Think of the consequences of each possible
● Health Facilities → categorized into three
3. Select what seems to be the best choice
1. Primary Level
– Is the first line of contact between
Consumer Health
the people and the higher levels of
↳ Deals with the decisions individuals make regarding
health facility.
the purchase and use of the available products and
– Ex.: Barangay Health Stations and
health services that will have a direct affect on their
Rural Health Units

2. Secondary Level
Health Information
– Consists of district health care
↳ Information given by the health product or service.
institutions that have 50-100 bed
capacities and are considered
Health Products
referral centres for the primary level
↳ Substances, materials, or equipment prepared or
manufactured for consumer purchase and used in the
– Ex.: Municipal Hospital/City Hospital
treatment, care, and maintenance of health

3. Tertiary Level
Health Services
– Is a specialized health care facility
↳ Those activities, information,
that has a capacity of providing
or works furnished or supplied
medical care to cases requiring
to help satisfy the needs or
diagnostic, therapeutic, and
wants of the consumers
state-of-the-art equipment and has a
bed capacity of and above.
– Ex.: Medical Centers and
Regional/Provincial Hospitals
● Health Care System → A systematic plan of
health services that are being rendered to
the people including organizing and
networking health facilities and human
resources to carry out the task.

A. Philippines Health insurance Corporation

↳ A tax-exempt, government-owned, and controlled
corporation, was created in 1995.
↳ Its main goal is to create universal health coverage
for the Filipinos.
↳ 6 Different Categories:
1. Formal Sector
→ includes formal and contractual employees.
2. Informal Sector
→ includes self-employed and OFWs.
3. Ingredient Members
→ persons with no definite source of income.
4. Sponsored Members
→ includes members whose contributors are
shoulders by another individual.
5. Lifetime Members
→ members who have reached retirement
6. Senior Citizens
→ include members who are 60 years old and

B. Health Maintenance Organization (HMOs)

↳ Prepared plans covering medical expenses have
been designed by insurance companies.

C. Private Health Insurance

↳ Individuals or groups pay premiums to the insurance
company for numerous health coverages.

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