FS1 Episode 8
FS1 Episode 8
FS1 Episode 8
Welcome to the Module 3 of your Course. You are now in the Learning Episode
8 that will highlight your closer encounter with the curriculum.
At the end of this episode, you must be able to identify the different curricula
that prevail in the school setting; describe how the teachers manage the planning and
implementing of lessons through different strategies and assessment of learning
outcomes; analyze if the objectives were aligned to subject matter, to teaching
strategies and assessment
then puts life to a lesson plan by using it as a guide in the teaching learning
process where different strategies were employed. There are many ways to
write lesson plan, but the necessary elements are the following: Learning
Outcomes, Subject Matter, Teaching learning Strategies, and Evaluation or
Assessment. These elements should be aligned so that at the teaching-
learning episode, learning will be achieved with the classroom teacher as a
From a broad perspective, curriculum is defined as the total learning
process and outcomes as in lifelong learning. Basic education in the
Philippines is under the Department of Education and the recommended
curriculum is the K-12 or the Enhanced Basic Education Curricula of 2013.
Click this link to learn more about this curriculum:
Now, are you ready for your observation activity? I bet you are, so
let’s begin.
Locate where you can find the following curriculum. Secure a copy,
make observations of the process, and record your information in
the matrix below.
Describe your observations.
1. Recommended Basic Education A curriculum that is reccomened
Curriculum (K-12 (DepEd) by scholars and professional
Guidelines) organization
Higher education (
Vocational Education (
Answer the following questions.
2. Which is difficult to observe? Why?
- The Hidden Curriculum is more challenging to observe because it comprises
unspoken and often implicit lessons that students learn from their
environment, peers, and societal influences. These lessons may not be clearly
documented or visible but are still absorbed by students as part of their
school experience.
Make a reflection on the diagram that you have drawn.
To realize your learning objectives, you are required to have a full lesson
observation from the Motivation phase to Assessment Phase. DO the following steps:
1. Secure a permit from your resource teacher to observe one complete
lesson in a particular subject, in a particular grade or year level.
2. Get a closer look on the three major components of the curriculum:
planning, implementing, and evaluating.
3. Observe and record your observation.
Observe and Record Observations on the Following Aspects
Major Curriculum Key Guide for Observation (Carefully look for the
Components indicators/behavior of the teacher along the key points. Write
your observation and description in your notebook).
A. PLANNING Borrow the teacher’s lesson plan for the day. If not available, look for
uploaded lesson plans in the web. What major parts do you see? Request
a copy for your use or downloa d the file.
a. What are the learning objective s/o utco me s?
The learning objectives/outcomes are to enable learners to:
B. IMPLEMENTING Now, it’s the time to observe how the teacher implemented the prepared
lesson plan. Observed closely the procedure. If this is not possible, just
intervie w the teacher.
a. How did the teacher begin the lesson?
- The teacher began the lesson with a prefatory section,
which included prayer, attendance, an energizer, and house
b. How did the teacher engage the learners?
- The teacher engaged the learners by showing a 1-minute
video presentation of a physically handicapped person who
could surpass his physical limitations, followed by a
discussion about the concept of transcendence.
c. What procedure or steps were followe d?
- The procedure followed included activities like solving
mathematical problems, a group activity about students'
abilities and limitations, and discussions about philosophy
and the essence of transcendence.
d. Was the teacher a guide at the side?
- The teacher acted as a guide throughout the lesson,
facilitating discussions and activities to help students
explore their capabilities and limitations.
e. Were the learners on task? Or were they participating in the
class activity?
- The learners were actively participating in class
activities, such as solving mathematical problems,
sharing their abilities and limitations, and engaging in
f. Was the lesson finished within the class period?
- The lesson plan was finished within the allotted time of 1
hour .
C. EVALUATING/ Did learning occur in the lesson taught? Here you make observations to
ASSESSING find evidence of learning .
a. Were the objectives as learned outcome s achieve d?
- The objectives, as stated in the lesson plan, aimed to
explore and evaluate capabilities, limitations, and
transcendence are achieved ate the end of the lesson.
b. How did the teacher assess/ e va lua te it?
- The teacher assessed the lesson through a quiz.
c. What evidence was shown? Get pieces of evidence.
- The evidence shown would be the quiz results, where
students' understanding of the concepts introduced in the
lesson would be assessed.
Write a paragraph based on the data that you have gathered using the
key questions below.
1. How does the teacher whom you observed compare to the ideal characteristics or
competencies of global quality teachers?
- The teacher I observed had several ideal characteristics of global quality
teachers, including effective classroom management, clear communication,
and the ability to engage students in meaningful discussions. However, the
plan did not explicitly mention whether the teacher employed student-
centered approaches, which are often considered ideal in global quality
2. Was the lesson implemented as planned? Describe the implementation.
- The lesson appeared to be implemented as planned, with the teacher
following the outlined procedures, such as starting with an energizer,
presenting a video, engaging students in discussions and activities, and
assessing their learning through a quiz.
3. Can you describe the disposition of the teacher after the lesson was taught? Happy
and eager? Satisfied and contented? Disappointed and exhausted?
- The teacher is happy at the same time satisfied for she implement the
lesson plan well in the classroom .
4. Can you describe most of the students’ reactions after the lesson was taught?
Confused? Happy and eager? Contented? No reactions at all.
- The students are also happy and they do have many learning and realization
after the class ended.
Based on your observations on Activity 8.2, how will you prepare your lesson
plan? Make a short paragraph on the topic.
- Based on the observations from Activity 8.2, I will prepare my lesson plan
by focusing on engaging and interactive teaching methods. I'll aim to create
activities that encourage students to participate actively, explore their
capabilities, and address their limitations. Using multimedia and real-life
examples can make the lesson more relatable and interesting. Additionally,
I'll ensure that the lesson objectives are clearly stated and that there is a
formative assessment to gauge students' understanding. The plan will also
be designed to be adaptable, allowing for flexibility to meet the diverse
needs of the students while maintaining a positive and inclusive learning
Your Activity 8.3
Aligning Constructively
the Components of the Lesson Plan
Using the diagram below, fill out the component parts of the lesson plan.
I. Title of the Lesson: Tools and Equipment in Refrigeration
II. Subject Area: Refrigeration
III. Grade Level: 9th Grade
Answer the following questions based on the matrix above.
2. Will the outcomes be achieved with the teaching methods used? Why?
- Yes, the outcomes are likely to be achieved with the teaching methods used.
The methods are well-suited to help students identify tools and understand
their purposes through visual presentations and hands-on practice.
Additionally, the safety guidelines can be effectively communicated and
assessed through demonstrations and safety quizzes. The teaching methods
align with the learning outcomes, making it probable for students to achieve
these objectives.
What lessons have you learned in developing or writing a lesson plan? What
value will it give to teacher if the three components are aligned?
- In developing or writing a lesson plan, I've learned that clear and specific
learning outcomes are crucial. They guide the entire teaching process, helping
to focus on what students should learn. Choosing appropriate teaching
methods and assessment strategies is essential.
When the three components of a lesson plan (learning outcomes, teaching
methods, and assessment) are aligned, it provides significant value to
teachers. It ensures that what is taught, how it's taught, and how it's
measured all work together. This alignment improves the effectiveness of
teaching, making it more efficient and student-centered. Teachers can better
gauge if students have achieved the desired learning outcomes, leading to
more successful and meaningful lessons.
✓ For Activity 8.1, present evidence for each kind of curriculum operating in
the school setting. This can be in pictures, realia, documents, or others.
✓ For Activity 8.2, present a sample of curriculum in the form of a lesson plan.
A. Reviewing
a. Prefatory (Prayer, attendance, energizer and house rules)
previous lesson or
b. Review – ask the students about the topic on:
presenting the new
B. Establishing a
purpose of the At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Recognize the limitations and possibilities
2. Distinguish the limitations on and possibilities for
3. Evaluate the limitations and possibilities for
Discussion Proper:
Problem 1 10 + 9 = 19
Problem 2 3- 5 =- 2
Problem 3 2(2+3)/3= 3.33
Problem 4 -2(3+4)/4 = -3.5
Problem 5 2( 10 (12/4) + 5 (4+12) / 8 ) = 80
D. Discussing new
concept and Activity 2: I CAN/ I CANNOT
practicing new
skills #1 This activity will explore the abilities and limitations of the
learners. In the “I can” column, the student will write down the
skills and abilities that define him/her as a person. In the “ I
cannot” column, the student will list down the things he/she h as
tried to do but could not because of personal limitations.
G. Finding
practical Activity 5: Consumption vs. Satisfaction
applications of
concept and skills This activity will show the inverse relationship of
in daily living consumption versus satisfaction.
g.1. The teacher will call one (1) student to demonstrate the
g.2. The student will show to the class the basic theory of
consumption in the study of economics.
H. Making
generalization and Students will be called to share what they learned from today’s
abstraction about lesson.
the lesson
I. Evaluating
learning Quiz – Identification – Write your answer on the space
provided. 2 pts. For each item.
J. Additional
activities for Make a personal commitment to overcome one of your
application or personal limitations. Track your progress in overcoming this
remediation limitation in your notebook. Give an update on your progress
before the end of the semester.
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Great Job! You are done with the observation activity for the Learning
Episode 8. To successfully end your Learning Episode 8, go to your LMS and answer
the Learning Episode 8 Quiz. Upload also the Lesson Plan Output as indicated